KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MARK BROTHERHOOD WEEK A LARGE GATHERING, representing many faiths, at- tended the Brotherhood Week B'Nai_ B'Rith; Tony Mer- ringer, Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus; Rev. Hebrew congregation; Cecil Elliott, Oshawa Shrine Club and Harold Crawford, repre- Len Cole, IOOF; Acting Mayor H ay ward Murdoch; Major Fred Lewis of the Sal- Park Unit Executive Completed The election of Mrs. Stan SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 19 The Oshawa Times 64 PAGE THIRTEEN Wilkinson as secretary, at a recent meeting, gives the North Oshawa Neighborhood Associa- tion a full slate of officers. The officers are: Mel Hodg- son, president; Larry Emmons, vice - president; Leon Victor, treasurer; Mrs, Stan Wilkinson, | § secretary; Harold Hopkins, sports chairman and Larry Emmons, building administra- tor. With the association's drive for funds to complete the com- munity centre past the half way mark, receipts to date total about $1,380, This is less than half the $3,000 needed to com- plete the building. It is felt, however, the quota will be met and material to complete the centre may be purchased before April 1 when the increased tax will apply. The association voiced appre- ciation to those who have con- tributed in money and labor during the canvass. A banquet will be held for the park hockey team which has done well and is tied for first place. Ballet and baton lessons are about to begin. Registrations will be held at the community centre from 9 to 11 a.m., Sat- urday, Feb. 29. It was announced that coaches and managers for the| boys' and girls' softball teams! are needed. Those interested in| assisting in this work are ask-| ed to call Harold Hopkins. The meeting learned the Sat- urday night euchre parties have} LEGION HONORS TRACK CLUB PRESIDENT vation Army; Thomas L. Wil- son, Oshawa Shrine Club; Ben Crozier, B'Nai B'Rith and James Smyth, district deputy of the K of senting the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In the lower picture, from left, are Ed. Clarke, chairman; S. R. Alger, Oshawa Shrine Club; Richard Jones, who delivered the address; Rt. Rev. Mon- signor Paul Dwyer, K of C chaplain; Rabbi Martin Kut- ziner, pastor of the Oshawa meeting Tuesday night in the Knights of Columbus Hall. Seen in the upper picture, from left, are Al. Rich, presi- dent of the Oshawa Lodge of _ | --Oshawa Times Photos been a success, Recent winners were Maseine Brock, Robert) |Armstrong, Bertha Drinkle and) |Reginald Ellis. | The association will hold its) jnext general meeting at 2 p.m.,| | Sunday, March 1, | Fire Damages Chesterfield Mrs. Phillip O'Neill awakened -- early was bedroom of her home at 209 Burk street. A chesterfield in the living|speak on the oper: Members of the sports com- mittee of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion, at their Tuesday meeting, conferred an honorary presidency on Ben Fallman, president of the Oshawa Track and Field Club. Mr. Fallman, a former presi- dent of the Shamrock Athletic 'Club, was prominent for many years in track and field work in the Oshawa district. Seen from left are Barclay Law, chairman -of the Oshawa Track and Field Council; Mr. Fallman; Morris Proctor, s Branch 43 president and Des Bellew, chairman of the Cen- tral Ontario Branch of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada. --Oshawa Times Photo ~~ | Will Discuss Need | O shawa Wins Praise | Information Centre The need for a Catholic In- formation Centre will be con- sidered this Thursday by the today when|Catholic Luncheon Club 'at its Mon-| smoke began to seep into the/noon meeting in Hotel Genosha.| Rev. CSP, Bernard J. O'Keefe, a Paulist Father, will ation of The| dentistry Tuesday praised Osh-|tooth tissue because of its room was on fire and had been|Catholic Information Centre in|4Wa as "a wise community" for/unique nature. Teeth, he ex- slowly smouldering ed on it. | Fire fighters were called and jremoved the chesterfield from |the room. Damage was restrict- led to this piece of furniture jwhich was valued at $150. The Firefighters also answer- led three routine ambulance |calls Tuesday. Driver Fined Set At $1,783,405 ' ' when he pleaded guilty, program and capital budget to-|ment based on 700 new consum-|ing transformer additions or|erator's licence. ments, - ers as required during the year|struct additional 4KV_ feeder'wrong name when he was ment with $957,340 earmarked STREET LIGHTING \27F8, $5,000; to construct addi-/but did not try to deceive po- from Stevenson road and the) 9.9! vcan. 