Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1964, p. 12

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12 'THE OSHAWA TIYAES, Monday, February 24, 1964 Mills Recover After Strike (CP)--For nearly four in.1963 a tense quiet hung ove this normally bustling Cana- dian - built indu-trial iurest, The big bauxite which. usually ae w:th actly- ity day and iy had groun: to a hal!, The larg served. Ships hed stopped com- ing up the muddy, palm-ringec Demerara and other countries. the Demerara Baux'te subsidiary of the dled colony to a standstill, The s.vike, directed aga'ns British Guiana, SMPLOVS 3,500 DEMBA, 'ndian), jor 'heavy 4s the colony's only me industrial of British Gulana's annual ex ports. Income taxes, royaltic and other payments amount t> ba' VICKI HAIG-BROWN, 20, lives with her husband, A'an, in a cabin at the end of a wharf underneath Granville Bridge, par; of a six-lane ar- the government's revenue, turned cut, education degree at the Uni- versity of British Columb!a. | As it They plan to work among the Indians of the B.C. in erlor. --(CP Photo) | tery leading to the heart of downtown Vancouver. Vicki cecupies herself with painting and learning to play the guitar while Alan works toward an record production later in the Student, Hubby Live on eae i 'oans helped ease their difficul- bs | > Hes. , s out! lus ic! : ) i On a recent visit to Macken:|and advance. groundwork wi'h| er each customer to 14 squ2 re te it appeared everything wa Mining of th bauxite or the plant : ia |2aek to normal. rf,, andthe Ind'ans of the BC. Inter'or.!-aramel - colered ig2 su>-| Tho little hcuse on the 'Wharlwas in full swing, VANCOUVER (CP) -- Vick!;the tide near the wh Haig - Brown lives with trcjthe gulls cry. The bric magic of the outdoors -- under @ soaring structure of stecl] ike the arrow - s'raigh! Sitkejby the young coupe Ind'a"iyenay fre'gh'er was about t and concrete. Ispruce, and the tra'fic over-|paintings hang on the walls, and!-et out for the 65-mi'e trip down Her home {s a cabin set at thr|io2zd cannot bo heard lereen fishnet is draped from| river to the Atlantic. end of Clay's Wharf under the}. Vick!, 20, comes fro "ithe ceiling. Sach summer Vicki and her| d go to her home on| SHIPYARD LE But while e SS BUSY Granville Bridge, a six - lancjorman. fam: ly of Kw arery leading in'o downtown/d'ans on Quadra Island, off the! Vancouver. jeast coast of Vencouver slanc|¢ ra Island and spend four|™-R8 here, they're not quite a She and her un'versity stu-jncar remote River. nths in the $ ras of Georr .jQuey a: another major Alcar den husband, Alan R. Ha'g-/ANGLER'S SON » he: ubsid'ary -- the shipbuildin Brown, have Lved for thre: | Alan Haig-Brown is the sor years in their quiet and solitarvjof Rederick Ha.g - Brown, th ae she cooks for the séven-|-0N8. Ltd. in Geors retown, the world which goes unnoticed by|Campbcll River m ate wit crew vanital of this self-governin: while Alen work: n for hi'iwith the nets, This way they and the/sen meet his univer. foce|. Sorostons, whose shipvard is expenses for yerhans the lars the motorists roaring overhea?|'s incerna'fonally | 24 hours a day. docks on svort fis sh'n ng "Il love it bere, " Vicki said.|my'teries of the salmon nd. pay. living "There is so much to see. There} Alan is work an edu-|'he coming year bbean, operates the river is the sky and jhe boats, an' I)cat'on degree at the Un'versits itermer service to Mackenzie like to hear ard see the ducks." |of British Co'u nbia and honer|/LOVES PAINTING ils cars and part: and i Houseboats rise and fall withito do educ ational work amonr| Mrs. Ha'g-Brown is never idle Legal Stee Gains Support CONCORD, N.H, (CP-AP) --jlisher of the Weel:ly Somers-|'he sivle, and shape, New Hampshiremen, tradition+) wort! Free Press, the commit-| Dut it's hard to start lly rock - hard conservative Mito get a lot of ally ToC - har conservatives, tee Is composed of a number of gi a now iave the distinction of liv- I | Also. busy. learning to Dl: ay 'he ine in the only stace of the U.G.| ro nent business and profes. jzustar, Vicki has plens for when] with a state-sponsored lottery. | sional paop'e, | "We're against. the of ryor ears » di ™ Not everyone bears ths dis bees ause the state, for the mmenmos twatle her bus band is studying |'erials. Yer ma'n pasiime is painting.) It prides itself on being able! is trying to achieve the|to accomplish anything ditional West Cr s$ «Ind an|nincering from ty! e of bo'd and.coler'ul raver: aid thunderbirds, At prosent/2° or ferry ho is work ng on a series 0° nt | i'k-prints which may hang in he Campbell: River muceus> "Co'or has a lo for the goverr "Wor k at the shipyard hasn' |been as active recent!y as i years, jeconomic s'owdown e'forts are beirg mede to kee to do with) ftrmer she sa " {as nossible, In a rac'ally divided country iCanadian companies hav lottery versity, \ "We hitch-h'ked through tho] 'eomed it prudent to keep ou tinction cheerfully, but even|,; : critics agree that the expori- 8 actively promotng Qiinterior and Ieved it arouncjof the political arena as muc ment in "voluntary taxation" Sepeee PES bet hn Plu. w Niams Lake," she said, as nossible. has wide popula: support: » actually telling the} "Perhaps we could go there little guy to go out and bet elt am think'ng of te iking the} Guiana Bauxite MACKENZIE, British Guiana months learved out of a dense tropical! processing manufacturing plant. and now alumina mill,/28¢s, est machine shop in British Guiana was de-/gineer the government in protest against proposed labor legisla- his tion, had a potentia'ly dovastat-|° 0, ing effect on both DEMBA anz represen'ing an in-| vestment of $125,080,009 (Wes* between nine ard 12 per cent 0° company Hlosses due -to the strike were lrer'ous but not cripy'ing. Off! ielals estima'e $13,000,090 mar 'eve been Ivt in sales but say lsart of this was mado up b ror the 3,500 emolovees the 0,000 a $1,070,000 slicc|to date in airline transporta 'ion Comnany|the major expense item, for thc sorts tower up near the cadinjhas been cleaned and decoratcd! were roaring end a green S27- erations are hum- and eng'neering firm of Spres-| British South American colony | In On| bu'lding Mes | ---------- 'enze's alumina plant to a $1-| because of the However | NEW & USED manv men employed'as lonr DEMBA describes its rel a- meme sara ;| TORONTO (CP)-- Gordon Y. ' firm he man- While making his pitch to from California whe mentioned that his firm hap- 'Ipened to be starting to design, ype of equipment Mr. After making a $70,000 sale Alum'num|in Mexice--{t was a system fo> Company of Canada, hac stopped because cf an 80-day/cat'on in conjunction with high- general strike that brought thelyoltage power lines--Mr. Allen sconomy of this politically trou-ldropped off at Washington anc chockpreof telephone commun!- made an $83,000 deal for the t! Potomac. job. As a result of the success of government ~- sponsored cales operaticn, Mr. Allen's pany -- is intensifying its ow" sales drive in Central end Stuth Amer'ca, land El Salvador. | }INVESTED $30,C00 | comp! ex. | j ' | Shipments from Mackenz'e ac This is 'the sort of cha'n count for' more than one-th're ,jreac"on the Ontar'o economic' jand development department ir seeking -- though not alwayr vih such quickly spread} ng re-| sults--from its The Mexican mission -- in had the b:ll for thelr air ticke ricked up by the government-- 'ozt it abcut §3,090, All told 'irst 17 selling trips. For this outlay plus public'ty 'lyrospective customers, th tenartment Clindustry estimates salcs private ¢)9nteario plants, M'ssion ust'e threugh the |Tenuary and February. T/PIRST OF ITS KIND .) nar Kets in the Randall, who de- } « tons with Dr, Cheddi Jagan's vholesaler in construction ma-| Marxist-criented government ar and the govern- c{men! hes called DEMBA's be- "constructive" havior "correct." '| SKATE EXCHANGE Pi] Our Used Skates Have Been Refinished, New Leces and |] Sharpened. rer husband has tint hed uni- Ww here politics are abrasive, the| STAN'S SHARPENING {| & RENTAL LTD. hi] 223 KING ST. W. 723-3224 "' e first real test of its pop- ularity will come March 10 when citizens will decide by lo ca referendum whether they want sweepstekes tickets to bo so'd in thei: towns, But the day many New Hamp- shire resiconts are look:ng for-| ward to is Sept 12, when a fic!d) of thoroughbreds will bo!t fro: the starting gate at Roc king-| ham 'Park fer the first running| of the Granite State sweep- stakes. | It all goes as planned, the) persen holding a tick t on the} winning horse will win up to of his hard-earmed mency, inj'sinderrarten teachers' course the infinites:mal chance that he jat UBC so I cou'd work with Ww vit win a \ prize." ° {the Indian children, tco," Health Knowledge, Better Through Overtions directed to Science Editers, P.O. Cox 97, Ter minal "A" Toronto, Crterie. RESEARCH GET poco PRIZES q ©. We hear a let absut rescorch these days, Just sik : } what is rescarch? do m . ths penaing oe the aumber mt } A. Webster defines ressarch as careful, systemat- tickets sold, undreds o! j 4 ' : leati: - field lier prizes wil! go to so +o ; ic, patient study and investigaticn in some fi Sa and third roti winners. | : cf knowledge, undertaken to esteblish facts or : Saag ingle Hi principles. Like most things, research is more and to hoders 0° tickets on any| 7 gomercus when viewed at a Cstance thon it is horse nominated to enter the'l 1 earch requires scme tears, race from a lasge field of can- he cbility to withstand close up, Day-by-day res tecmwerk, o 'ct cf sweat, didates. on, and willingness to be happy with 90 What's in it for New Hamp- foilure. Research, which requires pienty shire? j cf jence and a tct of wretched!y hard work, Even the sceptics--and there j t every phase. of modern life. Ssemingly un- d things such as d:ugs, jet engines, cosmetics, end tax forms are all products of research in one fieid or onatier, COLDS AND FEVER [| gcod advice? art many--are hopcfu] that the sweeps will live up to its billing as an elfoctive way of raising an estimated $4,000,000 from two races a year. The money wiil be distributed! on a per-pupil basis to New Hampshire school districts. If it dees amount to $4,099,090, it | will roughly double the stat:'s aid to education pregram, one of the most meagre in the U.S "People are ready for an hon- est, eff cient sweepsta'r:s,"' says E d J. Powers, the state's sweoenstekes direei cr. His feelings are shared by} Democratic Governor John W.) King, who: signed the swecps/ into law last April after pas:/ saz. by a R- publ can-controlled | legislature. Kins, has vigorously} promoted it ever since as a venture 'designec to relieve the burdens of taxation and to lure thousands of new visitors to New Hampshirn every year. OPPOSED BY SOME However, a newiy formed committee of 100 claims the sweepstakes is #1 irresponsib'< way for the state to make money. Oreanized by Richard Plu mer, editor of the University of New Hampshire a'umni maga-/| zine, and John Ballentine, pub- FREE OF Q. Is "foed a cold and starve a fever" A. Better ic 'ow your doctor's suggestions, The fevers goes back to the time d fever was $2 commen. In these cays r tarved" iyphoid fever patient cee