14 THE COMAWA TOMES, Geterdey, Robrusry 15, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3 492 - Ld 17--Male Help Wented BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY] = Instruction |Painting and Decorating 2--Personat Accountants East,| Srnees i .. inary fee tes Cnargte Pridgye tatu W. G. Scott and Son eee pointers and = Seeaes oor & Senne ci reso cor C8 A GAN Ss Re Senators tien eS 'go Sea ava BANE READER Bas, sowte, Sth Tap, RAB B Ballet, iighland, Register new imbue Hall the trade, ae oh ond ox terior, 693 Wilson N, R.R. 2 728-6815 "DODD and PAINTING 6 AND DECORATING RACTORS Pointice, | ALBERT WOSMAR, Chartered Account) em 47 Prince Suite 4 Oshawa, jarlo, Telephone 723-1221, YALE, PRIEDLANDER And Co. Me Trustees Bankruptcy, 64 King Street Best. 728-7371.) HOPKINS, BI AND ed Accountants, 187 King Street ewa, Ontario, 725-3509. z Charter: jest, Osh E.Z.E. METHOD DRIVING SCHOOL Newest Oshawa Branch PHONE 728-0881 sitar ful Wall a Murale 107 BYRON st. 3. WHiTey DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 Plumbing and Heating ) and SOUTER ANYONE witnessing at corner! accident of Willlam and Simcoe Streets 963 please call 725-1163 or 3--Pets & Livestock ttl nto wen ma Poon' e and white, from stock, | son 100. each, 725-2646, BALMATIONS, two male puppies. two months old, well spotted, each, Tele Phone Brooklin 635-3568. BLACK GERMAN SI six weeks old, males and females, for temperament, and traln-abliity, reg. istered, $85, Evenings, 728-223. old, two champion BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, iy aA training, ta thio? strain, Broad, 114 Elgin East, we Rly ron purebred Ry flephone ne ie lte ALL new ong tied of repairs and remodelli SKAIFE, > de Frances phone saaaien iret, Whitey, Oatarie. "Yale MONTEITH, | wonreitn, Mortgages a materials, Reason: 'rates, Estima' 'oley, PRIVATE 3 corporation monies for ao: end abie| MINTATURE p poodles, Reglatered, teloo ma free, Dial 723-119), ed, from imported eS errs ean be arranged, for good homes, ideal Valen- ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies, tine gift, Brooklin 655-3405, THE PERPECT Vaientinel Chiuatue Dachshunds, | rebred Beagle hound,' By RJ SCOTT asm FULLY ace HEAVY FLOOR | MOULDERS Dav shift. Top woes, BROWN peony FDRY. AND MACHINE CO, LTD, 275 SHERMAN n ties HAMILTON Real Estate Salesman Self storter with good vena and Real Estate a ata Call Wolter rank, W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. Bowmanville 623-3393 YOUNG MEN 20-26 YEARS kitchen" rator. ponattiing room Ae 1S weekly, Winter: Works Bonus 1 Left, $14,190 © 4 Left -- $12,890 $1126.34 DOWN _ Extra Longe 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW All homes ore detoched, bol- ence Is one 64%4% NHA mortgage included storms end acreens, twin sinks, cloy brick, LY furnished rooms, one cae single, with private Kitenen and @n-| frances, Reasonable. Whitby 668-8445. FURNISHED room Tn private Kame, Ae ply 313 Arthur Street or call 2248, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 27--Real Estate for Sale tor Fi (ror "SALE wath ee x oe. Information, call 725-6792, RIBHL, _ and) mortgages: 7827 78371) tale purchased, ighton, electric clocks, sodded front end reor, some with eoloured fixtures. Carries os tow o@ 93.70 monthly, interest, prin Clpal and taxes If you qualify. an in Whitby ond shown appointment only, Call > i Hilt, AM 7-9712 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. an and! Telephone 723-3521, Harold H. Stark, Lid. Crel Murdoch (See 'wparristers'?) Plumbi Heating and Engineering, 255 PRIVATE and corporation monies tor a Simcoe South. crelt an. and] 2uq-Upholstery Service ICHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re jcovered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South, Call 728-645). Free estimates, HAVE YOUR chesterfield sulte factory re-bullt. Low price, Telephone 728-3281; ing Limited, CHESTERFIELOS reuphoistered and restyled, Free estimate. See our mate rial tor recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. CUSTOMCRAFT'S upholstering Depart Co, Chartered by 942-0890) Barristers THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, ND mortgages, Sale Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times PT aN HCN bbe Hen Buliding, 8 Ki.g Sireet Gast. 