er ae "ROTARY President J, Mur- tay Macleod makes the first cut in the presidential cake ' * RAE: AS ERS under the supervision of Mrs, Macleod and_ vice-president Stanley Lovell and Mrs. Rotary President's Annual Ball Sets Standard For Elegance Floor-length gowns and eve- lights and ning dress, soft music lent a formal air to the Oshawa Golf Club on Friday night when the Rotary Club held its annual President's Ball. Streamers of royal blue and gold canopied the ceiling, The rising and falling hum of con- versation eddied around tables accommodating parties of eight and ten and there was much visiting back and forth between members and friends. President and Mrs. J. Mur- ray Macleod were assisted by Vice-president and Mrs. S. E. Lovell in receiving for over an hour and before midnight a cold buffet, featuring a variety of cold meats, seafood, salads and delicacies was served. epecial cake, ornamented with te Rotary insignia was cut by the president. Guests included Mr, Mich- eel Starr, MP, and Mrs. Starr; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dudley; Dr. and Mrs. Donald Warren; Mr. and Mrs, Z. T. Salmers; Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong; Mr. and Mrs. George; Mr, and Mrs. Donald Mackinnon; Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Yanch, Mr. and Mrs. John Reid; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. >; Mr. and Mrs. i and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S, T. Hopkins; Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Reed; Mr. and Mrs. William Alger; Dr. and Mrs, John Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Storie; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Faint; Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Fulton. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Hare; Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Woods; Mr. and Mrs. David Lander; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robson; Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Snyder; Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Doherty; Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Gellatly; . Dr. Mrs, F. L. Brooks; Mr. Mrs. E. A. Bassett; Mrs. W. L. Wilson; Mr. and|Please note the change of time) Mrs. Peter Cook; Mr, and Mrs. L. Y. R, Sawyer; Dr, and Mrs! R D. Guselle; W,. M. Shaw; Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. the AlGarrett; Mr. and Mrs. R. Dr. and Mrs, C, M. Elliott; Mr, and Mrs, §. R. Alger; Mr,: and Mrs. Grant Cooper; Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Coulter. Mr, and Mrs, F. J. Turney; Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Richard- son; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell; Mr. and Mrs, Albert Reed; Mr. and Mrs, Fraser McKee; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lowry; Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Andrews; Dr. and Mrs. Holt Webster; Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Murphy; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Mac- donald; Mr. and Mrs, John Weiss; Mr. and Mrs, J, A. Aldwinckle; Mr, and Mrs. A. R. H, Donald; Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Culp, Dr. and Mrs. Alan Run- die, Mr. and Mrs. Eric nm; Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Lewis, Mr. George Chariton; Miss M. Manners; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Murray and others. UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES UAW AUX, The regular meeting of Aux- Angus Dixon; 'iilisry No, 27 was held recently at the UAW Hall, Plans were finalized for the trip to Channel 9. The date is April 3. The time is 6.45 p.m. Sister Rose Ellis has the tickets. Amrangements have been made for the bus to stop for lunch on the way home. Reports from the weekend insti- tute were given. An invitation from Auxiliary No. 50 to attend a seminar they are sponsoring on March 14, 15, |wes received, | There will be a social on Claude Vipond as guest speaker There will be lunch served and for this one meeting, The deadline for the banquet tickets is March 3. The nex {meeting is February 18. 'oak? FOR A Diamond_Ring "IS A GEM QUAL PRESENTATION INSURANCE 1 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 723-3332 COMPLETE WITH.A AND ONE YEAR'S FREE "TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU YOUR VALENTINE From BASSETT'S PRICED FROM $50.00 UP EACH DIAMOND RING ITY CASE OSHAWA SHOPPING : CENTRE 725-7161 PERSONALS q 4 Hickey, Oshawa. Attending the * |ceremonies in St, Michael's Ca- Lovell. Jemes Hickey, Mrs, Frederick Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Hennig, Miss Shirley Hickey, . Plume, Mrs.