'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, February 5, 1964 25 OFFERS $4 MILLION FOR PAPER New Zealand Gasps At Thomson's Plan LONDON (CP) -- A $4,500,-[He said he has no intention 000 offer by publisher Royjany large-scale expansion in e Thomson i ainer pron new territory, newspaper a The New Zealand press . erable stir "down under." deemed in Fleet Street odes "New Zealand is gasping,"|to be somewhat old - BB ye one paper reported after Thom-jand parochial, concerned prin- son's bid, made known in mid-lelpally. with local jealousies. January, for Wellington's only! "Jt is really frightening," said og newspaper, The Do-lone New Zealand news: 33---Market ed TURNS and foes rots $1.25 bushel, es ered Soo-c03,. 29--Automobiles For Sale 1957 Be aiypey nt two tone, four-door, $695, Whithy 468-2109 after 4 p.m. 29--Automobiles For Sale 1957 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, fair condition, Needs some Work, S895, Also-2958-4AG:-sports ear, 27---Real Estate For Sale | Guide-Brownie Council Meets At Port Perry By MRS. C. H, REESOR PORT PERRY -- A --_ of the Scugog Division Coun for Guides and Brownies was recently held in the Scout Hall. The newly appointed division commander is Mrs. Arnold Roach, of Manchester, replacing' Mrs, Clarence Carter, of Scu- gog. Mrs. Gerald Nelson of Port Perry, was made division camp advisor. Mrs. Rae Webster was ap- pointed district commissioner! for Port Perry, Scugog and 27--Real Estate For Sale _ 1000. ~~ 3 acres 10d level Tand ROWE STREET, 14 -- Fp ap house, $21 be = > ™ Nencastie: 'seven-|$2,400 down, $80. month 6 per Kea iNCOME HOME r Ran tiunace, garage, Ask-|or $1,400 down, $99 mon o 4,500. $85. month, Mc- {second morigage, Possession o iatate Broker, sold before February 29. Taxes $240. 4 apartments ee night Apply 208 College Avenue. No realtors, High- bani cena thi please. ena 2a rive HO an, a ae "PHONE. 728-7680 F _ KEITH PETERS lerge and shopping. Telephone 72: on en win lg ie and DUPLEX, six rooms, three padreorie: Realtor -- 728-7328 * 103 King Street East bath and recreation room. Priced)recreation room, recently decorated, RANCH BUNGALOW ~ $3. Delly- needs some repair, SLOSHDBILE, automatic, tulty pow: body li $525, pike BA Service Station, Raglan, araeh anh or baat etter: 635-35 will accept jeeers "telephone 7 728-1345. TERRIFIC BUYS! 1956 Meteor, 55] 1959 MORRIS Oxtore vith h radio, p 9 Chrysler, 1959 'Pontlac, 1955 Pontiac, All Feavonable. Southend BP Station, 71 Bloor|Condition,, excellent motor, $400, Bast, 725-7702. 1953 GMC %-ton stake truck with or "$2 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, two-tdoof,|without hand operated winch; also 1956 radio, white wails, wheel discs, and cag . - cylinder, automatic, Best offer, many other deluxe options, medium) 7 blue. Low mileage. Increase in family forces sale, will consider trade. $1325. or offer, Whitby, 668-4728. '56 METEOR convertible, V-8, Telephone Whitby 668-2340 after 5 p.m. 1962 PONTIAC Laurentian, automatic, radio, maroon. 728-5178. APPLES, cooking and eating, good quai- ity, per bushel. Carrots $1.50. Tele- phone Whitby 666-2088, BUY your potatoes by the 75 |b. bag, land save. Also Cortland and §, spples by the bushel, For free delivery telephone evenings, Brooklin, 655-4963. CAPONS, dressed, oven ready, 5¥ Ibs, and up, $2.50 each delivered. Telephone 725-8304, plece ht for quick sale. For information call|Three blocks from 401 Highway in new Wen Elliott at Fa 18%, evenings 728-0581.| subdivision, close to schools, Asking Carl Olsen, Realtor. $12,000. Telephone 723-9305. METCALF , Gch ne tow ara, t,t separate and ny REAL ESTATE 'LIMITED 40 King St. E. eee Full esking, price, #12950. Dial 728-4678 HARMONY HEIGHTS ENEVROLEY four-wheel drive, ten 4,700 original miles. Like Alax 942-2924. i $9 VAUXHALL, good Soa Condition, qT 725-6670 after 6 p.m. Legs FA Me age kis Sealy, top condition, $395, Financing no problem, take ty 'nity yet army! CLEMENT Brothers Poultry. Take orders NeW. | for freezers. Fresh roasting chickens, 3 to 4 Ibs., $1 and $1.25 each. Deliveries on orders of 10 or more. Call Newcastle, 987-4353; Oshawa 726-529) 34--Lost and Found Lost -- reas German 'Shepherd dog, black and fan, heavy build. Answers ph gn 3 'd i pet. Reward offer: by intment calling Ossie 6 cylinder, Keres near or Thera, Joseph 'Telephone | ni Ay $850. DOWN -- Five-room brick bunga- low, large Hollywood kitchen, ceraml tile bath, One bg he for Bag Call Real Estate Lid. "|$1,395, After 5 p.m, evenings, telephone wn RG DaRRe ROBE | Ne each le for 40 ACRES land in Reach for sale for i98) "VOLKSWAGEN, 'new Tires, custom ashers, very Bosco, 1955 FORD 2-door. Good condition |reasonable, Telephone Ajax 942-3132. 