'inieck and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Mortgage funds Svallable. Street East, 723-7232. Louis s, $s. vt, QC, Barrister, Solic!- Suite 908, The | Times FUNDS Sultans 90" King Street Gast, 723-44. mortgages. Avoilable to purchose exist- ing mortgages, or to place Clients' funds available for 40SEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, new mortgages. Immediote service. Write N Solicitor. Money to loan, Office, 14a King Street Bast, Oshawa, 720-8292. 50D08 AND DONALD, Barristers ond puppies, seven weeks old, black. Rew sonable, Telephone Pickering 942-1645. BEAGLE puppis, purebred, fen weeks 'old, one male and one female, $18, each, T _Brooktin 455-3052, GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, Large International iy has Immediate openings for four young men to assist our local manager, These paying $65. per-week to begin if select- ed Promotion increases, will follow completion of our professionally administered week training course. Becouse of this training no experience is necessory, Tran- sportation SD goy Duties begin ot You could t be alert, neatly dressed ond ombitious, For full details, ener (668-4131, mm 12--Articles Wanted ___|16--Fomale Hele Wanted WANTED TO BUY stending cedar bushy EARN $2) WEEKLY plus a free ward- lrobe In your spare time, Just show Fast eames posts, cut. Gordon Crow, RR 2/1" Rocks fo friends. No Investment, - canvassing, experience necessary, Write: North American Fashion Frocks, Ltd, 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept, P4561, Mon- freal 39. WOMEN make big commission taking orders fer nylon hosiery from friends and relatives, Send for free sates kit, Nell Cameron Mills Ltd, Dept, SB, 1266 Queen Street West, Toronto % Ont. BARN extra' money in spare | » jms, s. Re quire three women it work in small etic Ww. witl rn. Myelephone 728-1502. six weeks old, Apply 48? awe Avenue, Telephone 725-6783, TWO REGISTERED Chiu Chinvahoa female, one white, one brown and ne eight weeks old. Telephone after 5 p.m. 728-2604, Whitby 668-9056, DA ppy, female, registered. Also two pairs Japanese silver pheasants. Telephone after $ p.m, Bowmanville 629-3430, COCKER SPANIE ican Cocker Spaniel pups. cellent temperament, Telephone 723-1739, ~ SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc, bought. Open Saturday all day, Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. 13--Business Opportunities BOX 633 ee ec. @ King Street ast. elephone 722-2201. Mack may 'and d BAILEY: Borristors ad ORE Svelicoien 96.1 ming Street 6 A eg JAMES + DONALD, Barrister and Solicitor and Ne, Commercial ane Money 10 Street Fee. 723-4029, oneen an KELLY, Barrister, Sollcl- fors, eft, 114 King Street Gast. Dial Jeria7s, 'Realdence Phones: |. M. Greer, he » BA, BCL, 1BBOn and BASTEDO, Barristers, jents' lable OSHAWA TIMES ~ MORTGAGE -- LOANS Moneys for first mortgoges Interest ot 7% Open Mortgoges No bonus lo No cha rge for valuotions Mortgages and Agreements purchased, ys for second mortgages. Fost iat se 26% tina St. East Oshawa, gad SWARTZ 723-4697 ment. Experts In recovering, re-styll: Chrome chairs a Speman. Free mates. Dial 720-727) anil POODLES, small, bleck, miniature fe OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug ond Upholstery Cleaning. At Our Store, er at your home. 725-9961 male, three months old, Paper trained, lovable pet, registered, champion stock, ;|POR SALE -- Barber BEAUTY SALON, fully equipped. Please write C Classified Box 626, Oshawa Times, Clipping Special privileges, If