Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Mar 1964, p. 14

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anne a aes yen gael 34 THEOSHAWA TIMES, Tossdey, Merch 3, 19 -- : ; . Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 . + © 17--Male Help Wanted rtments EXPERIENCED operator-setier, turretiTHREE- OR FOUR-ROOM unfurnished BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY [>t eens ee Gardening and Supplies Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs ! is {GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all kes 'iret! GARDEN MORTGAGE. Rice, theism er LAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial Serv- cana JAMES ee SUPPLIES LOA Ice and television renee | Phillip i Fi tease | Accountant, ag 205W, Oshawe ing tor fist to Murray Avenue, Telephone RTERED! " ili ad nterest ot a WILSON AND > suRnwe BUR qnanver Fertilizers' for the Lawn nen Moripeges TV SERVICE " 'ast, pec ceili Oshawa, Ronald F. D. Syiisen, Cai} =SO-GREEN, MILORGANITE, No bonus DAY OR EVENING a r tf RELIABLE MAN =», without cars. | G. Edmond Burrows, CA 728-7554, - EVERGREEN 6-9-6, C.I.L. 10- No charge for valuations 728-5286 y. é ' Average " per hour. ag wxpernence SKAIFE, L. J., chartered scountant, 205) 64 C.i.L, 10-10-10, TURF | Mortgages and Agreements he a - : OO A ala rei pela ae ee | SRCIAL, POTTING SOIL, purchased. OSHAWA = ; f j Pf : 4 728-7377. & MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RINHL, na] PEAT POTS, | BEGONIA | Moneys for second mortgoges | = 1) ECTRONICS of, THREE MEN L S SNELGROVE Co., Chartered Accountants, 728-7527; BULBS, VERMICULITE, DOR- 'ast service. 1 , . . Sacer aemat™ e| MANTRAS va: |TV TOWERS as EOS RORT rence Richa CO. LTD. ALBER boclyg = Chartered Account- Serene Garten See Oshawa, Ontario AND in private plo 1612. ; REALTORS . d Tailor housekeepl Bullt-i "43 Park Rd. S. Street West, Ras. 723-7 Antenna Repair ing Goods Salesman refrigerator, #18. week. " 725-876) r é CAN GO FoR DAYS men, willing to share, single beds, park- 0B CLANCY'S Accounting Servi 723-4697 CLARKE STREET -- Two ervice. | Complete _bookk service, 'ts Berd) COOPER-SMITH ; Sportin ry a8. 723-9810. - COOPER-S Mortgage Money | TRIO LIKE A CAMEL, ; Soving Machine Salssnan (iaecetea "TALE FRRDLANDER nd Co. Char: co Aeniiob! CAN GO TOR DAYS fasasorid. ng ee ere Bama oKing Sree Eas TeIN| 16 CELINA STREET ide eaaniae TELEVISION oF WATER: At MEASURED A, | qualify for above positions. [LARGE trent bedroom, suit two. Gentle. "Sp accountants 17 King street Bast Ooh Carenwa | Low Interest | 171 BOND st. £, osHAWA | ™* ams Apply ot ranean ae ee 2a mn wwe, OntOrlo, 725-350. 723-2312 ! woshroom, umace, Rec . Volusticns "Anand 728-5143 K-MART lor two 25 Division Street. | 3 piece both plus 2 plece "Barristers 12--Articles Wanted 16--Female Help Wanted | Comer Highway No. 2 ond Sarr here "Caatna a a re er Sune tans RESIDENTIAL one AND, (ee Boict Instruction i "ITY AND DISTRICT .- |Well Drilling-=Digging JUDO "sults, boys', two suits wanted. Do YOU like small boys? Have two (five Kendalwood Road jlocation, Telephone 728-0260. ee and screens, ony to. heat, HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, bi! : WELL by ____]years). Need Jolly reliab'e D room, within walking dis- oe double g on treed a, 7s Fee eae ee pet'| Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Reglater now. SUMMER PROPERTIES lin Sbinch' tile, We Wards wor chomen neta a ate "¢ or Soot, wanted,|Mother nurse. Live In. Salary. WhlY/1@ Mate or Female \fonee of Oshawa Shopping Centre. Woman $3,000, Seon eee pos- ae Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. VACANT LAND | Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809.