10 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 3, 1964 Hindu Refugees Flee Houdaille Sets New Sales, | Minister To Leave Ookpik Alone inis Distribute Canada Firms Told. -- Pakistan After Riots "DACCA, East Pakistan (AP)|that could touch off rioting like "Ss ia, to apply for permission to enter s Earning Record BUFFALO, N.Y. -- Houdaille| Industries, Inc. set new sales; \and earnings records in 1963; | jaccording to Gerald C. Salta-| irelli, President and Chief Ex-} MONTREAL (CP)--An Indian doll named after what is re- corded as the origin of Canada's name and a sled with controls worthy of an outboard motor- boat are among new toys on view at the Canadian Toy Fair. The fair, organized by the 145- 'Fanny Hill' NEW YORK (CP)--A young Canadian minister said Monday he has given up a plan to dis- The plush toy field features ajtribute copies of the banned new series of Canadian wildlife/0vel Fanny Hill at services 'in including black grizzly and po-|his 'Presbyterian church next towards realistic dolls with fash- ionable clothes and models that talk and cry. One doll can be burped after she takes her bot- tle. But he plans: to continue' his protest against the banning of the book, declared obscene last week by the appellate division of the New York State Supreme Court. The court ordered' the publishers not to distribute it. Glenesk,.a former teacher of "moral dilemmas in classic and jcontemporary religion," at New |York University's school of ed- 'ucation and now pastor of Spen- jcer Memo rial Presbyterian Church in" Brooklyn, said he asked advice fsom Edward Sil- 'on the ban and to: display be that have been banned at. time or another vin Ulysses, the Bible | Chatterley's Lover. Glenesk said he does nofj¢ sider Fanny Hill obscene, any event considers it. immk for anyone'to "preside over: right to read or buy @ RUSSIAN St MIAMI, Fla, (AP)--Cul A great wave of hatred and|that which followed such migra- fear & sweeping a section ofjtions in the past. the Indian subcontinent. ; : etl Entire families, some clutch- rae sy pogy e cae 'sual 'ing only a few bundles, a brass| .pilled | pot or @ prized rooster, are on No one can say with accuracy the move across the dusty As-o4 many persons are on the sam Plain of India and the rice} nove or what hte death toll has paddies and jute fields ot East cen in sporadic clashes that Pakistan. ; _., .|have broken out when fright- Hindus and some Christians|eneq, fleeing Hindus met fright- awaiting the arrival from Soviet Union of 2,000 recordss be used in learning the Rus language, Havana radio ¥ nounced in a broadcast mo tored here. A lar bears, beaver, fox, walrus,|Sunday. ver of the district attorney's of- buffalo, skunk, hare and bighorn) Rey. William' Glenesk, 37-\fice, a fellow Biblical. scholar. sheep. year-old native of Toronto, said) 'As a 'result, he decided The toy industry is expectingjhe changed his mind after ask- against distributing the book at sales of more than $150,000,000) ing the advice of a friend in the'next Sunday's service, but at the retail level this year, 'n-|\district attorney's office. |made plaris to preach a sermon The fair, which: opened Mon-|cluding exports of $1,000,000,| : day, also gives the curious a pre"|most of them to Australia | |view of toys which will be fea-| | ltured in stores during the com-|. OTTAWA (CP)--Northern Af ing sumnier,-fall and Christmas) fairs Minister Laing has warned | seasons. _ |manufacturers to leave Ookpik | The black-haired Indian dolljalone. ; is called "Princess Kanata" and) Ookpik is Eskimo for Arctic ESTIMATES VARY Estimates of the toll of last month's. big riots range from lecutive Officer. Net earnings|member Canadian Pilay- were up 48 per cent' on a net things Manufacturers Incorpor- pees increase of 16 per cent. /ated, gives store buyers from hundreds to thousands. In some| not earnings for 1963 were just a heectppe et ge areas, bodies are simply tossed| asl ¢ in rivers and.not counted. | |ividends amounted to'.28 per Mf Proauced in, Canada, ger of an escalation into serious Sater ss Beaabe a on conflict between India and Pak-) For the previous year the tig- ' : istan. : r : ni 286. are leaving Moslem Pakistan/ened. fleeing Moslems. The two nations, already bit-/s99° pnd 'nrteF"relered'divic for India in a tragic replay of, {he Pakistan governmentiter enemies, almost 4aily|qends amounted to $2.11 per decades-old religious, economic|<aiq earlier this month that/charge each other with practis-| share on shares presently out- and social strife. '-Ilmore than 122,000 Moslems hadjing, or at least condoning, re-! standing. The Moslems are moving the! registered as refugees from In-|ligious persecution and shoving) coi. or constructi <te.