desired, Telephone 725-5294, gt fA AL be modern Calt 7204199. | FOR SALE -- two Beagle pups, male, three on old, One Beagle female, two yea » Can be seen at SP eeu Street, A ol or phone 668-5268 tween 5 and 7, PHODERT KENNELS, Registered minie ture and toy poodles. White, Call 725-4858, WAITRESS, scoar nes, full time, shift work, no Sundaya, starting salary. | aout End Restaurant, § Bloor Street 'as! RECA ae or women, preferably to le mother work', two of the $3,000.00 operating capital required. Leading Potato Chip Manu- Sales and Service POODLES, @n, registered, papers, needien plon stock, ik. Apply 778 m } Hortop § oe WALL WASHING Neo fuss, Call Don Bryan, Ajax 942.0915, GUARANTEED repaire to al! washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cal! 74a. Borristers, we tab Gest, Oshawa, R. Homenreyes ec; @. B. Boychen, QC; W. H, Hillman, LLB)' Oftice: 725-1177, Residence 728-4326. Whitby 668-2761, Tis. ments of eae bought, sold Al Mek 4 Building Tredes & CARPENTRY -- Cabinets, Arborite, threom, kitchen files. Call collect. @, Lehman, Port Perry 905-2674 after 4 YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Gy linings In Pree esti. WEW" PLASTERING Gnd tepeina, re modelling, rec. rooms. Free estimates. foe neces eel i BUILDING needs, needs, cupboards, a Call Don Brooks, Hamp rooting repairs. Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuctions Arrenged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND re Ontario Maembe Mortgage Broker's Associotion SUMMERLAND SE 12 Oshawa, CURITIES LIMITED Simcoe St. North Ontorio--725-3568 Repairs to aluminum win- dows and door inserts ---- | day service --- Bring your frames into our factory NASH ALUMINUM 95 ATHOL ST. EAST TELEPHONE 728-1633 "YOUR LAWN MOWER Hove your Lewn Mower, Tractor, Tiller, or Outboard Serviced mow. Ports and Teco Mowers, Stratton, Clinton, Lauson, Moto Mowers, Briggs and Lawn Boy. Any make serv- iced, free pick up, Dial 728- 279) or 725-4633. , OLAN 74 BARRIE AVENUE Surveyors Boor ie, cae foo fat Lees ea an New work end and small jobs. L. end H. end construction, 725-6937. WELDING -- All metel fabrications. Re pal Gen- Bloor West. CUSTOM BUILDING, remodelling rec . Free estimates, Midgley Con South, 728-0320. DLASTERING, eee remodelling, few and old. en Abramoff, 142 Har. mony North. 723 72-718. ALL TYPES of building repel reoting, chimneys, fireplaces, Sideweiks, stoops. May, 728-0304, EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cufi- tng and alterations. Reasonable rates. Mrs. Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. DRESSMAKING -- Ajterations, ewe, Sch 5 a. mee, terzi, 452 Ritson R ns Gardening and Supplies 2nd Up TO 12% NUM Mortgages To $10,000 Available To Homeowners INTEREST RATES FROM 1% M% M : TO PER ONTH 15% PER AN- NO BONUSES NO HID! IDEN CHARGES NO BROKERAGE FEES PAYME NTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET THE REALTY DIVISION OF SU PERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED 17 25 Supe 725-6541 Simcoe St. N, rior Offices In Ontario DONE VAN AND punveciare| Onterio Land Su oF. rveyor. prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-543 Surveyors, 11) Bigin Street Bast. 725-688), TV--Radio Repairs car redios, Thompson bay 15? Eltiott, 723-9792, Fred. axe Pgs TV Towers, Aerial television repairs, 480 Dane Avenue, Telephone 726-4879. CITY TV. Towers, pairs. All work sueremect, Avenue. Telephone 725-0500 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS _ Antennas, also. re | Bg GE SURE of Beautitnl gardens, lawns, and flower beds in bs alg applying man. ure or ~ on hone 728-390! today. Musical Services PIANO, , Feet, "pipe and ern organ tuning 2 ey praised, repair, instrument . Hiddunk, Ajax 942 ae j ANC Antenna Repair TRIO EONARD'S TREE SERVICE Experts in chain sow work tree removal ond trimming, prompt service. Free esti- mates. 