& THE CRMAWA TIMES, Pridey, Pabruary 7, 1966 ices Upset Hotel Pupils To Blitz For 'Anne Frank' A ticket-selling campaign cov-| Students will meet at Ander- ering Whitby, Brooklin -and/son High School at 1.30 p.m. to densely - populated areas of/go to the areas for which they Southern Ontario County will bejare responsible if they have not ' Istaged by students of Whitby's made other arrangements. Stu- Northside Wins Hoo-Dye Breezes Northside, led by Rocket Smith with three goals and one assist, won over Maine 5-4 in Sunday's Industrial Hock- ey League action. Other marks- men were Jack Trail and Ken Montgomery. Maine was led by with Robson, defeating them 4-1.{zoals and one assist and George Marksmen for Hoo-Dye~ were|Pemm,~Don- Antosh, and Gsry Graham, two goals, and|Mitchell each with one 5 Ben Brown and R, Black with|Barry Denyer and Larry Bath- one apiece. Ron Barriage scoredjerson each scored one goal for the Robson team's single tally.|the losers. The Aces received Hoo-Dye took six and/five penalties and the Hotel four Robson three for a total of nine.|for a total of nine. ACES UPSET HOTELMEN The Aces, 'cellar-dwellers, pull- RIDING POPULAR ed the biggest upset of the eve-| There are about 1,200 riding ning, when they beat the|schools in Britain and about 50 Queen's Hotel 6-2, For Aces itinew schools are opening each was Bob Oegama with threelyear. Scho dents will be going from door to vv aay Eye satites thls sare door during the afternoon and ¥, ue i will return to the school for a Beginning about 2 o'clock on|qance afterward. Saturday afternoon, over 200 stu-| 4 special TV set has also been dents are expected to take part supplied after the canvassing Pi pembbaage Becton pgf nen Saturday afternoon so that stu- hawa, . road, Rossland road, Garrard dent volunteers will be able to watch the telecast of filmed road, Kendalwood road and jother districts where adults portions of the play. have not yet had an opportunity): to purchase tickets for the An- two assists, with Tim Harrison scoring one goal and two assists and Bob Smith one goal and three assists. Penalties totalled eleven, with Northside taking six and Maine five. HOO-DYE WINS 4-1 Hoo-Dye had an easy time Jack Clark with two goals and| "SPOILERS OF THE FOREST" ----STARRING-- ROD CAMERON JAMES STEWART derson Drama Club's production "The Diary of Anne Frank". Sales will be completed by four o'clock Saturday afternoon. Volunteers have already sold more than 600 tickets for the play, which will be presented| February 14 and 15 at Andergpn High School. Tickets are being ' LONG-ESTABLISHED WHITBY VON ASSOCIATION MEETS Whitby's VON association 'was founded 50 years ago and fe one of the oldest Victorian Orders of Nurses associations in Ontario, Members of the local Branch met Tuesday at the 50th annual meeting in Whitby. Head table guests were, back row left to right: Ruth Bowring, Whitby VON Nurse; Catherine Maddaford, regional director; Miss Jean Leask, Director in Chief of the VON; and Mrs. J. McCar- ron, past VON Nurse. Front row left to right, Mrs. W. J. Hare, president of the local sold only by Anderson students. nod KION EY, Fann REPO, ttNaRy reel VON branch; Mrs, F. Roberts, _-- past-president; and Miss Isa- belle Sorley, nurse in charge of Oshawa Branch VON. Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY And DISTRICT UNITS, GROUP, AUXILIARIES Rebekahs Plan Visit Provincial President Benevolent Rebekah Lodge held its meeting Wednesday evening, Feb. 5, with Noble Grand Sister Gwen Halton in charge, assisted by Vice Grand Sister Wanda Tizzard. Following the opening § cere- monies, the Charter was draped in honor of second Past Presi- dents of the Rebekah Assembly and one Past Grand Master. This was done by the officers in charge. Reports of officers were given. Sister Alma Dewey gave her report of the District meet- ing. Sick committee report was given, The ladies were sorry to teport that a number of local members were on the sick list. Plans were made for the visit of the Provincial President on April 15. It was suggested that delegates to the United Nations who were sponsored by the Rebekahs give a talk on their 7" April 15 meeting. of January Euchres were very good. The degree team practised after Lodge, for the March 18 meeting when they will confer the degree on several candi- dates. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, Feb. 19, when the Past Grands will have charge. Lunch was served by Sister Halton and her committee. ST. MARK'S UCW NO. 9 St. Mark's United Church Women's Unit No. 9 held its meeting at the home of Mrs. S. L. Osborne. at the Ontario Ladies' College. Leader, Mrs. A. MacLean, opened the meeting and extend- ed a welcome to one and all. Minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and approved, as well as the treasurer's report. Mrs. Maclean read the an- nual report, giving members a complete. run-down of the accomplishments during -- the past year. Volunteers were called for to look after telephoning, visita- tions, program and ways and means, The followinc volun- CP AND T The regular meeting of the CP and T was held in the Odd- fellows hall Monday evening, Feb. 3 at 7.30 p.m. with Presi- dent Albert Carr presiding. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer. Followed by the reading of the minutes by the secretary, reports were given regarding wheelchairs and hospital beds. All chairs and beds are out at the present time. Under new business, election of officers was held as follows | trio including Mrs, Captain Rit- son, Mrs. Kay Forsey and Mrs. June Mutton, Mrs. Ernie Per- fect sang two solos. Mrs, Captain Edward Reed urged all members to be pres- ent at next Thursday's meeting as the members will work on the scrap book to be sent to the Mission, The meeting closed with pray- er and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs, Earl and her committee. and the Marque Royals Dencing 9 p.m. till 1 Admission $1.50 AND FOR FUN AND LOVE DON'T MISS ... CARY GRANT JAYNE MANSFIELD SUSY PARKER "KISS THEM FOR ME" PRESLEY "LOVE ME TENDER" RICHARD EGAN DEBRA PAGET SHOW STARTS 7:00 P.M. 8. BILTMORE 18 thing in readiness for the tea to COME TO THE be held Feb. 11 from 2:30 to 5) p.m. in the Sunday school, It! was decided that coffee should| also be served. The March meeting will be} held as usual on the second) Tuesday of the month and will! commence at 1 o'clock in the form of a pot-luck luncheon. Any ladies in the Church inter- ested in Guild work will be) made welcome. | At the close of the business) meeting Officers for 1964 were} installed by Rev. Staniey Arm- for 1964: | strong: | 4th ANNUAL DANCE Miss Polonia 1964 to be held SATURDAY, FEB. 8th at POLISH ALLIANCE HALL 219 OLIVE AVENUE 8:00 12:00 DAILY FLIGHTS to the enchantment of HAWAII TEE-PEE DRIVE-IN 401 AT LIVERPOOL RD. Free electric-in-car heaters Friday, Saturday, Sunday 3 TOP COLOR HITS To Scare The Yell Out (1) "Horror Of Dracula" (2) "The Mummy" (3) "Creatures From The Black Ragoon" @ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT © of You @ Daily except Monday® President, Albert Carr; vice-|_ Honorary President, Mrs. 8. chairman, Walter Couke; secre-|J. Armstrong; Past President, tary, Martha Ward; treasurer, Mrs. R. E, Smith; President, @ ORCHESTRA FROM TORONTO @ @ Fastest, only one-airline service @ Complimentary champagne from Vancouver Lorne Kemp. | Members discussed the "Tag| Day." It was decided to hold it at the end of May if permis- sion could be obtained, It was also decided to make charges for hospital beds. This question will be brought up at the next meeting to be held the first Monday in May. CHRISTIAN SERVICE SOCIETY Tuesday a successful work meeting of the Women's Soci- ety for Christian Service was held at Whitby Baptist Church under the convenership of Mrs. Arthur Wigston. The group was busy sewing, knitting and quilting articles to be sent to Miss Stella Gaver- luk, a Canadian Christian Fel- lowship Missionary of the Bap- tist Women's Missionary Soci- ety, Toronto. During the Juncheon hour a devotional period was held, Mrs. Muriel Chambers giving the first chapter of the group's Mrs. C. W. Daly; Vice Presi- @ Special rate for golf clubs. dent, Mrs. W. G. Seales; trea- surer, Mrs. W. A. Mcintyre; recording secretary, Mrs. T. E. Henstock; corresponding sec- vetary, Mrs. J. G, Beaton. Social conveners, Miss Alma Rowe, Mrs. E. W. Dilling, Mrs. F. S. McGary; visiting com- mittee, Mrs. A. H. Lear, Mrs. R. E. Smith; decorations, Mrs. A. B, Conrad; Red Cross con- vener, Mrs. George Lomax; telephone committee, Mrs. E. Watts, Miss E. Barnes, Mrs. V. Maffey, Mrs. R. Bell; kitchen convener, Mrs. Milton Halpenny. The meeting closed with pra- yer and refreshments were ser- ved by Mrs. F. McGary, Miss E. Barnes and Mrs. E. L, Hulbert. SA HOME LEAGUE Salvation Army Women's Home League held its weekly} meeting Thursday evening at the Citadel, in the form of a| "Spiritual Meeting". Mrs. C. Earl introduced visi- tors from Bowmanville, Mrs. Captain Ritson and Bowman- Mission Study, "Rising Tides of India." This proved to be most jenlightening. ' It is hoped that another work meeting will be held in early March. ST. MARK'S UCW NO. 1 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No, 1 held its teered: Telephone convener, Mrs. G. White; visitations, Mrs. L. Myers; program convener, Mrs M. Akey; ways and means, Mrs. M. Volker. Mrs, Akey who had attended the annual executive meeting of the UCLA presented a complete report. The following special projects were announced: Tea and home bake sale, April 10; Spring Luncheon, tentative dates of May 20, 21, or 22; Anniversary dinner in the fall. Members were reminded of the CNIB canvass campaign to be held Feb. 17-21. Unit No. 9 is to look after the flowers for the church for one month. Re- ports to be made to Mrs. Dan- iels for special occasions. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Keith Lunney. Mrs. Newton, Deaconess, was guest speaker. Her subject was the "Light- house." Her talk related to each floor of the lighthouse and much good could be derived from each. Mrs, Omer Edgeley gave a most interesting reading en- titled '"'No Dark or Lonely Cor- ners in God's House." Mrs. May Jewell read the monthly meeting Tuesday, Jan. |28 at the Church parlor. | Leader Mrs. A, Archibald opened the meeting with a read- ling. Mrs. C. McQuade was in icharge of the devotional, 'Mis- sionary Work All Over the World". Mrs. Archibald then presided over the election of officers: Leader, Mrs. Archibald; sec- retary, Miss Olive McLean; treasurer, Mrs. R. Richardson; social convener, Mrs. Leo Smith. Conveners in charge of devo- tional are: Mrs. C. McQuade, Mrs. Harold Hare and Mrs. Ed. Bowman. Both Units No. 1 and No. 4 joined when Mrs. C, E. tures taken on their last sum- jmer European trip. These were jaccompanied by Mrs. |Broughton's commentaries. A social hour followed. The next meeting will be held Tues- day, Feb. 25. ALL SAINTS' AFTERNOON GUILD The regular monthly meeting of the Afternoon Branch of |All Saints' Parish Guild was held |Tuesday, Feb. 4 in the Board Room. Mrs. William Seales, Vice- Broughton showed colored pic-| . ville members who were taking part in the program. A duet was sung by Mrs. E. Willatts and her jaughter Mrs. \Kay Forsey. There was also a! | GET @ Round trip $440.90, 23-day jet economy from Toronto... $414.90 by jet-prop TAKE A LOW COST TOUR OF HAWAIl: 15 days only $122 plus air fare * Tour price includes hotels, sightseeing, trans- fers * See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office, TRAINS /TRUCKS / | a/ WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM "Caden fic THIS WEEK BILL BRADY of CKEY With Top Hits REGULAR ADMISSION BOOK THROUGH MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA 723-9441 DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668-3304 Walter Matthau /lames Cobum Saneoptay ty PETER STONE. rrodcet sn Directed ty STANLEY DONEN #2 move HENRY MANCINI. A Universal Release . TECHNICOLOR® PLATA og OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. PHONE 723-2843 TIMES:--1:20 - 3:20 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:30 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:20 ALL-NEW SUSPENSE SHOCKER ...£EVEN MORE EERIE AND UNEARTHLY THAN "VILLAGE OF TH ] SPARTANS... THEY FIGHT AS IF THEY WERE SEVEN HUNDRED! final chapter of "On the Rim of|President, was in the chair. Asia." This study proved to be|Reports from various commit- most interesting throughout|tees were given and approved. 1983. Conveners of the Valentine The meeting adjourned and a/tea, Miss L. McIntosh and Mrs. i ul lunch was served by|T. E. Hensjock reported that aes. 2 ly |plans were completed and every- _ CONTINUOUS FROM 1:30 P.M.