Shows How Opportunity Class Stimulates Slow Scholars "Pupils in an opportunity clas: are expected to abide by th rules and regulations just a: students of regular classes. Therefore they are entitled tc the same respect and consider- ation." These words were stress: ed by Miss Elaine Bell, guest speaker at the February meet- ing ofthe Westmount Home and School Association. Miss Bell is 'la staff member of Westmount School and teaches the oppor- tunity class. In introducing her, Mr. Frank H. Ross, principal, told the parents of the extensive training Miss Bell had received, 'both here and in Europe. Miss Bell went on to describe the functions and purpose of the opportunity class. It was very interesting to hear of the var- ious methods used in grouping j |students according to intelli- gence, "Sometimes a_ highly gifted child has a greater prob- lem than a:slow learner," Miss Bell said. She explained that the objectives of the program are related to the present and future needs of the pupils, Some of these objectives are the de- velopment of: skills in the basic academic subjects, general skills for future occupational competence, adequate habits of health and hygiene, emotional security and independence, use- ful leisure-time activities and the ability to become well ad- justed and contributary mem- bers of a family and the com- munity. A junior opportunity class has only 16 pupils, in order that a child may get spe- cial .attention from the teacher when it is needed. In thanking Miss Bell for her interesting speech, Mrs. Allan J. Hill expressed the gratitude of all parents with problem ,chil- dren. Mrs. Ralph Boneham, presi- dent. of the Westmount Home and School Association, read ex- cerpts from a letter by the On- tario Federation, explaining the : meaning of 'Founders' Day'. "Every February we pay trib- ute to Mrs. A. C. Courtice as he founder of the first Home ind School Council in 1916. To ionor her memory the Courtice Wemorial Library was estab- ished, Financing of the library 'Ss made possible by a speciai collection taken at the 'ound- ers' day meetings. In makin donations," Mrs, Boneham reai on, "one is doing honor to Mrs. Courtice and to all the others who were instrumental in estab- lishing the Home and School movement in Ontario." Mr. F. H. Ross announced that the Westmount school will hold open house March 2, at 7.30 p.m. He also reminded the par- ents that the next report cards will be given on March 22, The representatives for ine annual Home and School con- vention in Toronto were nom-: inated as follows: Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Cecil G. Step, Mrs. Ralph Boneham and Mrs. Arthur Holdsworth, The Wc.'mount Home and School Association's birthday supper, Friday, March 13, 1964, will be convened by Mrs, Roy. Spratt and Mrs. Gaston Planke. Entertainment for the evening was provided by a former West- mount student, Mrs. Ralph Bur- rows, Accompanied on the piano' by Mrs. Frank Ward, she pre- sented three son;- First a charming ditty, followed by the ballad "Linden Lea" by R. Vaughan Williams, and "Bali -Ha'i', from a musical by Rogers and Hammerstein. Mrs. Burrows was introduced by Mrs. Henry DeMille and Mrs. Mel- ville Coolidge thanked her for her performance. The attendance prize was awarded to Grade 2 and 3, Miss Vermayle Masterson's class. Refreshments were provided and served by the mothers of Grade 2, Mrs. Marylin Martin's class and of Grade 2 and 3, wots Vermayle Masterson's ass, Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 7, 1964 7 PERSONALS Mrs. John Laverty, Mrs. Fred- erick Swithenbank, Mrs John Fisher, Mrs. Ethel Cockerham and Mr. William Stevens, The door prize was won by Mrs. Ethel Cockerham, All arrangements have been completed for the annual Mardi Gras Ball to be held in St. Gregory's Auditorium, The ball @ lis sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Oshawa. The hall E lhas been suitably decorated on the Mardi Gras theme and this theme will be the basis for the dancing and entertainment plan- ned, The committee in charge of arrangements is Mr. George Fairhart, chairman; Mr. Leslie Prazmowski, Mr, Arthur Bu- elli, Mr. Paul Chartrand, Mr. 7 Power, and Mr, Frank Byrnes. The Daughters of Isabella, St. Joseph's Circle, Toronto, held) their Past Regents' Banquet at the Ports of Call, Yonge street. Among those attending