1957 CADILLAC convertible. Sharp. and)» saxon and white, 22 sunths , jold, cat 'satrany at Children's "Arena. Reward. after 4 at 728-1578. Lost -- port black female dog, part el, name Blackie, collar and tag. 6 Open stone fireplace, byte china cabinet, heated drive, beautifully man, a veteran in Fleet , paved Kirconed Asking $16, INCOME ey, a Nila UNLIMITED 1 ROOMS, sonst construc- located close to north ., 18 boarders ot pre- Low down payment con- portal $900 DOWN $10,300 FULL PRICE 5 room eost end location, nearly new furnace, room portly finished in basement. COMMERCIAL $900 DOWN $869 DOWN Balance on | N.H.A. 6% % mortgage, good sized lots, homes include storms, screens clay brick etc. 2 models to chose from at $13,495, and $13,595. Call now for ap- pointment to inspect. DUNKIRK AVE. Most attractive bungalow with attached gorage and paved drive, extra large living room and kitchen, large tiled bath with vanity, 3 bedrooms, extra shower -in basement with extra rough- ed in plumbing ond water softener. This is an excellent Cement Block Building 18 x 60 ft., 7 room house needs repair. GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 NORTH WEST AREA--new 4 bedroom brick ee with basement garage. 2 bedrooms ore extra large ond 4 pc. tiled bath. Hollywood kitchen pet spacious living room. Ex- liumbing in basement for 'ond bath. A well built hed in a choice location that has jus* recently come on the market, parce room brick byngo- with attached gorage. fomily home at $14,900, with reasonable down pay- ment. |WEST END -- SPLIT LEVEL | 6: large rooms with garage, | finished rec. room, large lot close to all schools, extro washroom, Asking $17,500. but open to offer. ROSSLAND RD. EAST | Immaculate 5 room bunga- low' on hedged and fenced in lot, double paved drive, home tastefully decorated, and in 'excellent shape, Ask- ing $13,900. with reasonable | down payment. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Joe Maga Dick Borriage Bob Johnston Jack Osborne Ken Hann edily attractive home priced right at $13,300. DOWNTOWN -- On Ontario Street--lorge commercial lot ri «x 127 ft, with brick build- ing. Full price is $43,000 SUBURBAN NORTH WEST OSHAWA--7 room split ig pe. bath and 2 pe 0 This home is only 2 years old ond good value at $12,900. . WHITBY TWP. -- + ole and Fede erga zewoy lot 75 x 200 ft. with lots of room for the gordener. Living room has fireplace and dining area. Lots of built ins and room to eat in the kitchen. This home is located in a well developed subdivision ond priced of $11,900. INCOME BUNGALOW--One of the best homes we hove in this erea. civing room with fireploce, 3 bedrooms ond 4 pc. bath for owner. Furnished 3 room basement aportment with seporate entrance and both rents for $80.00 per month. This is good volue ot $14,500. COMMERCIAL LOT--Simncoe St. North 72 ft. f zon- . Additional joining frontage available. PRIVATE RETREAT -- 66 ocres of area only @ few miles from Oshawa, Close to a paved road yet secluded from the Highway. Trout pond ond stream cross entire pro- perty. Large 9 room house in excellent repair and smailer 6 room home. Suitable for o private club. Priced at $26,- 500 GLENDALE STREET -- Well kept 6 room bungalow with otteched gorage and poved drive. Large living room ond nicely finished recreation room with bor ond on abund- ance of, storage space. 2 bathrooms. Close to. shopping plaza, schools, bus. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-- Brick ard stone og wed with paved drive and 2 fin- ished rooms in Lerger thon average living * | SCHOFIELD-AKER| 723-2265 $12,500.00--5 room brick bungalow--Private drive and lot size 45' x 136' and nicely | londscaped. Price includes | storms and screens, mew hot | woter tank, T.V. Antenna, Toxes only $286.17. Monthly payments $79.00 includes taxes, So dial to-doy without | delay. You'll be glad you did. JUST my bord 5 room brick bungalow with 3 bedrooms. Tiled bath and modern kitchen. Only 6 years old -- focated in the North West oreo. Very close to separate, Public ond High schools. Very convenient to bus and shopping plaza. Ya ACRE OF LAND Suburben living will be « joy in this lovely clean 6 room brick Ranch bungalow. L.R. over 19 ft. long, D.R. 9 x 9'6"'. Separate eating area in kitchen ond 3 average size bedrooms. Monthly poyment includes taxes only $77.00 per month ROSSLAND MANOR--New 6 foom bungalow with atteched @gerage. Located on a lovely corner lot. Split level design with L.R., D.R. and kitchen On main floor. Three good size bedrooms with ample closet space and 4 pc. bath with lorge vanity. Comletely decorated. List price $18,- 500.00 N.H.A. terms. Imme- diote possession. SPACIOUS MODERN LIVING is yours to enjoy when you purchase this well built 2 YEAR OLD--2 storey brick home with garage. Features include, 4 bedrooms, all with double closets--25 ft. L.R., @fid good size kitchen ond seporat> -- dini oreo, 2 | BATHS. $6000.00 down-- balance 1 N.H.A. mortgage. Give us a call now. For fur- | ther details call 723-2265. For full particulars call 723-2265 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Irene Brown Pauline Beal Marg. Hall 725-0239 723-1358 room and ample room to eot in iktchen, This spotiessly clean home hos been reduc- ed to $12,000. For full porticulors call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9-p.m. WHY WAIT FOR SPRING? All of us tend to put off until Spring many things thot could be done in the winter. This applies porticularly to listing your home. It pays to stort early so DO IT NOW. Dozens of homes ore sold month through the FRIENOLY BUSY OFFICE ot the BUSY INTERSECTION GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Reoltors, 16 Simcoe S&. S. WHITBY CLASSIFIED SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, service! on Calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street) West, Whitby. 668-2563. DRESSMAKING -- Sulty, coats, dresses, siterations, slip covers, eons Fitting specialty. Mrs. forms, 668-2372. iD -- Houses for rent and for sale. fnioy and Coe, rn re rat, Sa privileges, eb- , honemoker, References requir- i a 468-3660. NT -- he 1, three-bedroom) POR RE pa otter 7 om 728-2870 723-2894 728-2233 | 728-5868 725-0201 Alian Thompson Moargoret Lee Maible Boudreau Steve Macko Reg. Aker Bill McFeeters 725-1726 | Charlie Chaytor 723-2266 | 360 King St. West Free Parking j hunting or Sect ation. 2,000-foot 725-3867 | 92%, age ci Highway 655-4742, SiX- ROOM, 'oni brick home with garage-and paved drive, In good residential area, close to schools, churches, and bus, Telephone 725-2874, FIVE-ROOM stucco house, on treed lot In Brooklin, oll furnace, Lege very rea- sonably priced. Half cash required. Tele- phone Stouffville. 640-1303. Thomas N Shea Ltd., Realtor. 2 See CLEAN four-room insul brick, new oll furnace, cupboards with double stainless e and one-half storey, lo, condition. Private tale, $650. Telephone 128-5795. 1947 CHEVROLET eg er a In very good condition, Telephone 72: 1963 PONTIAC oration 4-door, cylinder, automatic, power steering, pad- ded dash, radio, washers, whitewalls, wheel discs, 12,400 miles, 725-5246, "11963 PONTIAC laurentian station babe ol V8, radio, shaded windshield, window washers. Top condition. T237306. 1959 DODGE V8 hardtop, surements tee steel sink, heavy wiring, -- tow down payment, 726-5513 Re $1500. DOWN, $95. monthly, nearly new three-bedroom brick bungstow, _ alumi- num storms and screens, north end. Tele- phone 728-6605. CENTRAL, eight suites, must be sold, only $29,900. Mr, Crulkshanks 728-5123. Bolahood Brothers Lit Limited. SEVEN-ROOM "prick, 1Ve-storey, In bet- ter residential area, just off Mary Street, featuring large family floor. Also large living and dining rooms, two baths, beautiful large lot. Asking | jo, ny $14,900. Try your down bag ere call Sally Wallace, 725-6297, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. |LOVELY ~ FOUR- ROOM modern bunga- llow on Division Street North, Full base- |ment. Oil heat, fenced yard, Private ldrive and garage. Full price $9,200, For information, call ike Perry 725-0303, | Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. |MAPLE GROVE on Highway. "Three-bed- |room bungalow with breezeway and big |garage on large -well landscaped lot. Ask- ling $1,500, down. Give us an offer for the lbalance. 