Would You Believe It? NHL Teams Use About 12,000 Sticks Per Year -- MONTREAL . (CP) -- Ever wonder how many hockey sticks are broken by the six National § Hockey League teams each sea- F son? The answer is more than > 11,500, : Want to know which players break the most? They happen to be the league's two top point-getters, left winger Robby Hull and centre Stan Mi- kita of Chicago Black Hawks, with around 300 sticks each a season, Pr A lumber dealer here figures | all that wood would be enough & to build five $15,000 homes. Figured at about $2 a stick ($3 for goalkeepers), the bill would run to about $23,000. Montreal Canadiens are the hardest on sticks as a team, averaging 164 a man. Last yar Habs used and abused 2,952. Dickie Moore, who retired this season, was the champ. He got through 252, Next was Ber- nie (Boom Boom) Geoffrion with 228 followed by Jean Beli- veau with 216, Surprisingly high up was Henri Richard, who doesn't use the slap shot as the Boomer does, and doesn't pack the weight of his two mates, All are forwards, Trainer Nick Garen of Black Hawks says his boys wreck 2,400 sticks a year, Hull, Mi- kita and one of two other Hawks push the cost even higher. While all NHL players have custom- built sticks, these players have theirs specially curved, which adds to the price, In Toronto, where 2,000 sticks went to the discard heap last season, defenceman Tim Hor. ton and Frank Mahovlich tied with 149, Bobby Pulford was next with 130, With lots of prac- tice time, the Maple Leaf goal- jes went through 245. Detroit Red Wings smashed 1,230 sticks, Doug Barkley lead- ing with 124, followed by Bruce MacGregor's 99, Gordie Howe's 98, Parker MacDonald's 93, Alex Delvecchio's 84 and Alex Faulk- ner's 82, Terry Sawchuk used 48 goalie sticks. New York ---- poland » / &@ season with Andy Bathgate) % the top wrecker at 100 to 120, WOODCHOPPER'S DE followed closely by Rod Gilbert,| LIGHT -- Montreal Canadiens defenceman Harry Howell and) rookie winger Jolin Ferguson Earl Ingarfield. | is surrounded by 164 hockey PP nw | Tan aaa Deas Prevtne| sticks -- the average number the stick-busting leader. | broken by each member of than 11,500 sticks in a season. w the team in a National Hock- |--~ ey League season.Canadiens | irri Sire "anay Calivon. *." Bas lead the other five NHL clubs |Carey 9%. in this off-beat statistic, The Team standings ~ Gasbags 18, Clowns 28, Lucky's 25, Whizbangs 26, Hopefuls 18, league as a whole breaks more | | Krazy Legs 22, Dougheads 16, Dead End Kids 21, Wikdcats 21, Gogetters 16, The it's 1) and Question Marks 10. OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS LADIES CIGARETTE LEAGUE | THE SHARPSHOOTERS Leacue Points Won: Winchesters, 4: Kools, 4:7) Points won this week -- Easy Aces 3.) ! | 'Winston, 0; Black Cate, ©) Exports, 2)| Lets 3, Ramblers 2, Strikers 2, Five Bees! trey with 663 (23), 281; 151). Cameos, 4) Buckingham, ©) Players, 2.1 and Alley Cats 1. Triples ever $00: Vi Jordan, 741; Gloria] Over 200 Vipond, 662) Connie ton Sturgess, 597) Alice Hewls, 596) Pat) Oridge 220 and Pauline Shaw 20! Humphries, 596; Elleen Dalby, 591; Verna! Alley Cate took the second section, with 8 Patterhon Sandford, S89; Penny Rostek, $79; Millie/22 points, Belida, S58) Marg McCoy, S54; Pat Brown,. 