'street eae ae lond on feeder 349F4,) Oe serious part of the of- tracks to the pumping station) on Grandview street south at a Watt units), $2,100. Projects carried over from ticipates that $756,065 will pro-jimg extensions 'n new subdivi-| vault at King and Simcoe street, | Stevenson road north sub-station|cury vapor luminaires on Bloor|on Simcoe street north at Wil- Hugh Mcullough, 146 Wil- The Oshawa Public Utilities|sumers, based on 700 new con-jments which may Become nec-\day, in Oshawa' Magistrate's talling $1,783,405 Monday for thejers, $43,000; allowance for ex-jing transformer additions or) Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck The lion's share of the budget|(based on cost during 1963)/from M.S. No, 3 (Richmond|stopped. He also had a Toronto : lt : : for such projects as the con- EXTENSIONS tional 4KV feeder from M.S.\lice with it. j.| lieve Canadian National Railway; [tence Sos vine tbo. ame at a cost of $500,000, and the/o" Stone street from Evange-iUNDERGROUND @onstructi cost of $100,000. New projects: Allowance to previous years: Transfer exist- vide for such expenditures as:|Sions as required during 1964,/$5,800; construct transformer} and the installation of under- street west from Park road to)liam street, $4,800. Club Is Worried About Good Name i:.isins: f C way si since a) Toronto. 4 said McCullough gave police a lighted cigaret had been drop-| Father O'Keefe has been en-| Plies. gaged in teaching Catholicism to non-Catholics and in regular bi-monthly discussions with pro- fessors of Protestant Theology from the University of Toronto for some time. Society Guests Ajax Meeting A very enjoyable evening was spent on Monday when some members of the Oshawa Society were guests of the Ajax Society at | accepting fluoridated water sup-|plained, once fully formed do| medicare plans Dr. K, J. Paynter, head of the department of Oral Anatomy, of Dent' try, was addressing a meeting of Oshawa Kiwanis Club at the Hotel Genosha. He termed arguments by those opposing fluoridation "'use- less and sometimes even dis- honest", Fluoridation had met with such popular acceptance that the onus is now on those who oppose it to prove it harmful. Research into fluoridation, he said, is only one of many as- jpects of dental research -- the not continually discard and re- new tissue. It was only necessary there- the child under examination grew up, to measure the rate of human absorption of fallout there. Dr. Paynter estimated that between $350,000 and $400,000 search in Canada this year. This would average under two cents per capita compared with a per capita dental treatment bill of nearly $5. Financing of dental research comes from industry as well as would be spent on dental re- PUC Capital Budget Nelicence apita uaget | jliam street east, was' fined $35 Commission approved a works|sumers, $21,500; meteringe quipjessary through the year, includ-|Court to driving without an op- electric, water and bus depart-'tensions to serve new custom-jreplacements, $35,000; to con- is taken by the water depart-|$40,000. |street) to relieve load on feeder|man's licence in his possession struetion of a 30-inch watermain Prajecta : carried |No. 2 (Hillcroft street) to re-) arasistrate Frank Ebbs said jeur avenue to Stone street and/*"' |name. on.of # booster station|!ine drive to east end (16-300/RETTERMENTS The electric depattment an-|cover the cost of street light-jing services to the transformer a complete $37,900 addition to a/$10,000; to install 400 watt mer-| vault in downtown business area ground primary service vault transformer installations|cloverleaf and Stevenson road and on the at Stevenson road Office equipment, accounting machinery and associated equip- to large apartments, a proposedjand Hwy. 401 (28 units) on Con-\ment: $10,000. Truck replace- motel, the municipal arena andjcrete poles, $9,400. larger shopping centres at. a cost of $44,000. TO BUY TWO BUSES The bus department proposed expenditure of $70,000 includes two buses which will cost $67,- 000, The remainder provides for tools, equipment, other vehicles and general needs Other anticipated expenditures for the electric department ar as follows: NEW PROJECTS Proposd purchase of two sub- station sites, $16,000; To grade asphalt, and fence addition to parking area on Bagot street -- electric department portion, $6,500; sundry-changes and ad- ditions to existing substations, $4,000; Replace two: 3000 KVA transformers at M.S. No. 8 on Stevenson road south with two 5,000 KVA transformers and in- stalt suitable water heater con- trol equipment, $28,000 Install additional 3.000 KVA transformer and 4 KV_ switch- gear at M.S. No. 6 on Farewell avenue, $31,500; sundry changes and additions to existing trans mission lines, $3,000: rebuild ex isting transmission line south of Court street substation on Osh awa Railway right-of-way Jackson street, $4,900 SUBSTATIONS AND EQUIPMENT Projects cz from previous years -- Complete ad "dition to M.S. No. 4 on Steven