Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Feb 1964, p. 14

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14 THE COHAWA TIMD, Pridey, Pobrucry 14, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 om. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Gerdening and Supplies Painting and Decorati beune"" Sree oe Saree paerine BEML Lea, Seas Centre, 725-9983. CHARTERED Street Oats CA; LEONARD'S TREE SERVICE Experts In chain saw work, tree removal ond trimming, prompt service, Free pil motes, 564 ROSSLAND RD, BAST Whitby oad RAYMOND 68. PROSSER, Chartered Bee Ra Centre trent Werte . Telephone 44a-8447, WOSMAR, Chartered A eR ecounts Sree are 4 Oshawa, 4? Prince tm Pai Wierier| EORATING, and exterior, work aueranteed, reason 'able, Free estimates, 728-2558, W. G. Scott and Son Experienced painters and de- corators in ail branches of the trode, Interior and ex- terior, 693 Wilson N, RR, 2 72 8-6815 fo seo Bry mas Ballet, Tap 'Acrobatic, ath days, Masonic Temple, 723-7253, char) yaLee a PRinDLAnes Ons Cow a Boreronere WOPKING, agg Rely co. @d Accountant: awe, Ontario. treet eat Osh Oat Sa Street ost, 720-7371.) 8 wm ase tor Vessons. Rents rane favaliobie tor. weginnere 'Ol Highland, Register new, on RAD Ballet, Oshawa § Centre, 725-6122, pace & 4» chartered Frances aren Whitby, phone 668-619) | vag) eB MONTEITH, Co, Charte A ecount ° heaving neg taniast 208 Ontario, Tele and 7327) ase, RIEHL, nt ite Nat. Barristers 7 S$ oH. GREER, BA, Barrister, bolicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times Buliding, 86 King. Street Gast, 728-4209. Mortgage funds available, Tap, 'olum BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing, ballet, jazz and baton, Knights of 720-7902, E.Z.E. METHOD DRIVING SCHOOL Newest Oshawa Branch PHONE 728-0881 protmees Kinderdance, Fridaya, Satur WILSON AND Lee Bul Store, Regie WARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, je Hall, DODD and SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Poperhanging, Gyptex, gh Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST, §.,, WHITBY DAYS 668.5862 NIGHTS 725.7426 3-- Pets . Livestock lea, aay seam champ egg he mt BaLAAviONS, Sere Phone Oreckin asta se Te BLACK OURAN SHEPHERD" ee Sovewremenn one on ferei as," Evenings. tea, latered, $85, & BEAUTIFUL baby P bigalen eeeay nar volan baie Clipping aval training, -- talkl road, 14 Bigin er we oul IT grown, "lhe 30, Telephone 728-10 nies. sd MINIATURE oth poodles. ed, from imported thock, srrer for rea" hs Vain Plumbing and Heating | ALU WVPEE of repairs and new and used materials, r Estimates free, Dial Jd, Foley, ALC" PUOMBING ond heating supplies, Telephone 723-352), Harold H. Stark, Lid. Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 245 Simeoe Street South, VAG PERFECT" Voientinel "Chituahue b eaolt os) era satin as Hine gift, puppies, seven weeks old, black, jaonable, Telephone _Pickering 9 42 oe, ea weeks old, one ternales SIB eech, EST) * WIRE WERE USED BYTE BRITS 1 MESOPOTAMIA, hep hy WRAQ, 10 Mie PEM PROM Wig THE DE iS DESE SRT BANDE WINE ih MARCH: 20----Room and Board | 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale veday week, OXbaelner. re Shee eS ee WOSILAND WHET ores, vale Year ones » Go0d food, lunches Bee an sw 'ere welcome, 708 Gar- reste 'Avenue, \ or quiet home for one or two ladies or gentiomen, New district in Alex, Tele WiLy all nae r packed if desired, Telephona) Fat ait iv week, 618, a er "a aie aan pate ae "inion tunches veday week, $1 DEVON PARK Bost Off Wilvon Rd, South Choice Lots Available for Spring Bullding N.HLA, FINANCING S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-6286 Tai room and board tor ger Hleman, elose ye + downtown and North JOeneral Motors, _M.2YGOCKI, Builder WooM AND WOARD tor -gertoma po Ae 600K lunches Near South eneral Motors, tlephone BING: " ROOM ai nd board tor Two penilomen, will. ing to dure ingle beds, ed, to fouth GM, M parking. Te id. tor two wing, to hare, meals, home privileges, Near Bouth General Motors, Telephone 7H0-2041, ROOM AND BEARD, tw two ¥ three wentie- men, Clore to South General Motors, five Gay week, Clean er gene meals, TAs 0080, Telepnone 8 seein THEPHERS" ~popalea, atk weeks old, " Grover avenue: Telephone ness, Rua-Upholstery S Service CHETFERPIELES ana old chalre ve die covered like new, Get the best for less LOUIS &, HYMAN, @c, Berrister, golich for, Notary, Suite 305, Times Buliding, 66 King Street aan 729-4943, Cliente' funds available for mortgages JOSEPH Pr, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor, Money to loan, Office, 142 King Street Gast, Oshawa, | 70-4232, popps AND DONALD, Barristers end icitors, etc. King Street Gest, mine MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, iia eitors, Neterin Bag eee --_ " K Street Ta e7, BA, LLB, AM DONALD, | Berrer and Solicitor end Notary Pub fie, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King 'Weat, Oshawa, Onterio, cient parking avaliable, 725-4716 or 725-4717, Annie #, SWARTZ AND RONALO 4. jovi 3 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Block, 268 Ki Residence, dia! fe teen, ey Se Sireet, Best, 723-4007, 723-4029, quneee bei] KELLY, Barrister, Sollcl 4 King Street one Diet ou. euidones Phones: Greer, QC, 725-3968; Terence V. Kelly, Ba ecu, ©, Bastedo, WOMPHREYS, cavenTN and WILLMAN, Barristers, SolteRore, MY King Street Oshawa, B, Mumprreys, QC: ee) W. H, Hillman, LLB) ary 128-4326, HA and other peroroam, itehen Wes, Call collect. ©, Port Perry Peb2éN4 afer 4 "wd ond. venaires. hy Sriteds foraneee 'vemvornea, Pree' ett Mortgages PRIVATE and corporation monies Yor rT mortgages; mortgages and reement of sale purchased, Creighton, Orynan and Murdoch: (See "Barristers") mortgages) mortgages and sal purchared, Creighton, Murdoch (See '*Barristera") FiRsT AND SECOND mortgages. "fale agreements purchased and Hen Ndainick and Hennick, Barristers, ar King Street East, 723-7232, MORTGAGE -- LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for voluctions Mortgages and Agreements purchased, Moneys for second mortgages. Fost service, F. SWARTZ rynen PRIVATE and corporalion monies for all] crane at H) Mode rn Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. Gall T2445, Free estimates HAVE" YOUR chestertield sulle factory lrebullt, Low price, Telephone 720-0281) evenings 728-2429, Kennedy Upholstering Limited: | LABRADOR RUTRIEVER pups, "biadk, male, registered, three montha, price reasonable, Wm, Turner, Sunderland, On farlo, My, 112 TWO REGISTERED Chivenve eo, female, one white, one brown and ite, eight weeks old, Telephone after § p.m, yaa, Whitby 468. Spetenune puppy: Tomales, regletered, Also two gt) es wire sliver pheasants cHeRVaRFIELOS" tered and restyled, Free estimate, See our mate rial recovering, Dalton | ing, am, Bowmanville it 3490, "SAWN =e 78 Charles Street, 720-7212, : EUETOMERAP YS" Upholitering ~ Beparh|® ment, Experts in recovering, restyling, Chrome chairs 4 specialty, Free esth mates, dial 728-737) ~ OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Cleaning, At Our Store, or at your home, 725-9961 "Tellipping purebred, Amer: fean Cocker Spaniel pups, parthcolor, ex cellent temperament, Telephone 723-1799. POODLES, small, black, miniature te male, three months old, Paper trained, lovable pel, registered, champion Doel available. lal br privileges, as des! red. anes three monthe olf, One Beng! 'eenaie, two years old, Can be seen at S19 Buelid Street, Waitey, or phone 05208 be tween § and 4--Sportsman's 3 Column Sales and Service WALC WASHING by machine, No tens, No fuss, Call Don Bryan, Ajax 9420015, ee FISHING hte two to four men oll heated, everyint ty transportation, Rent Unlimited, at ys Taste 9140, Petteriaw S7R GUARANTEED repairs to all wri |washers and ranges, Free estimates, Call 728-1742, 26¥4 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario __ 723-4697 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgoge Broker's Association XN GLASS AND SCREEN Repairs to aluminum win dows ond door inserts = | day service «= Bring your frames into our factory, NASH ALUMINUM 95 ATHOL ST, EAST TELEPHONE 728.1633 UR LAWN MOWER Ho' your Lown Mower, Tractor, Tiller, or Outboard Serviced mow, Ports and service for Teco Mowers, Stratton, Clinton, Louson, Moto Mowers, Briggs and Lewn Boy, Any moke serv> iced, free pick up, Diol 728- 279) or 725-4633. LAN 5----Farmer's Ecloum CASH on the spot, Highest prices fie for dead and crippled farm all phone collect, Mampton 263-272), Mare will Fur Farm, Cleence a4&C-43, FOR GALE = eight Vorkshire plas, nine weeeks old, Telephone Whitby 660-2854, 11--Articles For Rent GHATRE, card and banaue "Tables, chureh 14.---Employment Wanted 16---Female Help Wanted -- MOFHWERCY Gare for children In my own home by day or week, Telephone 728-138), GETTING AHEAD IN YOUR CAREER To get ahead in your car- eer find out whot posi- tions are availabe to best fit your skills and talents by checking today's Times' Help Wanted Ad- ing] -vertisements in the Class- ified section, Pleave Be Advised! When replying to ocvertise- ments In The Oshawa Times with en eddress; 'Box No, Oshawa Times," that iden- tity of the Advertiser ond Information pertaining to the advertisement is strictly con- fidentiol and connet given out, The way to reach The Adver- tiser is with your letter core- fully and correctly addressed to the proper Box Number, Your letter can be mailed to The Oshowe Times, or depo sited in the Letter Slot of The Times Building, West Side of entrance door, King Street East, aisle runners, Cleve Rentela, 412) Simcoe Street North, ees WHET CHATRE, Noaplial beds, Walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies, Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 72s 1444 Dishes « Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 0.0 74 BARRIE AVENUE SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simeoe St, North Surveyors owe v AW" ANG" BCRISCHMANN, Onterie Lend Sui Commercial dive print, V1 "Ontario. Strest, 7RSS402 W. FLIM AND FROLLOPE, Ontario Lana Su Vi) Gigin Street Bast, Prone) --_-- 12--Articles Wanted WANES -- beat Vrelle, 0 Te WER. youre rae mt tomate 'lenny wane es WANTED Plano, In good condition, Few sonable, Telephone Brooklin, 55.2206, Le Wile ey "wanted, else eld Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 mony North, 7and@7t or A058, General Electric CUSTOM KITCHEN on display Wayne Appliances 78 Si Telephone 723-1411 and Mortgages To $10,000 | avails le To Homeowners INTeRAST, RATS Wyse % TO 1% NAA "to 1s% PER aN i. acute NO HIDDEN CHARGES NO BROKERAGE FEES PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET THE REALTY DIVISION OF imcoe St, North Cartage FOUNT MOVING ANG CAN VACE, Oshawa, Whitdy, Reasonadie rates, Fully equipped and . TRMGI. Dressmeking SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED 725-6541 17 Simcoe St. N, 25 Superior Offices In Ontario EXPaRrences dresimaking, pant auth end alterations, Reasonable rates.) nn Eldridge, 4? | e Montrave, TIs4ae, GRESSMAKING -- "Alterations. repairs, @ to 5 dally, Mra, lexzl, 682: Ritson Road South. 725-8562, Gardenin GE SURE "WeawtiT gardens, Teves. end flower beds In 1964 by applying man: Ure oF sludge now, Phone 7282901 today. Musical Services PIANO, tuning and repair, instruments praised, A, Nigdunk, Ajax 42-1464 |Painting and Decorating GENERAL painting. papering, furniture finishing. Sign Brown a Drew Street, Teaanene| Papers, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES _ 25 WORD MINIMUM Better described otters get taster results Count eoch word, initicl, figure or abbreviation as one word, iF NOT PAID WITHIN 7? DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES CLASSIFIED. BOX NUM While every endeavour will be rumbers to the odvertisers os iebility in respect of loss or d BER FOR REPLIES: 1 Se mode to forword replies to bow soon os possible we accept no jamage alleged to arise through either follure or delay In forwarding such replies, howewer coused whether by negligence or otherwi Protessiona! iustingy only, 3 Each additional line per mon (Not applicable tor mer ~ lines per month th chondise advertisements.) 8.50 1.60 DEADLINES WORD ADS Cards of Thonka ......05 tn Memoriums Lost ond Found .... Births and Deoths .. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY . 8:30 a.m, S am. Dey Previous 5 pm. Day Previous 5 pm. Day Previous Day of Publication 8:30 a.m, Day of Publication 3 am. Previous Day CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 8:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Cancellations ond Corrections Deodline will be processed for received the 8:30 AM the following deoy's paper atter REGULATIONS The Oshoewe Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise. ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more then one incorrect insertion of anv edvertisement. nor beyond the price charge for @ single insertion of the advertisement In which error occurs. The Oshowo Times reserves the right to closity edvertising eccordin; to Its proper clossiheation. in the cose of display odvertisements, The Times will not be pans eee Se See eee Sen Set he wan Oe See error occupies. The publishers @ all adver. te reproduc tising metter correctly bul cstume no lability of ocvertisement tf ony Inoceurecies in ony form cre contoined therein Telephone the Direct to Classified Number 723 For Clossified Services ----- For All Coli 3492 Other Depar trrents The Times Switchdoord, reed, pipe and electronic organ, ap | t coals. TV---Radio Repeire SUARANTENG "Ri REPAIRS to all makes TV, radio, Thompson Elec tronics, \s? Tien vase Fred, take "ViitA" tee and television repairs, Murray Avenue, T SIFY FV, Towers, Antennas, alee te eee All, work guaranteed, $7) Dean venue, Telephone 725-0900, TV SERVICE YW "Towers, "Kerial Serv @0 Phillip! rre-4a7y, Bes os avy wand NG coder bath, 'or cedar poate, cut, Nespeler,. ~ SH AUTO WRECKING co. Wants Cors for Wrecking, Parts for sale, also scrap tron and metals, etc, bought Opeiy Saturday all day, Phone 725-231 i389? BLOOR E, DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS _ TV TOWERS ANG Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION BOND ST. &, OSHAWA 78514 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 |\Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by meee specializing in Minch Nie, W 4 Chestnut | Street West, PO Box Sewn Hoy, 668-2583 |r 6680808. 7) | | i i i i \--Women's Column PeRMANaNTS xy "weet eel. Pang. Siar Hale) Gressing, Pine 2--Personal ANYONE witnessing eceldent Wt Gerner et Willem and Simcoe Streets * Jane 'ery 2 ef approximately %.10 de tween Pentiec and 10) jpiease call nse OF evenings 720-8872. F YOU have a drinking problem, write Box 333, Whitby, or call 668.0004 LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in germent altera- Nona, ete. Invisible mending, reas olterations 10 PRINCE ST. ess of superfluous helr, be in Removal Marie Murduft will Oshowe, Feb. 17th, 18th 19th, Phone Genoshe Hotei on these dotes for appoint ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-464) i 13--Business Opportunities TEAUTY SALON, Willy eaulpned. Plesie write Classitied Box 604, Oshawa Times, BOR TALE -- Barber Shop and adioin. Ing Beauty Salon with five dryera, all modern equipment, Call 728-419, $3,000.00 operating capital required. Leeding Potato Chip Monu- fecturer hos franchise Dis. tributorships avaliable for Oshowe oreo (protected ter. ritery), alt Canadien Come pony, fostest growing in its field, Above overage earn ings for men with excep. tional soles ability BOX 629 OSHAWA TIMES 'Why Shouldn't You Enjoy A New Home... New Car . New Position? You can EARN MORE PAY it's so very simole Success comes fast ond easy with Shaw's step-by-atep, easy to learn Home Study training, Commercial Training * counting *. Retail Merehone dising * Stationery -- j | j GETTING AHEAD IN YOUR CAREER To get ohead in your coreer find out what itions are available to st fit your skills and talents by checking to- day's Times' Help Want- ed Advertisments in the Classified section. Please Be Advised! of the Advertiser ond inform ation pertaining to the odver Neement is strictly confiden- Nal and cannot be given out, The way to reach The Adver- tiser ls with your letter core- fully ond correctly ockdressed to the proper Box Number, Your letter can be mailed to King East, MAID for upsteire work, steady ment, Must be reliable and have eter references, Apply Hotel iv King | Street Weal, Oshawa, bane Reneeremor oF typi, Accurate at figures for downtown Write to Box Oshawa , Times EXPERIENCED meat packager tor pelt. service meat counter, Please state full -- Classified Bex 728, Oshawa) ar ACE HARRY, VF = Room and ones sear near South Mort TV privileges, fiveday week, $18, a 21---Room & Board Wented ROGM and board for school teacher, In viet home, Whitby Oshawa district, rite Box 520 Oshawa Times, EREEUTIVE Fequires Foor with or with. out breaktast, Please write Clevatied Box 419 Gahowa Times, 123----Wanted To Rent GSENYCEMAW Wants two. tWrniened light BUILD 8 > business cs your own, velling profits, Medea! investment Phone 10 a.m, te hoon, 729-99 PART: TIMe CASHIER, 'Apply. Mr Came bell, Genosha Hotel, 73 King Street Bast, SALEBSLADY tor drug store, some exper lence "Seo Wile ag MeCordick's Phar mar son South, AM ous yee for Ladies Ready to Wear, full or salary right party, Write Classified Box 42s, Osnawa Times, EXPERIENCED hairdresser, Must be clean and efficient, Apply Sareare's Beauty Salon, 75 Celina Street, Tele phone 725-0572, rooms, with garage, Tele phone between 1 and 6 Bm, 720-1820, |GARAGH WANTED -- - Vicinity. "ol Mary Street and Park Lane Apartments, Tele phone 728-0334, SMALL PURNTEHED apartment by 'rellable couple, Telephon 5,90 and 7 pm, 728-2904, FOUR GH FIVECROGM" apartment In Whitby or Oshawa, Possession now er by Mareh 1, T yee-240?, Witt" 'Day. premium rent for lease of ree or four bedroom house in good wee. 72S-464), Room 40), FOUR or tive-room house, wanted by adults, Possession by March vs Parking facilities, Telephone atter ¢ p » FASS, "wanted CALL tea, start if cerning tomorrow Avon 7he-5809 or write P.O, Lit) haces ~~ AGGRESSIVE. SALES LADY required for Lodies ready to weor store, Experienced pre- ferred, Apply in preson Breslin's Ladies Wear Brock St, South Whitby with Box |17----Male Help Wented RAS, Driving experience vcr 'or lawn spraying, etc, in Oat awa, March 18 to October 8, Guaranm teed salary, commission and bonve, Germ eral Spray Servic, 710 Scarlett Road, Weeten, Ontario HEA FLOOR MOULDERS Dav shift, Too wanes BROWN BOGGS FORY. AND MACHINE CO, LTD 275 SHERMAN N, HAMILTON L.1.9.6594 Real Estate Salesman Self starter with good per sonality and Real . Estote Soles experience, Call Walter Frank W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD Bowmanville 623-3393 BAKER EXPERIENCED Part-time Hours 4 a.m.-12:30 (noon) 16----Female Help Wanted GARW GR WEEKLY plus © free Ware. robe in your spare time, Just show Fash ton Frocks to friends, No venient canvassing, be mght weed neocons Write: North American Fashion F ute, Mas ae Ane. Dept, P.4a8, Mont ReURECE- 'Dri OF Wontan, preferably to tive in while mother works, two of the ediidren in school, Affer 4.39 p.m., phone AS-D, WOMAN to care for three children, two 'achoo! age, One four yeare old, Live in or out, Good wages, Telephone after 5 p.m, MN, WANTED | Full time secretary for medical office. herd working lady good typist, able to deal with public, References, No medica! knowledge or exper lence, no shorthond necessory. Immediate or lat of Merch WRITE OSHAWA TIMES BOX 523 Young LEARN MORE . MORE . . . call or write for FREE Coreer Cotalogue Shaw Schools Dept. O.T. 55 Charies St. W., Toronto |14---Employment Wanted | PRACTICAL NURKE, TP am, BE jvate canes preferred. Up or ded patients, wieghone! King care, After S am. PReF2 [YOUNG MOTHER Will Give Gay care In own home to or two Kgs Re dons Street area Teteprone 2 EXPERIENCED" motrer Wil care fer chittren Th Gen Heme, Dy Gey oF week, ipear Riven school area, «= Telephone | Pae-4ane. wanted -- =" Baines es) "Gecorating,| No: fod tee. mall, Reasonable rates.| Telephone Whitby of8-S)17. j | 3 oa mt Wee | ELERK ~ FVPIST requires parttime work) three of four @ week. Call i [Whitby aged? peTER PAN Ay Wena oe day care, 7 am }eoe. North, e264 jeeviaave work cleaning apartments or apartment aul j ine, offices, ete, Telepnane TEES, women would like TELETYPE OPERATOR A voconcy existe In the In ventory control deportment of @ progressive orgonize- tion for on experienced tele. type operctor or efficient typist, willing to train an tete- type. This ied consists of ting, typing, clorical duties 'end preparation of reports, Shorthend would be odvor Ttageous but not easentic! Excellert storting eatery ond company peld for benefits, To: discuss this position fur- ther, Please contact | ACCOUNTANT -- | OFFICE MANAGER requires position RUA. Student. 10 veers ex perience in accounting, Good references Present office closing. Telephone Port Perry 985-2192 Staff Personne! Deportment | Dunlop Canada So | WHITBY, ONTARIO Wednesday and Thursday one week, Saturday and Sunday the next, Working sae renilres two bedroom. unfurnished nome in Osh awe by April 1, No enlldren, a Telephone after 1 AM, ~~ Whitby--Oshawa Ajax Moder House with three or four bedrooms, all conveni- ences, in Whitby--Oshawe- Ajiox area, For inspection efter February USth, Apply P.O, Box 330, Whitby, On- terio, ne /24..-Houses For Rent FWOBEOROOM modern" trailer, Wrnish- ed, 945, monthly, Immediate possession. One mile north of Newcastle, Call Blt Millar, 72S118& W. TT. Lamson Real ~eercccemmccemnnm | Eatate Ltd 25------Apartments HERERING"-- WE room apart: ment avatiadle Mareh |, Apply 106 Ki aton Road West, Apt, 4 Oshawa, n MAIN FLOOR = apartment, --fourroom apartment, ivate bath and Eh ar pe ye, Avaliable March 3, Telephone Vn 683-464) FWO-BEDROOM partments In new tne, Wil accept one eniid, Mareh 1, Prone Pete NRAR KING STREET BAST -. ~ Sivoo waturatshed apartment, malin floor, full basement, off heated, adulte preferred, BAS, month. RSS, cOuRTiCe livereom unturnished| partment, private entrance, Abstelners, Ne amall thfaren Quiet people, Rent will include hydro and heat, Very reason abe to right peape, After 4 puny 728-1006 TASTEFIN | ¥ MECORATED ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS In modem building lrwnediote possession, Whitby 668-8691 or 668-4037 After 5 "ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT $70. SIMCOE NORTH conveniences, porkir PHONE 725-330 bulld- "hvel lable Please apply in person to: DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL SALES CAREER | Well established Oshowe branch office for a large Notional firm desires to con. tact @ local mon 25 to 40 yeors old, for sales position, Sales experience desirable but not necessary, Excellent starting selery with opportu. nity for advancement, Group benefits including hospitals gation, Nfe insurence ond pension. All inquiries: in strictest confidence, Apply to BOX 527 OSHAWA TIMES |_Giving Quolifications T8--Mole-or Female ted 98. TO gin, Pe WERK, depending en ability, Car necessary, Fer appointment: Mornings, ve vat 12, tetephene FAWN, ISOTOPE TECHNICIAN A Nurse Technician or applicant with Grade 12 or better required for | part-time duty, Leading to full time in our lsotope Labratory. Training prov- ided. Please apply in per- son to . Director of Personnel 'Oshawa General Hospital js | | | | 221 HIGHLAND AVE. i 26--Rooms For Rent _ COW STRERT SOUTH, 12 -- Fur ished room, clean, quiet home, Gus Wine, 97, week, Telephone 7281901, WICH CLEAN Foom for gentleman. Yele wre TANS, WARM firnished a Bedroory For" gentiervan, | $7. weekly, No bagel aad Avenue Sireet, _Telepnane 7 a FURNIED ee private bath, clean, newly decorated, In quiet home, Ergiian eee, Gentioman, adstainer Telephone ns? BLOOR 'Treat West, WF = Borah. ed room for gentioman, 8, weekly, Tele prone 728-1844. MARY" SvREEF on ge room, Reht how: mcagne Sey tal hy See prone TE FURNIRNED RON fer girls, Single ded $7. each, Clove te roapiiel ae Four Se CARGE waderniy oa saa room, Frigidaire, vanity dresser: bot and cold water, Five mingtes te Shopping Centre, Suit gentleman, Apply 4 King West CHGAR TIREEY, VAT = Pie Fears fe fadies or gentiomen, in private home, @, end 48, driveway parking. May )8@. ~~ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Aveoilable in nivale: home, Coll between § ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N, 728-8671 "/27--Real Estate tor Sale "a neha wee) Age art Paved dr area, clase to shoal sik one bp with IN Qoed resitentia [churches and dds, Teenone TRS 2ee, STE DETACHED Voree bedroom brick) Dangatow. storms = and) screens, Fenced yard. Full Sasement/ | Squtrwest Whithy $3,300, Down te hy INHA mortgage, Phone Whitty PRIVATE SALE Five room brick bungalow Close to Boy's Chub Se stoniat down payment re quired, Mortgage at 434% Monthly payments including principe! interest ond taxes e? private = drive, | PHONE 725-3401 || @npry | OSHAWA, ONT hweave, embroider, quilt, smock. SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 IMMACULATE room completed with bar 30 x 30. A mognifie cient home, full particulars col 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 AM. to ? P 3-23 28.586 ge "MeFeeters syarwe Craytor 360 Ki Free Biyrventy 8 al een Crulke! ' TN ee Wha e Ce ae Roe Pri at on! ahaes, with nomen or a, ener a center Hen sine ieee Ison, Realtor, OPEN HOUSE Beau Valley This Weekend 2 P.M, Until 6 P.M, Schofield-Aker 260 King St, West Telephone 723-2265 ~ METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E, Dial 728-4618 Podge d RENT? Por only 13069 down you con own your own 3 bedroom new home, and cory it for $104 = monthly ~--s Micluding toxes, ideo! location to bungatow ed and nicely londscoped, All he goed ere ee on fe ity-Why weit fer @ new home to be bullt---Cal us now end plon your move immediately, sgh HEIGHTS OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Diol 728-4678 Ser Setage,_ net Setwanen Osborne OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS . 6 The ever-popular dirnd] dress good for dressup with em: broldery, for play without, Embroider daisies in white or; color, depending on fabric, Pat. PRINTED PATTERN ~\ TO SIZE 48 By ANNE ADAMS Smart way to look thie spring tern M43: transfer} printed pat: tern sizes 6, 8, 10; directions, [State Size, THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (mo stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of] |The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft |Dept,, Oshawa, Ontario, Ontario residents add lo sales tax, Print iplainy PATTERN NUMBER, |NAME, ADDRESS. 28 HALDICRAFT HITS in jour big, dig, new 1964 Needie- loraft Catalog, out now! See i slimmer, younger in a two piece dress with a ag Printed Pattern Ay en's Sines 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 'ert i, 48. Size Ae takes 33 yards SS4inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (Stc,) In coins (no stamps, please) for this pattern. Ontario residents add ite. sales tax, Print plainly iISIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, bdo YoU KNOW How To fashions, crewelwork, heirlooms, gifts everything to crochet, knit, sew,/ toys Send We right now | tas Sead Shc. today. GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE- bazaar hits ~/bY FREE? It's simple -- order our Spring. Summer Catal FREE COUPON te design ideas. >

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