Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Feb 1964, p. 5

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' pam Beemer oie pea nt y Manager: John Gault 5 WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. 668-3703 - WHITBY A Rink from the Whitby Kinsman Club took top honors in the Annual Kinsman Cur- ling Bonspilel held in Lindsay ' recently, The Rink entered the competition against rinks fro mall parts of Southern On- tario and came out victorious CURLERS TOP FIELD for the first time. Left to right the Whitby team are: Harold Hughes, second; Bob Cherry, vice; Ralph Risebrough, skip; and Bill Dragomotz, lead, 24 rinks from many . Kinsmen Clubs were represented at the Bonspiel, Photo by Stamnett TEACHERS, BOARD DISAGREE Conciliation Sought Board Rejects Plan Negotiations between the Whitby Public Schools Teachers' Committee and the Whitby Pub- lic School Board terminated Monday, marking the move into conciliation. Proposals tendered by the Committee, representing the 78 Whitby Public School teachers and requesting overall increases in salary, were met by two re- jected Board counter proposals at a special meeting Jan. 6. The Committee informed the Board in a scan g A J iene meeting Monday tha' ad re- jected new and final proposal offered at a second mee! 27, and that it was on the Federation of Women Teachers' Association of Ontario and the Ontario Pub- lic School Men Teachers' Feder- ation to begin arbitration proce- dures. that it would contact the Pub- lic School Trustees Association with a view to further negotia- tions. The Board indicated that, if upcoming meetings bdetwecn representatives of the Trustees' Association and the Federated Affiliates fail to produce agrce- ment, negotiation procedure will then refer the Board's half of the dispute to the Ontario lub- lie School Trustees Council. "We feel the Board's pro- posals in response to our re- quests are unreasonable," stat- ed R. Lappin, Chairman of - Teachers Committee Thurs- y. cannot provide for a desirable teaching standard." "Present conditions here He said that comparisons of Whitby Public Schoo) teachers' salaries with those of nearby locations reveal a marked dis- The Board, in turn, passed a motion to notify the Committee crepancy, "The maximum wage = in many areas has lately been raised hundreds of dollars. A revised minimum wage pre- sently being negotiated in Osh- awa, was recently accepted by Ajax Public School teaching) staff." He explained that the present salary schedule rated teachers in four classifications, accord- ing to their qualifications, "Most other areas have teachers paid according to addi- tional classifications above the first four, "The Committee would like a fifth classification included in the salary schedule, to consist of employees with qualifications above a BA degree." A small ~~ of Committee members have already met with the Federated Affiliates, he said. BOARD'S POSITION It's entirely a question of what the town can afford," WHITBY P ERSONALS stated a board spokesman yes: terday, underlining the Board's reasons for rejecting the Com- mittee proposals. Mrs, Frank Shelton of Boisse-| vain, Manitoba was a recent visitor at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Roberts, Byron street. Mrs.) Shelton is the official delegate! for the Young Conservatives) from the Brandon-Souris con- John the Evangelist CWL at- tended the winter meeting of the Ontario County South Re- gional CWL Council held Sun- day, Feb. 9 at St. Mary of the Angel Parish, Rosebank. Rev. L. J. Austin, Mrs. Martin stituency where the Honorable|Chizen, Mrs. Frank Seminsky, Walter Dinsdale is the Progress-|Mrs, Larry Ruest, Mrs. James ive Conservative MP. Mrs, Shel-|King, Mrs. M,. Alderdice, Miss ton attended the Young Con-/Ghislaine Ruest, Mrs. Allan eervatives convention held in| Harbottle, Mrs. Louis Rousseau Ottawa }ast week and on her/Sr., Mrs. Don Sullivan, Mrs. Ed, return stopped off to visit her Finan end Mrs. Gregory Carter. relativ.s here. Best wishes for a happy birth- The Benevolent Rebckah/@ay are extended to Mrs. Jean Lodge are holding a Euchre Fri-| Vanstone, 401 Green street, who day evening, Feb. 14, at 8/i8 celebrating her birthday to- o'clock in the Oddfellows hall, }day, Feb, 14. and siso on Friday eve-| Linda, daughter of Mr. and "We have a duty