(7--Real Estate for Sele a-Rhoet Retute Por Sale --Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sate ome ne yea For Sale sane' contra! Ly Ky " ciate aamoval petal Ny ty vith Own lesen ot low with kitenen, West of Os Save sgt ge Ba gt os Deere 8, jer winter ing 'am. leant Koornneet, 723-2859, act Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 720-7377, Src ta 3 ier FOR Ae un l, 70° a a, "tor FOR SALE Approximately * SO ft, x 140 ft, ON. DEAN AVENUE PRICE $3300. DIAL 723-9363 __ Oshewa's Largest Firm BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -Real Estate el RUTONCe oeMortgaget-- NEAR McLAUGHLIN SCHOOL Six room brick bungalow with on large lot 57' x 132'. Fomily size kitchen plus Sty B00 room, Asking price 00 ond one 5va % i daccag for balance with monthly payments of $88.00 including taxes, To inspect call Mr, lrwin Crulk> thenks ot 728-5123 or 728. $205 LOOKING M. 0. TINDALL REALTOR SPECIAL FEBRUARY SALES TREMBLAY STREET KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 King Street East PRESTIGE DISTRICT NEW HOME under construc- tion, guaranteed the builder to qualify for Wins ter Works bonus, Complete with storms ond hood and fe sly SAVE! SAVE! gc new Mo lollywood bunge % a ate er Satta tno opt LET, 2door V4, automa emission. New fires, radio, washers,|N $1700, Phone 723-1287. {958 PONTIAC American, and flower beds in } three manure of sludge now. nepal a he Vandscapes, fenced today. Low down bunga! seen to nit bedroom, slusninm, yard, North @ tov ith broadioomed 'in and din in roa, rem eo D gerade. aly landsca, clone separa ideal On No, 2 highway et the Whitby, Meo Real Mstate day or night. brick, By re Broxers 6 6 Prince 51 aoe a Vine LOT, 100 ff. & f00 HE Ca ae Location Meadow Road West, Ostr rea, Telephone | 720-6576, rive. A brick bungalow, _ paved drive, saree, one to, Houdaile, ore Motors: bus atop, Sandra Street Wette two-door hai ji y fully customized. P| before 5 p.m, Brooklin, 655-2: i) BT, two tone, r-door, slxeey stendard transmission, $698, Felepnone" Whitby 668-2109 after @ p.m, 1956 OLDSMOBILE 4door 68, wr Bute matic, A-1 condition. Reasonable, pS amen 1983 CORVAIR Monza coupe, Binck nero, Excellent condition, h lere gine pecoerd transmission, accessor . Whitby 668-8061, na VeUnIWAG EN de luxe, excellent condition, radio, low frilenee $780 or best 'otter, Dial Whitby 668-499. i CHEVROLET 0B Sica two-door, linder, stendard, cream end bive flnteh, Fang feed Seat belts, Snow tires. cer, Cash, Wn ie] RECONDITIONED" Felevislona, 435 "Up jal, @ fi. tower strum 545./ture with all channel antenna, installed TV Supply. Gibbons} 10 (32---Articles For Sale jew televisions, ys} cash Na at Honest Cal's Di; Appilances, 424 King TV TOWERS special, an ga, mon Wore 72-9191, $50. Oshawa kit, 361 Street, 726-0180, |32---Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Pobrumy 14,1964 15 SION ar fy tre, Including alt channel" [io years she. anes jence, Exit FIRST Oshawa "Thea model baby carriages, Thi bo tage This week. k only, "Re patore ev cal son's Furni 2» 3 church" Street, "ay mates, parts, Guaranteed re-built me chines, Rentals, Walloce Vacuum Service, Call anytime 728-0591, furnr| TWO 'for one Tow ree 1 Famous ue Sealy imatireoaee, Two mai or one Spring mattress Wiisen's. 'Purniture, 2 Ghuren low as van 4] Vreding Post Street, Wi buy, sell and ex con wredt change used boxjture or Pott Sort you have, Th "the Soyth. 