| also table drill. Telephone 725-1904. 668-5764, see Help Wanted or girl preferred. Call 728-3690. adie with one month sosern Saute tan. Pee, Sa eegltor, 1s yeore' experience. by" Interview \- -- 13--Busi Opportunities| cere for thn -¥ on, "while. mother sivaniences ai . ted i Pay srminutes. from 'eur comers, Gentle poyment of interest a , 1S years' experience. By Interview i --| un care ree ren mother dresser wan in| five' mi 'fer : _ Sree ot Caswe Tae edaiee only. ad Now. 725-1054. Mo cheat vig tix '1--Women' 8 Col wnt dota nce Tacation.|WOrKS,, Live In. Light duties, Telephone|Ajax. Telephone Ajax 942-3583. man only. Apply 135 Celine Street. principal +, "ODDS "AND DONALD, Sarriiara ard|LILLIAN MAR MARSH, D.E.A, Dende Mortooge Broker's Association 'Suauanunrs on apeciel, Page Hainiconnen, store for ste. good, location.|7ze-1i90, Re ROOM or room and board for gentle| WESTMORELAND AVE, -folicitory. ic King Street East. | Schoo, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character SU M MER L AND Cepesliar WS Pine Avenug, 'Telephone 720-7066. FEMALE HELP wanted, full-time. Apply|20--Room and Board pobi Parking. Apply "a0 King "Street Cleon ted: Kedah & wane 723-2201. re-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, lad . In per Envoy Restaurant, 522 Ritson A BEAUTY saion tor sale, with well estab- BLOOR STREET EAST -- ekg 4 beds family home on nice clean Samad MACDONALD, BA, re Memes tenes. 12 2--- Personal lished clientele. For Information please) R28 South. f a coats ain ee bod "f tly Dl Yt! share, cen: jet street, hot water heot- - Barrister and Solicitor and Not BURNS SCHOOL OF DANCING, COTA. hes|two gentlemen or brothers to quiet call after 7 p.m.- 728-6861. |EXPERIENCED hand sewers for a tallor|Packed, parking space, 5-day oR 18. tral, $7 weekly each. Telephone \ lic. The Commercial Bullding, 206 ; SECURITIES Telephone 723-1671. Aco Yo :| Ing, aluminum storms Bo rat ng Tap, ballet, jazz and baton. Knights of iF YOU have @ drinking yaa write CORNER VARIETY store for sale; very ishop. Must speak English also girls want- elep! TARGE furnished bedroom separate beds screens, built in West, Oshawa, Ontarlo. pa Columbus Hall, 728-7902 |Box 333, Whitby or call 668-3034 fo | E Ne you Apply |BLOOR Street com and board tor 725-471 725-4717. id LIMI good ; large turnover, two-year/ed fo learn. Earn while learn. Y|BLOOR Street East, r 'and board ior two emp! entlemen avallesle - oe ue PRIVATE tuition, Latin, French end sag Removal of superfluous hair, lease: no fiving facilities. Very good|in person H. Sheriff, 37 Prince Street|gentiemen, television, lunches packed, bei Fei pod ee ete plete for $10,500. with tories McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Mathematics b \ . England, Unk 112 Simcoe St. No money-maker for right person, $3,500.|Phone 728-6731 upstairs over the Rose/parking space, five-day week, $18. Tele-| weekly. 728-6697. Solicitors. Cilents' funds avaliable for|Mathern re : : Ne ore , Marie Murduft will be in down. Present owner will hold mortgage.|Bowl. phone 723-1671. ny ee COLBORNE ST. E. nh, |versity graduate, The lessons are speciai- -- pie By eae hb Batata se ast eggs RPO BEF s ee eee oe a ton ac? Edourlly designed for high school students and| Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Oshawa, Mar. 2nd, 3rd, ene Times Classified icy CARMICHAEL wents you, $1.{0SHAWA Boulevard South, 9, room and siNoLe oy ae aie soit gentlemen. See this one for value ot F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. Edmondson,|eduits in arrears of their studies. 