THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mandey, Fobruery 10,1964 17 27--Rea te Yor l(a ae Sl 29--Autoneie fer Sl |20--Autonabin Wend | HISTORY OF LOCAL VON lavas . Apply 715 Burns|for" wrecking. Highest prices. pald. 220 c a choice Ineame rick oy; ican rected home | district, Close to schools 2 ca C ARL OLSEN |turnace, 'ot x 200, Full price $12,000, nec IN goad St ee te. ils ALT og Wentworth East, 725-118), | (Toniinued from Page 4) ' | -- 7 A "esr, Buck RK, 16) rn OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers,| Tm n Ww 190 ACRES of rolling land. Stream and 000" umoteline, 10, modern' cot-|!989 BUICK, four-door hardiop, radio,|ti7s Nelson street, want cers for wreck:|Was closed an deventually soldjnresident in her annual report acres, 1,000' horeline, mod REALTOR 723-1133 -- |bush. $4400 - $1,500 down, Call Jackltages, wain lodge, owner's. bungalow. engine overhauled. New fires. Immaci|ing, Telephone 725-2162 or 7244245. for $9300, 'This signified the end] said "You who are not familiar Ricard, W. Frank Real Estate Lid. 623- Large pool, $65,000, terms. Call Joe Bar-| ate condition, $1395, 725-5743, anne ' * CENTRAL =~ Older type six [°" anville, » Y We Frank Real Estate Lid, 623-|iv6i" CHEVROLET Belair, wos door! 145 CARS WANTEY 2 eae oe bg min f = ie ee ee pi Mage yet e feying New Nar? along the lines suggested by|been for a few old members to @) ul (@) @ od s Miss Smellie until the present|continue on where so little in- By JOHN WEYLAND | armed forces should be pro- + m good family home, neor hardtop, excellent 'condition, radio, new! St. Gregory's and the down- -- Sell your used cor to 'Ted' 1 arene gy Sag Wile ioe matic. 'At condition, Reasonable. See ai he A day. Of course there have been|terest was evidenced by 99 per 'alle bee, aie ~~ Pane ath Garieas Gee terres Gem m meNVeN Bree A many adjustments as circum-|cent of our citizens; in fact it BONN (AP)--The West Ger-\vided with weapons as ad- kitchen, .,ardwood finish, .low pivs facilities on main floor and In base-|'s6 METEOR convertible, Vi, Telephone) TED CAMPIN MOTORS stances changed and I shall|seems to be a case of utter in- roduction of guided mili-/vanced as those with which "taxes. Asking price $11,000. ment, natural fireplace. $17,000. | $2,000/Whitby 660-2340 after $ pm. ___| 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 briefly outline some of these./difference." Many of our pres-/man pi kets, th alk t of dip-/NATO s in Europe are with $1,500. down, Call Wes, [Enute Li. s2z201 'Bowmanviie: (188 FORD dor, One, eandlion and)" ALT CASH § |The Home Nursing Care pro- sot beard, cee Pt Sea eal a gid Paes equipped. What West Germany 738-0581 oo Tear on tala aes Gat ierge et iver, GABILLAG "convertible Share. pre phn gl Vo de yy gg lies beige pod years ago, when a public meet- rg Regd week, Bg Far out reo; ogont peace Itself tt buys . 1395, Atter mM, q deol up or down, Liens pai: ing was called to consider the|W: approv: e or-\from : aang Eee Bn we cgeonse advisability of continuing thejganization which controls the) Under the treaty, an amend- discouraged and patients were|°Tder in Whitby. nation's rearmament--the West-/ment would be possible to give 4 West Germany permission to [full basement, Immediate possession, /S).02%. | EAST END -- $11,500. toins mony extras, recrea- 728-7377 Joseph Bosco Realtor, radio, windshield washers, very NORTH peg boi e cig one tains large living room with with china cabinet, eight {With lerge broadioomed living and din- 'White Peery taken to hospital, but the nurse the enth sup: baby and home instruction visits|tinue, with hope in their hearts|was allowed to start three years RESALE BUNGALOW Beside St. Christopher's FIVE-SUITE apariment, i, Askin $ » Down $6000. McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285 day or night, Two Fireplaces 3 year old custom built, con- JEll aaking, price, $11,200 with low down ann new Tinea veuntorn NICOLS MOTORS LTD paymen 'or appointmen' jo (see (Cal |, new " j wih $3,000. Down for this tion room with extra stool in é J ESE River 9650 JAP oo 140. ROCK $1 a. Ya storey brick home, con- |° basement, hollywood kitchen [81000 DOWN, three-bedroom bungalow condition. Private sale, $650, ross from: Royal. Hotel : After being long forbidden was right there when the mo-\port of those who attended, per- er ig long {0 */manufacture rockets capable of ther returned home with her|suaded the loyal workers to con-/West German rocket production carrying nuclear warheads, j ! i ; throoms, Well 962 CHEVROLET Impala" door hard-| Breploce, good size kitchen | foot vanity, with mitror Lot |atanes I Cant amsrts, wale, deiner noma soe wre x » Oski f kK blic schools. On No, 2 hi t theland steering, radio, positraction axle, Ex- floor, two large bedrooms and me |west end of 'wnioy, Mec Rea Estate cellent condition, Atter 7 p.m, 'eiethone|32--Articles for Sale four piece bath up, hig |Broker 8-4285 day or night, sae _..