Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Feb 1964, p. 5

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, "@ e THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Pebruury 6, 1964 § > WHITBY And DISTRICT __-- ee es Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West bt gas doas te } Fete Miss Heard Head table guests were: the, Bowman, Rig _ soaita ae Manager: John Gault guest of honor, Miss Florence' Heard; members of her family, = -- : Sul Cotnaoed, - * Miss Florence Heard, Princl-| A humorous skit was present-| wesley Heard, Miss Jean Heard,/and Mrs. Lloyd Gibson @ , Vw pal of Dundas Street Publicled by the following young peo- ' 4 : 4 .»«» AND DON T INTIMIDATE - AFFLECK % bi my Bae at Whitby wos feted at-a(ple: B, Stark, J. Cartwright, J. [Mrs bg Rl a Ee A oe Mele g Baerga ue oon ~ 4 surprise birthday party held in}Newland, L. Gale, M. Ziegen-|iowing: Mrs. Kathleen Hutch- com MF ems ond 8 s' mem- her honor Kriday, Jan, 31 at/hagen, J. Town. ings, Mrs. D. G, Pettes, Ross|tive, pupils, a er 4 Grade 9 'Aristocrats | 5 gg ae A > Ss eard has spent most of|Miss Heard's ils, . sang|Susan Wainwright, Anna Mary '@ | e F ae life in Whitby, receiving wAren't You Gina 'You're You" Mcliwain, Rev. C. R. Nelson); Sy of Heed ee . er high school education at] Manfred Ziegenhagen read aja@nd Mrs. W. B. Pinch. ch many guests gave per Whitby High School and herlshort monograph of the history) Among the guests who attend-|sonal congratulations to Miss e ' : ( : i . teacher -- train at Peter- : Stole Ice- ream Pies borough Normal School, She be- of Whitby from its small begin-led the dinner were: Mr, andiHeard. gan her teaching career at Dun- re By das Street School in 1924. She 115 JUST NORTH A quartet of Pickering areajmost severe penalty possible." "You fellows are in a pretty ; , has taught every grade and has BROCK 5 OF THE high school youths were ¢on-| Thompson at first asked if he/bad_ position, : bis been principal of the school 'ST EET vieted on multiple counts of|could plead guilty to break and) "I would suggest that you try Bijsince 1942. During this time the] | STR FOUR break, enter, and theft in Mag-jenter without theft, Magistrate|to bring someone back with you ' school has grown from four to NORTH CORNERS istrate's Court . Tuesda ' H J dvised that he|to speak for you, because this ten rooms. ate's Court here sday, |Harry Jermyn advis § 1, e sii : Richard gs yo 1951 Hall-|could not, He advised him fur. is a very serious offence. Miss Heard has always been er road, Bay Ridges, pleaded|ther that, if he wished, he could) He then commented on the re an enthusiastic sports fan and FRESH OUT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS ty to one offence, while/plead not guilty to the whole|status the 'boys would have : oe war coached school - softba ichae! Charles Kelly, 1270|charge. when they returned to their : and hockey teams. pie ded guilty, however, /grade nine classes in @ Picker- t Mrs, Floyd Smith, who taught : Fresh Young Pork SIRLOIN OR WING a ch Niona Park road, Robert Ray| He Moule of 1334 Tatra drive, Bayland along with the other three, ing High School; on the Dundas Street staff for a Ridges and David Longman, of/was convicted of breaking into "tT am afraid your school: number of years and who fs 2 SHOULDER C 903 Liverpool road, were con-|, boathouse in Pickering town- mates will regard you as a new 2] : long-time friend of Miss Heard, lb lb victed on three counts, up in October, and of stealing/aristocracy, Al\vetcomed the 170 guests, wn] ROMS L . € OAST 55° A fifth accused, Joseph La-inets, knives, and nails. valu "You aren't, You are now at stood to sing "Happy Birthday" ; londe of Oak Ridges, offered oj at about $100, the bottom of the heap, not the j 4, : to Miss hal" whee che PRIME pleas, He requested counsel, /iq--@ CREAM PIES? top. i i arrived, BUTT RIB R and was remanded for two! yfoule, Longman