723-167 poe yl diamond bridal oe Ve carat di ppt a ee two die pin shoulder, Six aie wedding i $180, After 12 noon ft Phone 725-2678. TELEVISION, Admirai, 1s ver condition, $45, Cail efter 6 pm. Ou oniL 5 ave Telepnone storm qi boards $16,300.00. JUST LISTED $9,200.00 FULL PRICE, S room bungelow with olumi- Pade Sinn aa toxes $) me 600.00 3 bedroom vet " Clowe ag 'rane Schools, I ye to oa $94, per est and toxes, 6 roeieex ry on SIMCOE ST. NORTH 4 bedroom, 24 storey brick, tw lances, Sult most any kind of business, 75 ft, prtees. Lots of parking, Good terms, : SERVICE STATION Goroge, shop, two oportments, rooms down, ewnings, TV only S113 15, DOWN TRY $1,000 DOWN $10,900.00 FULL PRICE, compoct, clean and modern bungalow with forced air with oll heating. hardwood and tile floors, 4 plece bath, lot 54 ACRES OF LAND Attention Investors and Sub-Dividers 54 acres of land between Oshawa and Whitby over Y% mile frontage on. fut- ure Highway, For further information Coll George Koomneef PHONE 723-2859 shepe, 725-0161) evenings Sear i050) CHEVROLET coach, 4, standard. os Rebuilt motor and body A-l, four white walls, accessories, Best" offer, 110 Reach Street, Uxbridge, 852-3634, ant SALE OF "BOOKS 33--Market Basket vell, wreath, size a, he fentiy lace wi iInestones. Good bu sonore Tae! stern ais rie. Wlevislon: acum CLEANER repairs, ail mekes, Lioyd from| Free attachments, REE" mattress/brus nee, "hoes Thomson LONDON (CP) -- Govern ment Pasa - Prati om gd ers & ir de' -- eep Roy Thomson {ro ting a foothold in sy Zealand press, --~ CARON dressed, oven ready, Sve ibs. Hsasoe $2.50 each delivered, Telephone) buy" vour "rans by ae oes oe save. "| land and a the bushel, For free deliv: fiophant srookiin our last sale. Many, est to general eollec- tors, Sale on Saturday, February 15 at 462) Shakespeare Avenue. Call 728-5707 for Information, Marg and Morgan Self, since MENT B ELEMaNT Sromers Poultry, Tks oreo ub 'oustl iS 4 ibs., et ann it 25 roe Siar on orders of 10 of more. Call Newcastle, 987-4353) Oshawa 726-5291, 1987 CHEVROLET twodoor V-8 stick shift, good punning condition, Make offer. Call between am. to é pm, except) = Wednesday. att 296, 19 FORD Galaxie, four-door, metallic brown, clean, six cylinder, good tires and snow tires, poor re condition, $1280. Telephone 728-2326. 1987 PONTIAC, 4door Ty n binerte tet, table, wainut foe with gola legs, four chairs, Telephone 728-0334, 34--Lost and Found Beagle puppy, six months pee deluxe my, carritge. ~ veed Al ition, $25. é Phone 7; Seater BROWNIE 2% eutomatic rifle, 1 63 model, new $72, $5 cleanl eg $55; also % bed 197 barrel, Kit, all) transmission. New body job. hascherieal: ly Ast condition, $575, Call BP Service/= Station, corner Bloor and Wilson, id CHEVROLET Bei Air, @ cylinder, cA A radio, 12,500 miles, Call 720 i968 PONTIAC sedan, exceptional condi- complete w and mattress, like new, $15. Tel 725-6605. DOMINION 36" four burner automat range, $30; also 21 RCA Victor TV, 835. Telephone 725-1053 after $ pm, DOUBLE dresser, \ rock on antique chair, new beige suite, miscellaneous "Thicless after 3 p.m. tlon. 8498 or best offer, Telephone 723-4406 after 5 pm, 725-3169. with spring] p. 'elephone Teton dinette ¢, torr -- from Phillip "Murrey vicinity, Sunday or Monday, Child's pet. Reward, Telephone BEAGLE, brown and white, Va months old, lost Saturday, st Children's Arena. eward, Telephone after 4 at 728-1578, COS --Four-year-old German Shépr elé,idoch, hustling Prime Minister Keith H oake's cabinet is reported Faces N.Z. Lock Out have been holdin, 'ial meet-|to ings to consider ealiation pro. mal lan and ta ephone/nibiting foreign con Aust lishers are rall ee with money bids d to) freeze out the outsider, The latest offer came Thurs- day night from Rupert Mur- young proprietor, of Australia's Mirror group. He The Doiatalon, ie only morning| rier ominion, the only mo newspaper published in Welling: ton, New Zealand's Lael and black and ten, heavy bulld. Answers \ Chileren, '3 offered. Telephone 725-4008, ie, black, brown eer, RMW ST, Nestleton, COST -- registered 8 end white, tatooed In I ontact Mrs. G, MacNeal, 