668-3866. 4th, Phone Genosha Hotel Advertising _________|houriv for experienced women for lunch|board in clean, quiet home, parking $9,500. with tow down pay- f int- RESTAURANTS, sna Snack bars and grocery counter, days ly. No Sundays. Pleas-|@vailable. Phone 726-0236. TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, com HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and WILLMAN, on these dotes for appoin 4 + deal sce W. Mc hr as eddy! yee : fetely furnished; linens, dishes, cooking Barristers, gy 36% King Street} Musical Servi ment. pigs gp poten of hrinee stress, Oshawe. ie nee, Apply Cermichael's Bar-\SiMCOR NORTH, Rossiand West eres, Crenehe etc., 10 minutes from South GM. t, Oshawa; Humpnreye, ac] E,Z E METHOD PIANO, reed, pipe end electronic orgen PE2s2 or residence. Whitt 668-5765. etal BoA ce Mati Room and board, television, gentlemen,|private entrance. 723-2408. G. B. Boychyn, gc Wi Hiiman, LLB; croatia ee ge orge ELECTROLYSIS 723-2512 or_residence ny private bath, entrance, good food, lunches |" cas PNT Reape DRIVING SCHOOL [Asim "™kiox"surtocr™ "mre 723-4641 S230. FULL PRICE, si. down, Setttene 'wn: meter" works, 0, pine alpacas, Sh workers weeoma, 78 Cor-|WARIK, GLEAN, single room Jn ergs] central, location, perfect . | ls 5 ; pt i NHA "a's pr well established junch room and variety, 5.30 p.m. Some light housekeeping negie Avenue. home, very sarees eine atreet Bost. -- for the economy wise fami iy. mortgage Seg available. | -----------l corner location, owner til, must sell. Yes, 728-0845, ELGIN STREET © fast, » MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L. Newest Oshowa Branch Painting and Decorating | 'EN. PULLAN you definitely can make a good living board for gentleman. Close aq balgy hic -- Bedroom for rent bah lady here. Rent including heat only $75. month-|seriamim babvaiter for dhreacveer eee ere see: iota PEIONE 728-0881 [ca citer owe oenrieee, use| ENGLISH TAILOR -- - |iy cat ui Horner, 7abst er 78209615 Nourse Ge'm'te Spm Nolonane| eee er Omneral Matera, o63H8.___ ler genome Si , SMALL HOME greet East, 793-4007, Residence, dial able. Free estimates. 728-2558. Specialist in garment altera- | Bolahood Bros. Ltd., Realtor. after 4 p.m, 726-3512. NASSAU, 76 -- wing hee mm Rene ~ two ATTRACTIVELY poh dall-eibe Geman, «f Hence sah tions, etc. Invisible mending. »_ lufiches bath, : GENERAL painting, pepering, repairs, " Ki poli Is, LOUIS S-WYMAN, GE, Barriafer, solic Money to Loan Hfurnture finishing." sign painting =| dress. clterations, 14--Employment Wented five pirles Live: Int" Needed' Inwmeciatety. [phone 7200428 'eal, "snge" Dace Tale FURNISHED ROOMS oil furndce, asking $7,500. tor, Notary. Suite "eh ah 780, ne |Brown, 40 Drew Street. Telephone 10 PRINCE ST. LADY WISHES to do ironing, In her Own| Telephone residence 668-237 or 668-4701.|CoLBORNE STREET E reap $1,000 down, Building, 86 King Rig) hee 728-0225, home. Telephone 723-9819. and board for two gentlemen, willing. fo Available In private home. BOWMANVILLE Clients' funds availab mortgages PAINTING, paperhanging and repairs, 30 728-5311 PETER PAN DAY NURSERY. Quall-/FXPERIENCED waitresses, part and) oe single beds, Parking. Apply ad-| Call between 5 and 7 p.m MACKEY and BAILEY, Berristors, Soi ee * * © Syears' experience. A. 342 Col- fied day care, 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m..s81 Sim-|full time. Apply Coach House Restau-[a7etsy nd cite a Oe aid : $7,900. full _ price eltors, Noteries Mortgage funds borne treet rant, 929 Dundas West, Whitby. Call after citors, Notarieg Pubile. Marigope, funds BITE Street East, 728-9050. 