| TELEVISION, 21", very good condition. ; basement, hot air oi! neating, Phone Bill Millor 725-1186 |S1X-ROOM, one and" one-half" storey,| PRIVATE, 1956 Pontiac 2-door sedan, two| Telephone 726-1742, wards hopitalization through the|the organization alive. the Cobra, Sidewinder and/selves would have to remain un- handy to stores, school. ond or 725-2557 [Brick home with garage and paved drive/tone, all leather trim. Excellent condi:/NiNg.PIECE Drexel dining room slfe,|years changed the nature of the! And so we have reached our|4awk. der U.S, control, Bee 18 toe call Honey. 5- Ly + Lenser Rad! Estate Limited churches, and' bus, 'Telephone 125-274 |i980 "PONTIAC foursdoor, "840. Also Wad phone D2s0ms, ve" "onaition: Tele home nursing service also, and|golden anniversary. Today the The Cobra, developed by West] No such amendment has been son ot 723-1133, evenings (oS "|IDBAL retirement home with 10 acres Chevrolet coupe. Best offer. After 5.30/nca yicroR 217 console: Telavision--Ap|i% more recent years longer life|golden glow of joy and satis-/German scientists, is an anti-|sought. 725-0243, lot land and stream has wonderful market|p.m, telephone 723-2090, oa ply 290 Montrave Avenue, Apt. 4, 728./expectancy has i I * Qshawa's Largest Firm {gardening potential, immaculate hame.|i9s6 CHEVROLET V-8, standard shift,|4047, Stove and refrigerator, good condi-jcrease the number of chronic-jour community has been rekin-|Sidewinder and Hawk are built SOUTH-EAST -- Near Duke Oy aeRO Pe oat Call pat Veo, a (new tires, new battery, fair condition.|tion, Apply 285 Thomas Street 7234237.Jaily {j} patients. The school nurs-|dled by recalling some of the|in West Germany under licence. were increased, The trend to-\and faith in their souls, to keepjago. The weapons involved are|though these warheads them- tended to in-faction experienced in serving|tank rocket, The U.S,-designed . i Perry, Asking $19,500, Call Pat Yeo. W. 728-289 asta Sele Sha Mato den D F ti : ] of Edinburgh ber ge ae | Frank Real Estate Ltd, 623-3393 Bowman-|2475 or best offer, 728-2098 Fon deton B RING. OF felling furniture or | appli-/ing program has now been taken/events of the past and the truly/They are for use in bringing rama es Va rooms, red brick with attec ville, TOW TRUCK, 'Si Mercury, 2-ton; 20-ton' a Elmer, dampton 263-2294 or Public Health De-| magnificent h a pl gorage, nicely landscaped on ar ick bongalow, Power winch, 3-speed power take-off, /263-2605. over by the Public Heal e-/ Mag! women whose cour-|down enemy planes. . pt ge a + aig sg See cconmied math Whitby iosation,| Would accep! car or pick-up truck, 668: Fy TOWERS special a Hiv tawer aiucipartment, but many were the|age and determination se the) The three rockets all carry Decides T rooms, large living room 12 B R 0) 4 H f R S |close to schools, $11,500, Whitby 6688177, "164 ure (with all channel antenna, instailed/problems faced during the for- pattern for us to follow. conventional, not nuclear, war- 0 x 22 and combinotion kit- |s1400" DOWN, $13,800 full price buys six-|iye, RAMBLER, new paint lob, To te erat TaeiOg, VPP Ltd 36) Gibbons) ties and tfties before this be-| But, in. contrast to the emo-|heads. ove chen, TV aerial, aluminum ~~ REAL ESTATE ---- room brick. two-storey on Mitchell Av-imomenuk's Garage, 552 Bloor Street] ap _-- ~-- 'came a reality, jions stirred by many golden an- T B ] ] vs 5 nue, " th ti le - F, GOODRICH STORES -- Tire: } ? bee y ' storms and screens, Partly fin- -- INSURANCE -= Topi gb ative. ee Call Joe par eet! terles, Kelvinator refrigerators, | Always a joyful facet of our/niversaries when the underlying -- ee a claimed um 1 Ingua rece sth gyn Halve ~-- MORTGAGES -- cE dete acl alll Se ate fa Sy gpd ya FOr gee A i tWait coeenale yi aaa |activities, in which many mem- _-- is s Sense of satisfaction west Germany's rocket activity AWA (CP)mor the Best' ' . | -- jal, . tow UG ' down payment, Call Wes. LOT FOR SALE with. well, 70'x