27--Real Estate for Sale ,27---Real Estate For Sale _{27--Reol Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sele _|27--Real Estate For Sale {29--Automobiles For Sale [29--Automoblles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Twesdey, Februcry 11, 1964 12 nae on '$13,500 full i rks six-/NORTH END, new brick Senseo, 1 SUMMER resort, Buckhorn Lake, 7! FIVE-SUITE apartment. Central. Asking bg with ( cs ber |saplhenel vote' ot only sina, Ty Ua on tages, wan, ape owner se bong alow Wi ft sci sroker. sa. aa day mall feel cata You Can Get The Car ' Aenea fo oo aoe For Sele down payment terms. y a Bon JOWMANVILLE -- four-bedroom brick your ae ig ne seri, bared, ve Set ta Pas Skimer, Yin-a00, "Joweph"Boato,, Realtor roa We Frank 'Real 'Estate Lid, 423 ibatlitad bak tame ar 29e, b. torpice ye ; : 281964 Only $025." Telophone 723-7244. (nerd we horton ancl nara : Scarenitn ad Nae Nig EE You Have Waited For: jun corzu 2.7m, immer ay METCALF FOR SALE |p Mom corrum bresiies] | Ue SOWN (ite i ili Soeatincs ce Me, eR aN a Real Estate Lid., 6233990 Bowmanville. $558 DOWN DOWN, three-bedroom alow | 58 PONTIAG, sy ey ey See at "REAL ESTATE LIMITED | SUMMER COTTAGE Jit starr pevits giro tewns| 6 ROOM BUNGALOW | wre: Broelxed ving, tn ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. le Reema, Toaphina Aloe nd flower beds in 1964 by apply 40:King St. E. On beautiful Stoco Loke-- manure oF ee ak pee Ton with attached gorage landscaped, ot, close Yo separate and ia, west end of Whitby. McGill Real Batata bs ae ser nn $1,395, After 5 p.m, Dial 728-4678 pH Fog epg 90d {today are DUNKIRK AVE. PES Se mall 4 Left -- $12,090 ee et _ 24 ~ BEST BUYS - 24 ee a SDs : is oe re a ae a fecupoey ay Perreau saree . 1 lament canna este 6 FOR 187 North Front St., Belleville _|Rienra' iw. Frank Real Estate Lid, 623 telethon i958 CHEVROLET coach, «standard. aa Sw e| TN (ume ien Meeaure! nade! GET a choice LATE MODEL CAR TO SUIT [iskucme sat Ne es eam ese ea tt gai ng home, KEITH PETERS bedroom, Corman eyed, 'tenced| AN homes ere detached, bol- [per'. asing sian colt ext fon W w.| your PERSONAL NEEDS and SAVE you $ $ $ Wa? CHEVROLET Va, "adlomaiie female gest 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 655-46 723-94 yard. North area, 6%4% NHA Frank Real Estate Ltd, 623-3393 Realtor -- 728-7328 mortgage neuded stome ond |i saDRGORHa--wagaes| MAKE your SELECTION NOW fro. ver 100 ina cHEY a RELLY DI DISNEY -- lo, white walls, ROAD ee Ne eee TH sexe Senet (eis "Rw: ee| LATE MODEL, RECENT TRADE-IN on he [ise mnt me] USED CAR TD, % ms 7 1987 CHEVROLET twodoor V0 stick i BEDROOMS, large live REALTOR ond rear, some with coloured [mn are aired Meee ues! BIGLOT. : mn, pod conten more te, mae pee te Wednesday. 728-1296. ing room end dining room Bowmanville, 14 rank St, fixtures. Corries os low os [bath ond ol | yenece, $14300 with s. both (full 4 93.70 monthly, interest, prin- |/€2¥n Limited. a etaans is Seeman, 1960 VOLKSWAGEN VAN, good running basement, new oil heating Phone 623-3950 Clpal and taxes if you qualify. |ste00 DOWN buys sixroom brick peu condition $748, New exhavat and. valve system, extra washroom in i J in Whitby ond shown |" Burke Sireet, Oshawa, Immediate 1963 Oldsmobile Hardtop Coupe -- Telephone Whitby 666-4 basement, aoe drive and CEHAWA, SHARBOT street, ' sy. Coll (taagi, Full Brice $1100, Call Joe. Bar 1962 CHEVROLET Impole aoe hard Serree, Naat be seen! Phone 5¥2 Roomed, brick bunga- |..by appointment only. baal fully onload oe 8 cylinder, automatic. power m prea liffe 655-3917. low, almost new. Price $12, Gerry Hill. fase Down -- Fiveroam brick bungalow, nee a $3145 |i, Seitent consign A cefenecton ane, BURK STREET $06. 