Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Feb 1964, p. 4

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SANRIO aul I a @ THE OSMAWA TIMER, Mendey, Febronny 10, 1964 | ST. MIKES HERE TONIGHT WHITBY And DISTRICT| Maroons Drub Dunnies GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY YEAR History Of Local VO Unveiled At Meeting the Order, Miss Mary Ard Mac- Kenzie, was present from the tions were performed that year The Samaritan Committee also expanded its work and held regular sewing meetings to pro- vide garments and other neces- sities for patients and for the Home. The VON even inaugu- .jurated a .series of monthly Mother's Meetings at the schools @ a forerunner, surely, of the ; Board of Governors was|present Home and School Assoc- phenomenal. Within the first|iation. = they had canvassed the for Since this is to be a History of membership, waited)fifty years of VON in Whitby, up, its chief function as its name implies being to lend a helping hand in time of need. This ac- tive group provided articles of , food where necessary ll treats such as fancy bis- , @ glass of jelly, etc. for in 52,2] 700 will realise that it is impos- sible to cover succeeding years in this vain, but it seemed to me that the amazing accomplish- ments of the early years which .|set the pattern for the future, were of infinitely greater signi- fieance and interest than a factual account of each year of operation. So, in continuing I shall mere- p Maps you the highlights of succeeding years --the ups and downs, and they were many, --- a brief glimpse of the work as it has continued along the lines laid down by those inde. fatigable women to whom, as an Order, we owe our origin. But before so doing I would like to quote from the 1916 Annual Report of the secretary concer- ning the retirement of the first president of the branch, Mrs. nurse's patients, and special/John Baird Laidlaw, because Christmas baskets when the tes- tive season arrived. The General Committee too had plans for the Christmas season. A community Christmas tree was erected and Santa Claus wat requested to announce a competition for ali boys and girls to induce them to » make more diligent use of their toothbrushes. Presents were dis- tributed to all, even the grow: . ups sharing In these. As the first; year of organization drew to a | close, the possibility of setting up a school health inspection programme was being consid- ered for the year. All this -- and 24 setings - of the Board, with an adminis. trative cost that first year of - $688.89, which included the pur- chase of a bicycle, a nurse's bag, as well as the Nurse's sal- ery and board. During the second year the 'work continued to develop des- pite the uncertainty caused by war conditions and the many calls made upon the public for financial and other services. The school nursing programme became a reality, largely * through the efforts of the Wom- ; en's Institute. A programme for the prevention of communicabie - diseases was initiated, a denta' clinic was organized with the co - operation of the town « this tribute explains so vividly the tremendous achievements of those first few years, "Hers will indeed be « hard position to fill. It has been ner mind that planned, her hand that carried out and her fortile brain and never - failing opti- mism which were able to pra- ject themselves into the future and lay hold on those apparently fragile possibilities which have always justified her faith, and by means of which the werk mond out wooert te te riage wa wart 5 for existence." cil So onward and upward, suc- cessive groups of public spinted women continued to search for new fields of service. ¥ defeated string at nine yester day as they whipped an inept} & continued i sF : i i i H gE 38 z ! lene Git origina) plans were scaled down consi difficulties the contributions a most opportune bequest to the Order enabled the board make a down payment on a much larger house on Euclid street and so in 1922 a new Home was established, This did not solve all problems, how- ever, for the question of financ- ing further payments and oper- larger home clear- ly increased them. Many and varied were the methods used by these energetic women to keep the Order operating. As well as the annual canvass, they collected and sold waste paper; sold box lunches at the Oshawa Fair; held dances, card parties, bake sales, rummage sales; ca- tered for banquets; p pare and "operated a Tea t on May 24 and every Sat- urday