518; Joan Vesey, S16) Verna Rod- THE THIRTY-SIX LEAGUE erts, S11; Diane Hancock, $07) Myrt! sarah Hann was the best bowler this Denyer, 306. week with @ double of 419 (223), Singles over 200: Vi Jordan, 328, 2543 | Over 200 -- Belle Forbes 220, Connie Denyer, 259) Alice Hewis, R olen ache. " pond. lone Buds toc' tree points from Busy 7 Sosreraeys, ng ae Bees; Maple Buds took three points trom| |. Ledtes* Eleanor Ruk@ruk with 654 (224, 178, 252),/ Ladie: jwit 5 | The men's high triple was faken by) Gerry Godfrey with 717 (247, 252, 218). games -- Bea Davidson 282:/269, 220), Denyer, 690; Clara| Verne Buttle 216, Emily Stonebridge 224,/213), Marlene Major 646 (245, 145, 236) Rowden, 613: Helen Bastarache, 600; Mar-| Sandra Labanovich 21), 314, Betty Stone) and Martin Muller 635. (280, 126, 229) 2 well 216, Thelma Gow 214, Mary Carey! 2 20 2 2 HARMAN PARK LEAGUE High Triple this week was SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gos Deoler in your ares. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 a' high ith 642 (165, single was Sadie Wassell 214, 263) The men's high single was Ross God: | 400 Bowlers --- Sonny Lawrence 653 64 Alan Craddock 611 (185, 213, 200 bowlers --- Betty Duffin 201, 222, 233, Gary Carey 205, | 212, Jim Manpetit) 209, Dick Cock: arg Lesenko 202, 28 Brian Reid 204, 27, John Gow $F..219, Andy Callison 1, Tim Kornic 7 Pansy Johnston) oe, Ruby Phillips 202 and John Bruner | | | f , Bed Thistles: and Rockets took two points jon Sturgess, 228) Penny Rostek, 216, 226;/"0m Try Hards. | Eileen Dalby 224, 201; Pat Humphries) Team Standings -- Busy Bees 12, Rose > Millie Belida, 218; Myrt Den-| Buds 11, Maple Buds 11, Rockets 9, Try yer, 210: Diane Hancock, 209; Barb Mac. Mards 7 and Thistles 4, a 3 Hel R iA } oT me eee MOTOR CITY JUNIOR LEAGUE WHITBY AND DISTRICT Points Taken -- Bantams (2 Games) MEN'S LEAQUE Goofies 3, Dandies 0) Yoo! Bears 3, Gat- Triples, 680 and over: Bill Henderson, fers 0; Daffy Ducks 3, Yak! Doodles 0; 78) (280, 261); R. Sandford, 785 (266); 0./Bug Bunnies 2, Pop Eyes 1; Juniors (two Reed, 727 (273, 280); R, Childs, 676 games) Jetsons 3, Twisters 0) Jokers 3, (1S); L. Reed, 676; W. Johnson, 673) Typhoons 0. (253); B. Shearer, 692 (269); P. Belmonte.| proms 3, Alley Aces 0: Cyclon 447; E. Hutchison, 658 (276); ©. Walker, geatniks 1) Hurricanes 2, Pin Wrackers ' 458 (261, 250): J. Mifflin, 656 (245) Headpins 2, Livewires 3. Singles, 250 and over: A, Fillier, 303) W. Rye, 282; K. Edwards, 281; C. Moore,! Seniors (three games) Saturna 4, Mar 257) A. Hammers, 269; 8, Wright, 253; G,\tans 0) Plutos 3, Spacers 1 )Planets 2, White, 254 Jupiters 2 Points won: Duntops 3, Legion 0; Hon. High Scores -- Bantam Girls, Barbare eyockers 3, Millwork 0; Whitby Hotel 3, Wood 296 (196). Mitfon Machinery 0; Drews 2, Andrews -- Bantam Boys -- David Ferens 323 (148), 1; Ramblers 2, Hoffer Valley 1; Joes Butch Ritchie 279 (140), Bob Harding Barber. Shop 2% Queen's Hotel 3; Bath-/267 (152) and David Smith 267 (141) urst 2, Papermakers t; Whitby Barber Junior Girls -- Anita Roter 39) (213), Shop 2, Anderson Cartage }, Prize winner, Bonnie Anderson 347 (203), Pam Harding J. McConkey 332 (200), Joanne Smith 33) (222), Elleen Tait 310 (19S), and trene Rornik 310 (165) LAKEVIEW LADIES' LEAGUE Junior Boys = Again Se Lage Bob > 5 : Konkle, who has been hitting Ms stride, Vv ie Sol Rc aey Oh Oy ae Ore came through In high fashion, by rack: | " 200 -- &. Barteaux 285, J. Brown 249, ing UP @ 415 double, with singles of 214,) C. Maweryehuk 248, L. Glover 236, 211,20) nice bowling, Bob. Following Bob) " M. Rothman 22, G. Harding 228, 8.) were Gary Squires 380 (217), Lorne Ross Smith 225, P. Elliott 22), 205, M. Hall 367 (18S), Tim Nicholls 365 (222), Rick) NB, Doris Zedic 218, J, Baumhour 