Attend the Church of Your Choice CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, sey s 9 ec aoe 7 : FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Scientist, OSHAWA which, since its organization In 1922, has been quietly forwarding the study and practice of the healing works of Christ Jesus. Sunday Service and Sunday School, Wednesday, Service and Testimony Meetings 8 p.m. Reading Room open Tuesday 1:00 -- 4:00 p.m. (except legal holidays) -- 64 Colborne St. East. All are Welcome. SIMCOE ST. UNITED 66 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Simcoe Street United Church is one of the great historic churches of this section of Ontario. A small society was established in 1818. This later grew into a Sunday School and then a flourishing congregation which in 1837 built their own church on King St. West. By 1860 this building proved inadequate and in 1867 the cornerstone of the present edifice was laid. Today, at the corner of Simcoe and Bagot streets, Simcoe Street United Church rears its proud and beautiful spire. Since 1948 Rey. John K. Moffat has ministered to this church of 1,400 members that stands ready to go for- ward with a progressive Oshawa. HESE CHURCHES OF OSHAWA WORK SCOTT AND MANNING ROAD Westminster United Church began in January of 1958, when a letter was sent to the Oshawo Presbytery of the United' Church of Canada, asking that consideration be given to the organization of a new congregation in the Garrard-Kendalwood Area, May_! Ith of that year, the first worship service was held in the Dr. Robert Thornton School, with over 100 persons in attendance, Mr. Gordon Rayotte, a student from Queen's Theological College conducted the first service, On November 16th 1958 Westminster was officially constituted as a Second Church in the. Westmount Charge, with 41 members enrolled as Charter members and Rev. H. Gibb officiating as minister. . During 1959 a lof at the corner of Scott St. and Manning Rd. wos purchesed and building commenced. Until the opening of the present church on April 3rd., 1960 services were held each week at Thornton's Corners Sunday School, It is noteworthy that this was accomplished in less than two years, Rev. Gibb was succeeded by the Rey, Frank Ward, who was in turn succeeded by the Rev. John Porter, now officiating. The church is located in a strategic area, that will one day - perhaps in the near future - become the link between Oshawa ond Whitey. It is inter> esting to note that since 1958, and a Charter Membership of 41 the congre- gation has grown to a membership of 242 The congregation is serving an increasing number of people in a variety of ways; and welcomes the opportunity of helping to mould the moral ond Spiritual Character of a Community of such great promise, TOGETHER TO BUILD BETTER CITIZENS . 'Ss rans GRACE LUTHERAN CROMWELL AVE and HWY. 401 gate sapesonnanee In 1928 a group of Lutherans living In Oshawa but worshipping in Toronto, asked the Ontario District of the Lutheran Church-Missourl Synod to begin services in Oshawa, This was the start of Grace Lutheron Church, First Resident Pastor wos Rev, A, C. Hahn, In 1931 the first church at 154 Albert St. was built for a Contract price of $5,315.00. As the parish grew facilities became crowded, end the church was sold in 1960. In May of 1961 the beoutiful strikingly modern new Grace Church wos dedicated on property lo- cated at Hwy. 401 ond Pork Road. Valuation of the new church and site is about $200,000, Groce church hos grown rapidly in recent years to a present mem- bership of 550. In 1963 100 baptized members including 50 con- firmed members were added to the congregation, The Present Pastor, the Rev. Philip L, Fiess was inducted into office in October of 1962. In addition to his duties at Grace he is President of The Ontario District of the Lutheran Church-Canada (Mo. Synod) Assistont to the Pastor is Vicor F, Edward Nelson, a Saskotchewan Native, and Student of Concordia Seminary, Springfield, llinois, Lay President of Groce Church is Mr. Les Curran, Lloyd St., Oshawa, ST. HEDWIG'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OLIVE AVE, EAST The over 2,000 people of Polish origin play quite an important role in the development of our city. Reoords show that as far back as 1851, ther were inhabitants of Polish descent in Oshawa, Following the Second Worl War the Polish population grew to a major ethnic group, In October 1952, St. Hedwig's parish was founded, with the Rev, Peter Klita O.M.