10 THE queen, TIMES, Wednesday, February 19, 1964 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES| 8ST, PETER'S WA The WA of St. Peter's Angli- can Church met recently with Mrs. D, R. Taylor presiding. The meeting opened with the WA prayer. Mrs. William Boorman re- on the Children's World ay of Prayer, Mrs. Taylor ask- ed all those who could possibly do soto attend the Women's World Day of Prayer. A mem- ber of St. Peter's, Mrs, George McGregor, will participate in the evening service, As the Lenten project for 1964, it was decided to hold showers on the meeting nights when ar- ticles would be brought: in to help fill mother's bags, and toys that would go in the Arctic bales sent. by the Diocese, Material and wool was handed out to be made up into articles for the fall bazaar, The WA will serve breakfast. to the newly confirmed of the parish after they receive their first com- munion, A social half hour was spent with Mrs, R, L, Anderson and Mrs, Keith Scott as hostesses. MARY ELLIOTT SMITH The Mary Elliott Smith Mis- sion Circle monthly meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Ralph Hopson. The president, Mrs, Nickerson, opened the meeting with prayer. The devotional per- iod was in charge of Mrs, Hopson who gave an interesting talk on her theme from St, John 1, verses 1-11, World". Walter "The Light of the} | The topic was taken by Mrs. Walter Sewall, an enlightening tape recorded address from the Reverend Bryan Kimble of An- gola, The business period fol- lowed with the secretary, Mrs. Arthur Howard and the treas- urer, Mrs, Sydney Canfield, giv- ing reports. The reading course convener, Mrs, Frank Swackhammer gave her report of the books' now in circulation among the group. Mrs. Harold Parrot gave her re- port on the magazine. The group| Fecided to get ideas of ways and means to make money for the cirele from the Fehruary edition of the same magazine. A silent auction was arranged and dealt with, Place of meeting néxt month is at Mrs, Walter Sew- all's. The hostess served re- freshments, TEACHERS INCREASE Number of teachers in train- jing colleges in Britain increased to 48,000 in 1962 from 28,000 in 1958, CUES. BURNS Be prepared with Safe first aid that brings fast relief... keep your medicine cabinet stocked with DR.CHASES Antisaptic ouereannr Hunt's Tomote m\Catsup 11 oz, btls. SAVE 9% 35° 564 KINGST.EAST * 500 ROSSLAND RD. WEST FRESH GOVT. GRADE "A" FRYING OR ROASTING CHICKENS *: 2-3 LBS. AVE: Cod maz FISH DEPT, -- Omstead Brand Cooked Portions is, 450 SEACAP Brand Fresh Haddock Fi is, 826 Margoeree Brand Smoked D FILLETS », 39° FRESH MEATY CHICKEN: BASKET u.3 -- ar llets @ Frozen Food Features @ BLUEWATER COD ] Aylmer Tomato Soup 10 oz, tins 4 SAVE Se 49° FISH STICKS 10 oz, 33c "4 hig PM Aylmer Choice Peache 15 oz tins Sliced or halves in heavy syrup 2 SAVE 7 43° ¢ CARNATION CRINKLE CUT SAVE 4e French Fries 2 3c: 386 pkgs ALORA BAMBINO "JUNIOR DINNER VEGETABLES .