25, D,/Dewell 344 (219), Rick Brooks 34 Aa Myers 215, H. Holtfoster 213, J. Kunkel|@nd Doug Wilbur 312 (173) 207, 20%, S. Oliver 207, N. Pattery 204) Senior Girls -- Only one this week G. Lavergne 202 and 8. Smith 200 Avril Devenish, with a@ 619 triple, single Points Taken -- Aluecheckers 8 Hill games of 268, 238, billies 0; Pussy Willow 6, Hot Shots 2; Senior Boys -- Mike Childerhose 634 Hi-Lo's 6 Litte Women 2 Casuals 6, (222, 209, 203), Wayne Fowler 586 (221, Hootenannies 6 and 210), Terry Smith $82 (223) and Richard Whitely S78 (292), Hush Puppies 2; Granny Gal's 2 Construction @ 11.00 Value @ Ideal for Den! Bridge or Cottage! THEY GO! | 12.98 BAD BOY === APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Soturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST, E, AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 FOR LEASE MODERN 2-BAY SERVICE STATION LOCATED IN WHITBY On heavily travelled artery in well popu- lated area. This outlet enjoys high volume of repair business, This Is an excellent opportunity for a top notch licenced mechanic to start-in business for himself, We Will Provide: @ Guaranteed minimum income until you are established. Very attractive rental with security of a 3 year lease. Free Life Insurance Uniform Allowance Advertising & Sales. Promotion Assist- ance, @ Liberal Financial Assistance For a Confidential Interview Please Phone MR, PITT et HU 7-4161 IN TORONTO (Collect) OR MAIL ATTACHED COUPON BP CANADA LIMITED 1971 Yonqe Street Toronto, Ontario. NAME TELEPHONE: Home British Columbia Schools Stress Physical Fitness VICTORIA (CP)--If another Harry Jerome emerges from the British Columbia school fit- ness program in future years, the authorities won't really mind, In fact, they suspect that with more emphasis on fitness it's inevitable that more top-notch ahletes will be turned out, even if they don't quite match the calibre of the world . class sprinter, But the real goal is simply fithess for its own sake, and if the program does no more than instil good habits that will carry on into adulthood, they'll be sa- tisfied, School children in B.C, are spending 10 per cent more time three years ago, and they're not complaining, "We are aiming at a mini- mum of three periods a week Minister Leslie Peterson who outlined the program in 1960 and had it instituted the follow- ing year, ra \ Peterson, who keeps himself in trim with daily exercises plus volleyball sessions at the YMCA, says the objective is mass participation, NOT AFTER STARS "There used to be too much emphasis on team sports and }jreserving of fields and gymna- slums for the top teams to prac- tise. There was mass. participation, "The aim is to produce phys- ically fit children, not star athletes, but with greater em- phasis on participation there is bound to be some filtering up of talent." not enough LaMarsh and Jim Worrall, president of the Canadian Olympic Association, "The purpose of the confer- ence is to bring B.C, sports and fitness leaders together to en- able them to discuss trends, de- velopments and procedure and to make themselves services available for the im- provement of sports and fitness programs," says Peterson, | Encouragement has been given to track and field com- petitions in conjunction with the no single sport is emphasized, One of Peterson's complaints hand in rome ee among their children, he says. And he is giving a personal j 8 di i at all schools," says Education| ea ot aah eel yg |SBX exercises, |. CANCELS GOLF TOUR | JOHANNESBURG igolfer, Sewsunker