THE OSHAWA TIMERS, Monday, February 24,1964 18 Ottawa Budget, Washington Tax Irk Committee | MONTREAL (CP) -- Logislas tion by both governments is having "significant effects" on wie flow of Uiiied Giaiée va; into Canada, the C ian> American Committee says in a report made public today, The committee criticized the Canadian budget of 1963 and the U.S. proposal for an interest equalization tax as two meag> ures that have played "perha a major part In the general dee terioration of Canadian-Ameri> can relations which has. been 80 obvious in recent months," The committee is a group of 60 business, labor, agricultural and professional men from both countries, established in 1957 to study mutual problems, It is sponsored jointly by the Nas tional Planning Associas tion, Washington, and the Pris vate Planning Association of Canada, The reoprt said Canada ana the U.S, have achieved unpre- cedented prosperity through their North American "common market for capital," 26--Real Estate Wanted [29----Autemebiles For Sale ANXIOUS clients seeking property 10) 1963 PARISIENNE, 2-coor hardtop radio, buy. If you wish to sell be sure and calijaufomatic, power brakes and steering, W. McAuley Reator, 28 Prince Street,|black, maroon trim .Like new, Apply 238 27--Real Estate For Sala _.27-----Reai Estate For Saie four-bedroom, PRIVATE sale, reasonable down pay-/COUNTRY LIVING, one ment, Three bedroom bungalow, decorat-|and oral sterey penneiied avis % tras,,room, separate dining room, large lot, ¢ ¢ Siaae te thao' Tomohone TEaaI0?, bingy }full_ basement, forced-air oll heat, on@) Oshawa, 723-2512 or residence Whitby 668-/Kalser Crescent, Iblock from school, one mile east of city|5765, 1962 PONTIAC coach) 1958 Oldsmobile limits, Immediate possession. Asking) 1 1957 Chevrolet sedan; 1955 Chev SPLIT LEVEL 1 He hardt $11,200. with terms, Call George Koorn:|HOUSE WANTED in Cedardae district) 'ity by of Tuan Infeonetinal ten f, 723-2859 728-7377, Joseph Bosco,/between Simcoe, Wolfe and Annis street, J a Realtors Oe te "/Have cash. Write to Mr, Paul Hlady, 638 Ee we Bid Bedford van, Call Port ae onnnmnrn= | Merritt Street, Oshawa, MEY SOO ge eloncead Big jo, breezeway and at: r ATE, 1955 ord Fairlane, four-door, tached oltage,. In choles wast. end. jock: 29------Automobiles For Sale 4:3 automatic, excellent condition, Tele $800 00 d : | BABB. Seat bt nore nee PHONG 725-3358 after § p.m, . own excellent condition Close td schools, bus service ot your door, three bedrooms, $85.00 plus taxes, phone Bill Millor - 725-1186, W, T, Lamson Reol Estate tlon, May be purchased with only $1,500 1950 METEOR seda i As ~ is ALOSE eS EAB At shed body, Radio 1957 FORD COACH, deluxe model, stan down. To inspect -please call Sally Wal-|Repuyiit motor, _re-fini |lace, 725-6297 or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco! ang heater, est offer, Apply 15 M [pie cle good condition, $675.) Str . 5 Realtor -- 728-7328 103 King Street East | Realtor. " s laliianland --e layteane [1966 PLYMOUTH V8 Push-button mod: PRESTIGE DISTRICT BRAND NEW -- $16,300, brick and stone home with 3 bedrooms, mahogany cup- boards and trim, 4 piece tiled bath, pierson type windows, one 614% mortgage. 4 BEDROOMS $9,800. OWNER MOVED QUT OF TOWN. Close to schools, bus and - shopping, 4 piece tiled both, oi! heat- ing, fenced lot. Asking $1,- 500 down, MAKE AN OF- FER LOT 75 by 158 FT. WITH 5% ROOM HOME in excellent condition, 3. bed- rooms, oil heating, good lo cation in Oshawa. Asking $11,800. Low down pay- ment considered, $2,500, NEAR MAPLE GROVE --- Lond 350 x 215 ft, 728-7328 27-Rea! Estate Far Sale METCALF SEAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 KING ST. EAST 000. Down for this choice foom. bungolow -- with Auxiliary Aids Hospital At Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE -- The: Feb: ruary meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary was held in Trinity United Church Sunday School, Mrs, William Rudell, president, opened the meeting with the Auxiliary prayer, boost - ; ee Mrs, Rudell thanked the 'eine commission appointed to dise for attending the Memorial theta cea Hospital' annual meeting and| ,. : : congratulated the past president], Te one-man royal commis Mrs, S. MeMurter on her elec-\#0n isn't expected to start hear: tion to the board, jing testimony until March 2 at It was decided to purchase ar. (least. tificial flowers for the chronic| Adjournment for a week is ex- to/pected today after some pre: jliminaries, including submis: sion of the book J'Accuse les As- HEARINGS IN MARCH Coffin Inquiry Begins Today Suewonestenn cc ieee iota the steele, Both may be extended, At least two months of hearings are @x- pected, eee * fey " ps #$2, age. Natural fireplace, lot beautifully landscaped, !m- mediate occupancy on this gem. Asking $14,500. ROSSLAND RD. EAST $13,900. for this immaculate 5% paved drive, hedged, landscaped "¢torms,: screens, etc. Shown by appointment only. S WILSON RD. SOUTH Ideal for small family. 5 room, 2 bedroom bungalow, dining room, garage, paved drive, storms; screens. Close to. alt schools, shopping, etc. Asking $12,500, MYERS ST. Live FREE in this home, Ex- tra large 6 room bungalow, plus 2 bachelor apartments in basement with income of $115 monthly.- Hot water baseboard heating. Home in excellent shape. Asking $16,- 300. OPEN EVENINGS -TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Joe Maga, Dick Barriage, Bob Johnston, Jack: Osborne, _.Ken Hann GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 5 ROOM BUNGALOW right an Simcoe St. North on a farge ravine lot. Spotless in- side and out, Large living room, separate dining room with French Doors leading to back. yord. Forced air oil turnoce with heating dill of only $115.00 per yeor. Door chimes, Venetian blinds, cedar lined closet in basement are . but a few of the extras in- 'eluded in the price of $12,- 500. Let Us show you this home today. You won't be dis- appointed. INCOME PROPERTY -- Dup- lex with six rooms to each aportment. Only 3 yeors old brick' building in a good rental area and in good re- poir. Private driveways, Down payment $5,000. required. CLOSE TO NORTH GM, AND DOWNTOWN -- 2 bed- room bungalow with 2 finish- ed rooms in basement. New forced air oil heating. 21 ft. living room with Twindow in front. T.V. Tower and new goroge. Priced at $13,500. SIMCOE ST, NORTH--Snack bor with 5 room apartment. t.Fully equipped ond asking only $6,900 HOME AND INCOME $14,- 500. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with fireplace ond lévely furnished opart- ment downstairs with separote éntrance, Don't be too lete for this one. : BOWMANVILLE --- 3. bed- foom winterized home at East Beach. Large living room with fireplace, kitchen hos built in cupboards ond heavy duty wiring for dryer and stove, S-Sunrcom across front over- locks Lake Ontario. Priced at only $5,200. EARM.-- 75. acres just north of Newtonville. Raspberries, gsMyugus and 60 fruit trees set out. Barn with concrete floor. Tool shed. Good water supply. School bus posses door. Full price $18,000. SUBDIVIDERS -- 5 acres of | level land with spotiessly clean | 4 room bungalow. This is part 'ef 9 larger parcel of land suitable for oa subdivision. | Schools, church shopping ond | oll facilities in. the area. oces - mover, 989. Feleprone jgarden soil with -- evertiowing am. fs ! AVwRRER 7OR\ A Sin eae ea These lots are treed at the front, just algetins hers * bea) enough to make a perfect setting for your _.inew home, Located only 10 miles from |Oshawa on a good new road. Full price }$3,700, McGill Real Estate Broker, | 728-4285, INCOME PROPERTY, nine-room, two storey modern brick home with garage, near bus, taxes only $245. with $2,500, down, For appointment to see, call Doug Skinner, 728-4900, or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. LOT, 81 ft. x 190 ft, on Thickson Road |North, close to King Street, Dial 725-7786, BLOCK house, two storey, full basement, acre lot on Highway 62, ten miles north radig, 723-2368, 1963" 1500 Volkswagen, in immaculate condition, Owner moving,must sell, Tele- bonone 725-9075, 1961 MERCURY oulboard 50 HP, electric Start, Excellent condition, May be dem- onstrated. Telephone 725-1425, 1963 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, V-8, auto matic transmission, four-door, gleaming black .with white wall tires, windshield washers, $3,000, Call this weekend or prior to 2 p.m, Telehone 723-9903, plates, Very reliable 'transportation, 94ou, Call anytime, Private, Alax 942-6552, 1955 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, power glide, 4-door sedan, excellent Condition, | Telephone 723-7549, | 1963 CHEVROLET Impala sports coupe, two-door, hardtop, bucket seats, floor shift, fully powered, $2,895 or best offer, New Provincial Tourism Body Is Organized TORONTO (CP) --- Formation of a new provincial tourist as: sociation, a consolidation of the five government + assisted re gional councils, was announced, 725-2268, i 8 ne PRIVATE -- 1958 Chevrolet, 4-door sta- tion wagon, automatic, écylinder, white walls, radid, $895, Telephone 725-0421, a9 ua ' 1954 PLYMOUTH sedan, excelent condi-|{/00r Waiting room and these 1956 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard,|tion, valve job in December, 1950 