|27--Rea! Estate for Sele Rae eal: » 27--Real Estate For Sale --Real Estate For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale [32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Pebrucry 15,1966 15 RAVINE LOT, 100 ff, » 200 ff. Lovely sub urban, Lecation Meadow Road West, Osh-| ms boy awe area. |FIVE-ROOM, ie Rati vg drive, eae en ate Sal SCHOFIELD-AKER old Fn see Stross West. noota. and bus stop. saan Mes init ath, HS Attention Investors - and Sub-Dividers 54 acres of land between Oshawa and Whitby ve Ye mile frontage on fut ure Highway. For furtner information Cali George Koornneef PHONE 723-2859 JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR Telephone 728-7377 GUIDE REALTY 5 ROOM BUNGALOW fight on Simcoe St. North on @ forge ravine lot. Spotless in- side ond out. Large living room, separate dining room with French Doors leading to bock yord. Forced air oi! furn- ece with heoting bill of only pe ver blinds, cedor lined in bosement ore but $ td of the extras included in the price of $12,500. Let us show you this home today, You won't be disapopinted, WHITBY -- 2 bedroom bung- glow with notural stone fire- place in living room, Lot size is 68 x 162 and zoned Gen- eral Residential which allows you to build a duplex or open © business here. Lot can be divided. Priced ot $10,500. ATTENTION BUILDERS -- We hove a porce!l of land on Witson Rd. North 198 x 668 ft. Can be divided into a pos- sible 12 lots. For full detolls 'coll our office. Priced ot $30,- down. 5 room brick bungalow with stone front, poved drive ond IDEAL SUBDIVISION LAND -- 71 acres of level lond with 6 room 2 storey home, bom ated on Thornton's Rd. North. WHITBY -- 10 room duplex. ed insul brick home with gor age on « lot 76x 130 ft. Excellent commercial corner location. Priced ot $16,900. BRAND: NEW--7 room brick bungolow with stone front ond attached garoge. Generous sized entronce hall leads to kitchen, living room, bose ment and all bedrooms, Double closets. in all bed- tooms. Electric heoting also 2 fireploces. 4 bedrooms, sep- @rote dining room plus Holly- wood kitchen. Finished rec- feotion room with bar, This home is in a well developed areca of Oshawa's North West, ond hos mony other features for modern living For full details coll 723-1121 After 5 p.m. Call 725-3454 728-5581 723-1121 725-8068 723-9266 725-4362 Roy Flintoff Steve Englert Jean Peocock Leon Monitius John Hutohuk Tory Siblock Corson Dick Young Lucas: Peacock Steve Zurbo 728- -0569 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simeve St. $. WHITBY CLASSIFIED LOT 5 x Keel lett ther information. 9 Bagot St. Colborne. Street Bast Harmony SApee orhara cote |achools and churches, Phone 728-0: LA SALLE AVE. 5 room brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms, finished rec room paved drive with rage, patio, nicely ab Call Loreen 23-3770 for fur- HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 This Weekend 2 P.M. Until 6 P.M, Schofield-Aker 260 King St, West Telephone 723-2265 PRIVATE SALE Five room brick bungalow. Close to Boy's Club, eo stonial down payment quired, Mortgage ot 4V%4%. Monthly payments including pencipal, interest ond toxes $57. PHONE 725-3041 or apply 221 HIGHLAND AVE. OSHAWA, ONT. The Public is cordially OPEN H at SUNSET TERRACE This: modern blungalow will Homes Built by Loupan - $1,200 invited to attend OUSE SUB-DIVISION Libery Street North -- Bowmanville commencing 2 p.m. --- 5 p.m remain open weekends. Developments Ltd. N.H.A. Brick Bungalows from $13,900 down. For Appointment Phone 623-3393 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED BOWMANVILLE Beautiful HARMONY your most taste, Close to public - foomy garage) $16,90 sider $1000 down. MR. SAVING JUST ONE HOME LEFT meer completion--This lovely eemi-eplit is designed to pieose discriminating Sepor- ate ond High Schools --- Low tones too! Full price (including 10. Con- 35-2911 EVENINGS 8-7162 "People with taste, ve in Hormony Village" by FRASER BELL Builder & Developer Harmony Rd. S. -- East of Donevan Collegiate the real estate sales in Harmony A very pleasant, convenient family. 