€ BEEF Aylmer Choice Bartlett | Pears 15 oz. tins SAVE 59° SAVE Se re PIZZA 028 108 pko. SAVE 106 FARMHOUSE Orange Cake Aylmer Choice Peas & Carrots 2 15 oz. tins SAVE 4c 39° pko. 16-02 590 ®@ Bakery Features ® PENNY POWER Leaver Pieces & Stems Mushrooms 10 oz. tins SAVE. 7: 63° c Filled with juicy ripe fruit APPLE PIE Robertson's Marmalade és: .. Selden Shred 12-02, jars Sliver SAVE 7¢ 63° 24 oz, 39c SAVE Pie 10¢ PENNY POWER Light Fluffy SAVE 4e Chiffon Cake ...41¢ Astra Foney Cohoe 34-02. Tin Red Salmon SAVE 4c 39° SUNBEAM PEANUT BUTTER SAVE 4@ COOKIES 359 DINTY MOORE BRAND COOKED CornedBeef 2 MAPLE LEAF BRAND Sliced Bologn 2-02 PKGS 1-LB PKG. PORK BUTTS ~ CHOPS 59 A9c ~--rRindless Bacon ee 3% 49 Save 12¢ SHOPSY ALL BEEF Cello Franks POWER-RICH AND CREAMY GARDEN PATCH CHOICE PEAS SCOTIAN GOLD VITAMIZED APPLE JuIce 1.L8 PKG PINT CTN, JUNIOR FOODS HN LARGE 8 02. JARS FOR GROWING Nabob Instant--15c Off Coffee 6-02, jor SAVE 21 ¢ @ Dairy Features @ TULIP APPETITES York Chicken, Irish or Beef Stew 15-02, tins SAVE 99° MARGARINE 3 69 WE Te Personal Size ivory 12 bar SAVE pkg. KRAFT SAVE 8e Cheeze Whiz '**:, 596 4c -- GREEN GIANT FANCY CREAM STYLE Good things come in Gerber jars Nutrition, For your baby's sake, Gerber Strained and Junior.Foods are "custom-cooked" according to their own i sirements to preserve the utmost in Special Canadian produce nd temperatures are ° Colour and flavour, Gerber Baby Foods are specially processed in the absence of air to pres e colours and naturally good flavours. erve tru Baby Foods are packed s, for Convenience. For you: Gerber in sanitary Wide-Top jars with Quick-Twist cap safe, convenient refrigeration of unused portions of food. Quality. Famous Gerber quality is controlled by specialists whose first and only concern is the nutritional well-being of yout baby . . . and all babies. Cereal cue: Gerber Cereals, tke all Gerber Baby Foods, ere notable for delicate flavours and a smooth-to- the-tongue texture. Babies are our business... our only business! ' Gerber Baby Foods wucara rans, Canana Ad No. NC64-20€ pkg. Soap 95° $rd BIG WEEK Luck Penny Fioata Power Bonus Kitchen Knife Sale A PENNY FREE! WITH EVERY BLADE AS A GOOD LUCK TOKEN! This week . --_ wn REG. VALUE 1.39 as ORDER POWER GRADE "A" ; LARGE ; . EGGS 1-45" © STOP THE PRESS SPECIAL! 3 a > BAG ZINGG ASST'D. Cheese Slices CcRISCO Shortening SAVE &e 8-08. 300 pke SAVE 4e Vel. al pke -- Health & Beauty Aids DANDRUFF REMOVER RESDAWN COLGATE DENTAL CREAM SAVE Sle on, 1.19 SAVE 20¢ family size LADIES' FOLDING _ SLIPPERS 89c ASSORTED COLORS COMP, WITH 1,29 2 PURE WHITE GRANULATED : SUGAR : oT : SWEET, JUICY, CALIFORNIA 2 Navel Oranges 3 siv'ics 98° rd U.S: NO. 1 GRADE, WASHED, POT READY © SPINACH C Limit 2 Bags Per Customer 2 i ° ONTARIO GROWN, NO. 1 GRADE AYLMER BOSTON BROWN OR CANADIAN STYLE BEANS + 2 PORK SCOTIAN GOLD FANCY ~ APPLESAUCE 2 15-OZ. TINS 20-0Z. TINS 33 nl ee ee RE ee 'POTATOES :: 99: JUICY, TANGY, FOR LENTEN MEALS, GOOD SIZE : Sunkist Lemons 39° 5 ONTARIO GROWN, FANCY GRADE 49° a APPLES » Bo Poly Bag MaciNTOsh NORTHERN SPY DELICIOUS ? 10-02. Cello Bags 29° ccc datscosdeies denen ®