Fargvbe changed each season, 2-door, new bedy job, new tires, mechan-|% ton pick-up, special push bumper,| pe Bae + ically A+} condition, $550, 1954 Chevrolet, (excellent. running condition, Perfect tor Mrs, Smith presented a list of; heey needed at the hos-| Bancroft. Contact Williant. Hickey, 420/4-door sedan, power. steeririg, valve job,| service station, towing etc, Also parts for sassins de Coffin ( Accuse Cof- Fairleigh Avenue, Oshawa, --------_-_ [new water pump, very good fires, $175,| 1953 Meteor and 1951 Chevrolet, 728-1322, pital and it was decided to give|{in Ss Assassins) by Montreal $9,500, -- BUNGALOW with finished base-|call BP Service Station, corner Bloor/i95§ PONTIAC V-8, good condition, $925/ihe hospital board $3,000 to/@uthor Jacques Hebert, ment, completely renovated, garage, 34|Street_and Wilson Road, | Call 725-9263, | " che : | The best-selling book caused acre,One thousand down, Joe Crawlord,|i9s® BUICK convertible, power brakes./j999 OLDSMOBILE, excellent mechanic MaKe the purchases, I Stes 8 cause | 623-3672, Keith Peters, Realtor, | power steering, whitewalls, radio, Must] aiiy,* good motor, new automatic trans Mrs, Callan reported the li-(8® much controversy late last |WHITBY six-room brick bungalow, good|>@ so'd to settle estate. Best offer! 10 Peri mission, power steering, Price $225/) 1 1. ; i il jjyear, when it was published, Jarea. Close to schools, newly decorated,|cent with offer in cash or certified checks! 775.994, brary cart was doing well and lthat the Quebec gover ; [Nicely "landscaped," 'Dougias J. mM. Bub feWUinea, |) Net secepted, Telephone WH 5S UpsoKTerraplane, good original|a8Ked for volunteers and for) tt Th ky Reese rea Bye Bativday | led Reatior, 725-431, a Pra os lcondition, $200, After 6,30 telephonejrecent magazines, ' 0 rossard)® 4 |Six PLEX apartment, Montrave Avenue,| 1988 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, Oxcellent 720-4955 | Mine UL Sitar nk present |to study the handling of the Wil-) The. first formal business of 15 two-bedroom, | one-bedroom -- sultes,| Condition, radio, low mileage, til beeen We --y wae Was Br nae "AY YOY _.. © Rameamaanel Pei pe teen enanl be ' "\bert Coffin case 10 years OF ati 8 i [equipped with electric. stoves and sullen liter Dial Whitby 668-4994, | KELLY DISNEY led with an honorary Life Mem-| 10 years ago.|the iy ps 28 ys oe ar ar Jerators; automatic washer and dryer.|19§g CADILLAC model 62, clean and rea USED CAR LTD bership for over 25 years ser-| Coffin, hanged in Mantreal/Mamed--include cuon |Macadamed yard, television tower, Ask-|sonabie, Telephone Brooklin 655-3443, . ; ey "s. §{Feb, 10, 1956, died taining Mineman board of directors and ing $55,000, Investigate this income pro-| oa -- - , 1200 DUNDAS. ST, EAST vice in the auxiliary, Mrs. §, Innocence Lae wae ete adoption of a sixearticle constitu: ducer and make offer, R. Vickery, Real-|!%2 CHEVROLET, 2-door V-8, automatic WHITBY 668.5891 MecMurter, past president, made) his innocence, He was convicted|* I tor, ab King. Street West. Phone 72q#871|!ranamiasion,. new, tires, radio, washers - okt and old the presentation lof the slaying in 1953 of Richard|"9" $1,700, Telephone 723-1287, | Cars bought and sold pres . slaying : The association said it is de- Liens paid oft Conveners fot the annual birth-|Lindsay, 17, of Hollidaysburg,|iormined "to serve as the voice Trade up or down a } | . in the promotion of tourism . Always top quality March will be, Mrs, S, MeMur-| f Now, for the first time in WHITBY, four-bedroom bungalow, large 1984 "OLDSMOBILE, Sea aaron | The bodies of Bugene Lind- ia*? ' sen . in Ontario, . ri SPOT CASH iter, Mrs,'E, Thompson and Mrs,|say, their histories, both governs iJ, J. Brown, The decorating|also were found in the Gaspe jday tea at the Lions Centre in automatic $1000, Tele $500 Winter Works Bonus Whitby, back Carries taxes, $500 DOWN for a two-storey four-bedroom modern brick home and garage, centrally close to schools, For informa- Art Weinberger, 723-7244 Joseph Bosco, Realtor $500 DOWN for a two-storey four-bedroom modern brick home and garage, centrally located, close to schools. For information truck to trade-in or 4 Left -- $12,890 $1126.34 DOWN Extra Large 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW All homes ore detached, bal- once one 644% NHA mortgage included storms and screens, twin sinks, clay brick, electric clocks, sodded front ond rear, some with coloured fixtures. Carries os os | BUILDI NG LOTS 93./0 monthly, interest, prin- cipal and toxes if you qualify. Located in Whitby and shown is tie, good washers. body, 5 $350 or best offer. 723-7016. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, radio, etc., in excel low lent condition, $450. Call evenings Whitby 668-5250 ber of price 1 as i SKATES --- New and used. All reduced Bay ar wt Oem" errwnlitiar, 40-per cent, Used skates from $1.50 up. - | |Apply Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond. East.| 1962 EVINRUDE motor, like new, 28 HP | JOpen evenings Telephone Whitby 668-5330 after é p.m, | |TV TOWERS special, @ fi. tower siruc|BEO chesterfield, 21 Inch TV, chester | ture with all_channel antenna, installed | field and chair, washing machine, chrome | |$50, Oshawa TV Supply Ltd, 361 Gibbons Set tWo tables, dresser, six single beds, | |Street. 720-8180, one couple continental bed, small refrig: | erator, three stoves, two light, OEEP freezer, 17.4 cubic feet. Reason-| duty, 147 Brock Street East nceiwneld: te e, Apply anytime 669 Shakespeare venue. ANTHES 20 CU. FY, Viking Upright freezer, like! new, $175, Telephone 725-8416. 100,000 . | BTU's phone VACUUM CLEANER repairs, all makes 28-2068 Fr estimates, parts, attachments. ve - - _ brushes, SKIRTS wool, pleated and straight, bulky! ¢ white sweater, also some summeriCall anyt 728-0591 clothes, size 10 or 12, Telephone 725-3938, | vine en a gz ae <a = _ ~ or selling furniture or apoll- COMPLETE un't of! burner and tank.lances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or Very reasonable, After 5 p.m, telephone 243.3495, 728-315) duced the guest speaker, "Wally" Harpur, . ° Several games and a sing-so! ended the evening, whee Assisting John Leahy in the arrangements for the banquet were Donald Milne, Harry Short and Jack Cook, , The third banquet will be held on Feb. 22, with Cubmaster Stanley Ploughman's C Pack in ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS mm Kedron Youn People Form Hi-C Group | KEDRON -- Recently about j18 young people between the GENOSHA HOTEL, OSHAWA jages of 18 and 20 met at the Tues., Feb. 25, 1964 at 8 PLM, [wil carry "art tna raue wnch natural gas furnace.) New condition, $150. €. hoses. Guaranteed re-built ma tor, Alax, 942-3364 of Whitby 668-8716, 723-7424, 797-7377 chard Pilant of Brantford vice-jfer in origin and nature, will whitewalls, good interior, body and me he s or down, Liens poid off | A discussion took place with/ad been shot to death, though SIX-ROOM brick -- bungalow, clean condition, one owner, reasonable. : xray technician or a laboratory; Coffin's iden for northwestern Ontario: | BLACKWATER five acres: of land, 394 Olive Avenue, Oshawa tan: - Wie Nalben atrast, Waek come fae ara members| finally hanged, Lane of Cornwall, Southeastern; if interested, Sunderland, 171R13. with attached garage |new tires, $125, 480 Phillip Murray, Call/LATE model Chevrolet | Group Banquet held 1961 AUSTIN Healy, hardtop convertible Sell your used cor to 'Ted' $ r WOODVIEW Imaster Howard Hall, by Field ; $600 down, "ET, two tone, four-door, vary 2? | PRIVATE income. home, $600 down, 1957 CHEVROLET, two tone, four-door, cent of the total air travellers all at St. Gregory's Auditorium. | 5 $ ALL CASH $ Port Perry, sassination, towns, streets, an _|in the local organization and OSHAWA: YOUNG ARTISTS' The program and entertains 8. F, GOODRICH STORES -- T tele) Faithful Unit 2 King St. Church | Adults $2.50 Students $1.25 AM 7-9712 it = wall tires, radio, $650,Telephone 723-4233, INCUBATOR, brooder, feeder, heat re|WINTER coal, ladies. size 16 Tight | Larry Reesor and Gregory OSHAWA'S LARGEST FIRM D | WI LSON REALTOR sponded to by his father, Gerald 723-4494 Res. 725.5574 (We do the work AT 8 P.M, ~-- MORTGAGES -- 101 New N.H.A., GARAGE hines, Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Service, $20 Consolation FOUR-BEDROOM home on Taunton ROAM) oe ee a BE SURE of beautiful gardens, lawns, Beneli:. Latina StOed or buat otter president, Jack Moore of Tor/have much the same effect: ims DODD MOTOR SALES _ [regards to the auxiliary provid-|{he bodies had been mutilated paved driveway Fences front, Telephone 726-1594 nt 30--Automobiles Wanted technician, Mrs. L. C, Mason|poned several times in a legal oom insul siding house, new three- 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-door, é-cylinder, 5 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck Judge Brossard beenjand Robert Craig of Wiarton, 728-6879 truck wanted, Have 1959 Chevrolet half " ae Ra aaa Telephone HOUT Was ' | PORT PERRY A feature with. soft top and tonneau cover, wire alk '"'€ash" to the New COMMUNITY CENTRE Commissioner W, J, Harpur of stucco 80° x 200' lot, extra apartment) six-cylinder, standard transmission, $695, cs rizes and refreshments, Admission $1.00. i @) coming into Canada from for- - -- | N. 5? BINGO, Eastview Park Tuesday, 2 p.m! 32 South GM, $695 down, Excellent condition.!148 Easthaven Street, For clean cars or trucks we Mr, Hall was a Scout Leader airport and even a public water,| RUMMAGE SALE jafter retiring for some time has CONCERT ss ftom Royal Hotel $2,550 and up | $450," Telephone 728-4173 ment was arranged by the bans teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, KINSMEN BINGO | (668-4080, 'wo-bulb light fixtures? ten pool cue! $99.89, This week's special: mattress with Charles Reesor, Howard Hall MANDERHILL for. Builders terms avail- |i -sonriae wood looking car"No rust, |Clalmery riding mower, Splece bath, $60; |brown, wool lining, deluchable hood, | Jackpot Nos, 54, 50 Goode accompanied their BINGO | Budget Dry Cleaning BOLAHOOD 725-6588 | -- Py | while you wait or shop) 690 KING ST, "DUPLEX" | GENERAL REPAIR and Reg, Jackpot 55-Nos, $100 East, seven rooms, very clean, $90 month: paula." aucellent canaition and flower beds in 1964 by applying) 596 5949 jonto was named secretary-treas-|pairment of capital flow be» 314 PARK RD. SOUTH y bears before they were oe Storms, screens, Full basement > -- ~- 1962 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, exceile LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars;and Mrs, §, McMurter were ap-|battle that lasted two years John Sindon of Sudbury, north: 1 Left, $14,190 7 ' bath, new oil furnace, small barn, dard, $275. or nearest offer Apply Several associate ing, Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 1955 GMC pick-up, de luxe, excellent, to Pa NEWS IN BRIEF of the "B" pack Father and Son wheels, overdrive, white with red in Car Dealer and "SAVE" |Gamebridge j rented at $50, Circumstances force sale. Telephone Whitby 668-2109 after 6 p.m | idge, Ont,, in recognition eign countries, oy Euchre Wednesday, 815, high monthly! TONIGHT --- 8 P.M, Call Harmony Village, 7252911 evenings) ies BONTIAC é-door V8 automa od hitewall deal up or dewn, Liens paid jworks in Yemen have been re ue jrenewed his interest and now Acr King Street Church | R. S, Mclaughlin Collegiate n Whitby 668-3331 i 11963 FORD Fairiane 500, fayr-door sedan, a a uet chairman, lots at this low |1942" CHEVROLET Belair, two + door GOAL furnace, hot water heating system. | vision, Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, q John Leahy: r TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK | racks and counter boards, Electric Cok@levery carriage, Wilson's | Furniture. n| OPENING SOON and Clem Jeffrey, REAL ESTATE LTD able |Automatic, Must be sold, laundry tubs $15 (new)? Pressure Sy8| Telephone 723-1786 EARLY BIRD GAMES fathers at the head table, Cub MOTORS t ' St. Gertrude's | 167 simcoest.s, |X | | Cubmaster Goode introduced | | B R @) t H E R S | or your own Realtor | VOL AT FAREWELL 8 LB LOAD . | Bungalows and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE $20 Consolation Good Prizes ' Older type which has been changed to income home Very good investment with a low down payment of $1,- 900.00. Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123 "SUBURBAN RANCHER" ONLY $16,500 Very low toxes large lot, Attached garoge and fireplace. N.H.A mortgage carries for $100.00 month including toxes, Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123 APPLE HILL 6 Room logn rancher, com. plete with all extra equip ment including paved drive Patio, broadioom, etc. Enjoy the warmth of a log burning freed lot. Close-to schools and trensmpr- power brakes, seat belts, good tires, good 47, and Frederic Claar, 20 Prank , ¢ ras \ Sas over rooms very sags 3 man ea ncal | Frank Brett of Guelph Wasiments introduced legisla. prone ee PAID FOR committee will be Mrs, J, Van/Peninsula forest where they had _imanure or sludge now, Phone 728-3901 * | 4 4 1957 MERCURY, 2-door hardtop. auto ling a bursary to a student in-|0! rer tween the two counries,"" were: Peer R, Hughes of Coch: Sm, ace, Sea Award Is Mad ' vernit a aunitby 36ece?. condition, still under warranty, 18,0 war a for wrecking, Highest prices paid, 220, pointed to investigate the possi-|Federal clemency was denied eastern; George $558 DOWN Big peri hen house, va mile east of H Road South dais hill came in for the. tea which fol has condition, $550. or best offer, Telephone is 145 CARS WANTED COMING EVENTS |Banquet, held at the Scout Hall, | jWas the presentation of a Long call: Art Wélnberoge, TRRTMA Of; 72:7017. terior, 19.000, origingl mites, -trmacitéte GETS BIGGEST SHARE [A S0ciAt. bingo |s being held by the TED CAMPIN MOTORS ed phone Whitt oe of many years 728-7162 after 6 1956 OLDSMOBILE 4-cioor 88, fully auto: | y years of faithful serve NEW NAMES scores, $5 prizes, refreshments, Admis:! RED BARN 728-7162 pa off ; NICOLS MOTORS LTD, jnamed in his honor, | jassists with the cub pack af 32--Articles for Sal | TUESDAY, FEB, 25th | Wed., Feb, 26th, 8:30 p.m, by oppointment only, Call | VB. automatic, perfect condition, After 32----Articles for Sale y 5 cy © ¥ jhardtop, excellent condition, radio, new | oor! Senne sets S78. Veleonene | 7a5-0077 FIRST Oshawa showing. New 1944 model ubmaster Gordon Goode and in Hillsdale Ter- a : dnote 1986 OLDSMOBILE, 4door hardtop, realicooier, Best offer, Bowmanville 623-5076.