Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Feb 1964, p. 16

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ane Jee om ery ye tone an Ml Sl ie) 1g THE OSHAWA TIMES. Friday. February 7, 1964 27--Reai Estate For Sate \27--Res! Estate For Sele _{27--Reol Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale __|29--Automobiles For Sale ;29---Automobiles For Sale {32--Articles For Sale : $12,300 DETACHED three bedroom wana CAN! CANNINGTON, to close estate. Brick sixe/ROWE STREET, 14 -- Bigiitroom house, 1955 haga A ica haif-ton, eye rer wa a ne pee Mnliechnge Ee very aned Ibungalow, private drive, storms house, bath, In-.good ood] $2400 down, $80, monthly at 6 per cent| $50), Parts $698.) T . @) p E N screens, Fenced yard. gy basement. | size te varden pe guregne Teal waters|or $1,400 down, $95 mmo many of radio, is, three new tires, 66-2109 after 6 bum. BELWOOD, deep freezer, chest atyle,a| %6---Rooms For Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale fee ee. 'One! close to Ing Centre-and bus serv-|second mortgage. elephone 728-2061. LA ourye nl cubic ft, one year old, Reasonable. Tele fo one hoppl EET -- Room In private, THREE - BEDROOM brick bungalow, Nia mrarigage: 'Phone WITtOY 668-007 d he id Delores Hebruary . Texee 62 ar tens tee for working ior Pomon| newly. decorated, north Whitby. locetlon, Bae ta Canmilatne, Setere Rekiuecy IslApply 08 College Avenue: No. realtora,| Tl NGORVAIR Monza coupe, excellent Wit accept 'rade. Telephone 730-1348 De Rte Briel anise Tum BORG --_ wemne nn ort elopnonecanninaton, na, te Street, Apt. 9, after Spm." leHEVROLET dive, ermy|eoli mahogany, excolen!condtion. 'Tete: am. PRIVATE from bulider -- last one! Spilt- H @) U S E KEITH PETERS FIVE-ROOM bungaow, also cholce pete oe truck, 4,700 istic weve Ue neccl enone TEESE FURNISHED light housekeeping room,jlevel on court, bedroom, den, L-shape| home in goed district Close to senocla AMS BORD Galaxie, 8000 original miles; Alan) 942-2924, RCA VICTOR 21" epnale, Televison. Ap VICTOR 21" console, television, Dat, cle to Rost Tay pre-|living rooms, wallsto-wall broadioom, ga W FR ANK 725-4844, 8 automatic, radio, whitewalls, discs. ate lue aie Mamtenve Aeteas ae oe RORLATON AVENUE WAST, 111 Coa AGENUS WARTS TI = Close consier "S800, down, istrict, B eau Realtor -- 728-7328 : -| PRIVATE. Sroom 1Vestorey, close fo, Fl-|Eseo, Highway 2, Thicksons Rosge en eee i 6 cal cai Ad "eric ok! ROMY tae Shonta Wires rasan Se tae Finished rec room. Hurry! 103 King Street East REAL ESTATE LIMITED _ |tinas Houdallie. Colored bathroom, a:cer W957 MERCURY Monterey, "door hard ; > : to hospital, Furnished room for two girls,| ) ng as! Excellent condition, Insul_ brick. terey, | 2-door. 1964 PONTIAC custom i 'aliver| KITCHEN Kroehier beds, no cooking, $7, each, 728-0260, | 08S each ow "down payment considered, 728-7162|'0P, radio, washers, good tires. Mechan- finish' Private "tala, Apel sr a r boy cha See i ay excellent $10,900. --- Spacious bun 1 'bam, Telephone 725378. tingle , ie Sivision HTRGET, 100 = For wo STREET, is -- For "Iwo or 177 Church Street 6 ooo Ral Med "work "80, Set weats Whitoy condition. After 6 three gentlemen, housekeeping V | | close to shopping, i $850. DOWN -- Five-room brick bunga- 1957 CHEVROLET, 4door sedan, 6 cylin-| TELEVISION 21" table model, rooms, single beds, private bath, park: * alle tind echool, hedasd: tox Bowmanville ; wt Fit OW TON soon, Wok Twa @ glee" Glmeoter., nae, nen, 6 Gres. Tucuvinag i, lane Sua oY Go ing" space."Appiy above adress \ . Fora' tr Calancs : 623-3393 . eels al atk ply waraard re wi