1 Block from new H Clay brick veneer bungalows lowest prices in Oshawa. interest. "The in new homes. SBPTIC TANKS ¢ prompt serv @n calls. Waiter Word's m4 Chestnut Str Street West, Whitby. 6468-2563 BRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, @lterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting Qpeciaity. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. LOST: Girl's lasses, peer! grey rime, Saturday evening, vicinity of Henry High School and Ferguson Avenue. Telephone Whitby 668-2297, FOR RE RENT -- Twobedroom apartment apartment tn New Tri-plex. All conveniences, extra ferge rooms. Central. $110 monthly, Telephone 648-803). es Sena NAGLE march <t SSIs, FOUND: Smell Black cat, ebout & » Wednesday, Byron Street North ares. Troms 1 to be househid pet. 668-4320. WICELY furnished rooms, one double, « with private kitchen and pecs oy Whitby. 448-04an. 40 KING ST. E. Harmony House" $13,595. with only $1,396. down pay- ment and monthly payments of $79.90 principal and interest. We are pleased to have been chosen to handle Estates location to raise your 1 Block from new: Linorale School igh School 2 blocks from Public School to be built by A. R. Jef- frey Construction Ltd. on prepaid serviced lots, at the "The Keketa", priced at $13,495. with only $869. down payment and mon- thly payments of $82.70 principal and priced at This price includes all costs and normal extras found FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ARE HAVING OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND FROM 2 UNTIL 6 DIRECTIONS:-- Harmony Road South, 1 block south 3} of Donevan Collegiate and turn west to first house. "| LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Ltd. 723-2265 6 ROOM BRICK FRORL A eoosatad ful locetion --- lenge 8 fe B70, rs Pate nicely decorated. Should be seen, OWNER TRANSFERRED 5 room brick pag too boc- oted in east end, close to public Sige ond High school, 1065 sq. ft. of living oreo, morrow may be too late. LOOK AND DON'T LISTEN You won't even have to listen to the solesman on this one. One look ond you will see for yourself all the quality feat- ures built in to this dandy 7 room split level jow, ond you will save too. If you move fost. - BREATH TAKING - Just one casual look through this superb home will leave you ponting. A home with o view second to none, Forty miles away, this lot alone would cost you $15,000. Seven room brick ranch bun- yolow with two cor goroge, plus roo to store your ° Holding a donce downstoirs in this rec. room would be o real thrill, Just imagine 30 x 30 finished room, bigge M separate dining room, is home hos it. Want two fire- ploces, this home has it, To inspect, please coll 723-2265. FOR FULL PARTICULARS CALL 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, Steve Macko 728-5868 725-3867 725-0239 723-1358 728-2870:> 723-2894 728-2233 725-0201 725-1726 723-2266 360 King St. West. Free Porking = | DIAL 728-4678 | D. W. McQUAY REALTOR Whitby Plaze 313 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-5868 Five ond a half room brick bungalow with paved privote drive and concrete patio, Fully -equipped with | storms jardene, "Towns! i9g9 cH BelAlr, even', ( = +. door wave wail tires, $2,200, Telephone WEBBING gown, ne Reap, mew YO, wreath sae now Primes Siam ma my BU 36--~Legel 36--Legal Te. see tawer en