986-4802, BROWN medium sized female Bord pena Answers to the name of "Rusty." "|New Zealand interests are re- largest city after Auckland. Wilson and Horton Limited, owners of the New Zealand Her- ald of Auckland, made an earl- and cash, Two other offers from jer bid of £1,900,000 in shates|P®! Under Study LONDON Ete a a 'nee fot 7 soa hs | cocsea "Opies aa E che studying the British Fee cust for 10 met "with sym 'The formation of the he told a press VACUUM cleaner, elmost new, all aftach- 1956 FORD station wagon ents, Apply 114 Grenfell) wy; Needs some oody W work, Telephone iesat Telephone 728-3969 good, Alax 942-4653, aes caavabLate pe merger reer jeu UYING of feline furniture or "eppil: low mileage, Excslient condition, ind ey Oe ee one 725-5848 as COATS, "Borg" "and cloth, Lady's, . medium ro) PONTIAC Cavrentian station wagon, 'isize, black, brown, navy, green, almost Ve, radio, shaded windshield, twos ow, $18 to $80 each, After 6 p.m. window washers. Top condition. 723-7346, |p: 3046 1987 CADILLAC convertible, $1,995, WillleymoMm Kitchen aely large table end finance, Willi take tradé, After 5 p.m. telephone 723-4406, "tour chairs, $35, Phone 725-5570. WREE rooms of furniture, - 1957 PLYMOUTH fourdoor, beat cash) © Ca leash or $18 monthly, No down payment.| Telephone Beltone 728-0004 Telephone' 729-2334 Marmeny . Road 'Discounts for cash, Honest Cal's, 424 {Kin West, 3 720-9191. 1) CHEVROLET Belair, . <<a |8S--Legal "Sesr| PSEA e hardtop, excellent condition, radio, new |FREEZER, 20 cv. fi. Heavy duty com- : a white wall tires, $2,200, Telephone sane euuaee new condition. Phone 720-9572, NOTICE 668-4080 DISHWASHER, TO CREDITORS inglis Citation, one year AND OTHERS old, like new, Telephone p 720-9572, Creditors ond others ead cloims against the estote © WILLIAM. CLYDE SANDS, late of the City of Oshawa, are required to send full porticulors of such claims to the undersigned, -- solicitor for the Executrix, on or be- fore the 16th doy of March, 1964, after which date the Estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims thet have been re- ceived, ERNEST MARKS, Q.C., Solicitor, 17 King St. Eost OSHAWA, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estote of NELLIE BELL, deceased: All persone haying claim agoinst the estote of the above-nomed deceased, lote of the City of Oshowa, in the County of Ontorio, who died on the 20th day of September, A.D. 1963, ore hereby notified to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned before the 16th day of Y arch, A.D, 1964, After the said dote, the Executrix will distribute the estate having regord only to claims of which notices hove been filed. Deted ot Oshawo, Ontorio, this 12th doy of February, A.D, 1964, INEZ ANNIE LANDER, Executrix by her Solicitor, Z, T. SALMERS, B.A. 13 Simeoe St. North, Oshowa, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estote of bh age wna 'AN, sometimes pends on a firm decision Archbishop Makarios, president of Cyprus, LOT 75 FT, BY 158 FT. WITH 5a ROOM HOME in excellent condition, 3 bed- rooms, oil heating, good lo- cation in Oshawo, Asking $11,800.00, Low down paoy- ment considered, $2500 -- 10 acres about 3Y8 miles from City Limits. thy dog tag No, 62, Telephone 668-4226.| ported in prospect, sel it necessary, Reward end much Gratitude, The Patty of interest in 1g SUM OF M MONEY Dominion results from the orig- Last Friday night, with eredit inal offer made by Thomson in Gaal in bows. aeivelaaias. Bat mid-January. The Thomson bid ween Stacey street ond the |Was £1,650,000 in cash. STILL INTERESTED Four Corners. Savings for a Hearing Aid. Urgently needed. REWARD Commenting on the Austral- ian and New Zealand moves,|Can Thomson said tersely today: ee. "We are still interested, and we are by no means out of the pic- ture. We don't know all the de- tails yet of Rupert Murdoch's bid. We're waiting to see how things develop." Published reports in British papers say that Holyoake's gov- ernment party has decided to leave to the cabinet any action) "There needed to limit newspaper take- overs, One report said the party rtyjand there have always been po- mood is crystallizing in favorjlitical ones," of legislation against overseas} He looked on himeell as ownership. neither a French-epeaking nor In Fleet Street, Wondon's|®" English-speaking Canadian newspaper row, cynical opinion|but "'purely as a Canadian." suggests that the governmen' negative attitude results from|Said: pressure applied by New Zea-| "Tt ts allo the land press interests, As geen/ada thet there from Fleet Street, publishers)mendous a' are intent upon preserving the|people to take cosy, almost pastoral empire'part in national affeirs." COMING EVENTS NORTH OSHAWA NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. MONTHLY MEETING North Oshawa Pork Clubhouse Sunday, Feb. 16, 2 p.m. CALL MRS. WALTER BRANCH EASTER HOLIDAYS EUROPE IN '64 668-3304 725-1328 Donald Travel Service Chortered Buses SORRYI NO BINGO AT HOLY CROSS THIS WEEK Next Bingo Friday, Feb. 21st SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO CLUB CAMELOT formerly Voreoe's Pavilion FRIDAY, FEB. 14th $1200 In prizes $250 Jackpots Nos. 57, 56 Eorly Bird Gomes 7:45 p.m. Door Prizes Admission 50¢ Free Transportation from Pavillon to Chorter Bus et City Limits. BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, FEB. 15 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 4-5 Ue lone © oe ackpot to 1-- $150 detlinet to oo Chitdren Under 16 Not Admitted MONSTER BINGO Over '$500 in Prizes SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15th AT 8:00 P.M, ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS All prizes doubled on admission ticket ALL UNION MEMBERS Interested in rifle and pistol target shooting come to the U.A.W. HALL - 22 BOND EAST SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16th - 2 P.M. AND HEAR MR. KIP HODGINS. who is Secretary-Treasurer and' Manager of Ontario Revolver Association 4 rooms up, All conven lences, each self corteied. Frontage 200 ft, x 150 ft Just outside city limits, A real investment, if only for renting, Try an offer within reason, _CALL 725-0429 The Public is cordially invited to attend OPEN HOUSE at SUNSET TERRACE SUB-DIVISION Libery Street North -- Bowmanville commencing For something special In the north west, | have © ten yeor ofd brik wich bed room bungalow in the very best of condition, Mony, many extros included, asking only' $13,900.00 Fg large down payment, Call Mr. Jo Appleby only ot 728- $123 or 723-3398 now ESTATE SALE 102 GIBBON STREET Make on offer, suitoble for renting, investors speculation should inspect now, Seven gorage, ol! heat, ca be sold, Call Horner ot 728- 5123 or 728+ 2236 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street, North Open Every Evening GUIDE REALTY - 723-112) WOOME BUNGALOW-----One of the best homes we have in the South West area of the city, Living room with fire. ploce, 3 bedrooms ond 4 pe. both a Whohen end drone ares owner, There is ¢ JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR Telephone 728-7377 | | | PATRICK G McDANIEL REALTOR 668-2311 | Whitby i058 PONTIAC, four-door, hardtop, auto-| matic, good paint, excellent condition, $1,100, Telephone 263-2041, 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, A:1 condition, 8595. Telephone Alax 942. 1712. 195) FORD sedan, six stick, radio sharp, $975.00, New licence, Cell 668-8606, _ "GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Care SKATES -- New ond used, All reduced A per cent. Used skates from $1.50 up. Apply Dreyien's Cycle, 204 Bond Gast, Open evenings. 5. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bar terles, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision. Thrifty Budget Pian, 725-4543, TV TOWERS--Special, 4 ft. tower struc. ture with all channel antenna, Installed $50, Oshawa TV Supply Ltd, 361 Gibbons. Street, 728 8180, SUNWORTHY Wallpaper at helt price. Many patterne In ready pew and ba lar, Buy one roll, e free, Edger and Sons, 34 King West, Telephone: 723-7351, SKATES, used, $1.97 up, per pair, with your trade In, Sportsman's Corner, one block west of Four Corners in Whitby. BUY and sell, good used appilances, One location only. Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3971 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll- cators, chequewriters, comp' sig three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service, Office 316 Palace St, Whitby -- Lorge older home on o well londscaped treed lot, Home is in good condition, - new furnace, modem kitchen, 1V4 bathrooms, Excellent. fomily home, Owner transferred, Listed for quick sole. He said he considers his éu- ties here as both administre- tive and p 2 p.m, -- 5 p.m. This modern blungalow will remain open weekends. Homes Built by Loupan Developments Ltd N.H.A. Brick Bungalows from $13,900 - $1,200. down. For Appointment Phone 623-3393 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED BOWMANVILLE LYNWOOD ACRES Pickering Village New Split Level Homes Brick and Stone Construction i pong several lots for sole woter ond sewer, rong. ing neg Py 50-ft. frontege up. B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 468-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid oft Trade up or down 137 Brock South, Whitby. Always top quality lit@ivinaTOR two © door ret BUYING OR SELLING pan ich ed veina TED CAMPIN utes MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA Just Eost of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 Two-storey cider income pro- perty locoted neor centre of town on Byron Street, This property hos a lorge lof, 10- room brick house, 2 beth- rooms ond new furnace, erote oportment rents for $80 per month 28--Real Estate Wanted ALL CASH for two or three-bedroom, jmodern brick bungalow, steined wood: work, Mr, Jonneten, Limited, Telephne 728-1066, 29--Automobiles For Sale i085 PONTIAC, 6 automatic, goed con dition, $325 or best offer, After 5 p.m Call 725-5618, ioe idee CHEVROLET, IRF, Good tires, mothont bed efter 4 v4 pm W bite ee ene i phone 4 Whitty. 468-b6de. cs meee VOLVO WH CHEVROLET coach, good clean. interior, new 'Date. a, ue SALES AND SERVICE S071, JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. $ Oshowo 728-0921 30--Automobiles Wanted LARESHORE Auto Wreckers want cers for wrecki ye nest prices paid, 220 Wentworth East, 5-118), OSHAWA Auto Parta and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Neilson Street, want cars for wreck: Ing. Telephone 725-2162 of 729-4245 "145 CARS WANTED __ Buying @ New Cor? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer ond "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS __.723-4494 _ Res. 725.5574 "$ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid oft NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 32--Articles For Sale be this tre room bosement oportment with privote entrance ond both which rents for $80 per month, Bosement furniture waded In the prin of $14. range, lawn set, All In good condition, Apply 708 Street. Enst after ? 