Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1964, p. 39

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34 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, Febiuary 28, 1964 ry oo * ree OLYMPIC-SIZED SWIMMING POOL AT SIMCOE HALL BOYS' CLUB in personal problems, to assist in |building good citizens. The first settlement house was established in London, England, by the Reverend S, A, Barnett in 1884, The first Boys' Club was established in Hartford, Connec- ticut, in 1860. It was known as the Dashaway Boy's Club and like Simcoe Hall was under the direction of a Women's League Welfare League Started In '28 | In 1928 a group of womenjpled Children's banded together and formed the/Treatment Centre Women's Welfare League of|pROVIDE SERVICES Fs d Oshawa, Their purpose was to Until 1951, Simcoe Hall pro- began pe Mi Ph a begin: assist the needy people of this) yided%ervices for the children in|ning of the Boys' Clubs of Amer- city, as there was no welfare/the community with the. mini-jjca, The Boys' Clubs of Can- department as we know it today:/mum facilities, but with thelada is affiliated with the Am- Through the years the work andjerection of the gymnasiumlerican organization, There are responsibilities of the Women's/pyilding we were able to meetiover 80 boys clubs in Canada Welfare 'League increased. In/the standards of the Boys' Clubs|from Newfoundland to British| these early years the. work Of!of Canada and like many other|Columbia. Each club is operated the league was conducted from|settlement houses in the Unitedias a separate self-governing the homes of the members. States and Canada, we becamejunit. The Boys' Clubs of Canada| Later space was provided at'members of the Boys' Clubs,|is in fact an association of in- the Times Building on Simcoe'Settlement Houses and Boys'|dependent Boys' Clubs. To be street south. Clubs have much in common,|a member. club, each club must In 1935 the late Mr. Charles Each is established to supple-|have a qualified staff, be open Robson, donated his former re- ment the homes in the commun-|afternoons and evenings at least sidence at 387 Simcoe street\ity by providing space, equip-|five days each week and follow south, to the league to be oper-| ment and guidance _ for\a program of safety and other ated as Simcoe Hall Settlement|{he Promotion of wholesome|measures as laid down by the House. In the same year the companionship, to give counsel/national office. The National Of. Women's Wefare League be- came chartered as a charitable organization. School and In 1951 after a successful cam- 'paign for funds by members of the league, a gymnasium build- ing was added to the premises toa provide the necessary space for the many children in the neighborhood. In 1960 another building was added to assist with the league's welfare work In June, 1963, the Board of Edu- cation and City Council, made the Bloor street school, at Bloor street and Harmony road avail- able for the Simcoe Hall Crip- Add To Yo CALL JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LTD. 254 CEDAR. VALLEY DR, PHONE 723-7122 An Important Message to the Women of Oshawa and District! GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. NOW! ... UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEES ALL DRY CLEANING We Will Accept Full Resonsibility for BUCKLES, BUTTONS and BELTS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED! Next Time TRY Oshawa"s Finest and Fastest Dry Cleaning Service ... Gullard 92 WOLFE STREET, OSHAWA CLEANIT SERVICE LIMITED TELEPHONE 725-3555 |ited only by the ecae facilities are Grasso Firm z Boys' Clubs and Settlement Sole Agent Houses place special emphasis on serving children not served by any other organization and) Grasso Pneutatic, 601 Brock north in Whitby, is the sole Ca- nadian agent for the Royal most boys' clubs are not sole'y Grasso Machinery Company for boys, most clubs have an equally good program. for girls. ro eee git : with headquarters in Holland, Sales, service and parts are Clubs are open from after school available for a wide range of in the afternoon to suppertime equipment including: drills, and from 7 o'clock to 9,00 in the evening and from early grinders, hammers, shears and air compressors, Saturday morning until late Sat- urday afternoon and in the hours when the facilities are not! 4 network of distributors across the country, and a great many industrial firms rely on used by children the buildings the Whitb," firm to supply them are made available to adults, At Simcoe Hall the program with the best machinery avail- able, includes speech correction So far, distributorships have classes, piano lessons and prac: tice periods, nursery school, been set up in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia. after school gym groups, craft classes, woodworking, stamp The Whitby agency itself covers the area from Ajax to Peter: club, chess and checker club, borough. badminton, basketball, floor hockey, archery, junior fish and Ly ho eg ge ld Grasso also carries a line of layschool and the many other a yeaa ' : activities that are of interest to/machinery by the oo hoes shild jucts Corporation of St, Lous sat helt Missouri, These include Mar- FRIENDLY WAY nen ; Over the years the directors! : and staff of Simcoe Hall have| view Park district as the ideal i vel tivities in) Site : rag Pshpoond ee yet || With this information at hand a flexible program' and an open|committee was snyaaiiee sel sa door policy to attract young.