esse natn nndinns Ralamamens SisASS, Wodnccday, Bebrseny 12, 1984 BY Makarios Holds Key arsssciecmsxe:| FRE serceo: Turkey a) oed tion Of Sortie " 'fanee, nn Medtie# tanean dther countriés, i ei MARKET "IF To Peace On Cyprus power fe lea, ected 'bine he ort: ntional foree. i probably fin into - | \74 RI TSON ROAD SOUT +1 ' prus whist Cotin-| Makarlos, it appeate, wotid)liversd Before M% ett werit to|tion between the force and the dian soldiers might be shot? of ill participate if te the thakeup of the 10,-|the UN Security Counell. UN. However, this connection usreeténal he « arcs serlteemen fofee od its method| Cafiada appears Willing to might be ty loose=ho more oaY fF IN WA (6P)ain the finaijot the battalion's "British" juation with a police force would| WANTS UN LINK Further, the. géverfiment Ys than & UN observer in Cyprus, tip to President)/name. likely bé signed, sééled and de- This eountry wants & connec asking eell: How 7 Cafe OPEN DAII v TIL ioPM * iglanid Of dperatio#. : take part if a Cypriis opéfa- : PERSON T AND FINEST SUPERMA bn seems to be the most; Once all fie participatinig|tion, though ft is not now. em-/as now, reporting on the force's B cgpen et Ceylon ene es 8 mee ious aspect of the Cypriis|countries had agreed, the next phasiting Prime Minister Pear-|operations. F a quicker t@ travel em « if eT --_ Bie fo emergé {fom var-)move would be to get the United|son's U speech in September Whether stich a eonnvetion|lom oo ges back he eS _ we. f 2 statements and comments|Nations Security ounell (6 Te-lin Which he called for strength: would be regarded as adnquateja tu ee during British Prime] cord fake ogg In that way,|ening and more use of UN|by_ the Canadian government|lombe from Matara, 100 miles ister Douglas-Home's visit|/ne Of the Sectirity|peacekeeping machinery. hasn't been established. In any south, The normal delay for Ottawa. Coutiell not any Of the partici-/ There is a finaficlal reason for|ease, the government hasn't such a eall ig nine hours. To 'ie situation in some ways is|pating nations in the force, in-|this: The UN is already broke}made tip its mind whether 'olother places, the delay often is @imilar to the Suez crisis in 1956|cluding Cyprus, Greece and|running peacekeeping missions. participate and takes a dim|longer. Delays are caused by When President Nasser of Egypt Turkey, could opt out or in some There is als 4 political one:|view of the public Britisn calljconstant breakdowns of the 6tt+ able to prevent dispatch of|way wreck the entire opétation.| Russia might veto any Sectirity|for 1,000 Canadian tnfantrymen.|d ated telephone equipment, een's Own Rifles of Cams| In other words, any agred- Council action. "A battalion Of some 900 mer|some of it more than 75 yeats me thé Middle East because|ment on how to handle the sit-' Canada is interested in trying is the probable size of any Ca-jold. | ie 4 [aml '. A cae ot No other car says Value like CHEVELLE! eine PURELARD 1. -- ». 15° DEMPSTER'S BREAD ..., 19° . ASS'T CHOCOLATES ,°. 95° CHOICE BUTTER nw c.. »5% (| ROUND STEAK & ¢ Peer || GRAN. SUGAR 54. 85 OF R ttt EAMES | sirto sat = 2s 15 ff Roasts Beef 1-18 - 50° ei TIDE or OXYDOL 'ir:.c%,. 29° Pork Chops man out BOP CIGARETTES °" 'tin, 3.09 i N i ith t i indows! LIBBY'S SPAG Brn I New size for nimble handling ! Built to trim new size, ew roominess with contour glass windo Chevelle leads two lives with ease--quick as a cat in city Modern curved glass windows and pillars give mutt ame LIBBY CATSUP 3 os 9 ffic, with the ride and "feel" of @ full-size luxury car room for hats, heads and shoulders . . . and Chevelle's on the highway. MARGARINE ""*' 4,,, 89° on the highway. new perimeter frame is quieter and stronger. FRESH PIES So0"""" nu, 49° LARGE EGGS %<" 242... 1.19 MINCED BEEF" 2%4,.° *1 TEA BAGS "Yoon rieven 75° FIVE ROSES -- REG. 576 FROZEN SPECIAL All Purpos Flour T.V DINNERS °°" *"",.., 55° , , ORANGE JUICE freer" Zico 61° | CHOICE | i} aN SMOKED WIENERS 3 ii. 1.00 cover @ Wealth of luxurious appointments, plus the kind of space its trend-setting new style with the emphasis on 98 = (> ROSE BRAND POLSKI un BREAKFAST BACON .,t* big families like! In fact, Chevelle's interiors are well within an clean, beautifully-proportioned lines. There's a wealth | : OGORKI DILL PICKLES Flot Pkg. New luxury with "living" room|! Inside Cnevelle, you'll dis¢ New In style and design! Chevelle's charm lies In inch of some regular-size cars. And get a load /n Chevelle's of colors to choose from--14 in all, plus @ sporty trunk--27.3 cu. ft. of space! yellow for the Malibu Super Sports. VALENTINE CONTEST LEAN, BLADE OUT YOU CAN WIN $2,500.00 Blade Roasis of Beef uw 43° e *" ' Xs FOR ENTRY FORMS ; Bib B es son | CHEVELLE'SESTABLISHED |} & | high ad u. 55 FRISKY NEW POWER cours | CHEVROLET ENGINEERING |f "\™ ye | GHICKEN BACKS = 3 i. 25 Gop TRANSMISSIONS oor FEATURES- | By a PORK HOCKS 4 in. 98° AND : , a CONVE * Body by Fisher . FRESH SCHNEIDERS i Air-washed rocker panels POY SPARERIBS ub. 39 FOR EVERY TASTE! =| MODELS "wc gs ttc aga FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES smooth big-car ride. a Ne. 3 $b. 4 great engines | Want plenty of Chevelle's 1964 line-up includes And the same great Chevrolet reli- 4 Cooking Belons ve - thrift with power ? Then sample a 11 models in three series: Malibu ability! We mean, of course, Magic-Mirror | ARR ORG ~ Red California Grapes : ah 19° Chevelle's standard 120-hp 6 or Super Sport, Malibu and Chevelle finish; longer chassis life and extended ne ASRS : the 195-hp VBI For thet extra 300, What about extra cost options lubrication intervals; extended-life exhaust | seis FY = Ontario Potatoes 50 i... 1.19 'comph", Chevelle's got an op- and accessories? A wide choice system; battery-saving Delcotron generator Os ee Sl tional 155-hp 6° or the big 220- _ including Positraction Rear Axle, and self-adjusting Safety-Master brakes. See | hn te 1s Choice Waxed Turnips mu. 7* hp V8*! With three proven trans- Tinted Glass and Power Steering. Chevelle soon at your Chevrolet dealer's-- a aes eee ae "Lb, missions, you've @ choice of 10 ; it's much more than beautifull = Choice Couriland Apples ' ye} 29¢ wer teams. po' Optional at extra cost CRYOVAC BONELESS 3 TO 4 LBS. COTTAGE ROLLS, = 49" Sogo: gee, CHEVELLE » ciiaa | ete = A oonsr crc SPECIALS IN OUR DRUG oh RED PITTED LARGE 20-02. TINS & CLOTHING DEPARTMENT 4 for 99° Flannelette Diapers ic %re 298 emameeeneensdettl Crest Toothpaste nes. 1:99 89° LIBBY KETCHUP Large 18-08. bottles Lady Patricia Hair Spray "*x-. 90° 3 for 1.00 Kotex 24's Mt low 00° BUCKLEYS Cough & Cold Mixture = "* x; 65° ene @ GENERAL MOTORS VALUB Chevelle 300 4-Door Station Wagor 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local Misting for channel and time. OPEN DAILY TILLIOPM ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LID. HARRY DONALD LIMITED | "= 140 BOND ST. WEST 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST | OSHAWA, ONT, PHONE 725-6501 WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306) OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10 P.M.