jcel his intended tour of the Far ldescent, can play in only a few and European tournaments, aware of Royal Canadian Legion Junior Olymple program but otherwise jis that too many parents are leaving the whole fitness field to in fitness training than they didjthe school, They should take a fitness |Raymond for 10 or 15 minutes jeach morning on the RCAF (AP)-- South Africa's cross-handed pro} | (Papwa)) \Sewgolum, has decided to can- East and the United States, Pa- pwa, a former caddie of Indian} South African tournaments be- cause he is classed as a non- white. He naw plans to go to Britain in May and play in the British Open and other British Remember When?... By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canada's first profes- sional hockey team folded 57 years ago today. The Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., en- try in the old International League withdrew and its members scattered, Con Corbeau went to the Calu- met, Mich,, team, and Fred Taylor--no relation to Cy- clone Taylor-went to the Sault, Mich,, team, Pitta. burgh was the fourth team in the circuit, which gave up at the end of the 1906.07 season, U.K, BEATS GREECE soccer match, The second match is scheduled for March 11 in Athens, LONDON* (AP) -- Great Brit: ain defeated Greece 2-1 Wednes.| day in an Olympic qualifying! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Februery 14,1964 13 HEADS GOLF GROUP |Golt Course Superintendents of PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Da-|America Wednesday night at vid §. Moote, 36, of Toronto,/the organization's 35th turf was elected president of the|grass conference, TOM KARRAS Says THANK YOU OSHAWA! =e For Patronizing My twa thopeing 'Centre BARBERSHOP AND BEAUTY SALON We Now Have 3 Barbers To Serve You Better 304 STEVENSON ROAD NORTH |] (Next to Lene Ph y and opposit d Public School) PHONE 728-4286 Lots of Parking | | | CONTINENTAL ] This Saturday; the sec-| ond provincial 'amateur sports| and physical fitness conference} will be held in New Westmin-| ster, Among those attending will! STEAMBATH | 16A Ontario St, Oshewe Finnish Seune Ph, 728-2460 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA be federal Health Minister Judy | 24 Hours Every Day Having furnace troubles? Call Lander-Stark, 725-3581 for prompt, radio-controlled service by our own staff of qualified heating technicians, And remember, Emergency Service is FREE to all Lander-Stark residential Fuel Oil customers, anytime of day or night, 725-3581 nomen Bt aie stitial y ; SSE TARR RAR NRE ARK 4 @ , 'Perpetual Emotion rides, or handles, Could be those stylish interiors. Likely it's all of these things plus that 5-year--50,000-mile Valiant wins hearts and influences people. Introduce any average man to a brand-new '64 Valiant, retire discreetly, and--WHAM!--within seconds, you've got a couple of inseparables. The beauty of it is that Valiant has exactly the same effect on gals, too. Seems as if there's something train about the way a Valiant looks, or maybe it's the way it NOBODY BEATS CHRYSLER CANADA LTO. power- how to make hearts grow fonder. Ask a Valiant ... any year... any model... learn what warranty. Whatever it is, Valiant knows anyone who owns c= SMITH'S SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 NORTHSIDE CHRYLSER-DODGE (WHITBY) LTD. 916 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO PARK ROAD SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO DISNEY MOTORS LIMITED KINGSTON ROAD and CHURCH, PICKERING, ONTARIO