and Kelly panty and Longman have also The guest of honor wore a blue ROAST Ib. ¢ : weeks on a $5000 cash OF proP-/ wore also found guilty of break- "a ms eg » x . common wool dress with a corsage of HUCK OR SHOULDER erty bail. ins at the home of James Had-)) ult by Robert Connors of yellow chrysanthemums, a gift CHU e Pickering. They will be tried The other four were remand-|dock of Sandy Beach road, and i" , " from her staff, After the toast FRESH BUTT POT ROAST separately on this charge when to the Queen and the singing of ¢€ is. LB. ed for sentence for two weeks/the office of Dr, S. D Weisbaum, , on a $1000 bond, Sis Naroch street, Bay Ridges. |e? eppear two weeks hence, _ ALLEY-ACE SETS RECORD ~-- is Natowal anthem, Reece. = Pork Chops Ib. Crown Attorney. Bruce! Their take from Haddock was Nelson asked the blessing. Affleck cautioned Lalonde: valued at about $150, It consist VON Fi ® ] A local bowler who can league record, Championship After dinner Miss Anna Mary ONTARIO NO. 1 "T have learned that someled of jewellery, & lighter, tout inancila pont' "knock-em-down", Bill style bowling is not a new |Mcliwain acted as mistress Off SLICED efforts have been made to intim-|silver dollars, and a number io ere Tordan scored a record 1026 development with Bill, He re- jceremonies for the program POTATOES 29° idate these boys into not testi-)ice-cream pies from the refrig- Positio T Id ..csame total at the Whitby cently defeated 63 area bowl- which began with a liv-ly sing: COOKED HAM 89° ig amo a 40 i FRESH CELLO tying. County Bowl recently. Bill érs in the Carling Zone Cham. |S0Mg led by Ross Drew, with *T intend to make it clear to} Among the thefts from the lays on the Legionnaires, a ship h ; Mrs, Marion Williams at the rate» ato el cae tae gem fl Ta nee atu ose ee Po SLICED, RINDLESS, BREAKFAST mot 19s might care to try it, that, if] Tt was Mr. -- "eo held Order of cold se oe Thursday Night Men's League Carling playdowns to be | Miss Susan Wainwright pre- BAC PKGS. this should occur, I 'will pro-|gested that sentencing De he wea at the! and his scores of 282, 368, and shown on television. sented Miss Heard with a wrist: us. , Order's 50th annual meeting i eed with charges of obstruct: off for the two-week period - i In! 976, added up to 15-year oie Tim watch as a token of the affec- ing justice His Worship concurred, then) All Saint's. Hall, Tuesday. The|_°' P NB sae oo tion and respect which her BEEF pa 'And I will recommend theladdressed the accused: rose igh pth aor tae ee ' | Gasmon tated: Gs tak We pupiie and former pupils have BOLOGN A .By-The-. 25° ORANG 2 poz. Go . annual business meeting in the Juveniles Beat second game of the series will ap Rehan Piece LB. afternoon, be played here at the Whitby| Mrs. W. B. Pinch, president FIRM, LARGE HEAD ro er y Ya e neven The organization's _firiancial C bo M ' orena on Saturday night, It is pRiacag sed Re os i BONELESS, MEALED LETTUCE 19° ODOUTG: MEET |Alsz's, home, came and' their COTTAGE ROLLS , 45° tach statement for 1963 was made ex night also, half of this association, prais- One Freed: Other Jailed S.os28Ss"°°5 Ajax In Final : jing Miss Heard for "all that she The Consumers' team have &/ dogs for the children by precept tine record for the a ie! ESH HAMBURG naa aenee os a | 'or season andland her fine example", and COOKED MEATS FOR LUNCHES STEAK 3 Ibs. thanking her for her co-opera- A pair of Pickering brothers|the passenger's side when he| Receipts were listed as: Nurs- By CLIFF GORDON pablengg oe cong we sg" tion with the parents. v MAC & CHEESE FOR BRAISING made a trade, But one of them reached the car, jing fees, $2,671.87; grants, $2,-| Whitby Consumers' Gas Juven- ids oe ee Miss Heard responded gra- ORT RIBS ade trade, But trave's Court| "Again T must object," eald|107.88; annual' campaign re-|ile hockey team will open their plenty of support. Remember| iouciy to these tributes. Miss] | CHICKEN LOAF C SH Tuesday, Mr. Lawson, "He was under no|ceipts, $1,752.00; donations and) best-of-five group finals here) @me time is called for 8.30 at/Carol Smith, daughter of Mr. lb brs The "extra" that Floyd Pren-|obligation to answer, membership' fees $27.00; and|tonight against the Ajax Juven-|the Whitby arena, when Whitby|and Mrs. Floyd Smith sang DUTCH LOAF WIENERS | tice was assessed, was seven "That, is a very interestingjother receitps, $6.16; totalling] iies, The Whitby team won their Juveniles will play the Ajax)"Climb Every Mountain" and Saget he coe Seo nett A A at epee were ane afee'tnd aquest obsrs. [the imegue tne On [a driving under suspension, law, But let's not go on 'ad/ $6,142.14 with the largest per . "ay pte -- ete wal et| aan eee cowed His brother Donald was/nauseam'." centage of the disbursements/ine series the Whitby tices won| charged with obstruction of He asked that the obstruction/going to salaries and car ex: | by a rather decisive score ot | police but this. was droppedjcharge against Donald Pren-|penses, [10-4 hore at the Whitby arena, | when Magistrate Harry Jermyn/tice be dismissed. Disbrusements were broken) ,," y | ruled that the statements taken ALD TOO DRUNK down se fellows: selartes,|_°* Wat some Barry Gould from 'the two men by Pickering DON s $4,766.00; automobile operating) V°S the scoring spark-plug get- | Both Constable Brown and : ting a trio of goals, as did 'Town Futies Cannes Sgt. Peter Hollywood of the gag imate isneecy Wayne Davidson, Johnny Vest- James Brown were inadmiss- able ag id Township PD agreed that Fevdlform allowance, $780, an lSrd Wayne Coonson each ated Court that he had observed the as suggested by the defence. ' wa 'e - compen sation, singletons. Gord Stevenson was two men switch places in the Mr, Lawson then argued that/"'p nor e + medi.| te dig gun for the visitors 'as ; fter|the accused should be acquitted xpenses were: medl-'r9 triggered three with Brian| fmt ge their car, alteri cause 'there was no proo! jeal supplies, $27.17; stationary | vrinitie getting the other tally : bad poled thom over On| hat he was driving, other than |nd postage, $31.57; telephone |' nag oe a gat 2 near Ajax on Dec. . jand express, $196.80; advertis-| The Whitby team struck fast | ' ip aT i] ny) TT sy UN MM il i SS S : naval CMM NN ~ Z 22a 7 | C Z ot LG CAP his statement at the time of his}i.. $19.69; national office ser|S2d hard in the opening period 'ebealdPratn wen etna". gins uw thom. amr, Oe, aod | a" Halu, 8 68 ad be THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY, FEB. 6th-7th-8th the wheel when I reached the " paign expenses, $265.09. ear. T asked him who the driver|yync "Ne Crown reminded "Convention expenses, $80.00; |tracked. The Gas Men added $50.00; : ¢ was... 9 pre-natal clinic expenses, $245; one in the second frame and/ "That is inadmissable," by hepa ties We xp was 1'* | miscellaneous, $22.19: and. $250 {Ur more in the final stanza. Co-! terrupted "defence counsel Bili|Prentice admitted" to having|trensterred to the special ac.) Bourg manne) oe ee Lawson. "The accused was not/six pints of beer before being) Count completed the expense|period and three in the clos-/ warned," stopped, He said his brother|!st. : -- dic Relea wh dl : acres At te orney Bruce) usually drove, but, "he was 100) en tee Ay ger fer = Manager Alex Brown disputed the conclusions/drunk to drive that night." | »898.18, e lot the year showed a balance/were for general nursing care e 7 ® the defence, but acquiesced) It was learned that Floyd had when His Worship decided tollost his licence as a result of Of $6,142.14, with $2,488.00 in the/ and 272 wore for health instruc: "Jet it go on." ltwo civil actions, in 1960 and)|SPecial account, jtion purposes, The officer then told the/1961 Whitby's VON Nurse, Miss} = . I . Court that Floyd Prentice,| He was sentenced to seven Ruth Bowring read her report] rv whom he described as "gmell-|days on each charge, but Mag-/'0 the group. She said that a SscuGOG a es an e ice ing of alcohol, unsteady and oflistrate Jermyn ruled that the|record number of general nurs CLEANERS oeiving. Fora. i on we -- --e y= ae ga -- & Shirt Launderers | BLAIR P ARK p A ! WH ITBY on PHONE 6 68-8311 -- Miss Bowring stated she had|] FREE Pieeup & Deity LAZ miss Bowring stated she bedi] SHONE 668-4841 Industrial Farm => | OPENING SPECIALS Buildings Doomed. NOW- ) ty an ty... SPARTON Town Council decided Monday) "The barn could be " | " " that the Smith to bciattnasleareed -- Po A ol e pe . H - \ NOMAD Mt (LONAK) SSLueaiotmudan humidity and purify | ] 19" PORTABLE TV with streamlined handle and dual collapsible (née north of Highway #01, is no ad-iget rid of an asset." antenna. Front sound and controls. 29 tube functions. 4" full range vertisement for prospective pur) After councillors expressed speaker, Good fringe reception. Dimensions (21¥%e" Wv 15%" Hx 12" i oy ane Town BE pyro a oni A dry, musty | of ' D). Cabinet in Sand, Copper and Brown, Sy, Commitee Trranen silccce Noproving the. Commies int irl = | pd yong eed Rs cer Hongo jrecommendations, WI n e r al r s K. | . . ' OP, E 'N. ING SP. E Cl. AL e e 1 gg.00 vertised for sale and removed. /JUNK YARD wa we notified to ge ge yn boners Sood 1 ' @ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY @ "The farm's a disgrace to the|street to prevent its being used Vr Councillor BiN|aS_a junk yard, nn gy _- A is nothing| Deputy-Reeve Brooks pointed presently on the land to indicate out that & previous offer had it is an industrial site, The Town (been made to the owner of this) | S Re A RT " SHON has invested a large sum ot/darcel of land on the east side By pee = ' money in the property and we of Cochrane, south of the CPR' want to sell it as soon as pos-/railway tracks. : i fr oe sible tor development." | The landowner, he said, had| As the diagram shows, a fen | CALWIN (23N4-T) Signs advertising the proper-iplanned use of the land as a) draws dry, dirt-laden air into the [] " ' : cya, 1 Secreted ere var ate wt So = Ss | Ea eee Tene se anced Gril Ture Toner wits god conte Bod Attersiey. "In any case, no) Town Solicitor Hugh Nicoll | ; ly in a solution of | Keyed AGC; 3 |.F. stages; good fringe" distance reception. Large 8" x matter what's on the property, |will now make the second offer water and purifying germicide. |} 4" speaker, Dimensions -- (30¥2" W x 30%" H x 15" D). Richly it won't interfere with its ito purchase on the basis of a) : A . » . . Bee qhase for industrial develop-/Town Property recommendation | pee ge seg on grained cabinet in Walnut finish, complete with wooden legs. , a le eam ----t ~-- sore throats and -- Hea 50 Rl I sitocgsatyuta||| | OPENING SPECIAL . . 239-59 ver 8: % i same time, Gust, ITY Seturday Matinee Sterts 1:30 bacteria are filtered on to make THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY ONLY wen Shia the air pure, fresh and healthful, E WORLD HAS ONLY KNOWN ONE LIKE. COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS will be served on Saturday, February 8th from 2 P.M. until 6 P.M. on all major ports. Al! Canadian NEW ALPIN AND PUNIFIER @ OPEN FROM 10 A.M. 'TIL 9 P.M. DAILY @ Built All Hond Wired. The hag § : : ¥ Cini © BLECTROHOME } : on SERVICE . . . Our Service Department's second to none We'll bring your TV back to its peak Oe ead aov eek onl BUTT iO performance and return it to you pronto! Our workmanship is guaranteed, our prices modest. A SIDNEY PINK Production - PANACOLOR - Presented By WARNER BROS. & AP P CES Terms Available. We service Whitby, Pickering, Brooklin, Oshawa and Surrounding area. Just STARRING 118 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY ESAR ROMERO -- FRANKIE Phone 668-8311. sioptricK CRAWFORD -- ALLIDA VALLI a PHONE 668-3707

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