564 ROSSLAND RD, EAST Whitby 668-8468 Oshowe 728.2339 rown, 490 728-0225, Painting and Decorating GENERAL painting. furniture finishing Papering, Sign Street, painting. Drew repairs, Telephone TELEVISION BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-5143 Hl 173 PAINTING AND DECORATING, + Work guaranteed, reason. able, Free estimates. 728-2558 and exterior, interior} CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD M INIMUM Better described otters get faster --_ 6 consecutive days... .. 3 consecutive dovs Count each word, initial, figure or abbrevi {F NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARG: Cash ey 375 \ R25 ry 3 fon es one word. RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 1 5c While every endeavour will be made to forword replies to box mumbers to the advertisers as soon os possible we occept no liebility In respect of loss of damage alleged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. Protessiona! listings 'only, Each odditional tine per month 3 tines per 8.50 1.60 month (Not applicable for merchandise odvertiserients.) ORAM WORD ADS and Deoths CLASSIFIED DISPLAY .... NES 5 p.m. Dey Previous . 5 p.m Dey Previous 5 p.m. Day Previous . 8:30 om. Day of Publication 8:30 a.m. Day of Publication 3 p.m. Previous Day CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 8:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Cancellations and Corrections received after the 8:30 A.M. Deodling will be processed for the following day's poper, REGULATIONS The Oshowe Times wil! not be responsible for errors, in odvertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more thon one incorrect insertion of ony odvertisement. nor beyond the price charge for @ single insertion of the advertisement In which error occurs. Oshawa aceordin; to Its proper classificati jon. Times reserves the right to clossify advertising in the cose of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce thon thot in which the ectual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce tising matter correctly but cssume no liability of odve: all adver- rtisement if ony Ineccuracies In any form ore contained therein. Telephone the Direct to Classified Number 723-3492 For Classified Services -- For All Othe ernie TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to sult your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 Well Drilling--Digging ie, W. Ward, 204 pegs k bigs machine, No mess. wringer FLOORS AND Bs ey oe expertly clean ed, tvate homes. Free esti) mates. All wen fully gueranteed. Phone | 728-7164, GLASS AND SCREEN Compeel blue W. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Onterio Lend Phone; OBARANTERD REPAIRS to all makes) 'ado, Elec Serv- 'ened #1 Dean wel hye agg by machine -- zing) In Winch # Chestnut! PO Box 329 Whitby, 448-256 GEAUTIFUL Siamese kitten, - 7 old, male, $25. _Apply 24 _Bloor Bast. POODLES joy, all English ~ Breeding. | Pekingese, Whitby. 668-39; 4--Sportsman's Column bh FISHING huts, twe to wa men eke trout, al supplied, heated transportation. py 7" day. Trout Unlimited, Virginia Beach, Whitby 46 Pefierlaw S7R2. 5--Farmer's Column CASH on " spot, Highest prices ind crippled farm stock. phone collect, Mampton 263-2721, will Pur Farm, Licence 245-C-43, |FOR SALE -- eight Yorkshire pigs, mine wag bebe old, Telephone Whitby 668-3884, |APPLES, Sples, Mcintos I 3140, Mare ~ Spies, Meintosh and Delleb ous, $1.28 @ bushel and up, Bring your own containers. Apply S$ Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, FARMERS Ni ye Wert ta en, mS your Di 6511 or evenings he . "T5783. 