| Church street FREE ADMISSION N le Rev, Reuser of Uxbridge, rep> Telephone |, AP PUMpS, Pipl | QUICK ee One! tems, sump pumps, piping, fittings, Harry SiO bargain' Elecitle" Harmony "guitar| KINSMEN COMMUNITY CEN Over 30 years experience. | | | Charles Nelson proposed a toast 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA : : : ) Auditorium (next deor to Leundrometl jis scalstante sand. alan tate ~~ REAL ESTATE -- a SALES AND. SERVICE FREE ADMISSION 9 ; 449 Ritson Rd, S $ Split Levels AIGA SPANO FUL Otis, Wi Nereis heer body, Mechanically good. Telephone iv, Immediate possession. Call Doug Skin. ° A elected president and Dr, Ri-ition "which, however they dif 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, radio, Ghsdcleon cate Trade us |Nest .and Mrs, B, Heavysage, |been hunting, Experts said they today ee A A |matic ti | , radio, spotlight, good s egional directions selected Sch Cahaiiione cae Gatun, Peaeennl 723-942) terested in becoming a hospital |found neni pre execution was Ppost-irane, and BE, L, Palmer of Dry:| $12,500, full price, Whitby 668-8746. miles, One owner, Call 728-3073 or apply | st, 72 Crichton of hh ilhaa EL Rak bility of a bursary being set up,jat the last minute and he was/Gravenhurst, Central; Thorold! 0 erry 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Pines, off Highways 7 andi2 Telephone 1954 DODGE, good i condition, 4 - nt good running conditi hait-ton paneiilowed the meeting and a social/given six months and a budget of souhwestern. 263-2508. Buying a New Car? | |Service Medal to Assistant-Cub« Jessen Bosco Realtor Felepnone 725-748 Ontario receives about 75 per) Oavanters at Isabella at pm, Thursday, | 723-4494 Res. 725.5574 lie BUILDER'S trade-in. Close to Houdailie,|matic, A-1 condition. Reasonable, See at - jice to the Scout Movement in Since President Kennedy's as- f sion $0 cents EXTRA BUSES | 146 BROCK ST., NORTH |1959 VOLKSWAGEN Van, A good one! |which his son is a member, she OTE tok esting 1:30 P.M, | We have a limited num- [6 p.m, 728-537 ires, Bab! Tickets available Box Office Gerry Hili. [white wall tires. $2,200, Telephone Whitby ONE SHOWCASE 66", eight tluorescentibaby carriages. Thintie lea, rene his assistant Cub Leaders race. All services Paid |i2e,° excellent condition All new white- EXTRA BUSES | resented the. clergy and Cubs p TRE i : Chinn, corner Hillside and Park South. ~ ¥ BUYING OR SELLING Only 109 COLBORNE ST. Wi CLEAN CENTRE Call | to the fathers, which was re> Just East of Wilson Road) TO-NIGHT ¥a HOUR SERVICE -- INSURANCE -- Ajax - Whitby - Pickering JAKE and BILL'S Snowball! Jackpot $140,-56 Nos, L, KELEMEN, Prop, Oshawa 728-0921 from + GENERAL REPAIRS $13,950 ALL MAKES OF CARS from $920 DOWN All Foreign Make Cars One N.H.A. Mortgage | oar dition, $25. Telephone 725-7401, ELNA sewing machine sale, up to 50 per; cent off. Oshawa Sewing Centre, 329 Sim: coe South, 728-2391 | : - | GUITAR "Gretsch" folk singer special, MELARY Felrigerator, Molfal range four | 4.0: Excellent condition, Telephone 725:| burner, Gratz stereo set, articles in new js a | condition, One year old, Must sell, Whitby,| 1961 TEGNEE Tandem tilt trailer in good | 668-5126 Condition, $395. Telephone 728-8612 RECONDITIONED televisions, $25 Up,/FURNISHINGS for five - room house New televisions, $198 cash or $8 month-jrange, refrigerator, good condition, wash ly at Honest Cal's Discount Furniture andier and dryer, almost new, Offered for Appliances, 424 King West, 728-9191, quick sale, Telephone 723-1795. | ADMIRAL refrigerator, 9 cubic foot, $40;/ USED Singer heavy duty tailor ng sewing Studio couch, good condition, $15, Tele) machine, complete, 4 hp. Oshawa Sew- phone Brooklin 655-3814 ing Centre, 329 Simcoe South. 728-239) TYPEWRITER, portable, $40; adding m@ GENERAL Electric television, 21" Vitra! chine $40) standard typewriter $40; brand) vision, very good condition, $65, Tele new electric Telephone phone 725-7488 | ln . |\WESTERN saddie, hand tooled, bridie! ACCORDION, Camerano 120 bass. % size,;and martingale, like new, Call before, $150. Telescope and camera equipment; | 4.30, Brooklin, 655-3440, | jsun lamp. All in good condition. APPIY| RRIGIDAIRE refrigerator. Good" condic| and mattress as low as $6 20 Church Street range, 3 burners, Excellent 13 French Street (side 9 son's Furniture, MOFFAT 22 jcondition, Apply door) ee with Progressive Conservative Assoc. CITY OF OSHAWA STATHAM Carries $79, Monthly B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and King 3 and 4 bedroom homes, Vanity Bathroom 7234733 ond 723-7712 Built-in Oven and Range Storms and Screens Shown .by appointment | 'CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker WHITBY -- 4 room bungalow with 21 ft, living room with notural stone fireplace. Effi- cient medern kitchen. Large lot could be divided for an extra "building lot, Priced ot (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 _14 Albert St. Today's Special typewriter, | will carry eut the HiC pro gram in the Kedron community #85 Linden Street. Telephone 728-2767 $10,500. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ---- New 2 storey brick home with double ottached gorage. 4 pc. tiled both ond 4 bed- thoms upstoirs. 2 pc. wash- geom on main floor Built in uffet in dining room. 23 ft ving mom with fireploce. ituated in North West Area d builder will consider o frode Just NORTH OF OSHAWA +-- 75 acre farm with 8 room "insul brick home. Good barn "and imp'ement. shed. 8 acres ef orchord ond 30 acres of bioh. Creek on property en agricultural. Asking 9,000. with substantial down puyment. For full nerticulars coll: 723-112). Open doily 9 am. to 9 pm. Steve Zurbo Leon Manitus John -Hutchuk Tony Siblock Roy Flintoff Steve Englert Jeon Peacock Lloyd Corson * Dick Young ---tucas Peacock 'Guide Realty Limited Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. 5S, | | _. WHITBY '. CLASSIFIED % FOR SALE -- 1955 Plymouth, fair tiem, Telephone after 5 p.m, 668-8) SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, prompt service °, calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut sto | fest, Whitby. 668-2563. DRESSMAKING -- Suits, conte, Grossea,| Siterations. slip covers, drapes. Fitting Speciality. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. BOR RENT -- Two furnished 8 WANTED - ie Whitby 668-361) ainer, Clean, quiet, Parking condi- 6). Bedrooms. Toomer. Ab- ult home. Quite Telephone fireplace, or entertain in the long recreation plete with bor, room asking ym only $14,800.00 with reasonable down payment Ask 'for Bill Horner ot 728-2236 or 728- 5123 SOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED |8 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH ___OPEN EVERY EVENING LYNWOOD ACRES Pickering Village PRICES FROM $17,500 UP Down payments from $2,500 up. New Split Level Homes Brick and Stone Construction Three and Four Bedroom Plans Norden Kitchen -- Recreation Room Lots 75 x 125 ft. -- City Conveniences | Whitby: 668-8751 } Ajax 942-2401 28--Real Estate Wanted THREE bedroom, storey and a half home, ! close to schools. Have cash buyer. Call I! Johnston, Bolahood. Brofhers Ltd. 28-1066 |27--Real Estate For Sale | | | | | See Completed Models and Houses under Construction now. Select the lot and pldn of your choice. CRAWFORD Construction Ltd. * Telephone Oshawa 725-3406 Ajax-Pickering 942-4535 DIRECTIONS: Turn North off 401 at Pickerina Cloverleaf follow siana! 1959 M.G/A, CONVERTIBLE Local car, Bucket seats, Four speed *=*>smission, 3 way top, Care Flore $995 WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. Your Rambler Dealer 100 Nonquon Road _Telephone 728-7351 DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1963 door, Galoxie 300, two 13,000 miles $2,095. 1962 Chevrolet; two doot, 6, automatic, radio .. $1,895, 1961 Volkswagen, two door, deluxe, like new $995, 1960 Rambler door, 6 cylinder Super, four $1,295, 1959 Dodge, four door rodio . V-8, $895, 1958 Chevrolet, 6, cylinder door 550. four 1957 Ford, four door, 6, automatic. Real sharp $595, door, 1956 Plymouth, four WE ween eens $350, | SMITH SPORTS . 