son road north -- to include the installation of 5,090 KVA trans- former and 4 KV switchgear purchased in 1963 (section "A" has been delivered, section is ready for delivery), $37,900 Instal! water heater control equipment at M.S. No. 5 on Ste- venson road north (This equip- ment is the neutral injection tyne and is suitable for use with 2.500 KVA transformers) $1,400 To cover the Commission share of the cost to insta!] storm sewer and catch basin at Court Street Substation -- M.S. No. 1 (This work has been completed but not billed in 1963 $5,000 OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION EXTENSIONS to over PROJECTS CARRIED FORWARD Convert existing street lights on Stevenson road north from Adelaide to Rossland and on Rossland from Stevenson road to Simeoe street to 400 watt mercury vapor units (43 units), $4,700; convert existing street lights on Rossland road from Simcoe street to Ritson road land on Ritson road from Ross- land to Adelaide to 400 watt mercury vapor units (29 units), $3,200; convert existing street lights on Athol. street from Mary to Wilson road to 250 watt mercury vapor units (41 units), $2,500. NEW PROJECTS Sundry 'small $2,000 Convert 101 existing incandes- cent street lights to 400 watt mercury vapor units in the fol- towing areas: Park road - Ade- laide to Rossland, 230 units; Chureh' street-King to Adelaide, 21 units; Gibbon street - King to Adela'de, 10 units; vicinity Osh- awa General Hospital, 17 units; Ritson road - Bloor to Simcoe, 20 units; Adelaide avenue-Mary to Ritson, 10 units. -- $11,200. 3RGROUND SIONS New projects: Sundry small extensions, $1,000; allowance to possible extensions to underground subdivisions (to cover Commission's share of cost only), $14,000; to install underground primany_ services and vault transformer installa- betterments, over «py itions to large apartments, pro-| posed motel, municipal arena and larger shopping centres. $44,400; to extend downtown underground duct system on Bond street from Ontario street to just east of Mary street and on. Victoria street from cost of approximately 950 ft. of duct and manholes, $23,800. OVERHEAD BETTERMENTS Projects carried over from previous years: Rebuild Mary street from Aberdeen to Hill- roft street, $4,500; replace /ments and additions, electric de- partment portion: $40,060. Flat rate and meter rental installa- tions, based on 1800: $198,000 Flat rate water heater control relays -- based on 600: $11,500. Indicating control panel for mi- cromax, substation, water heat- ers and steel lighting: $4,000 Sundry items. for the engineer- ing, construction and mainten- ance, stores, office, electric lines, meter and sales depart- ments reached $11,485 The estimated budget for the water department also includes WATER MAINS AND SERVICES Projects carried forward from jprevious years -- 12-inch water main on John street from Park road south to Centre street, $30,000; 8-inch water main on Harmony road south at CPR (to take advantage of proposed bridge construction) $9,000. New projects -- 12-inch water! main and renew existing ser- vices (on the street only) on King street west from McMillan drive to Park road, $30,000; Service renewals on King street east from Wilson road to Riv- erside drive, during pavement reconstruction, $4,000; Service renewals on Richmond street east from Patricia street to Rit- son road during pavement re- construction, $1,500; Service re-| newals on Church street from! Brock street to. Bond street.| during paving reconstruction and road widening, $4,000; Ser- vice renewals on Centre street from Athol street to Gibb street jduring pavement reconstruction j}and road widening. Also install \8-inch water main on John |street from Centre street main to west street line of Centre street, $6,000, | Rplacement of .4-inch water main with 6-inch on Harmony} }road south from Palace street to *<' Bond to King street to include Hoskin avenue, including service) transfers and renewals if re-| quired, $9,000;. Service renewals! on Bloor street east from Hol- jland street to Farewell. avenue! during pavement widening, $1,000; Service renewals on Park road south from Quebec street to Frontenac avenue dur-! Projects carried over from poles on Park road, south of|ing pavement widening, $1,000:| previous years -- Construct ad- ditional three phase feeder on Stevenson foad north from M.S. No. 5 at Marion av- enue to just south of Adelaide avenue, $6,200; Construct addi- tional three phase primary feed- er on King street east from Farewell avenue Harmony e440 NEW PROJECTS Sundry small. extens to road $7 King street presently owned by primary the B.T. Co, and to be removed, | harbor $4,300; rebuild Cromwell and Montrave avenues, from Pine avenue to Frontenac avenue, $11,200 NewProjects: Sundry small