am Se 55-2 Ns sre SSR an 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Weencesey, revruery rv, reve Cal! The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 © 0 © © «© «© «© e 8am. to 5p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12 18--Male or Female '26--Rooms For Rent |27--Real Estate For Sale. Help Wanted FURNISHED room with two for|SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! Brand new bed BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | Sigs 0a" | vou cline gees eee work, For women's shoe shop, |DIVISION STREET, 25, abov . . Kt ; _ Apply e, Accountants Instruction '|Painting end Decorating | 2--Personal ay 79 Simcoe North: eat Sin "arama naren! KEITH PETERS WILSON AND BURROWS, CHARTERED|LILLIAN MAB MARSH, D.8.A, Dancing/PAINTING AND DECORATING, Interir|ANYONE witnessing accident a! orner Pa. 728-2491 aay, Wout rer VE Fb, 'Witton, "ear Bre desl wnneraiene, Fr vrriiay "Sarurlebie ig ie lary at "Sporonimate" 910 Bim, be hy : ISOTOPE a a a Realtor -- 728-7328 p Canens Bet ee SA Ie beers ate Lee ae GENERAL painting, say repairs,|please call 725-1163 or evenings 720-0622, a asf er to ute iar ty 103 King Street East geroit. tok fine service, 6s' Bod] Taps RAD Bellete Twohtond miter nom:|Brown,® 8" "Drew 'Street Telsonons| LEN PULLAN ts ' parking, Telephone 722-4825 Wests PASO Res. 729-2005, | Oshawe fase. lnaxoass ENGLISH TAILOR Zi TECHNICIAN a ae ]ONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chi 2 fariered | pivare TEACHER, student counsel) HAVE YOUR PAINTING done now. Call Specialist | | hy: tral, $7 weekly each, Telephone 728-6697, 98 guerent Nac. ineaibis menting: A Nurse, Technician or |FURNISHED bedroom, id clean, newly decorated, In quiet Contre, ruse he we My nal tee, jap vse ed | ore sineaen Pa inting Yoo tions, aes Invisible mending, g 4y iff RAYMOND 8. PROSSER, C Chartered dress alterations. Bi : applicant with Grade 12 [English speaking, Gentieman, absteiner, Accent, Seat, | E 7 E NMETHOD | DODD and SOUTER | © 10 PRINCE ST. : : : fl' 8 Teapene_ Tt hitby, Telephone or better required for |tHree-room tumished Suit VALE, PRIEDLANDER And char PAINTING AND DECORATING 728-5311 : mlgaie-aged, couple, Ava March fered Accountants, Licensed. Trustees in) DRIVING SCHOOL CONTRA , y Part-time duty, leading to | Telephone 720-4 : Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 728-7371, Pointing, Poperhangi na, 3--Pets & Livestock wiht A full time in our Isotope |FuRNISHED paete bedroom Vor lady. Use lap Bly a Si Newest Oshawe Branch Gyptex, Full hae "ia SHETLAND SHEEP OOS, "miniature MONKEYS FACE ; ot kitchen $7 weekly, Telephone 728-7120, eo Accouniant, 187 King Eats io two" male 43 7 Laboratory, Training pro- |goom, private homer ledy oF | aire: L, Jy chartered acountant, 205 PHONE 728-0881 107 BYRON st. st y "WHITBY |brown' ana white, trom champion Laydoveegiaal ain 2 ie vided, Please apply in per- jhome and kitchen privileges, Near _ RANCH HOME OF Frances. Street, Whitby, Ontario. Tel DAYS 668-5862 cha gL a "tHE game : 6h oe nee ates DISTINCTION phone 668-8197, Mortgages NIGHTS 725-7426 DALMATIONS, two male puppies Gi : ' ba i A NA : months old, well spotted, $35, each. » rele. wR We Di ee wt Piet dlc pone to yf aparr| $16,900, 6 ROOMS, living OSTRICH Mage AnD irector of Personnel -- [ror *'avaltaple, march 1, 725-9078, room with natural stone fire- & NTEITH, MONTEITH, RIGNL, and : WAS MOnTRIT Chartered Accountants, 728-7527)|PRIVATE and corporation monies tor a Plumbing and Heating phone Brooklin 655- wfaopuceo mopping Centre, Suite 2156.) mertgagen, mortgages and agreement GIVING ENERGY. Sine "912-0090" Whitby. b6b- f 1 tg sole surciianed. Creighton, Orynan and ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling,|BLACK GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, le en ce = SCRE aEnAR Chi mE =| Murdoch (See "Barristers") and used materials, Reasonable ie NOMDUEINath ond ieomeent fe, bred . ART COrURY pen Os awa General 'a! Motors. Te! 2205, ay ey ig es PRIVATE and corporation monies tor a 'aie, ere Oe ee istered: 86. Rvenings, TRIE. ATTRACTIVELY baa "% skeabselbns edie sal. purchesed. sGreighion, "Brnen SSC ee healing supplies,|BEAUTIFUL baby budgles, ready "for : FURNISHED ROOMS ample cupboards, 3 nice bed Murdoch (See "B Telephone 723-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd.|training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. Hos ita U rooms, 4 piece bath with von- Barristers ¢ a ale Plumoiig, Heating end Engineering, 245) Broad, 114 igin_Sest. 14--Employment Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted Available in private home. ity, attached heated garage, Gite' tee ete ne nee cere Le renaved_ tnd sg ene Hone re - ae Paes PETER PAN DAY NURSERY qualified| youno ted for part-tl 13] 90) Call batweon Sure Tin. ee oe pec ey i Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times K y a kino ale, one white, one brown ai e, 4 man wan! part-time sales t thi: Building, 86 King Street East. 729-6209, Hl eg "Beriters sod b Yuq-Upholstery Service eight weeks old. Telephone after 5 p.m,|day care, 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. $81 Sim! work, Earn extra cash In your spare 2 Room _and Board 82 PARK RD. N. 728- yar en Ne Mortgage funds available, ee Have YOUR cheseriaid_wute Tada) Con eet ete foe North, 728-2604, time. Salary and commission. Telephone! oom ang board tor genilemens lunches Lal i JOSEPH Pp. MANGAN, on, Barrister, fotullt. Lew pric 1 728-3281; bac is UND jer , Tegistered. RXRERIENERD, _ Golehing eck 8.30 a.m, fo 5.30 p.m. 725-4473. packed, five-day week. Abstainer. Whitby 728-8671 Solicitor, Money to loan, Office, 14Ve King 728-2439. \ ing| Also two pairs iy silver pheasants. a 4 + $12,000 FOR RIGHT MAN over 40 in the| 08-5287. treet t, Oshawa, 728- d Telephon fter 5 Bowmanville| Phone 725-7066 after 6 o'clock, a -- aE EE Here iiameml 33 --Othi io oe aio, Saas Available to eens --_ GavERUIGLEU reuphoetered ea fiw aia eh ates Sone Ewe ra Ane Garde SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND WEST area. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage --Offices, Stores, Storage qi ) aan , "ee : j , ; Solicitors, etc., 9 King Street east.) (nO mortgages, or to Bove fyled. Free estimate, See our _mate-|COCKER SPANIELS -- purebred, Amer-|!6---Female Help Wanted |Vice"Pres,, Texas Refinery Corp., | BOX private bath, entrance, good feed, lunches Telephone Teea201, new mortgag Aa tor 'roanverite, Daven Upnawierings|ican Cocker Seanlel suse partvceion: on WAITRESS, experienced, full time, shift|7!l, Fort Worth 1, Texas. Sacked, Gh workers, Weleama. te Cam DO YOU 4 AVE A mae nd BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- service. Write 2 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. cellent temperament. Telephone 723-1739. work, ie bonenys, good eae eG DIRECT SALESMAN. If you are Inter-|"egie Avenue. 8 up estauran' loor ree 2 Citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds BOX 63: CUSTOMCRAFT'S upholstering Depart-|POODLES, small, black, miniature fe- urant, ested in making big money we want to/ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, STORE available, 36 King Street East, 723-1107, ment. Experts in re-covering, re-styling.|male, three months old. Paper trained,| East. os JAMES A. M. DONALD, BA, LLB, OSHAWA TIMES _ Chrome chairs @ specialty. Free esti-llovable pet, registered, champion stock,|BUILD a" business ~ot your own selling|t@lk to you. 