Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And D Whitby Wureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault ISTRICT Tel. 668-3703 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Viscount Greenwood IODE Names Officers 2"'2:/5 slash back,""' have their star- ting line - up completed and a meaner group has never been -- under one arena freshments were served by Sis- ters Evelyn Weeks and Dolly Anderson. The next meeting will be held Monday, March 28. BROCK SOUTH H AND 8 Brock Street South Home and School Association held __ its "Skating Carnival' at the Whit- by Community Arena super- vised by the executive mem- _ 'The annual meeting of Vis- count Greenwood Chapter IODE was held at the home of Mrs, G. A, Anderson, RR 2, Whitby, Feb. 17. It gor gy a delici- it luck luncheon, Treen Mrs, F. W. Browne presided over the meeting when all annual reports were read and adopted. Mrs. Browne presided over the installation of officers for the ensuing term as follows: Regent, Mrs. Alex Ingram; first Vice-Regent to be appoint- ed; second Vice Regent, Mrs, John A. Anderson; secretary, Mrs. G. E. Juby;__ assistant secretary, Mrs. J. E. Speers; treasurer, Mrs. G. A. Ander- son- assistant treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Roblin; educational secre- tary, Mrs. William Leathers, assisted by Mrs. J. E. Speers. | Services at home and abroad! secretary, Mrs, A, S. McLean;) : ; Echoe secretary, Mrs. F. W.| Race winners, Jr, girls: Browne. Conveners: Member-|Sherry Purdy, Joanne For- ship, Mrs. H. T. Fallaise; world|™mosa, Ellie Van Slageren; In- affairs, Mrs, Stanley Osborne; | termediate girls: Rozana Mc- public relations, Mrs. G, E,/Coy, Anne Parish, Gerri Keddy. Juby; telephone, Miss Janet) Senior girls: Patti Purdy, McKay; social, Mrs. William/Gayle Morton, Cathy Corris. Leathers. |_ Boys' Jr.:_ Ernest Pollard, Mrs. Browne extended best) Paul Lailey, Danny Morton, wishes for the future work of the| Intermediate boys: Danny Chapter, Potted flowers were) Vallant, Armin Bode, Grant presented to Mrs. Browne upon! Lailey, her retirement as Regent by} Senior boys: David Scott, Mrs. A. S. McLean who thank-| John Bottomley, Randy McCoy, ed Mrs, Browne for the four) |. years of service she has de-- R&SBYTERIAN WOMEN voted to the Chapter, St. Andre 's newly organized A note was read, received| Presbyterian Women Group No, from Mrs. F. W. Marsh whoj2, held its first meeting Mon- had been a most devoted -educa-|day, Feb, 24 at the home of Mrs tional secretary for the Chap-| Warren Mowat, ter for many years, mentioning how sorry she was to miss, for the first time, the Chapter's an- nual meeting. ' Mrs. Ray Kennedy was An_ executive meeting was/charge of the devotional, Mrs ealled for Monday, March 9, at/Tom Scott lee in prayer 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs./ Mrs. Mowat vente Alex Ingram, 11? Pine street. | state of officers as follows: sane meeting closed with the| Chairman, Mrs. Ray Kennedy; Queen. |secretary, Mrs, Edward Terry; VIMY RIDGE LOBA jtreasurer, Mrs, Tom Scott; -fel- Vimy Ridge LOBA No. lowship, Mrs. Mowat; social, held its monthly meeti Mrs. James Ross; program: day evening in the IOOF Hall,|™ming, Mrs, Ken Ashley. with Worthy Mistress Sister) During the short business ses- Evelyn Weeks and Deputy Mis-|sion various projects were dis- tress Sister Viola Rintz presid-| cussed, It was announced that in a general meeting of all group would be held in St. Andrew's Church Monday, March. 16, The meeting closed with pray- er and refreshments wore Peatrice Dalby. served by the hostess assisted During the short business|by Mrs, John Harvie and Mrs. ers. The following were winners: Girls' original costumes: Ann Parish, Cathy Corris; fancy costumes, Patty Purdy, Gayle Morton; comic costumes, Chris- tine Page, Bertha Anne Hirsch- seld, Boys' original costumes: |Michael Gray, Reggie Wilt- |shire; fancy costumes, John costumes, Herman Gray, Dan- ny Morton. 