16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sotiydey, February 15, 1964 BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS nena eats Andrew Joho' Renwick i - 'ew » wou! eintegpeyllnen i and Joyce @reiinank friends and neighbors their happy to announce the birth of @ daugh-/many acts of kindness, beautiful floral fer, Sharon Joyce, @ Ibs, 1 oz, on Tues-/tributes and corde a the time ot or day, February 11, 1964 at Oshawa Gen-|dereaverment in joss of @ dear hus- eral Heaplte. "A. slater. for. Dele, Dlanelbend: father and brother, Special. thanks 'and Bruce. Special thanks to Dr. D, to Dr: O, G. Mills and Dr, R, K, Pater- son, the nurses and staff on 2A and 38 Rogers and fourth floor staff, floors of the Oshawa General Hospital. , SWEET -- | wish to express my sin- MALY -- Cum Deo Gratis, Mark ana|cere thanks to my many relatives, friends neighbor: the htful cards, Joan (nee Brady) proudly announce thel Sits, flowers, visits and inquiries about arrival of Gib. Boz, Curits Phillip, on i fe while | was _ "hs or pg bag phe 'Thursday, February 13, 1964, Daughter|like to give special thanks to Dr. . imberly announces mother 'other |e! Dr, Ki the wonderful nurses vi A mya lend word. siden 94 3C, also Elders Duncan doing fine, Sincere thanks te Dr. Ross, Mra, Lees and the wonderful fourth floor and Gutman for their words of comfort. Gener WILSON -- | wish to express my sine on ee ot, HOE. ave Ganka to relatives, friends, neigh- bors, Kinoven Lodge 353, Friendship Unit and Brooklin Horticultural Society cards, flowers, gifts, visits and many In- quiries of me wie a hospital, Bet " tors McKinney 5 ae eae th of 4F of the Oshawa POWELL = Ron and Freda (nee Weaver) are happy to announce the ar- rival of thelr son, Steven Bradford 8, ibs. 10 ons., on Wed. Feb. 5, 1964, at Oshawa) General Hospital, Special thanks to Dr, W. H. Stanley and Or, @,. 8. Doherty end fourth floor staff, General Hospital, Also to those who help! 'ed in any way at the time of my fall on the street. sary Christine Wilson, Burton's Entry To US. Irks Politician WASHINGTON n U.S. state department said Thursday it can find no reason for barring Richard Burton from this country. Representative Michael A Feighan (Dem, Ohio), who asked for a review of the PROUT -- Ross and Margaret (nee Hart) are happy te announce the birth of @ daughter on Thursday, February 13, 1964, at the Queensway General Hospital, Toronto, A sister for Kathy. STRICKLAND -- Charies and Kay are happy to announce the birth of their son, Paul Newton, 8 Ibs. 8 ozs., on Tuesday, February 11, 1964 at the Oshawe General Hospital. A brother for Kim and Charles. Many thanks to Dr, DB. Rogers and 4th floor staff, VAN BELLE -- With thankful hearts to the Lord, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Van : Relle wish to announcet he sate seal Welsh actor's visa on grounds of @ daughter, Daphne Ruth, on Tuesday,/0f what he called immoral con- February 12th, 1964, In the Bowmanville|duct, took sharp issue with the Memorial Hospital. A sister for Carl and finding. Pavi. "It is shocking and runs con- \trary to the clear intent of Con- gress and the facts in this case," Feighan said. Feighan said last weex that |'the conduct of Richard Burton DEATHS COX, Edward &. joutrage and highly detrimental Entered into reat in Toronto Generalito the morale of the youth of Hospital on Saturday, Feb. 15, 1964, €¢-/our nation," ward B, Cox, beloved husband of Roe} Burton and Miss Taylor now Mary Clark and father of Mra, Harrylare jin Toronto. Aldsworth (Frances) of Whitby and Earle) In a letter to Feighan, Fred- EH. Cox of Maple Grove in his ésth year,/erick G, Dutton, assistant state Resting et the Armstrong Funeral Home,/secretary, said a review uncov- Oshawa, with funeral service in th@lered 'no information which pate > -- ot " : 2 Las would warrant a finding of in- intermen awe nien emetery. 4 i ; Sheed Ark aaah i Ns aa ak eligibility or revocation of his Funeral Home before Sunday evening) Rurton is rehearsing in Tor- lonto for a Hamlet production in- FABER, Vie ltended for Broadway. He and At Oshawa General Hospital, Thuradey,|Miss Taylor have said they will February 12, 1964, Ytle Elsinga, 134imarry soon as Miss Taylor Hickory Street, Whitby, beloved wite of/is divorted from singer Eddie the late Tlalling Faber, dear mother of Fisher. Mra, R, Delong (Masike), Whitby, in her &and year, Resting et the w. c.) NEW YORK (AP) -- Singer (AP) -- The} land Elizabeth Taylr is a public} Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for serv- lee in. the chapel, Monday, February 17 at 1 p.m, Interment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin, Rev. G. Rezelman. Visitors