alsce,_ $698, Te-O8. BUYING or selling furniture' or appl: ROOM TO. SHARE, for Desilema, Heman, close tnd recreation room, Priced __ |Bob, Stevenson, 728-6286. §. D. HYMAN icine, extra, head, block heater, turn|i¥6l MONEA Corvalr, radio, heater,|ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 269-2284 nor to south a a FO gp 7113, evenings 72-058 This Weekend $10,300 -- 5 room brick ange He So ---- ed oe 3 AEREG Tanda Reach Tor sala Tor| nat windaleld Wanner, "heater-de-|windohield_ washer, Bucket seats, auto ---- eT it nn hunting or, speculation, 2,000feot, frentlcanopy for box, new differential bear-li9g5 BUICK, four-door hardtop, --redla,|ture with. al | channel cara ine genre oe rar Carl Olsen, Realtor : ¢ one or pL gentiornes ch 2 P.M. Until 6 P.M, floors, room ighway 12. Ings. $900. 725-0877, engine overhavied, New fires. Immacu-/$50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd. 36) 'ow Dore 180, Ing. iM, portly age : OaraWh HoT MOTEL. = Sinale 'end double LOT FOR SALE in the basement, 3900 'DOWN gi Sore buys pH room oe -- i aarer, ins) "PLY MO TH tation ween, oo St Six cyl-|late condition, $1395, 725-5743. Street. 720-81 » heated, levision, showers, fe eat . one-ha " e 'leah BATE , Ina, Weekly rates. Telephone 723-9761, Approximately Schofield-. Aker $9000. -- Compact bungo- $12,500 full price. brick home with garage and paved drive miles, Call 7250275 meee TO aah car' steahin decdivapunaen. Oa" Meien "ake heat LARGE room furnished, hot water, heat- Lot 50 ft. x 140 ft. tow in suburbs with 2 | $500 down buys bungatow in |churches, and bus. "Telephone. 725-2874, |1957 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, "ai rd] condition, $195, Whitby 668-4194, Furnitures 444 'Simeoe. South. Se Trinny "sen Soo eH vir ooh ean gt ON DEAN AVENUE 260 King St. West xa rg ig aoc 4 Burketon. $4,500 full price. | FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow on Grass- Body war. 8, Also 18t MG spor Sports cor,|1962, CHEVROLET BeiAir, two - door/HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appll- pl a PRICE $3300. with ol phy SR aaled mere Avenue, Attractive kitchen with me "repet,| ce enseinnh, canton, edie, sewianens, Meme Grants Rupe deswmze iaov TO SHARE two-bedroom apart 226: lond. $1000. DOW Building Lot i mahogany cupboards, Ceramic tile bath- een Hebel BA ny Sieg? Station, Rag In new building, near Oshawal DIAL 723-9363 Telephone 723 5 $2500 10 a 90° x 427°. Ow esto room, storms, screens, and wv antenna.|gs5-3578. sa naan} 668-4080. iyvmatires furniture lines. Your Your os -- 10 acres ot Cou home, Shopoing Centre or will rent bed-sitting Monthly payments $72, per cent i962 ENVOY, low mileage, clean cary7ex| 1956 OLDSMOBILE 4door 08, fully auto- room, new furniture, 725-0728. mor: I) price $12,300. with b-| 1962 ENVOY, low mileage, clean on 424 King Street West, our wee new : Asking $1000. DOWN Estate Sale--3 unit Aporm |stential'down. payment required, 725906 cellent in ws way, financing evaliable,| atc, A-}_ condition, Reasonable, 'See a *"lformerty Avalon Dance Hall. Telephone tno Brig oe oe . NOW 728-7328. ment Building. Very central | Five-SUITE apartment, Central, Askl ig¢ METEOR convertible, V Va. Telephone 5p GOODRICH at +. pore Kk, refrogera' ir in Bowmanville, Only $16,- -- |$25000, Down $6000. McGill spool Estate KELLY DISNEY Whitby ee volo Pores san ree ------ COUNTRY living, four bedroom six-year reasonable, seltennd Alax 942-3132, TYPEWRITERS, 'adders, cashiers, dupil- ROOM to shore for gentleman, single! $499 W Liberty Se: N. Brick bungalow, . [si tame en Yeurion Rosa