639 Mon- z. | Devotional exercises were @onducted by chaplain Sister Lila Wilde. Lecture was repeat- ¢d by Sisters May Lintner and | Bottomley, Paul Lailey; comic} The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn. Mrs, John Harvie gave the Bible reading. in presented the} u All reports were read and ap- proved, 7 During the business meeting Mrs, Gordon Kyle gave a re- port on the most successful pan- cake supper recently held. It was announced that the "Bale Tea" would be held Wed- nesday, March 11 in the Church Hall, The dedication of the book marker donated by the Girl's Auxiliary will be held at the Church Sund y, March 1, Tentative arrangements were made for the selling of pepper- mint patties, with funds to go towards the World Mission Fund, Mrs, E, LaTrobe was in charge of the Bible study, The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served by the hostess jassisted by Mrs, Ron Hawkins. | The next meeting will be held Monday, March 23 at the home of Mrs. George Page, 1509 Duf- ferin street. K OF C€ COUNCIL Knights of Colurabus Council 4895 Whitby held its regular meeting Wednesday, Feb, 19 at | | boys" skates and the ends of their sticks annual Retarded Childrens' Hocke mord to have the motto, "slash Shepperd son will be minding the police nets, Growler specializes -- flying pucks with his etn, the two defence slots will be filled b man; ford, and John Greer, cruising in front of him,Shep, the dauntless goalie, stands a good chance to keep his remain- ing teeth, Baker, (the Ringer) form hte first line --? section of the Police Club, Barrie Flyers, and Baker are both members of the Whitby Force while Robinson hails from on Detachment of the ice Club are 'prepared to sic Ciash Of 'Public Guardians | For Retarded Children Fund lucky player decides to chicken The "you light 'em and we'll out before he bails outon thejfight 'em"" boys have released ice, AND THE FIRE FIGHTERS The Fire company to date don't seem to take the police lineup too seriously, Rumors around the police station say the Firemen might consider bring- ing their truck on the ice to give the police a good hosing, "Soak 'em now and they'll freeze before they can hand out the tickets," seems to be the general feeling around the fire- hall card tables, The police department has had their detective squad snoop- ing around the red - doored building and reports of strange secret weapons have been filter: ing back, Whitby's "flashing blade are sharpening their: another "gruesome threesome on the pinochle players from the Fire Hall, Gary Winter, from Whitby, Eric Palce, (who is a Judo ex- pert) and Bob "'Joel," both con- tributions from Ajax PD, are waiting to be let out of their cages, Jim "Muscles" Fishley, the Seagrove Flash, will fill out the forward line. up. Whitby's VON Nurse Ruth Bowring will be on hand to ad- minister medical aid to the team should the need arise, Miss Bowring has a_ kit of assorted band - aids and a bot- tle of aspirin to deal with any broken necks or legs that might drift in from the ice. Members of the police squad have also expressed their appre- ciation for Ruth's ¢ ting to act as a cheering and nerve - raising section, They saw she can really yell and has a needle a yard - and - a - half . long in case some un- in preparation for the Police vs, Firemen Benefit Game to be played at he Whitby Arena next week, The police team who are ru- roughies is in the wind, Coupled with a few trucks and a couple of well - honed axes, the club stands a good chance of making off with the first pot! a butcher by trade, and it is "Shep" Ernest .| pens to come too close to his MAIL YOUR PASSBOOK WITH | YOUR DEPOSIT |As each deposit is received a in Directly in front of Growler, One-Stop DECORATING Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies Broadioom and Rugs C.LL. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points | DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St, S., Whitby Ernie "Stoney" Stone- ichard "Ricky" Sand- With more than 700 pounds jis returned with your pass-book, VICTORIA and GREY TRUST 308 Dundas St, W. Whitby Lynn "Legs" Middleton, Fred and Doug Robinson Middleton, who played for the If the first line fails,the Pol-| some of their coming line - up and a fair match for the police prize--a mounted bed - chamber Bill "The Cleaver" Jordan is rumored he might come to the game equipped to -minceany hapless police officer who hap- jspecial deposit-by-moit envelope THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 28, 1964 § hooked etick when he tends goal for the Fire-fighters, Feeding meet to the Cleaver, Leroy Mowat, Bud Heard, Fred Hatch, Bob Duff, John Visser, and gPuckrin will act as defence. Jim "The Hose" Corner, his brother Ken, and Garnet White 'will be trying to elude the gentle- men from the police club and slip. a disc or two past ol' Shep. from the match will be used to aid Retarded chiid- ren and the game, which has been a large success in the past, is played with only fun and first- class laugh - a « minute enter- tainment in mind, } And it gives some police and firemen a chance to even a few scores and make up for a bruis- ed nose and shin donated "in th cause" last year, } More men are being recruited from the Gertard Road depart- ment and hints of the secret wea| being planned are lea! to the concerned police department, FOR A WORTHY CAUSE Public support for this very worthy event is being requested and tickets are available at a reasonable price for this event on Thursday March, 5 at 8:30 p.m, in the Whitby Arena. FREE BEER FOR LIFE BIRMINGHAM (AP) -- Har- riet E, Brooks, who estimates she has drunk two pints of beer a day since she was 18, will receive free beer the rest of her life. The reward came from a brewe: land, proved to the firm's satisfaction that she had drunk 200 barrels of its beer, Mrs, Brooks is 91, in Birmingham, Eng- ednesday after she MOODIE'S RESTAURANT Pickering Village at Duffin's Creek REAL ITALIAN For Take-Out or Delivery Service PHONE 942-1012 St, John the Evangelist: Church. After the opening prayer by Grand Knight Frank Canzi the committee reports were pre- sent '4, Brother Ray Bibeau, chair- man of the anniversary supper dance, thanked heartily the Chef Brother Ploeger and his assis- tant Brother Lavallee for their contribution for this successful event, Brother H. Forbes was thanked for his most worthy assistance, Brother T. McCarthy, chair- man of the St. Pat's Dance to be held March 14 In St. John parish hall mentioned that tick- ets were available from all exec- utive members, Th next regular meeting will be conducted by Oshawa Coun- cil No, 2671, visitors to Whitby, This was announced by Grand Knight Frank Canzi. He also re- minded members that the Whit- by Councii 4895 executive would be visiting Lindsay Council on the next meeting night, The highlight of the meeting was an interesting talk by Rev. Father William P, Douglas, as- sistant Pastor of St. John the Evangelist Church who spoke on the history and background of "The Pioneer Total Temperance Associati: \"", An organization formed in Ireland during the .»» for it affects your welfare, your well-being, your prosperity! AN INTERPRETATION BY LOCAL Of Vital Interest To You Mra. Meeting arrangements were/Ray Kennedy. ed themade for the group to attend) he next meeting will be neld chorusete Vietory Lodge, Oshawa, on) at the home of Mrs. Ken Ashley, | Menffarch 5 when the Most Wor-/Brooklin, Monday, March 23, dren's *ipfll Grand Mistress will be} oe. anonnw's CHURCH -- BrgaW next Buchre will be held), At the Pre-Communion Serv- the * Friday, March 20 at the 1OOF/i¢e On Sunday, Feb, 23, the Ses- 19th century, whose founder was Father Matthew, a Dominican) priest. | The Organization has spread to North America and since pro- hibition days when it suffered everal set backs, it has never: theless grown to a membership INDUSTRY =' Hall under the auspices of the|sion was privileged to receive LOL and LOBA. A donation was|22 new members, Seven