THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Februcry 8, 1966 3 Borrowing Is Limited By Counties COBOURG -- The United Counties Council decided Friday to limit to $640,500 the amount it may borrow to meet current expenses, Business at the closing ses- sion included the appointment s assistant assessor of J. Cam- ron McCallum, to be effective rom Jan. 1. Mr, McCallum's alary will be $4,500 a year plus 0 cents a mile travel allow- nce, Authorization was given for expenditure of a possible $630,- 000 on counties roads under the Highway Improvement Act, Of this amount, $300,000 was ear- marked for road construction DURHAM LODGE, ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR, Officers of Durham Lodge, Order of the Eastern Star, Bowmanville, recently install- ed its officers for the ensu- ng year, Seated are Sister a Freeman, treasurer; * Bro. H. G, Freeman, assistant patron; Sister Gladys Walkey, worthy matron; Bro, Earl Walkey, worthy patron; Sis- ter Velma Sutton, associate matron; Sister Beth Teeple, CAPSULE NEWS May Suspend Pupils For Neglect EDMONTON (CP) The Journal says gerne pernit ting high schdd! principals to suspend students for "habitual neglect of duty" is expected to be introduced during the next gession of the Alberta legisla- ture. SENTENCE DEFERRED TORONTO (CP) Million- naire hotelman Ben Smith, 50, who collapsed Friday shor: y before a jury convicted him of fraud involving $960,000, Tues- day had his sentence deferred to Feb, 18. Two doctors told Mr. Justice J. F. Donnelly of the Ontario Supreme Court that Smith is in hospital undergoing tests for coronary thrombosis. Smith was convicted of fraud involving Brilund Mines Lim- ited. FIND BODIES LAC LA BICHE, Alta. (CP) The bodies of four persons who disappeared three weeks ogo have been found in a car sub- merged in Lac la Biche. A car containing the bodies, was pulled from 20 feet of water a quarter-mile west of this com- munity Monday. FINES DISAPPEAR MONTREAL (CP) -- Police said Tuesday they are investi- Pye the disappearance of paid in fines 'to the Montreal municipal court .One oourt employee has been sus- in connection with the westigation, police said. City auditors, working on the court's books, say the loss could be higher. HEADS SERVICE OTTAWA (CP) -- David A. Munro, 40, of Ottawa and Vic- toria has been appointed chief of the Canadian Wildlife Serv- ice, it was announced Tuesday. He succeeds W. W. Mair who has taken a position with the national parks branch of north- ern affairs department. Mr. Munro joined the government service in 1948 as a manage- ment officer and was ap- oe chief ornithologist in WILL FINE DRIVERS SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP) -- Drivers of behicles not equipped with snow tires or chains, and found obstructing traffic on city streets here, will be fined from $10 to $50 under a bylaw passed Monday. NEHRU IS BETTER NEW DELHI, India (AP) -- Prime Minister Nehru said Tuesday: "I am much better now,"' Nehru, ill since Jan. 7, was replying to a "get well soon" message from Ceylon Prime Minister Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike. Butter Mak Increased It is reported by the Farm Economics and Statistics Branch of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture that the December production of cream- ery butter in Ontario County and the United Counties of Dur- ham and Northumberland was higher than in the correspond- ing month of 1962. The report states the make! Of Duty FOUR MINERS KILLED CARLETONVILLE, South Af- rica (AP)--Four Negro miners were killed by an underground rockfall at West Driefontein goldmine Tuesday. The men were trapped by a collapse of hanging rock ja a mine where they were working. RANKS SIXTH WASHINGTON (CP) -- Can- ada ranks sixth in estimated world electrical power produc: tion and takes second place when her production is related to the size of population, the U.S, Federal Power Commis- sion reported Tuesday. Canada had 24,945,000 kilowatts of in- stalled capacity, up from 23,- 918,000 at the end of 1961, | WOMAN ELECTED | NEW YORK (AP)--Constance {Baker Motley, the lawyer who represented Negro James Mere- dith in his successful fight to attend the University of Missis- sippi, was to become the first Negro woman to win a seat in the New York state Senate. Mrs. Motley polled 3,555 votes to 2,261 for Republican Thomas G. Weaver in the Harlem-West side ist state Senate district Tuesday, Weaver also is a Ne- gro. LEADERS BACK HOME TOKYO (AP)--Premier Chou En-lai of Communist China and Foreign Minister Chen Yi ar- rived in Kunming, West China, ending a 55-day 'our of 10 coun-' tries in Africa, The New China news agency said more than 1,500 persons welcomed home the leaders. SGT, YORK RELEASED JAMESTOWN, Tenn. (AP)-- Sgt. Alvin York, 76 - year - old First World War hero