THE OSHAWA TIME, Wednesday, Pobruery 19, 1964 21 BW. WOOLWORTH APPOINTMENTS R.C. Church . Not Against - = r+.J s Apartheid: Cieric BLOEMFONTEIN (AP)--The teaching of the Roman Catho lic Chureh Is nowhere opposed to the idea of a state compris: ing waparately maintained ra: clal groups, says a church state: ment issued in this South Afri can ecity Tuesday, | The, views of the Roman Cath 'olic Chureh in South Africa on apartheid were outlined in a statement in the form of a se ries of questions and answers by the Archbishop of Bloemfon tein, Arehbishop W, P, Whelan, He is press director of the administrative board of the South African Catholic. Bishops i Conference, He ytd he sistued , A. B, MUNRO H, J, MoPHATL jthe statement bectuse he be: we lieved "the time is ripe to set The F. W, Woolworth Co, ing his headquarters in Toronto. | out the official attitude of the fed, 'of Canada, announces Mr, Munro, a native of Toronto, ohureh,"" | following executive appoint: began with Woolworth's forty 'The archbishop referred to a nts. Mr, Alan B, Munro has years ago, as a trainee, chureh statement in 1959 which en elected Vice = President Mr, A, J, MoPhail has been) said: "The great majority. of Managing Director of the appointed Assistant General) jon. Kuropeans, and particu: Gompany and Director of the Manager, Prior to his preset iariy Africans, have not yet te Company, as of January appointment, Mr, McPhail s€?¥"\ poached a stage of development! 1044, In his new post, Mr,ed as Supervisor of Buying justifying integration," mro will =have jurisdiction and was directly responsible for)" my, archbishop sald the South er Woolworth's operational the Company merchandise) yrioan situation, ' despite de- throughout the Dominion, mak: purchasing fects, Is stable, secure and full lof prospects for development, Arked whether he considers apartheid polivy had to be dis- tinguished from laws and regu: FRANKFURT (Reuters) Prince Carlog of Bourbon: Parma said here Tuesday he hopes to marry Princess Irene of Holland "in about four months," The Spaniard was greeted by reporters when he stepped from his plane during a #topover in this West German 5 | on the way from Madrid, Spain, to Austria to join the princess, Asked when he expected the be pa would take place, he said: not yet been fixed, "Tt may seem strange to you to hear it, but I myself cannot say, But f reckon it will be in about four months," Answering @ barrage of qués- Spanish Prince Says Wedding In 4 Months last month, Answering a barrage of ques- tions from senators who dis cussed the "Irene affair' for three hours, Prime Minister Victor Marijnen told the packed Upper house that following a se: vere reprimand from Foreign Minister Joseph Luns to the en voy, Willem Van Panhuys, "the government is unwilling to take Volume Dips On Toronto Stock Market TORONTO (CP) -- Volume on! the stock market failed to reach) the 3,000,000 level for the sec! ond day with prices mixed to lower Tuesday, The share turnover for the day was 2,706,000 compared) with 2,712,000 Monday. The low: eat previous volume was 5,630,-/ 000 on Dec, 28, | | | | 4 further step and recall him."| Banks and papers led indus:| The interview and what some critics have termed the envoy's sponsorship of it have been mi: "The date of the wedding hasjnor targets of criticism in the controversy raging in Holland over the delay in announcing Princess lrene's conversion to Roman Catholicism and the de: lay and confusion before the announcement of her engages ment to Prince Oarlos of Bour trials to lower ground, Imper: | jal Bank of Commerce fell %, Montreal 4% and Nova Scotia! %, while B.C, Forest and Con-| solidated Paper both slipped 1%, | Steels were 'stronger, Dominy| ion Foundries and Steel ahead! %, Algoma 4 and Steel Com: pany of Canada %, Among selected issues, Moore itrom time to time we hope we) hon. Par Corporation fell % and Distil-! n-Parma, \lerssSeagrams and Aluminium Marijnen said the governs) each and Reichhold rose 1%) live in Spain when ment blamed Van Panhuys for|to 91% and Ontario stell 14 to married, {failing to ee ae princess HX. és | "" " not to grant the Interview and) Denison was up % On more) We will lve is Beain, ond) op failing to inform the ROv-|than 97,000 shares and Falcon:| can go to Holland," he said, (ernment that it was to take/bride % in senior base: metals. plac Speculative issues were gen) THE HAGUE (Reuters)--The! tp the interview, publishedjerally quiet, Tombill. rose 13 D uteh government refused|iy the Dutch news agency Jan,jcents to $1.14 and Willroy nine Tuesday to yield to strong par-i95, the princess praised the go-\cents to $1.58. | liamentary pressure to recalllcjological, medical, educational) 'The exchange Index declined) tions and speaking both Eng- liwh and German, he said he would take Princess Trene to they. are Time Of Terror For Lordly Race USUMBURA, Burundi (AP) that missionaries estimate has),,, " Tt is a time of terror for Watuni cost the lives of up to 20,000 a Be pte of the tales | children, Misery attends lithe|Watusis in the last three With about 22,000 refugees al-| young descendants of a lordiy/months, ready on hand, the Burundi gov:| race which for 400 years headed) Sometimes, ragged and Alling) aenment ia seriously worried a feudal societ' in the equa:|from exposure, they come alone) snout the "continued influx, It \frican jand that now is/to a new life in refugee CAMPS hones to get neighboring 'Tan: }set up for them by the Burundi panvika to accept some of the |government within a few miles lead of waits are fleeing hand in/ot the frontier Working on behalf of the ret- llations made to implement the |theory, - ional rains and mid-day heat, iFood is scarce, Refugee relief ' Rwanda Tibelad and hungry, hundreds ihis itorviow Princess Irene gave to|phase of great progress and de-|golds advanced .44 to 182.37 and) a Dutch newspaper man there! velopment," its ambassador in Madrid forjand other aspects of Spain and|.21 to 131,11, industrials .28 to! arty in a controversial in-/said the country was 'in a/140,16, western oils 29 to 81.20, lbase metals 49 to 61,04 '§ | ; i 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN DAILY TILLIOPM OSHAWA; OLDEST AND FINEST SUPERMARKET hand into Rurund' from mas) Burundi soldiers stand guard) ygoes in one camp ia a blonde ieeres by the stocky Rahutus, |there with two assignments--to/Rritish girl, Rachel Yeld, She rmer siaves who have swal-/keep the Watusi boys and girls)is staying on the job despite yowed up their aristocratic par-jfrom wandering farther inland) threats to her life by militant ents and to watch for marauding) Watusi agitators called Inyengi «Sometimes the children are/ Rwanda troops The Cockroaches = who want Jed by a tall and slender elder, The Children help in building) to retake Rwanda from ita new FACELLE TISSUES SPECIAL 2 for 29° ALLENBURY'S Basic Soap 3 CAKES $1.05 CUSHION MOLDS FALSE TEETH COMPORTABLY, SUPER SPECIAL Hair Dryers COMPARED AT $17.00 OUR PRICE *9.49 @ Aspirin ........ O8¢ -- 6a © Colgate's Paste .. 69¢ -- 58¢ ® Haliborange 2.10 value 1.69 Vitamins Orange Flavor © Tri-Vi Tabs ... 4.60 -- 3.79 WILLIAMS @ Lectric Shave ... 79¢ --€7¢ PUREX BATHROOM TISSUE 49c Value 44 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM 10-0x, Spec, $1.45 OUR PRICE 89 Value *1.16 63° 63 "BEST BUY OF THE WEEK" ¢ ALBERTO VOS HAIR SPRAY -- Reg. 1.89... 1.58 MOUTHWASH Reg. 1.40 1.17 1.18 DRISTAN VAPORIZER 1.39 Velue SAMSON HEATING PADS -- Reg. 6.95 4,95 PRIVINE NOSE DROPS 83° 1.29 Velve . 1.09 WHITE RAIN SHAMPOO 7Se each Special 2 for 99e OUR 2 7 e PRICE for 7 eae ation HY-STYLE HAIR SPRAY 2.25 value 97° ALKA-SELTZER Reg, 78c , NOXZEMA INSTANT LATHER BRYLCREEM HAIR DRESSING 79¢ Value OR SPRAY -- Reg, 1.00 METRECAL WAFERS | | | | i mr | wes 1 for Thurs., Friday & Saturday, February 20, 21 & 22nd Throwing @ dollor across the Potomac wos quite @ feat in Washington's Day, But when it comes to moking a dollar go far, our customers could show George a trick or two They get the MAXIMUM MEALAGE out of every dollar they spend becouse our store. wide LOW PRICES ond SUPER SPECIALS give them a big cortful of their favorite foods for less money, That's the truth and you don't need o hatchet to chop down food bills, Just shop et GLECOFF'§ SUPERMARKET... TODAY! Loar 198 us, 53° MARGARINE 4 ves, 89° YOUR CHOICE CIGARETTES = crron 3.09 Cigar Special 75° 3 "ton* 69° The femous Ricards Cigerilion for men APPLE PIES sacsn race 45° SPAGHETTI 6 "3 1.00 JOHNSTON'S GLADE 59 LIPTON NOODLE CHICKEN SOUP 4 pxcs, 49° CHRISTIES HONEY WAFERS xc. Srxcs. 1.00 W2e OFF, 3-lb, CANNISTER Jewel Shorteningo...50° AYLMER FANCY 35° 4 99 srct'4h, 49° "Sine 1.00 2M voz. 1.19 ~ Specials Cottage Rolls PEAMEALED LB. 45¢ Whele Chuck of Beef, 60 to 80 tbs, for your freezer, NO CHARGE FOR CUTTING 37° WRAPPING, Ib, LEAN one 1.00 PORK CHOPS Wi; Pork Shoulders "Wyy" , 39° Chicken Backs pres 310s, 25° STEW BEEF soneuss us, 59° STEAKETTES us, 65° TENDERLO pork un, OBE TURKEY LEGS 5.0.15 us, 47° PORK RIBS siiovtben 2 10s, 25° FRESH WIENERS None 3 vs. 1.00 Roasts Beef "35 tU"" 5 5e Rindless Bacon ur, 49° WITH MEAT PURCHASE FIRST GRADE LEAN ate COLORED ise DEWKIST CHERRIES CLUBHOUSE---8e OFF Peanut Buiter HEINZ RED- Kidney Beans alee a EGGS vee 20-02, TINS FRUIT & VEGETABLES PE. ROTA Te Ub, Sen toestat a3" Oe wee GRAPEFRUIT ) ae 35° 5 20 2 20 FROZEN FOODS FROZEN Reg. 35c, Now for COD FISH 12-02, 29° RUPERT PKG, ter SALMON €6. DELICIOUS apries" SPECIALS IN OUR CLOTHING AND HEALTH AIDS DEPARTMENTS Toothpaste [e°4"ss 94c Panties Srecrme var 20° Baby Powder icy. 65° Carefree "css. 45¢ REG. Sle BLEACHED Sugar Bags ssi» Srox 97° NEW GREEN CaABRActs Res. he hg STEAKS 'xc° 59° FARMMOUSE Fomily Sine Froren Reg, SSe PIES SPECIAL 39° PRESCRIPTION iat Y 8S KING ST. € PHONE 723-2245 CHEMISTS DELIVERY WIDE FREE OSHAWA ROSSLYN PLAZA - STORES 530 SIMCOE ST.S PHONE 725-3546 728-4668 ALSO IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA WE CASH BABY BONUS AND PAY 'CHEQUES ! GLECOFFS 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN DAILY TILLIOPM OLDEST AND FINEST SUPERMARKET ha OSHAWA; QUESTIONS to ask about your , Does it supply your family with clean, comfortable heat? Is it expensive to operate? 3. Do you receive lifetime free service? Do you have a constant, dependable fuel supply? Is it occupying needed space in your basement? --If Not-- Change Now TO NATURAL GAS HOME HEATING EQUIPMENT Today's Natural Gas home heating equipment is designed to ive many years of safe, dependable, and economical service. t Is engineered to provide trouble-free performance and to eliminate costly repair bills, plus it receives life-time free service from your gas company. The clean cut, compact appearance of the Gas Furnace will blend itself to any room in your house -« Enjoy gas heat now! ' BONDED FORCED-AIR FURNACES (USING EXISTING DUCTWORK) COST ONLY '1.8 per week DURING OUR PRE-TAX SPECIAL CALL MR. BEST THIS OFFER APPLIES TO CITY OF OSHAWA RESIDENTS ONLY ' Se >. 123-3468 3 (Gonsumers' ("as 29 CELINA ST. - OSHAWA