9----Summer Properties For Sale or Rent AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE A Country Squire Wented --- 100 families to join Rice Loke Cottogers Co- operotive (Limited to 100) os equal owners of beounful 300 acre peninsula on Rice Loke ---- A summer ond winter pore adise just 90 miles from Tor- onto -- $15 down ond $85 on possession. Balonce $29.50 monthly includes principal and wterest -- Terms price $3,- 495 plus seasonable interest -- Open mortgage. Cash price $3,495 --- You receive -- Personal ownership of on extre targe lot and big new family size 3 bedroom Erected. NOTE: You receive Deed, con sell if you wish, ond you re- ceive co-operotive ownership of the lorge recreotion ond boot storage building thot is now. on the property, Plus co-operative ownership of the porks, ski hills, the beoutiful woods thet forms port of this cleon dry 300 ccres. Plus olf the woter frontage, Plenty of safe boot docking for oll, In short, purchasers end their quests hove exclusivé use of the entire 300 acres. Good Rice Loke Is 25 mites long. Port of the Kewortha choin ond famous for lorge muskie, pickerel, bass ond pan fish. Fun for your entire fomily, This Is @ once in a lifetime opportunity. It is brought to you by one of Canedo's old- est, largest ond best known cottege vecation-lond specio!- hes fronchise Dis- tributorships available for Oshawa crea (protected ter- ritory), all Canadian Com- , fastest growing in its field, Above average earn- ings for man with excep- tional soles ability. BOX 629 OSHAWA TIMES CASH 7 Days A Week We hove Conodion Monu- factured, low-cost, trouble free, Cigarette and Hot Drink Vendors thot ore sweeping the market without effective fenaren Ay pny After 4.90 p.m,» phone TAS-1730. A x Few HOURS a day will pay The in Way, $0 call 726-8883 or write Po 512 Oshawa. MAID Yor Upstairs work, steady ment. Must be reilable and have character references. Apply Hotel caster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa. ld TELEPHONE 728-744) Monday 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. TUESDAY 9am. -llam. Over 30 yedrs experience. OPEN HOUSE 2 p.m, until 5 p.m. EXPERIENCED meat p efor welt service meat counter. Please state full particulars, Classified Oshewa 18--Male or Female Help Wanted Re Box 728, 'WANTED Full time secretary for medical office. oat one a t, with et References. No medical knowledge or exper- lence, no shorthand necessary. immediote or 1-st of March, WRITE OSHAWA TIMES BOX 523 competition .thot will give business - minded people steady $$. No age limit or experience necessory. Limited crees of Eastern Ontario avellable. You must be © responsible end reliable person, sincere in wenting to own © port- time business of your own, showing above-average = in- come with no selling. Thie is @ ground floor op- portunity $120. PER WEBK, depending Car necessary, For sopeintment $8. TO ability. Mornings, 10 until 12, KINGSMERE GARDENS Se 9 ae ISOTOPE TECHNICIAN A Nurse Technician or applicant with Grade 12 or better required for part-time duty. Leading to full, time in our Isotope Labratory. Training prov- ided. Please apply in per- son to:-- THE BELL Director of Personnel TELEPHONE COMPANY Terms evoileble to people of good credit standing. Investment ot $1,200. secur- ed by guoranteed equipment For confidential appointment WRITE MASTER MARKETING 837 Eglinton Ave., West Toronto, 10, Ontario Telephone Toronto 783-1461 14--Employment Wanted PRACTICAL NURSE, 12 to am, Pre vate cases preferred. Up or bed patients, Kind care. After § p.m. 725-9192. YOUNG MOTHER Will give day care In 'own home to one or two children. Gib- area, 725-498). bag gg -- Painting and decorating. fod too small. Reasonable rates. veinens Whitby 668-5317, CLERK - TYPIST requires part-time work three or four afternoons @ week, Call Whitby 648-464), gre coe North, for MOTHERLY care for children in my home by the day. Telephone T2e4317, ACCOUNTANT OFFICE MANAGER requires position, R.A, "Student, 10 yeors ex- perience in accounting, Good references. Present office closing. Telephone Port Perry 985-2192 PETER PAN DAY NURSERY ¢ day cere, ? a.m. te £2 pm. 728-2604, ists. PITTS HOMES AND COTTAGES LIMITED PHONE 372-9494 COBOURG, ONTARIO |1--Women's Col |PERMANENTS on special