'Apply Room 216, Genosha| lunches packed if desired. Telephone " Notar 4 ----~|mates, Dial 728-7271. clipping available, Special breeding|Beauty © Hotel, 7. p.m evening. Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-)|~~~ privileges If desired. Telephone 725-5294.) profits, Modest A ashi Phone 10 a.m, gg Be cigg a ae Yai oi "MORTGAGE | RE OPS STERINS @ by experts, | Estab- ; {ELE Registered rinie-|t0. 12, noon. 723-980 CARETAKER, to live In, for small apart BLOOR STREET EAST -- Room 1B sg OFFI c F West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking Complete range of mate-/ PE Ry KENNELS. Registered minic- On. t eee toy poodies. White, Call 725-4858. | exp; ED meat packager for self-jment house. Write Classified Box §534,/nacked, parking space, 5-day week, $18, available. ond or 725-4717, rials. Workmanship guaranteed 5 years. rrister, Solici LOANS Free estimates, Credit terms. Mattresses) SSG. es, miniature, white, housebrok-|service meet counter, Please state fulllOshawa Times. Telephone 723-1671, re-built, Furniture refinished, Oshawa iiteulers, Classified Box 728, Oshawa . Bond en, registered, p&pers, needies, cham- Fis BLOOR Street East, room and board for M. Moneys for first mortgages pape pdt Company, 10 Wests ion beret Apply 778 Hortop Street. soe ae $240 A WEEK lgentiemen, television, lunches packed, parking space, five-day week, $18, Tele Qc, 728-9988; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, Interest ot 7 i | "waitress wanted." Apply i Man 728-5832. O er Niort . cuayTanpTeii--od and old chairs re-|POODLES toy, all | English breeding, | ©? Crystal Grill, 29 King Street. East, ee ne Fd phone 723-1671. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers,| oe" 999 covered like new. Get the best for less) Pekingese. Whitby. 668-3923. ___l Oshawa, i eR bol hich Hig ROOM and board for two gentlemen, will- Solicitors, Clients' funds available for No. bonus at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe/BLACK POODLE pup, male, seven weeks APABLE WOMAN to come In and care| civic organizations with guar- ing 49 shere. Single AB gertiomen, Wil first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North,| No charge for valuations South, Call 720-6451, Free estimates. old, $25. Also Colle pup, eight months/(o' lM teh iidren, some light house-| anteed money making plan. --|ciose to South GM. Parking. Telephone 728-7336, Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar} Mortgages and Agreements old, Telephone 726-2844, ______| keeping, 5Vs-day week, over 20 years off Must have car and be free |728-4763. F. Bastedo, cm Norman H. Edmonds purchased. THOROUOHERED B go he gh FE acing age. 728-1056. to travel. We will train you |" ROOM and board for two willing to CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH! Moneys for second mortgages. male, six months old, tl al y, start earning tomorrow with - |share, good meals, h ivi Serriera Soto Neurone] peoPeYS 1 09 _ CLEANERS Papers: S100, Telephone 7232002, Sey Oa Tr enne ES ter] SOU Smee. ond Sern ED Soar melee: Tuoi mae TO RENT...? Nort, Oshawa, 720-3461 T. K. Creighton, M. F. SWARTZ | Rug and Upholstery po Ml Barge Tele: ta WEEKLY 167 waorihd ieueiy aensés can ear commissions of MILL GeREET, "147 -- Room and board i} t es » 4 : i 'or wi * OU enera' Seat ak, be en ie 262 King St. East Cleaning. At ~ Store, phone 668-2249 between § and 7 P.M. |Oiven' you as bonus. Just show North] $240 and more weekly. Call [mires Tv privileges, fiveday weeks S18. Y Will t t Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and Agree- nase gla | OF St Your nore, |GERMAN Shepherd dog, female, fourlamerican Fashion Frocks to friends. No| Mr. William DesJarlais on 795-7784, OU | e as ments of sale bought, sold and arranged. 725 9961 years old. Silver grey. Has had all nee|canvassing, Investment, experience nec-| Tuesday and Wednesday in ROOM and" boata, Genll i 723-4 j= dies, and been trained for eye nag i essary. North American Fasnion Frocks} Toronto at 368-2202 erayal poi \ rsh g by cg gy es HUMPHREYS: BOVCHYN and WILLMAN,|____* Good with children. Reason for selling/Ltd., 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept. P-3532, . pogo lage ved (ahead Bad Best, Oshewer Reb, humennya act Sales and Service MRessle", our navse, "Yoo. smal. 'Tele| Montreal 3m Telephone 728-2433, es &. 8. Boychyn, QC) W. MH. iimen, LLB; 2nd lan a CS |wacc wasnine by m fences tee Coo ee eee eect ienen Nol YOUNG MAN _ |eentceman wanten. Room : Office: 725-1177, Residence 728-4326. No fuss. Call Don Bryan, Alax pA a cook, able to take charge of kitchen. No Beard | heme. Pri 18 Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604. NHA and other - 4--Sportsman' s Column heavy banquets, no tate night work. Peele 2 nee Demme. Fy Ivers, $ wou Up To $10,000 GUARANTEED repairs to all WF | Steady employment. Must have good ref 1B ciabnln pete o) mortgage funds avaliable, : be ase washers and ranges. Free estimates. ATTENTION erences. Apply Hotel Lancaster, 27 King] Required by an Ajax Com- [ROOM AND BOARD for lady, friendly fwant. F, SWARTZ AND RONALD L.| Avgilable To Homeowners | 72-172. Street West, Oshawa. pany as purchasing agent, (home. Home cooked meals, lunches pack- e@* Telephone 728-9240, ARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Sr area earaererternpeeemmeneetitomnreecccn emmmmcenere a i} FLOORS AND WINDOWS expertly ciean- HOUSEKEEPER - COMPANION for con- ferably some cost occount- weet dea tinct" Heidi ace] INTEREST. RATES'FROM 1% = (OY oe cctvate fees' Pree' estl- FISHER MEN valescing mother, small family, part or Hh tt in first instance |ROOM and board for one or two gentle 7 | M F S Breet Eat, Tav-adir." Residence, 1.8% TO 1% 4% PER MONTH |mates, All work fully guaranteed, Phone full time, Between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. men, Private home, Reasonable. Write 12% TO 15% PER AN- _ /728-7164. only, Telephone 723-4077. by letter giving age, experi- | Classitied Box 636. Oshaws Times. teat © "HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Solici- if ony. y NUM). y | tee Fishing ot it's best day ence, gat ARP SFP 1 -g WALL DETERGER ond night. Gront's Fish Huts ar wiane toe i 21--Room & Board Wanted Seer a eta tor mortgages.| NO BONUSES Scientific air, pressure wall Laks Sines xisehold duties for couple, live In' privil- POST OFFICE ROOM bad beard aataed Ter Vane ee NO HIDDEN CHARGES cleaning equipment, cleans ._ Telephone 725-5247, ecutive. Private home in north area 'of CLASSIFIED ADS Building Trades NO BROKERAGE FEES walls with little or no mov- Trout and white fish. RELIABLE woman 0s companion to Oshawa preferred. Before 5 telephone 725- s 2 middle-aged convalescent woman while Box 1 152 A-1 CARPENTRY -- Cabinets, "Arborite, PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR ing of furniture or corpets Tackle, Bait, Transportation husband at work. Telephone after 5 p.m. bathroom, kitchen files, Call collect. G, A and no dripping. Whitby 668-2370. | 23----W. d To R Lehman, Port Perry 985-2674 after 4 BUDG Porect tanta, wumpenaive, Supplied. so aa AJAX ---Wanted To Rent Business People "On the Move" read The Oshawa Times regularly YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-| THe REALTY DIVISION OF Free Estimates ; EXPERIENCED | FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM apariment inj and some of them ore search feys built and