'Telephone George Blyleven, Realtors, Bowmanville, 623-5300. LOVELY suburban ravine lot, 100 x 200, location Meadow. Road, West Oshawa jarea, Telephone 728-6576. ~ RESALE BUNGALOW Beside St. Christopher's Two Fireplaces 3 year old custom built, con- teins mony extras, recreo- tion room with extra stool in basement, hollywood kitchen with. china cabinet, eight foot vonity with mirror, Lot 50' x 150', asking $2,500. down, Phone Bill Millor 725-1186 or 725-2557 |W. T..Lamson Real Estate Liimted SELL or TRADE Commuter's Special 5.8 acre form on paved road. Just off Highway 12, Three miles from Uxbridge, Ten room brick house in excep- tionally good state of repairs. Excellent barns newly painted ideal for beef cattle. Good soil in high state of fertility. Owner will consider trade on a house in the wa or Whitby oreo. This is @ once in a lifetime opportunity. Askng $24,900. Good Terms JOHN M. BAIRD room on main/top, and white, 1963 CHEVROLET \2 ton ae low mileage, Best offer, 728-5179. i956 CHEVROLET V8, : inane shift, new tires, new battery, fair condition. $475 or best offer, 726-2895. 1962 CONSUL, 4door, low mileage. Like| new. ing West. $1,099. Barlow Motors, 428 VROLET impala, 2-door hard-| Fully equipped, low mileage.) Telephone 723-7970. 1962 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 cylinder, stick shift, fully equipped, 15,000 miles. Best offer. 728-5179. 1987 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, A-) con: dition throughout, begfed Bingt8 on Service Station, corner 1964 PONTIAC finish. Private sale. Street West, Whitby. 1957 CHEVROLET, 4door sedan, 6 cylin- der, standard transmission, radio, wheel discs, $635, Telephone 728-4949, 1953 METEOR, four-door sedan. Excel- lent condition. . Telephone Whitby 668-8561, 1961 MONZA Corvair, windshield washer, bucket seats, auto- matic transmission, Whitby 668-2233. PRIVATE Sale. Clean, well cared for 1957 Dodge Sports Suburban station wagon, push-button automatic transmis- sion, deluxe radio, windshield washers. Really must be seen to be bag ior Asking $600 with terms. 'elephone 728-4353, Apply 715 Burns "radio, heater, PRIVATE. 1956 Chevrolet 2-door, 6 Cylin- der, standard transmission, radio, clock, clean, no. rust, fully winterized. § new Dominion Royal Safety Lane 800 tires, narrow whitewalls. Total price $650, can arrange finance. Owner buying new car, T 728-4357. =| Soli PLAn se ie "Sliver | -- TOOT YOUR spaniel, Ree vilg Garrard Road on Friday. Call LOST -- New CCM Ay ig rd and white, License Seria 1487) vicinity Deseven ch ih ig wen nesday, January 29. Reward. 725-1089. OWN HORN! GET THAT NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA le e | 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 {Wentworth East, 725-11! LB OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, {1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck- ling. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JANE BALHARRIE DECEASED All persons having cloims against the estate of JANE BALHARRIE, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on the 20th day of July, 1963, rust file their claims with the undersigned before the 25th day of February, 1964, after which date the assets of the Estate will be ~145 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" | Talk "Cash" to the New | Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS | __ 723-4494 Res, 725.5574 | $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we - deal up or down. Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 32----Articles for Sale TELEVISION 21" table model, very good $4. Ti 725-7488, four-door hardtop, radio, Immacu- i969 BUICK, engine overhauled, New tires. late condition, $1395, 725-5743. 1984 CHEVROLET 2-ton tow truck with r winch, $450 of nearest offer. Tele- phone 7 728-2525. 1953 METEOR four-door, dard shift, radio, rear speaker, condition. $195. 5._ Whitby 668-4194, 1963 CORVAIR Monza, 4speed tranmis- sion, radio, windshield washers, bucket seats, cash or terms, Telephone daytime 725-3568; evenings 725-3430. 