a3", |0009e, @<vlinder, automatic. Best offer:'r» with all channel antenna, installed Des assisted, we were sorry to lt e ach evements of the past; po med tention in one he a he: tavenr Wdoteey the i GASPE AVENUE For information, call 725-6792 bot $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons|lose the well baby clinics, butjand an acceptance of a peaceful d Monday delivered Elliott at 723-1133, evenings i986 MONARCH Lucerne, two-door, hard: Street, 728-8180 it too was a logical part of the/decline in the years ahead, we|toPe. 9% last Monday annual Canadian University qamey eels Three bedroom ranch bun- | BOWMARNILLE i 'Twobedroom "brick "02s, automatic, custom radio, 'washers, /suNWORTHY wallpaper al hall" price|Public Health program, Indus.|iervently hope that today's gol-T0tes about it to Washington,|Drama League festival is going galow, Nicely decorated ond | th naturel fireplace, four-piece|"8c% dual exhaust, blemish free, Wo! Many patterns in ready pasted and regu-|,_. cal or iden glow will b Haming| London, Paris and Bonn. The|bilingual, CENTRAL PARK -AREA -- 'ome with natural fireplace, four-pleceiione finish with matching leather in : trial nursing -- a service sold to! glow will become a 'laming ; close to public ond separate [bath and oll furnace, $14300 with $5,300 jerior $3 lar. Buy one roll, get one free, Edgar i i Fi Western governments paid lit-| ne toy da ; $13,500, for income home in *y P P down, Call Jack Ricord. W. Frank Real (rior $375 full price, 728-0558 and Sons, 34 King West, Telephone local manufacturing plants on a|beacon to light the path ahead tle. attention, dismissine | the rday festival opening perfect condition, beautifully schools. Oil heating, storms | Estate Limited. 623:3393 Bowmanville, i958 PONTIAC American, two-door herf| 723-7351 contract basis--helped to round|and rekindle our desire to make } iJ here Wednesday will have plays decorated, contains large liv: | 2nd screens, Nicely londscap- |W" down payment modern NHA three: 100,,,V2,,nvaromatic, wily customized. SKATES, used, $1.97 up. per pelt, WiRlout guy program jour efforts in the future worzhy pe 2: ht entered from 17 universities and . ot, wn Payments open i low, | kitch 'your trade in, Sportsman's Corner, one pee r Mend roth a fa Hv to offer. Call Mr. Irwin 'slucpinurn "forme landecbees, tericed 1987 CHEVROLET, two tone, four-door, block west of Four Corners in Whitby With the increasing social tet Nhe monkina a Has will continue, f Four' ot pn oa Tan. onwe Thaseh og née ne haa A Cruikshanks at 728-5123 or yard. North area. 728-6605 shy linger, A ae} site chee 5575, 100 AMP service panel, 14" electric fan.isponsibility for welfare work, This program started late be-| a oe pears aie rence. two lovely bedrooms an 728.5205 $1,000 DOWN 'buys slicroom "brick house! Telephone Whitby 668-2109 after 6 p. Two steel jack posts, Dodge custom radio, | the desire of: the nationai| , ea Montreal director Peter Sym- and the de piece tiled bath on main floor, jon Burke Street, Oshawa. Immediate pos-| 1957 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, A-1 con-/100 feet furnace pipe with elbows. Tele) ®t der be pri } jcause in the immediate post- cox will adjudicate the festival, second floor has 3 room aport- session, Full price $11,900, Cal! Joe Bar-jdition throughout, $575, Call BP Service phone 728-206! office that the order be pi mar.) ana a aces {war period the United States, rdii fT to the best ment with 3 piece bath, pri- $11 700 FULL PRICE ge Ww ia Real Estate Ltd. 623-3393/ Station, corner Bloor and Wilson DRAPES, beige, 16 fl. x 95". Three brush ily regarded as a professional! \Britain and France worried awa Bh ame 0 Po e vate entrance, Rec. room in rnin sla R best nadia: basement, new oil furnace, good garage, fenced yard \ 4 treed and hedged. Very con- | roomers, Close to hospite : | Call now. for appointment venient location. For full in- Call Mr. Bill Johnston at formation contact Henry Stin- 7 : 28-1066 or son at 723-1133,, evenings 725-0243 299 KING ST. W, 723-1133 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 723-1121 WHITBY --- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with spacious split level entrance and 2) ft living room. Nicely finished recreation room with bar in basement also rumpus room. Aluminum storms end screens ond storm doors, Priced right et $12,900, SUBDIVIDERS --~ § ocres of land with Mary Street, large brick home. Ideal for duplex or 1958 BUICK, $175; 1949 Ford, half-ton,/floor polisher, Jolly Jumper, single bed/nursing service, it was decided, | lehaait the ssibl produc | le development $850 DOWN Fr brick bi iow, $50; Parts for a 1955 Dodge or Plymouth, and springs; also 1955 Dodge car parts. 