to consider) all town taxpayers as well as the Public School teachers. We were committed by the previous Management Committee to hold the line as far as salaries are concerned. "Roughly-speaking, the .teach- ers are asking an overall raise of $200 per year. The Board in its latest proposal offered to meet them halfway, and this is all it can afford to do, | He added that provisions for Whitby Pupils Successful In Music Tests The following is a list of suc- J cessful candidates in examina- tions held recently by the Royal Conservatory of Music of Tor- onto in Whitby Ont. The names are arranged in order of merit. GRADE V THEORY History and Form First Class Honors Buttars GRADE IV THEORY Harmony Pass -- Cathy Gill; Gloria A. Thompson GRADE Ill THEORY History First Class Honors -- Vic- toria G. Rowe; Gladys Smith; Barbara J. Breckenridge GRADE Ill THEORY First Class Honors -- Steven F. Peleshok; Elizabeth M. Hough; Warner Fehn; Barbara L. Davis Honors -- Mary Herbert Pass -- Robert A. Curtis; Sally M. Bedding; Margaret Hartford GRADE I THEORY First Class Honors -- Mar- garet Squire; Helen Makowchik Honors -- Susan Richards; Bruce Brydges Tan Pass -- Gay Courtice; J. War. ren Bean Whitby Bands To Kiwanis Festival Two Whitby Brass Bands will compete in the 2ist annual Ki- wanis Festival which opens Feb, 17 in Toronto. an altered system of raise in- creases had also 'been request- ed and all Committee demands! The Whitby Junior Brass Band will perform at Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute Saturday, considered by the Board in view/Feb, 15, The band, under the of the increase in town milldirection of Stan Redfearn, won jrates which would be involved/first prize in their division of in granting the teachers' de-|the 1962 Canadian National Ex- mands, |hibition competitions, and a sec- lond prize at the CNE this year. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Whitby Kinette Club held "Vice President Night' Wednes- day at their dinntr meeting held at Spruce Villa Hotel, Kinette Dorothy Munns, Vice President, was in charge of the meeting, Correspondence was read by President Sheila Gor- don, minutes and reports by Kinette Wilma Heron and trea- surer's report by Kinette Norma Souter, Kinnettes Jean Hawes, Doro- thy Munns and Norma Souter are in charge of the forth- ponte | Valemas Dance" to be held Saturday, Feb. 15 at the Whitby Community Arena, Ti was announced that tickets were on sale for the 'Easter M Bunny" to be held March 26 with Kinette Marg Gartshore in charge of this project. Bunny is now on display at Snelgrove Drug Store. Inter-Club Night will be held April 21 in Peterborough, Kin- ette Anita Hampson volunteered to take charge of the members wishing to attend, Lois Broughton was guest at this meeting and Mary Ripley of Oshawa Kinette Club a visitor. Next meeting will be chaired by President Sheila Gordon and Kinette Roma Collins, No execu- tive meeting will be held. That mening adjourned and prize winners were: Kinette 'Anita Hampson and Lois Broughton, A miscellaneous auction sale was held with Kinette Shirley Jollymore acting as auctioneer assisted by Kinette Eva Brown. KATHLEEN ROWE H and S Kathleen Rowe Home and School Association held its Feb- a meeting Wednesday, Feb. President Mrs, Alex Pearce opened the meeting with "O Canada" accompanied at the piano by Mrs, F. M, McEwan. Minutes and reports were read by Mrs, P. Willison and Mrs. . Corner, Room count was won by Principal D. Catherwood for Sr., room and Mrs, E. Clarke, Jr., room, A door prize consisting of a floral arrangement by Dean was won by Mrs, Delaney kinder- garten teacher. Mrs. J, Schieder introduced panellists consisting of Dr, M. Butts, Dr. J. T. Gilmore, OPP Officer G. D. Robinson and Miss W. Campbell primary and- visor, Moderator was Principal Catherwood. This was in the form of a questionaire by the audience on various subjects, Mrs. Herb Edwards thanked the members of the panel on behalf of the Home and School Association. Tt was announced that the skating party would be held Friday, Feb. 21, The next execu- tive mee' of Feb, 26 will be held at the home of Mrs, Peter Willison, 1108 Centre street south. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served. ALL SAINTS' AFTERNOON GUILD Hearts and flowers were the theme for the Valentine tea sponsored by the Afternoon Guild of All Saints' Anglican Church held in Sunday schoo! Tuesday, Feb. 11, Tall standards of silver and white branches, red hearts and tulle marked the entrance to thet ea room where Mrs. Stan- ley Armstrong, Honorary Presi- dent, and Mrs, C. W. Daly, President of the Guild, receiv- ed. At the door was Mrs, Robert Quilter, Both tea and coffee were Served at the lace covered table centred by a beautiful flower arrangement of red tulips, white chrysanthemums, tulle and hearts, Ladies ring tea were: Mrs, C. R, Holmes, President of St. Margaret's Guild, Mrs. H. R. Stratford, President of the Eve- ning Guild, Mrs. M. J. Akey, Sr,, and Mrs. R. S. Cassels. Convening tea tables wre: Whitby Kinettes Plan Valentine Dance Mrs, E. Hoar, Mrs, Fred James, Miss Edith Barnes, Mrs, Gifford Beaton and Mrs. Arthur Dewey. Dainty individual plates were served at the gaily decorated tables from the kitchen with Mrs, George Lomax, convener, who was assisted by Mrs. R. E. Smith, Mrs. E, LL. Hulbert, Mrs, Merv Halpenny, McIntosh and Mrs. J. W, Dewsbury, Homebaking table was well- laden and had an added fea- ture of homemade candy. Con- vener of the homebake table, Mrs, L, Beckley, was unable to attend due to illness, ladies were Mrs. William Seales, Mrs. George Levingston, Mrs. Edith Watts, and Mrs, William MoelIntyre. _Mrs. Thomas Hen- stock substituted for Mrs, Beck- ley. % charge of decorations and music was Mrs, rad, General conveners were Miss Louise McIntosh and Mrs. T. Henstock, HELEN MARSHALL AUX, Helen Marshail Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian of existence had its final meet- ing Tuesday, Feb. 11 as it will join the Presbyterian Women of Mrs, John Robson, President, was in the chair, The devotional period was conducted by Miss Margaret Ross and Miss Bert Wilson, Members were reminded of the "Day of Prayer" and the 100th anniversary of the WMS which meets in Montreal, May 8, 9 and 10 and also of the date of April 13 when Miss Agnes Gollan of Nigeria will be in Whitby to speak to the ladies of her work in Nigeria. Mrs, G. C. Dalgleish gave the meditation and read an Inter- esting letter from Miss Mar- garet Leask of India, where-in party and a pichic the next day held for some Tibbet's chil- ren. Further plans and business were discussed concerning the union with the Presbyterian Women where further activities are anticipated. Mrs, John Rob- son expressed her thanks for the co-operation which she re- ceived from the members in her three years' term, The Society is very grateful for the capable leadership that Mrs, Robson gave. The meet- ing closed with the Lord's Prayer, WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING A congregational supper serv- preceded the annual meeting on Wednesday, January 29. The church has experienced blessing under the ministry of Rev. John McLeod, Services in general have been fairly well attended. Reports of finances and serv- ices rendered by the various organizations had been pared in booklet form and given out to the members prior to the meeting, We thank God for His good- ness to us.in the past year, in that over and above the regular givings we were able to pay for a new heating plant for the church, ber the pastor conducted church membership classes for Young People on Sunday afternoon and for adults on Monday evening. encouraging. Lent, During October and Novem- 4 Howard Elliott. An interesting discussion took part following Bertoni," Mr, "wale ude ordon Kyle, rs. mn, i Bonk, Mrs, Ron Hawkins, p.m. in the Hall The next ben will be held Saturday, March WORLD DAY OF PRAYER fg Bae on Friday, before risti gathered to- St, Mark's United Church Women arranged the services for the day. At 3 p.m. in St.jof Mrs. Wallace, cam Mark's United and a second ser-|tralia from England. Sales-lvice in Hebron Christian Re- formed at 8 p.m. This year's service was ar- ranged and written by Mlle.jappointed to open Barot, a French woman who|mond Corps in New Zealand. has served in many areas of|Then followed Christian leadership. She hasjappointments, which included served in interment and refugee| Wellington A. B. Con-| camps worship and Bible Study. » leading women there to Presently, she is concrened in to Moslem women. ely. ST. MARK'S UCW February meeting of Unit No. the church. 10, St. Mark's United Church Women, was ance of 16 members, The wor- ship service was taken by Mrs, Roland Daniel and Mrs, Frank Parrinder, Several items of business were discuss after which Mrs... Harold y and Mrs,|years before going as Divisional James Anstey presented the first section of the "Covenant"|state of South Australia. making use of a film strip on "The Church in the Old Testa- ment Days." A social half hour followed. Tea hostesses were Mrs, Ro-|tralia in 1056 as the Chief Secre- land Daniel and Mrs, Carman, Jack ST. MARK'S UCW NO, 7 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 7 held its monthly meeting Monday, Feb. 10 at the Church house. Leader Mrs. Tom Farndale opened the meeting with thought for the day: "By forgiv- ing others we open a way for God to forgive us". Minutes and reports were read and approved. Members were asked to bring all their old clean nylons to be shipped over- seas. Mrs, Farndale announced that/and the Daffodil Tea and bake sale|those bereav: would be held April 10 from 2.30 ed by the ladies of the wscs/tll 5 Unit flowers in the day from Aug. 15 till Sept. 15. All members are urged to at-itinue saving tend the new United Church/Chari Women general meeting to bejse held March $ at 8 p.m. Speak- er to be Mrs, Coates, who will show pictures on Uganda. Social convener for this year nth is Mrs, Frank Dalby. Mrs. Gor- don Mifflin headed the program for the evening on the 'Cov- enant". This will be the topic for the next three months and will be held at the Church Film strips will be ram were: Mrs. Ray Marshall, rs, W. E. Duffy and Mrs. the program. Mrs. Farndale closed the jans of all confes-|!and sions and all races are united in|Colonel being a 1 isg|Prayer each for the other and 1923 "Aggressor" Session of that for the needs of the world,|Territory Women of Whitby day, Feb. 14, to share in this/B service, . Worthy Matron 'No. 7 is responsible for pulpit each Sun- meeting with the benediction. Tea hostesses were Mrs. J. F. Foster's group. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Whitby Chapter 248, Order of The Eastern Star held its regu- lar meeting Tuesday, Feb. 11 in the Masonic Hall with Sister Margaret Mustard, Worthy Ma- During the year three of our older members passed away and one member transferred to an- other community, We have add- ed to our church roll seven new members, and the present membership is 141. The Sunday School, under the leadership of Harold Crawforth '|Women Unit No. 5 held its meet- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Pebrucry 14,1964 § 'Salvation Army Leader -- And Wife Here Sunday | Whitby Salvation Army will host the second-in-command of the Army in Canada and Ber- here Sunday night at 7 cal Sacer al ouan command of the in Canada and Bermuda, . Wallace are New Zea- trained officers, the a member of the and The Colonel's nts, the late er and . Frank Wal- lace, served in Australia and New Zealand, Lieut,-Colonel and Mrs. Wm. Hoare, the ts bo Aus- After. serving as Cadet- Sergeant, Colonel Wallace, with the rank of Captain, the Drum- 14 different Feld South, Palmerston North, Invercargill, Newton and Nelson. In 1928 he married Lieu- tenant Gladys Hoare, the education of African women} From Invercargill, in New pron particularly in Christian|Zealand, Adjutant Wallace was service From this area of service she pointed to the command of Church after 75 years or more i ganda a service which is/Campsie Corps. 'Then followed transferred to Australia and ap- appointments as Divisional Young People's Secretary for the Sydney West Division, Dis- t In 1942 Major Herbert Wallace was transferred to the Southern Australia Territory, where he was the Territorial Young Peo- ple's Secretary for almost 10 Commander in charge of the The Colonel returned to New Zealand and served as Field Secretary of that Territory for five years. He returned to Aus- tary of the Eastern Australia Territory, which position he held for five and one-half years. Colonel Wallace is a versatile|# leader, song-writer and musi- clan, as well as being an ac ceptabl tform speaker. Mrs. Wallace, as a single offi- ave a warm welcome to the Matrons, Patrons and members of Whitby Chapter. Visitors were wel- comed from West Hill, Toronto COL, H. G. WALLACE * MRS. COL, WALLACE cer served on the New Zeland field where she