1960 OLDSMOBILE super, dark bive, very clean, mechan , snow tires Included. $1698 . sg Fs 116 Bond Street vr, two-tone, sta- good BUYING or selling furniture or appil- ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695, TV TOWERS special, 40 ft, tower struc ture with all channel antenna, Instalied $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street. 728-8180, BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances, One location only. Pret Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. SEVERAL hundred Coke glasses, 90 cents per dozen; cutlery, $1. per dozen; 60) platters, vegetable bowls, china cups, .|saucers, Telephone 725-3338, distributed, having regard only to claims so filed. Doted this 3rd day of Febru- ary, 1964; DODDS & DONALD 69 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. CLASSIFIED ADS ' May be small, but they are giants, powerful too, when it comes to getting things done, Let one of them sell your no longer need household items. See for yourself. Telephone Now 723-3492 Raglan, Other r district commis-' sioners are, Mrs. D. Simpson, of Uxbridge; Mrs. F. Hay- ward, of Claremont; Mrs. Mac- Intyre, of Cannington. The next meeting of the division will be held at Uxbridge. on Feb, 10. HONEYDALE WI The January meeting for the Honeydale Women's Institute was held in the Anglican Parish Hall. Standing conveners were read as follows: public relations -- Mrs, Samuel Cawker; fruit and flowers, Mrs. Max Bassant; home economics and health, Mrs. George Bell; agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs George Bell. A resolution was passed -- Ob- jective to lower cost of sugar and a petition was signed by all members. PORT PERRY CWL ~ The Catholic Women's Leaguejquiring the Wellington' paper|Maple Grove UCW' met re- of Port Perry held the January meeting in the Parish Hall of Immaculate Conception Church, under the spiritual direction of Father Rueser. The theme for the next Port Perry Fair is to be "Christ- mas" and the subjects a fancy apron, a pair of fancy pyiemns, a child's smocked dress and Christmas favors. Mrs. Boehm and Mrs Colbear volunteered their services. It was decided to make February an "apron month" -- all members to make an apron and bring it to the next meeting. It was suggested to hold a "Lilac Tea" and bake sale sometime in May and that members should bring family "heirlooms" to be displayed on an antique table. SOFTENS COLD Sea otters are insulated from the icy waters of the north Pa- cific by air pockets trapped in their soft, deep fur. electric spinning wheel, chairs, Gite. MUST sell 17-inch water heater, cradle, antique tables, 1958 PONTIAC American two-door hard- top V8 hydrometic, fully customized. Phone before § pm. Brooklin 6553545. 1962 CHEVROLET GeiAir, two + hardtop, excellent condition, radio, pod white wall tires. $2,200. Telephone Whitby 668-4080. i986 OLOSMOBILE Foor fully auto, matic, A-1 condition. . See at 14 Easthaven Street. 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, 2-door hard- top, automatic, excellent condition $1,795 or nearest offer, 725-8132. SPOT. CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 REALTOR MARKHAM, ONT, TELEPHONE 294-1431 EVENINGS 294-0634 |28--Real Estate Wanted || HAVE @ cash buyer for four bedroom house, not over $13,000 cash, Call Mr. | William . Horner at 728-5123 or |_ 728-2236, |RANCH TYPE or split level home in the northwest, Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066, Bolahood Brothers Ltd. 29--Automobiles For Sale 1959 ~ FORD Station 'wagon, écylinder, standard. New snow tires, $950 before 3)------ |P.m. Telephone 725-8407, 11958 CHEVROLET, § Biscayne, four-door sedan, excellent condition, six cylinder, standard transmission, $950 after 4 p.m. Telephone 723-9096. i955 FORD Fairlane, two-door V-8 suto- |matic, good mechanically, reamwatie: Telephone 728- 5888 | 1962 ENVOY, "Yow mileage, "glean car, ex- | cellent in every way, icaainces available, | Call | evenings, 7 725-854. \1955 BUICK, $ S75) 1949 Ford, half-ton, |$50; Parts for a 1955 Dodge or Plymouth, radio, whee three new tires. Telephone 728-206 1963 CHEVY II, "avid standard trans- mission, seat belts, wheel discs, tinted glass, back-up lights, positraction, radio, washers and snow tires. Telephone 728-1468, VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd, S. Oshawa 728-0921 1964 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE Black with red leather interi- or, four speed transmission, high performance -- engine, positraction, podded dash, windshield washers, tinted windshields, seat belts, floor mats, white wall tires, only 5700 miles. $2595 From 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Phone 728- 7293 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 ~ KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quolity 27--Real Estate For Sale -NOW $499 D OWN You Save $500 With Winter Works Bonus ? BUNGALOWS STARTED PRICED AT $12,950 = PLUS WINTER WORKS BONUS 'SEE THEM TODAY TELEPHONE 725-1186 Harry Bates or Bill Millar W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. "SMITH SPORTS GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 Dependable Used Cars 1963 DODGE Four door, six, automatic, 6,000 miles big discount. 1963 FORD 300 $2095 Two door, six cylinder. 1963 FORD Foirlane 500 $2295 two door, V-8, automatic 1962 CHEVROLET . $1895 Two door, six automatic. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN $995 Two door, deluxe 1960 PLYMOUTH .. $1095 ~. Four door, six cylinder 1958 PLYMOUTH .. $595 Twa door, six, cylinder. 1955 STUDEBAKER $150. Two door, eight cylinder. |three hundred new and used "/CRIB and mattress, $20; double bed, $15; horse, 723-4254, et double size, COMING EVENTS CONTINENTAL bed, six single beds, door| Chrome kitchen set, 5 ple and chair, 2 ranges, light duty: small re- frigerator, chesterfield and chair, $10. Apply 147 Brock Street East. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and App! ances, Name brands at biggest Gteceunts anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever- ly mattress furniture lines. Your author. ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West, our new BINGO Bathe Park Clubhouse EULALIE AVE. Wed., Feb. 5th. 8 p.m. Door Prizes formerly Avalon Dance Hall, Ti 728-9191, B. F, GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Bat teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupli- cators, chequewriters, comptometers, . We buy, sell, rent, service, Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. SIMPLICITY washing machine, new con- dition; high chair; roll away cot. Call Whitby, 668-5649. RECONDITIONED tei pie New televisions, $198 cash or ly at Honest Cal's Discount Furniture and Appliances, 424 King West, 728-9191. VACUUM CLEANER repairs, all makes. Free estimates, parts, attachments, brushes, hoses. Guaranteed re-built ma- chines, Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. Call )_anytime 728-0591. pa up. $8 month- EUCHRE PARTY Woodview Community Centrte CADILLAC AVE, NORTH Wednesday, Feb. 5th 8 P.M. SHARP Lunch, Prizes, Admission 50¢ NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) aan 2. Fi fd $20 or trinied '$160 iN' ACKPOTS Door prize $15 | MONTHLY PRIZE BINGO, Bathe Park, Evlalle Avenue, Thursday, 2 p.m. Euchre Saturday, § p.m. OSHAWA ROCK and MINERAL CLUB Thursday, Feb, 6th 7:30 P.M, C.R.A. BUILDING GIBBS ST. Guests Welcome. EUCHRE HARMAN PARK Club House | Wed., Feb. 5 8 O'CLOCK 4 CASH PRIZES DOOR PRIZE WE buy, sell and exchange used furnl- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671, | TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft, struc- ture, including all channel antenna, in- lstalled and gua.anteed by experts with 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television,| jtelephone 728- +5143. |SUNWORTHY walipaper at half brie | | Many patterns in ready pasted and regu-| llar, Buy one roll, get one free, Edgar! M Telephone! ahd Sons, King West, 723-7351. SKATES, used, $1.97 up, per pair, with your trade In, Sportsman's Corner, one block west of | Four Corners In Whitby. ORIENTAL rug, new: riding lawn mower, garden tractor; 3-piece bath $40; laundry tubs; pressure systems, $35. Harry ( Chinn, corner Hillside, Park South. » console, $40, LIONS BINGO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5th JUBILEE PAVILION JACKPOT NOS. 53 and 55 $1200 CASH PRIZES FREE ADMISSION EARLY BIRD 7:45 Special Bus Leaves 4 Corners 7:30 RCA VICTOR 21" DONS Good condition. Telephone 72 "725-8407. 100 AMP service panel, 14" electric ctric tan. Two steel jack posts. Dodge custom radio. 100 feet furnace pipe with elbows. Tele- phone 728-2061. DRAPES, beige, 16 ft. x 95", Three brush/ floor polisher, Jolly Jumper, single bed} and springs; also 1955 Dodge car parts. Telephone Whitby, }-3053. FREEZER, Continental, i, chest style, just like new, 20 cu. ft. 6 months old. Reason- able, Good buy. Telephone 723-3042. 48" WOODEN bed with spring "and mat- tress; chest of drawers, in good cond! tion. After 4.30, dial 623-5274, GOLF clubs, one, two and three woods, two, four, five, six, seven and nine irons. Good condition. Man gece oe TYPEWRITER, Underwood, conditioned, $65. After § p.m» a evhitoy 668-3177 WASHING machine, Coffield wringer type with automatic timer and pump. condition, $35, Telephone 72! 725-5535. TELEVISION, 21", very y good | condition. Telephone 728: 1742. OIL, name brand In sealed 45 ley drums. No. 10 heavy duty. Reasonabli Call 728 9177. WEDDING 'gown own with ¢ hoop, veil, sue Worth $150, all for us. reali 728- * baby carriage, $5; child's rocking $8; baby swing, $5. Apply 173 Ritson South. TWIN beds including T™attresses, 61" tong, plus bookcase headboards, with: bullt- In lighting. _ Telephone 723-2883. RCA VICTOR 21" console, television. Ap ply 290 Montrave Avenue, Apt. 4, Meg 4047, Stove and refrigerator, good condi. tion. Apply 255 Thomas Street 723.9237. MOTOROLA television console model, stero record player, table radio, all like new. Teephone 725-9297. TV TOWERS--Special, 40 tt. tower struc- ture with all channel antenna, installed $50, Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180. RANGE, Wes tinghouse, ue E 'burner, heavy duty. Good condition. Telephone 725-3141. ~~ What's My Line? Buying ond selling used fur- OSHAWA 1 -- $150 e-|DOOR PRIZES EXTRA PRIZES Monster BINGO Thursday, Feb. 6th 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 51 and 56 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200 PER FULL CARD_IN $1, 56 NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150. TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EARLY BIRD GAME RED BARN, OSHAWA JAYCEES JACKPOT ADMISSION $1.00 BRING SPECIAL V2 To the FRIDAY, FEB. 7th KINSMEN SUPER CAR BIN Over $6,1 00 in niture' and appliances, For 353 King West 728-7341. | your needs phone, Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. AT THE Peterborough Memorial Centre 1964 Ford DeLuxe Sedan or $2000 Cash. $1,000 Hi- Lo Game, $800 Big Snowball (50 nos.), $100 Small Snowball (50 nos.). Plus $600 regular games. $450 special games. Don't forget to buy the economy pack for value and save money. i PRICE PASS GO Jack Empringham; Young People's Elmer Wilson; er, Mrs. Burnett Jamieson. Reaction included indignant editorial comment, an outpour- ing of letters to the editor and a general fee of apprehen- sion about img Mal "em- pire' spreading into the com- fortable world of New Zealand journalism. Members of the New Zealand Newspaper Proprietors' Associ- ation raised the matter in an interview with Prime Minister' Keith Holyoake. One report said they sought legislation to keep|~ "They will never c within. A new force to come from outside." In the Sept. 30, 1962, the rman reported a profit ot £93,625, up about -_ per cent from the previous Initial reaction by the fon board of diretors Thomson bid is unders have been uhfavorable. sion is expected in about weeks, ated -- from acquir- ing contro) any newspaper in New Zealand. OTHERS BIDDING?. In London, the Daily Tele- graph reported that Hetyoake was also seen by Rupert Mur- doch, dynamic young publisher of an Australian-based group of papers. Murdoch is reported to have hinted that his Mirror group would be interested in ac- but no specific offer was an- nounced, Rupert's father, the late Sir Keith Murdoch, founded the Melbourne Herald group and is still regarded as one of the greatest journalists Australia has produced. New Zealand Truth, a weekly| paper published in Wellington, said "rumors are flying all over the country" in the wake of Thomson's move, "Thomson's immediate objec- tive," the newspaper said, "'is not, it is believed, to make a fortune in the country, but to) trance to Australia." Truth noted that Thomson has said he wouldn't mind own-' ing a Labor newspaper, and added that it would be a shock for Holyoake's conservative- minded National Party if the Dominion "acquired a radical viewpoint." ILL-ADVISED In London, Thomeon de- scribed New Zealand reaction as "ill-advised and illinformed." use the paper as a back n+! ic