'i rt | po: - arge Mellyroea Veitehen, ceramic. tite\go0d radio, wheels, three new. tires.| Telephone Whitby, 668-2053 jon Lon Rs eye * 0 a @ lof the new West German army. play and to outstanding actors bath. One mortgage for balance. Call Bob) Telephone 728-206) 48 WOODEN bed with spring and mat.| SUperve or, 0 dis an a. , "The memory of Hitler's first A specially-constructed apron Stevenson, 728-6286, $, D, Hyman, Real!i9g; BORD Galaxie, 5,000 original miles,|tress) chest of drawers, in good condi-|maritan Committee as a re-} jets, the V rockets and other|stage similar to the one in Strat- . Estate Lid V-8 automatic, radio, whitewalls, discs, tion. After 4.30, dial 623-5274 lief agency and to name a lia-| P h ] ts | fresh,|ford's festival theatre will be New three-bedroom bun-/Telephone -- anytime, 728-564). Martin's Lapy/s Winter. cloth coat, size 15, likelison officer to maintain contact syc 0. ogis technical innovations was . $11,990 NEW One only modern ranch bun. gelow located east of city limits, close to schoo! ond bus. See this excellent vo! ue tonight. Call Mr. Yeo at 728-5123 or 728-2217 NEWCASTLE 728-5123 galow, Nicely decorated, Price $12,500-. Esso, Highway 2 Thickson's Road new. Girl's wrist watch, $8. Also records,| ith th ny service clubs/ In the 1054 Brussels treaty erected for the festival at Ot- $2,500 down, Call Jack Ricard, W. Frank) i997 MERCURY Monterey, 2-door hard-|45. Call Bowmanville 623-3910 with the many ser *' LONDON, Ont. (CP)--C W lies laia|*#Wa's Coliseum. Real Estate Ltd. 629-3393 Bowmanville. 155, radio, washers, good. tires, Mechan which had in recent years sup- . , Ont. (CP)--Can-jthe three Western allies la' "McLAUGHLIN HIGH" op, radio, Ww Good tires. Mechan-/ BUY and sell, good used" furniture and| ge |ada's need for psychologists far|down controls to apply to the| A co-cnvenor of the event, {BE SURE of beautiful gardens, lawns, jically sound. Needs body wo appliances, One location only, Pretty's|ported this part of our. work $9) outstri th } " 22-year. Tim d of A Lerge three bedroorr and flower beds in 1964 by applying | Telephone 723-1058 Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. | generously. joutstrips the supply, the 17thinew West German armed/22-year-old Bon Carle alae ibd oom, Cor |manure or sludge now. Phone 728-3901 iggy PLYMOUTH stati ix eyk annual meeting of the Ontario|f The renunciation ofjton University, said all the port, dining room, extra _|teday 1999 PLYMOUTH station wagon, six Cyl CAMERON upright piano and stool. Ex} yp jg sarent that during e ? o/forces. e A 4 hisk bs ' Inder, automatic transmission, only 34:000'ceiient condition. $100 or best offer. Tele-| IS apy 8 Psychological Association was/|atomic, biological and chemical|groups entering were not igh basement, Only $2,500 | mites, Call 725-0275. Phone 723-9305 jthese 50 years the work of theltnia here Friday wea: made by .[pleased with the decision to use down and $129. per month. | KEITH PETERS 1957 'CHEVROLET, cylinder, tender rypRWRITERS, adders, cauhiers, eupil-lorder in Whitby has continually! py g "7 north : pe oc pe Se ee porate, So Call Mr, Bill Johnston ot transmission, talt condition. Needs some cators,, chequewriters, comptometers, heen adjusted to meet the - S. L. North, of the Nath. \ r 728-1066 or 728-5123 body work, $395. Also 1958 MG sports Car, itneee hundred new and used. We buy, sell, h needs of our commun- aniel Hughson Institute, Hamil-|was formalized and limits were} 'We got lots of letters com- Realtor ---- 728-7326 gree inator, bomy needs, some. repair, rent, service, Hamilton Office Equipment Se nai ie quality of the ser-|'" Said psychologists must|Set on the size and effectiveness gating about it," said Mr. ; . " '8% 137 Broc jouth, Whi tity, ) . 3 103 King Street East «sss RECONDITIONED jelsvisions "wasp. Vice has always remained con |°MSider means of encouraging|of many types of be gr ,, but we decided that the 1942 ENVOY, low mileage, clean car, &X-\New televisions, $198 cash or $8 month- |stant ot poe a ee pre pee were banned alto- ee would be good for DON'T BE TOO LATE Call evenings. 