( vas modelled after real life In-\owl and also the name of a other way, from Hindu areas of,dia--but the borders are un-junwanted minorities across the| j2). construction .mate-\dian Princess Kahn-Tineta Horn|fuzzy, furry toy bird that has dia into' Pakist ked i laces and un-| border. jtials and contracting, automo-|of the Mohawk tribe been: adopted by the government India into Pakistan, PBB I ROG. An DRCes " igrations| "Ve products and industrial) « i ee b as an international trade sym- Each fleeing family, each ref-|Zuarded in others. The large scale migra HONS! roducts totalled $11,651,305 in|»: Kanata"' was said to be the/as 8} ugee train, carries with it a| Many thousands just walk|started last month when ,an dtd \first Indian word heard by ex-|bol for Canada. __ : powder keg of pentup emotion/across. lorgy of killing, looting and rape Jacques Cartier' when| Mr. Laing, replying Ea . %ye| 1963, up $15,104,523 from the! too in the | Indian officials say as manyjerupted in parts of both India| Previous high of $95,546,782 eS"! Troquois guides led him up the/Commons to George Chatterton jas 10,000 line up daily in Daccaland Pakistan. Earnings before taxes were|they called 'Kanata," which/ said. the name and model is be- DIVIDENDS | | $9,340,242 in 1963. The year|was the Indian term for village|ing copyrighted. and believed to be the origin The Fort Chimo Eskimo Co- | before they were $6,571,529. | PREVENTS SUICIDE VANCOUVER (CP) -- A po- |lice corporal talked to a would- |be suicide for 22 minf@es Sat- urday until fellow officers could find and disarm the man. Cpl. Cy Ingraham received a call from a""man who Said he was going to shoot himself. The of-, ficer kept the man talking until a chance remark gave the name of the hotel the man-was in Police found the man with a loaded rifle pointing at his head and his finger on the trigger. PEL. Posts jtebtiahed in, 1962. St. Lawrence River to a-point}(PC -- Esquimalt Saanich), ° e : Dome Mines Push By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Canada Bread Co. Lfd., pfd. series A $2.75, 6834 cents, April 1, record March 16. Canadian Canners Ltd. A 18% cens April 1, March 9. Consolidated Paper Corpora- tion Ltd.,-50 cents, April 15, record March 6. Hahn Brass Lid. first pfd.) 2244 cents, common 15 cents, April 1, record March 12. Harding Carpets Ltd., com- mon eight cents, April 1, rec- ord March 16. Monarch Industrial Index TORONTO (CP) -- Most sec-| higher ground. Dominion Foun- tions of the stock market regis-|dries and Steel rse 13% to 71% tered healthy gains in mqderate|on rumors of a stock split. neti Ser | BANKS SOFTENED Friday the Dow Jones indus-| Banks 'softened, Nova Scotia trial index finally closed above falling one point to 68 and Im- the 800 mark in New York and) perial Rank of Commerce was ahead'§.61 to 802.75. Mon- Riantreal advanced 3 day. The Toronto industrial in-| Titornauohal Nickel was UD |dex gained .69 to 140.39, the} 5, aud' Noranie" 34 in | sharpest rise since Jan. 15, and| 401. Brunswick Mining and |the exchange Indéx .66 to EG percha eras = common 50 cents, 'the sharpest rise since Dec. 97,| Smelting rose 35 cents to vas | record March 16. Golds were a feature, with the ve pnker dill sak the anak acl ee ee es cats] index rising 2.69 0 134.90. Dome tive speculative issue ahead 314| A and B pfd. $1.75, common| Mines was largely responsible ite: aOie chunk on $44 153| 27% cents, April 1, record/for this upturn, advancing 1% ren ol 180 seine be oe : pues 5 | to 29%. Hollinger was ahead %./ shares. ISO gained 21 cens to Stedman Brothers Lid., com-| On the industrial board, pa-| ¢s 20. mon 12% cents, April 1, record | pers, distilleries, steels and fi-| Calgary and Edmonton Corp CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) --| March 20. nancial issues all moved t0) moved up % and Dome Pero.