7 Bm, House and Garage To be demolished 1 RD. RITSON ond food Logg ype i Bloor ond Simece Streets. Telephone 723-4641 Mr. Campbell Reconditioned Used Outboard Motors A Good Stock Of 2¥2 hp. to 50 hp. MOTORS Trade Now For The Best Deo! NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:48 - e a pene Brn HALL and Jackson Sts.) come $6, $12, $20 Mav_be doubled or trivied $170 IN JACKPOTS Door prize $15 Hi z fs PRIVATE -- 195 Chevrolet 4door station wagon, automatic, whitewalls, chrome discs, radio. Sharp! Telephone 725-08), iW CHEVROLET Bei Air, automatic, low mileage, One owner, Clean, excellent condition, Turquoise, whitewalls, Reason- able, Telephone 725-0480, 1936 «= PONTIAC, @door, V8, standard tranamission, radio. Excellent condition. No rust, $498, Can finance, 728-8798. i PLYMOUTH, condition, 878, Three and Four Bedroom Plans Norden Kitchen -- Recreation Room _~Lots 75 x 125 ft -- City Conveniences PRICES FROM $17,500 UP Down payments from $2,500 up See Completed Models end Houses under construction now Select the let end pion of your choice, CRAWFORD Construction Ltd. Telephone Oshawa 725-3406 Ajax-Pickering 942-4535 DIRECTIONS: Turn North off 401 ot Pickering Cloverieat follow signs ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO Comer Bloor end Simese Friday, February 14th 7:45 P.M, 20 games -- $10 ond $15 Share the Wealth $150 Jackpots to oe Three $40 Jockpots to ge VALENTINE DANCE Sponsored by C.Y.M.K. Feb. 15, 8:30 to 12 p.m. ST. JOHN'S HALL 31 BLOOR STREET EAST Students 75< Adults $1.50 VALENTINE DANCE AT THORNTON'S COMMUNITY HALL Round, Square ond Modem. Sat., Feb. 15 --8 P.M. PRIZES, LUNCH. ADMISSION $1.00 eoch One block North of Ne. 2 Highway on Thomton Road in the old School House. ee Apply 38) Mary Street (back door). 1 FORD staltonwagon, yellow ana bleck, 6 cylinder, standard, A-! condition Best offer, Telephone 75-8007 {959 BUICK automatic, 2door hardtop: body and Interior very good, Mechanically Al. Apply 9? Durham street, after 5 p.m, i Week CHEVROLET | cone tench, 6 eylinder, trade of tinance Salt 728-9286 oF 725-8555, ih) MERCURY Monterey "convertible. Full power equipped. Automatic, radio, red, Uitewall Yi 'res, Telephone 728-5178, ib VOLKSWAGEN VAN, good running condition, $743. New exhaust end valve jod. Telephone Whitby 668-4194, id CHEVROLET "'Ynpala 4door hard. top, 8 cylinder, automatic, power brakes and steering, radio, Caria axle, Ex eilent condition, After 7 . telephone 7R5-4075. Johnson Motors Crestliner Boats Tee-Nee Trailers We are pleased to have been chosen to handle the real estate sales in Harmony Estates A very pleasant, convenient location to raise your family, 1 Block from new Separate School 1 Block from new High Schoo! 2 blocks from: Public School 'Clay brick veneer bungalows to be built by A. R. Jef- frey Construction Ltd. on prepaid serviced lots, at the lowest prices in Oshawa. |The Keketa", priced at $13,495. with only $869. down payment and mon- thly payments of $82.70 principal and interest. "The Harmony House" priced at $13,595. with only $1,396. down pay- ment and monthly payments of $79.90 principal and interest. This price includes all costs and normal extras tound in new homes. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ARE HAVING OPEN HOUSE | THIS WEEKEND FROM 2 UNTIL 6 Teaprere| DIRECTIONS:--- Harmony Road South, 1 block south <cc~sparear, Of Donevan Collegiate ond turn west to first house, Meated, central. Chiktren welcome. Chane} Shon Sree oa om, leundry fecitities, 30) v= teesee wenn LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Ltd. a ee 40 KING ST, E DIAL 728-4678 | le Open Evenings SMITH SPORTS 353 King St. West __Telephone 728-7341 __ CLEARANCE SALE STEEL CABINETS FILING CABINETS KARDEX FILING SYstEM. STEEL CATALOGUE HOLDER STEEL SCAFFOLD AIR CONDITIONING FANS GAS WATER HEATER (NEW) 3% STEEL BED USED OIL BURNERS & REPAIRS MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS ee eererert we ine 1SETTA. My, chars condition, $150 ----- best