725-9854 Mopancess 424 Kein Wests msi *ne' This, surely, is a tribute to 'he| errant Snortese " . © payers. $, 8, y, is of skilled psychologists is to be| The ban and the limits were i > nied, The apron stage with the au- HOME UNDER 1958 VOLKSWAGEN de luxe, excellent VacuUM CLEANER 1 pil makes, National office and the many ex- : CONSTRUCTION condition, radio, tow mileage, $780 or best Free estimates, pe ris, attachment: laelient: nurses Who have oben|" d made subject to amendment by jer. Dial Whitby 668-4994 brushes, Guaranteed re-built ma- Dr. North said recent surveys|@ two-thirds vote of the mem- : hoses '. OCCUPANCY IN 5 WEEKS |isa4 FORD. coupe. Oldsmobile "engine, chines Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. 4 "% coy Sedan blk of association members acrose(bers of the Western European ONLY $661.00 DOWN ofter (three. carburetors, Must sell, $375, Tele|Call_ anytime 728-059) wicca Ce cee Ming Miigalete Bae ithe province showed: that Union. These members areltheatre, he said $500.00 - } phone after 6 p.m, 728-4774 WE buy, sell_and exchange used furn- these was Miss Elizabeth Pat- cruitment ¢ re- Britain. Fea Italy, Holland atre, he . winter mas yor 1956 BUICK V8 automatic, radio, wash: ture or anything you have. The Citviterson who for 20 of those 50 ; n and training, sal- ain, nce, y, ;| Universities and coll this brand new brick bun- -- ers. Excellent condition, $495. Telephone! Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street ne novared the town, on fuot aries and professional rating of | Belgium, Luxembourg andj. Pat- galow with 3 bedrooms, 4- | 728-5465 South, 723-1671 as y ng comer ae ee psychologists are the more im.|West Germany. i cams piece ceramic tiled bath with 1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, twodoor, TELEVISION tower special, 40, siruc/--~ always on duty, for Seven portant areas where action is vanity, valance with light, |s<vlinder, "standard, cream and blue ture, including all channel et days and nights a week! te needed ce *| CHANGES MADE tinish, On or, Seat belts. Snow tires, sta and qua on y ex i 5 that! 'd. | " perce kitchen with ma A pariect, Serena car 'Cash Telephone 10 years' experience, $50, Trio Television, sige of sacha ger gai Dr. North suggested the asso-| The changes in the treaty Yor hogany -- ~~ trim Whitby 668-5657 telephone 778-5143 ( = or n , ; os gg Yn ciation showid: Ceniidar seine olen West recy rockets were Schools, church shopp ind ! } Storms and screens, 2 alum- | i9§§~ CADILLAC, 4door hardtop sedan,| TYPEWRITER, Underwood, standard, re persuading her to J ete -Ons & anted after the Adenaur gov- oil tecilitien in: the ti, A tt nal peg | inum storm doors, Don't exceptionally good condition. throughout,| conditioned, $68. After S p.m., call Whitby'than two of her three weeks|the provincial government for erionk established a reputa- annual holiday, Of her, a for-/more financial assistance forltion for being a loyal member or 728-2236 | hesitate call to-day. must be soar fete appreciated, Cali/ 668-3177 AMPLE HL'. -- Lares moda I. | jatter. ¢ p.m. AIR TANKS, pumps and slectrie motors. mer president said "Her pains-|Wniversities seeking to develop 1 r-|Gill, University of Ottawa, Mc- bungalow In @ good location /BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED | RANCH HOME OF - [iiiten" Seat bells and radio. Afters pmnciable. Floor lack, S15. Welding 'machine|taking work, unselfishly and|their teaching of psychology, po mba Maile iy Ot cecee, Gervais at Ca schools bus service. | 101 Simcoe Street North, | High schoo! Today the official NATO po-iand the Ontario College of Edu- ESTATE SALE 102 GIBBON STREET Make en offer, suitable for renting, Investors, Specula is port of © larger parcel of | tions should inspect now land suitable for « subdivision. Seven rooms, gorage, oil DISTINCTION | mar PURPLE wimone|aNGCIMIR: Pras' Nannon, "Waltlring, "suergetic.cakecenes. tolgedsnts "aneala Sot quam 195? PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, automatic,| AMPLIFIER, der assman, 8, e e ietudents 5 e encou! rman cation, re 1 $300. wn. joie radio, whitewals. Good condition. "Apply| model, perfect condition, Apply $23 Kina} duty have proven a tremendous to study psychology, he said, sition is that the West Ge iene an dining : ve : oniy gaa @SSet to our order." and suggested a new type of 195) FORD stalion wagon, écylinder,| THREE rooms of furniture, ' ; ural stone fireplace, built-in |standard. New snow tres, $990 Setore sicash er $15 monthly. No down payment This can truly