oe axe 27--Real Estate For } oll @ and flower beds in by ie idl or sludge now. Phene "Peeve ay. st.nn0, MOWN, é-room brick |Whitby, verve driveway, Fences ty back, \ $' 8) Carries od monthly, principal, Interest, $12,500, full price, Whitby 668-8746, Oshowa's Lorgest Firm BOLAHOOD -REAL ESTATE- 2 = Inguronce ---- ~--Mortgages-- NORTH WEST $13,500, full price, $2,000. down, i brick bungal low, por ora, beouttfll ect ete 5 if lot, Coll Mr, 728-5123, STORES stores, snack bors, Variety = FP arb several from Rankine 728.5123, OLIVE AVE, DUPLEX Totel of 12 rooms, with 2 meters ond 2 new forced air oil furnaces, One apartment composed of 7 rooms with 5 bedrooms, other apartment composed of 5 rooms with 2 bedrooms completely reno- voted. Asking only $14,500, with $2,500.00 down. "en delay on this one. Coll Ed. Drumm ot 728-5123 or 28. 9345. " BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcod Street North Open Every Evening 1963 CH! Reeve MarR corner Sicer nd ase rwo-tone Dive, rede, Geet <tnetNn ule ton, vee, at Roe RO! a 4 cy! ' power radio, seat belts, many i9is BUIEK, 3door hardiop, redle, new valves, clean, Also 1950 Pontiac, Pine 728-9908, HN Ve mi hon gg automa: thy eau equipped. Fe ITEORS octal Gr bel offer, Needs motor work, = by 668-9048, lent ae we 1960 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, shape, mesa evenings 'mca Fy vey berg "scomation Best offer, 110. Reach Street, Uxbridge, 852-3634. 1957 CHEVROLET two-door shift, good running condition. Make offer, Call between 10 a.m, te 6 p.m, except Wednesday. 728-1296, running condition, tins, ne Talaphone fi 12,500 miles, Call automatic, -- radio, 728-1227, * na "a's oe channel" $350. Telephone i057 FORD, new body ie A-l, standard transmission, miles $2,400. After 8 -- condition, Telephone 6 BEL AIR Che sedan, low|Dlscounts for motor and body A-1, four white- 1960 rotean os orind God hr browns ole in pe. good ond A i963 CHEVROLET Bel Alr, & cylinder, |YOU Se oan repairs, all makes, ria, attachments, hoses. Gua ron oe me) hs msg vhs Sy a Vacuum Service, ieee sea VACUUM CLEA! Free estimates, par Call anytime he! a os penis Masten onal 36" abs burner automatic range, $20) also 21" RCA, Viger TV, $35. inuiiene 725-1053 after § oom vemoten é 'itchen set, a \four chairs, $35. Phone 7258670, THREE rooms of furniture, only $200 cash or $15 monthly, down yay cash. Honest Cal's, end TO MERCHANTS a tows CE NUTIC rae yet 12, 1964, to to 286 ae ide King West, 726-9191. DISHWASHER, ingils meh one year lold, like new. Kates -- Nee ond veed. 4 per St eee rent $1.50 up. foal raja' Cycle, 204 Bond Best. be a Tires, Kelv' rerieereire tele vision, Thrifty ._ 725-4543, W RE Special al, a . tower struc ee 'all_channel antenna, Installed $80, Oshawa TV Supply Lid, 261 Gi Street, 728-8180, SUNWORTHY wallpaper at hall price. fer ae ene, rel, get one tren, Baer 5 Soka ta" King. West, "Telephone 7247351, used, Up, per " r trade in, Sportsman's Corner, block west of Four Corners tn Whitby, BUY and -. good used Yorniture end 1955 PONTIAC seden, exceptional condi-| tion, $495 or best offer. Telephone 723-4406) after 5 p.m. 1956 , FORD station wagon, mechanically good. some body work. Telephone Alax 9 won 195) CHEVROLET, 4door, automatic, low mileage, Excellent condition, Tele phone | 725-5848, 1063 PONTIAC Laurentian station 'wagon, V8, radio, shaded windshield, two- window washers, Top condition, 723- W957 CADILLAC convertible, $1,998. Will finance. Will take trade, After 5 pm.,/ |telephone 723-4406, 1957 PLYMOUTH four-door, best offer, Apply 53. Harmony Road Telephone 723-2334, South. 28--Real Estate Wanted ALL CASH for two or three-bedroom, be gig brick bungalow, stained wood Mr. Johnston, Bolahood Brothers Uitatied. Telephne 728-1066. 