during the summer for the benefit of motorists", But in 1924, Miss Smelije, the storming back and tied the score 34 seconds later Clarke was the man or scored on a fine three-way pass- ing play with Ma an¢ Fletcher. With just seconds to go in the sters bagged their third of the period when Byers hit from close in, with Whitby short- handed when Meehan scored at 1,53. Oulette followed just four minutes later and the Maroons were applying the pressure, Fletcher got his second goal of the afternoon as he took a pass from Rickey Gay and went figured) right in to fire the disk in the ton Ri y a layhew added the other mark- ers, The Maroons, who had been whipped 6-2 by the Dunnies in their last meeting, were a vast- "|ly improved team in yesterday's game. Coach Frank Bonello had his fellows really skating. On the other side of the sheet the Dunnies appeared to be somewhat complacent. They did not appear "hungry". Perhaps it will prove a good omen for Manager-Coach Ivan Davie in losing the game yest-rday. His fellows will be sharper for their game here tonight and they will not have to tangle right hand corner of the net. White scored for the winaers with just 32 seconds of play left in the period. The Dunnies appeared to run out of gas in the final period further behind and finished with 11 goals being delivered past man stand. JUST TALKING ,.. We did not have a chance to chat with Mr. Davie after the game but we could almost read his mind as he wiped his weary. brow when the third period was draw- to a close. ,.. His charges, riod the home-|? ne and as a result, fell further and|" Young who, at times, was a one-| ° Cass! 19.28 es Se ikea at a i ve mont 10. Nell MeNell: Byers To End 9-Game Streak Ni Neil Maroons énap- ped the BRIAN FLETCHER 11. Nell McNeil: Cassidy ........... 4.58) 12. Nell MeNellt vag 4 ered White 7.54 13. Whitby: " cher .... 15M4 14, Nell MeNell: Davidson, 15. Nell McNeill: Oulett, Goulet ... 19.43) Penalties: Dionne 6.0%, Minor 6.07, Frazer 9.12, Peters 14.58, Froser 14,58, = z inst le toy: Fletcher, Gay 2. Nell McNell: Clarke, Byers, Cassidy ...........:.s000 196 3. Nell McNeill: Oulette, White ... 4.18 4, Whitby: Gays Ma » Fletcher 12.03 & Nell McNeil: Byers, Meehan, Davidson » $8.30 Penalties: Fletcher 4.50, Cassidy 4.50, ideon 18.45, Everett, 7 ® germ, 1.53) y a indary om aches, muscular pains and disturbed sleep Imlach 4.53 fry tnidne au internal CXSTEX antiseptic 8. Whitey: Fletcher, Gay, Mayhew &47| buy for a few days. All you do is 9. Neil I: White, 2 'OYSTER tablets with & of ou .28| Water. In addition to its cleaning anti- is also an analgesic babe, Backache, ahd muscular patus, Get ache, mr r pains. from drusgist. Feel better fast. "THIRD PERIOD who have been up for many) games of late just did not have with high-flying Markham in the first round of the playoffs. The game sonteat against St, Mike's will be the final home game of the schedule. The game underway yes- terday with the goodly number of Whitby fans that made the trip getting the first chance to cheer. Fletcher scored as the game was just 62 seconds old with Rickey Gay getting the assist on the play. The lead was a very short-lived affair. how- ever as the College crew came FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass osln, Tact ea their plate dropped, sli or iv fue ot e li ae es Pessoa" Sy ine tie more P3 baat oe ace ms chief superintendent, visited the branch and advised that it would be wise to give up the Home, and to continue the home nurs- ing, school work, baby clinics and Samaritan assistance under the supervision of a district visiting nurse. And 90 in June 1925 the Home (Contnued on Page 17) | WANTED | you: | - AT - See Wed. Ad ee SPECIAL! Why not make us smile for a change? We would like os mony drapes os possible from now through the 28th, of this month, In return we will give you 20% OFF the regular cleaning price. _ pO IT NOW BEFORE EASTER 808 EAKINS and watch us smilef NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 240 Branches from Coast to Coast aL CLEANIT SERVICE? 725-3555 Always there with ready cash... For Home Redecorating > or any good reason ES i ae $50P° to $5,00000 Nie 728-1636 In 1918 a Well - Baby Clinic was established and was part of our service for over forty years, until the Public Health Department took over this res- oe in the Whitby branch of the VON was the oe Re instiga- tor in urging the establishment a Provincial Association. Letters were sent to Ottwa and a meeing arranged in Toronto which resulted in "'an enthusias- tic endeavour to consolidate the work of the province."'