3--Pets & Livestock | __|coe North, 770-2604. gl pah ie boca ody ROOM AND BOARD Wer two guttamen| 82 PARK RD.N, $1,100 down ~ 7 room TOMAS COREE, GAL Barricter,| DODD and SOUTER BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|ODD JOBS wanted. Plasterer's and care) or, Willing to: share, single beds. close to 728-8671 ' brick home, nearly new Solicitor, Notary, Sulte 203, The Times 1 \ PAINTING AND DECORATING |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. IRetper. eter 'Tele jephone a. a avers Pickering' Village. im gentlemen,itown and buses. Apply 173 Ritson South. Hove good ag ves Building, 86 King Street East. 728-6207.) Too many nibbles ot your pay : Broad, 114 Elgin East. wipers. BS. a li Lin eb LAE OU 4 a heard previees. . ation, ideal fam Mortgage funds evallabie. cheque con make you MAD. CONTRACTORS GAY SADDLE MARE, four white socka|OPPICH maneger, 47 yeors old. 27 yeors|mean. Room ane poert Pen ii ier re 22--Offices, Stores, Storage|27----Real Estate For Sale come: home. fe eT ET Painting, Paperhanging a nti credit, office . * p ' also Palamino yearling colt, well mark-|experience in accounting, o'clock. FOR RENT, wood shop, 600 riment, Montrave Avenue. Courant, Dayan ae MunDEEE, Why net pay off all those Gyptex, Full Wall Murals ed. Call Bowmanville 623-2186. supervision. Write Box 517 Oshawa in part of ph inlencee eee Mien VILLAGE HOME A ' : : v sq. ff. space for" storage. Apply 1 1 peer Pinal ra agin Spray Painting PEKINGESE mole, registered, hovse| we ------ LADY MANAGER Albert Street. si tend with electric stoves and retri¢-| Spotlessly cleart and modem Jeave yourself with just 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY | trained, ali needies, lovely temperament, Tremendous opportunity in |STOR® for rent or lease. Simcoe Street | craters? vo et washer coro SoS 2 bedroom brick bungalow, : DAYS 668-5862 beautiful coat. Reasinable to . Oshawa cnd surrounding terri- |South, st Station Plex®.. Ti yard, . large kitchen ond living room one (much less than before) NIGHTS 725-7426 Evenings call Picker ; GETTING 725-4344, ing $55,000. pro- ¢ : ts of sale Bought, sold and erranged.| monthly payment..Do it now. Z COCKER SPAN purebred Amer- as Salary ond ptr Phot Gicer and make offer. 2. piickery, Real pbb cc = pacts . rom <. o b ' 2 . ; e management irec 3. : sement, oi JOSEPH P. MANGAN, @C, Barrister,| Phone or call Plumbing and Heating rogietered." ncofiont temoroment, 60. AHEAD IN selling groataces, Write giv- 2 Wanted To Rent dry tubs, woter softener, registered. Excellent temperament, de- Solicitor Money to loan. Office, 14% King : 723-1739. : BANKER requires three-bed home WHITBY good Bg ay R. F, SHAUGHNESSY YORK PLUMBING and Heating. Sppciat|ligntful pets. Telephone YOUR CAREER ing porticulars to Box 609, |SANKER arid regbedroom ome well, shinies storm chelated Manager lzing repairs cling, Reaschable|soxeR PUPPIES, repisiered. Reason- Oshawa Times. paler! 960 n, de: opmental bull, rates. Free estimates. 328 3 th, Building Trades 10 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH =m. sis needies. Telephone' To get ahead in your WANTS te Taek wall hanes wheel ng, modem with pan-" ost 3 wore ond Peat OF io HONE 728-7311 ALL TYPES of ire and r i as t what or four-room apartment, between King lied "wake and tiled floor. me ECTRICAL RE, pene T2078 new and used "materials. | Ressonable Keg te ig Deno By 7 Raley reer te aes ile & EXPERIENCED [Street and Adelaige Avenue, Telephone] Excellent for a refreshment 1o- nect! eason- fates. Estimates free, Olal 723-1191. J. telephone Mae 865. positions are avalabie to | HOSTESS 728-6573 or 728-7226. cation, kitchen and bath facil- atae i BUSINESS ror resce 'a | ye 'and heating supplies.|BLACK POODLE pups, male, miniatures, best fit your -- ond Whitby orsOshaws Ponesion nom - by ities, or 'could be used for Variety store in summer re- Telephone 723-3521, Herold' H, stark. Lia,,|seven weeks old. Telephone 728-6189. talents by checking to- | just have leadership quali- | March 1. Telephone 726-246 commercial office building. sort orea on Loke Sc Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255|REG@ISTERED Chihvehue puppies, fe day's Times' Help Want- ties. Good starting salary; |TWO or three bedroom oo wanted by| Coll: $2,900 full price wi FINANCE Simcoe Street South, pag age gg og CORPORATION LIMITED = |------ Telephone 723604 er dial seesose."""| ed Advertisements today. | 4,1) benefits. For appoint- [sem "\_Tleohone Tabs - THREE-ROOM self-contained, unturnish- : ; Ruq-Upholstery Service Presta HACKNEY, 2 years, 4) io macch The Advers merit phone ed apartment wanted by relleble Io-year OLIVE HOWE We now have @ variety of Mortgages HAVE YOUR chesterfield suite factory|White socks, saddie or carriage. Reason- he way to re fH General Motors employee. Couple only. ; land, farms and cottages for re-bulit: Low price. 7 778-3281; |able. After 5 p.m., 728-0735, tiser, requesting you to reply MR. BOURKE 623-3373 Telephone between 9 a.m. and § p.m. REAL ESTATE sale ROOFING, concrete fees fet rooring/ FIRST AND SECOND mormpages. Sale evenings 728-2439, Kennedy Upholstering] SE A@LE, male, 10 montha old, $20. or| to Box No. , Oshawa Times, 723-7159. . tor an ie. Le end 'H. Reofing|20reements purchased and sold. Herr) Limited best offer. Cell 725-5110. is with your letter corefully FLYING DUTCHMAN ___|#OUSE, two or three-bedrooms, wanted 218 Dundas St. .E. Call L. $. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 725-6937, nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King CHESTERFIELDS reupholsiered @nd|pgOBERT KENNELS, registered minia-| ond correctly addressed to fo rent by April 1. Telephone a. WHITBY 668-5853 723-9810 or 725-8761 WELDING -- All metal fabrications. Re-|Street East,' 723-7232. restyled. Free estimate. See our mate-iture and toy poodles, white, Call 725-4858.) the proper Box Number. Your MOTOR HOTEL TRANSFERRED to Oshawa, im ; pelrs. 24hour service. suarenteed, Gen- oy Jide, se Gree esas, ng, MINIATURE Pinscher, male, Puppies, letter con be mailed to The NVILLE mediately or by Apri 15, pe temiy with Te) Sere Savi: WH Plow EH. PMIVATE end corseration monies for al ; red. Also registered proven femal Oshawa Times, or deposited BOWMANVIL' school age children, 3 72-2525 mortgages; mortgages and agreement of/ CUSTOMCRAFT'S upholstering Depart vineip, bred to' International Soren, in the Letter Slot of The home, with Fahey conventent to schools, - custom, BUILDING, remodelling rec-|$2/@ purchased. Creighton, Drynan and ment, Experts In re-covering, re-styling.| Aver S p.m. 725-7203. T Building, West Side of contig m ee preferred. Telephone| SH AW. A Tl MES P. ATTERNS Free estimates. Midgiey Con- Murdoch (See "Barristers") hrome chairs @ specialty. Free estl- imes Building, : 17. 1 H A We after 5 p.m., 723-4641, mates -- Sfruction, 70 Thlekson South. Pas20 PRIVATE ond corporation monies for all| ware eae rao 4--Sportsman's Column entrance door, 86 King Street --Male Help Wanted foun home, hot RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- East. ig Oshawa hi Pessensien gt PLASTERING, Patching, remodelling,| mortgages; ys a Ro and agreement of lished 17 ot t Telephone 725-1734 \ meando onege Abra, Vel ar-nepurchemn Brenan end ais. Workmanship" guarantees §.yeers. TTENTION EASTERN ma PRINTED PATTERN mony North, or 723-9258. Murdoch. (See -- 7) Proc, anitintec' Crear tehcn inetitences A ENTIO Please Be Advised! j H For R ALL TYPES of buliding repairs, rooting, rebullt. Furniture refinished. Oshawa FISHERMAN wien a to odvertise- 24--Houses For Rent chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. Upholstering Company, 10 Bond West, . Oshawa Times PERSONNEL THREE-BEDROOM, well kept home, Gordon May, 728-0294... PAY TALL 725-0311. _| Ice fishing at Grant's Fish id on address: 'Box No. , clone te transportation, schools, churches, BLECTRICIAN, master, wiring, new in- CHESTERFIELDS and sect? \T&| Huts, Port Bolster. Reservo- Oshawa Times, thot Identity DIRECTOR avaliable immediately. 728-6197, stalat : 0 25--A alations, poraeesnel rant Colborne Regie oa new. Get the best for less sions, wa 725-8072. of the Advertiser and inform- partments repeirs. WN Upholsterers, the odver- Street Cres bes. a se YOUR BILLS South. Cell 728-6451. Free estimates. Clip me out--worth $1. orion pe . 8 strictly Bed be iden- of torge | international corp. |BROEK Street West, 25, (Oshawa) two Nari are: Sila oration In the odvertising [room furnished apartment, close fo hos- Sedans. Free estimates. A. Woods, 143 | OSHAWA 5--Farmer's Column tiel owed oomvest beg field will interview men 21- |Pital_and downtown. Sunt two, giris or Clarke Street. Te yasddeBiot jah | CLEANERS CASH on the "spot. Highest prices F 27 for on opening peers as eo ie LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT three - bedroom Cartage ; Rug end Upholstery pall Be Blt nerds MI gl In our Oshawa brane apartment, Ip new bullding, self-contain- phone colli o Jouw's ier (AND ER RTASS, | Cleaning. At "Our Store, Wil Fur Farm. Licence 248-C-43. 16--Female Help Wanted | Appliconts should be neat, |Sielr Vac non releekand ras Nie By y. ra Fully S U p E R | @) R i or at your. home. FARMERS! Need tires? Call "Blin, AVON OPPORTUNITY. Hovsewives, The oggréssive ond able to profit D equipped and insured. 728-3661. 725-9961 ror Coma ee rea 7at\ yourself are oorning good bag of from o practical training Rig ontrence one bats ohne 0 wes. Cah Gresemekinn rereening rs cinlee oeman Wr course. Earnings being imme- between 67 p.m. only. narra TAILORING AND DRESSMAKING, Pro- FINANCE LIMITED Sales and Service 11--Articles For Rent PO" Box Si, shaw, or cal bones 'bly ond past exper- Derineit W cstrinedl Cltheas Sete fessional designing hd talloring ot indies WALL WASHING by machine, No mess. CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church! SAL ESWOMEN lonté; Per~ |retrigerator, washing. facilities, locker, eile er aie re Tat ' re| "The Fastest Gro Alle: | No_futs. Call_Don Bryan, Alax 942-0915. |alsie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals 412 paved parking. One child welcome. Tele Simcoe "itroet Soothe Res ra a a resent Sone ae tf Tig. pote <5 ID WANTED For full details by moil, write |Phone_720-83 be be w 4 SxPaRiaNces criswmatine, iC anadian Loan Company' |wgthers 8d ranges. Free estimates, Coll WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, wales, Ma a iy: Box 610 Oshawa Times, giv- |MONTRAVS AVENUE, Faalee be i. Gaudin a hue neo WALL DETERGER Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 7251644. For men's and boys store. in your eddrens num» |Svfomatic washer and dryer, adults only. For Information, apply Apartment 3. 17 SIMCOE ST. N, Scientific aig, pressure wall you , phone : Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses CEL'S ber ond @ brief history. HARMONY road, four-room apartment, " Gardening and Supplies 725-6541 cleaning eqlipment, cleans Punch Bowls EN " ie upstairs, unfurnished, three-plece shower, SE SURE of beautiful gardens, lawns, : ee > walls with little or no mov- Coffee Urns 16 SIMCOE NORTH . beth, heated, parking space, 975 os ee ere Hel aia) 8 ere Often Ing of furniture or corpets Silver Tea Service SALESMAN EROMWACLavenoe_ fourm or end no dripping. iment, In newer CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES | Perest resis, inoperiv, | AREA Nr RENT SECRETARY eps st , Free. Estimates SARGEANT'S RENTALS AAA-1 COMPANY |inrscn nes" mache contami 25 WORD MINIMUM MODERN 725-3338 RECE PTIONIST three-room self-contained apartment, sults Better described offers get taster resuits, SEEKS TOP-NOTCH able for quiet working couple. No Chik Cosh Charge WALL CLEANERS /|12--Articles Wanted Db Off SALESMAN FOR dren please, 725-2094. 6 corigecutive days .. Re 3.75. 4.13 79 MeGREGOR ST. GUNS wanted" (Od antique. Phone) for Doctors ce ORENFELL STREET, ¢room apart 3 consecutive days 2.25 2.48 Telephone 723-1663 725-4183 Oshawa. Aust. bar olert, fost end (0c OSHAWA bot a gg a bath, near eimicin4 Count each word, Initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. 5 : WANTED 70 ouy ens ceeet ey shen Typing experience Is =- : Call 723-7970. immediate { or cedar posts, cut. Gordon Crow, . us ' MNCLASSIFIED BOX Nuhbe® FoR RePLiES: Sa Fun ae Ba orgy tle SR eg BUY-- & Used portable ea Boog yg 00g pioeshs debeAl a oe oli fie bathe compte gh P , ; Y = _s whl every gncdeavour wil Be enade to forward roptigg t0,box [rarear™ 'fie Shon Sas. Phool Rit wey geod conten Pies] phe. en coeina fro copoble a, Aman it Se] PRETTY PILLOWS liobility in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through |RONSVAR. 8 Socal TLaTECHMANN, fostditiad aa Mesa! knowledge would be ee or 2 a's erin Apartments, 28] Simcoe Street either failure or delay in forwarding such replies. however coused rarlo . j + pepe 7 Scenes | whether by negligence or otherwise i ri Toners Wt 7RGE | AUTO WRECKING CO, | Plom renl in witing gla | good compony saline opie. FURIE ter ang sorting, Ty or] BY ALICE BROOHS Protessional listings only, 3 lines per mon 8.50 TV--Radio Repair: : age, education, experience, : A ; +1. |let, $70 monthly. Telephone 72 ake Each additional line per month 1.60 | dio pairs Wants Cars for Wrecking. and other qualifications to pty asin' = boty Two - bedroom apartment, ae bath, Smart it bo " a (Not applicable for merchandise odvertisements.) CITY TV, Tiwers, Antennas, also re} Parts for sale, also Pap iron Q Vicinity fownline. Available April. Work-|these smocked pillows of cordu- DEADLINES pairs. All work guaranteed, $11 Den! and metals, etc. bought Box 606 _| sales. ALUMANATION is ling couple preferred. 726-7601. roy, velveteen, satin, cotton. Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. Open Saturday all day. Phone' 7 | NATIONALLY ADVERTISED! - ; retrigerator, WORD ADS veeeveeresevecsess 8 Om Dey Favions SERVICE CALLS 4 74s. 2311__89 BLOOR E. OSHAWA TIMES Men ik din: Intec pel Pei ony. ro iver Easy, jiffy, smocked pillows! PRINCESS WRAP Cards of Thanks ....ee+eeeeeees+ 5 p.m, Day Previous ' i jately. side of fabric j i To Foose i blir ci. 4c 8 ban. Dew Previews | . : A viewed and receive field troin- |$100 monthly, 102 Rosehill Blvd. 725-297,|Done on reverse ' ANNE ADAMS Feo cig ig? moon for Mendey | _ ONLY $2.50 -- |13--Business Opportunities'13--Business Opportunities| nc. UNFURNISNED vpore Wo, Three e|Pattern 7041: transfer, Uinch) bigs ee 6 1 Lost and Found ...eseee+. 