Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1964, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 26, 1964 | 9 Courtice Guides And Brownies The second annual mother and daughter banquet of the Courtice Area Guides and Brownies Associations was held recently in Courtice United Church. The mothers and guests were greeted at the door by Guide Gail Bartlett and Suzanne Car- penter and Brownies Wendy Baker and Janice Collier. Special guests at the head table were District Commis- sioner, Mrs. Ross Hawke; Mrs. Ruby Courtice, representing the South Darlington School Board; Badge secretary, Mrs. Bruce Johnson; the Reverend John Romeril, Pastor of the Courtice Circuit; and acting as chair- Mother And Daughter Banquet WED BY CANDLE-LIGHT The Reverend John Leng of- ficiated at the candle-light ser- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byard King and her bride- man, Mrs, Charles Elliott, sec- retary-treasurer of the local as- sociation of Brownie and Guide mothers. Mrs, Charles Elliott proposed a toast to the Queen, Guide UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES dies who had prepared and served the banquet, The Brownies sang their Pack songs and the Guides sang their Guide Law and repeated thvir purpose, Awards were presented those who had earned them. A humorous skit, "The Shovt- ing of Dan McGrew", was por- trayed by Guides, Judy Bran- ton, Gail Walters, Pamela John. son, Vicki Ormstrup, Janice Johnson and Margaret Gvyne., Gail Walters played a piano solo and Heather Patterson per- formed a solo on the chord organ, A most enjoyable evening was brought to a close with the Guide Prayer and the singing of Taps. - SOCIAL NOTICE to J Penny Bickle proposed a toast to the mothers which was re- sponded to by Mrs, Garnet Goyne. ; After enjoying .a sumptuous repast served by the ladies of lCourtice Church UCW. The Reverend John Romeril spoke ito the Guides and Brownies on ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Neill, Ajax, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Barbara Jean, to Elwood Gor- don Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs, Aylmer Ward, Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, March 21, 1964 at 4.30 iary held a Valentine sive euchre recently at house. Mrs. E. Macchi, Mr, P, Gow, Mrs. B. O'Reilly, Mr. A. Carey, Mr. F. Dervent, and Mrs. R. Ellis. Wassell, Mrs, E. Westlake, Mrs. Mrs. L. Plume, Mrs. G Hay- ward, Mrs G. Godfrey, Mrs. E, Foster, Mrs C. Brown, Mrs. S. Plume, Mrs. B, Shortt. vard south, with Mrs. Allman presiding. The meeting was opened with the reading of a short article, "Life of Today." Mrs. Merwin Morrison opened the worship service by all re- peating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs, Morrison took as her theme "Fault Finding," on which she stressed the fact that unless controlled, the tongue is an un- ruly evil, full of deadly poison. Miss Bernice Quinn read the scripture lesson, Psalm No. 39, In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Ross Clark, Mrs. Morri- son read the minutes, Mrs, Allman reminded the members to keep the following dates in mind: home bake saie, April 17; the bale, May 13; HARMAN PARK AUX. Harman Park Ladies' Auxil- rogres- e club Winners were: Mrs. F. Luten, Booby prizes: Mrs, L. Plume Door prize winners: Mr. W. . Rukaruck, Mrs. D. Robinson, Refreshments were served, CENTRE STREET UCW Women met recently, at the home of Mrs, G. W. Skuce, Jas- mine crescent, for the Febru- ary meeting. Mrs, W. A. Dewland presided in the ident Mrs, Edgar Bradley. Mrs, Leo Gray gave the report of the Flower Fund, Mrs, Uriah Jones gave a report of the first execu- tive meeting of the UCW in 1964 and also of a mecting of the visiting committee. next pg in April. Foll Mrs. Skuce served refreshments, h of. the pr The of the unit will be owing the business, SIMCOE STREET uUCcw (Helping Hand Unit) The Helping Hand Unit of Sim- coe Street United Church held its meeting recently in the Church pariors. The Unit leader, Mrs, Arthur Morrison, opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Brian Currie took charge of the devotional! period with Mrs. Alex Ark- wright reading the Scripture les- son. ments. er, the teacher for the Crippled Children on Bloor street east. She told about her work also hoping to get some volunteer assistance at any time. Mrs. Morrison thanked the speaker after which Mrs. Irvine Cowie's group served refresh- The reports of various com- mittees were read. Mrs. Bruce Sonley recom- mended a bake sale and rum- mage sale, the date to be de- cided later. The Unit.is also responsible for baby care in church for the month of May. Mrs. Harry James introduced the speaker, Miss Rachael Coop- East Unit oe spring bazaar, May 21, and the East Unit of Centre Street Unit- ed Church was held at home of Mrs. Miss Irene Winter presided for the meeting and Mrs, Magee led the devotional period.