will Eddie Fisher returned from the Winter Olympics at Innsbruck Thursday and said he had been so busy in Austria he was "'out NEW YORK (AP)--The big- gest corporate financing pro- gram in U.S. history took the business spotlight this week. It was undertaken by Ameri- can Telephone and Telegraph Co., which turned to its family of 2,250,000 stockholders to raise $1,225,000,000. The company offered its shareholders the opportunity of purchasing 12,250,000 shares at $100 each. This was $46 below the market price on the day the offer was made. Each shareholder received the right to purchase one 'new business on the increase. BALANCE IMPROVES The commerce departmen' in the fourth quarter of 1963 smallest in years. AT and T Stockholders May Raise $Billion would pump about $800,000,000 into the economy this year and go a long ways toward keeping reported that the U.S. balance of payments improved further The quarterly deficit was the For the year as a whole the United States had a deficit of $3,020,000,000, This included an especially high deficit in the first half and a sharp reduction in the second half, In the second half, the deficit was at an annual rate of $1,- 600,000,000, the lowest since the t|Dalance of payments began to be a serious problem in 1958, Reasons given by the com- 'merce department for the im- provement were reduced net purchases of foreign securities and a spurt in exports, particu- larly agricultural products to both Communist and non-Com- munist countries, share for each 20 held, Trading in the rights--20 are needed to purchase one share OBITUARIES Planners Urge Revamping Of Town Finances TORONTO (CP)--The central Ontario chapter of the Town Planning Institute of Canada said today municipal finance is outdated and "'our approach to it is obsolete." In a brief to the Ontario com- mittee on taxation, the Institute said that either the structure of municipal government or the basis of municipal revenue, or both, should be changed. The careful and efficient use of land and orderly and eco- nomical development and rede- velopment of urban, rural and regional communities are im- portant elements in the prosper: ity of the province as a whole. _ The existing government and --began on the New York Stock /Exchange Wednesday with 3,375,000 changing hands. American Telephone' com- mon stock surged to a new all- time high. MOVE EMPHASIZED The magnitude of A, T. and T,'s money raising undertaking is illustrated by that fact that all common stock financing in 11962 totalled $1,300,000, 000. | A, 'T. and T. will use the pro: ceeds of its stock offer to help finance a $3,250,000,000 1964 growth and modernization pro- gram for its telephone system. | Also in the communications field, Communications Satellite Corp, reported that six compa-| nies had answered its request) Ito submit proposals for design-| jing an international commer-| ALEXANDER FULTON Kenzie Fulton, QC, oldest law ipital Friday, He was 89. Mr. Fulton was born University of Toronto, After graduating from. Os rie and Hill, LINDSAY -- Alexander Mc-|,i. Fulton of Ottawa. yer practicing in Victoria Coun- ty, died in Ross Memorial Hos- near Chesterville, and educated there| 'ani and at Mosclieure' Ha was 2 Cecil Moore, son of Mr. and classmate of W. L. Mackenzie | King in political science at the|Wednesday, Feb, 12, was held) years ago. He was a member'vice, Temporary entombment| of the firm of Fulton, McQuar-! was at Oshawa Union Cemetery. | The world's longest pipeline} {Guelph, and two sons, Derry |Fulton of Lindsay and McKen- FUNERAL OF JAMES CECIL MOORE The funeral service for James Mrs, Arthur E, Moore, who died jat the McIntosh-Anderson Fu-| .|neral Chapel Friday, Feb, 14, at! goode Hall, Mr. Fulton began|10 a.m. practice at Chesterville. He] Major Fred Lewis, of the Sal- real | came to Lindsay more than 50/yation Army conducted the ser-| Pallbearers were G, Morgan,| set-up is respons for the "scramble for industrial tax base" in which orderly mu- nicipal. development takes place. The brief said municipalities that have a sound and effective physical planning program should be favored by the gov- ernment in disbursement of public funds. EAST TO WEST Canadian natural gas trans-| mission lines now cover the} area from Vancouver to Mont-) | LONGEST PIPELINE | is the 2,340-mile ee Gee He leaves his wife, a daugh-|K, Beavis, R, Bosewell and R.|pipeline from Alberta to Que: ter, _Mrs, Kenneth Blair of'Kemp, bec, '& Rheumatic Pair Needs National P OTTAWA. (CP) -- A co-ordi- nated national effort to enable Canada to play a significant role in the space age was urged here Friday at a space research symposium. The call was issued by scien- tists and industrialists at con- cluding sessions of a two-day meeting, sponsored by the Ca- nadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, on Canada's present contributions to space research and what it should do In future, The speakers said Canada-- government and industry--must put more money into space re- search if it wants to make an oe contribution in this field, A, W. Bethune, chief of ma- quired additional cedure in. Canada by which a 2.5 em HR A anna rere Dr, J. C, Arnel, acientific ad- viser to the chief of the air SUggsONS That ve its own satellite launching facilities, He said Canada should make A greater effort to take advantage of existing satellites which are transmitting information to earth rather than waste money jon building launching pads, NEWS IN BRIEF MINIATURE PAINTING The h press of miniature portrait painting stretched from the beginning of the 16th cen- tury to the middle of the 19th, EVAPORATED MILK WATCH SALT USE government) Salt retards the browning of support and there was no we and is best to ing in any extensive space pro- grams," JOINT VENTURE URGED He suggested that the aero- space Industry in co-operation with the federal government) should form a co-operative re- search organization similar to the Pulp and Paper Institute, Dr, J. H, de Leeuw of the University of Toronto said Can- ada's space effort does not com- pare. favorably with other coun:| tries, University research re-| steaks and chops when they are competent scientist with a sound browned and cooked on one research project could have itiside or after they are ready for tested in a satelite, the platter, terials research for de Havil- land Aircraft of Canada Lim- ited, said unless something is done soon to bed industry in- creased capability in producing materials for space work "we are not going to be participat- Lemon Juice Recipe Relieves Arthritic If you suffer rheumatic, arthritis o neuritis pain, try this simple inex! vs recipe, wat thousands are A a Cy o =! Sompound, a 2 weeks supply today, Mix it with a quart of wweters edt the juice of 6 lemons. It's easy! No trouble a all and pleasant. Take only 3 tables) fuls 2 times a day, Often within 48 sometimes overnight -- relief is obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and if you do not feel return the empty ean to us and RU-EX will cost you nothing, You is sold on # back guaranteo. Over 8 million cane drem Ltd., are the sole judge as R} money wed, At all drug counters, A '1 Bartley Drive, Toronte 16, DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & LOVELL LIMITED ROSSLYNN PLAZA 728-4668 CENTRAL PHARMACY 211 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-1070 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 6 KING ST, EAST 723-3143 naan ens \cial satellite. W .T. and T. and Radio Corp.| jof America submitted a joint iproposal. Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc.'s proposal in- |cluded International Telephone jand Telegraph Corp. as_princi- pal subcontractor. Individual proposals were submitted by Hughes Aircraft Co, and Ford Motor Company's Philco Corp. subsidiary. BUSINESS ENCOURAGED Business and individuals were encouraged by the prog- ress being made toward enact- ment of the income tax reduc- tion legislation. Different versions of the bill have been passed by the House of Representatives and Senate, and conferees from both bodies are trying to reconcile differ- jences, House spokesman agreed to Of Vital Interest To You ..» for it affects your welfare, your well-being, your prosperity! AN INTERPRETATION BY LOCAL neem of contact" with the state of his divorce proceedings from ac- tress Elizabeth Taylor. Fisher supervised the entor-|the present 18 per cent to 14) tainment program at the Winter| Per cent in one step, quickly; Olympics. He is to leave Sun- after action is completed on the) ih, | day for night club appearances) ' | The administration says this ackey Funeral Home, Peel Street In| in Puerto Rico. Indsay. Service In the chapel en Mon-| sien, tren te ue COMING EVENTS ~LocRES ieee ee PES] VALENTINE 'disnhiciinibiniiiiaiiaiiadstiaiaiinmainin 1 RM Oh Sen hen manera by LOCKE'S FLORISTS DANCE |Delmar Unit, UCW, King Street United Funeral arrangements Sponsored by C.Y.M.K. |Chureh, - a floral requirements for all |GET your sales message in "Per. occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING Feb. 15, 8:30 to 12 p.m. ST. JOHN'S HALL | sonals" and cash in on the high reader CENTRE 31 BLOOR STREET EAST be received 7 until # p.m, Saturday. go along with the Senate on re- elhaved, dow ducing the withholding tax from Entered into rest in Lindsay, at the home| @f his daughter, on Friday, February 14, 1964, John Johnston, in his 97th year, beloved husband of the late Sarah Elize- beth Oldfield, and dear father of Emma (re, Howard Eakins), Eva (Mra. Chas, Lee), and Alvin, all of Lindsay, and Herbert (predeceased). Resting at the| INDUSTRY ana BUSINESS. of their ai i' 723-3492 to ge: your ad started. ~~ NORTH OSHAWA "| NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. | MONTHLY MEETING North Oshawo Park Clubhouse | Jents 75¢ Adulte $1.50 Sunday, Feb. 16, 2 p.m.|_* sini | BINGO |- BINGO IN MEMORIAM Biwe eee 18th | ORANGE TEMPLE eRAKER =| In loving memory : poe SATURDAY, FEB. 15 | : 7:30 P.M. | away February 15, 1954, and of Thomas Baker, who passed ewey June| --Always in qur thoughts, Ethel, Harold! 50 Gomes $8 Share the Wealth 4 ---~ $40 Jackpot to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go end grandchildren. Children Under 16 Not Admitted Free ADMISSION Free KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK $150 Jackpot -- $20 éach line plus $50 Full Card . 5 -- $30 Games; 2 -- $250 Jackpots 20 -- $20 Games JACKPOT NOS, 53, 58 EARLY BIRD GAMES EXTRA BUSES - 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS jahip this popular column pulls, Just dial the Oshawa Times Classified Dept., 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Conan 728-6555 beyond Price, yet, within reach of ol! GERROW | FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 Kindness Objectives-- Community Relations -- Developments Told In Complete Detail In Che Oshawa Cines BUSINESS:INDUS TRIAL REVIEW «'64 Mr. Businessman .. . Be Sure To Tell Your Story in the 1964 Business and Industrial Review! pote 20 regular games $8 ond $10) peony Shore The Wealth $150 Jackpot 50 nos, $20 Consolation FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor Street and Edith MCINTYRE -- tn loving memory of 8 tear husband and father, Ri Mcintyre, who passed away 14, 1960, Often @ leat blown by the wind Falis on the ocean and sinks below, 'Tis never lost; where'er fate blow, The imprint of its touch stays behind. And so with lite, ter its kind, | 1? shapes a@ piace, 'ts destined so, 1 in peace or turmoil it should go, its Influence lives as 'twas destined. ey missed by wife Annie and son, eg. lobert G February OSBORNE -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, George Osborne, who passed @way February 16, 1959 Sleep 0.1, beloved, Sleep ahd fake thy rest; We loves thee well, But Jesus loevd thee best. Lovingly remembered by the femily, RICHARDS -- In loving memory of my father, Herbert. Henry Richards, who pessed away February 15, 1962. Farewell, dear father, thy work is o'er, Thy willing hands will toll no more, A loving father. kind and true, No one on earth we'll find like you. ~--Ever remembered by Earl, Elsie and Joy, Harold and Marjorie WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, FEB. 17th Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 51 and 55 1 -- $150 JACKPOT MUST GO Jackpot I'svs Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES RED BARN -- norTHOSHAWA Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. _ ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690. KING ST. EAST AT FAREWELL FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 SNOWBALL -- $150 in 56 Nos. -- $20 Con. PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE REGULAR JACKPOT -- $100 in 54 Nos, $20 Con. SHARE THE WEALTH GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE NO CHILDREN, PLEASE WILSON -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Ethel Wilson, who passed away February 15, 1955, There's not a day, dear mother, We do. not think of you | --Lovingly remembered by son Harold, Geughter-in-lew Helen. WILSON -- In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Ethel Wi. gon, who passed away February 15, 1955.) Those we love we never lose, For always they will be oved, remembered |, treasured, | Always in our | ~--Ever son-in-law and David. = by daughter. Lillian, | Fred and grandchiidren Gail WILSON -- In faving memory of my dear wite, Ethel, who passed away Feb- ruary 15, 1955. tn the g@rden of memories we meet @achday. ~ver remembered by her loving hus- band Joseph. | MONUMENTS -- MARKERS | RIMAR MEMORIALS | 152 SIMCOE ST. $ | OSHAWA OFFICE EVENINGS 723-1004 728-6627 and a Competent Advertising SHOE 72 4 Representatve will call to assist cal you in the preparation for your advertising message! The Circulation Department of the Oshawa Times; 86 King Stre et East, Oshawa, will mail copies of the Progress Edition to your mg and relations anywhere. YOUR INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY 15¢ (INCLUDING POSTAGE) PER PO CON LEER TAR