repaired, gas linings in- MODERN For Reservations paki Patni sau Now or by stalled: fuenaces vacuumed. Free sat S U p E R | 0 R WALL CLEANERS PHONE 725-8072 SALES GIRL | : ~JOURNEYMAN TWO unfurnished rooms, heavy duty' wiring or use of rangette, References, ONLY STRIPPER Telephone before § p.m. 728-165). | ' } RELIABLE th Tr Kay s Sportswear Must be capable of stripping quire threesbedroom" house near Pubic An almost new Classification, 22. Stores, Offices, org will | blotk and white and color. and High School. Telephone Mr. Kennedy, ve to get in " Have your Lown Mower, for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele-|-------- | i Te-7331. enable prospective tenents end property and construction, 725-6937, 25 'Superior Offices In Ontario atl Tiller, or Ouiboord |pnele eallech, Hoenn SMR Mare: AGGRESSIVE | Only ee ng witha ng WANTED -- small furnished epartment,| easily and quickly. WELDING -- All metal fabrications. Re Y i will Fur Farm, Licence 245-C-63. apply. , comapny 'tS. | by rellable couple. Call between 5.30 and EL DIiee <= All reetel tunnreatiers. Re: Serviced gn Ports ond epLuE solar ineinicch ana Boll. SALES LADY [Replies held in strictest confidence |8'p.m., 728-2984. AC ANCIES NOW | fea Services, 387 Bloor East. "| Mortgage Money pak Phan Lisvcon' lous, $1.25 @ bushel and up. Bring your) required for Ladies ready to | WRITE TO URGENTLY needed by February 2%, OFFER YOUR V. BEEN ELEN ti A tratton, inton, Lauson, own containers. Apply 55 Liberty Street! wear store, Experienced pre- | two-bedroom unfurnished house or apart- custom aun BUILDING, re-modell Available Moto Mowers, Briggs and North, Bowmanville. ferred. Apply in preson | H. M. TIMMS ment, East End or outskirts. Abstainers, Telephone Times Classified Ads. 723-3492 ing Free _ estimates, Midgley on Lawn Boy. Any make serv- |garmersi Nn "ties Gan Bn, ' ' | : No children. Telephone 728-6350. Struction, '1 Thiekson South. 726-0920. leed, free pick up. Diol 728- -- lyeur Domin Ne Tire. represent n2s.| Breslin's Ladies Wear | c/o General Printers Ltd. |GentcEMmAN wants two turnished Tight housekeeping rooms, with garage. Tele PLASTERING, Patching, remodelling,| Low .Interest 2791 or 725-4633. 651) oF evenings ya de "6 75-7263. B i : new and old, George Abramoff, 162 Har- ____Brock St. South Whitby 57 Simcoe St, S. phone between 1 and 6 p.m, 728-1820, Tere Wah. TES-Or or TORE. Valuations Arronged O, OLAN 6--Auction Oshawa WANTED -- One- or two-bedroom house OSHAWA TIMES PAT TERNS ALL TYPES of building repairs, rooting, 74 BARRIE AVENUE soatinnenappecicericeoiaieewenestntracianinieinninsinidin EXPERIENCED oF apartment, In or near Port Perry. e ' Sue eat | ITY AND District (Surveyors AUCTION SALE | HAIRDRESSER See ae ELECTRICIAN, 'master, wiring, new We | pon EVAN, AND FLEISCHMANN, s ' d | FINANCE ing area, near oF school bus. Tele- SUMMER PROPERTIES Geter Lane Commercial blue) Maving received instructions ish ellgbbele for full-eime | jphone collect, Brooklin 655-3529. FY) | Surv Street bg BS . eater VACANT LAND prin, Ontario Street, 72s se%2 to clear an estate there will ommencing March 1 -- =| H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land : employment. Apply | PLASTERING, "wate a repairs. tal Members Ontario Surveyors, 11) Elgin Street East. Phone| be sold by public auction at | COMPANY THREE B DROOM Clarke Street. Telephone 728-3420, | Broker's Association |725-608). i D i The House of Bruno | | Mortgage | Stirtevant's Auction Holl, 33 | | - HOME NEED Cartuge ' ND TV--Radio Repairs | Holl St., Thursday, Feb. 20 | HAIRSTYLING casts ened an Oil company representative JOHNS MOVING AND CARTAGE SUMMERLA LAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial Serv-| - ere: | DIAL 728-668) Immediate exponsion pro- and family. Oshawa, Whitby, Reasonable rates, Fully pr Avenue. Telephone. aan TSE Sm Reroninne? fou sia | gram offers great oppor- PHONE 728-5786 equipped and Insured. 