| donation to an imaginary tea. The group Manor on announced the entire UCW of the church sale on February 28 at 2.00 p.m. "The February meeting of the the Donald Layng. Arthur All the ladies present made a trip to Collingwood June 25. Refreshments were prepared and served by Mrs, Earl Rora- beck and Mrs, Grant Lemere. SIMCOE STREET UCW 3 The members of Unit 3 of Simcoe Street United Church TREAT YOURSELF TO : AN ENJOYABLE EVENING 'Monks' Bread- AT THE CANADIANA! 'Now Available you with sophisticated elegance, Dine in the magnificent ill be at Hillsdale 'ebruary 22. It was will hold a bake oe 8 daeabe pe dining room , , . enjoy delicious Continental and 'anadian dishes, Afterwards , . , relax in the intimate Blue Room. Treat yourself to on evening at the Canadiana soon! LICENCED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT, the Only 20 minutes from: Oshawa the luxurious Canadiana In Canada! "The Meaning of degen Ae Mrs. Ruby Courtice extend- ed greetings from the School enerously allows} " - Stannett [peers ve ae neon ne Brow. AID HOUSEWIVES ALBERT STREET UCW 3 ------ |" ide meetings, Mrs.| About one quarter of Ontario} The regular monthly meeting ee erate dante the la-/households had electric dryers|of Unit 3, of the Azpert Street | --_--_--_-------- |in 1963, and 88 per cent had|UCW met at the home of Mrs. }electric washing machines. 'Arthur Allman, Oshawa boule- The next meeting will be on March 16 at the home of Mrs. Eldon Southwell. vice when Karen Anne King was united in marriage to Maurice John Thompson, in St. Andrew's United Church Yrecently, The bride is the p.m. in St. Paul's United groom is the son of Mr. and | Church, Ajax. Mrs. Frank Thompson, ail of Oshawa --Photo by =] | Be prepared with safe first aid that brings | fast relief... keep your medicine cabinet stocked with DR.CHASES Antisoptic ower 4 <MOTOR HOTEL 44 rat Kennedy Rd. Agincourt, Ont, Right on Hwy 401 Tel 291-1171 Area Code 416 gCanadiana =. "AIS; ANN LANDERS She's No Landlady, She's a Warden 4 girl is old enough to rent her) own apartment, she's decided. Dear Ann Landers: I am s0} ashamed of my problem I can't} ask questions of anyone who} knows me. lsolution. I believe it saved my I am 16, a junior in high |sanity and maybe it will save/ school, get good grades, havelhers, too, j lots of friends and am consid-| I announced to ered an extrovert. I go to bed gg Bf children that every night at about 10 P.M./1 'was going to my room for but I can't sleep because I amjtnree hours to read, and relax, afraid, Don't ask me what I'm/ang they'd have to get along afraid of--I don't know. Some-| vithout me. I made it clear that times I'm afraid I'll get sick|nothing short of an explosion because I don't get enough) would get me out of that room. sleep. Other times I'm afraid) At first the kids came to the : é someone will get into my TOOM|door, one after the other--each who entertains men until dawn/and harm me. I always sleep] with an excuse. But I held firm is not playing scrabble. |with a stuffed dog so I will havel through all the whining fight: It's not enough that people|something to cling to, ling and tears and finally they pay their rent and not rip out} I babysit almost every Friday|were sure I meant business. the plumbing. -I expect decent/and Saturday night and am} My husband, when he knew morals from my tenants and if/never afraid in anyone else's/he had no choice, dealt with the they don't measure up, they canjhome. Do I have insomnia or|"emergencies" beautifully. live someplace else. --AUNT/a loose screw? Please help me.| I have kept this up for almost NETTIE --WARREN, PA. a year and now.I know I've Dear Aunt Nettie: Don't de-| Dear Warren: The fear of|made it.--SB ceive yourself into believing/sleeplessness can be more dam-| Dear SB: In the face of every- your rules have saved even onejaging than lack of sleep. thing that's been said in behalf m from prim-| See your family doctor. He/of togetherness, I'm delighted rose path. If that's the path|will explain that many people|to print a word in support of they want to travel, they'll|who fear they are not getting|"apartness." Thanks for writ- travel it. And by the time aenough sleep, get more sleep'ing. han they think, He may also Itell you io retire at 11 instead lof 10, drink a glass of warm lmilk, take a warm bath, and |read in bed for 15 minutes .. . jetc. a Ann Landers: The letter from the young mother who was being driven nuts by her four young children could have been | \written by me. I was in worse shape 'than she was. I lived with a haunting fear that I might go completely off my rocker and do something drastic. A friend suggested a Dear Ann Landers: I just caught up with some of your streamlined, 20th cenury ad- vice to "nosey landladies." No wonder people like you. You conveniently look the other way while they raise hell, You call it "minding your own busi- ness." I'm a landlady who doesn't stand for any kitchey-kooin' on my premises. I own two build- ings and my caretakers have orders to tell me if any female tenant has male guests who leave after 1 a.m. Now you know very well, Ann Landers, that a single girl living alone OUT WAYNE APPLIANCES MUST SELL $20,000 in STOCK--30% to 60% orF SALE STARTS 9:30 A.M. SHARP ! ! 