.. Interest in the hospital proj- GRACE METALIOUS Great Novel Now on the Screen! "PEYTON PLACE" 1M COLOR --with-- LANA TURNER Adult Entertainment DOO! oP' RS HOW EN STARTS ¢ 6:30 P.M. 6:45 P.M, §¢ BEGINS WHERE "PEYTON PLACE" LEFT OFF! 'RETURN TO PEYTON PLACE" IN COLOR with CAROL LYNLEY Adult Enterteinment SHO' NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Lge Why do you see so many LOADSTARS? important reason is EASIER TURNS IN LESS _ three dentists, and several child. ~ Yan had their eyes tested by a a ~ local optician. ~ The question of a Neighbour- hood Home was discussed and "a House Committee appointed «to consider this possibility. The growing needs of the Red Cross _ and other patriotic organizations made it expedient to delay his "project for a while but the Com- mitee did manage to rent a small house on Byron street "which at least gave the nurses a home. A shower was held to furnish the house and friends 0! «the Order supplied larger ne- » Cessities, By 1916 the work of the VON "in Whitby had obviously be- ~come a vital force for the im- =provement of the whole com- ~munity -- evén neighboring wtowns and villages wthe being "influenced by its activities, tor! DRY CLEATING IT DOESN'T PAY*TO DO IT YOURSELF © 1 WEEK ONLY ¢ DRAPES a. 39° LINED OR UNLINED © PLAIN SKIRTS .... 50° Pleated Skirts excepted THIS OFFER EXPIRES FEBRUARY (5th RINKERS CLEANERS "The Best In Town" ; PHONE 725-1191 The A i Meeting of the F ' Union M f Fire | © YM be held in the Council Chamber, Town Holl, et the corner of Kent and Cambridge Streets, in the Town of Lindsey, on Seturdey, Februcry 29th, 1964, at 2:00 p.m., te ive the Financial $ end Auditor's Report, te elect Directors end Auditors, and te ider proposed ch te the C By-Lews es follows: ... 2. cos o> SPACE You have to drive the Loadstar to s believe how maneuverable it really is! ~ ree You'll find that steering in traffic is ; amazingly easy. The short BBC, flat x vy angled steering wheel and variable ratio Revolution of the Board of Di questing authority te meke eppil é x he steering gears give you relaxed control tion for extension of underwriting powers to include, in cose of property : ; Pe oe ipewiicaconap bela -- wes ed pte heinggl vd in and out of congested spots where you let out in Section 27 of the Inurence Act. have a struggle with most other trucks. It has the shortest turning radius of any truck in its class, It gets as close to gports car handling as 2 big, rugged truck can ever get! Drive the Loadstar goon at your International Truck Dealer oy Branch--and learn firet hand why you see so many Loadstars! What a relief! NO ACKACHE! any close or el of i @ FAMOUS PLAvERS THEATee N.H.L, HOCKEY SUNDAY Leofs vs Chicego at 8:30 Resolution of the Board of Directors thet By-Law Ne. 1, being the object ef the Company, be deleted end the following substituted therefor: "hubject te the power granted under the cherter, the purpose end business of the Corporetion shell be the insuring, under any close of insurances for which « Company writing on the Premium Note may be Hieensed in Ontario, of risks upon agricultural prop tty thet ie net mereentile or f ing or hazerdous, es provided in Pert VI of y oF prop You'll earn more with | te Capos At of Ont" 3 pected || INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS Be built, soldand serviced by truck men. . (ATTERAA TIONAL KARVESTER COMPANY OF CANADA, UMTTIBD By-Lew Ne. 33 be amended te provide fer en increase in the mileege ellewenee of Directors from 7e te 10¢ per each mile travelled op Com- peny business. THAT, the Compeny By-Lews he printed os revised end lideted te inelude all emendments to dete and the inclusion of Stetytery references ee apply ot thie date. Autherized Deeler Walter Matthau /ftes cobum JOE BURROWS GARAGE tonspin wy PETER STONE tran on tina' ty STANLEY DONEN A No. 7 Hy., Brougham -- Phone Pickering 942-3097 A tate HENRY MANCINI A Univers! feease TECHNICOLOR® ty PLATA" amnion OPEN DAILY 1 P.M 5:20 » 7:25 - 9:30 LAST COMPLETE SUNDAY 1:20 P.M. And te transect eny other business thet mey property eome before the menting, Trt eeteeT eee ee BY ORDER OF THE BOARD H. H. McFADDEN, Secretary Order Your "LOADSTAR" Now From... COWAN EQUIPMENT CO, 134 KING E. -- BOWMANVILLE -- 623-5689 Lindsay, Ontarie February 6, 1964. 'Teer ee a SHOW 9:20

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