Geet tsroe tot], 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST |emmmee_ten TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, yal phere cae Reet aoa tac DO N B @) LA H 0 0 D fireplace. Very clean house, | {t!! WHITBY --- 668-5891 = 31395, ye owreningy. seupeaselinee hundred hed sae . We buy, sell, $14,300 - terms. payment. For appointment to see call Cars bought and sold oe 137 Brock. South 00 BROTHERS ions' Vere peers Neg Rg My || A a Sarna n gre hewn s You Save $5 or Niel, wee ot St. Bowman- on highway '. por Newcus! le, ets 728-5795, Whitby, 668-5649, ' -- * ni '" 4 ville, $13,700 « I 200 down. rai s00." Carries for 985. mouth. Mi 1H43 PONTIAC Taurentian "tation wagon, RECONDITIONED feiss as i te 82 PARK RD. N. With Winter Works Bonus --Mortgages-- lows. Open house this week- t. don washers. Top condition. 72-7 |v at Hones! Cais Discount Furniture end | end = 2 D.M. = 2 p.m, z West, 728-8671 } | $11,900 furnace, lot 65 x 0" ult "price $13,000. M ARTIN AUTO He gy Stier, Tes. acuUM saan repairs, all makes, ; tes, 18, attachments, downtown, "Suit two" oi Oshowa's Largest Firm 500 - terms. Broker. 720-4285 day or nig USED CAR LTD. 1955 FORD Sada Waal Ge, Te on PR ee. ; Full asking price, $11,200 with low down me et and Bee Office Equipment, ATTRACTIVELY a Sunset Terrace age toon $1000. DOWN -- 30. acres good level land condition, Private sale, $680, T ditions high chairs "roll away. Got, Call Call between 5 and 7 p. | --Insurance-- NH.A, terms, Brick bunga- oil, Real Estate Broker, 728-4285, Bay 7 8, radio, shaded windshield, two-epeed New televisions, $198 Free estima 1959 ne ~ door hardtop sedan,| prs ; | 8 ROOM BRICK 623-3393 Brooklin 655-454, 27--Real Estate for Sale 9 BUNGALOWS STARTED S| jndonee Home "Rosh: on After 9 p.m. tl ebedaay oUt). Heb as CBR a3 lg fmust "be seen' tobe "appreciated. Call chine. Rei, Wale ora s denkhsimarieiaitagi h } A x fences, large brick veneer, two storey, FRAME Insul brick bungelow in Picker main floor with bath 3 rooms Fag Ricard 9002 Poti! ee four-bedroom home (1600 square feet). ELECTRIC after 6 pam, 725-5555. a0 ee ond both on second floor, Ce Bornes, 4; lewtonville /Large living room, stone fireplace, sep- 1956 MONARCH, two door hardiop, auto- auto-| WE pif rig -- = Ing township, Has to be moved to new! R C D A T 2 950 eM Pe Whiter er orcnaviow Siva P E $1 ' Separate meters, Monthly in __Pat Yeo. ___ 623-3077 __ arate dining room, only six years old. fan nm write Mrs. e, randy: Mr e . y in- ' . " matic, radio, excellent condition through- Large et 75' x 150', $4,800 cash to mort- Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe 9 out, $450, Telephone 728-0558, South 703-1671 4 Markham, | PLUS WINTER WORKS BONUS Roy E gens Wi.stas M E T C A [ F [Brokers 7 B monthly, Including taxes, No 1960 PONTIAC ia RANDGLY sean, AT Toney Gel eerprae wae ---- 25-2217 dition, seat belts and radio. After 5 p.m.|1 79° including all channel antenna, In- GUIDE REALTY | SEE THEM TODAY | COLBORNE STREET REAL ESTATE LIMITED | $21, 000. i fpaipractlc ein iar chav Tete e gutehnen ta tite Television, : 1957 CHEVROLET 2<door, good running) 10 ' experience, 723-1121 | NEAR MARY STREET INCOME HOME | 4-door, 6 evlinder, gutomatie _|rnalin. Make te. Telecom 10am. Nephew bs lbs of "$8,700.00, 3 Metin beleeeae ctrl 4 apartments (self-contained) tronemission, i TPORTIAG Finder, saNsenaie| cecateene web. ane 8 pans ak ORICY : | ' seh au! te, . BRAND NEW.--7 room brick TELEPHONE 725-1186 | | 'bedroom 2. storey' heme, Re- NOW SELLING | $340'mony ineave Hig | "280 poctup ah Ted. (RR, FORMS, SSP aRin aS a ig reg ; quires $2,300.00 down. | .GOLFVIEW SUBDIVISION | WY Property. His Jones Avene, OiL, name brand In sealed 48 gallon SP rT eae tat a Harry Bates or Bill Millar | Tones jonty, $165. 00, Sener | STARTING AT $13,695. PHONE 728-7680 | iWas FORD 150 of best offer, Telephone|drumms. No. 10 heavy duty. Reasonable a | hurry one . | HARMONY HEIGHTS -- Stl eae room, base- | , c met cal oh badnor. W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. | Saeurumgm ot 720-5123 e | STARTING AT $13,495 RESALE | 1960 PONTIAC --[itrareRe tig, dren tue Suse Slee war oan Str oi, wreai Double closets in all bed- oie | door, 6 oylind p.m. Telephone 725-840 728-8367, i STARTING AT $19,600. 7 , 1958 CHEVROLET, Biscayne, four-door|/MOTOROLA felevision console model, rooms. Electric heating plus ie ' pee! $17,900 | radia, Sharp. pecan 2 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, The Public is cordially invited to attend SPLIT 'LEVEL | DOWNSVIEW PARK for the BUNGALOW | SfandirdWancmissio 690 Tw tomine Tame a separate dining This beoutiful modern home according! il for furthe Telephone _723-709 AMPLIFIER, Fender Bassman, 1962 lywood kitchen, Finished gly call us for r ; ; ? - aR pet Toon wth Bots : 0 p E N H @) U S E is located in Beau Valley on. | information. Beside St. Christopher's 1960 CHEVROLET |? CHEVROLET Trp fg By Tent e fort seaaiien, eae ng ee he 6 ve | Thue' like dream "come | We only have a Hmited num- Two Fireplaces | 2 door, 6 elinder, outomatic. [ser CHEVROLET sedan 7 inaer aia ARNE fom, wie, a ' ' ad \e ' mon lo Wer and ae ory etre . ras Oe see te | an eee ae ae ek owe) Oe OE scaled area | 152 Alone } ine ' iar old ¢ fiom Ul con- i . . . . for modem living. Priced at | recreation room wi | re thinklr F eatlinn< | ye ' " . custom built bar ond » | You ote Ing of selling tains many extras, recrea CORVETTE for > sale, fully equipped.|BROWN fur fabric jacket, size 10, $20. sp SUNSET TERRACE SUB-DIVISION | sri'owe: fos fen tan: | Sal tycec" (fe cou | tn rom wah ome geal | 1959 CHEVROLET |amrengvescet trina soa emea ae le si H . so action is ired. is Service. | sement, yw itchen 950 ton | : Be ee rains. $13,000, FULL pice oft Liberty Street North -- Bowmanville Coll Bill Johnston ot 728- | | with chino cabinet, eight | « motors Needs, paint, $95. Call T25:935 wort wee oe * un 1066 or 728-5123 KINGSDALE foot vonity with mirror, Lot IS BUICK Twodoor mechanically good. |Cettet conatfon, 8100 or best offer. 'Tele- cas ina lero ond commencing PROFITABLE at SINES: phi Pec only $1,000 50' x 150', asking $2,500. | 4 door, 6 cylinder, radio. $125 or best offer, 506 Bloor 'street ast. | Shone 723-9305." modern kitchen. R Al USINESS down with only one mortgage down, | BUYING OR SELLING 'AIR TANKS, pumps and elecirié 'motors, nt Pn Opportunity! Check on this for the balance, only $91. | Javitable. for building compressors, rea TED CAMPIN a Floor jack, $15. Welding 'machine sunny j = eA spate "home SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1964 | sow. Lunch room, long estab- | per month. including taxes, | Phone Bill Silios 725-1186 1958 CADILLAC | invor truck. ater 6 Bums lished going concern, to the This is 9 5 room home, 2 | "§ sult, size 14, $10 "3 overcoat, 2 p.m. -- 5 p.m. Right porty easy terms. Con | bedrooms, living room -- dit |W. T. Lomson Real Estate Liimted COUPE DE VILLE | MOTORS sr 3 pa nog eaten Une be orronged with $1,500.00 | | Fully powered. Real sharp. | 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA | Wood No.5, typewriter, sa0/ or fea = room bungalow on Albert St. extremely ee ie weer this '28--Real Estate Wanted | | Just East of Wilson Road) [A few antique chine pieces. Bulk. scai | 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 cost $100 when new make offer. 720-11 Large lot 59 x 144 ft. with This modern bungalow will remain open weekends, . home. shade trees and double gor- month inc : rere. BE ig ---- } , arg Console, $40, age. Priced ot $12,500. Early Homes Built by Loupan Developments Ltd ol Homer ot ot 728-2236 or OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE |Oshowa, or. cistrict, Private. Cash. Tele 1957 CHEVROLET Py Aa 725-6139, possession. . } phone : | DIAL 728-4678 li HAVE @ cash buyer for four bedroom| .4 door, 6 cylinder, radio, | JAKE and BILL'S What's My Line? NORTH WEST AREA -- 4 Jack Osborne Ken Honm = [house, not $13,000 cash, Call Mr. | pees Weer A NALA. Brick 3 alows from $13,900 es Joe Moga" Dik Borie [Wittem "Horner at 720123" or 7aaaaag,| WiKe new. | cane CnRASE Buying ond celine wasd fan. 89 ft, lot. Lorge kitchen and =a § 0 down equipped store" with living Clad) Lee RANCH T H TYPE or spit level home In ie AGT aE THIC SERVICE your is phone, 300" with $i, 900 ts pas T's coms te guseoe 'SCH SCHOFIELD-AKER AKER | |Bolonood Sie | Mony more to choose from 449 Ritson Rd, S. Valley Creek Furniture | | } NEWLY DECORATED -- 6 | | | ment. i 7 down. Call Bill Horner Govino 128ee 728-4401 or call at the store > RE el For Appointment Phone 623-3393 728-8123 or 728-2236. 723-2265 2 Storey oF 1¥2 Storey homes, | | GENERAL REPAIRS 164. Bond W. i tion, income | pseskottog ie Lenina cash MARTIN AUTO | stone front split level_with BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. ALL MAKES OF CARS |33--Market Basket garage. 4 rooms on | W. FRANK REAL ESTATE | | "TOT Simcoe Street, North | $12,500.00. A reat dandy | purer Call Herey Stinson ot Ail Foretan Make Care [APPLES coking oh einer ga" wah attached enon n level consisting of ~ BOWMANVILLE Open Every Evening. bungalow lecoted in the east iy 723-1133, evenings 725- ELECTRIC STATHAM phone Whitby 668-2088. lose to schools, trans- 0243. Carl Olsen, Realtor, | | iressed, ready, sized dining room and a large portation and shopping. Good | 299 King St. W., Oshawa, _| | Ri sey epi tnd up. $2.50 ach 'delivered. Telephone ° ona Road and K 725-8304, size kitchen, lovely livi | room ond 3 bright bedrooms |29-----Automobiles For Sale USED CARS 723.4733 ond. 723-7712 CLEMENT Pauley. Take orders Monthly poyments only 1 1962 CHEVROLET Impala 4door hard-| 4o9 BROCK STREET SOUTH T | | D E N for, freeeere, Fresh f saeh Devers on | orders jewcas ' fa $79.00 including toxes. top, 8 cylinder, automatic, power brakes 0 : the US ond ivory enviout | Phone rit eway on this ene, [2uateantnce aie 7b flopnne) WHITBY 668-3652 fer os Ps. the US. oan ' " | | CAR AND TRUCK |Pancy Mcintosh appies sell. | 6 YEARS OLD--6 room ronch =| = | j Sweet cider, 75 cots oletion . 7. Cox 1956 Pontiac 2-door sedan, two! RENTALS 1va miles north of Bove' Training 'School. | PRIVATE, bungalow located in on area tone, all' leather trim. Excellent cond! DRIVE-IN ROOT BEER yo| aa - ° en STAND -- with all chottels C uy yh ave a Just off Ross- |tlon. Telephone 725-7535. oy (All Makes and Models) . St, On a Y2 acre 1955 CHEVROLET, private, top condition, | -6553 fo |nenat ayn. tiendre no poem se) TOP QUALITY ry ony rae Found end equipment included in . . . : . Extras include patio the price. Located on No. 12 of lond. pa = highway north of Brooklin. | e | -Gtireor, TV. Tower, wired for | Sete Whiley, OB ct POT CASH og, black and tan, heavy is. ances Look into this fine business | dryer, A lovely clean home. [1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air 2door, @ ey Ss fovKing. chilgren's: per. Reward offer: today ond be ready to open | Monthly payments including [eaett esatatee Phone 723-7164. : CARS | PAID FOR poet Lint anced early in the Spring. ' asiasdnhad wack clabe, |WTON pickup, 1953 Chevrolet, In good] pig te gh ge Mi Bd Bly sg NORTH WEST AREA |sonaition. with snow tires. Phone 72595. | Good 'clean cars: Trode uP [Reena Telephone afer 4 ef 72¢157% i. oe tae oe | New Brick and Stone 5 reom brick bungalow with --|ie,conTiac furor, tm ve ye! No Prices Listed -- | EBD MOTOR SALES |t05T,-- smallest toma dn, par : eg stone front. Nicely decorated . tele y , shite 1 a ae pratt oo Close to all schools, with a lee" "tie eacat var we Saniargaan| All Offers Considered 314 PARE RO, SOUTH Vicinity Garrard Roed on-Friday. Call c oO : modern family-sized kitchen, ires, ry. fair condition.| - 'oe re ht ~~ = "ak SPLIT LEVEL HOMES Bus and stores ony 2 blocks $a7s or heat offer, yanaeos. rf 1962 PONTIAC LAUREN- | 1963 Vol Cotwvertible Cost = Wey coh aca Rites a et ._List t ad 2a , Btons | 'oliant £14871. vicinity Ceneven Coleniate, Wwed- 000 } 950.00 ie dinate, see "wieh Speed power 'xe ee | List $3670 .. Now $2750. Resday, Januery. 2. Reward. 725-1009 VACANT LANE S0 aarte._ | | ROSSLYNN ESTATES -- | "New Cor Condition" mile | 1962 Chwysler Windnor, four /TOSTr teenl Soe Fr Ee --Victoria County. Has good | Choice iocation plus excellent | © age 18,000. Former Owner door $ ree, trout stream. Priced at $3,- | home in an orea 'of good | a Doctor returning to Com | 1959 Dodge .. vis $895 3 i 200 with $1,000 down poy 3 Now Open For Your Inspection | Remes, all built in the lost | | tinent | voce cy vt ng, tote 8 ROOM FAMILY HOME | banoiien wath Goeet onP : : ¥ 962 encuny, bgp bila 94 | Four door, V-8, automatic, IN THE MATTER OF THE centrally located. 4 bedrooms, | Several Others Under Construction | te eae tases ee ------------ F gin foe toa | ee rebelde 2 bathrooms, living room ond | List price $15,700 - Open. to Eos culate, Low Mil ieee MAUDE MM, BELL . Gan weer fake. 6 fnbiens | offers, pee * e008. | 1956 Ford Half Ton $395 DECEASED are -- by 0 gee sn : ; | For full porticulors cat | 1962 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR | 1955 Prsocl dap sae NOTICE in bock yard, This home is in | Built on 75 x 125 ft. lots, i 723-2265 KEYED UP TO | Two Door sera on Ate | 1953 Pontioc four door $75 g @ select location with many | Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. BUY A NEW CA ? | | j TO CREDITORS | "os "SMITH SPORTS Bowmanville. 623-2267. fine ho round it, da pec on Sim- | , | Marg. Hall 723-1358 BUY ONE WITH A LOW-COST | lea ee Power AND OTHERS eae St, North. 2 bedroom 3 and'4 Bedroom Plans Novi' yee LIFEINSURED | Steering. | 353 King St. W. 728-7341 | Creditors and others having Gak Scns ae cone | R tion R N K |: gaocen Rove Te eees Z 1961 PONTIAC Sedan MAUDE BELL, "lors oF rebel 3 ee i teve Macko 728-5868 4 "s 4 Pr i i ; we patio doors leering 19° ecreation oom orden Kitchen lave trae Snake? | Loti PLAN | Standard Six -- "A: Dondy 30--Automobiles Wanted | the City of Oshawa, in the Bek ord, 4, ied both : Pon' eat 738 a88p | & CAMERON Ae Wee ay) Cour ord Pov, f On Both bedrooms ore twin bed | All City Conveniences Sat ba iesion ae ate " LOAN | 1961 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR Wentworth East, hase, ps ee -- details of rin, bomen Carle Cheyer 72ba26s | MAME MMA | Sa ae nee | slorwen eueen : : t i | mo ing, Tele; or A 1, home is on on extre deep ro- | 360 King St. West |e 145 CARS WANTED | or Sefore 291 day of Feb- or ay eos ea a PRICES RANGE FROM $17,500 UP _fefetee "Seine taro | PROPOSE | "tame econ | Ren itn omen ' | be of this Estote will Ibe distri- no teeta | ) S NORTH RIDGES 1960 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR | Cor Decler and "SAVE" | buted having regard only te Open doily 9 a.m. Down Payments Start At 500 21) eae pee Verdes a Radio the claims that have been re- ae ee ga y At $2, | Sommerville Ave. at Orchard View Blvd. "The Best In Oshawa", Ary aN ee aived Uy eee Owners are listing | : | 1959 PONTIAC LAUREN- | $ ALL CASH $ 29th day of January, with the S ; HOW ABOUT THIS FOR VALUE? TIAN ""V-8" Two Door -- elect a | fF: ildi Mga | per eleGA Gers oe Whe JAMES A. MACDONALD, ee et OFFICE a lot o your own and the Building Plan : begin gg ont lage 5 shaped living s0. dining | aie i a ee | deal up or owe Ler paid Borrister & Solicitor, | : lorge kitchen, attod gerage, full pric 1 100.6 00 pps | s "0 | off. i BUSY INTERSECTION to suit your Preference. $3,238.00 down (less $500 winter built bonus). , | ~Ctonelly clean". | NICOLS MOTORS LTD, | 2e6Awa Smee von pGVIDE REALTY LIMITED. | 3, bedroom side split with attached garage, 1120 sq, ft. $17,. | 1955 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR Ketons trom fone) Howl Solicitor: : | : "i ; wi i | Sedan--Outstand! Xs ° MRECTIONS: Turn north off 401 at Pickering Cloverleaf, follow signs. $4,178 down (less $500 winter built bonus). | tion. Whitby 668-3331 GEORGE JAMES BELL, 4 bedroom, 2' storey, garage, 2 washrooms, 1400 sq. ft. $18,- | 32--Articles for Sale Executor of the Estate of MAUDE M. BELL. WHITBY 595.00 with $3,392.00 down (less $500 winter built bonus), | 1955 FORD Two Door -- V8 Radio "A Young Man's |TV TOWERS--Special, 40 ft. tower struc- ese he i i C Or ; " bs with all channel antenna, These homes will qualify the purchaser for the $500 bonus. if Dream". Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons CLASSIF TED completed under the Winter Works incentive program. Street, 728-5180. (Continued on Page 17) from |SUNWORTHY wall t halt : ee tak es ce can -- are 2 situated on large preserviced lots convenient to Other cars to choose | Many patterns Sr reosy peumad na Ture: ' ublic and Separate schools. | For on Honest deol see lar, Buy Lar Fie get one free, Edgar Tell it bs agente gg Rn 204 Chestnut Street so on " jand" Sons, King West. Telephone "TED 723-7351. to the DRESSMAKI io -- Suite coats, dresses, For further information, call: : | aiterstions sip covers, grapes. "Fitting John Kitchen, 723-3788 Syd Goodfellow, 723-7335 | aha tea th koran Caeehs oe World WANTED -- Houses for rent and tor sale. G ] Phyliss Jubb, 723-3240 Loreen Kellett, 723-3770 | TED CAMPIN block west of Four Corners in Whitby. h a dwa. Patri icDan . | P i ¥ bons AMP iT l, 14" electric ; | Chorles Smith, 728-8254 Harry Millen, 723-2524 feck posit, Diodes canton tuche wit Rea! Estate, 663-2311. : 0 AMP, bat gg ee a : loo" feet furnace pipe with elbows. Tele ter. sete, rece romfure on app TELEPHONE: Salesman will be on hand this weekend 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p:m, MOTORS ira ae OR KtoET WANT ADS | ¢ vi . , , x 95", 4 5481 : i |floor, polishers 'Jolly Jumper, ntl gan N SELL RENT OSHAWA 725-3406 -- AJAX-PICKERING 942-4535 HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE , 607,Kina Street East ssa Stam sor br 6 , | 9 BAGOTST. 728-1679 | 723-4494 - Ros. 725-5574 Wren! cet oh ravers in weet emer! §=--»- BUY--HIRE

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