23" PHILLIPS Monitron 300 TV Console Reg. $359. 247.00 We Went Your Trade THOR AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYER Lint trap. Large capacity. 133.00 G.E. DRYER McCLARY 2-DOOR Acrrrosr" Refrigerator GENERAL ELECTRIC 2 4' * APARTMENT RANGE SIZE 7 heat switches. Automatic Oven. ""wrw vase" APO 21" RCA VICTOR TV CONSOLE In excellent condition. -§8.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC 10 cu. fi. Refrigerator Full width crisper and freezer. 3-cycle automatic fluff ond de-wrinkle, seture. Too NOW 157 00 TRADE * as 177.00 ™>t 166.00 our 93700 wren YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE $$$ ON FLOOR SAMPLES AND DEMONSTRATORS FLEETWOOD PORTABLE STEREO with detachable speaker. Compare et $89. 66 00 NOW e 9-Piece Sets Gold Plated McCLARY EASY 24" DELUXE RANGE Clock controlled. Infinite heats. Window. i] Compere at $249. 177.00 TRADE NOW DEFROST King size freezing comportrent. Trade In Your Old Frig Now and PAY ONLY 238.00 SPARTON LO BOY ' 23" TV Beoutiful walnut cabinet, hand-wired ehassis, twin speakers. 247.00 reson Please moke free reservation for me at the new Chambers School of Cookery. | have checked the Wednesday evening in March | wish to copy of the 48-page full-color book G.E. HI-FI STEREO AM/FM. 6 speakers. Garrard Changer. Solid Mahogony Cabinet. Comporable Value $359. ONLY 227.77 McCLARY EASY AUTOMATIC WASHER Water Control. Selector Compare et $199 attend. Also please reserve free "Preparing Foods for the Freezer" which will be given to me when | attend March 11 March 18 March 25 | [ G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER Address 2 cycle. Wash and Rinse Selectors. Suds . 4 Compere et $249. Cookery demonstrations start 7:30 at Chambers (Oshawa) food plant Mail coupon to: | is sits in iN ee nti Seco, eins: ain ie How To Save Money On Your Food Budget This is one of many helpful subjects discussed by food economists at the new Chambers School of Cookery. Also learn how to select best cuts of meat and watch meat- cutting demonstrations. You can attend without cost or obligation. Mail coupon or phone for free reservation G. E. 5-TUBE CLOCK RADIOS Reg. $39.95 22.50 LIMITED QUANTITY AUTOMATIC PORTABLE 23" G. E. TV CONSOLLETTE MODEL 119.00 G, E. MOBILE MAID DISHWASHER Power shower from top to bottom, Latest um semen # 917.00 AMAZING VALUE AT Compare at $299 today. This new School of Cookery 'is organized by Chombers Food Club. EVERYONE is wel- come, You needn't be a member. Well-k food will d YOU WILL BE GIVEN an informative book, "PREPARING FOODS FOR THE FREEZ- ER" published expressly for Chambers Food Club. It's 48 pages, lavishly illustrated, your present food budget. And how to pick strate how it is possible to save money on out the best cuts of meat. You will also see meat-cutting démonstra- tions showing how to save money by cut- ting your own meot. (It's @ fot easier than you think!) A wide range of home-freezers and retrig- erators will be on display. Their proper use wil be di d and d d. You'll be surprised at the variety of foods that you can now buy frozen or FREEZE AT HOME. all the info you need to know about preporing and. cooking frozen foods. FREE DOOR PRIZES ond lucky draws are also part of the evening's . entertainment. There will be appetizing refreshments and coftee for all attending. To be sure of your reservation, mail coupon or phone today. NOTE: if you can't attend the new School of Cookery, visit our Open House every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening bet- ween 7 and 9 p.m, Also Saturday's until 6 p.m. . 6-TRANSISTOR RADIOS Complete with carrying case and earphones, 12.88 G.E. FLOOR POLISHERS Complete with buffers. 24 $8 QUANTITY e Sheffield Steel Cutlery 8.88 Compare et $59.95 ONLY RECORD PLAYER Wel! known maker, poe 44.00 HOOVER "2000" VACUUM CLEANER With complete set of attachments. sooo 04.88 HOOVER CONSTELLATION Lotest model with attachments. 44.00 Compore at $69.95 AM/FM/SW RADIO Beautiful wood cabinet. Push button opera- tion, Reg. $89.95 58 88 FOR ° G.E. 5-TUBE MANTEL RADIOS "our 18.88 WESTINGHOUSE ALL WOOL WESTCLOX & G.E. 40 OR 60 WATT L.P. RECORDS GE. Light Blubs 6 ror 99° Kitchen Clocks PRICED 4,44 FROM BLANKETS 3.99 MANTEL RADIO 49s 15.45 24.95 Stereos and Westerns REG. 28¢ 88 ceD FROM EACH PRICED FROM CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED -- OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P-M. WAYNE APPLIANCES 78 SIMCOE N. - -OSHAWA- 723-1411 933 RITSON RD, SOUTH, OSHAWA 723.1163 "

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