|. as the first pastor, In February, 1953 o tract of land wos purchased, on which land, now stonds St, Hedwig's Church, Felician sisters' convent and St, Hedwig's separate School, in 1954 the basement of the church was completed, ¢ corner stone was blessed by Cardinal McGuigan and the basement began to be used temporarily as their church. Because of ill-health Father P, Klita resigned and wos succeeded by The Rev, F. Kwiakowski O.M.I., in November 1955. Construction of the upper section of the church began in 1960 dnd was completed in June 1961, at which time the Most Rev, P, F, Pocock, coadjutor Archbishop of Toronto blessed the new church dedica to St, Hedwig. That day a dream of the parishioners, whe had labored so faithfully since 1952, come true, The Polish ple of Oshawa have a beautiful church, @ modern. conception of the gothic style, It will serve them and generations to come for religious, cultural and national purposes, CHURCH OF ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SIMCOE STREET NORTH ST. GREGORY THE GREAT 1841-1964 St. Gregory the Great was the first Roman Catholic Church to be built in the year 1841 -- rebuilt in the year 1894 to its present size and beauty, The present Church seats 400 and is to accommodate 900 families in an area that is rapidly growing. Statistics of 1963; Baptisms - 223; Communions 75,000: Marriages 66: Confirmations - 162: two Separate Schools in the Parish with an enroll- ment of 805 pupils, ln 1963 a new Baptistry was added due to the generosity of the late Mrs. Sarah MacKenzie. The present Pastor Rt. Rev. P. M. Dwyer came to Oshawa in March 1949, : CHURCH of JESUS CHRIST of LATTER-DAY SAINTS CORNER ROSSLAND RD, and THORNTON'S From a membership of 50 in 1950 the Church of Jesus Christ of Lotter-day Saints (Mormon) in the Oshawa district has grown to @ membership of 384, This includes a Sunday School in Ajax and a branch in Cobourg. This increase is due, to a great extent, to the missionary system of the Church. Young men and women leave their homes for a period of two years and without remuneration bring the message of the gospel to anyone who desires to hear of the restora- tion of the Church of Jesus Christ, os instituted by Him, in these the letter days, There ore now six missionaries serving in this district full-time while being maintained by their families who are hundreds >f miles away, ~ In 1958 the Oshowa Word purchased: two acres of land on the south-west corner of Thornton and Rossland Roads, The first phase of a four-phase building progrom estimoted at $300,000.00 wos begun in August 1960 ond was finished for use in March 1961 at @ cost. of $75,000.00. This class-room section will be free of debt In March 1964 and plans will be made to begin the second and third phoses, which contain the chapel and junior sunday school, at an estimated cost of $120,000.00. The fourth phase, the recreation bm et an estiomted cost of $100,000.00 will be added at a later te. Sf. Luke's Presbyterian ROSSLAND ROAD WEST ~ he latest addition to the cause of Presbyterionism in Oshowa, Sty Luke's Church, Rossland Rd, W., was formally organized April. 10th, 1960, with 36 charter members. The Rev, K. J, Matthews wos mine ister, with elders from Knox Church as an Assessor Session to guide the affairs of the new Congregation until they were in a position te elect a Session from among their own members. The Congregation had been meeting in the Adelaide McLaughlin Public School since November 29th, 1959, and continued there until their present portable church, built by men of the Congregation, was opened and dedicated October 2nd, 1960. The Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, formerly of Dundalk, Ont., wos appoint. ed minister June Ist, 1962, after Mr, Matthews had accepted a cow to Hagersville, Ont. The present membership of the Congregation is 104, while the Church School, under the direction of Mr, A. C. Craigie, has on enrollment of 95, Other activities, in addition to the ession 'and Board of Managers, include a recently formed Bible Study Group, two women's organizations, Junior and Senior Choirs, the 25th Oshawa Scouts and Cubs and the 21st Oshawa Girl Guides and Brownies. Plans are now being mode for the building of a new church in the not too distent future, on the present site. The Building Committee ts headed by Mr. G, W. Riehl, with Wm. Milne of Oshawa the NORTHMINSTER UNITED SIMCOE ST. NORTH and ROSSLAND RD, is eo Ee | = = "Northminster United Church stands ot the "'crossroads"' of Simcoe Street North and Rossland Road. It is central in on ever-growing residential orea, We trust thot our efforts to make it @ warm and friendly Church are effective. Certainly the mony activities ore well attended, and led by many very loval and devoted folk. We hove as slogan, 'A CHURCH SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY'. Thet should Identify it with the mony other Churches which are striving to im- plement the purpose of Him Who, responsive to His Father, said, "'l om come thot they might have life, ond thot they might have it more ebundontly' of Our interest is not provincial. We are happy to shore in the orgonized Movement to provide Churches in farther-out: areas. We look -and serve across the seas. And, we ore happy to have a small port in the greot work of Alcoholics Anonymous, one Group of which meets in our Lower Hall every Thursday ot 8:30 p.m May even the very structure give visibility by day and by night to those resources by which our deeper needs Ore served sto omneremageeesr esq RITSON RD. BAPTIST RITSON ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA In the past few years the Ritson Rd. Boptist Church has shown: great progress, It seems that not too long ago there were only thirty-three children in Sunday School, now praise God we have a record of one hundred attending. Each of our fifty-three church members help to support Mary Amalia a faithful missionary in Somalia, Our weekly activities include Young People's with on average of twenty in attendance. The group have adopted a small Korean Orphan boy and have supported him financially and with much prayer. Each Wednesdoy both the adults and the Young People meet for Bible Study and Prayer, Once a month the Women's Circle gathers for discussion and prayer. Their main desire is to send porcels to the poor, not only in for off lands but also here in our own home 'town, Summertime shores in the activity of Vacation Bible School which mony children of all ages attend, With God's help, we hope in the very near future to enlighten our Church with a New Boy's Brigade class. Our Pastor Jeck Shakotko who came to us from Swon River, Manitoba in 1960 has been a great encouragement to each and every one of us. God truly hos blessed us in the past end our goal is to do more for him in the future Ft THE SALVATION ARMY 133 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH The Salvation Army, will, this year, celebrate eighty years of faith. fully proclaiming the Gospel, and of efficient service to the people of Oshawa and surrounding district, Thus in the year, 1884, the Arm "opened fire" and the officer in charge was Captain Scott, A boo of Salvation Army History states that the first meeting place was the Town Hall which was rented and when the use of the hall was denied the congregation, a tent was used. In 1910, a corner stone was loid for a new Citadel by R, Robert McLaughlin Esq.; this building re- mained till 1959, and then was renovated and with a new addition, fe the present Citadel, 'at the corner of Simcoe St. South and John ft, At present there are three hundred soldiers, one hundred and fifty adherents and two hundred and twenty-five members in the Sunday School. An excellent Band and Songster Brigade bring blessing ahd cheer to mony, The Welfare work of the local corps has expanded so that a full time worker is employed. These facts and figures indicate the steady growth of the Salvation Army in Oshawa. The Officers commanding the Oshawa Corps are Major and Mrs. Fred Lewis. SON Lt a ST. MARKS ANGLICAN CHURCH STEVENSON'S RD NORTH, and BEURLING AVE. Beginning with a few families some ten years ago, the arish has grown to over 200 families on the Church list oving from a portable Church building to the first unit of a permanent building in 1959, the present basement- Church is all too inadequate to accommodate the needs 2f the congregation. There is a growing Sunday School, and varidus organisations, including: two W.A. Branches, 3. A. group a branch of the J.A., Girl Guides, Scouts, Brownies, a boy's hockey team, Men"s Association, Ser- vers, Double's Club, Bible Class, etc, With the increasing support, it is expected that, the Church will be com- pleted within the next two years, When this is realised, the present basement will become the parish hall, and be more spacious. eae The upper portion of the building will be of brick, and situated on such a choice site in the community, will no doubt become a strong centre of worship and social fellowship. Church Services are 8 a.m., 11 a.m., and 7 p.m., each Sunday, and on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Holy Communion, As one of the Churches also of the Universal Guild of Divine Healing, the Laying on of Hands upon the sick, or even anyone who is not ill, is practised when requested at the Wednesday celebrations. Family worship is stressed, and it isa common sight to see parents with their children coming to the communion rail, when each child is blessed. Whilst the parish is still subsidized by the Church/Exten- sion Committee, it is anticipated that, self support will be reached next year, thus marking increased interest and support on the part of the congregation. " SERRA BA BAIN HO y