offer, Street, Sher 8.38 PRIVATE, V955 ead Feiriene, four-door V-8, automatic, crconent Snr Tele-|NEW Stereo Hi-Fi sets, 6 speakers, © phone 725-3388 after S$ p, pearl output, FM, bee 'end Short --s 4speed automatic changer, Beau: we "GHEVROLET, torso nari, V8 vel" titel walnut cabinet, S¥a feet long. Speci co and white walt "Bren, "Telephone Telephone) $379. ter twodoor hardtop. GALAXIG me Fevioacks » i ..) inch motor. Stick shift, snow 'ial extra wheels, 9,000 miles, Whitby 668-8486, ie? OLOSMOBILE b tebrdeers super good condition, pare. os brakes. Reasonable, a. Telephone 7922, 198) VOLKEWAGEN, new tires, windshield washers, good condition, pri vate sale, 8625. 728-5795. 18) PONTIAC Lavrention, 2door, herd top. 6, automaltc, white with blue in terior, Hnted glass, windshield radio, Price 8Y,095, | Catt 3 ae TILDEN | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good cleon cors. Trode up or down, Liens poid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 ft 2239 fis doy of March, A.D, 1964. After the soid date, the Ex- ecutrices will distribute the estate having regard only to somagg of which notices have been fi this 12th dey of PA ming AD, 1964, MARY BILYJ ond JOANNA oho ggg Executrices, by the Solicitor, Z. T. SALMERS B.A, 13 V4 Simooe St, N. Oshawo, Ontario. ; CHAIN sew, $4) 21" Marconi: televi- sion, $65; rangett, $15; refrigerator, good 88,/ working order, $20, Apply 86 Brock East, TELEVISION 2°" Very good condition, SO penned 728-1742, redo ANTHES natural gan furnace, 100,000 BTU's, new 'condition, $180, Telephone TRWes. RANGE, Gurney, 2+inch, apartment size with attached gorege Tenge, with clock, oven door, win- Large living room ond sepor- broiler, private. $6. Anytime 72) ete dining room, Spotlessly clean throughout, Close to school ond bus ot the door, Lot completely fenced. A really attrochve home ond orieed at only $13,300 For full porticulors coff 723-1121 Qeen deity F om. t F am MORE ond MORE Owners ore Listing with the BUSY FRIENDLY OFFICE ot the BUSY INTERSECTION GUIDE REALTY UMITED Realtors, 16 Sime .S WHITBY CLASSIFIED SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service an calta, Walter Ward, 24 Cheatnot Strest | ten Whitoy, 648-256). ReRINS -- Soi coats. Greene, erations, vip covers, Grapes, Fitting) Speceny. re, Toms, Cees WANTED -- Neuve for rent end fer tale, Real bute Oeraws. Patrick G. McDaniel Real Esters, _ sem : What's My Line? Buying ond selling used fur- niture ond appliances. For your needs phone, Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. Need A Stereo? inquire @bout our CLUB PLAN The Stereo is = instolied Free, when you join our club, For more information, No obligation. Oshawa, Phone 728-4969 sree eg |292 KING ST. W. NEED A NEW FURNACE? ORDER NOW for Summer installation. Save the extra tax effective April 1, CALL MOSIER SHEET METAL & HEATING 725-2734 GAR-WOOD and ESSO DEALER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MAUDE M. BELL DECEASED NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors ond others having claims against the Estate of Peg oy BELL, late of ity o Oshawa, in the County and Province of On- torio ore required to send porticulers ond . detoils of their claims in writing or otherwise, to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Executor on or before 29th day of Feb- tucry, 1964 in es much os efter thot date the ossets of this Estote will Ibe distri- having regord only to the claims thet have been re- ceived by the undersigned. DATED AT OSHAWA, this 29th day of January, 1964. JAMES. A. MACDONALD, Borrister & Solicitor, 286 King Street Weet, OSHAWA, Ontario. Solicitor; GEORGE JAMES BELL- Executor of the Estate of MAUDE M. BEI! REASONABLE PRICES KEYED UP TO BUY A NEW CAR? TSE SANK OF NOVA SOOTIA