be said of pmlc degree could be de-| china cabinet, vanity in bath- p.m. Telephone 725-8407, Discounts for cash. Honest Cal's, 4%4/the nurses we have come to veloped emp ha sizing applied| room, attached heated gar- [42 CHEVROLET, 2door V-t, automatic) no ol, 720-919! know as they walked, cycled/techniques rather than straight) KINSMEN BINGO ond with | Open Every Evening heoted. Located good you luck, but if you could eree that can be built into @ reise $1,000. you could very successful business. Al! move in here and pay for equipment included in. the your home (like rent), Taxes price of $12,900. Will con. | omy $188 sider @ Wwode on 0 house | CLOSE TO SOUTH G.M Contact Honest Cal's geod rental oreo. Call today for full details ond an ap- pPointment to inspect. } " 7 | REAL ESTATE LIMITED | age, paved drive, plonters jtranamision. "New fires, radio, washers, rag: bron "in guly." ReasoneDie.| 22d eventually drove our VONiresearch, + | BIN, Eastview Park Tuesday, 2 pm. : | and professionally landscap. hanna Call 728-9177 |car throughout the town in order) ------------~=-------m | Eyehre Wednesday, 8.15, high monthly 0 40 King St. E. | ed, 612% mortgage, locoted Teen, "'excellents condition' six cylinder, BOY'S sult, size 14, $10) man's overcoat,|to minister to our citizens. |scores, $5 prizes, refreshments. admis! TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK | Dial 728-4678 | north of King St Sevsers tranemisaten, $950 after 4 p.m. og: Ponpnener -- Pola The VON in Whitby has exper- B d S peas! nt ae "end re Fe e one pI 6. wo °. yi i) , a s aaa ry the >, : scab a o seuar ed some very difficult years oe inished roam in bosement: | NEAR HOSPITAL -- $75 APARTMENT: BUILDING 14 CHEVROLET Impala, ido" hard: 2'"New nnvigue hina pietes. Bulk seaite| Financing the "lho ged will oudolrs taut, "ant cehine' wes ts Gal ak RLY BIRD GAME: Full price $12,490. se elas teh SITE a Fully eavipped, low mileage. | cost $100 when new, make offer, 728-1100 lhave gathered, was a major with a far-reaching fast acting EARLY BIRD GAMES GROCERY STORE : rp nal gw pitay on | LOT 66 x 150 FT. 2 houses [1962 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 cylinders stick hedtohte colds ay bey refrigerator! problem for many years, There M ind your ponte ~peeclancedt KINSMEN COMMUNITY' oem } x 4 M ' us Westinghou: aster 5 tour-burner 7 ae € 5 with $75.00? We wish | at present on property, north shift, fully equipped, 15,000 miles, Best rine. fawn ieee a children's, ewing | Were the depression years when n al j 109 _COLBORNE ST. W. ving quarters. Hot water oi! 1 West location. "Asking $16,. (a ae set. All_in good condition. Apply 708 King/the need was so great and our] WOODVIEW | 900. Coll 728-7328 ek.) CHEVROLET. Vi. fon truck, good] Siree!_Een ster 7 om. _____;___|incomte sq small, but we were | COMMUNITY CENTRE motor is paint, oa 3 WONEST CAL'S Furnitore and Appli-) ' ' | : : teagan Pere ee igccongi greatly heartened when our P d Bl te amen ga et a Wn Fi Seay eae ate, wie #10 | & LOD OSE eo High or split level home in = - y ress furniture lines ur le 6 vy. . * Nos , northwest, Call Bill Jonnaton at 72-1066. Kran to ing "A Yarteaghed ad. te a eine a ecet eane out mest SANS) Sometimes it has been the i ne Auditorium TONIGHT --- 8 P.M. jolahood Brothers Classified is the answer. it's: inexpe merly Avalon Dance Hall, Telephone apathy of the public which has! y M. McINTYRE HOOD RED BARN Saban kanoeee on -- 3 | Immaculate 3 bedroom 115 {houses not over 814000" chsh, Call Mrs) 7 vine On eeccite ei caused us to falter. In 1935, the Special to TO-NIGHT EXTRA BUSES low with d Willian ae | "Bros, at UYING OR SELLING ' et sedan st initio drive ond corpert. Schools ore | well Yencacaped, hedged cor, (ust of Satin. mer Sete : What's My Line? = | =e: Sawa, Tees AT 8 P.M. close ond bus service in the ner lot, Fireplace, new fur- | T TED CAMPIN Buying and selling used fur- LONDON -- Some revolution- 690 KING ST. E. ip k S @reo. Good sized lot. Carries nace, new: wiring, two bath- | WANTED niture and applionces, For | ud ey UC ary ideas for the treatment of AT FAREWELL | Fancake upper ie ae ee meer | iM | BAS oe care MOTORS es | brought back {rom Russia "by| snovbel Reinet Has v6 New. | TUESDAY, FEB. 11th 'arly possession ' =entra! ion, i - : | bac! sia by is , : properties for genuine cash 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Valley Creek Furniture - | Pl A al |Frank Liesching, deputy-gover- yp salle 