were received from the members to-|by transference certificates wards Euchre night for the pur-/ffom other congregations and 15 chase of prizes, professed their faith, publicly. Following the meeting a pen- McClure stressed that: "One {thing necessary for successful : Y Learning comes before serving. Driving while disqualifiod and} After the service, the congre- Court yesterday for Robert Ai-/ship and fellowship of the bert Johnson, Toronto, Church, during lunch, vehicle " bing driven in an Members of the Young Peop e's erratic' manner on Highway Society cared for the children. thing under the front seat," the Ruth WA held its monthly meet- officer stated. |ing Monday, Feb, 24 at the home tional 14 days to run concurrent/troduced Rev. John McKibbin . for driving while disqualified. jthem by the choir was 'When Had Booze | Survey the Wondrous Cross"'. t] | Speaking from the text, St. |Christian living today, was that |Christ's disciples 'sit more at having a part bottle of liquor gation had an opportunity to in his car resulted in an appear|personally welcome the new Constable Douglas Jordan, of} Ladies from the recently. the Whitby Detachment, OPP, formed "Presbyterian Women" 401 Feb. 22. "When the vehicle stopped I RU WA ' St. John's Anglican Church Johnston received 14 days for|of Mrs. Tom Coulthard, Dono- having liquor in a place other) Van Crescent, Held Over Until Saturday N Li |Luke 10:42, the Rev, W. J. S. oe 0 Licence; |His feet' and learn from Him." ance in Whitby Magistrate's|members and extend the friend- told the court he had noticed a/ organized and served the lunch, noticed the driver hiding some- than his residence and an addi-| President Mrs, Peter Bird in- WHITBY Evening Show Starts At 7:30 ONE COMPLETE SHOW ONLY Storring: Alec Guinness Anthony Quinn PRICES -- FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT ADULTS---1.00; STUDENTS--65e; CHILDREN--35¢ e@ Saturday Matinee Attraction @ "Operation Madball" Regular Show -- Saturday Evening 7:30 P.M. The hymn of dedication was ny sale was enjoyed. Light re-|I Heard the Voice of Jesus| ni ~~~. |Say"' and the very suitable an-| jwho led the group in prayer, March 5 of a halfemillion persons. A group is now formed in Toronto. Chancellor H, Watters thank: ed Father on the Council's be-! half for his talk, CR WORK AND PRAY | Christian Reformed Church \ ork and Pray held its meeting | Thursday evening at the Church) Hall, The meeting was opened by) President Mrs, W. Bouwma with) |the singing of a hymn and pray- jer, and welcomed everyone,| There were 16 members present | and one guest, Mrs, J. Hoog- steen, Scripture was read by Mrs. G, Jonkheer, Introduction followed 'Heide- jberg Catechism Lord's Day) |Seven". This was done by Mrs. | J, Vangrootheest. | During the intermission re- freshments were served by Mrs. | Cameron Linneli and Mrs, W. | Bwwma, A miscellaneous dis- }cussion was held, | Suggestions were made to ob- jtain new members to join the jgroup, Members will contact |prospective members, | | Mrs, F. Roorda was in charge of the "Bible Game". The meet- jing closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. J, Vangroot- heest. | ' The next meeting will be held ! We'll Bring Your TV Back to Its Peak 'el Pronto! Getting zebra stripes, "snow"? Picture fading of shrinking? Whatever's wrong with your TV, we'll, make RIGHT. Our our prices modest, L. GS, ELECTRONICS Blair Park Pleze--Whitby PH. 668-8311 Servicing - Whitby, Ajex, Pick- ering, Brooklin, Oshewe and and BUSINESS of their Told [n Complete Detai Surrounding Aree. Objectives - Community Relations -- Developments Che Oshawa Cimes BUSINESS:INDUSTRIAL REVIEW ' '64 Topay The Circulation Department of the Oshawa Times; 86 King Street East, Oshawa, will mail copies of the Progress Edition to your friends and relations anywhere. YOUR INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY 15c (INCLUDING POSTAGE) PER COPY. PHONE 723-3474

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