ns Old Feud Nation's 12,000 Sailors |e f Opens r= = = & ° aa ance men was reported here. The report, tabled in @ closed Over Price Stability | "sutioned By Trustees | Want Probe Of iH: acs are 000 Canadian sailors are beingjone of the trustees, ie. p M Pl OTTAWA. (CP)--fihe old poll-,govertor of the Bank of Can-| Latst calculation of' theladyised to avold going Oa. strikelthe snost militant labor wa reumon £1an: (eee, tical feud over price stability|ada. money supply at Jan. 29 wasjunless the board of maritime|Canada has known." The bulle- TORONTO (CP facts, and credit conditions is likely} Shortly before election day, $16,689,000,000, a rise of $1,331,-/trustees. say they have legal|tin said Judge Rene Lippe of|tiaj report A -- confiden- The action was taken, the re- to flare up anew at the session/March 31, Mr. Coyne said in his 000,000 in a year. This is the grounds to do so. The advice is|Montreal, another trustee, "is Life God A 'on i port said, when it became fe of Parliament opening Tuesday. | annual report the economic|total supply of currency and of|contained in the first bulletin}well known to most "of us for] of Canda dis ced nT 7 ent the eovernment ply to Opposition Leader Diefen-|weakness had only become ap-|@eposits in chartered banks. [being sent by the board" tojhis work on the Montreal andithat a cake. 2 ominous me force eeuintien with what the baker already has fired the|narent in the second half of 1957/pEPENDS ON CAPACITY members of five maritime un-|Quebec City docks last fall' meetings of life posited iadusiry' believed whe (nade opening shot by pointing to the|--after the Conservatives took] such an increase doesn't nec-|10MS placed under control of the}during the International Long-|agents was held across Canada\quate eusidecaon of the is- sharp increase in the money|over, essarily spell inflation. The gen- rustees. shoremen's Association strike. |last summer when the Canada| sues involved. supply over the last year and) The Conservatives countered|erally-accepted economic theony| Decision to issue the bulletin ACTED FOR UNIONS D. A. Donaldson, chairman of rare caloping ination (hat, Mr. Coyne's, definition 'ois that pumping 'more money ae ae racing wick: Whe Gali enemas, itter In Eng-|whether in favor of their union|the, board. of the, association : nto economy won't be in- pings e Ca-ilish and French says Mr. Jus-|leader, said it is hoped that the gov- Finance Minister Gordon has|senerally understood by the/flationary as long as the coun-\nadian Labor Congress urged|tice Victor Dryer, chai gg elle x MoS page i , roszom eo gy Boe eget public, try has unused productive ca-|the government-appointed trus-ithe trustees, has po yon | jobs,' Hes flyin domes Ere soky' to "sealers ita' tape expansion as, being "in time| 'The election result -- though|pacity and unemployment. --_|tees to place their point of view lof his life acting for labor un-| 'The bulletin asked any sailor|tions of any new proposal it ; feast xpand-|thore were certainly other fac-| Another factor is the size of|before the sdilors in a forcefullions and on many occasions,|to "let the trustees 'ner it{makes on a national pension though it a complex argu.|'0"S -- was the Conservative/the federal budget deficit. Mr./manner. their members." "anyone endeavors to restrict|Plan. ment, the maneaiy ae at sweep to 208 elected members,|Gordon already has predicted| The bulletin emphasized that] It says the sailors are free|this right." The full report was not made lowed by any government can biggest majority since Confed-|another deficit for the fiscal/the trustees will 'not deprive|to criticize existing conditions); Th new publication will be|public and business sessions of = : 7. a ernment can eration. year starting April 1. But hejanyone of employment" andjand that it is up to them, as|sent to members of the Seafar-|the annual meeting have been 8 ; et last June 13,|b@s Said nothing about its size./that its main aim is to "'return|much as to the trustees, to "'re-|ers' In .