6 Nos. | +36 , 745 CNT OSHAWA SHOPPING BLOCK FROM SHOPPING buyer. Call Henry Stinson at vust ys 4 Wilson npee 728 "ee cae ate nie? an nnu nor of Wandsworth prison, who Reg. Jackpot 53-Nos. $100 } eae \ See ya an eters CENTRE Ne TEN satire coke ge Me tee 16¥4 Bond W » {has just returned from a' visit| $20 Consolation Good Prizes | St. Mark's Church - r Ay: or, " i . Ex- | Beautiful rug brick heme, | 299 King St. W., Oshowe SALES AND SERVICE SALE OF BOOKS | Prayer Service yi cous: He has writen ST. cexvnuses | Se ones yy . og 29-----Automobiles For Sole JAKE and BILL'S Our third sale of books, By MRS. FRED PUCKRIN jan article in the Prison Service , | Adults $1.00 Children SOc 4 A Notione cog raphic jaga~ | Sf: wie é drive, 3 bathrooms, and 2 Saag BE GARAGE Notional Geographic Maga. | By MR jJournal, in the nature of a re- G.WiL. | §T. MARK'S MEN'S "ASSOC. room bossment ept., rented ap gy thelr Re pickup, lew GENERAL REPAIR and zines Several thousond | AUDLEY -- The Unite diport on his observations in Rus- FULL PRICE $9,900. ----- 4 room _ brick bungelow with garage on Olive Ave., Spot- lessly clean with new furnace Suitable for an older couple with taxes of only $145.00 DESIRABLE LOCATION -- in Whiby close to Henry St. High School. 3 bedroom split level brick with extro la kit- chen and 4 pc. til bath- room. Divided basement, Full at $65.00. This lovely home will carry for « total pay- ment of only $100. Would you like to live here for only $35.00 monthly? OFF STEVENSON'S RD, NORTH Long, low ranch style home with double attached gorage ond breezewoy and wide poved drive, well situated on @ deep 145' corner lot which is well landscoped, with 'SPOT CASH © PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or cinwn. Liens naid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-942) KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 468-589! AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson, Rd. S Oshawa :728-0921 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 ond 723-7712 TILDEN -- titles, many added since our last sale. Many, many items of interest to general read- ers, hobbists, collectors Sale on Saturday February 15 at 621 Shakespeare Ave. Call 728-5707 for Information Mary and Morgan Self 33--Market Basket World Day of Prayer service ice Feb. 18 at 2.30 p.m. last Friday evening 'at the Wing Recreational Hall. | On Friday, Feb, 7, the club \is sponsoring a conducted tour of Frigidaire. Cars will leave ithe church at 7.15 p.m. | Mr, and Mrs. Harold Schuyler! jduring the regular church serv-|id 'Church Women will hold thesia. One of the most revolutionary +g pe has brought back with im throws out the possibili The community club had anjthat men in British seni evening of bowling and dancing|should be allowed "Kissin g Redicalis" from their wives, Appar- jently this scheme is followed in Russia, where "conjugal visits" from wives are permitted and jail "boudoirs" are provided for jthese visits, and family, Paris, Ont., spentiSEEN IN RUSSIA DESSERT TEA \Hair Styles by "John Weiss"! ADMISSION 60c | FERNHILL PARK BINGO ot our pork clubhouse | Fernhill Blvd. West of Gibbons Featuring Feb. 11 at 7:30 PAN | aaa slo ti ean cane 690 KING E. Share the wealth, door prizes. Tuesday, Feb, 11th. 7:30 P.M. Free Admission Door Prizes (Parish Holl) price $12,500, > hedge. Close to public, cath- Cers bought and sold For ful porticulers call | olic and high schools ond . } shoppi Ask only $16 Open doily 9am. to 9pm. | 900 es Mr. Lloyd Corson, Mr. Richerd Enquire about our wide selec FULL PRICE $14,500 Drive by 301 High St. and buy quickly Seen tee EMAC | Company Personnel on hand to discuss Service and Sales at DON VALLANCE EQUIPMENT BROOKLIM ONTARIO 655-3291 formerly Lorne McCoy's 1958 PLYMOUTH, two door new motor ; $595 UNFURNISHED, ground floor apartment ia ch CAPONS, dressed, oven ready, Sv Ibs. the weekend at the home of! Mr, Liesching in his article INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR fade | oo down CAR: AND. TRUCK [3ni.up $2.50 each delivered. Telephone a ~ tage bee jtells of visiting a side-room in a er ance winery oor litte fee om a tar Wee "iee'| BACKHOE LOADER, FORKLIFT Always top quality RENTALS CLEMENT Bromers Pouliry, Toke ordersispent the weekend at the home|"As the room was equipped , 1962 OLDSMOBILE (All Makes and Models) to 4 Nt.» $} and $1,25 each, Deliveries enjof Mr, and Mrs, James David: |with a bed and the governor nie hts pee | eee SUPER 88 CALL 725.6559 get aa ms, cal Newel non look the troubie to knock on the! ~=--- QPERATORS AND OWNERS Mu' Tomy Siblech- Ms, Laer divisiana. Aa lee ax 4869 00 Pen opt Hone 14 Albert St | Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mc-/door, I assumed these rooms / hes og Mr. Steve Zurbe down atest inaction. wali 34--Lost and Found Lol gor ae aga Hornby. |were used for conjugal visits. ore invitedte an e r. John Hutchuk arge tires and sr . ; hile, gia jvisited with Mr. an . Only the very best ' today attending the 42nd An. | OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE ie sed DEPENDABLE Oi. eat' Seturdey, st 'Children's 'Arene{izatt and Bob McHugh on Sun-|prisoners were sowed want nual Convention of the On- Dial 728-4678 } QWEN_ McCROHAN Reward. Teleehene after 4 et _7e:\5.iday, ____.|was surprised at this plan, But tare, Association of Real E- | Rab Johraton, Jock Osbore, | 725-3148 or 723-2143, USED CARS ost resryarsit carmen Shon I must say Twas also im: INDUSTRIAL EVENING tote Boards, at the Royal York Ken Henn, 'Dick Borriage, : to. "King'. Children's pet. Reward) 36--Legal jpressed by the atmosphere in ote! in Toronto, Onterio. Joe Mage . 27--~Real Estate For Sale 1963 DODGE, four door fully offered. Telephone 725-4005 if \Raeiaanenarmnecueeaners --'the prison," | h mM GUIDE REALTY LIMITED cepecrcer: - equipped $2795 Lost samall black female doo; part NOTICE | One of the officials of Britain's) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY ] lt -8 P, ° Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. 5, B N AL W | 1962 CHEVROLET, two [Vicinity Garrard Road on Friday, Call TO CREDITORS Ye eyes ic ta s faaniri RUG BRICK Y G O door, six cylinder, automat = ' | "It is an excellent idea. Sex} eaturing dio 1895 (t New CCN s blu lis an eve) rt i bard ' -- "sw Cea Rat Seri wn IN THE ESTATE OF it you are eying 12 rehabilitate WHITBY i 1962 PONT AC, two door, esday, Jarivary 2%. Reward, 725-1089, | JANE BALHARRIE jmen for everyday life it is dif- THE NEW MASSEY-FERGUSON c IF with open fireplace, situated on quiet Whitby street with twe eight, radio ai ck LOST: Spaniel dog, smail, blond, strayed| DECEASED jficult to see how you can keep LASS IED rom Westmount vicinity. Telephone jsex out of it, | : bedrooms, bright cherry kitchen and dining room. Fully equipped : 733-9982 , n 3 } | "nme 3 | SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service! With storms, screens, television aerial etc, High, dry basement ion, ge iy -- goes (LOST. Megered Secee, See Same nailed ie eee a SANE laseul avers . ernest eg ny so RACER ar : cate, Wontar, Were 204 Chestnut Street mee ARS io aa : : 1 Wan evan tact Mrs. MacNeal, Nestieton ig a Melati late <4 the City, jnever taken seriously. I think) an wit Weet_ Whi rv ly. @ shert wolk to downtown ne home for retire 196 t 1, four | 966-42 |, of Oshawa, in the County of it should be. Homosexuality inj iqai Steratenes oe vers areas Spitting) folks, gel Rises ad eben $1095 READY TO BUY | Ontario, deceased, who died |iails would cease if wives were) Ore digging depth, and breakaway Seecially. Mrs. oma, 6682372 1959 DODGE, four door, s | 16d "inact tile theis clom's [alowed to make such visits."| mower. than ever before me lun ES j Be Cait , 9 } , must file ir i : r Whtoyand Oitews, Paine 6 Means cai Na | PROSPECTS 1 20 ae ereranet sete Real Estate, 668-2311 1958 FORD Foirione, V-8 | the 25th day of February, | FOR SALE -- Reconditioned TVs, 88 up| outornatic "$795 1964, after which dote the yes Aya Sl Med eae Buy, sell or trade. Furniture and appli- Read assets of the Estate will be Whitby, 668-548) distributed, | having regord |real's Gey Ro champion Al-| sow GALE Che --- S T: only to claims so filed. ouettes in , has joined the Sonn deaie Wikik, Wee Ho tee GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE Times Dated this 3rd doy of Febru- {Quebec Rifles 'as an assistant in ae oe ee SMITH SPORTS ie ary, 1964 'oach under. Sam. Etcheverry : Pe Want Ads DODDS .& DONALD it was learned Sunday night. to rent. Heavy wiring, private bath. Con, 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby Dial 668-5431 353 K t B-734 69 King Street East |The Rifles are a new Montréal! bevy, wi ; 353 King St. W 28-734 A : 5 es , { vetentiy , Setante «er one'e| | iRound the Clock. | Oshawa, Ontario, hye in the United Football| ances. Goolds Furniture, 21$ Dundas East, Filchock, quarterback of Mont- Solicitors fer the Executor. League,