Page Hair 11--Articles For Rent 16--Female Help Wanted | Requires an alert, person- able girl, _ up to 35 for Project Clerk in Sales Office in Oshawa. Work includes stenographic and typing for Sales Managers and Salesmen; preparing orders, forms and main- taining records; answer- ing customer calls and dealing directly with them for simpler items of tele- phone gp ve vel prepar- ation of material for Salemen and Managers. Oshawa General Hospital 20--Room and Board some with builtin en" aot eee d down starting at $1924 with NHAY financing. Directions, King Street East to Mission- ory mg ye tum right and signs. follow the a HYMAN Real Estate Limited 728-6286 M. 0. TINDALL REALTOR SPECIAL FEBRUARY SALES TREMBLAY STREET Heltnrond Se goat pg Pe ey Seporate Schools. Presa ¢2 fo sell, $94. per month, Principal inter- est and taxes, 6% interest, Try on offer. SIMCOE ST. NORTH 4 bedroom, 214 . All convene ROOM and board for gentleman. | hres § tiveday week. Abstainer, Water SINCOm At AND ROSSLAND WEST aves. board, television, gentiemen,| private Bn entrance, good food, ye itt workers OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Packed, Shift mC negie Avenue. ladies gentiemen. New Gistriet ) war phone 94 942-0224, ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, aay packed if desired, Telephone SLOOR. STREET waaY = Reom and board for lemen, television, lunches! pecked, parking spece, Sdey week, $18. 'elephone 723-1671, BLOOR Street East, room and board for; gentlemen, television, lunches packed, parking space, fiveday week, $18, Tele Phone 723-1671. GLOIN East, 29, room and board for gen- tlemen, close te downtown and North General Motors. Telephone 728-3643. APPLICANTS should hove equivalent of Grode XI! be able to type easily, ond have ROOM AND BOARD for gentioman, & Week, Home cooked a lunches Genere! Motors. a Boss J for some customer t ond . STRAINING preparetion and selling. All benefits including medical, @udit, union, stock plen avilable and permanent employment for the success- ful candidote, $ dey Reply in Writing ROOM end board Rag two Hemen, will ing to are. Single beds, Close ft South Parking. 728-4763. ROOM and for twe te share, good mea home orien South General Motors, Telephone 728-206 ROOM AND BOARD, two or three gentle men, Close to South General Motors, five- day week, Clean heme, good meals. 725-8850, . MILL STREET, 147 -- Room and board for » Heer South Motors, TV privileges, five-day week, $ 725-7754, Sales Manager 15 Victoria Street Oshawa, Ontario WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE, if you would @nloy working three or four hours a day calling regularly each month on @ group of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route Whitby and are wiliing to make light deliveries, etc. write Studio Girl Com metica, Dept. CD-42, 80 LaFleur. Montreal 32. Route will pay up te $5.00 per hour. BUILD . business a your own seiling Beauty 17--Male Help Wanted pene 23--Wanted To Reat eenresnan wants two furnished rooms, with 1 end 6 Bm, GARAGE WANTED -- vicinity "4 oy Street and Park Lane Apartment phone 728-0334, FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM apartment in Whitby oy Oshawa, Possession now or by: iC pron Pt 2 'three Reareak hues mr eee Brees Fesaenhe Reorn a0 SIMPLE CROCHET By ALICE BROOKS FOUR or CHRISTIAI needed. part. fo be established in and around ege a | time a gs - i Ave.iWrite John Rudin Street, Chicego 2. I, five-room mouse, wanted by |aduits. Possession by 'Narek 1S. Parking) tities, T after 6 p.m, 725-9902. 