| Potatoes are big business on leum % among senior oils. Prince Edward Island and last s ¢ English-Quebecers class record M4. Invesmens_ Lid., March Potato Production of the country's name. THREE COSTUMES There will be three traditiona Indian costumes for the dol representing different Indian groups from across Canada as |Operative, which developed the \Ookpik, is in the process of li- 1) censing commercial manufac-| j turers to make the little bird. "TI certainly hope there wi!l be no attempt to defeat their ini- i a ite titaive and ingenuity by unfair eT ee a/competition from' unauthorized toboggan, sides like a sleigh, a manufacturers," he added. rudder to control speed and y | steering arid braking like a boat. Its frame and seat' are wood and the bottom is alumi- num, Another new snowride is a fibreglass toboggan. The fair continues the trend Seo escenenreveonne a ee ee High which should result in increased value and expanded volume, in- creasing the total value of the potato. industry without increas- ing the acreage planed. Potatoes as a cash crop last year narrowly outranked the tourist industry, which in the! past 10 years has nearly quad- rupled to $10,000,000. Imagine: instant; written store to warehouse, dispatc plant to sales office--in sho two or more places, up an same building, hundreds of yards or hun- dreds of miles apart! Telescriptis instant, International Nickel was up) year they were bigger than MEL KRUGER well above AND THERE'S MORE WHERE THIS CAME FROM: Bell'scomplete communications servicesfor business * include equipment to transmit typing and hand- ° writing, pictures, drawings, and maps, business machine data of 'every kind--and, of ¢purse, orders from her to shipper, rt, to.and from d down in the are vital for better business--and Teleseript ts. complete telephone, radio and intercom services." for every business purpose. Better communications 5% and Noranda % in seniorever, running $1,000,000 over the MONTREAL (CP) John} "3 Turner, Liberal member of Par- '| metals. Brunswick Mining and| 10-year average cash value. Smelting rose 35 cents to $8,20/ According to the island's po- in juniors. tato marketing gy gy 9 k ill w .|in 1963 was wort ,000,000, sive speculative iasup, ahondl 3% 1962's. $8,880,000, |eents to 20% cents on 344,153| which was more than $1,000,000 economic development, '"more|shares. ISO gained 21 cents to|below the average $10,000,000. : ; and more of them wouldbe at) $3.20. Total potato acreage on "'spud liament for Montreal St. Law- rence-St, George, said Monday|separatism." moved up 4 and Dome Petro-| 43,000 acres, and with few ex- too few moderate and reason-| The role of English-speaking|leum % among senigr oils. | ceptions the entire crop is able Canadians have responded|Quebecers was to explain to the} Base metals advanced .48 to} shipped each year in fresh or to the challenges confronting Ca-|rest of Canada '"'the overwhelm-|64.68 and western oils .11 to 82.-! processed form. } nadian unity. ingly moderate temper of|28 on index. Volume for the day| Shipments vary from 10,000 to He told the Canadian Club of\French Canada and the legiti-\as 3,997,000 shares compared|;4 999 railway carloads each Montreal that too few English-|mate nature of its aspiraitons."| with 3,824,000 Friday. year. The number of cars }d gre ~ perp 4 and the acreage planted. | renc! nada, @ oug ll east- French-speaking Canadian lead- Pigg N28 sigh oak ue "on ets have not defended their case N British| s ew England States, Britis ied wan ee tee geneity. e West Indies and South America, | It would help the cause of . , but thé-bulk of the crop goes reconciliation, Mr. Turner @) aze T1a to On#ario and Quebec. Seed po-| joe if the es tatoes go to mes half wer adians would ting | i e .S., Bermuda, the English-speaking minority) WASHINGTON (CP)--An 11-)dogs-will be carried on sledges cog West Indies, Puerto Rico, | in Quebec as a monolithic bloc) man Norwegian team, using/of unusual design, one for each! exico Panama, Venezuela, --as usurpers holding the prov-\special plastic sledges and 100)man," the society said in a ycrao} Brazil, Uruguay, Argen- ince in penury and tutelage on|dogs, is about to begin an at-/statement. tina South Africa. Greece, and behalf of the rest of Canada."