from Oshawa were Mrs, William Eyre, Mrs, Gerry Forrestall, Mrs. Stephen Bonfordi, Mrs. J. Dalmer Page; Mrs. Lionel Bren- |nan, and Mrs, Frederick Moss. JUBILANT JAMIE Cause for celebration at the home of Mr. and Mrs, James R. Finlay, Simcoe street, north their son, James PRESENT CHEQUE FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN "Rainy "oes irae setng Ss cocen wal en) Professional and _ Business Men's Association. recently League. Seen above with Mr. Erast Huculak, president of @onated a substantial sum to- Harold MeNeill, director of the auxiliary. ward the Crippled Children's Simcoe Hall, are, left, Mrs. eee Oshawa Times Photo CAC Appoints Director From U.K. The Consumers' Association of Canada board of directors an-| nounces the appointment of Miss Shirley Manning as direc- tor of testing and editor of Franklin, is one year old to- day. Jamie is the grandson of Mrs. Reginald McCoy, Pres- ton, Ontario. School and Treatment Centre, operated through Simcoe Hall, "s lfare pi ag IR ge Setting the pace for fun and) Mr, and Mrs. Morton Solway, formality, the Rotary Club's|Kawartha avenue, left today for second annual President's Ball|/California for a short visit in at Oshawa Golf Club has re-|Los Angeles and are then pro- | eived a capacity response. The/ceeding to Mexico where they : oe _-- lopening dance is slated for 9|will stay for about two weeks. |p.m, but many house parties) will "start the ball rolling" in) the early evening. Hosting at ifriendly get - togethers tonight aré Dr, and Mrs. C. M. Elliott, Serve 'First Course' Pancakes As a Shrove Tuesday Surprise over-Sands, Lancashire, Eng-| : land, is spending about six| "Watch those calories" fell onjorder to become a part of the eee. |deaf ears as members of the|social environment | ' '2 de ths with her daughter, Mrs.| a : Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Snyder, Dr. ae s nia hea and tacky |Mary Street Home and School) There must be love and se- land Mrs. C, H. Vipond, Mr, andjJ. &. eo '| Association arrived on the scene|oyrity i M CD. Andrews, 'Mr. and Bessborough drive. | h 5 curity in the homes. Learn to Cina Me eB Wilma ae Se eee and Selene Sante rae ea Janadian Consumer. o Sdlalea ogee ne tame ' ' risteni -| ' Trust yourself with the child. i ; ' IMrs. John Weiss, Dr. and Mrs.| _ Following the christening Ser-| oy of desserts awaited them . Miss Manning, a Canadian by ahh Aga : lvice in St, George's Memorial|®"?¥ ae |Above all trust the child. S W. M. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs, W.|vice in St. Georges s ' iW, aw, Mr. a | Grace was sung with piano ac The foregoing cover just a birth and education, comes | ; ;|Church last Sund: fternoon ' is A) les 4 IL. r, Mrs.|C wre: ast Sunday a ni from the Consumers' Associa- ; a. nie ; fee we Me. end \by the Reverend F. G. Ongley = by Mrs. Henryitew of the excellent points de- 4 gore veloped through the panel dis- tion of the United Kingdom 'Barnard Lewis. \for Heather Lynn, infant daugh- ae where she has been Deputy Bion : : ' | 'phose pouring tea at the King]ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael) A panel discussion entitled| cyssion, Editor of "Which?" Miss Mann- ? * 4 % Street UCW Valentine Teg are|Sawyer, Rowe street, the baby's|""Learning is not confined to the ing was one of the first staff Mrs. Edgar Horne, Miss Ella|grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L,|classroom" was introduced by members of the U.K. Consum- Stevens Mrs. E. J. Crummey|R. Sawyer, King street east, en-|Mrs. W. B. Armstrong, family ers' Association, and for the land Mrs. Joshua Kinsey |tertained for close friends andjlife chairman. Members of the past six years has shared in Taare ss jrelatives of the family. Heather|panel were as follows: Mrs. the successful direction and | Winners at the weekly euchre|Lynn is the great-granddaas'iter|Barnard Lewis, The Reverend work of that association which lnela at Bathe Park Club House|of Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Mc-|John Romeril, Mrs, A, M. Foy, has resulted in nearly half a last Saturday Callum. |Mr, W. Brewster, and panel MRS. J. A. VIVASH Sate tarry mE 8 " UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES j'ai subscribing to "Which?" As a parent one must learn ® h IODE LADIES' CIVITAN CLUB One new member was initiated en u 1 ee apter The