9712 bath, One morigage for belance, Cll Bot inte CHEVROLET Varad SIX ROOMS, frome construe. | CLOVERDALE, '5 Roomed AM? Severson, Taree, Be Hymens 'Real tat ctatn tion, annual toxes $160.00 brick bungalow, Excellent state Setate Ltd. ence ow tumoce 'ond ice sm | GniySasbo'domne, 7 | MANDERHILL |httnon' tone Asse orners. cove | 1963 Chevrolet 1963 Chevrolet | fow TavEK 1 Ree ks By rd, power winch, 3apeed : 725.3148 or or 723-21 Re hares er im, ain | Oni tind Sle ig REAL ESTATE LTD, ase tatters. Phone 7H. || IMPALA CONVERTIBLE BISCAYNE Would accept ear ar bichon rh. da re a HARMON c Powerglide one radio. Two door, power glide and hed FORD tudor boomer cnc ca sae 'anted Y. Let us show you this gem. 23-3637. by appointment only, ington for:@ look. 6 Roomed bungalow, clean ond Over 30 yeors experience. A sedan, Economical 6 RESALE Seot be' toda. tinder he ge Motors as Pe iy evi eaygemes NEAR ST. JOSEPH $1000 DOWN well kept. Only $1,000. down. NEW WARRANTY 5, Sonwe: lin f WHITBY AREA, NEW 3 West, Whitby. 668+ Ta. Stra |. BEDROOM, brick, bungalow, a ee bor "ashen $600 DOWN -- BUNGALOW $2195 Lae A ek pee gh 11M -- com 23% "n poss lho le with lok, ig of repair, Anxious to SHARBOT ST. Beside St. Christopher's $2895 condition: Private sale, S48 sell. : \ ; ERCURY tudor, brick bungolew fore- Two Fireplaces ered ers Whenedl ie hltae Od Toe Telephone 725-21 main floor,: garage, paved stiple ceiling, "145 CARS eae drive, lot beautifully lond- boards ond trim. $500. 00 of WHITBY, Nice, cleon 3 bed ed air gos heating, Conven- . : Buying a New Car? See this today, Aske | for iter vor -778a | toom bungalow with garage. | jent to bus, schools. $103 | 3 yeor old custom built, eon | 1963 Chevrolet 1963 Corvair = a erties naar" Fe ae ae eer Tee Coll Earle Allen 725-7782 \ ing $13,900. . Any reasonable offer. consider- monthly covers principal, in- toins mony extras, recrea- IMPALA MONZA . COUPE a RAMBLER. ¢ new paint [eb, two Gil Cor Dealer ond B.) * cl rear , . OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE WESTMOUNT ed. terest ond taxes 612 mort- | tion room with extra stool in : DIAL 728-4678 6 ROOM ALUMINUM SID- | BoWMANVILLE, 7 Roomed | 9098: Priced ot $12,000. basement, hollywood kitchen : | Four speed transmission [Egg N'* Serege S82 Blor Street rer CA NADIN' MOTORS deg Mage Dick Borrioge shopping ond | comfortable home with 6 ex- $1000 DOWN -- Pont igh gh lng 102 hip. engine. J986 MONARCH Locerné, Wwedoor, hard) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 einen Mn | 'wen ahd. Feline $11,800, | Wa 0% Avw offer considered. FERNHILL BLVD. 50' x 150', asking $2,500, $1995 dics," dual" exhovs, Biemisn 'tree, we! $ ALL CASH $ "Coll "Rolande Tierney 725- | BOWMANVILLE, 8 Roomed | ix room 1}4 storey frome down, ferlor, Sa78 full ites rsh rity, emer! For clean cors or trucks we GUIDE REALTY 5207. re ee "Say | With gorage, forced oir oll Phone Bill Millar 725-1186 HWS ONTIAG Amarican wo-door hard deol up er gown, Lithe paid 1% STOREY BRICK Modern bedias heating. $85. 'monthly cov- or 725-2557 Phone. betere 8" smn, Brocklin' one aer) NICOLS MOTORS LTD, \, $1500 down. ers full payment, Asking wit 419) HOME PLUS GARAGE P15 os sity siver tontoge, | 39500 "eee ee timi'| 1962 Oldsmobile Four door Sedan ~ |Js,cievgist esAc steer terdye] 146 BROCK ST. NORTH OMS, isa | "Whitby 6683331" 1957 CHEVROLET, two tone, four-door, indard 5. JUST LISTED -- Trulls Rd, ~ gg , ane fully con gg gg Baer $1000 DOWN-- 54 ACRES Automatic transmission, radio, power steering and power brakes. N. 5 room insul brick home prea y wrought iron hand 900. Terms. STONE ST. OF LAND sheevlinder, sta transmission, $99! on en be ond 14 oes roll, chavdnamh 'sun POOL, 8 R J brick Five vn am lot brick $2495 irreee Htby 668-2109 after 6 p.m. ¥ Lavi ig Call i! bungalow wit in gor. FORD Galaxie, pee Prpperty storm doors and wi home. Paved rood. Only $500 aoe. Heating, hot woter end Attention Investors va. , auemate, rede whitewalls, discs, wi Bort publi PUR on and Hig Revert Johneon 728-2548. down, cooking by gas only $16.00 oie tase Net END 25 Acres with strong stream, | monthly, Nicely decorated, | and Sub-Dividers | 1962 Chevrolet 1962 Chevrolet Sit omer hho Ri ed tr Sahore, 10 bemrameee |: Cuan Piten $0000, ed, must sell, Asking $12,- | 54 acres of land between BELAIR sf Cour door seer Ti Sean ets "boy" wire "68 house, 950. under ment for A Gleaming block. Telephone 723-1058, in te oe | Oshawa and Whitby over | Tw» dor Seafoam orn $1675. (a aaa a tence Oshowo. Open for of- Y mile frontage on High- $1695 Inder automatic tranamisaon 'only $4000] ances. Cai we R VICKERY way, i950 VOLKSWAGEN de luxe, excellent Donald Mountioy----Guy LeBiane ° 'ies a ster. Dial wr a Toe omen t $750 or best ' 623-3672, John M. Sandy = Wiltiom Smit REALTOR Coll George Koomneet 1962 Corvair 1962 Volkswagen ie Sone nk sit toner 728-9571--46 King W. PHONE 723-2859 Sedan Custom Redte Two door ATTENTION SUBDIVIDERS Wm. wine.» 728.268 | JOSEPH BOSCO $1595 $795 |e sane, "ener Steve Lehon ... 728-9326 1956 BUIEK Ve aviomatic, radio, "wash. A choice piece of land in the North Section of | Rolph Vickery . 725.6342 REALTOR ers. Excellent condition, $48. Telephone Oshawa is now available to close an estate. Located Telephone 728-7377 1961 Chevrolet -. 1960 Oldsmobile 190 CHEVROLET Bcayne, twodeer, nish, One '. on Rossland Road, this land can be easily serviced-- List price $1,900. per acre. Subdivider's terms. . S. D. HYMAN Pup. dew, hardeep, enematte SUPER 88 HARDTOP Real Esttate Limited WHITBY Se oe oe oe it? RENAULT vedans AT WILSON REALTOR 323 King Street West nia Robes eet ; $1985 radio, cition, seat Delte ene regia Aner 5 p.m, enuaied In 6 sey good ates $1595 957" PONTIAC 4 cylinder, sutomatle, 'adie, whitewalls, Good condition, Apply Its dense Avenes, 26Y2 KING EAST 728-6588-| Xo 10 anes | i Parone ' 5 k golow located In the North TO DAY iRconenty ate best ste. seowey Me 200 Dundes West, Whitby. LYNWOOD ACRES Ro og bungsiow in' the rovhecet | 1961 Pontiac 1960 Chevrolet _ |sésn." gh ton Mag gala $13,500 section of Oshows. This home | Fair door, V-8 engine, ver IMPALA SEDAN _| #2 SHEVROUET, eer Vai sutomaie| 8 room bungslow on « © e . transmission. New i eized lot with frui Lees $500. for this 5 ls complete ot @ price you $1700, Phone 723-1287. Ni oy ft ren aed Pickering Village Sr, teats peatyae | San fe shore Amora vorumine, ra Pass St ewe floors. Large modem kit- F dor construction, looded with $1695 Toohane ED ee chen. Full bosement with fue | New Split Level Homes perggh iy He oh aba DOUGLAS J. M. $1595 iin way eee seen, Fe cvlindor, SHEk|Cruchass hawes," Oterenten lane Brick and Stone Construction | aTracHEp GARAGE BULLIED pe a nan chines, Renal, walece Vacuum Servic, re 1961 C i 1960 F d motor, Needs paint, $93, Cal Tasos Three and Four Bedroom Plans Golfview Heights, asking price REALTOR orvair or Far SG eae ea Norden Kitchen -- Recreation Room $16,325, only one left, hurry SEDAN Two door, custom radio. i963 CHEVROLET tudor sedan, sep Lots 75 x 125 ft -- City