who en- tered the hospital last Wednes- day for treatment of a de- hydrated condition, was dis: charged Tuesday. In one day's fighting, York killed 25 Ger- mans and captured 132. CRASH KILLS TWO LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP)--A Bo- livian airliner with 28 persons aboard crashed shortly after the takeoff Tuesday, The pilot and a passenger were killed, and four persons were injured. five miles from the La Paz Air- port. It was headed for Salta, Argentina SMOKING LAW PASSED NEW YORK (AP)--City coun- cil passed an ordinance Tues- day that would make it illegal to smoke in bed in any hotel or motel. Fire Commissioner Ed- jward Thompson told council that 589 fire deaths in the city last year resulted from smoking 'n bed. MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) -- Churning cream and butter print prices were unchanged today: Butter prices: Canada first jgrade: Ontario tenderable 51- 52; non-tenderable 51%4-51% off jtruck, in light trading; western 532% (nominal) 527 Animals j } The two-engine DC-3 went down) secretary, Standing are Sis- ter Nellie Pring, organist; Sister Annabell Rickard, asso- ciate conductress; Sister Amy Milligan, chaplain; Sister Fay CITY COUNCIL NEWS IN BRIEF Signs erected in C3 (neighbor- hood commercial) zoning dis- tricts will have to be "flush- mounted" against the face of buildings, following a council amendment of the Zoning By- law Monday night. Action came as a result of a Planning Board recommendation COVERED BY PSI Council, on the advice of the local Board of Health, will not back a Kitchener resolution ask- ing the Ontario government to pass legislation by, which the province would pay the cost of Pap smear tests, The board's reason: this cost is 'to a large degree" covered by PSI in Osh- awa NAME SANITARY INSPECTOR Council approved the. appoint- ment of Frank A. Sabastian as sanitary inspector with the Oshawa Health Department. Ald. John Dyer said the ap- pointment did not represent ed- ditional staff; the Board was filling the vacancy left when Lorne Slaght resigned last fall. JOIN OMA Payment of $200 for 1964 membership in the Ontario Mu- nucipal Association was ap- proved but a request from the Association of Ontario Mayors and Reeves for Oshawa's inem- bership this year was turned down, Both decisions were on the recommendation of the city Finance committee. APPROVE AMENDMENTS Three bylaw amendments ap- proved by council will 1) pro- hibit parking around Donevan Collegiate Institute. 2) make McLaughlin a through street and 3) hike the licence fee for second (and subsequent) re- freshment vehicles from $25 to $50 each. Licence fee for the first vehicle remains t $100. JOIN GOOD ROADS Council approved payment of $50, the city's 1964 fee for mem- bership in 'the Ontario Good }Roads Association. |. "TO ATTEND SEMINAR ~ George Fisher and Ted Beau- champ of the city engineer's department will attend a two-) iday seminar (expenses paid) for Construction Safety inspec- jtors in Toronto Feb, 25-6 REZONING PROVISIONS Residential land owners who have their property rezoned to lower zoning categories -- or to '"X" categories -- will be jsubject to the following policy jrecommended _ by the Public Works committee and approved by council last night; 1) owner shall pay the same service charges as those payable if land parcel were being subdivided; 2) owner shall pay cost of constructing any relief sani- tary sewers which are required because of the possible increas- ed density of population result- ing from the rezoning; 2b ) Buckler with five. Snyder, Adah; Sister Dorothy Mercer, Ruth; Sister May Pickard, Martha; Sister Hele Couroux, Esther; Sis- ter Nora Colwill, conduct- Church Has Fine Year Members of the King Street Pentecostal Church received with enthusiasm a detailed fi- nancial report presented last Saturday evening by the church treasurer, Carl Andrews. Re- ceipts from all sources amount- ed to $37,958.46, It was reported that the prin- cipal property indebtedness had been reduced by more than $6,000 with an additional $6,000 being invested in land purchased for purposes of future ex- pansion. Capital expenditures for im- provements included the paving of ample off-street parking space, broadloom for the lower auditorium and complete office equipment. Gifts to Missions and Bible College support total- led over $1,000, Increases were reported in all departments including the Sun- day School, Women's Missionary Council and the Men's Fellow- ship. The youth department re- ported successfully reaching a missionary objective of $330 to equip out-going missionaries. | Although an active children's church was conducted during the year,. plans were initiated for additional pre-teen activity to meet a growing demand, A motion was received urging in- creased stress on evangelism, OFFICERS ELECTED During the election of officers, Allan SLank, Geo. Yeomans and Allan Christy were returned to the official board of the church while newly elected members in- cluded T. McCready, Oswald Werner and Frazer Bell, Carl Andrews and Glen Danzey were elected members from the con- gregation to the nominations committee, The chairman of the meeting, Rev, E,. H.. Kerr, has recently accepted the pastorate of King Street Pentecostal Church whicn he had served for several months as interim pastor, St. Joseph's Team Beats Bowmanville St. Joseph's bantam basket- ball team trounced Bowmanville bantains 53-20 at Bowmanville High School last weekend High-scoring members of the! St. _ Joseph's team were: 'Edwards with 18 points; Mce- |Avoy with eight; O'Neill with jeight and Dudgeon with seven. For Bowmanville, high scorers were Tailor with seven points and McFeeters with four. Junior basketball action saw an about-face with Bowmanville taking a decisive win, 30-11, over the St. Joseph's junior team, For St. Joseph's, high scorers were Marks, who netted five points, and Valks with four. Bowmanville's high scorers were Summersford with six and where more than on@ rezoning jinvolved, cost of relief sewers jShared on basis of increase in jaumber of dwelling units per- jmitted an owner as result of jrezoning compared to total in- jcrease in units; 3) any other conditions "peculiar" to a par- jticular rezoning which counc.) may impose. PROHIBIT PARKING Parking will be prohibited on the south side of Canant jstreet, from Simcoe to Ritson jroad; parking lot bylaws wil! be jamended to permit the towing away of cars blocking "'aistes"'. TO RENEW AGREEMENT were from: Winbrooke Invest- ments Limited, A. W. Banfield Construction Limited, Ralph S. Jones and Creighton, Drynan INSTALLS OFFICERS ress; Sister Helen Corden, Marshall; Sister Peggy Boyd, Electa;. Sister Marjorie Dick- inson, warder and Bro, Wil- son Pring, sentinel, Rate Cutting S Is Alleged Allegations of rate - cutting, improper licences and teaching driver instruction in private cars were levelled before Osh- awa city council Monday night by C. N, Westgate, of Oshawa Driving School. He suggested these bylaw amendments: 'rates, now $3.75 per hour, to $4.50 for city stu- dents and $5 for those out- side; That persons issued with city driving school operator licences must have held a Department of Transport driving instruc- tor's licence for three consecu- tive years and have been an Oshawa resident for one year; That suits, coats and ties be the dress for instructors; That no private cars be used. "If we raise our rates they (outsiders from Scarborough and Toronto) can come in at any rate," Mr, Westgate told council. "At the present rates, we can't pay men what they should have. We can't make a living and have the proper type of instruction." Parks, property and recrea- quests, Joint Drive For Harbor Approved Joint promotion of Oshawa Harbor and adjacent and near- by industrial lands was ap- Council approved a t tive deputy reeve; we tion committee will study the}, roved by city om y city council Monday 1062 and $330,000 for maintenance. The new counties road com- mittee will be made up of Mel- ville White, Seymour deputy reeve; William Mitchell, Cavan Albert Gibson, Cartwright reeve, and Douglas MoMaster, Murray reeve. Among grants recommended in the finance committee report ere: $3,000 to United Counties fair boards for distribution as prize money; $1,000 to the Sal- vation Army; $1,000 for farm ponds; public relations fund, $500; Lake Ontario Development Association, $400; Canadian Can- er Society and Pine Ridge 'ourist Council, $200 each. Accounts totalling $611,351 were approved. Fluid Milk Sales Up It is reported by the Farm Economics and Statistics Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture that 2,704,968 pounds of the 3,256,549 pounds of milk Sees Pope NEW GOVERNMENT IS DISCUSSED South Viet Nam's new strongman, Maj. Gen, Nguyen Khanh is shown with Roman Catholic Archbishop of Sai- gon Nguyen Van Binh in the Vietnamese capital yesterday. Khanh received political and religious leaders for discus- sions on the formation of a new government, Buddhist leaders were received but they declined to be photo-" graphed. (AP Wirephoto by radio from Saigon) Revaluating Church Stand purchased from producers by the commercial dairies of On- tario County during Novem- ber, 1963, was of standard fluid and special fluid quality, The| dairies expended $156,730 for the! milk, | Sales of fluid milk continued 'o increase during the month, Total sales in the county were reported as 1,109,682 quarts. This compares with 1,102,255) quarts in October of last year and 1,038,475 quarts in Novem- er, 1962. A total of 10,622 quarts of but- termilk were sold, This com- pared with 11,479 quarts in Oc- tober of last year and 8,267 quarts in November, 1962, Chocolate Dairy Drink sales totalled 59,240 quarts during No- vember, This compares with 59,- 098 quarts in October and 51,389 quarts in November of the pre- vious year, A total of 37,549 quarts of fluid cream were sold during November, This compares with 35,857 quarts during October and 31,740 quarts during November, agreement drawn up by Indus- trial Commissioner J, P. Wil- liams, and agreed to by both the Industria] and Harbor Com- missions. The Industrial Commission added a clause to the cost- sharing formula, emphasizing that the IC would always have first priority on the commis- sioner's time. Ald, John Dyer, a member of the Industrial Commission, said "In my personal opinion -we should never have leased this land. (About 55 acres), "The proof is here: they are coming back to us now, asking us to help them develop it, "Government financial assist- ance, now available, is fine," he agreed. Ald, Tom Rundle, harbor com- mission secretary, disqualified himself for the vote, because of what he called a "possible con- flict of interest." Said Ald. Finley Dafoe: 'Too many cooks spoil the broth, CITY AND DISTRICT NINE AMBULANCE CALLS lu |Britain said here Tuesday that TORONTO (CP)--The spirit- al leader of Greek Orthodox Church followers in Canada and Pope Paul will re-evaluate the stand of the Roman Catholic Church on Christian unity when the ecumenical council resumes later this year, Metropolitan Athenagoras of Thyateira, who arrived in Tor- onto last week, was liaison rep- resentative for unity discus- sions with the Roman Catholic church Jast November. He said the Pope had told him: "We must proceed cau- tiously, patiently and wisely." The metropolitan had said last week it might take 500 years before the 900-year-old schism between Roman Cathol- icism and orthodoxy is bridged. In an interview Tuesday, he explained: "We must prepare the people and create a new theology of unity emphasizing the points of agreement and reinterpreting the points of disagreement in the light of what we have ex- perienced recently." The metropolitan is the leader| of Canada's 125,000 Greek Or- thodox adherents as well as the 200,000 adherents in Britain. Oshawa Fire Fighters, Mon- day answered nine routine am- bulance calls. WINS PRIZE R. Netten, an employee of Ray Gibbs Service Shop, 181 King street east, Bowmanville, was one of the prize winners in the motor repair classes at the graduation exercises held re- cently at the Provincial Insti- tute of Automotive and Allied Trades, SECOND CLASS HONORS J. H. Augustus, of Whitby, has gained Second Class Honors in Electrical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. The tinal examination results were announced Tuesday by the Fa- CRASH KILLS THREE SBOUL (AP)--A South Kor- ean jet fighter crashed into a hangar at the South Korean air force's Taegu base Wednesday, killing three maintenance men. The crash started a fire in which two airmen were badly burned and three other Sabre Rama Will Try To. Keep Out Hunters ORILLIA -- Rama Township Council will attempt to close the hunting season to all except duck hunters this fall for all than other residents of the town- ship. At the February meeting Mon- day, clerk Wilfrid Hart was in- structed to prepare a bylaw closin gthe township to non-resi- dent hunters. It will be pre- sented at the next meeting, Clerk Hart said this morning that the prime object is to keep out people who have been re- sponsible for destroying proper- ty during the deer hunt. COMMITTEES The main item of business was the appointment of com- mittees, Abner Powell and Owen Morris were named council delegates to the Coopers Falls Community Centre Board, while Reeve Ambrose McMillan and Mrs. Dorothy Burns received! similar posts on the CCB, Deputy - reeve James Heav- ener and Powell were appointed as a road committee to assist superintendent Cyrus Davey. His account for January of $1,187 was passed during the meeting. Dr. P. B. Rynard was re to the minister of highways te have the part of the Dal Rama boundary, which borders eS ee government as a development road, Plans were also approved to continue the Oak Ridge through to Rama Island. property needed to this will be purchased from Department of Lands and ests, Jail Girl Nine Months TORONTO (CP) -- Glenda Kaukonen, 17, of Whitby was sentenced Tuesday to nine months definite and four months indeterminate after she pleaded guilty to 16 charges of false pretences, Magistrate James Butler rec- ommended in Scarborough court that she be sent to Bramp- ton training centre to learn a trade. ' When the girl first appeared, in court, hre mother, -- Bar- appointed as MOH for the year,/bara with the reeve as chairman of, the Borrd of Health, the clerk as secretary and Joseph Heav- ener as sanitary inspector. SEEK TRUCK The road committee will re- re et tarchaniog & Wome Tor cost of a 'or' township use, Tenders will be called after council studies all phases of the project. Also on the road program is a petition of the house three years j because she was tos hard 4 handle. . Magistrate Butler said her en- vironment had been "anything but healthy." NEW HOME SPECIALISTS jets were destroyed. The pilot of the plane bailed out after his F-86 developed engine trouble. THE KEY EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH culty of Engineering, To The SALE LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 720-0474 VE 'FRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King &. W. They (harbor commission) should do what they were set up to do." Ald. Gordon Attersley, a mem- ber of the Industrial Commis- sion: "This is a-practical busi- ness arrangement and cost- sharing program, Priority will be given to Industrial Commis- sion work." and Murdoch, solicitors for Osh-| awa General Hospital. | TO FILL VACANCY | Dennis Tyce, a General Mo-| jtors tool and die maker, will) complete retiring member Nor-| jman Millman's unexpired term on the Planning Board. The choice was approved Monday night. James Feltis, Bell Tele- phone foreman, is the Oshawa | | Council, jthe financial sharing, we will," jsaid Ald, Cliff Safety League's choice as ap-/ }pointee to the Traffic Advisory) "If anyone will benefit from Pilkey, third council member of the Commis- sion, in answer to a question on Sharing of IC's expenses, SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and . e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e 4 > > @ EXTRA FEATURE @ FOOD MARKET, 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH in Ontario County was 83,371) FRESH PORK (NOT FROZEN) pounds compared with 66:609| The Fire Protection agree-| ment between Oshawa and Commercial PARADE APPROVED pounds in December, 1962. The make during the 12 months of last year was 1,003,140 pounds. This compared with 871,507 = in the same period of In Durham and Northumbe:: land Counties the make December was 180,592 pounds This compares with pounds in the same month of the previous year. The make during the 12 months of 1963 was 3,228,047 pounds. This compared with 2,892,577 pounds in 1962. Tt is also stated that 'the make of cheddar cheese in the united counties during Decem- ber, 1963, was 239,766 pounds This compared with 211,771 pounds in December 1962. The 152,362) Impounded BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- There were 527 animals im- pounded by Bowmanville's Dog Control officer Archie Hoskins in 1963. Of these 402. were dogs, 121 last] cats and four other animals, There were 269 dogs destroy- ed, 86 reclaimed, 45 sold and two held over, Six cats were given homes and 115. cats were destroyed in the past year. Darlington Township had 237 dogs picked up and Bowman- ville reported 155. In New- leastie there were 10 dogs im- pounded Twenty-three animals were boarded in. the pound at a cost of $102 and $27 for the sale make during the 12 months of last year was 4,360,051 pounds compred with. 3,963,491 pounds|Mr.. Hoskins logged over 5,000 from miles in 1963. @uring 1962. a 'of 103 licences was collected In the pursuit of his duties East Whitby township will be renewed on the same basis as last year (no rate per truck per hour change) and the agrec- ment will remain indefinitely but may be terminated on 30 days notice by either party. REQUESTS REFERRED Requests to council for grants jot $2000 and $500 from the On- jtario Regimental Band and the jOshawa Safety League, -espec- tively, have been forwarded to \the 1964 budget committee. RECOMMEND APPROVAL Council will recommend On- tario Municipal Board approval| jof Bylaw 4284 "notwithstanding | jobjections", four of which were icarried in the agenda last night. The bylaw lists minimum park- jing facilities for everything apartment buildings . to The Canadian Corps Associa- tion, Unit 42, has been given permission to hold its fourth an- nual Drumhead Service and Parade Saturday, Sept. 19, and to use Alexandra Park and Mc- morial Park. Subject to ap- proval by Chief of Police. The established, reliable Ges Deoler in your eree. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 | SA By well known E On display at GENOSH FEBRUARY iwarehouses. Listed objections OIL PAINTING LE uropean Artists A HOTEL -- OSHAWA 7th & 8th 12 noon until 10:00 P.M. Room 205 ALSO PRINTS -- WHOLESALE SPARERIBS 49: LEAN MEATY BLADE ECONOMY 6-7 RIB SHORT CUT Ist 4 Prime Rib LEAN MEATY Short Rib 39: 99: 73% 99: ¢ FRESH PORK ce ? FRESH PORK ;BUTT LOIN END DEVON RINDLESS BACON 4 « | SHOULDER 39: 45: 9: 09: LEE SLICED BANANAS FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BREAD Pineapple EXTRA FEATURE FRESH KILLED OVEN READY 2%-3 LB. AV. 13: te 0: Ib 2-4]: 3 TINS + | 30: