Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Feb 1964, p. 4

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. The newly installed officers of the Palestine Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Bowman- ville, for 1964 are, left to right (front row) comp, J. R. PALESTINE CHA J. HH, Abernethy, H; Ex. Comp, H. M. Stacey, Z; Comp, F, A. Boyd, J; Comp. Teeple, IPZ; Rt. Comp, H. G. Freeman, ' (Second row): Comp. H. D. Sutton, M_ of Ist V; Comp. C. H. Greenham, M of 2nd V; Comp. L. A. H. Ayre, SS; Ex. Comp, R. J, Dilling, D of C; Comp. A. P. F. Le Gresh M of 4th V; Comp. PTER, ROYAL ARCH MASONS S. J. Lancaster, P, §; Comp. O. J, Presson, M of 3rd V. (Third row): Comp. D, R, All- dread, OG; Ex, Comp. W. E. Cookson, SN; Ex Comp Soviets Alarmed By Soil Erosion MOSCOW (AP)--Citing "'tre- mendous damage" from soil erosion and neglect of farms, Soviet Agriculture inister Ivan Voloychenko has called for a special law fixing responsibil- ity for proper use of the lan'. "Wind and water erosion is in- licting tremendous damage on agriculture," Volovchenko told a Kremlin meeting of the Soviet Communist party's top leaders Monday. "We must take all measures for 'the restoration and preservation of the fertility of eroded soil." se Soil erosion is reported to have become a major problem in the arid steppes of Kazakh- stan and Siberia. In the virgin land area, de- veloped under Premier Khrush- The meeting was called to dis- cuss concrete measures for im- plementing Khrushchev's latest plans for raising farm produc: tion by intensive use of fertili- zers and irrigation. Several hun- dred farm specialists and ad- ministration officials were in- vited to attend the Kremlin meeting of party central com- mitee members, Volovchenko warned farmers hat although the production of chemical fertilizers is to be sharply increased in the next seven years, they should not for- get about natural fertilizers and their economical use. _ NET EARNINGS Separatism Not Rooted In Que. Editor Claims | WINNIPEG (CP)--A woman economist from Montreal asked English-speaking Canadian that Canada is bicultural. "We have the conception that this is a bicultural country," said Jeanne Sauve. '"'We want you to tell us it is," Mme. Sauve is touring West- ern Canada with Claude Ryan, assistant to the editor of the French-language newspaper Le Devoir of Montreal, and Mont- real consultant. Guy Beaugrand- Champagne. The three talked wtih report- ers at the beginning of the week- long tour under the auspices of the Canadian -Association for chev's personal sponsorship, more than 10,000,000 acres of land were reported last Septem- ber menaced by wind erosion. That is what makes "dust a share; 1962, $37,800,000, bowls." 129, In Siberia, up to 70 per cent!| Hudson's Bay Oil and Gas W. G. Pascoe, Org; Rt, Ex, |0f the cultivated steppelands in/C Ltd. year ended Dec, 31, als : 'Oy, |some areas were said to have| 1963, $12,331,000, 87 cents Comp. H. Ferguson, PZ; |peen ruined by wind erosion|$s Hares 1962, $10,166,000, 57 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Aluminium Co, Ltd., year ended Dec. 31; 1963, $32,700,60; Treas. | Volochenko told the party lead| Adult Education, "Separatism is considered av rather artificial in Quebec," Mr, Ryan said. It had not yet "taken root", People advocating separ- atism were '"'not important peo- ple at present," However, it should not be con- cluded from this that separa- tism will not become import- _p ae shder (ers that about 3,000,000 acres of} 4 zs sida yy ne i beer arable land is abandoned every| Ve, Ex, Comp. N. A. Wilkins, |and dust storms.- DIVIDENDS ant, Mr. Ryan said. Mr. Beaugrand - Champagne Monday for the word of the Canada and abroad was unicul- tural, 2. The French-Canadian felt there was a lack of equality in educational opportunities. 3. The French-Canadian felt jhe had not had a fair chance jin the economic life of Quebec. He had been "kept in isola- DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Madrid--Gen, Martin Alonso, 67, Spain's army minister, San Francisco--James Albert (Bert) Leighton, 87, vaudeville performer credited with writing the songs Frankie and Johnny and Casey Jones; of cancer. Ne beby sitter, neo car fore Mr. Bernard Of Leading Toronto Salone Experienced Hair. Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 728-9317 eS | | | | | | | Abernethy, PS; Ex. Comp. ar in the Soviet Union. |said there is an evolution of| y Wank," she complained in her|" letter, Sown areas in the old grain-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS |thought in Quebec, "Péople are) challenging themselves." Jake Edwards Wins Berth In 'Eights' KINGSTON (CP)--Jake Ed- wards of Kingston defeated an Ottawa Glebe rink skipped by Bob Knippelberg in two straight games: Monday to advance into the Ontario curling champion- ships. _ |growing areas of European Rus-| Canada Permanen "I am whole - heartedly in)sia and the Ukraine have dwin-|Corporation, 50 pine wd Mr. Ryan listed three soithaat jagreement with the lady," said|died steadily in the years since|record March 13 , "lof concern to the French-Cana-| Hubert Wank. '"I/Khrushchey switched invest-| Canadian Refractories Ltd.,|%@"; |Councillor p | | thought I had remoy ll sighs, ments and manpower to develop-| ¢, 1 |but I will check a hk it}ing his pet virgin lands project. omen woke rages March 16,| sdesiteelie a very good point. l.must be|The di hia F i E t i B ] p y failure of the. sprawling . . " |perturbing to see old signs stuck! Kazakhstan farms ¢o fulfil their 'init tea tt le ont AT Irks Pickering Group i222 cGs = 0.D.H. BROUGHAM -- At a recent| He contended that such a by-|tion bylaw, Councillor W. G.| The Reeve and Councillors! Kremlin leaders to return to the NS See Wed. Ad The image of Canad a in | MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada ' ' ' meeting of Pickering Township|law was not mandatory, and|/Newman said that the amount/agreed, and said that every step intensive farming in the former pmereres. | Whe reoresanted| Cousell, John Williams, of the|that there could be as muchjof cash the small mill rate 1or/would be taken to have them re- agra cen erp . plonships in 1960, édged Knip-|Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Asso-| danger of a fire on a small/fire we the farmer a chal moved, anna career te rinabir a "i pelberg 8-7 in the early round|ciation, protested the fire ex-| Subdivision lot as on the lands of nary aot on og or i There is a need," said the} rable land im the Soviet Union and whipped him 12-3 in the/emption bylaw which relieves . ee PrOplees th Wee | DOr Pare a reeve, im veaponse to the let). patty Remodeling na brief which he presented,|the Township, which resembled saa abies aad wren Ls y. second to take a best-of-three|the farmer of 90 per cent of bis/ar. Wiliams said that the "ate.|the problems in the south. jter, "to start giving considera-)---------- DON'T MISS series for the eastern Ontario/fire rate on his lands: -- payers paid a share of all the| Councillor John Campbell de-|tion to what will take place in/ division title, this buildings. seat road system in the Township as/duced that some 500 farmers/1967. I don't think we can be-| the |well as for their own pavedjhad to be notified by registered)/come involved in large expendi- General Electric Custom jroads, which required |ittle;/mail of the small exemption, and tures, I would rather see us KiTOHEN DISPLAY faye Papo that it seemed bg) ge toa Pha bony advantage of the grants) o |. He referred to the Township's considered that since the bylaw|which are available." lthat will dedicate the memory contemplation of purchasing ajwas passed and that psi an The Reeve 'related that hejof a certain day in our nis WAYNE'S gravel pit, and said that if this)be doubt og bee = seme it be had been studying the grant pos-|tory," 'said the Reeve. IN 78 Simeoe North 723-1411 were done, that it should not bejand tet in epetser year it be! sibilities, and concluded that} This matter will be discussed|-- Builder Enquiries Welcome charged over the whole Town-|abandoned if. possible. lsome $44,000 would be forth-ifurther, it was decided. | ship, for there was'no need of| Reeve Laycox stated that) A gravel on their streets, Council had received an opin- He spoke of their five-mill po-|ion from Township Solicitors Report Annoys Deputy-Reeve lice rate which he claimed bene-|that the bylaw was valid. |fitted the whole Township, then| Regarding the remainder. of Jean)ship earried by a large major-/went on to the cost of schools/the brief, Councillor Newman McPherson, Deputy Reeve ofiity. for which he asked Council to/related that subdivisions across the Township of Pickering) "I am not a two faced per-|seek active support of other stated at a Council meeting)son," she said, "I won't vote/municipalities to change this on February 5, that she hadjone way one time and another situation. been misrepresented by athe next. Now that liquor has) 'We too can protect ourselves Times report of a previous|carried, we have no control over,|and up to now we have hardly meeting, when Council voted for it." tried," he said. "One of the biggest problems a change in zoning to permit a! The Deputy Reeve went on to| "We are definitely not pre-jin Bay Ridges", said Bon War- motor hotel, with liquor licence, say that she was not interested|pared to see our neighbors lose|ing, Councillor for Ward 3 and a at Kinsale in election. their homes because of taxation.