720-368. SECURITIES v --rz| jig sow, full size bed com- | "Experienced | tunity ond ropid odvance- FOR ALL BUILDING needs, cupboards, ; -- DISCOUNT LIMITED att Reenter lees ; a sel ---- z. ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofi 725-6541 Se a LER [oon Farmer's Column rs YOUR LAWN MOWER CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid} Bowmanville 623- 2571 tal Ne ind i A Torys ond smell lobe "cand Rooting 17 Simcoe St. N. D k MA At Towers, Antennas. gs ment rm f Rent ressmaki LIMITED pairs work guaran' ean lete, dresser, 6 volt botte ' 24~--Houses For Re: nn le Avenue, Telephone' 725-0500 " pea ~ |Checker & Presser | pin cay white: we: wen |tandecenx coeresee Gan Te ing and Sherailons Reesetaate rates.| 112 Simcoe. St, North GUARANTEED | REPAIRS to all makes | charger, 17" Addison tele- Appl you 'to become a branch cated, close te 'Scoala Available imme cngismnene Nee 725-6476, | Oshowo, Ontario--725-3568 liven 157 Eiitot, 7259792, Fred, **! vision, McCleary . refrigerator, rey manager. pata men Dial ia 7 ~ erations, repa rs. | er ee " | 4 H _ ree-bedroom ranch style 8 to S daily. Mrs, lezzi, 652 Ritson Road| TV SERVICE Moffat electric stove, Re- Scugog Cleaners | Applicants must have high [bungalow with two car attached garage. South. 725-8562, |Musical Services _ cord player, Coffee Table, | 4 WA | school or comparable edu- | Beautifully landscaped $125 mothly. Im. TAILORING AND DRESSMAKING, Pro-|PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ DAY OR EVENING ' Ae 524 Cromwell Ave. | cation, goad aheacranss, ond: ICR mae emor oe ee fessionol designing and talloring of ladies' |tuning and repair, instruments ap- and many other articles too 9 Ane p.m. Ajax » and men's weor, and alterations, fur re-ipralsed. A, Higdunk, Alax Pe21664. 728-5286 ° | Ph 723-1159 | be ambitious to assume im- 728-3 numerous to mention. Terms | one - |. portant responsible position. |25---Apartments modeling, Hajou's, phone BV | aeerrsenceeeeeeeeceneeneneneseoence Simooe Street South. | s | |Painting and Decorating | OSHAWA cath. Frank: Stirtevont: ouc- ofter 5 p.m. 723-7388 APPLY Rrarenantc WT Ril leleeh' Comsomaiees Gardening and Supplies W G. Scott and So LECTR | Yoke | | y arland Avenue, Telephone QE SURE of beautiful gardens, lawns, edna een om - | aes - ra = a SECRETARY agin Big h | ra" ieee fo share and flower beds in 1964 by applying man- | ure or sludge now. Phone 728-3901 today,, corators in all branches of | TV TOWERS |9--Summer Properties ; modern apartment with two others. Write 'itn ionannemme| the. ede. Interior end. ox Pac Sule th Rent required on Classified Box 395 Oshawa Times. instruction terior ANC F E THREE-ROOM u pstairs apartment, unfur- H |10 ACRES wooded land. Close to Apsiey. 'aca half day basis CONSTABL nished, all conveniences, central, | $70. Ten caer ee ce NCI, COTA. 693 Wilson N, RR. 2 Antenna Repair jake and over 1.200 feet river running| y : monthiy includes heat, hydro. Available Columbus. Hall, 728-7902 (28-6815 TRIO [usugh nis sreneriy, Sxeatent fahing for law office | Written applications in appli. |March 1. Appy 321 "Anderson "Avenue, ~ wa a javailable, Price $3,800, Telephone 720-8876 | cants own handwriting will : CLASSIFIED 'ADVERTISING RATES Experience in -reol estate | wAtgaing ey cl Seen natch Nantroca mite te 25 WORD MINIMUM TELEVISION '11--Articles For Rent | essential | 9 up ; couple Interested in quiet and economy, |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,| Please write full detoils