'TWO unfurnished rooms, heavy duty wiring or use of rangette, References. Telephone before § p.m, 728-1651. $12,408 FOR RIGHT MAN over @ in the Oshawa area, Nagy short auto trips to profits. eae ese Puage am, to 12 noon. 723 9349, EXPERIENCED stenographer or typist, dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, 725-5363. CHAIRS, card and be inquet tables, church jaisie runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 2--Personal iF YOU have a drinking problem Sox 333, Whitby, or call 648-3094. LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc. Invisible mending, dress alterations 10 PRINCE ST. ee TD Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshewo, Feb. 17th, 18th, 19th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dotes for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 ' | Simeve Street North, .|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospitel beds, weikers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. jAld Rentals, 1S Beatrice, PIS ee, Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses" Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service ate at figures for Write to Box 590 Oshawa Times, AGGRESSIVE "SALES LADY required for Ladies ready te wear store, Experienced pre- ferred. Apply in preson Breslin's Ladies Wear Brock St. South Whitby Silver Candelabra SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 |12--Articles Wanted |WANTED -- bos -- Boat it trailer, 8 to er good. condition: end plano bench, lye oung mate or female pianist wented = small group. Telephone 123-7726 OLD ANTIQUE gre "Wanted, also old jshelis, Telephone 8183. } EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER with cHentele for full-time employment. Apply The House of Bruno HAIRSTYLING GUNS wanted it r iSbeibe (Ola antique). Phere DIAL 728.668! < i contact Vice Pres., Texas Refinery Corp. 71, Fort Worth 3, Texas: wit" EXCHANGE $90 for 40 hours per! Write A, E. Garner, Box 44, Oshawa Times. "\24--Houses For Rent TWO-BEDROOM modern trailer, ed, = Be ogy! immediate One mile north of Newcastle. Call Stl! \mitiars Mest WwW. T. Lamson Real) Estate Ltd. Add an exquisite, handmade touch to linens with these matched crocheted edgings. Narrower, lacy edgings . are for scarfs, pillowcases -- the wider, a handsome trim on sheets. Pattern 7084: crochet di- + SALES CAREER RD Street, 59%, eipht-room house, oll heat, aie lmmediately. Apply 58? Howerd Street. Well established Oshowe 25--Apartments branch office for a large National firm desires to con- tact a local man 25 to 40 pes old, for sales position. les experience desirable but not necessory. Excellent starting salary with opportu. nity for advencement, Group benefits including -hospitali- zation, life insurance ond ELGIN oy oe two furnished rooms, bedroom kitchen with refrigerator, bulttin cophanres » parking space. Cen- tral. For adults only, Apely "eoov above ed- dress, PICKERING -- 975. T reom apart ment avaliadle March yg Apply 106 King- ston Road West, Apt. 6, Oshawa, 725-4569, TWO-BEDROOM erage new bulld- ----iplease) to Alice Brooks, care of! Ing, will accept March 1, Phone 728-5316. pension. All inquiries In strictest confidence. Apply to BOX 527 OSHAWA TIMES Giving Qualifications TASTEFULLY perce ONE AND BEDROOM APARTMENTS In modern building. Immediate possession, Whitby 668-8691 or 668-4037 After 5 for ¢ edgings. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add lc sales tax, Print plainly PATTERN . NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 206 HANDICRAFT HITS in our big, big, new 1064 Needle. craft Catalog, out now! See toys, fashions, crewelwork, heirlooms, gifts, bazaar hits -- everything to crochet, knit, SEY inch PRINTED PATTERN a =" 4700 SIZES 10-20 SUIT YOURSELF! By ANNE ADAMS SPRING IS A SUIT in '64 manner -- with fitted 7. op sevens, hip it, woe Choose tung blend, kni Printed Pattern Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 16 slim Suit requires 45-inch 'fabric ay se FORTY CENTS (40c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for . this pattern, ae residents add le. sales Print SIZE, NAMES ADDRES STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GET A PATTERN. ABSOLUTE- weave, embroider, quilt, smock. Send 25c right now. iggy me 28 design ideas,