had the oppor- tunity of opening aCorps at A » She also served League Secre' Territorial Home League Secre- tary in New Zealand, the latter position she also held in East ern Australia for three-and-one- half years, has made her sya} pathetic and understanding of the needs of women folk. - and Port Perry. aie A speedy recovery was wish- ed Rgpnee Haves who were sick scucoa | sympathy expressed to od of loved ones. A rummage and home bake sale was planned for April 4 in the Oddfellows Hall on Brock street, Sister Mary Inkpen re- quested the m to con- Golden Book for Labels and mentioned roducts had been add- ed to the list. Sister Dorothy Lunney asked the members to remember the card party being held in the Chapter Room on March 10 and that any donations or prizes could be turned in be- fore that date. Invitations were accepted to visit West Hill Chapter April 8, Birchcliff March 11, and Snu- beam March 19. It was hoped as many members as possible would attend. After the close of business everyone enjoyed a delicious Valentine's lunch served by Margaret Barnes and her com- mittee. CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers - FREE Pick-up & Deliver: Daily PHONE 668: .o4/ One-Stop DECORATING - @ Wallpaper end Murels @ Custom. Draperies @ Broedioom and Rugs @ CLL. Paints end Varnishes: @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points ') DODD & SOUTER | Decor Centre Ltd. A Phone 668-5862 4 107 Byron Se. S., Whitby ST. MARK'S UCW NO. 5 St. Mark's United Church ing Monday, Feb. 10 with 18 members present. Leader Miss Mildred Price opened the , Miss Marion Bromell read the min- utes, Miss Mary Underwood gave the treasurer's report. is progressing, both in member- ship and offerings. The Cross oe | Crown System of awards has been a great help in keep- ing up the attendance. Five of tron, assisted by the Worthy Patron, Brother Jeff Martin, escorted to the East Sister Esther Hood, Marshall, Mrs, Ines Maundrell was in charge of the worship service. Miss Laura Pellow discussed the study book on "India". This was followed by a general dis- cussion, presiding in the East The flag was presented and and FIRST | MORTGAGE . LOANS --on-- A Well ented he pogo residentia or on Sr ada See eee 4 Cecil R. Brown Jim W. Jones . 98. iu be! awarded et Ter co oo ana|Mrs. Leonard Moyle, underwent lunch served. All are welcome to|®" appendectomy operation at Ps an evening with friends,|the Oshawa General Hospital. Pong oe om. |Her companions of a Hutch- the success it encountered at mittee are in charge. jison School and friends wish her warae CADIS CANDY oanine ul jthis year's Exhibition, where it a speedy recovery. Mr, Collingwood Hamilton, 111 ints for the day: Allsorts 0, Gu |won first prize. Myrtle W I Poi . 6a. An individual ey the rock -|_ Myrtle Women's Institute are jaraps 4, Hu 4 |Junior Brass Band, Don Sweete, a coe Me eeeray lentertaining residents of Fair |Sever Kettowe i, Maple Book Litelwill also be taking part in the Friends of Mr. Hamilton wish = = today, Feb, 14, Val:/"Soo crer seb: ielaen. Doly two week music festival, which him a happy birthday. entine Day. ng people a ted Christ' es and for this minutes of the last meeting read we thank God and look to Him/|by Sister Julia Thomas, secre- for continued guidance in the|tary. Sister Cora Fallow report- year 1064, ed on ways and means and Total offerings for the year|"Sick and Sunshine" was re- were $13,089,00 of which/ported by Sister Mary Inkpen. 49,312.48 was allocated to Mis-| After opening the meeting the sions, Miss Alma Rowe, Mrs. E. W. Dilling, Mrs. T. S; McGary, assisted by Mrs. Bert Lear, The meeting closed with Miz- pah benediction. Tea hostesses were Miss Mary Underwood and Mary Jane McKendry. The next meeting will be held Monday, March 9 at the Church parlor. | In Eaton's Auditorium at 7 WHITBY p.m, Feb, 29, the Whitby Senior' BOWLING NEWS [Brass Band will try to repeat VICTORIA and GREY PROTESTS SALE BRUSSELS (AP)--Italy has fited a formal protest with the European Common Market against the future sale in Italy of Russian cars to be estab- Yished in a jointly owned So- viet-Belgian plant in Seneffe, Belgium. |202, 208; Sandre Labanevich 244, 947;|this year will sound the talents [Doreen Kehow 242, Mooreiof 2,600 competitiors from 980 Jane, daughter of Mr. and|24), 204; Giedys Wiles 241, Jean King |qifferent communities, Johnny, son of Mr. and MYs.iatrs" 'Paul Kaiser, Cochrane|2%, ®S: Moase 232, Beuleh Stur| UNITS, GROUPS ST. Ss Fellowship Group had to post- pone their skating party last Saturday. Instead they met at the Church Hall. Harry Kuenen is celebrating his} treet, is celebrating her 12th |e, 2a lennel Meare 88, 208) wr sixth birthday today, Valentine | pirthday today, Valentine Day. |Lit Martin 208, Alice Hewis 204 and Edith social with the fol- day. For the occasion & party! Her companions of St. John's|Weme me ei, many re, | King 636, | Brooks 5%, | has been arranged. The following members of st.! School and friends wish her many happy returns of the day. a WHITBY BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 8:25 SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 Sandra Lebenevich 457, Jean [Dorothy Moore 415, Marien [Gladys Wiles $96, Isabel Mothersitt 590, Alice Anderson S65, Doreen Kehow $63, Grace Sandford 650, Beviah Stu $40, \Bernice Moase S35, Alice Mewls 533, |Plorence Moore 533, Isabel Farndale 527, ieee Dilting SIS. and Marie Vailiers } MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE 'earn Sti : Sabre Jets 22, Rockets i Missers 2), Echoes 27, Poker Chips Bow! 3, Neaners 21, Hopefuls Pipers S, Neighbors 18, Deadiegs 12. 0 Triples: Tom Meciver 784 (278); j taobel Mothersill 737 (278); V. Ford: 1723 (288); Chuck Sawson 9 (255); Mic jkey McMaster 698 (245); Doug Rowden }G93 (226): Clarence Moore 665 (267); Merv Bernis 658 (247); Don Denyer | (259): Ward Bick 644 (263)> Ron Adair 4@ (255); Mille Peggs 64 (273); Con- [nie Denyer 634 (273); Wayne Stuart (279); Chuck Gil 690 (279); Sam Peake Whitby | C) Pascoe 616 (204); John Howland 614 (200) 200 Singles: Frenk Crook 222, Joyce | Wainwright 219, Joe Wainwright 219, Har- Roberts 202, Cari Pascoe 235, Clem Heweft 214, Jean Héndscombe 229, Char- fe Maw 24, Barry Dew 2, Etsie Fernly 220, Terry Plumbe 212, Bill New. stead 228, Leo fea 218, 'Marty Jor- dan 214, Geo. Childs 217, Keith Leundry 1203, Bev Childs 229, Clare Rowden 22, John Treffers 212, Herel Moere 233, Don Grant 238, Harold Moore 218, Florence Moore 218, Jim Mifflin 228, Richard Sand- 258, Paul Frenk 258, Chris Adair | tord U2, Bervt Watkin 220. Woodpeckers 23, Cadillacs 4, Countyivear are as follows: 'Entertainment convener, 622 (220); Ruth Frenk 618 (265), Marg) AUXILIARIES LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion held its busi- ness metting Tuesday, Feb. 11 in the Legion Hall with Mrs. Vernon Moore presiding. List of committees for the Kitchen convener, Mrs, Earl ingag 24 ts, Wiliam Cassady; Phone com- mittee, Mrs. James Conner, Mrs. Arthur Daigle, Mrs. /Yvonne Jimmo. | The Bazaar date was also set jfor Friday, Oct 30, 1964. Thank- jyou cards were received and read from Mrs. Stanley Martin and Mrs. William Ashton. It was reported that Mrs. Leonard |Beckly was in the Oshawa Gen- jtral Hospital and that Mrs. Elmer Archer is under the |Doctor's care at home. Get well jwishes and flowers to go out jto them. At the next Zone meeting loving committee in charge. Mrs. Arthur Stanlick, Mrs, Al- bert Carr, Mrs. Ernest Humpry, Mrs, JAmes Kirk, Mrs. Florrie Adam, Mrs, Lloyd Robertson, Mrs, Gwen Whiteside, Mrs, Ver- ne it. tt a Tuesday, eb. urg> atte! , Feb. 25 meeting. The meeting closed with the singing of the "Queen"', A short business meeting was presided by Mrs. Norman Brad-' ley in the absence of President Mr. William Bonk. group discussed the Church cleaning project. This will be done by voluntary Farther arrangements will be made de pion | this project. A social evening followed with games enjoyed. Refreshments scoeaneteunmcei @ ZONE 4 Ratepayers The tae 9 r Commander Mrs. Gertrude Wil- liams, Oshawa will pay her ht jficial visit and it will be in the FINALS @ Ontario Public Speaking Contest Sponsored by Ontario School Trustees and Association ond ' Power Commission Ontario Anderson Street High School, Whithy Friday, Feb, 21, at 7:45 p.m. PUBLIC INVITED TO ATTEND | For Free Home Delivery, Call Chateau-Gal fading or shrinking? Whatever's with your , we'll "ag 4 IGHT. i our prices hi L.@.$. ELECTRONICS Blair Pork Ploze--Whitby PH. 668-8311 Servicing - Whitby, A) Pick- ering, Cesta "boos ond ling Aree. 5 lec cat eccie

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