dj ? i tt Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Quan- trill, Green street, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Burn- ham, RR 2, Oshawa, returned BACK FROM BERMUDA at the weekend from a holi- day -in Bermuda. This pic- ture was taken while the hus- bands were out on a fishing trip -off the islands of Ber- muda and the wives decided to tour the colony on _ their motoreycles. During their Daughters Of Isabella Honor Mrs. William Eyre At Banquet The Daughters of Isabella past regent; and Miss Evelyn | honored their past regent, Mrs.|Bennett, provincial regent, Mrs.| William Eyre, at a banquet held|Joseph Page was chairman for) at the Hotel Genosha recently. A past regent's pin was pre- sented to. her by Miss Evelyn Bennett, provincial regent, who commended Mrs, Eyre for her 'work and achievements since the inception of the Oshawa. Cir- ele three years ago. Honorable mention and a pre- sentation was made to Mrs. Lionel V. Brennan for her work as a Brown Owl in the Girl Guide movement in Osh- awa. The presentation was made by Mrs. Stephen Bondor- di one of the many girls who had come under the guidance of Mrs. Brennan. Mr. William Eyre, who is in hospital at present was recog- nized for all his assistance in the past and thanked by Mrs. Gerry Forrestall and wished a speedy recovery. Mrs. W. R. Branch, guest speaker for the evening gave a talk on her trip to Russia and/ | the evening. Congratulations were extended to Mrs. Ross DeLong on the o-- casion of her 75th birthday 2° to Mrs. Fred Moss who also celebrated her birthday. Many Prizes Won At Euchre Party The St. Philip's Altar Society] recently held a progressive eu- chre party at St. Philip's hall. Mrs. Wayne Chidley was the convener and Mrs. Harry. Gow- anlock and Mrs. James Hughes were in charge of tickets at the door. The euchre winners were as follows: Mrs, W. F, Lowe, Mrs. Donald Brown, Mrs. R. W. Bois- son, Mrs. Donald O'Hara, Mr. Joseph Jordan and Mrs. Ben- jamin Young. The door prize winners were was received enthusiastically by|Mrs. John Hinze, Mrs. M. H. all including many guests from/Fairhart, Mrs, Wilfred McKen- the St. Joseph's Circle in To-|zie, Mrs. ronto and Temiskaming. |\Mrs. William McKenzie, Wilfred McKenzie, Mrs. The engagement is an- nounced today of Charlene Jean Flath to Alan Harry Bracey. Miss Filath is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Flath, Oshawa, and is a graduate of Toronto Teacher's College. Her future bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Bracey, Whitby WOODCREST TEACHERS TO WED Women Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesde y, March 3, 1964 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Lacas Pea- cock, Simcoe street north, re- turned last week from a two week vacation in Bermuda. Among the guests from Pick- ering Township at the Parlia- mentary Dinner 'in Ajax on Sat- urday night were: Deputy reeve Mrs. Jean McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Plitz, Mr. and . William Newman, Mr. and irs, Harry Newman, Mr. and . Ross Deakin, and Mr. and . Robert Byron. Guests from y Ridge were: Mr. and George Finn, Mr. and 'Mrs. James Hayes, Mrs. Don- - lald Waring, Mrs. Jack Peacock, |Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sawyer 2 land Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Wil- liams. Oshawa guests seen at the Ontario Progressive vative Association held in Ajax last Saturday night were: 'land Mrs. John Vivash, Mr. Mrs. Gordon Attersley, Mr. Mrs. Alex Shestowsky, Mr. Mrs: Michael Sworik, Mr. Mrs. Jake Malachowski, Mr. and Mrs, Francis H. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson, Mr. Rob- ert Nicholls, Miss Joan Starr and Mr. and Mrs. C, G. Femia, Whitby. and and and stay the couplés were guests at South Capers Cottage Col- ony in. Paget Parish. --Bermuda News Bureau Mrs. Ross DeLong, convener of cards for the St. Gregory the Great Council of the Catholic Women's League, was honored by her co-workers in the Coun- ¢il and her many friends on the occasion of her 75th birthday last week. At their request, High Mass was sung for her intention in St. Gregory's Ohurch, and later that evening she was in the parish auditorium. Re- freshments were served from an atttraetively decorated table leentered by a handsome birth- day cake lighted by 75 pink candies. Mrs, DeLong was pre- sented with a-corsage and a cash donation toward her "cards" fund. Head table guests at the Par- liamentary Dinner for the four jrepresentatives for Ontario County, tendered by the Ontario County Progressive Conserva- tive Association last Saturday in Ajax, were the guests of honor: the Honorable Michael Starr, MP for the federal riding of On- tario and Mrs. Starr; Honorable Allister Grosart, Senator from Pickering and his daughter, Miss Vicki Grosart; Honorable Mathew Dymond, MLA for On- |tario Riding and Mrs, Dymond; |Mr. A. V. Walker MLA, Oshawa | Riding and Mrs. Walker. Other | head table guests were Mr. Ross | Murison, reeve of Pickering Vil- and is also a graduate of To- ronto Teacher's College. Both are: on the teaching staff of Woodcrest Public School. The marriage will take place on Saturday, March 28, 1964, in Northminster United Church with the Reverend H. A. Mel- low officiating. --Aldsworth Photography guest of honor at a card party) lage and Mrs. Murison; Mr. W. H. J. Thompson, president of Ontario County Progressive Con- servative Association and Mrs. Thompson; Mr. Clifford Laycox, reeve of Pickerim, Township and Mrs. Laycox; Mayor Harry Smith of Ajax and Mrs. Smith; the Reverend A. C. Herbert of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Ajax, and Mrs. Herbert, Mr. George Hogan, Toronto. Master of Ceremonies .and Editor' of "The Conservative in Canada", and Mrs. Hogan; Mrs. Edward Wetherall, president of the Ajax Progressive Conservative Asso- ciation, and Councillor Wether- all of the Town of Ajax, and Mr, Ross Deakin, president of the South Pickering Progres- sive Conservative Association. | Mrs, Osh- William Stirling, her committee, to lay the plans Mr.|for the Theatre Night which the| |University Women's Club is |sponsoring. The production will |be 'Mary, Mary" starring Deb- and|bie Reynolds and Barry Nelson.| UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES The committee members _in- clude Mrs. F, N. McKee, Mrs. J, C, Martin, Mrs. Raymond Litt, Port Perry; Mrs. Z. W. Salmers and Mrs, C. M. Elliott. While on vacation in Florida, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLean, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lofthouse, Mrs. Albert Behnke, and Mrs. Arthur Sargent were guests at Guy Lombardo's Port-of-Call. SOCIAL NOTICES "| other units. FANCY NANCY One-year-old Nancy Ann is a real cutie with her rows of lace and beatle bob. She is | the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Eugene Sewell, RR 3, Bow- manville, and the grand- Parliamentary Dinner of the awa boulevard north, opened| Conser-|her home to the members of| daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Car- son Sewell, Agnes street, Osh- awa, and Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Leighton, Lambs Lane, Bowmanville. --Photo by Hornsby Crippled Children' Invite The Public To See Their Schoo! _A former little red school house on Bloor street east, USS, No. 6, East Whitby, will be offi- cially dedicated tomorrow a: The Crippled Children's and Treatment Centre. ; Exactly ten years ago, Ma: h 4, 1954, a group of parents po | ed a centre for crippled chil+ dren in the Rotary Hall' later moving to Hall where they wi ken under the wing of the n's Welfare League, Last year when the school house had. outlived its purpose, the Board of Education passed the deeds to the Women's Wel+ fare League. Kind friends have helped with the cleaning and re \decorating and tomorrow will _\see the official open house. Twenty-one regular. pupils at- _|tend daily. Miss Rachael Cooper is the principal and her assis. tant teacher is Mrs, Marie Gart- shore. The attendant physiother. apist is Miss Lynn Avery of To- ronto. : The public is invited to visit the school between 10 and 11.30 a.m. afd 1.30 and 3.00 p.m, while the pupils ane present. Mr. David Gray, president of the Parent. Council will welcome guests at 8.30 p.m. when the of- ficial dedication ceremony will jbe performed by the Reverend |Patrick Darby, the Reverend B, C, Woodland of Newcastle- and |Rabbi Manachem Kutziner, Greetings will be brought from Oshawa City Council and the Board of Education and parents of the pupils will receive and escort visitors. The Oshawa Firefighters' As- |: SIMCOE STREET UCW The regular meeting of the Goodwill Unit 7 of Simcoe Street United Church was held in the |church parlors recently. Mrs. \Everett Warne presided and welcomed the members and 22 visitors from some of the discussed for April 29. Night of Cards March 12. plan the devotional Ross __ Stevens, Miss Leona Stainton called the roll, and Mrs. Frank Cox |reported on cards sent to the |sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Chagles who is a_ missionary ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs.'J. C. Flath, Osh- |awa, announce the engagement |of their daughter, Charlene |Jean, to Alan Harry Bracey, ;son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. |Bracey, Whitby. The marriage will take place Saturday, March 28, 1964, at 3.00 p.m., in North- |minster United Church, Osh- | awa. | ENGAGEMENT | Mr. and Mrs. William Stan- \ley Swain, Whitby, announce jthe engagement of their daugh- jter, Carol Anne, to Douglas |Gordon Maunder, son of Mr. | Maunder, Brantford, |Frank land the late Mrs. Maunder. |terian Church, Whitby. HOUSEHOLD HINT | A pinch of salt added to the jwater in which hard-cooked jeggs are to be cooked makes |them easier to peel. |The marriage is to take place| Mrs. Dyer and her committee. |Saturday, March 28, 1964 at 4) o'clock in. St. Andrew's Presby-| |Anderson led in the devotions 'which opened with all singing Hymn. 356. The scripture was read from St. John's gospel. The theme was "Listening and Speaking to God." : The guest speaker was the Reverend Charles R. Catto from Hampton United Church who was. a missionary in Central Africa for five years, and brought back miany interesting films of the activities of the African people. His topic was "The challenge of the United Christian church in Rhodesia," in face of the many problems confronting the African people. Mrs. John Dyer thanked the speaker. Refreshments were served by Congo, 1964 are Mrs. L. D. card convener is James, Mrs. member, ONTARIO REGIMENT AUX. 6B PARENTS COMMITTEE The bi-monthly meeting of the 6B Parents Committee was heid recently in Christ Memorial Church. The meeting opened with prayer and the minutes land treasurer's reports read. | Miss Marilyn Weldon gave an interesting talk on. guiding in presiding. The head table consisted of|William Rickman, Mrs. Andrew) 'Little Nothing' Mrs. Lionel V. Brennan; Mrs.}Goguen, Mrs. Edward Bourne, | Gifts, John Mayer, regent of the St.|Mrs. George Carby. Joseph's Circle, Toronto; the| The social committee, Mrs. Reverend John B. Meyers, chap-|J, L. Johnson, Mrs. John Ma- lain; Mrs. William Eyre; Mrs./guire, Mrs. Anthony Randall, Gerry Forrestall; Mrs. W. R.|Mrs. Wilfred McKenzie, Mrs. Branch; Miss Teresa Coyne;|Eugene Muller, Mrs. Donald Mr. Anthony Meringer; Grand|Logan, Mrs. Donald Cruise and Knights, Knights of Columbus;|Mrs. Rae McLinton served re- Mrs. Fred Moss, mother of the'freshments to the visitors. ANN LANDERS A Little Toothpick Undermines Romance Dear Ann Landers: The titlepmommy gets mean, mance that Toothpick. . ages the child to laugh at me, I was becoming seriously in-|too. terested in a. gentleman whose object was matrimony. I found |; was killed by believe in discipline. doesn't} of my story could be, The Ro-|she?'"' Sometimes the neighbor| aljust laughs at me and encour-| I am not mean to my son, but) ? |; ; I'm|Miversary of progress and co-op-jin two versions, him attractive, intelligent, con4afraid the neighbor is under-\¢Tation between home siderate and excellent company./mining me in small but impor-| $chool, by serving a gala variety|"'baker's hat" type of turban. We had a great deal in com-itant ways, My husband says I/9f delicious desserts provided|/Both are becoming. These, too, mon and I began to look for-/must be imagining things but|PY. the executive under the|can be swished in suds and dry ward to our evenings together.|he docsn't see it since he is not|Svidance of social Last night we were having/at home when she yistts ~and| Mrs. Donald Dick. dinner in a fine restaurant.!does her dirty work.I am con----Mrs. Roy Mercer, president, ing' but quite an impressive af- After the dessert he reached/cérned because the boy is dis-\opened the business into his vest pocket and pulled! obedient and behaves in an ob- Get a Big Welcome By ELEANOR ROSS but Jikes to get because she just | No matter the season, there|couldn't do without them! are always gifts to be chosen) One example is the handsome and bestowed. And no miatter|"gold kid' hostess apron that when one shops for gifts, there|isn't kid at all, but is glittering, are invariably pretty and not|looks-like- gold vinyl plastic. too-expensive items to be dis-|And that, of course, kes it covered without too much of aleasier to keep clean an ark- search. . fling. Some of the most delightful] All that is required is a swish jand useful little gifts we havejover with a sudsy sponge. The {found (and received) are the|apron comes in two parts--a "little nothings'--the smart lit-|floor-length skirt and a d2tach- tle items no woman has to havejable bib top. This adds to its \usefulness and makes it an ex- tra thoughtful little gift. Sometimes it's quite a job to find.something for someone off Executive Serves Dessert Supper dl cruise or a southern holi- At Woodcrest H-S }eaaco HAT ight up to the minute is a The Woodcrest Home andjset consisting of a pretty calico 'Schoo] Association celebrated|/hat and maiching bag, imported "Founder's Night" the 48th an-}from Italy, The hat is available one, a floppy-| the other al andjbrimmed style, cenvener, quickly, By no means a "'little noth- meetir) Pith the-singing ot the "Gueen'? fair is a robe that is both prac- , |"Faith." PLAN EASTER WEDDING The engagement is an- nounced today of Carol Anne Swain, Whitby, to Douglas Gordon Maunder, Scarbor- ough. Miss Swain is a gradu- ate of Ontario Teachers' Col- lege, Stratford, and is on the teaching staff at Hunter's Glen Public School, Scarbor- ough. Mr. Maunder obtained his bachelor of arts degree from McMaster University, and his bachelor of education degree from the University of Toronto. He is on the teach- ing staff at John A. Leslie Public School, also in Scar- borough. Miss Swain is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Swain, Whitby, and Mr. Maunder is the son of Mr. Frank Maunder, Brantford and--the. late Mrs. Maunder. The marriage will take place Saturday, March 28, 1964 at 4.00 p.m. in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh, Whitby. the C y, hoping to ac- quaint the mothers with some of their work. The next meeting calls, A Dessert Luncheon was ( The Friendship Unit is haying a The Ardent Workers Unit will and> the program for the Easter meet- ing of the UCW, March 12. Mrs. Bowmanville, mother of Miss Muriel Stevens in the Congo, will speak on her visit to her daughter, and on Miss Stevens' work among the Ango- la people who have fled to the The little group leaders for Lowery, Mrs. Leslie Evans, Mrs, Arthur Crowe, Mrs: Laurence Cryder- man, Mrs, Lawrence -Muldrew, Mrs. A. L. Morphy, and the Frank Refreshments were served by Mrs.» Crowe > and her group. Mrs. Lawrence Bodeu was wel- comed into the group as a new ¢ The February meeting of the prea Regiment Association. dies' Auxiliary, was held re- cently at the Armories with the president, Mrs. Clifford Bould, A letter was read from Lieu- tenant R. Davies requesting all members of the Auxiliary that could possibly do so attend the "Dedication of fhe Colors' that were recently presented to the Ontario Regiment Cadets, one by the Ontario Regiment Asso- ciation and Auxiliary and one and assists every Tuesday morning at Eastview Simcoe Hall where the crippled chii- dren are learning to swim. ciation annual dinner is to be held in the Armories on April 25, A night of cards will be held March 10 at the home of Mrs, Frank Roche, 497 Albert street. All the members who can are asked to turr. out. ' The lucky prize for this month donated by Mrs. Raymond Hobbs was won by Mrs. Harry Wood. Refreshments were served by ts. Bruce McGregor, Mrs, son and Mrs William MacNeill after which the draws were made on the penny sale. -HUMORESQUE CLUB The Hyumoresque Club of the Blind held a social evening re- cently at the CRA building with Miss Vera Siblock presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of the club song and @ Bible verse for the blind, -- and the winners were: Miss Pat McConnell, Mr. William Berry, Mrs. William Suddard, Mr. Ro- land Cousins, Mrs. Howard El- liott, Mrs. William Grandy, Mrs. Thomas McDonough, Mrs. Percy Mountjoy, Mrs. Peter Gatchell and Mr. Harold Bate- man. Refreshments were served by Lionettes Mrs. Jack Anderson and Mrs. Gerald Hudson. will be March 31. tion, Unit 42.. by the Canadian Corps. Assocta- sociation has been most helpful © Harry Wood, Mrs. Bert Ander- The game of bingo was played - Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bould asked for volun- Mrs. Donal¢ Wilson and the/teers for the cloak room. Biue Patrol. i It was decided to give a dona- , KING STREET UCW 8 tion .to Glenholme Retarded Mrs. Wilfred Harris opened|Children's School. MAPLE CLEANERS | / . $. OSHAWA 28 IMCOR ST. $, OSHAWA, Free Pick Up and Delivery "Your Famity's Friend" PHONE. 725-0643 the meeting with a reading on} The Ontario Regiment Asso- Mrs, Lawrence Mul- drew gave a reading and pray- er in memoriam for Mrs. John Booth and Mrs. Hales Barker who were long and faithful members of the Missionary Society and Women's. Associa- tion and later United Church Women. Both were life mem- bers and past presidents, The devotional was in charge of Mrs. Arthur Crowe who open- ed with "The Bond of Peace" taken from the new book of devotions, Mrs. Jack Chamber- lain, Mrs. Harry Blakely, Mrs. Leslie Guy, Mrs. Roy Bond and Mrs. Frank Hortop took part. : The Study Book, "The Word and The Way," was given by Mrs. F. Cook on "'Miracles," Reports were given by Mrs. Gordon Reeson and Mrs. Jack Chamberlain. Visitation done this month amounted to 142 "your ™ HOLIDAY "Ladies... The BAKER CARPET CLEANING COMPANY It's A Fact!" g | 4 out a toothpick. For almost five\noxious and arrosant. manner|accompanied on the piano by tical and luxurioys, a robe with minutes he sat there cleaning/for hours after the neighbor|Mrs. H. Harold Ford. a soft, downy, velvet look that his teeth, I nearly became) jeaves, | In tribute to the late -princi-jisn't velvet at all. The. velvet ge te oN sor : gs May I have your advice?--|pal, Mr. A. F. Higgs, a minute|jook is achieved with an all- vel -- pg 'or fy voy INDIANA geod ET bowen ot |n¥ion knit fabric that goes into Am I wrong or 1s .t the height), Dear Goshen: Tell your neigh-|4. Oshdwa Police Department, |the washing machine and comes of bad manners to use a tooth-|; 7 your howe whe sue keep|suest speaker of the evening, |out with its downy beauty un- pick at the table? Shouldn't the! niet when you reprimand the| centered his topic around the| impaired. ; ---- have excused him-| poy And make it clear you nae Prob-| Robes in this fabric come in| 4 : mean business. em in the city. a range of rich colors and are) ee ee Or Ne, in teva te every the|, The speaker was introduced) sivieq with soft, round, lace| help others--for whom it is not aus tat R y the\by Mrs. David Merchant and|* Or, , s favor at your expense.| collars and string ties. And they too late --PAST TENSE ~* a : thanked by Mrs. Charles Haw- Dear Tense: A romance that Don't tolerate it. | boldt. r pop into the dryer so there's no need to iron the rich, beau- could be felled by a toothpick) Confidential, to SISTER OF) the ,oom prize was won by tiful pile. for over 75 years, You just have to be good to have been restoring rugs to their original lustre PHOTOS EXPERTLY FINISHED : * BLACK and WHITE & OR COLOR - DONE ON PREMISES FOR PROMPT SERVICE maintain'such a constant, flourishing business. Give ROSS MILLS (local agents) a call to-day, your rugs will be gone and back again before you know it. This service is really worth a try Ansus-Grayvpon CARPET COMPANY p--='JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL am BAKER CARPET Cleaning Co. wasn't much to begin with, (EXCELSIOR OF MINNEAPO-|,,; ' Talk about throwing out the|/LIS: Yes, I am aware you have| Miss M. "ee Grade } class, baby with the bath water,|written about the same problem| you're the living end, Petunia.|three times. I have not printed) A man who is "'attractive, in-|it because I believe you want telligent, considerate, excellent|to embarrass your sister. The} company and interested in mar-|facts as outlined by you cer- 3° riage" certainly sounds~worth|tainly make the poor woman a little patience and tactful in-|look foolish, I am esnecial'v struction. One well-phrased sen-jalert to this sort of thing when tence might have salvaged the|people write to me anu | situation. | ative's problem and request! Dear Ann Landers: A neigh-|that it be published verbatim.| bor who Visits me often is crazy) Confidential to SHORT-OR-| about mall child. When|DER SHELDON: Why don't! er 1 correct the boy the neigh-| you remove the booths and put o makes some little remark\in: stools? This will eliminate such as "We'll get even with|coffee customers who sit in the} her for that." Or, 'My butibooths for hours. I "Over 75 Years' Experience" 282 King W., Oshawa ®@ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet aig Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum professional _ Rug Cleaning How's the Time to Beoutity Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair, Your local:Agent.. . « nu-way]|| ROSS E. MILLS PHOTO SERVICE CO. LTD... - xine st. lee 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 __| Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa et the Genoshe Hotel, March 2, 3, 4, PHONE 723-4641 For appointment on these detes, 254 KING ST. £.