-|fund raising and a8 lagi sters, particularly those who do|20, 1963, the second Simcoe Ha Inot come easily or naturally to| (Simcoe Hall Eastview) was organized clubs. The work at opened, The first week the club Simcoe Hall has been made|Was in operation proved that more effective by the contin-|t{he survey was correct for over \fice provides a continuous pro-jyity of staff and directors overjone thousand boys and girls re- gram service and scholarships|the recent years, The staff has|sistered to take part in the for senior boys at the Sirjcome to know many of the|activities. Within one month |George Williams University in|ehildren and their family back-|over two thousand children had Montreal, The Naffonal Office! ground and the parents and chil-|registered, The new Simcoe Hall also provides short courses in/dren have come to know. the|is well designed, it has a regula- |staff training from working with|staff and often bring their prob-|tion gymnasium, carefully plann- aera to building mainten-jems to Simcoe Hall ed club rooms er 25 gpa ance, In many instances the Na- hed dike or »|swimming pool which will ac- jtional Office has assisted new ae _ rvenibly exist without; commodate up to 150 children at jclubs with capital expenses. Al-\the help of volunteer workers, Injone time. The program at the though each club must live up|1963 Simcoe Hall Settlement|new club is basicelly the same to the standards set by the Na-|House had over 120 volunteer|45. at the Simcoe Street Club, tional Office, each club is com-| workers assisting with different| Simcoe Hall Settlement House pletely independent' in its oper-|phases of our work. The major|a%d Boys' Club, Simcoe street ation with its own local board of| problem at Simcoe Hall over the! south, Simcoe Hall Crippled directors, past few years has been the lack|Children's School and Treatment All clubs are. non-sectarianjof facilities for the many chil-/Centre and the Simcoe Hall both in leadership and director: {dren and because of this prob-|Boys' Club (Eastview) are flow hammers and the Biue Dart Alberto-Culver's Canadian op-| One thing is sure enough. The sander especially designed forjeration, says that during the|new products will take a heal- the automatic industry, coming year two mére products|thy share of the company's ad- J. A, Mtchell, sole owner of] Will join the sales lineup, But/vertising budget. An annual ex- Grasso Pneumatic runs the|until they do, he says, their/penditure which makes Alberto- agency with the help of two|"@mes and nature will be a!Culver Canada's biggest buyer part-time employees. Mr. Mit strict secret, lof television advertising spots. chell plans to be present at his compan"s exhibit in the British Columbia Industrial and Trade Fair May 13 to 23. "Alberto" Sales Climb While some companies boast they 'march abreast" 'of their sales, one Oshawa firm has to run and then leap some to keep up with its booming business, Alberto - Culver of bank will make iis next big 'eap for- ward sometime this year when it more than doubles present/ office and plant space. : The Canadian subsidiary of a) Melrose, Ill. firm, Alberto- Culver entered this country like an infant with a silver spoon in its mouth in 1960, Two years later it tripled its original of- fice and plant space from 10,000/ to 30,000 square feet, | Sometime this spring, another 42,000 square feet will be added to give a total of 72,000 feet of floor space. | As the sweet smell of success hangs pungent over the Oshawa plant, more than $1 million a year pours from company cof- fers into television advertising of 14 different lines ranging from skin lotions to shampoo, Among well - known products made by Alberto-Culver are: Al: berto VO5 hairsprays and sham- poo; New Dawn permanent hair coloring;, Calm deodorant; and the Command line of men's toi- letries, Jack Soderling, in charge of! PNEUMATIC COMPANY Air Tools--Compressors--Equipment Die Grinders - Horizontal Grinders - Vertical Grinders. Drills--Lightweight and Heavy Duty Hammers--Lightweight and Heavy Duty Screwdrivers - Shears - Sanders Rammers - Polishers PERFECTING SERVICE COMPANY-- Lubricators - Filters - Regulators BLUE DART--Automotive Speed Sanders BRECO--Pushomatic Quick Couplers-- ' Blow Guns BRUNNER--Air Compressors JASONS--Air Guns MARFLOW--<Automotive Hammers Air Hose and Fittings SALES--SERVICE--PARTS--RENTALS For All Your Air Requirements Call... GRASSO PNEUMATIC CO. P.O, BOX 41, 601 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONT, WHITBY: 668-4623 -- TORONTO; 757-7877 ship; race, color, creed or econ-|lem a survey was conducted.|supported by the Greater Osh- omic status is no bar to anyone.|This survey clearly indicatedjawa Community Chest with the of The number children bene-|the need for a second Simcoelassistance of grants from the fiting from a boys' club is lim-!Hall and showed. that the East- City of Oshawa. We're proud GUARANTY PROGRESS 1964 HISTORY IS PROVING... Organized Labor Can Achieve A Better Living Standard for All Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first exist- ed. Labor is the superior of capital, and de- serves much the higher consideration. (Abe Lincoln) OSHAWA & DISTRICT LABOR COUNCIL (CHARTERED BY C.L.C.) of own port in Community COMPANY progress! OF CANADA TRUST @ Highest INTEREST Paid @ Interest STARTS FROM DAY OF Deposit @ CHEQUING PRIVILEGES | @ DEPOSITS BY MAIL--Postoge Paid Both Ways le Longer Hours: Monday to Thursday -- 9 to $ Friday -- 9 to 9 Saturday -- 9 to 1 GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA 32. KING STREET EAST | PHONE 728-1653 IN Canada's ON SAVINGS Largest Independent Trust : Company fo

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