betterments, $15,000; allowance to cover Commission's share of e cost of moving po'es to modate work done bv thr ommod City of Oshawa, $4,000; allow Water main extension to serve! development, $80,000; | Sundry water main rearrange- ments to accommodate road construction, $4,000; Sundry wa- ter main extensions. $10,600; Sundry water service renewals, $15,000. HYDRANTS New projects -- Sundry arrangements, $5,000; . new } in Oshawa's Golden Hawk Rid- ers expressed concern for their good name, Tuesday. Worrying them, they said, were accusations that they were responsible for a series of call- ing-card threats against Whitby Town Police Officers The cards, threatening "Have Boots -- Will Stomp" were left in many public places in Whit- by last Friday and Saturday, They were signed "The Beach- joys'. "We've had quite a few peo- ple ask us if we've changed our names or had some calling cards printed," said Golden Hawk rider Dan Gallagher. DISCUSS MATTER He said that at a meeting of the motorcycle club Sunday, members had discussed the mat- ter and voted in favor of a move to clear the club's name "We're willing to co-operate with the Whitby police 100 per cent," Gallagher promised. "We think it's a very juvenile bunch trying to make a name for themselves "They obviously haven't got the guts to come out and say what they are going to do. Oth- erwise 'they would have made the threats in person." Gallagher said he had been informed Whitby police were now aware of The Beachboys' identity but were continuing in- vestigations. There was a picture In exist- Paynter's ad-|government sources, he said. |The amounts allowed research- ers had risen from next to noth- ing in 1945 to the present figure. {subject of Dr. its regular meeting. dress Also visiting were members of the Pickering and Bay Ridges)|MEASURE STRONTIUM 90 a ee as the Whitby! One valuable result obtained TURN AWAY MEMBERS zarden Club. lfrom dental research had been "The Golden Hawks is a good| Hugh Young of Stokes-Leeds,|a discovery of methods by whl noe FOR RESEARCH club," he asserted, "We turnjof St. Catharines, was the guest/accurate measurements of|_ 7¢Te ate two main reasons away membership applications)speaker. With the help of Mrs.|human absorption of Strontium/for dental research: 'To learn rather than have the reckless,)Young colored slides were/gg could be made. {more about human biology and rough ones in our club." shown of the test plots of new|-- jence of the group's members. "There are 10 of them," Gallag-| her noted. For Use Of Fluorine One of Canada's experts on| This could only be done with|to learn how to prevent dental diseases." On the subject of government Dr. Paynter said: 'It's coming; I don't think there's any question of that. "If and when dentistry is in- University of Toronto, Faculty|fore, to ascertain in which area| cluded in such a plan, we're go- ing to be committed to spending astronomical sums of money." He noted that at present, Ca- nadians spend about $100 mil- lion annually on dental care. "Even then," he said, "Only something slightly more than one-third of the people are get- ting adequate care." Even the teaching of student dentists was under the scrutiny of dental researchers, Dr. Pays ter said. Through changing methods and greater numbers of good dentists being made available, Canadians would be able to obtain even better care. "Dental research," he con- cluded, "is a young business. But it's growing quickly and it's growing well." He was introduced by his brother William Paynter and thanked by Dr. George Werry. He said the hawk on the and better annuals as grown in " Beac 5' C yas xac jtheir gardens | vention or the Glue Hewit cn: Many colorful and effective} George Martin blem. and many people haq/S'0UPS. were shown which} : drawn the conclusion the dae sare be, See avate Peed flower) Named President are one and the same. order ora private home. | | e one echelon. etal Si Martin was elected We'eve had so much bad} president of the Oshawa Pro- publicity, We just wanted to| Two Oshawa Cars| gressive Conservative Associa- clear our name, Gallagher tion, Tuesday night, after] 4 20-mile walk featuring Osh- concluded sod Placed In Rally Thomas M. Rundle, presidert/awa athlete Alex Oakley, was for the Jast three years, decid-|announced Tuesday by Des Bel- Oshawa Motor Sport Club hasjed not to run. ;received the provincial results} Mr. Rundle thought three lew, chairman of the Central GM Is Awarded ovincial re: Ontario branch of the Ontario of the recent Canadian Winterjyears as president was loag Rally. There were three cars|enough and wanted to give | D f ¢ t t Athletic Union, ! | Velence Vontrac entered from the Oshawa Club)someone else the opportunity Mr. Bellow made the an- : nouncement at a meeting of the OTTAWA (Special).