exception. The great Irish ar sort James Graves (1786-1853), or gucd Ing and Isud egainst this nation and_even requested tht his epitaph read: "He fed fevers' srving' FREE PICK-UP The persenal interest we take in the health | of these we serve is cf equal importance with the professicnal skill we put in the dispensing of prescribed med:cine. D © FREE DELIVERY @ OPEN EVENINGS -'TIL 9 P.M. 723-4621 3 50 MILL ST., OSHAWA Special Offer SAVE 20% Sanitone Dry Cleaning With Every Dry Cleaning Order cf $2.50 and Cver We Will Finish 2 SHIRTS THIS OFFER IS COD FROM FEB. 24 io MARCH 6 CLEANERS cad LAUNDERERS nd FINE CHARGE AND DELIVERY ' a 723-4631 overn-|Steel Wares noteb'y in Chile, Perv|": series of "sales o»nortunit: 'nissions" to a mu'tiiude o° "ountries that started late in 1062. which exccu:ives cf eight firms), ome $80,000 has been invested, °! forces have 'lnicked up orders for $30,000,092 worth of export business from No. 18--the first of|-~ 1934--carried representat'ves of y dozen firms on a three-week ar dbran 'ountries and the Bahamas in| "This is the first time there|troupe of 87 snscrs, 'as been an oreanized at'emn!|and tumblers a five-minute ova- »y a province of Canada to get|ton for their skits Caribbean," |in the ancien: y w Eeccnomic Minister| Chinese rest in the Car-|ctan! eg 'hg mics scribes himse:f as "Just an old R. Allen arrived in Mexico City|wash'ng-machine peddler," He on an economy-fare plane ticketjleft the presidency of Gznera! contre|Provided by the Ontario ment and set about Jook ng for cok me and the to head up the export "Like the others, the latest miss'on included satesmen for a wide range of products from Mexico's Federal Power Com-jclothing to stoves, from clothing mission, he ran across an en-jdummies to sanite'icn preducts for outdoor p!umbing, The missions are essentielly an operation between the Ont- River to pick upj'or a U.S. hydro project on the|nni9 goy-rnment end the prov- cargoes for sme:ters in Canada|Potomae River, just abou: the prety manufacturers, y but they Al'eninave been able to call on fed- Almost the entire operation o'lwas trying to sel! to the Mexi- . 3 are in fed Com-| cans. peny (DEMBA), wholly ownec eral trade commiss'oners for 'yelp abroad, Th's co-opera'ion 'vas been strengthened s'nce a "ederal . provincial trate con- Terence late last year, and the Caribbean visit was the first under a formal co-crd'nation of 'ore'gn trade activities of the 'wo leve's of government, PAYS FARE In practice, the Ontar!o gov- ormment provides economy air|: {rm -- Ocborne Electric Com-|transpertaticn from Toronto to destination and return; sets uw "ontacts throvgh its trede of ces -- in. New York, Chicazo \Longon, Mian and Duesseldor* j--cnd gives the sa'esmen pre 'our br'efings. An industr's' san'es the salesman on his vounds if he wishes The salesman is. sunposed to jnave a well-cenceived program Board To Baffle Bunny Pinchers WINNIPEG (CP)---The Mani 'oba Liquor Centro] Commis*'o hes ordered bars to provide more space to he! p ad waitresses evade and pinchers," Beverage rooms and esc bars emp!oying bunny-type resscs must ra'se sea"ng investment in r feet after March 1. | The present requirement is 1° revses clothes. dressed in PEKING WOWS PARIS Opcra got a rousing reception Thursday night jof its second visit to Par First-nighters gave the live dancer tradition of the theatre. The Pekine |Opera first anpeared in Paris Hin 1958 and \ was a huge success, see seee 'FIRST RUN HORE /Mominion square feet. This stan'ard wi'l) jbo kept fer premises using wait-} norma! PARIS (AP) -- The Peking| at the opening) and denees| Ontario Has Hope For Sales Chain Reaction and be ready for "a hard-work, no . fritls, responsiisle order: book seliing tour." The