|tempt to blaze a 1,500-mile ski| "The sledges, about 100 feet) nearly every province in Can- His riding is largely English-|trail over the North Pole from long, each carry 550 - pound! aga | speaking. Canada to Europe. loads. They are built of cold-| . ~ are not all executives. We do|the Arctic ice pack will be un-|across open stretches of water.| Top quality of Island potatoes) not all live in baronial man-jdertaken by specially - trained|To carry the dogs over water,|is a result of rigid inspecion gions. We are not all Anglo-Sax-|Norwegian soldiers headed bythe sledges can be lashed to-|and a liberal education program} ons. 'The English-speaking mi-|25-year-old Bjorn Staib of Oslo.\gether by. a platform to form) that stresses attention to grad-| nority in this province runs the|Average age of the team is 24. catamarans." ling, says the board. | full range of economic interests) The National Geographic So| The North Pole has been vis-| With an eye 6m competition, | and social and ethnic back-|\ciety, one of the organizations|ited by air and submarine many|the marketing board operates a) ground |sponsoring the venture, said the|times since Admiral Robert|seed farm in an effort to pro-| This was expected to be ex- eeeded this year, with more than 110 conventions, regional and national,- booked for the province celebrating the 100th; birthday of the first Fathers of Confederation meeting here in 1864. Last year and in 1962 there were an estimated 250,000 yisi- tors, and traffic this year was expected to break all records.| easy, and:completely error-proof--every- thing is seen on the receiver exactly as you write or draw it on the transmitter! There are uncounted uses in every field of business for this remarkable Bell service. Why don't you ask for a Bell Rep to give you the complete Telescript story ? REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada RESIDENCE; 723-7900 BUSINESS: 725-4563 For men witha taste for the great outdoors the full-bodied flavour of just one example of all the communications servicas: you can get from Bell! * Al y 'a yh Y ae e N (2 e x 4 A corleeeerenane te q +m ar + Ate ea Awe A Mh Saree ae SES AE SO ~ LE I A GE OS ' RED CAP ALE and more of them would be at-| Calgary and Edinonton Corp.|island' vari¢S from. 40,000 to speaking Quebecers have tried shipped depends on the yield fe 11-Man Ski Team "We are not all tycoons. We| This pioneering attempt over|resistant plastic and can float) STRESS QUALITY 48 OUT LAND' |team left Oslo Monday for the|Peary <first' reached it on foot|duce the highest possible qual-| too are Quebecers. We are not aliens on this soil. We too have a stake in this province. We have contributed to its great- ness. We too love Quebec." Mr. Turner said the "quiet revolution" going on in Quebec has been a nuisance to many of Quebec's nearly 1,000,000 English-speaking persons. He defined the new climate in Que- bec as a drive for a new order in the province '"'of such depth and momentum that a certain amount of instability and even anarchy was unavoidable." Unless French-speaking Cana- dians are encouraged to take a more active role in Quebec's - _ |U.S. military base at Thule, onjin 1909, but no one has crossediity of seed for This land is our land. Weithe northwest corner of Green-|the pole on foot from one land| Prince Edward Island | {mass to the other over the ice} land, From there the group will be pack. flown to the Canadian base at) ~~ of 600 Alert, on the northern tip Ellesmere Island, about miles from the pole. FOUR WILL TRY Depending on what hazards they encounter, the Norwegians will select four men from their) team to make the dash on foot to the pole and from there' to Spitzberge, the Norwegian 6000 NAMES 10 REMEMBER . archipelago north of the Scan-) dinavian mainland, or Russia's Severenay Zemlya Islands off the Siberian coast. "Supplies for the men and Redeemabl Company 728- GUARANTY TRUST 32 KING ST. E, MORE aa, * 1% 8 SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS e ANY time Interest oni daily balance $5,000.00 of Canada 1653 WHEN BUYING le INSURANCE - Fa H. B. ARMSTRONG C.L.U. 725-4758 planting in Efforts of the board are ex-| 'pected to produce more seed) M. E. SILVER 725-4758 J. E. DeHART 725-4758 1 ro Central Ontario Branch, Oshawa Shopping Centre } ens a) i é bd