8:30 a.m. Day of Publication Fost service by qualified * [Glous rooms, tiled bath, refrigerator, ran-| ound 11 square, bolster 14- : ' _ Births ond Deoths ,...000.. vs 'od a.m, Day of Publicati technicians. Day, night. When you ore with RPM, you pette, five large clesete, comarel heating, beautifully dressed in one ire ex bins ond Deaths Oo e Ralicaion | etnies, Dey, ia. MAJOR OIL COMPANY are one Fist Teom. Suet [Rest nett Somme inches long, directions. beenaly Feet ooo Seturdoys .... ... 1) a.m, for Monady in 1963 up 12% over 962° |PIVE-ROOM apartment in a THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|cess skimmer is a wrap. Quick, CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS | DOMINION : MODERN SERVICE Fem, b fhe Horwery over Iele'aprit Nr Adun prefered. Tsioheneltor dig pattem (no stamps,|% sew, easy to fit 8:30 A.M. BAY OF PUBLICATION TELEVISION MEMENT aparimert, heated nciodes please) to Alice Brooks, care of Ph nse Myre by 3a ie lati and Corrections received after the 8:30 A.M. | | RPM Is the bri star on ond Beodline will be processed for the following "ns paper. | 2 20 BOND MN, N. _728- -5 154° STATION FOR LEASE | the inckeet eas Le aa Pigg Binns a Nrolington Seten Sineat The Oshawa Times, Needle-\1¢ requires 4% yards 3i-inch | | : rio.| fabric. REGULATIONS moan selected for this job will |West after 6 p.m. craft Dept., Oshawa, Onta , coed : ONE-BEDROOM apartment on Werren IFTY CE! (30 cents) in The Oshowe Times will not be responsible for errors, in odvertise- 13 : : eniey en immedicte income -/ONE-SEDROOM apartment ea, Werren Ontario residents add ic, sales ones submitted otherwise than in writing, fet for more thon 'TV TOWERS Minimum Capital Required ond will have a good future. onary. fectitions 'heat "and » were ave tax. Print plainly PATTERN _ (no stampls please) for Sy Uatae Vellan & Gey eavarteomern cor toee to | Training with Pay PLEASE WRITE pled, immediate possesslon, duis onl. NiBER "NAME, ADDRESS. |tag orp a ts gales tat, Boi price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which 3 Economy e and- "oak ee ie nauenbinape . ec tgs SIZE wae fi it } nae The Cshows. Times reservés. the right $0 cicssity edvertising Deluxe EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY "~._ 'Box No. 607 mcs Sieg laa tt 1964 Needlecraft Catalog!..Toys, DRESS, sTYu NUMBER, fashi crewelwork,. bazaar pear to its proper classification. Priced to suit your bud = 'élephone pacts display advertivemerts, The Times will not be | TERMS ARRANGED TO BE IN BUSINESS FOR ___Oshawa Times GLADSTONE _|hits -- crochet, knit, 'sew, em-lPattern Dept, Ochawh Onterie, pordiens oongy tin fig ole aya adsl ian : YOURSELF --- AJAX LOCATION" | broider, quilt, Send 25c P00 YOU KNOW on ae error ectup! 's war to reproduce all adver- | ae ; roider, quilt, Sen i PUP aI G uy wrt tasnted tenn OSHAWA TV -| Want-Ads Dont' | APARTMENTS | somermne new -- sic,|GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE. LY FREE? It's simple -- Telephone the Direct to Classified SUPPLY LIMITED Telephone Mr. Rogers . 3. rggms with bath self-on- |DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16/0.) gonino. Sumner Celio Ee Number. 723-3492 ae * Toronto ', Cost -The Pay Clove vo Runary , Seine, [eomplete quilt patternt--pieced/ciuding FREE COUPON to get fied Services -- For All Other Deggrtmenis its only 728-6906 |aM applique, for beginners, ex- gd 0° 250 design id PF Cente Tes Tins Setooeere. 728-8180 \, HO 5-3511 Days 755-7358 Evenings | id | ae eases pitts. Send 60c. now, Seng 60 cents today.

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