|Miss Hiekey, Miss Judith Stevenson, Miss Rosemary :|Fuseo, Miss Diane Dusureault -|and Mr, Vincent Fusco, all of Carey and the door prize was/Oshawa won by Mr. Alert Carey. Mrs, B, M, Lewis, Somerville street was hostess to the French G of the University Women's Club Monday evening. Mrs, Daniel Rogers, Mo- hawk street, called her com- mittee together recently to finalize plans for a "Bon Voy- age Tea" to be held early in March, sponsored by the Doreas Group of First Baptist Church. The event is to be held in the church auditorium and the guest speaker will be Miss Carol Lane, travel director. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood and Mr. Jack Piatti, all of Osh- awa, and Mr, Andrew Wood, Toronto, were in Minden, On- tario, last Saturday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Winnifred Bowren. Miss Patricia Hickey, student nurse at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto received her cap on Sunday. Miss Hickey is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James Winners at the weekly euchre held at Harman Park clubhouse last Wednesday evening were: bowlers from way Dis- trict COF met at Liberty Bowl in Bowmanville for a social eve- ning of bowling. All courts in the district were represented and a pleasant evening was en- joyed followed by refreshments served by the committee, Mr. Anthony Meringer, Grand Knight of Oshawa Council, and Mrs. Meringer attended the Banquet at the Royal York Hotel recently as a delegate. They were accompanied by tne Reverend Norbet Gignac of St. Mary's Parish. Following the annual Mardi Gras dance last Saturday night, Elizabeth street, entertained the head table guests and friends. Those Pen were Mr. Michael Starr MP and Mrs. Starr; Mr. A. V. Walker MLA and Mrs Walker; Grand Knight Cyril Roddy and Mrs. Roddy, Co- bourg; Grand Knight George Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, Lindsay; Grand Knight Aubrey Allan and Mrs, Allan, Peterbor- ough; Mr. and Mrs, David Du- mais; "Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Forestall; Mr. and Mrs, James thedral were Mr. Francis Arti- bello, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ar- Oshawa Times Photo tibello, all of Islington;. Mrs. gente i ae es Neal; Mr. and Mrs, David Rus- emer Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dis! 723-3474 sell; Mr. and Mrs, Henry Whorms; Mr. and Mrs, Henry Richman; Mr. and Mrs. George Fairhart; Mr. and. Mrs. Peter Bicanic; Mr. and Mrs. Steven Krechowicz, Mr. Leslie Praz- Last Sunday evening about 60) To; Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Meringer,| Mi Oshawa Women's Day of Prayer Part of World-Wide Crusad The World Day of Prayer for Women held in &t, Andrew's U: Church this Friday at 2,30 and 7,30 p.m, will have as its guest speaker, Miss Margot Lods from the Anglican Women's Training College in service. taking part are as follows: Bible reading, Mra. Major Lewis; sey pers Ban re Mrs. Albert Singer, rdale; third leader, ; Laurence Savery, Simeoe Street United; fourth leader, Mrs. Wal- tar Meees, Bt Mark's (Angli- Archbishop's Catholic Charity| van Strickland, Simcoe | Gener' Meccregen er e MacGregor, St, Peter's (Anglican); third lead- er, Mrs, Malcolm McGregor, Knox Presbyterian; fourth 'ead-| er, Mrs. Envoy John Dixon, SA; | fifth leader, Mrs, Murray Bell,| King Street Pentecostal; sixth! leader, Mrs. Harold Audley,| Harmony Road Baptist Chureh. Mrs. E. G, Storie will be the soloist and Mr. Matthew Gould- urn the organist for the after- noon service. In the evening Miss Leah Garrow will be the soloist and the organist, Mr. I. Kelvin James. The Key Woman, Mrs, J. L. Pegg extends a warm welcome to all women to come and par- pose in this world-wide day of prayer in St. Andrew's United Church, mowski, Mr. Frank Byrne, and Mr. Peter Salters. A buffet sup- per was served and Mrs. Henry Whorms sang two solos, "Bless This House" and "Ave Maria". The Literary Group of the Lyceum Club met last night at the home of Mrs. Harry James THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 12, 1964 7 to continue the study of early furniture. Mrs, Frank Hortop Open House At "Open House' recently' held at the Gertrude Colpus School, was a huge success. Thanks to the teachers and pupils, also to the parents who took time out to visit the classrooms to see their children's work. Mr. Lawrence Millson, princi- pal, welcomed the parents, and said he hoped they were pleased by what they had seen. In his remarks he chose and defined the word "Kindergar- ten." It comes