-- Generaljin this test of man and ma-| The newly' elected executive/track and field committee and Motors Products of Canada/chine over 1250 gruelling miles,|is: first vice-president, Donald|officials of the Oshawa Folk Ltd., Oshawa, has been award-| A Volkswagen driven _ by|B. Dodds; second vice-president,|Festival which is scheduled to ed a $29,000 contract for the| Norm Ridgely and navigated by|Alex Shestowsky; third vice-jtake place on Dominion Day repair of standard motor/Gerry Pierson placed 56th out/president, Mrs, 0. C. Richard-|this year. Mr, Bellew said that vehicles during the year end-/of 141 entries. son; secretary, David L. Bow-|the marathon walk would be a ing March 31, 1965. | The Corvair of Dale Neil and man; and treasurer, Ray Lunn |feature of the day besides which Award of the contract was|Harry Cade placed 78th. Jack; The executive will choosea track meet would be held. ,announced here this week by,Noreau's and Bruce Rideout's|their own directors. | Hon, C. M. Drury, minister of| Volkswagen had mechanical) Honorary vice-presidents are:|PLAN TRACK MEET industry, The contract is oneldifficulties and they unfortun-/Senator Allister Grosart, Albert] He stated that a Bantam, boys of 89 unclassified defence con-|ately had to withdraw from the/V, - Walker, MPP; Michael|and girls under 14-years-of-age,, tracts for $10,000 or more/jevent, Starr, MP; Ruth Bestwick,,and a Midget, boys and girls jawarded by the department dur-| Considering the rally is one|president of Provincial Riding|under 16-years-of-age, track jing the latter half of January, |of the top rallies in the world| Association and Bill Thompson,|meet would be the special fea- | Total value of the contracts|these gentlemen put up a good/president of Federal Riding ture. 'is $8,743,588. show. | Association, George YOUTH Twelve youths from Cold Springs Camp toured The Osh- awa Times offices Tuesday as 900; service connections to con-iance for miscellaneous better-jstallations (50 at $600) §30,000.| part of an educational and Sales Total $1 Million By Mission TORONTO -- Economics and Development Minister Stanley J. Randall -said today Ontario's la- test sales mission to foreign markets has reported estimated sales of $1 million. The 10 companies on the mis- sion to New York have sold and electronic equipment to gloves and metal products. Companies represented are: O and W Electronics Limited, Speedy Shoe Recolor Limited, Avdel Limited, Domus Engin- eering Company, Heintzman and Company Limited, Topper Ar- tistic Products Limited, all of Toronto. Pedlar People Limited, Osh- awa; Infil Panels Limited and Winchester Western (Canada) Limited, Cobourg; Simcoe Mitt jand Glove Company Limited, 21d |Simcoe. : This was the Ontario govern- ment's 19th sales mission since we GROUP WATCHES NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION recreational | program The camp is situated north of New- tonville where 30 to 40 boys supervisor and a teacher were in charge of the group which had visited General Motors of Automotive Radio CKLB. Museum 20-Mile Walk For Festival "We hope to get such well known athletes as: Abby Hoff- man, Cathy Chapman and Tam- my Davies to compete," he said, "and if our efforts to get them here are not successful then we will try to get athletes of equally good calibre to take part." Chairman Barclay Law, of the Oshawa Track and Field Coun- cil, said that the Ontario Regi- ment will provide communica- tions between the marathon wal- kers and Alexandra Park. Mr. Law noted that Alex Oakley is in strict training for the Olym- pic Games at Tokyo and had completed 1,000 miles in 15 weeks during a training period which ended Sunday. During the meeting Mr. Law honored Ben Fallman, president of the Shamrock Athletic Club, until it merged with the Osh- awa Track Club, an organiza- tion which is under the sponsor- ship of Branch 43, Royal Cana- dian Legion. Mr. Law formally inducted Mr. Fallman as the first honorary president of the Oshawa Track Club. _ "The president organizations in Oshawa have owed' much to you during your 26 years with the Shamrock Athletic Club,"" Mr. Law remarked, "we hope that you will serve as well and give us your assistance in the years ahead of the new group." Bus And Auto In Collision An Oshawa PUC bus and pri- vate car collided, Monday, - on William street east, causing a total of $75 damage, No one was injured. The bus was driven by Alex- ander Macdonald, 376 Welland avenue and the car,by George Bloomer, 389 Gliddon avenue. Stanley Crowells, 380 Conant street, parked his car outside his home, Tuesday, and found it damaged to the extent of $30 when he returned*to it. The driver who had. collided with live an outdoor life. A camp Canada Ltd, the Canadian --Oshawa Times Photo |September 1962. him did not stop. Wty 4 |