353 King St. W, 728-7341 WE buy, sell and exchange used turni-| The City 33--Market Basket have. 446 Simcoe Str ture or anything you Trading Post Stores, South, 723-1671 RECORD PLAYER, Marconi brand new, $50, Private sale, Call 728 THREE rooms of furniture, only $ cash or $15 monthly. No down paymer Discounts for cash, Honest Cal's, King West, 728-9191, DUNCAN Phyife dining room set, five|ine bucnet piece, limed oak, $40; chrome set, black evenings, and white, $25. Call 725-7909, BAND SAW 24-inch throat complete with Specialty Paper Produ Street, 3 hp motor Ltd, 63 Temperance ville, 623-338) SUNWORTHY wallpaper at half Bowm pri Many patterns in ready pasted and regu:| Edgar)n onion serena Telephone BEAGLE, brown and while, 202 monihs get one free. West. lar, Buy one roll, and Sons, 34 King 723-7351 Pret 723-3271 One location only 444 Simeoe South appliances, Furniture, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupi sWers to Butch comptometers, | (n@s Whitby 668-4953, cators. chequewriters, Portable, 9593, tion, $80, Telephone 725-1274, eet | APPLES, Fancy Mcintosh, $1.50 bushel; sweet cider, 7Sc gallon, W. T, Coy. north of Training School, Bowmanville, 623-2267, aoa CAPONS, dressed, oven ready, $\2 !bs,/ jand up, $2.80 each delivered, Telephone! |725-8304, | |@UY your potatoes by the 75 b, bag and! Also Cortland and Spy apples by/ For free delivery telephone Brooklin 655-4983, LEMENT Brotmers Poultry, Take orders freezers, Fresh roasting chickens, 3/ cts to 4 Ibs., $1 and $1.25 each, Deliveries on am lorders of 10 or more. Call Newcastle _ '987-4353; Oshawa 728-5291, | ice, 34----Lost and Found | nt 424 old, lost Saturday, at Children's Arena.| y'siLostT -- "| WUY and sell, good used furniture and) Reward, Telephone atter 4 at 728-1578.) Dog, little black and white vicinity Whitby 'and 40), An Children's pet. male dog, Even three hundred new and used, We buy, sell. CALL POR HELP: Lost -- Boston Yer! rent, service. Hamilton Office Equipment, rier, male, black with white chest child's 13? Brock South, Whitby. - "GUN WANTED OLD ANTIQUE Telephone Oshawa 725-8)-83 +---Buying-end- selling used--fur- niture and appliances. For your needs 'phone Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W WRECKING SCHOOL lumber, doors, lights ond equipment for sale types of windows. A d Apply at Premises 9AM, TO6 P.M Church Street Pickering | | ~ What's My Line? _| per, Answers to name of "Tricks". Vicin.| ity ef Montrave Avenue and Oshawa Shopping Centre, Reward, Anyone know: ing whereabouts please call 728-0506 jblack, white and orange, due to have} }kittens, vicinity Park Road and Bim} grove. ?2&tSed |36--Leqal } t. JOHN REID CLARKE, Town Line South, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name, on or after this date, February 22, 1944 by anyone,/ ~~ |without my written consent, -- John Reid! Clarke. TENDERS | will be received untit March 13, 1964 at 4 p.m., for the erection ot Harmony United Church, Oshawa, Ontorio, Drewings and specifications con be received from. Herbert G. Cole, Architect, 73 King Street East, Oshawa, upon de- posit of $50.00 Lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, | Lost -- Friday evening, female cat.) This group will meet at the DOOR PRIZE NO CHARGE OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOC. "INTRODUCTION TO OBEDIENCE" at Donevan. Collegiate Auditorium TUES., FEB, 25th at 8:15 P.M, GUEST SPEAKERS Mr, Tom Hughes, General Manager of S.P:C.A, Mr, Ed O'Brien, Professional Dog Trainer Demonstration of Obedience Trained Dogs chureh every second Sunday jevening, and also undertake a number of social evenings and service projects, The counsellors of the new jsroup are Mr, and Mrs, Brian jLee, Robert Jackson as presi» jdent, Karen Pascoe, vice-presis dent, John Rose, treasurer, Bon: nie Dale, secretary and Janet |Bremner, social convener, gate PARTY For their February meeti |the Kedron Doubles Club beds jlarge attendance at their bowl jing party from 7.90 until 9.00, The group returned to the church for lunch, and to enjoy jpicturés of the group's trip to |Parkwood Gardens, and the Au: jtumn Colors Bus tour shown joy Derek Barnett and Ben Hit chens, The Orono Doubles Club has been invited to the March meet- LOOK...! LOOK...! LOOK... The Oshawa Branch of St. John is: starting @ special advence course in first aid for all past and present members. FREE OF CHARGE PLACE'. . . ST, GREGORY'S. AUDITORIUM DATE... FEBRUARY 26,-1964 TIME... 8 P.M, This is your opportunity to take advantage of first eless instruc. tion to brush up on your first aid Bec ~~ Learn First Aid with St.John FREE... | Peete! nfident ina Crisis! | Pees. ing, which will be on the usual night, and any new Kedron members will be welcomed. \UCW LUNCHEON ' | St. Patrick's Day will be the jtheme of the Leprechaun Lunch: jeon (Dessert Luncheon) and [Bake Sale, to be put on by the |Kedron UCW at 1.30 pm. on Saturday, Mar, 14, The special jfeature will be a Spring Parade of fashions by the "Little Peo: bias ple". |PLAN EUCHRE The Parent Committee of the 2th Guides and Brownies is planning a Progressive Euchre Party on Saturday, March 14, in lhe Community Hall,