Conveniences ne ee eee 333 King St. W. 723-4391 Four speed transmission, radio, $] 195 Seaway tcl, Udo 50 Dnees Week a years' WALKOUT BASEMENTS Two exciting new models to |28---Real Estate Wanted $1395 BUYING OR SELLING PRICES. FROM $17,500 UP | choose from on ravine lots, [aww F¥PH oF spilt level home nT TED CAMPIN -- feoturing built in stoves iortinwest, Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066, joo ovens and lete de- jolehood Brothers Ltd. ' j 4 Down payments from $2,500 up corating, eall Glen McKinnon WANTED 1959 Oldsmobile 1958 Chevrolet MOTORS __- |aupuirian. Fenier sasamen, ah See Completed Models and Houses under construction now. LINDEN STREET 2 Storey or 1/2 Storey homes, 88 SEDAN -- door sy or " AG Fr nay it Street East. Telephone 725-0641. Select the lot ond plon of your choice. Gre serch tunmeion in Gi | CO te eamenk aaa Adenas pene: are re 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 buyer. Call Henry Stinson ot : $995 VOLVO 723-1133, evenings 725+ $1 195 SALES AND ie a ott. nae band Te wade 'gallon CRAWFORD Construction Ltd. foward Mccabe 9243, Cort Oar, Realter, 3 GARAGE ae Sore SI TC Far a Telephone Oshawa 725-3406 TRADES ACCEPTED |39__Automobiles For Sale yf GENERA od $5) both In good condition. Under: NORTH WEST -- $14,900. Ajax-Pickering 942-4535 CALL TOCA N ATOR MORE [Miteoe Saten. Jasin. | 1959 Chevrolet » 1958 Pontiac Aino nacmng sevice [ae se aie eft, "aie ie anon cl Om ne Be : NO OBLIGATION TWiT CORVAIR, itor automatic Wamamis| BISCAYNESEDAN ° STATION WAGON Oshaves 728.093 BS enced yard and patio. is CTIONS: Turn North off 401 at Pickering Cloverleaf follow signs | sion, fold away seat, low mileage. Fin- Sumein veitio Four door, completely GENERAL REPAIRS Westnaheuses two « : oe retrigerator, heme hat 3 bedrooms, 4. pe ee ees comm, Get Gee : reconditioned engine. |" ALL MAKES OF CARS. |renos: town mower sha chiara sents bath, Torge kitchen 668-5893, 995 set Ai in gong condition ABBY 78 King shoped living and dining room. Co --. 99. PARTS AND SERVICE Street ©. Leceted close to bus, schools Crescent Oshowe--Lorge 3 bedroom tri home W956 "METEOR, Vi standard shitt, tour. $ =) All Foreign Make Care and shopping and is one of -- aud ; tireyet Jehu Hence ples "on 1 Phone e714" ater STATHAM ae the' finest homes we hov ettoched gorage, double drivewoy, beautifully landscoped, hos REALTOR 4,30 p.m. anywhere. We carry and this price range. Call sodey Sor self contained oportment with private entrance, rented for iva 'PLYMOUTH, Va automatic, redo, PS te a phe ted" GE dealer. Contac Pas : ' rade fn le : ------ " |l © yee tre Fa care ok fom spcce. | FOUR BEDROOM NORTH |eer-ana cash. voy aoe." "| 1959 Pontiac 1958 Oldsmobile |_723-4733 ond 723-7712 _|an a4, King Street West, cur. naw. home is Is on executive . For an appointment ine Not new ond not old but [180 FORD Galaxie, four-door, metallic metaiiie 728-9191, ana Four Door Sedan SUPER SEDAN TILDEN Freeze R, 20 oes washer, pr fe = = e = 3 xe Le I gee daily 9 a.m. to 9 p Hobbs 728-5886. : well maintained 'ond offe clean, six cylinder, porticulors coll 723. Ti foods of room in Lcnarel $1250. "Telephone Fon2335, gee upuceaste Twostone ---- sbi emission, in new condition. ¢ Income home--Lange nN home with three seif ined on heoti ciples fematic: whtewell 'fires: tow "aniieane $995 6 woy Hecivc abet CAR AND TRUCK [7s"Emerson Aven. room wi self contol ing, extra lomatic, a res, mileage, nn 'Telephone RENTALS vel wreath ae Bi rie : i ale A aad ve bath in divided bo: two cream and meroon finish. opartments, double south ptont. fovestment sement, of am SI. $795 (All Makes and cor garage: Down poy the right porty. Coli Pouline Hobbs 728-5886 $2,000 considered sonar: tied artgeal seeciie CALL 725-6553 white with blue Interior, $1995. Seaway! 1s Aner =. FOR SALE i 5% INTEREST Motors Ltd, 200 Dundes West, Whitby. Armes St., Whitby----3 bedroam Colonial bungolow, bull 668-5893. . | » stove, even ond electvie woll dock, coloured bathroom. f a blag Knggivn! principal, -- | i9s7 PONTIAC; 'door sedan, 'eutomalic 1957 Ford 1958 Pontiac | DEPENDABLE Steel Cabinets "s ly lob, Mechanical-| tub enclosure, otfoched gorage ond mony other features. See ments, Attrocti t dd ly Al Saaition ss75 Call BP Service SEDAN Two door i ili FY this home today. For on appointment colt Audrey Moore 668- oid brick unanee Par Stations corner Blcor_end_ Wihnen. Good paint ond body Excellent volue. USED CARS. Filing Cabinets lent mechanicaliy . Kardex Filing System 4088. two foot lot, Home in spot. [0 Conve ar ans cares acm , toy ceettion, Fd daguee_|aacs,ack Harel tad 'Sum $495 $795 1963 DODGE, four doce fully | Steel Catalogue Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S, Warden Wi S his , double erage, nicely ELBOW ives CHEVROLET Be 8 gylinger, ee CHEVROLET, Holder "Your Guide To Better Living" | landscaped, near ali schools. This home could be with OW ROOM -- nhl ' yours . door, six cylinder, automatic Drafting Table monthly payments of just $82.00 including taxes. Call Audrey Hues 1951 PONTIAC sedan, 'mechanically good. 16 Friendiy Soles Representatives on the Big Lot to show our fine radi $1895 Steel Scaffold Moore for on appointment 668-4088 |e Sireet"East, SNAPPY) selection of Used Cors ond fo discuss our ie Oe On ie Swe aoe ure ndition! : r Co ng WHITBY Q i ; eight, radio, automatic ries at $80 monthly, principal ATTENTION $2195 Fans Frances St.--3 bedroom Ronch Bungolow on ¢ bot 84 x 145, and interest. Just right for CLASSIFIED butt in bookcase in living room, large fireplace, brick goroge, | couple with green tumbe, MAIL MAN 3 Way ag wae weil wy [est as * Gas, Water Heater ond other features. Coll Pouline Hobbs 728-5886. for : ; uarantee 7 "4 Sars, Wolter Were' thu Coedeee See] cnpeiramens. oe oT $1,500 DOWN Right Hand Drive ai ey 1960 PLYMOUTH, four | 3 New) West, Wnitby. dab 80 $10,900 ond ony $63 | 1959 VAUXHALL O.K. Used Cars and Trucks | door, six cylinder .. $1095 | 34 Inch Steel Bed oi = resses, month! room * oe ng fl ag Bi carey als ha bse re, STATION WAGON . 1959 DODGE, four door, six | Used Oil Burners & speciaity. Mrs. foms, 668-2372. double gorage ond paved With right hond drive, me $69 5 Repairs Seat eal Gis tate Sines OLIVE HOWE REALTOR ae toca dad tetia' toeal hen Open 9 until 9 ~~ Saturdays 9 until 6 p.m. 1958 FORD Foirione, V-8 | Musical Instruments i automatic All At Reasonable GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Real Estate, 668-2311. aa 728-9474 moil route, other delivery or GNEURNISHED, Ground floer epariment 218 DUNDAS St. EAST, WHITBY 668-58 suitable 'for workman' with ater 53] tie et | See ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD, | sac" |" Prices Vipond APPLY deavice SPACE end equipment for coll: é Tom Huror 728-54 See See | bene | wn | BILL WHITTICK | Sein ws at Ane On 49 Yo SMITH SPORTS | 292 king St. W. Bvcrsand onion Pautine Hobbs 728-5886 Audrey Moore 668-4088 | F "Es | B : : : 353 Ki 28-7341 King St. W. 728-734 aay willing te care for ire, tem th Se" serne hoover: Tolopone,s i spies | 1250 Dundes wee, Whitey | 140 Bond Street West, Oshawa, Telephone 725-6501 (Cointinued on Page 14)