frem German and has something to do with 'a garden for children's play. It was developed in 1840 by Edu- cationalists in Europe. He went on to say that "teaching" is much like keeping a garden. A plant creates in the spring. The seed is grown or developed from the plant. It carries many characteristics that we do not know. We plant Is Well Attended By Parents and Mrs. Walter Johnson con- tributed papers on Hepplewhite and Chippendale. Gertrude Colpus; HOUSEHOLD HINT Use a leftover piece of velvet wrapped around your hand to remove lint from velvet gar- ments, handbags and hats. a seed, water it and hope it has the right amount of sunshine. All seeds produce different characteristics. Children are the same. They have many different abilities. Teachers supply environment, and decide the potentalities of the child, If there is a teaching problem, it is the responsibility of the home, ol and com- munity.In closing he asked that we work together as parents and school." Mrs. G. A. Wandless, presi- dent, thanked Mr, Millson, also the other teachers for all the work they had accomplished. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. Edmunds, Grades 1 and 2 classes. Mrs. Ernest Whiting is ticket convener for the bazaar and tea, March 7, land and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wiltshire are co-conveners uf the Skating Carnival to be held Feb ; Mrs. Wandless announced that the Home and School Conven- tion is to be held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on March 24, 25 and 26. She als explained the mean- ing of 'Founder's Day' held every year in February, A special collection amounting to $8.00 was donated. A decision was made to in- crease the amount donated by our Association to the Home andSchool Award Fund from $10.00 to $18.50 yeary. Refreshments were served by members of the executive. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McClel- JUST IN TIME FOR... | | VidalingsL Duy and Mrs, C. H. Vipond; Mr, and|March 3, at 7.90 pm. with Dr.| Mrs. E. S, Bouckley; Mr. and) and) Mr, and|a few games of bingo enjoyed. | | KELVINATOR | SPECIAL PURCHASE | | | TWO DOOR REFRIGERATOR/ FREEZER Seporote 84 tb. True Zero Freezer Automatic refrigerotor section de- frosting Twin porcelain crispers Net capacity - 11.0 cuble feet Dimensions: 59/4 h. x 28" w. x 28" ke Fe asatiy AS LOW AS 3,00 TRADE == ..-.-. 209000 DELUXE 30% ,yce @ Lift-off even door with big picture ++~tow @ Automatic Oven Timer Clock end minute minder @ Fast surfoce elements with 7 heat switch signal light ege drawer WITH TRADE 2.50 A WEEK... OPEN FRIDAY TI @ Times oppliance outlet - Oven light - Stor- .. 119.95 LL 9 P.M. BEGood HOME & AUTO CENTRE 88 King West rich 725-4543 fashion news from BLACK'S Suits & Dresses for Spring & Summer LADIES' WEAR LTD, 72 SIMCOE NORTH 725-1912 Open Fri, Till 9 P.M. THE CORINA CANADA'S MOST POPULAR LADIES' GLASSES The Corina ts the lotest addition we ow Wye of beautifully, etyted ladies' frome, caunied vite inn cer Wrerchite stones make it @ ley te behold = a thrill to wear, ALL GLASSES ONE PRICE -- $11.95 All glasses sold by King are sold at only the one price for the complete glasses, $11.95. Any 'yer of frame, eny correction that yeu require will cost you the one low $11.95. 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS! If the Corina does not happen to be your -of-tea you other glasses from the extensive assortment of 65 other styles, colors. We afe sure we can please you, REPAIRS eotee, WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND Preteen, 'onees senites OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT Frames repeired; frames ced while you walt THE SAME LOW PRICES. Iai Uoweet Prices may shapes ond NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED OPTICIANS = OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 17 BOND ST. B. 2nd. floor |NOUBS: MON. TO SAT. 9 A.M, = 5 P.M. PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA | 6,04 an Dey Wedneed BRANCHES IN MANY PRINCIPAL CITIES OF CANADA AND racecars ALL SALES | FINAL -- saefiat a TPE pi é Est: z E ' ! z 2 ae f i it lik i @ For Women" @ For Children WE BELIEVE THEM TO BE $20 o~$25 VALUES OUR PRICE NOW ONLY SINGLE VISION $11.95 with Frames, Complete bor $17.95 with Fremes and Cate. Yes -- Tammy Fashion Shoes QUITTING BUSINESS... all present stock MUST BE SOLD at drastic reductions, ALL SHOES © STACK -- MID-HEELS -- end HIGH HEELS . 9.99 Reg NOW ONL PAIR NARROW WIDTHS INCLUDED * 2 PAIRS $10.00 ALL FLATS . PAIR SPECIAL GROUP PAIR BROKEN SIZES. MAY NARROW WIDTHS _ FASHION 79 SIMCOE NORTH SHOES ,