Oshawa Ladies' Civitan|and welcomed into the auxiliary. Cl ' Mrs. E. J, Freeman, Grange-| Sincere thanks were expres- sed by the president, Mrs. Wil- liam Broadbent to all members of the panel, moderator and chairman, A short business meeting was conducted, . A letter of thanks and appre- ciation for the carnival as writ- ten by Grade 6 student June Simpson, was read and the president thanked all who had helped at the carnival. Parent council was taken with Miss §. Laird's room winning for the Junior Grades, and Mr. J. Wagg, the senior. It was announced that Mary Street Home and School Asso- ciation has been active for the past 43 years, as of this month. Four delegates will attend the annual Home and School Con- vention to be held at the Royal York Hotel, in Toronto, on March 24, 25 and 26. Mrs. Wm. Minden, who has recently the staff was in- troduced by the president. Now's the Time te a ae ee CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & G, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 evening were MRS. W. D. Burns (Retiring) NURSE RETIRES TORONTO (CP)--Sara Oliph- ant of Toronto, for 10 years su- pervisor of nursing services for the Ontario Society of Crippled Children, has retired. Since 1943, Miss Oliphant has worked with the society in the Niagara district, Ottawa and other parts! of the province. | A graduate of the University to accept the child for what he ub held its first dinner meet-|A letter from a member of the of British Columbia, with ex- is and to have faith in his be- ing of the new year recently at/British Legion Ladies Auxiliary perience in consumer and busi- coming a mature person, Learn- bd 1 Installs Regent And Executive the Sandalwood Restaurant,|was read. This was from Mrs. ness fields, Miss Mannin brings to CAC unusual qualitr Ot ving cs Gel wk intellec- cations to help carry on and tually, but physically, mentally, expand the work for Canadian emotionally, socially and spiritu- Simcoe street north. Gri :e was|George Pettit of Writtle Essex, said by Mrs. _ Terrance|England who gave an outline of Freeman from England who|Matthews. : \the work being done over there. was welcomed to the meeting. | The business meeting was| It was decided to hold only consumers. ally. Services at home and abroadjopened by the president, Mrs.|/one 'Night of Cards' this year, Miss Manning has already | . ) The purpose of learning in the assumed her duties with CAC} 'at the annual meeting held Church was defined as learning lsecretary, Mrs. L. R. Sawyer,|Gary Bayliss. Mrs. Alan Harper|the date will be March 17, The jread a letter from the chapter's read the secretary's report, and/Zone Commander, Mrs, Robert .and will edit the May issue of/recently in Adelaide House istian. livi t ily ! , a way of Christian living, and Canadian Consumer. |Mrs, J. A. Vivash was elected also learning right from wrong. adopted Greek boy. It was|Mrs. Royce Wittaker the treas-|Williams will pay her official moved that $10.00 be sent tojurer's report. visit February 18. There will be regent of the Golden Jubilee Life cannot be divided into Chapter, IODE, to succeed Mrs neat little. compartments, one the Korean project's fund. After a short business meet-ja school business meeting next Educational secretary, Mrs.|ing, the ers toured the|Tuesday, February 11, and a A. V. Walker, read a card from|new Simcoe Hall Boys' Club,|social time will follow with Mrs. vice-regent, Mrs. D. A. Brown; |McKellar school thanking the|Eulalie avenue, guided by Mr.|C, E. Vermoen in charge of second vice-regent, Mrs. D. M. Sapien for Chrismas ah, Graham Nelson. |refreshments.' Campbell; recording secretary,|also a thank-you letler was read) Street U. C. W. was held re- Mrs. E. L. Disney; treasurer,|from a student receiving a bur- LEGION AUX. BRANCH NO. 43) cuditnak oman cently in the lower Centennial|Mrs. P. M- Morrison; Echoes|sary. It was' moved that the} The Ladies Auxiliary Royall x ' Halll. Large glittering snowflakes|Secretaty, Mrs. P. H. Phillips; |chapter order 50 IODE calen-|Canadian Legion Branch No. 43, The British Council's annual decorated the end wall and the educational secretary, Mrs.|dars for the schools for 1965. |held its weekly meeting onjreport shows that currently snowflake motif was carried out|E- R. Snow; standard bearer, Immigration and citizenship Tuesday, February 4, with the|there are about 64,000 overseas on the gift wrappings and table|Mrs. P. A. Gellatly; services at convener, Mrs. E. R. Snow,|president, Mrs. Norman Mc-/students in Britain. decorations. home and abroad, Mrs. R. W.jgave a report on Christmas|Evers presiding. Work for the| Mrs. Frank irs Silonel Heagle; membership, Mrs. S. A. Cheer baskets and a letter of|pazaar was given out. | the bridge omg ay . tee Willson. : thanks was read from the hoor session of pl WO! Conveners: Empire and|Christmas Cheer committee. It ware Wekasted th Wh ay, , prizes|world Affairs, Mrs. D. A.jwas moved that $10.00 be sent to lal -- eS ae Brown; public relations, Mrs. the Commonwealth Relations Mrs. Percy Fletcher; Mz Allan age gg age int eT esl + wig i 4 aN citizenship, Mrs. W. H. Faint; Mrs. L. V. Walker reported amg ey ce gg ntoff;|councillors, Mrs, R. S. Irwin,|on the annual bridge and thank- Taisen teereree st Sue Mra A, V8 the committee who helped = ins; f riey Morrison; L. B.|walker, Mrs. L. V. Walker,|to make it such a success, 5 ec ng Raenge fl Mrs.|Mrs, D. C. R. Hill. | The anne a were fi y; Miss Lalu Reeson;| s4r5 Michael Starr, honorary|siven and Mrs. E. F. Disney om i gg oes -o i hie 8 vice-regent, conducted the in- ane the rien of, the 1963 an- lien Edwards: Mrs' Rose Glo.|tallation of the new executive wa a ' M : . aie Se Fank Burrows sha and asked for their support and), TS. KR. B wig son gave the Mrs Tana Prove gi loyalty to the constitution of thie ee ta repor'. oh Selent Of te" G as the| organization. Mrs. Vivash spoke| "\CP0 s wee given by Echoes engl an age! Pull briefly and hoped that the year parser Mrs. D. H.| Hawe, Paik ya 7 png by Unit) ahead would be as successful as ig secretary, Mrs. A. 'ter r, coe Poe hee assis-ithe past if all worked together.) \- ker; standard bearer, Frenke yl tai rr ten. 'Mrs. D. A. Brown on behalf of|Mrs. W. H. Gibbie; services at duced her mother, Mrs. E. J. Snowflake Bridge Successfull Event For King St. UCW The etnual Snowflake Bridge of the Fellowship Unit 4 of King W. D. Burns. The new executive is as fol- lows: Honorary regent, Mrs. 7. K. Creighton; honorary vice- regent, Mrs, Michael. Starr; regent, Mrs. J. A. Vivash; first for Church, for school, for home and for play, but all of these must go hand in hand to achieve complete fulfillment of purpose. Children have to learn to laugh, to cry and to belong, in Aneus-(GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ®@ Tel. 728-9581 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum professional Rug Cleaning INTERIOR DECORATOR Bonnie Jayne HAIRSTYLING (formerly Budget Beauty Ber ) 72 CHURCH STREET FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 723-4212 { home and abroad, Mrs. L. R. Sawyer; membership, Mrs. | W. A. Locke; world affairs,| Mrs. D. M. Campbell; public) relations, Mrs. R. €. Bowes;| film report, Mrs. C. J. Higgs; | immigration and citizenship,| Mrs. E. R. Snow; hospitality convener, Mrs.. J. R. Wilson; card and social convener, Mrs.| W. H. Faint, | The lucky br 2 were won|| Your HAIR lby Mrs. E. R. Snow and Mrs. | " |Michael Starr. | Will Look LOVELY! A social hour followed. \ CUSTOM MADE DRAPES 15 King Street East Phone 725-2686 " the past executive, made a mour Bigwood, presentation to the retiring re- gent, Mrs. W. D, Burns. Mrs. | Burns graciously thanked the executive and members for the| co-operation they had given her) during her term of office and expressed thanks for the gift. General conveners. were Mrs. Jack Perry and Mrs. Frank Burrows; tickets, Mrs. Ross Duncanson; favors, Mrs. H: A. Armstrong; refreshments, Mrs. Hugh Hutcheson; decorations, Mrs. Seymour Bigwood. Mrs. J. E. Houghton intro-' MAPLE CLEANERS $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Co Corry -- 4 Hr. Service 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up ond Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 LEPATLELUITAUERI LATA Li Bb bids I ROLLERS 3 sizes to choose from SPECIAL PRICE 21,00 @ LIMITED QUANTITY @ : SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Increasing your living space? You can quickly install clean, flameless SUPPLEMENTARY ELECTRIC HEATING for less than it costs to extend your present heating system. There are many heating units to choose from --contact your qualified electric heating contractor or: ~ your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY