-- t a ! 16_mucoua run tir rst __{CanadaWill | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange -- BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS) Have Own Fe see Te | eee | tk km el tee. tetanic ee tr sep eanwanenel ine | le Wale ie a eee + Toronto Stock Exchange--March 3 Alta Gas w 605 825 820 6820 Falcon 255 $64%-- 64% 64% + Ye} Rockwell 220 $45¥ 45a 45V4 U Canso vt 6800 203 197 197 --S | La Luz 600 425 415 425 re thanks, my, relativeny friends. and Power Grid (Quotations in cents unless marked $.| Algoma 300 $58 57% 58 +4] Fed Grain. 25 $65 65 65 Rothman 300 $11% 11% 11% Un Reef P $000 10 10 10 + %4] Langls ° sna j GILLARD -- Hugh and Marlene (nee)cere thanks to my relatives, friends and 1--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| Alumint 533 $31% 31 31 --%|.F Pioneer Royal Bank 55 i } Xt - 3 3. +M% $72 2 72 Wsburne 500 100 100 100 Latin Crowells) ere proud to the ar beset i hel ert Yh 'pans hatient rights, netic te a prides Alum 4% pr 310 $424 42s. 42% + | Fraser 28% 28% eco bend id oot Pt : W Decaita 350 118 «17 «~N7 =I | Leite $03 rival of thelr first child, @ son, Dereklin*int Oshawa General Hospital. | would] TORONTO (CP) -- Canada previo | Alum '2 pr. 150 $47% 47¥4° 47% + Ya] GMC Wit Mek a a ae | ee Arthur, § Ibs. 12 o78., on Saturday, Feb-|siso like to thank the Rev. Love and the|in the near future, E. C. Dash INDUS IALS Anthes A 200 $21% Gratton A 13% 13% +1%| Shell Can 428 $1614. 16% 16% MINES TR 23% ruary 29, 1964, at the Oshawa General|UCW of Ragian Church, Dr. J. E, Run-| . j Anthes B pr 10$102% 1 GL Paper Shell | pr 75 $26) y 5 will have a national power grid pi Bad ord a saan | Sek eta eet Me dle, Dr, R. Miller and Dr. McLea a ; Hospital. First gpg) act peg mnt lot SF and staff for wondertul care and at-lof Sudbury, retiring president Net | Arg CP pr 240 nnd A Silknit 220 $28 8B Acad Uran 4500 42 dh Mh ee ee -}tention. Also officers and members of thelo¢ the Ontario Municipal Elec-| stock. Sales HighLowa.m.Cirge| Ashdown 320 Ve : Smee. 1 te eal Atm ten at Ge est nee nd rma ca cage et ae goin 'neltric Association, predicted Mon-) Abitibi 2425 $19 12% 13 + ve] atlen Ace 18s ard Slater Steel 60 $1 12% A Arcadia 6500 re ere Reseken. ply Rage tony take. t6 betes »P Alta Dist 3565 340 325 340 +5 | All Sugar = 475 7a Se 5 Shop Save _100-$12% 12% '1296+ \4| Bary Expl 10000 'a 8 a - or, Boris Layne, Raglan. | UY: il Oe Bee Maw ee ee tee 6134 61% -- Ye S74 lve Ane isc me ion Wh wt Boag 150 en 1000 25 BB 2g y , i : ee a ee A ; Addressing the association | sr 5d arith tes Peat 51%, Sia + % $14% 142 14% Switson 480 200 200 200 Bethim 600 Merrill 500 74 4 mh I bs See oe SK Tl Gol Phone $ 290 290 Tamblyn 210 $21% 21% 21% Bevcon Murray) M 1000 116115 115° --1 000 1S Mh IS A MORRIS -- Jim and Irene proudly an- oi ana : 1 h id 167 300 20 «5 : SLY -- I would like to extend my sin- ting Mr: Dash said) --------- : ; mance, Hie: sale Serie) IONE ORAL TS nicks we DF HB. Rundle ell theltee meee ne. | Bick's 100 ; $154 152 152+ Ve) Texaco 215 $52% 52% 52M Bibis Maen -€r. daughter, Teri Louise, Saturday, Febru-ln 7... 'o, the Medical fioor of Memorial|he hopes energy produced in the! Bowater Tor Star pr 40 $56 56 +1 Brazil 1 + Towers wis 1575 $1234 12% 12% + %4| Brunswk Y : i s ery 29, 1964, 6 Ibs., 13 ozs., @t Oshawa! Hospital, Bowmanville for their wonder- national grid would be derived) Negro Comic ' i Tr Can PL 135 $34% 34% Camflo 2! i: General Hospital. A wee sister for Dan-jful care and kindness to my mother, 'al a! Mrs. Margaret Sly, during her iliness.|from yranium produced by Transat" HS Som 30 Serie rans % fy, Timmy, Jimmy, and Lynn. Jal) Also. to all. my friends, neighbors and| "© ; : Me; 800 86 86 thanks to Dr. M. L. Morris and 4th floor|retatives for their floral tributes, cards|mines in Ellit Lake, Ont. F ed Aft 000043. a +i i 1 Un Gas n igen AL ympathy during our i : lendomat and expressions of 5 y_ during The proposed grid would be a re er hey j one 7 Voreatile . i ; N. Coldstrm 3750 _ recent sad bereavement; to Rev. E. Win- $244 24% 24% Walk GW 1130 $31% 31 31 1 N Rank 5100 385 (385 «385 Northgate 3700 ter for tis consoling words and the iw coast-to-coast power network) < cre lls ies 0s ih ay ae ee strong Funeral Home for all their g y ir ntpr is = 'estcoast 4 16% 16% 1 2000 6% 6! v nesses. 2 "Gladys Ogden] operated by the federal govern- Mass Picket Burns 630 Inter PL $82 81% 82 + %| W Supplies A 300 $12. 12. 12 +% 2 oe ah 4 | Norvalie 1000 DEATHS ment and tapped bythe provin- Cabo! Int tt 300, 225325. +10] Weston A 212 $16% 164 Towe+ M4) Cl SD 8 ta Cee treed ia! 'ow inv Syn ' h cial governments under a mu-/ SAN FRANCISO (AP)--Ne-| cb su ame Wsin'é pr 10810? 107 Mr Conlour 2000 m2 "gp "ay TS | Orhan 56 Bralorne i N W ll s+% 12 7 2 390 390 390 Do +10] Am Ledve 8513 8 8 Craigmt $184 184 18% Eréaton 1' 1 . ] tual agreement. gro comedian Dick Gregory and| Can Perm : Jeff Bw West A wts 639 820 810 820 +8 | Con-Key %, %h Ormsby J ati ; * CSL Kelly wis 130-130 Wood J M8 $13% 13% 13% Cc Halll 16 ig Pamour US. Cardina He asked the association,|122 others left city prison Mon- rs 3 om 9% Labatt S107 10% Whe + %) Woogwa A as S26 cee © Mogul Me ee ae | heen At his \late fesidence, 151 Clarke Street, bY ge! yal C 20 taken wt 265 265 265 45 C Meher 7 2S Pax Int o. ai on Monday, March 2, 1964, Ernest (Dick) 0 ed B municipalities, to urge federa})jail on charges of criminal con-) ¢ 210 Lau. Fin $1514 15¥e 15% € Regcourt 3 --5_| Paymast 2500 15% 15% 45% Barker in his 81st year, beloved husband and provincial governments and/tempt of court growing out of] ¢ 100 150 39% 395% OILS C 'Semaien Pce Expl 4500 10¥4 10% 104+ father of the Ontario Hydro - Electric)mass picketing at the Sheraton-| ¢ 5 5 1S ot Elizabeth Fenton and dear fa' C ission to. acceler-|Pal Hotel ra 1340 660 660 660 70 750 750 750 --10 Power Commi : ~\Palace Hotel. € Collieries 300 $11%4 11% li%4%--% 20% 11000 18 «(14 Crestaur 18 8 124 12% 12% 41 © Dredge a 255 255 255 +5 ane eee | 2472-152 150 Cusco $00 11% 1% 1h-- ve 3 5 ; c i 4s el) of Oshawa and Mrs. Florence Weese : juse of nuclear energy ; by Judge Joseph Kennedy to ap-| © imp Bk C122 $603 60% 60% -- Ve 30% + 600 $2. 2 preg Por. Trenton, brother rs. C. H. Car- --Francis|) Mr. Dash sa re is " . CIL 400 $18% 18% 18% a + Va 7 Delhi Pac brother of Mrs. C. H. Car. EW YOR (AP)--Franci fr. Dash id there is no pos-/pear March 16 : +% 500 7% + Ms ' ater (Mary), Mrs. T. E. Squires (Ger-iCodinal Spellman, long a close|sibility of an electrical energy The Committee to End Dis-| _CMare 105 410 410, 410 4 23% + Ye} Camerina 20 Delnite airude) of Oakville. Mr. Barker Is resting| i604 oF the late Pope Pius XI,|shortage in Ontario because On-jcrimination contends the Shera-| ¢' Refract "200 $16% 162-164 -- % 27 © Delhi $0 East sul *-@t Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Home. said Monday a play about the|tario Hydro anticipated any in-/ton-Palace doesn't hire enough! C Tire A 25 $35 35 35 6500 Wat % 107 Geco Mines : J 5 : ws ; : 20 179 180 + 42 Pm. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery.);-".. 7° Outrageous desecration,"|sources by building thermaljnies. Chrysler 250 $49 49 € Dragon 28, 2814 28% Graney ie Territory a | Spellman, Roman Catholic)? C Savings 710 $11 37 «11 Mont Trst 99% --1¥e| Glacier 10 10 10 Gunnar 790 Tore "-@ra| Hospital on Sunday, March Ist, 1964)a Ndi lants|{he Sheraton-Palace obtained a} con Paper 415 39% 39% -- Ve| Nat Groc $21 2 | 5 $15% 15% 15% + %| Hasti 1 "William Corbett beloved husband of Mary a statement on the. play Thejthe building of thermal plants court order that Miss Tracy| Con Ges n 208 11% 1158 -- Yel Noranda $42%4 420 424 + se a ese ered ma 1s id +1 | UW Asbestos 1000 4 a ; ' ims a ittee head, ap-| 34 80% 80% | av <|porting coal," he added. '"But|Sims, the commi , Coronation eos NW Ufil pr $80% 80% 80% 4 Hud Bay $63% 63 63% + enson (Margaret) William $., Albert of/pope as having failed to speak|P ; int ar in court to show cause why| Cosmos 10% ve| Ont Steel $20%2 28% 282 + 14| 00 300 300.300 +20| Hydra Ex : Sshewo, Alan of Toronto. Mr. Corbett islout during the Second World|there is no limit to the supply Se a docabnites tots tees A Seen ae beagaaye vdra D Bh 2% fe resting at Mcintosh Anderson Funeral|War on the Nazi mass killing|of halt y eae | Dist Seag - i Page-Hers ilar dag or 4500 34 35 --2) Jacobus 152 15'4 15% + Yel Winch 1000 "Home. Service In the chapel on Wednes-lof Jews. ergy 4 Dole Pow Cp. tay hs sour ye ue Zulepa 1000 Dom Glass ; Price Bros 135 $40% 40¥2 40'2-- Ye) Place 45 45 +1 Kenville ee 8 Cawn Cometory. and divisive drama is calculated|uranium embedded in a block on vere 2 Oe GN Gas a Se ee Provo Gas 179 179 «+1 | Kerr Add 105 710 +5 ; to stir strong emotions and bit-jof plastic, saying it could pro- .| Dom Tar pr 100 $22 22 2 Reichhold 200 $27 «2121 Teck Corp 1100 Os 4 ~8 | Ub Min i 8 rests Sunday were made under! pon text" 100 Revelstoke 170 S8% 8% 8% Triad Oll 27700 m5 249 +7 | L Dufault 0 980 Si tone in Te Bee ** at Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday,|tion and charity in meeting the|trical energy--"that's nearly as|---- sauce shal -- ekehead 200° 200 March 1, 1964, Charles Hawkins In his! crisis which it provokes," the much as a ton of coal. z of Mrs. Robert ; pairs trnergoerste) Oekviie and arthor| cardinal Spellman said Pope) PART OF HIGHWAY sha Pius had been to Jewish as well] ;INCOLN, England (CP) -- Hawkins of Oshawa. Mr. Hawkins Is p ' resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel,| Joyal friend in the tragic hours) earch Committee has un- Chapel on Wednesday, March 3, atap.m.| 'This is an outrageous dese-jicrcular front of a tower from Interment at Union Cemetery. \eration of the honor of a greatithe eastern gate of Roman Lin- KASHUL, Mafy |to those who know his record|gate was part of a two-lane ~ gotered into rest in the Oshawa General|aS A humanitarian, who love|highway and the main entrance Siblock, beloved wife of Alec Kashul and mother of Mrs. Mike Kalynko (Vera) of 2 'Steve Siblock both of Oshawa, In her {82nd year. Resting at the Armstrong at St. Mary's 'Ukrainian Orthodox Church} 'phe death of a former local she also leaves a sister, Mrs. Hal} with mass in the Church on Wed-|b.ineceman, Ernest (Dic k)| 'elia Klem, of Oshawa, and a St. Mary's Cemetery, Oshawa. Prayers |There are six grandchildren e, 151 Clarke street, Mon- Y ' at the Funeral Home, Monday, 7 p.m. Tee, tanh 9. He was in his Sist| Mrs. Kashul will be at the : ¥ : |Armstrong Funeral Chapel this %, LITTLE, Wiltred Jona health for severl years. hetehie ert Entered into rest In the Oshawa General| Mr. Barker was born in Not-| Ukrainian Orthodox Church Hospital on Monday, March 2, 1964 Wil-ltingham, England, and was the|Hall. High requiem mass will be = Bertha Elliott and father of Mrs. RobertiCatherine Barker. In 1905 he|in St. Mary's Church at 9.30 Haynes (Joan) and Barry Wilfred Liffle,| ried the former Elizabeth|@-™., Wednesday, March 4. In- pole peering etl The deceased. came to Canada| Cemetery. ss in 1905 and made his home in} . March 4 at 2 p.m. Interment nesday, Mari 2P Toronto until 1029 when he| WILFRED JOHN LITTLE BARKER, Ernest (Dick) i : : . : which represents 330 Ontariojday after spending a night in) ¢ 395 400 465 Zenith 200 455.455. 455 6? marthnn +5. | Patino 250 150 150 ° 22 Conwest Peerless ari 2 s "Adiss Gertrude, Ernest and William Bar- p P Pl a Grath (Helen) p ¥ ate research into generation and} Those arrested were ordered 600 so 4) "ker ,and Mrs. Clifford McGri 0 e 1uS a | Found pr 7233 $16 16% 16% % -- % Daering 3 13 $12 12% 124 -- 333 33+ CPR 2972 $37Ve 36% 37%e-- % : 22% + %) CS Pete 600 365 Denison hapel on March 5 af; ; li , i 1Ne of .| C Vickers 225 $18% 18% 18% m5 Giant Y Service in the Chapel dead pontiff now on Broadway) ability to find new hydraulic re Negroes, a charge the hotel de-) &, Vick 505 sia 1a 14% + ee an : , | eae K 49 lants, | After a demonstration inside| Cot Cell 700 $11% 11% 11% id- 290 290 C East Cr 107 107 107 Granduc 505 Torbrit 0 -- Willi hi Gen-| 'a : -* Fp P 3 | |. CORBETT -- William in Oshawa rehbishop'of New York. issued| "There is possibly a limit tojand outside the hotel Saturday,) C7 "§ 525 Sits 2) mm 1 ee - 50 $523 52% + "et. Gridoll poe ore Samiti bayer 1 yin To Taney, |. ae 18 Low and deat father of Mrs. R. E. Step.- Deputy. which depi¢ts the late|because of the cost of trans- Corby B 220 19% 19% NO NGas $20% 20% 20% -- 400 400 400 Hollinger sib wath ; Pac Pete $14 1% Wh-- me uranium as a source of en-| Lied ie 320 310 310 ---10 | wiltsey 1000 he order later was amended| Dofasco i 4 Vs 4} Pow Cp xd 280 $10% 1034 10% + Ye! petro} y 54. 55 +3 Joutet .m. Interment Mount) «« slug of} Th ' ' A day March 4th at 2 p.m. Inter Because such a slanderous) Mr. Dash produced a slug of}, ° 1 i picketing to nine per-| 2 0 Sales Yo 11 a.m.: $71,000. sons. outside the hotel. The ar-| Dom. Tar -- 1305 QN Gas pr 113$100%2 100. 100 --1%%) Quonto 9 15% 16 Kilembe 5 315 FOREIGN TRADING KINS, Charles Edwin i -|duce 1,900 kilowatt hours of elec- | ) eeacwoneue ter feelings, I plead for modera-| du \this order. Exquisite pr 750 R Little A 100 $18 18 18 --'% Union Oi -- 270 $11% 11% 11%4 Lakehead "S's 40) tomas @th year. Beloved husband of Ella cardinal said. 2 of Toronto. Dear brother of Miss Flora as other people of the world @The Lincoln Archeological Re- " "30 King Street West, for service in the/Of persecution. earthed remains of the semi- jand good man and an affront|coln. Evidence indicated the Hospital on Sunday, March 1, 1964, Mary|him and revere his memory."'to the Roman colony. " Oshawa; Mrs. Peter Masik (Ann) of To- ronto and sister of Mrs. Celia Kiem and ---uneral Home, Monday evening and then] ERNEST (DICK) BARKER | Peter Masik (Ann), of Toronto, @nesday, March 4 at 9.30 am. Intermentiparter occurred at his resi-| brother, Steve, of Oshawa. ear and had been in failing) ; y' 8| evening and then at St. Mary's fred John Little, beloved husband ofl-on of the late William and|Sung by Rev. Peter Zaparyniuk both of Oshawa, in his 55th year. Resting) honton at Nottingham. |terment will be in St. Mary's Mount Lewn Cemetery. moved to Oshawa where he| Following a very short illness : the death occurred Monday,|. wees' +: Deen ps rong og oot oe 192" |March 2, at the Oshawa General Suddenly Sunday March 1, ef Victoria Stock Supply store on Celina| Hospital of Wilfred John Little, College, University of Toronto, beloved street lof 770 Hortop avenue, He was in aon of C. Douglas and Margaret Wright , |his 55th year. et Florida (formerly of Oshawa); loving} Mr. Barker was an adherent) p77, i799 1910, at Kendal, brother of Mra. Bryce Owen (Joan) and|Of St. Géorge's Memorial AM-| ont, the deceased was married eniv grendson of Mr. and Mrs. Emestigiican Church. The deceased) , 171 96° 1949, in Toronto and Wright of Weston. Resting at the Yorke|was keenly interested in sports|) 4 lived ts : Oshawa for 26 Chapel, Turner and Porter Funeraliand was active in te asst years Home, 2357 Bloor Street West, Toronto.|and Olympic Boxing clubs in) vg | | Mr. Little had been an em-| Funeral service on Wednesday, March 4/Toronto. : " mt at 11 a.m, Interment Park Lawn Ceme-| He is survived by his wife and) Plovee od -- cone tes aah tery. three daughters: Miss Gertrude,| ~ cenier and cane of North-| ___--|Mrs. Clifford McGrath (Helen) inihater United Chace LOCKE'S FLORISTS and Mrs. Florence Weese, all : gue Funeral arrangements ond |of Oshawa. He is also survived] ,_ He Is eet deg a floral requirements for all |by two sons, Ernest and Wil- sige Rob: tH r rE pratt occasions. liam, of Oshawa and two si-|ters aa are Wiltred Little OSHAWA SHOPPING iters, Mrs. C. H. Carter (Mary) 2 - eR 3 ' Sobek coll aghd la aca saa Also surviving are, a_ sister, R PHONE SERVICE | , i i DEMOUE DOSES _| Five grandchildren and one|Nowignie two brothers, tia Kindness beyond Price, yet |@teat-grandchild also survive. | cia Tittle of Campbeliford and ; The remains are at the Mc- A each of all ; within reach of a! Intosh-Anderson Faneral Home Roy Little of Kendal and two : ; children. ; for the funeral service in the|®™anecol ' Z : GERROW Chapel' Thursday, March's, at; Mf. Little is at the Arm FUNERAL HOME {2 pm. canon F. &. Ongley, rec-lSire "Sat 2" pom. Wednesday, 390_ KING STREET WEST tor of St. George's Memorial) \¢arch 4, in Northminster Unit- TELEPHONE 728-6226 | Anglican Sea ot will heiaed Church, Rev. H. A. Mellow | BOT Vare: Sere ait |will conduct the services, Inter- | jeount Lawn Cemetery. |ment will be in Mount Lawn IN MEMORIAM |FRANCIS ARTHUR JEFFREY |©*™etery. | BELLEVILLE -- Francis Ar-|) MRS. WM. HENRY McBAIN ae ACKAY Shai" loving memory oO eithur Jeffrey of the Third Con-| MADOC -- In failing health passed away March 3, 1963. jeession of Sidney Township,|for the past two years and las . { Es Riggeala ee meee ie. Belleville General Hos-| seriously ill for the past several Some preg tists we'll understand, ital, Monday, March 2, after'weeks, Mrs, Annie Elizabeth When we meet in that better land. |four years of illness. He was in| McBain died at her residence in George, Allan Donne, John and Marlene, (HS 80th year. Madoc on Thursday. She was in Bill and Carolyn, ' - | Born in Hungerford, son of/her 70th year. © MALIN 0. In -Vhite wamoy ot ,|the late Mr. and Mrs. Christo-| Born at West Huntingdon, she dear father, Allan Mackay, who passea|Pher Jeffrey, he had lived in) was the daughter of the late Mr. eway Match 196. a [Sidney Township all his life. {and Mrs. Willian G. Bassett, 'our ast parting wi | He is survived by his wife, the|but had lived at Madoc for the i have heard, | ata heer former Almeda Parry, one son,|past 65 years. She went to or pth gy Mg Sool Murney Jeffrey, of Sidney Town-|school at Madoc and was a Peg oa a jship, one granddaughter, Joan|member of Trinity United he pain In the heart Ellis, of Cobourg, Aas pe Church of that village. fe ae : oe ee thers, Harry in Oshawa and) She was a member of Oak- ° is acer crtea realy ee 2.5) , Tae ee anioe "chris" ent Grehoeen|Harnest in Cobourg' and by f\ville Rebekah Lodge, No. 124,| " CENBRAL MOTORS VALUE SERIES SIXTY-TWO SEDAN (FOUR WINDOW) Robert, , sister, Mrs. Mabel Merritt of! Madoc, and was widely known - MACKAY --.In loving memory of a|St. Catharines. jand highly respected in Madoc BEFORE THE SPEEDOMETER READS 30-HE'LL KNOW HOW. NEW IT Is! Gear grandfether, Allan Mackay, who| A retired farmer, he was alanq immediate area. essed away March' 3, 1963. member of Aikens United Prédeceased by her husband Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear; Church. William Henry McBain, she is ett sooty Binge et Mg MRS. ALEC KASHUL survived by one son, William The second he touches his toe to the accelerator, And. by 30 the whole splendor of this new. tion of motion will come from the passing scenery. ~#Ever remembered by Donna and Mary.) jn) a a Kash: reg Rasripgprt a a Fagg his amazement will begin. For no previous Cadillac Cadillac performance will begin to unfold. New And then, he will take restful note of the other aMACKAY -- In loving memory of 8iyl 646 Dew street, occurred 4t| (auriel) 'Carleton of Sonaston ever moved like this one! response. New quietness. New balance and poise. great new Cadillac virtues--the extraordinary "who passed away March 3, 1963. "|the Oshawa General Hospital/and Mrs, G. (Laura) Stringer of At 10 miles an hour, the most powerful engine New alertness. luxury of Comfort Control* ... the magnificent Gone trom ae, Oot ee [Sunday, March 1. She had been|whithy, and one brother, Glad- in Cadillac history will already be working its At 40 or 50, the car will have so much added --_-comfort of the new contoured seats... the marvel- Death can never take away; f Waite' upon' ts sorts wre stays on ee py Segre e P ro lo ga rome unmistakable magic. acceleration that passing will be incredibly easy-- ous roominess and convenience that come only Be Sedty missed by wife, sons Allan gat ae oy = oe inte Mr. end one ae By 20 that great Cadillac transmission--the -- with an extra margin of safety he's never known with the "car of cars". oat as Sieg y er \tanties share Sibinck. eras | WILLIAM L, MOUNTJOY newly improved Hydra-Matiec or the completely in any other motor.car. Want to find out yourself how new the 1964 % dear mother, Fannie Nelson, who Past ior, March 22, 1882, in the| The memorial service for Wil- new Turbo Hydra-Matic--will reveal a smooth And-even at the full legal limit, this new Cadillae _ Cadillac is? Your dealer is standing by with the ed away March: 3, 1962. Sutil . . . ' Fy * rg a ' ' > Peacetully, sleeping, resting at last, ae and was married there tan Le Pagan brie! action he's never felt in any motor car before. car will be so steady and quiet that the only sensa- keys. All he needs is you and thirty minutes, e | : ied Saturday, Feb, 29, a e . : ; ; sighs . ; neh Int ailehee she suffered, In patience og? Mrs. bart had beet a resi-\family residence, East. Whitby Aw extre-cost option: combining healing end ete conditionine: : : bore, ent of Oshawa for 47 years,/Township, was held at 2 p.m. is _ ux Zi ten a hr Cees OOo for Least Towmahlo, wae held at 3. pa MORE TEMPTING THAN EVER--AND JUST WAIT TILL YOU DRIVE IT--VISIT YOUR LOCAL CADILLAC DEALER sss --Always remembered by the family. -- dency in Cobalt. She came to/strong Funeral Home. ? MONUMENTS -- MARKERS Canada 52 years ago. The service was conducted by ' aes RIMAR | A member of St. Mary's/Rev. R. Love, minister of Col- ~ | Ukrainian Orthodox Church, she|umbus United Church, Interment .- |was active in the ladies' aux-|was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. 1 MEMORIALS jiliary. The pallbearers were Dr. W. | he is survived by her hus-/K. Mountjoy, Murray Mountjoy, : i e est, <S. | 152 SIMCO band, Alec Kashul, and two|Donald Mountjoy, Lawrence OSHAWA | | FICE EVENINGS jidaughters, Mrs. Mike Kalynko|/Mountjcy, Perey Mountjoy and ; a ; ° oF uct Rete teers). ot Acaee aed tae eee take. and' 140 BOND ST. WEST, , OSHAWA; ONT. P PHONE 725-6501 q oA OS OR A EMR Boer RS pete sisted 1 Benet > oe SR eee Oe Re oe