|closed ti sf ing In his budg a : Ju '| In December, Prime Minister|a sting ship to even beam," |store 'by peaceful is" elke rim eon: Union of Can ed to non-m: rs, : is|Mr. Gordon said the govern- q ; Hs ; § ful me e , (Ind.) the Canadian - " ah © ggg the ye oe ae ment "favors the kind of creait|? Pearson defended deficit financ-| The trustees were appointed|democratic management and| time Unica. (CLC) mariting tlon ae ae at ele campaign when Mr, Diefen-|conditions which will encourage ing as a means of stimulating|last October as recommnded|control of seamen's labor or-|locals of the Canadian 'Brother-|discussions will be published baker, then prime minister,,economic expansion.' the economy but warned against by Mr, Justice T. G. Norris'/ganizations to,the seamen ofjhood of Railway, Transport and|but too many contentious mat: , permitting "an indefinite contin- ifederal inquiry report on Great/Canada, eye General Workers (CLC), thejters involving both the agents blamed a current economic re-) In the last year, the Cana-|jstion of the chronic, ve . " rt eee | i : ty large|Lakes labor violence. Whatevér may have been|National Association cession we fge: tthe ae poli- ole cries Bape i rf deficits we have been experi-| 'The trustees are not political|the situation in the past, sea-|Engineers, and the Conan Neoder rond sivelted te ped cies inherited from the previous] abo le p "aches encing." appointees,"' the bulletin says.!men may now state their views,|Merchant Service Guild it rel of th rt, Liberal administration, crease over the two-year period ' ; mit release e répo) Enter James E, Coyne, theniwas about 12 pr cent. P it's like finding a new vege- | You'll quickly discover there's > something new--versatile--economical! Try something Sauerkraut stimulat Y i a host of new taste ideas with versatile -- economical! som table. Here's an old fashioned lacomoustentt 'Fey some Ain *, ething new le -- gem ;. taste treat in a new dress | Libby's Sauerkraut. It's great | rte Bo ersatle--economical Try some-| while adding eabbage's im- arns 1 or S Libby's Sauerkraut. It's equal- | for sandwiches, And asa gar- |_economical! Try ee 4 canon at ty iS cea pegs cath silver "dy delicious served hot or cold. |. nish for your favourite dishes. |something new--vers ' white h strand crisp Serve it with fish and you'll |versatile--economica! and the flavours tangy and 'T ff } i ff 1 bed ' R Try it with meats or in salads | agree it's the brightest vege- jical! Try thi --that's only the beginning! | st Paps te oi B Libby's Sauer- ( ) e ad ole ' y & table you've tried, new--versatile--eco: uy y's SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP)--An| The editor said that reporters BUDDING MUSICIAN editor said Tuesday the report-|in Dallas presented 'perhaps ers face controls unless they act|the most shocking example of Bradley DeGrenier, 6, peers hundreds of entries in the 21st f ; with elfin grin through the tri- annual Kiwanis Music Festi. |! prevent mass media from/mob coverage.' j ¢ angle he plays in the R. H. val opening in Toronto Feb. jturning into "'the mob media" | Referring to the slaying of Lee : ; LOOK FOR THIS MacGregor School rhythm 14. las it did in Dallas after Presi-|Oswald, accused of killing the ° 3 ' band. The band will be one of (CP Wirephoto) |4¢nt Kennedy's assassination. president, Brucker said: ' BARC AIN OFFER Fk coi acdsilaebaeteasaaseotieciie Herbert Brucker, president of} «A prisoner, while in the very : . the American Society of News-| citadel of the state's power was : W . h and Machine Workers of Amer-|,aner Editors and Editor of the! /murdered -- before Phe cam- AT YOUR GROCERS esting ouse ica (Ind:), bargaining agent for|Hartford, Conn., Courant, said:|eras," he said, "Here was mob the employees, in a telegram to} "To apply a rule of eusicleteteas changing the course of S ds Labor Minister Rowntree, has|where there is danger that/history. 4s uspen protested the suspension. \things will get out of hand is} Mob coverage, he said, also not going to limit freedom of|was evident during Soviet Pre- 100 W k 'is rycen ora neon = ian the press, It is going to limit/mier Khrushchev's 1959 visit to fo) ¢ ers 504, said the union so far had only the ugly intrusion of the|the U.S. and the recent trip of jbeen unsuccessful in arranging/modern mob media into the/Pope Paul to the Holy Land. HAMILTON (CP)--About 100), meeting with the Westing-jnews itself." |Such coverage, he said, must employees of Canadian West-)house management. Brucker made his observa-|be held within controllable lim- inghouse Company Limited| Mr. Ball said the dispute/tions in an address to a joint its. vane suspended Tuesday as the|started Monday when. a worker|meeting of the New York State} One solution, he suggested, result of a dispute over safety|refused to do a job for which Publishers Association and the| was that newspapers rely more practices, he claimed he was not quali-|State Society of Newspaper Edi-|on news services in covering The United Electrical Radiojfied. jtors. events of wide interest. ¥ * SAV FACIAL TISSUE-White and Colors 7 * 564 KING STREET EAST KLEENEX J Je * 500 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST OF 200 15-OZ. TENDER MEATY LEAN MEATY OVEN or POT ROAST TINS e e YORK CHOICE GREEN OR WAX BONELESS | BEANS 1] BLADE ) SHORT RIB | SHOULDER CLARK'S FANCY SAVE 4c m ROAST ! 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