of | 'uory 29, 1964, for the posi- | private building. Telephone 728-0960. Getter descrioea otters get taster results, 4 ' e Cash Char 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA reducing machines, sick room oe experience etc. to tion of police constable. WHITBY -- One-bedroom apartment, re- 6 Consecutive days 3.75 4) 8- 5] 43 Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, t frigerator, built-in range and oven, equip- pemneni : > 72 | CHAIRS, ¢ card and banquet tables, church} Salary range $3,600 1 Paes vale Mee pee expat oP Abante vd erutive dovs 25 2.48 latele vonmars, Cleve Hat Rene anal . entrance, swimming pool, . $100. monthly. ven a Migs he B 4 *f to $4,650 T evenings, Whitby 668-2123, ' Cours each word initial, figure or abbreviation as one word |Simcoe Street North, APARTMENT, heated, three \F NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES ee ate CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c TV TOWERS Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses OSHAWA TIMES | Reply in accordance with the [bath., laundry, facilities, | $60, Available While every endeavou will be made to torword replies to box Punch Bowls eae APR RT Pe RAE ------~| police act of Ontario, stating | ville 623-2440. numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no | Economy and Coffee Urns |17--Male Help Wanted | age, education, experience {two-room self-contained, main floor un- PICK-UP WORK private bathroom. liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through | ; A | | @nd references to furnished apartment, either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused Deluxe | ried Esl dea POLICE | Ch f P | ideal for coupler single person. See to By ALICE BROOKS iefof Police = whether by negligence or otherwise. . GLADSTONE AVENUE, 233 -- ree- room redecorated unfurnished apart-/ NEWEST fashion for a new TWO IN-ONE crineone stings only, 3 ines per month ... . re | Priced to suit your budget SARGEANT'S RENTALS | j oC tional ti nth ' | = Not applicable ~ polo odvertisements.) | hivsneiad wcostecmas | to. | - CONSTABLES | P.O. Box 280 tmiadie-aged 'couple "or wira., Samer baby! Crochet bright squares i $55 month, 725-1620. this co: jacket and cap. Bowmanville, Ont. [swam mie. ____itor vif By ANNE ADAMS DEADLINES OSH AW A TV |12--Articles Wanted ss we WORD Al .m, i -- * Cone of thonks i oem ter freee - | ea etait Piet saass| «= WANTED |Mark Envelope "APPLICATION" itwrlshed, mula oor wine teeeone| Joined, the inch Squares) vo. wr to a fine start with In Memoriums |. . +... 5 pm. Day Previous | SUPPLY LIMITED [youn maie or temate pianist wanted tor Yansost Nay '7S monthly. Telephone) oom flat pieces for jacket, cap. ale seers ae cs he Pom hagiady inl ; A ge ye Boy . a | [WANTED TO BUY standing cedar" bush, Applications will be received Faeroe or Female THREE-ROOM self-contained aparimert. Choose white plas one color OFlcity, one for sun! Choose from GASineD le ¥ ei oes ° - : 4 fe area j 728-81 80 ler. roeceier posts, cut. Gordon Crow, RR 4 = and a ga Help Wanted ear. 725-5100. : scraps, Pattern 7442: directions ~ ae new thrifty cottons, * * is | ebruary st Jog BR oe | 4 DREW Street, two partly furnished|in $-ply baby yarn.: . erty eS AND CORRECTIONS Well Drilling--Digging [GUNS | wanted © (Old antique). "Phone Police Constables for the } PART TIME Men ia Sernety Nit housekeeping rooms, third Hp << ie] wi y Printed Pattern 4591: Misses' ; M. DAY OF PUBLICATION weit > -- eo Nication _|YU_"k® to average $35 to $50 weekiy In/antenna. Apply between $8 pm. Couple] mnirty.tive cents (coins) forlsizes 19, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Sire Cancellations and Corrections received after the 8:30 A.M. [in 3éinch tile, W." Ward, 204 Chesil earn mirrors, modern butte" metal} City of Oshawa. Application lyour spare time. Call between 7 - 9 p.m,|Preferred. | tamps, please)|16 slim aress 3% a 35-inch; Deadline will be processed for the following day's 'paper Siret West, PO Box 209 Whitby, cabs] curr g/g, cavinel cede, chest. tour] forme may be obtained at {yam THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment this pattern (no stamps, ia ye or 668-3807, |Private. Telephone Brooklin, 685-4622. | the. office of the Chief of Pol- |-- SES space. Available February m Apply si7|t0 Alice Brooks, care of The shane caiiek tues oe REGULATIONS : | 1s te i ifica- St | $s, Needlecraft The Oshowo Times will not be responsible tor errors, in advertise- |!--Women's Column SHAW [tee ine following suciitica: | SALES CLERK coup LETECY Yornished small base- -- bin Ontario. On-|(0 stamps, please) for this ments submitted otherwise than. in writing, not for more than |PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-/ AUTO WRECKING CO. |. tions are required: -- com apartment, private entrance. Rea|Dept., Oshawa, . pattern. Ontario residents add ore -- insertion of anv advertisement. nor beyond the |gressing. 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone Wants Cars. for Wrecking ea For Leadin sonable rent In exchange for, few hours tario residents add 1 cent sales 9c. sales tax. Print plainly _ esa 'or @ single insertion of the advertisement in which - : Parts for sale, also <a iron M re is) Fashi Sh St ionere Sane scehoedadteaal acted tax, Print plainly PATTERN,|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, 2--Persona and metals, etc. bought F tween the ages o | asnion oe ore re one & The Oshawa Times reserves the right to clossity odvertising - wiaing oral we] Open Saturday all day, Phone ond 30 yeors ouive AVENUE, Bag thang NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. |STYLE NUMBER. eccordin to Its proper classification. Won S00, Wotton, cn cal \aabo038. wn) 795.2311 ae ; In Oshawa TV outlet. Private three-piece bath and HANDICRAFT 'HITS in|_Se™ order to ANNE ADAMS, * oe case Bl display advertisements, The Times will not be "an = rn 25-2311--89 BLOOR E. 3. Minimum height 5 ft, 10 in. searenes. Analy shove. address. a c ait han: care of The oatere cum eld responsible for more space thon that in which the octual emave superfluous hair, : eas 4. Mini ight - 160 Ib: Sal id good commis- 7 DECOR our big, big, new ittern Dept., awa, Ontarjo. error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all edver- | Marie Murduft will be in |13--Business Opportunities oceans bag K thes ol Sadia ONE AND 'TWO BEDROOM craft Catalog, out now! See) po YoU KNOW HOW [0 tising motter correctly but oxsume no liability of advertisement Oshawa, Mar. 2nd, 3rd, [BARBER shop tor sale, two chairs work| 5- Minimum education - _ ee ; red " GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE: if any inoccuracies in any form ore contained therein. 4th. -Phone Genosha Hote! | ing. After 7 p.m. telephone 728-4146. 10th grade or selling experience an as- AP ARTMENTS toys, fashions, crewelwork, LY + As ane eer Telephone the Direct t ifi on these dates for appoint- ' | set. New Canadians wel- F building, heirlooms, gifts, bazaar hits -- ' "une 783000 "E ECTROLYSIS |SERET Roa ciemmey| scibewettoce | tna posession, WhityJverything to crochet, knit. 0m Intuding "FREE COUPON. a argariences Web feo dete 668-8691 or 668-4 weave, em » quilt, smock.|get any one of 250 design ideas. For Clossified Services -- For = Other metas 723-464] Reesonabie Ges: Toe Telephone Whitby sas: Commissioners. | PHONE 728-761 ] After 5 Send 25 cents right now. [Seng pg aga os Cali The Times Sw