29-----Automobiles For Sale 194 CHEVROLET, tires, mecheni- cally perfect, new licence, $135. Tele phone af after 4 p.m. Whitby 668-0682, PRIVATE -- 1958 Chevrolet 4door station agon, automatic, whitewalls, chrome dises, radio, Sharp! Telephone 725-0421. i) CHEVROLET Bei Air, automatic, low mieage. One owner. Clean, excellent . ql y Reason-| 'able. Teeohene 725-0480. 1 PONTIAC, ddoor, Vi. Seaterd radio, No rust, $495, Can finance, me. i908) PLYMOUTH, | good condition, 75. Apply 38) Mary Street (back door). 9" FORD "sialionwagon, yellow end biack, 6 cylinder, sfengerd: A-1 condition. Best offer, Telephone 725-8407. 1953 BUICK automatic, 2<door hardtop, body and Interior very good. Mechanically Al, Apply 97 Durham street, after 5 p.m. 728-3925. GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Care STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and Ki 723-4733 and 793. 77\2 Gash €ath| ORAFING boards, work counter, eight ft. jay location only, Nal \perniturer' ag 444 Simeoe South. 723-3271 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashi ty |cators, chequewriters, compt ] three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service, Hamilton Office Equipment, 197 Brock South, Whitby. KELVINATOR two - door Telrigerator, 'Westinghouse wont GE four-burner be sey "we mower and children's swing set, In good poll Apply 708 King lStrect least after 7 p.m. HADDON Hall rug and felt pad, dee rose tone-on tone, 9 x 12) also matching mat 27" x 51", $40. Telephone Brooklin 6$5-3229. HAROLD E, W. BROWNLEE JUDICIAL SALE OF RESIDENCE No, 86 Park Road, South Oshawa \ Supreme Court in The @ ALL INTERESTED PARTIES TAKE NOTICE it z i é = z § i oe Grondview St. $. in the i : i : ef fi Te {FFESF j i7 es Zz * - s g i Fa i Dated at Oshowa the of Februory, 1964, Signed CYRIL ROSER, Executor of the Estate of Vthe lote Alfred H, Robineon, Telephone 723-9668 THE IMPERIAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Vereus and SOPHIE BROWNLEE top counter, two storage walls, tong tino rite} white it machine, duplicator, [wit orn Call Whitby 666-2364, [oneness %" -- copper tank and er, 'Whitey tieaico, ny i iJ i YAPE recorder, Sea Breeze, Ay new, wilt sacrifice for Va the cost. A bargein. Wer Nr bron 728-7146. Telephone! TYPEWRITER, portable, Ln chine $40) stenderd typew! new _ electric yererttor. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 468-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid ofr Trade up or down Always top quolity BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 iia CHEVROLET coach, 6 standard shift, A-1 condition, IE ba trade or finance, Call 728-9286 or 725-8555. a VOLKSWAGEN V oe Cy running protege sc 9745. New exhaus' velve lob, Telephone Whitby una 1942 CHEVROLET impala 4door tem, 8 cylinder. out eutorpatic cellent rn ater 7 p.m. telep 725-4278, SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S RAGE GENERAL REPAIR ond AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 1060 ISETTA, good condition. $150 or best offer. Netity a Charles Street, Phone after 5.30, 30-----Automobiles Wanted PRIVATE, 1955 _ Fa Fairlane, four-door ut for wrecking. Highest prices paid. le-| Wentworth East, 725-1181, V-8, phone 725-3358 after 5 p.m. 1987 CHEVROLET, four-door hardtop, Ve jautomatic, power end brakes, Be and white boos tag hy Telephone| 57 LAXIE 800 two-door hardtop. cuble Inch motor. Stick eels, 9,000) miles. Whitby. 668 ws? scoENouILE "four-door, super 08, condition, Power steering and brakes. Reasonable. Telephone 725-7922. 1959. VOLKSWAGEN, new tires, radio, windshield washers, good condition, pri- vate sale, $625. Telephone | 728- 5795, 196) PONTIAC Laurentian, 2-door, hard- top, 6, automaltc, white with bive In- terior, tinted glass, windshield washers, tadio, Price $1,995. Call 728-9833. ond screens, Nicely ed and a finished rec room. Close to Henry St. High School. Nice high location. Asking $13,500.00 with $3200 down. To inspect call Keith Lunney. Sompoct four room home with treed lot. Privote drive, garage, oi! heating costs only $100, yearly. Asking $8500.00 with $5,000. down, Lerge lot, To Inspect coll Keith Lunney, Semi-detcahed three bedroom brick bungalow with private drive, rg val Well decorated, gos heating, Aski 'ing. $10, 00! with $2900. 0.00 down open to offer. fo' Fn call Keith Lunney. |écylinder, standard, 12 CHEVROLET, Sdoor VS, automatic transmission. New fires, radio, washers, $1700, Phone 723-1287, 987 CHEVROLET, be tone, four-door, Speriee 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck- ing. Teles Telephone 725-2162 or 7-045, 145 CARS WANTED Buying a New Cor? Sell your used cor to 'Ted Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 _Res. 725-5574 Auto Wreckers want cars Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 723-444, ANTIQUE aval picture treme, 14 In, by; nk In, Price $20, Telephone 723-2990, chesterfield, 21 Inch TV, chester bee] and chair, washing machine, chrome set, two tables, dresser, six single 'one double continental bed, small erator, three stoves, two light, one duty. 147 Brock Street East, Toom suite, brown): lamps ete.) inatte. suites tw two months old continen- tal single bed and wie 5 eeerets ib Inchy mirror, nine drawers; televis! dishes, pots end pans, brand any Person or omg Needed "bione 733-464) Mr. Campbelt oe zz z i a ry j g & ? ii a2 Ez gt it | i fe Ht S z & z - it z 1 + & 7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF LOUIS ALBERT REID, sf i aij Hy 3 7 z | ! i Z i Ae 9F- oie i i £Ez iz 3% ifs z CLEARANCE SALE STEEL CABINETS FILING CABINETS way oh FILING oY. STEEL CATALOGUE HOLDER l | i} i i f gl i j fut ifs May be smell, but they ere gionts, powerful tee, when ft comes te getting things dene. Let one of them sell your ne tanger heed hewnahiaid. Raves, See for yourself, : Telephone Now~ le ~ ian STEEL SCAFFOLD AIR CONDITIONING FANS GAS WATER HEATER N $ ALL CASH $ For clean. cars or trucks we Gon up or down, Liens poid f NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from. Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 (NEW) % STEEL BED USED OIL BURNERS & REPAIRS MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS $695, Whitby 668- 2109 after 6 p.m. we OLDSMOBILE 4door 88, fully auto matic, A-1 condition. Reasonable, See at ie ---- Street, de Coniee radio, low mieage, 'v8 or best offer. Dial Whitby ¢ 668-499. is CHEVROLET aca two-door, cream and blue finish, One owner, Seat belts. Snow tires. A pertect second cer. Cash. Telephone Whitby 4668-5457, 195? VOLKSWAGEN, A-! condition, $595, T Alax 942-1712. 32--Articles For Sale prnahagr hh sg televisions, $25 - New televisions, $198 cash or $8 month- ly at Honest Cal's Discount Furniture and Appilances, 424 King West, 728-9191. TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struo REASONABLE PRICES APPLY 292 KING ST. W. ture with all channel antenna, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Lid. 36) Gibbons Street, 728-8180, FIRST Oshawa showing new 77) ---- baby carriages. Thistle, Lloyd $39.88, This week only "FREE" mattress with every carriage. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. TILDEN TWO for one low price | Famous Sealy mattresses. Two mattresses or one bax spring and mattress as low as $69.76 Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St, ELEVEN diamond bridal =. -- ope ge ol Ve caret|for 33--Market Basket i ibe. PONS, dressed, oven ready, wemelsne Ip 82.50 each delivered, Telephone 725-8304, BUY your potatoes by the 73 b. beg end save, Also Cortland and epples by the bushel. For free delivery telephone evenings, Brooklin 485-4983, CLEMENT Brothers Poultry. freezers. Fresh orders tele- | 987-4353) cueos 728-5291, ecaing rng te Aner or a cater TELEVISION. yd We 'Ry ry. goes ee oa ree, with built in ga ed drive. scam tons ~~ scaped corner er gardens, tare trees, a ae and hedges. Excellent cen- tral location. Asking $21,- 500. with $6500.00 down, To inspect call Keith Lun ney, Lovely older home with ex ocres of lend on No, 2 highway, just west of Whitby. Completely renovated with new wiring, new paint, new flooring. bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bothroom. Gor- age, Born, 3 chicken hous- es ail included. Asking $21,- 000.00. Call Keith Lunney to inspect. Auto Body Shop on V4 acre of industrial 'land with fene- ed wrecking yard and two bedroom bungalow for owner in good psn location. All in one reel, for only $27,000.00. a Inspect coll Keith Lunney. RESIDENTIAL ACREAGES TROUT STREAMS FARMS LOTS COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cors. Trade up or down, Liens vaid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1962 CHRYSLER WINDSOR full power, $2595. 1960 PLYMOUTH Four door, six cylinder, $1095 1989 DODGE Four door, V-8, radio, $895 1958 FORD Four door, six cylinder 1958 PLYMOUTH Twe door, new motor 1956 DODGE Four door, V8 $350 1955 AUSTIN pion door, Real good second $275 $595 $593 DINETTE = gn es Top with gold legs, four chairs. Telephone 728-0334. FREEZER, 3 cu. ft "Son | io cu. be Sey ey 9572, |BEAGLE, brown and whi NEW Stereo Hi-Fi sets, 6 speakers, @ watt output, FM, Long and Short wave! 34--Lost and Found LOST -- Beagle puppy, six months eld, from Phillip Murray vicinity, Sunday or Monday. Child's pet, Reward, Telephene) old, lost Saturday, at Children's Arena. Reward. Telephone after 4 at 728-1578. radio, 4speed automatic changer. Beay- bal walnut cabinet, SV feet long. Special) LOST -- Four-year-old German Shepherd dog, black and tan, heavy bulid. Answers to irig BO Children's pet. offered. Telephone 725-4005. TELEVISION 21° Very Good condition. jelephone 728-1742, ANTHES natural ges furnace, 100.000 BTU's, new condition, $180, Telephone! 728-3068. What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture ond appliances. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture SUM OF MONEY Lost Fridey night, with credit book In brown envelope, bet- ween Stocey street ond the Four Corners, Savings for @ Hearing Aid. Ur ly needed, REWARD Telephone Beltone 728-0004 _ 36--Legal L MELVIN G. FORSYTH, of 344 Stone Street, Oshawa, will not be responsibie) for any debts contracted In my name, on ior after this date, February 15, 1964, without my written consent. -- Meivin Forsyth, 728-440} or,call ot the store 16¥2 Bond W., 32---Articles for Sale ORDER tor Summer SMITH SPORTS | 353 King Street West Telephone 728-734) MOSIER SHEET M 725-2734 GAR-WOOD and NEED A NEW FURNACE? Save the extra tax effective April 1, CALL NOW installation. ETAL & HEATING ESSO DEALER * y Abe Schrader PRINTED PATTERN BLOUSON-SPRING'S TOP STORY! ook is easy, this one-piece The new elegant beg dress has it! Unique- curved, under at the hij the relaxed blouson effect. The design of Printed Pat- tern M463 coes directly to you from the current Abe Schrader collection. The Orig- inal is navy blue sheer crepe, Note the casual pockets den in the off-side seams that are a favorite technique of this design house. The neckline is nicely shaped and punctuated by a pert, Springlike bow. the bodice is princess- then tly rolled to create hid- SIZE. Next week -- Watch for a Prominent Designer Pattern by Esteves. ie