Mexican trip, selling a miscellany of gocds from hoavy MBVinUYy WW MURS, Ma VenieU 'uck, Apart from Mr, Allen's doub'e-barrelied strike, spokes- smn reported these results: --- Connaught Laboratories of Toronto, which makes such products as Salk anti - polio vace'ne: No new business, but 'he stage was set for some 'ater, ~Napanee Industries of Nap- anee: Sold $50,000 worth of compon:nts for locomotives te the Mexican State Raiiway bu! does not ses much more busi- 'ress in prospect, - Hamiiton Wire Products Company: No sales of its hell- cal bedsprings -- the Mexicsns do with a cheapcr artic!e--but mpany President Edward P, Marrison got a "nice" order for xteel tubing for another Hamil- "concern, He repor's the 'so stimulated sates efforts 'not her Latin - American coun- 'res, --Jules R, Gilbert Limited, rerento, marketing drugs under qenerie names: Mexico's dryuo ndustry is covering its field. --Universal Coc'er Company. |3arrie, aking fead . -- quipmer No sae, -- National Hard Chrome| Plat'ng Comnvany, 'Teronto: Got jn few $509 orders for Ltho- igranhic printing plates, | --Dom'nien Read Mach'nery Jompany, Goderich: Didn% }make any sa'es but made some yocd contacts and established a listr butor setup, Ve're quite hapyy about the way the trip turned out," sald president John K, jully. "Selling read graders is \ long-term provesition and we |"'dn't expect anything immed'. ot. The missions are a good teal, They give manufacturers jack'ng-un, If vou get out and jverounre around for business 'ike this, eventually you get "ome," NOW Arerarine IN KENT nUCKY CHICKEN Poeked w'th severy dressing from a eld Southern receipe, 3 fds, SPECIAL THIS WEEK &. Kertuck+ ortiem r Ned "Chicken ooo French Fries oes Chef So'ad . .. Hot Rells . « ee TAKE CUT ORDERS | DIAL 725-0907 | Carmicheel's Ber B.Q. { Pork Rd, $. ct 401 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE DAILY 1;:30--3:3C--5:20 7:35--9:50 OR-TERILL SHOW! 2} RAY MILLAND Starring As -- THE MAN WITH i] THE X-RAY. EVES } In Color \ Adult Entertainment tateteimeet i Cotinueus boors SAT. & SUN. on BILTMORE ies 6:30 P.M. 1:30 P.M, King she Monsters! |$) BORIS | KARLOFF |; In Kis New Picture ef 1,00 Horrors! 'The Haunted Strangler' Adult Enteric:. ly [P |} UNIVERSAL jd @ity Stuptes | sy HELD OVER-Tues. Last Day All Oshawa is Talking Bast as 'Audrey Hepburn You can expect the unexpected when they play Why do you see so many Loadstars? One important reason is Canada's most efficient truck power Ten minutes behind the wheel will tell you a lot about Loadstar power--and why the International Loadstar is the best selling truck in its class. Whether you choose V-8 or six cylinder, you have power to spare. Smooth, quiet perform- ance at highway speeds tell you there's a reserve of power to protect your engine from strain. See and drive the Loadstar soon--and learn first hand why you see So many. Call your nearby International Truck Dealer or Branch, You'll earn more with INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS ~-- built, sold and serviced by truck men. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED costarting sunpy 1:30 PLM. Walter Matthau Aames Coburn sereeniny ty PETER STONE rroauce ane Dwected wy STANLEY DONEN tive HENRY MANCINI & Uniersat Release TECHNICOLOR® | oe | | PHONE 723-2843 | TIMES:-- 1:20 - 3:20 OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. Hl 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:50 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:20 | Order Your "Loadstar" Now from Your Authorized Dealer COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 KING EAST 623-5689 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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