|resident of Bay Ridges, "is "The Planning Board recom-| "I don't go out on a limb as/All we ask for is a fair and/sheer ignorance. mended re-zoning five acres of|far as a vote is concerned," she reasonable deal. | "Young. people, who have 'agricultural' land to 'C3' (com- said. Tam not in favor of splitting never had responsibility before, mercial) to permit a motel to! Reeve C. V. Laycox said that the Township, he continued,/huy homes with a small down be built," she said. he had read the article, and) "but if there can be no agree-|nayment. They don't know that "That is all we were asked took no exception to it. ment between rural and urban,|there are such things as sewers to vote for. I never 0.K.'d any| 'Just don't misrepresent me,"| then r think something must be/to be paid for, and all the other cocktail lounge--now or ever." (said Mrs. McPherson, relating done. demands. Some of them are "T don't think we should keep|that she had previously ad-)/ PROBLEMS SOUTH finding ita tough go, some of par rag -- out," she a, ff my det goP a AND NORTH jit their own making. eaid. "We are trying to re-)School in the north end o Mr. Willi ; "I would be the first one to duce the taxes." Township, from where many of PB moi ong od eS Ihelp if there was anything. we The Deputy Reeve claimed the protests came against the meeting, and Council began the| could do," said the Reeve. "We that a sub-headline attracted hotel. ; discussion at their Feb. § meet.|8re trying to do something about attention to herself as support-| "The publicity gives theming by Reeve Laycox stating|the Cost of hydro. We are giv. ing the recommendation, and the impression that I was the ina: he had been informed heling deep consideration to your stated that the headlines to the biggest sinner in the world." several sources that Mr. W i suggestions." aricle, which were to the effect) '"'Maybe you should have ab- jiams had nak heen 4 ia | that 'Council O.K.'s Liquor|stained from - voting," said py the Ratepayers' Agsorlation PREPARE FOR CENTENARY Lounge at Kinsale" suggested Reeve Laycox, 'By agreeing to ig represent thane en this Heh A letter from Mrs. Brenda that Council approved the the change of zoning, we agreed 5,4), r Pemberton-Pigott asked Coun- Hquor lounge, when in fact, it to a liquor outlet." Mi Will cil to set up its planning ma- was. approving a change of zon-- The Deputy Reeve contended) ° ae iliams stated that jtichinery for the 1967 Centenary, ing. that it was her duty to vote for|¥@8 the wish of the execttive|and to remove old election post- "Ts that not what we did?" what, in her opinion, was to the Committee that these matters be/ers and other signs. asked Councillor W. G. New-|best interest of. the Township, |>rought before Council. | "I am tired of being exhorted man. 'In effect, when we ap-| Councillor Newman consoled) Referring to the fire exemp-'to vote for Laycox or re-elect proved the .change in zoning,|the Deputy Reeve by remark- ~~ ron " a we did give the O.K. to putjing that he had received what ¢ euch an establishment up." he had felt was unfavorable pub- /¢ Mrs. McPherson stated that licity by the press during the a liquor plebiscite in the Town-/past years. coming for a building project. "I would think," said Council- lor Wank, "that we are going to require municipal quarters." "We should build something CLAIMS 'MISREPRESENTATION BUSINESS: 725-4563 cere szNe! RESIDENCE: 723-7900 BROUGHAM Mrs. the Dominion had tfie same prob- lems, and that many meetings of Council could not have solved them, unless there was an ex- plicit situation. NOW PLAYING GRACE METALIOUS , BEGINS WHERE Great Novel "PEYTON PLACE" Now on the Screen! LEFT OFF! "PEYTON "RETURN PLACE" TO PEYTON IN COLOR PLACE" --with-- IN COLOR. LANA TURNER with CAROL LYNLEY Adult Entertainment Adult Enterteinment BILTMORE 33 . PLRPPPA RELAX WITH ME! Round Trip Fares Are low... By BUS Eee SE ST | THE INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED HIT JUST AS IT WAS SHOWN IN THE MAJOR CAPITALS OF THE WORLD! | SHOW STARTS 745 P.M, OPEN 6:30 P.M. NORTH BAY... HUNTSVILLE . ORILLIA..... MIDLAND... - BARRIE..... COLLINGWOOD .. ~ KITCHENER ...... $6.00 GUELPH......... 5.10 HAMILTON....... 4.35 ST.CATHARINES.. 6.15 BUFFALO........ 8.30 SUDBURY ........ 16,95 .$14.90 10.20 6.90 7.60 5.45 poors RICHARD BURTON gn PPAL ra med = ; t RoR miriam foun WAYNE eae of their lives parry. rzanuck's THE Bared on Me Book by CORNELIUS RYAN Moleered by BOM Century for Starts Tomorrow! ® & Walter Matthau /James Coburn Sereengiy ty PETER STONE rreoeens ond Ovectee my STANLEY DONEN 333 = mene HENRY MANCINI A Universe! Relewse TECHNICOLOR® PLATAR a2 OPEN DAILY | P.M. SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, wen S Tickets and thformnation WHITBY--Harry Donald Lid, OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL Telephone 668-3675 Telephone 723-2241 TRINA DEMICH OS AF Z PHONE 723-2843 TIMES:--1:20 . 3:20 5:20-7:25 - 9:30 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:20 LAST TIMES TODAY "CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED" also "GLADIATORS 7" In Color Ai Ui ae

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