UCW Budget Accepted At Maple Grove By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN MAPLE GROVE -- The cently in the church basement with a good number of ladies MacNeil, and a hymn was sung, The worship service was in tg: of Unit One with Mrs. #8 3s? send a $25.00 donation to sek E the eee: ence Brown, Mrs. Susie Laind, and fery took part. PERSONALS the at sm Sunday School By MRS, LORNE JONES BALSAM Annual Sunday School meeting was held -- following a pot luck supper in the church basement. The following officers were installed: superintendent, Reg. Hoskins, Allan Carson; assistant superintendent, George Em-/Coon pringham. Secretary, John Wilson; assis- tant superintendent, Ken Stick- wood; treasurer, Lloyd Harbron. Teacher Primary Class, Miss Janet Jones, Miss Lynda Hos- kins; Junior Class teacher, Miss Annual Meeting Held At Balsam and MT. ZION--The| Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J Oshawa, were recent visitors with his mother, Mra, Robt. Jaryie. Mr. and ga Cc. P. Swallow relati ted friends tf Toronto and Wm. Bragg, of Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Herold Cooney, Misses -- and Linda e Ronney Cooney, visited the. the formee's ry ot -- Blanche Cooney, at Tren- in. Misses Janice, Bonnie Beath were Sunday visitors with Mr. en Ronald Macklin, Rose- Mary Jean Jamieson; assistant teacher, Mrs, Jane Carson. Junior Intermediate Class teacher, Mrs. Cecil Disney; as- sistant teacher, Mrs. Lorne Jones; Intermediate class, Mrs. assistant teacher, Mrs. Mac Allbright; Class, Mrs. assistant teach- Pianist, Miss Linda Graham; assistant pianist, Mrs, Allan Carson; nominating committee, Mrs. Fred Fiss, Mrs. Earl Dis- ney; auditors, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carson. CONGREGATIONAL MEET The congregational meeting of the church followed the Sunday School meeting with Mrs. Cecil Jones acting as secretary. ' Cecil Jones gave a report of the Session for Rev. T. Fleetham. There had been fifty-four ser- vices during the year. Rev. Fleetham had seven in- fant and four adult baptisms. Donald Jamieson gave the treasurer' s report. The stew- ards, United Church Women, Men's Club, choir, all had very good reports. Choir leaders: Mrs. Elmer Wilson for seniors; Mrs. Reg Hoskins and Mrs. Mac. All- bright for juniors. Church pianist, Mrs, Allan Carson; assistant pianist, Miss Sharyn Jones. DEATHS ° Prizes including Byrne, 60, weight boxer in the 1920s. Madrid, Spain -- Prince Al- Ky. -- Jimmy top-ranking heavy- Owensboro, Rome -- Professor Felice Balbo, 50, dean of moral philo- sophy at the Rome. University of Baie-Comeau, Que. -- Ray- mond Gagnon, 42, director of |Quebec's North Shore area for Many Free and Valuable Door Prizes the Py: oreeguag of National rade Unions. Congregational Meeting Held At Solina SOLINA -- The annual oon- gregational meeting was held recently with Reverend C. Catto presiding. A brief worship. ser. vice was led by Gladys Yel- lowlees. Stans Millson of the nominat- ing committee presented the following slate of officers which was accepted, og Elders -- §. Werry, E. R. Taylor. Elders -- Harvey Yellowlees, Wes Yellowlees, Wesley Hills, John Knox, Francis Johnston and Bruce Tink. Stewards -- Lloyd Broome, Davis, Douglas Fiett, Frank Westlake, Don Taylor, Ross Cryderman, Harry Knox, Bruce Taylor, Mrs. Harvey Yel- lowlees and Mrs. Wesley Yellow- lees (representing the United Church Women). Congregational representa- tive -- Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr., M_ and M Committee -- Lloyd Broome, Mrs, Don Tay- lor and Mrs. Wes Werry. har noee!f Board -- Don Tay- lor, Harold Pascoe, Wes Werry. Auditors -- Pearl Leach, Mrs. B. Tink. : Flower committee -- Pearl Leach, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs. R. Vice. Trustee Board -- John Knox, Gordon Leask, Rae Pascoe, Wes fonso of Bourbon - Sicily, 62,|Werry, Stanley "Millson. nephew of the late King phonso XIII of Spain. Ushers -- Douglas Fiett, Fran- cis Johnston, Larry Harry Knox, Ralph Davis, Mur- ray Vice, Charles Langmaid. Nominating committee Wesley Hills, Mrs. F. Johnston, Mrs, Wesley -Yellowiees. A vote of appreciation was extended to the oragnist, choir leader and caretakers for their services throughout the year Reverend Catto closed the meeting with a prayer for the coming year.