24 THE CHHAWA TIMED, Wednentey, Pebrocry 8,19 Caii The Direct Ciassified Num 5 723- <> oe ee ee : 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 --= 18--Maie or Femaie a = Femeie 27---Real Estate For Sate : SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Help Wanted Help Wanted Bak Gee BUSINESS SERV Zs DIRECTORY | a | Dignified Sales Opportunity BOLAHOOD For Right Man or Woman BROTHERS |Dressmaking Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs Bl | We offer a career opportunity as a sales representa- nays go ag ig he barrage sig Alterations, repairs.| PRIVATE and corporation, monies for all peg VISTA TV Towers, Aerial i att che "nihses "ood |wieriolane meriecese 'ofl ice 280 : : tive regardless of what your. present occupation may -- Mortgages -- Street Fora Reker Res, 105. South, asain ier is 'sale purchased. joel "Drynan 'nd \norrey. Avenue, T i tog "nie ) Seg be 9 ' 'i CHARTERE i oh BU CITY TV, Ant 80 ' East, HAJDU'S MORTGAGE | [Bitie"t work guaranteed. sit" Dean i : This ts @ permanent position and offers the man or women one ond Call Your Mover Oo King Street anale F. 4 tae Wilson, CA:|. Tailoring and Dressmaking : ot of the highest annual Incomes in ony field, We ore one of the 6-PLEX | Professional cm gy le / ' ap ire Ss LOANS TV SERVICE | , lading ocx, wecliing nth wigs end Wvesment | Int nthe safe mre ah 2 ti kinds of alterations and fur Moneys for first mortgages DAY OR EVENING f ; y A al wl 86 : Re Previous investment or sales experience mot necessary as com- This clay brick is ol well plete training with continual assistonce forwarded. Generous od- tenonted, beautifully decorat- ed. Hot woter oi! heot, Full price $46,000.00. Terms. For more particulars call Mr, -- at 728-5123 or 728- femodeling. Fit right guor- | Interest ot 7% 728-52 BASSETT BLOCK, SUITE 2 Fg Sa ga OSHAWA SOME | vances and commissions. Sad ieee s ome|_PHONE 728-9112 | Nec x souonem., | ELECTRONICS HL sit City ide, Serv, whortlnhiahie Aci ei YALE, FRIGDLANDER And Ci, Gvr|Gardening ond Supplies "purchased. wlio tered 'Accountants, Lictnaed. Trustees, in Moneys for second mortgages. TV TOWERS vi ee if si HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charter WILD BIRD M. F. SWARTZ AND tty crevviep wih =f, Interested parties may apply in person to $18,500 oOaterio. 7253 NEAR ROSSLAND ROAD ed . Seer a counter 38 < FEEDS gta alti Antenna Repair } FOOTBALL, Mr. R. D. Parnall, New ronch bungalow with m. vette nerhat 723-4697 TRIO Lipid aatipe ih Room. 504, Hotel Genosha hollywood kitchen, large. live a Wild Bird Feeders j ts} : MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and auniiseer Seed i t ing-room with fireplace, 3 Chartered Accountants, 728-7527) " wh Gahan Snooping, core, fue 2168.) Milley and Mortgages "woe pias icanminnienaell Thursday, February 6, 1964 Uraoreind TY, voy hh a Sn. » Your To $10,000 WATER SOFT Avoila le To Homeowners 728-5143 . 14--Employment Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted __|25--Apartments osk for Mr, Roy Ve ot 728: SALT INTEREST RATES FROM 1% GETTING TWO FURNISHED rooms, and beth 5123 or 725-2217. TO 1%% PER MONTH |GEORGE WILSON AHEAD IN K MART cGuib Gis Gan ak weg Oe ee ta hed apartment. No objections TSSne LNB GONALD, Warvialare ond Crystal No. 2 Salt ie T3Dos f aeos AnD Combe. Barristers and rysta 12% TO 15% PER AN agg ranch style bangs, King Sires! sst.| Rox Brand Pellet : | Common Fine Salt ecsger EE T.V. SPECIAL YOUR CAREER | oshowo's new suburban department store needs the following lft "ain. twobeareom ommnisied| by atteched parage and TAREE A. i, Com coy bub To get ahead in your car- | people: apartment available. Telephone 72480".| 422+ liviny oan, 1400 ume ill pis 3 NO HIDDEN CHARGES [UPPER DUPLEX -- L-shaped living-| Secviticn Hrgpet 3190000 Ile. The Commerical Building, 266 King 'OOP IT NO BROK' FF Roof Antennes .. 22.50 up |-eer find out what posi- po ng gt lle | C ER SMITH : feasts hic your | Rotor Lead instalied .. $10. | tions are availabe to best CLASS A LICENCE MECHANICS err balhroom and' sunreom new stove! requiring at least $3,000.00 LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Sollc- : BUDGET Lead Wire Installed - 8.50 | fit your skills and talents APPRENTICE MECHANICS sonable' rent. 7227908 oF ject. Rea) down. For further informe tor, mY Sle 205 'The | Times 16 CELINA ST, New all channe| head 12.50 | 4, h ki od tion' call Mr, Ed. Dru Guy wires installed .. 9.50 | by Checking today's TIRE INSTALLERS 26--Rooms For Rent 728-5123 oF 725.9945" Notai Street East, Lita bg Bulle eee avaliable for morigages 723-2312 THE REALTY DIVISION OF mes' Help Wanted Ad- TIRE AND AUTOMOTIVE SALESMEN. | For Fast Service Call vertisements in the Class- SINGLE. furaihed Nevecksaping foe. $12,900 S U P E R 0 R Top wages, Employee benefits meni | EXTRA LARGE So SANA ot S| Street ast, Oshawa, 720-4232, instruction Oshawa 728-3334 pss =. Eicatie ki Brick two bed MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L. DISCOUNT LIMITED 3 lease vised! cellent working conditions, SINGLE ROOM for gentleman. Private two bedroom bungalow SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries LILLIAN MAR MARSH, 0.8.4, Dancing 725-6541 Whitby 668-8344 When replying to advertise. i aes Gs es oi oe bam. Avaliable wow. ecege. Toleptane) with dining room. Very large ments in shawa Ti itchen ra room in bose« Ly Block, 26% Ki Pre-School, Kinderd: Fridays, Satur f . Two furnish lenry Block, 26 'sat Pre-School, Ki de ance. Friday 17. Simeos St, F <i Delllin insien with ttneas: "Deal | Nec NATIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT SERVICE east annie' Workine" upstairs, south ment. Yes wig hos gorage 723-4697, Residence, ys. son! emple, 723- m N Ww D g--D a . Telephone 728-1244, ° ELLY, Barrister, Solici-| BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing. Tai gcd 5 i ffices | tari Oshow i val situated on forte i ky ee ch et al ko Gt are arp : sr Se cal aener| we ofthe Advertiser ond es Se ROOM TO SHARE, for gentlemen, clowe| "OVine lot. Call Bill johreben . cl a jeepen-| " Sern ii 725-8645. Gc, 7259368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL,WiLSON AND LEE Music Store. Regis: enc sea = saan eles "sau. 728-3864, pi rode ala ad Be FURNIHED ae = itable tor rnin! a 8 728-5832. fer now for accordion lessons. Renta d mechanics required, all\MAN WANTED for Rawi bushi room | su! V. MACKAY, BA, Barrister, Solr for beginners. Dial ea A Hidgunks Alun arleo lin GING by machine specializing] fidential ond cannot be | Povents aA mechanics reson To. ine|No. experience, needed. "star seles/2%8, OF WO. gentlemen or brothers. No NEAR NEW COURT HOUSE BRUCE ed. A. junk, , Ale: 942-1664. in inch tile, W. Ward, excessive drinki 728-6387. eitor, Notary Public. Mertoage Liat Street West, PO Box 329 Whitby, 668-2563] given out. Service Manager cape an fires 118: Sim-|easy. fo. make and "profits good. Start ng. nto offers, list Paves available. 364 King Street East. 723-1107. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, Painti or 668-3809. The way to reach The Adver- [coe Street South, Oshawa. Write .|CLEAN furnished housekeeping room In| 900.00, this Res., 728-1285. Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register now.|Painting and Decorating tiser Is with your letter core- B-310-190) 4008 Richeliey Street, Mont-|quiet home. Central. Suit gentleman. Tele-| of the most beautiful y Reed iS poseell ar and gg gg ga es =-- Sevtre se [MASTER PAINTER inirir pt rae 1--Women 's Column fully and correctly od ssed 3 DAYS A WEEK ITRUCK driver or warehouseman, prefer) BROCK -- East, 29, large furnished , | have had fen morgue. 2 geaieaeee, tage] E.Z.E. METHOD [ye onan "s. SamRANENTT on eM, PH] ater Ae nets | FOR MAN OVER 45 fate am ceca cet Belmar Sy tates Certo] Bat oF large eye wih Fee a acr Norman H. Edmondson.| W. G. Scott and Son_ |725536. Jour letter Cor ines, or depo, | We have on opening in the - stone times, 7 "ewan "0 BO Telphone 70-407. Virginia, tone' Neos UMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and WILLMAN, DRIVING SCHOOL Experienced painters ond de- |p i sited in the Letter Slot of The | Oshawa area for a good -- WANTED, Veaneg_ machen _ond_ sop i DREW STREET, two partly furnish: fata, eaten Barristers, Solicitors, 36Va King Street orators ih. oll branehes of ersona Times Building, West Side of hig ee badd ll for GM service operation, Full|¢%, Mousekeeping rooms, thi tnkrdfeor, sinks Yomily room, Living re room Oshawa, R. . eg og Newest Oshawa Branch " [IF YOU have @ drinking problents write] entrance door, 86 King by towns -- from Monday [conoany benefits and ood Working con-|7V, antenna. Apply between 58 p.m. Dea Interior and e@x- | Box 333, Whitby, or call. 668-30 Street. East through Wednesday. MP sgn ditions, Telephone D. Shield: a with ine Gree ond ack il Ts RIDE trom Oshawa to" a pains a - four days at home. We pay REET EAST -- Room, furnish- PHONE 728-0881 693 Wilson N, R.R. 2 |S p.m,, telephone 668-4988, 16--Female Help Wanted | our men in other cities up to 20--Room and Board og for Nant Nounekesemae cee te, Hari to wall warm freeian, se- Mortgages 728-6815 Removal of superfluous hair, |DUE TO INCREASE of business we $5,000 to $7,000 in a year, |ROOM AND BOARD in clean comfortable|725-680, leman. 'Telephone! porate offers of SiGT AND SECOND wortesges. Salo DODD and SOUTER Marie Murduff will be in jneed more parttime help, for weekends. Write W. H. Swallow, Pres., peak oF eedegge kong Egy Work! SSHAWA MOTEL = Single end double! in person, Envoy Restaurant, F rooms, % 'showers, and. sold, Hen- an Oshawa, Feb. 3rd, 4th and [Ritson Road South. Lr geigy ith St, Fort Worth. |SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND WEST ares.ling. Wuekiy Then: Tuephane a ae tT Le PAINTINGNTRACTORS Sth. Phone Genosha Hotel | WANTED AT ONCE experienced oir) ori __\ Texas. Private "bath, 'entrance. Good. food.| MODERN poeeek units 9S7115. Mortgages and Agree- ation manies Tor @| Painting, Poperhangi on these dates for appoint- woman In' children's and misses' clo fonches packed. Shift workers welcome.| motel across from Spruce Villa Motel in of sale bought, sold end arranges. Per aces; mortgages, and agreement of Gyptex, Full Wall Murals ort, ng fut ave. pine pean, fe 78 Carnegie Avenue. tng or ssp te vite ral for is ve perchased, Creighton, and ing full particulars to Box 949%, Osh- vt lag ve) ready for mokii panda Spray Painti ELECTROLYSIS stating full particulars to Box ELECTRICAL FIRM 22--Offices, Stores, Storage o'clock, Telephone 668-8170. plete wit i. piles fe pa Building Trades (See mparristers" ") ' ing awa Times. 07 BYRON ST, S, 723-4641 a At CARPENTRY, | cabinets, | arbre. DAYS 668-5862 WA with "oF without ellen- ATTRACTIVELY hot water heating and o See ae rogeling. eeae'| Mortgage Money NIGHTS 725-7426 LEN PULLAN ------ "uiee' OFFICE SPACE | FURNISHED ROOMS 000.00 down Arnone 8a new PLASTERING | conse A ilable Plumbing and Heating ENGLISH TAILOR EXPERIENCED telephone canvasser re) Requires Available in private home, inspection ig cepomnt. Sree, rat si ais ALU TYPES (of repairs and remodelling Specialist in garment altera- Fah ay or ler ven 'ad available immediately Call between 5 and 7 p.m, ment only, osk for Mr. Bill Low Interest [ftw "Einar "fae "ouel axon] She. frase mendingy --|esrawe. Tb7a6 ter eprnimenh. Oe 12 x 50 ft. partitioned. | 82PARKRD.N, | "emer, st, 728-5123 or J. Foley. . Valuations Arranged ALL PLUMBING ond heating supplies. 10 PRINCE ST. Mocctoue children, five. In Telephone STOCK KEEPER Have option to lease eny 728-8671 $2,850 Telephone 723-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd. 728-5311 728-3693. port sherent 27--R FAREWELL A RESIDENTIAL Plumbing, Heating, end Engineering, = . wat RESS WANTED 'from 11 pam to Telephone 942-2120 Call Bill Miller pi ha eal Estate Soe Sete Pa AVENE pboards, CITY AND DISTRICT Rug-Uphol Servi 3--Pets & Livestock Man, Coenpoeds Ganeana Hotel i if Teleph 725. 1186 ravine ie een ar city, . feet. $700.00 down and ot hg gh yg SUMMER PROPERTIES ug-Upholstery ice CHINUAHUA poppies for sale,_revister-licrrcHEN help experienced for evenings. i taciiniens elepnone i" electric neat, plug many extras. Must] terms. Coll Irwin Cruikshonks VACANT LAND THESTERFIELDS reupholstered ana|S% from champion stock. Telephone! Anoiy Nick Lakas coffe shop. $3 King | 67 King St. Eost pore ihe nt ot 728-5123 or 728-5205. 'avaliable, re- cos Lite estimate, See our ma- Street East. | DOWN, two-bedroom, five room Members Ontario terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster- BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for RESTLESS? Looking for @ new Interest? | w. T. LAMSON rely sg Riga Be Reece sgyant Oh ~ a] Bolahood Brothers Limited Ing, 4s Charles Street 723-7212. training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. Mortgage Broker's Association Become a Beauty Counselor | representa- Taxes nly $103. For appointment to view 101 Si 5 , Nort CUSTOMCRAFT'S ing Depart-| Broad, 114 Elgin East. No Highes SALESMEN Real Estate Limited ment. Experts In re-covering, _re-styling.| REGISTERED Dashchund puppy, small fun fenko wre Flexible hou ns sad civseli cel Care ee pert: nae ty' as PRY. ull training program. - le rs. Bosco 728-7377, Open Every Evening SUMMERLAND Ce enn Ae as reg cling ont ge Hing eueemiences a Genogra-| Chambers Foods Ltd. need |23----Wanted To Rent ne CHESTERFIELDS and old chal aa 7 due Febi eA ; General Eléctric SECURITIES [covered tte new. Got te wes torts nd March Telephone 7257407. /ance fr, gowntowm Osnaws ommer Inu"! two additional aggressive |FARM wanted beiween sowmanvile and OSHAWA. TIMES PATTERNS ° " eo CUSTOM KITCHEN LIMITED South, 'Call 720-6451, Free estimates, |POODLE PUPS for sale. Five weeks old. exoeaienceo "cciais wenied Tovar Salesmen. option to buy. Telephone 728-9395, i HAVE YOUR chesterfield suite Ba ty store and coffee bar, Smith's Coff : ONE OR TWO - bedroom apartment or a 112 Simcoe St, North re-ullt. Low, price, Telephone ria |VALEWTINE GIFTS, Minti. pve, Bur. 317 Simcoe Street" South, "725-9902 Cars necessary. small hous by arch 1. Waring cou loyna, Appliances Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 | Limited. = ses black puppies. Champion stack. soseatt phe & eo os Liberal Commissions. After 4 p.m. Bowmanville 623-2672, : PRINTED PATTERN Meare Agu rtm ae ae ctu Pees Bs} Lares Company bere ere are en ison . g HOME Mortgage Loans pore el . materials. workmanahb Credit yong nalish weeding' Reasensble, CALL today, start earning tomorrow with Chambers Foods Ltd. stop Scns sid ihe PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOU terms. Mattresses re-built. Furniture re-\Tegistered, Dial Whitby 668-3923, Avon. Dial 728-5883 or write P.O. Box 933 Ritson Rd. South by apr sl aay Senawe. Telephone| IMPROVEMENTS P TO finished. Oshawa Uphoistering Company,| PUPPIES, part Corgie, male fe-|512_ Oshawa, Telephone 723-1163 725 work of all kinds, ALL LOANS OPEN U 10 Bond West, 725-0311. male, five weeks old; FE nl ag Tele-|\WAITRESS, full time, five days per ee OR FIVE-ROOM apartment in Corpentry 15-YEAR TERMS - phone Whitby 668-2205. week. Apply Ideal Fish and Chips, 17 ; Viltey or Oshawa. Possession now or bY tile flooring ond painting Sales and Service CHIHUAHUA, male and female puppies,|Athol Street West, FULLY EXPERIENCED oa By electrical. and plumbing, re- -- Mortgages -- rn = nner leight weeks old, $25, each. Telephone|WOMAN fo cl "house half di reek. eso i hora ge Bose Pomstetiscde or Sale shen ond rng Free' estimates, Call| 720-9698. iy preterably 'Thursday. Telephone after HEAVY FLOOR TWO-SEDROOM 'navse or epartqeny tn recreation rooms, 77-1742. 4 ; lke hs bosements waterproofed. All weer Bought sand G SS AND SCREEN 4--Sportsman's Column BLOOR Street East, reom and geod Lf MOULDERS peg ane yg ol Phone 728-0489 or work guoronteed. No job EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR LA Lg Mg honed maces ae pecked. shift. Top wages. Alax 942-4984, too big or small. Cail us any- ORE Repairs to aluminum win- ICE FISHERMEN phone "723-167 y . e- BROWN BOGGS FDRY. WANTED, by March veianttepearcom me 728 2061 COMMODORE dows ang coer Miser ¥ WANTED -- 'experlegced -- "middie-eged AND MACHINE CO. LTD. Street ee possible, references. Tele bd service beg os A your Call_ the woman, to baby sit four-month-old baby,| 275 SHERMAN dealt phone rames into our facto while mother works, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. L1-9-6594 7 ted Cartage OSHAWA, WHITBY, AJAX, | NASH ALUMINUM B. and E. HUTS --[eicsnone afters pm. 725777. pa lg weg om Peony JOHNS MOVING, AND ERRTAGE, PORT PERRY, BOWMANVILLE at) ATHOL ST. EAST. PEFFERLAW, ONT. BUILD business ot your "own selling] Cliff Mills Motors (wiring: Before § pm. 728-1651, a, feasonabie rates. ul aulpped nd inured. 728-366). ". BOLAHOOD SOUR LAWN MOWER PHONE 36-112. Ktenma Oshawa TRANSFERRED Dressmaking BROTHERS Have your Lown Mower, 5 ft. x B ft. oil heoted huts ont eae tie cots War or tee Requires TO OSHAWA ALTERATIONS and repairs. Men's, Tractor, Tiller, or Outboard evertyhing supplied 2 miles, [Pre-school age children for working, Totty Young couple with new in- ladles fo "et children's wear, Telephone LIMITED Serviced , age ~~ and 5 miles, 7 miles, 12 miles out. pelviteges. "No "nousehold duties. "Tele. A YOUNG MAN font need 3 or 4 room apart- Petar RannAn AOS aeancorahaniamansee service 'or eco jowers, 28-496) rf EXPERIENCED aretsmaking. ng (Pant "Cutt 101 SIMCOE ST..N., OSHAWA | Stratton, Clinton, Lauson, |S--Farmer's Column a ecuuy Www ter wrasiinw lerely arasans Seeks ee ge coon Pegg tng . : 728-5123 Moto Mowers, Briggs and FARMERS! Need Pires? Call_"Biie given you as bonus. Just show North} with bookkeeping ond office coe Sts. Write Mrs, Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. idge. . Lawn Boy. Any make serv- jyour D Tir American Fashion Frocks badihocyg No| experience. Able to use type- lence nec- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES iced, free pick up. ~ 728- Fsth or eventos ater TST. spit essary. North American 'Fashion Frocks bial pce ig jeg Good = BOX 628 25 WORD MINIMUM ar) © © OLAN feeair. Pika thies Owe TAGE a silornd ae ohe Rieu Ww : INGE OSHAWA TIMES caw 24~--Houses For Rent Better describea otters get toster results. CASH on the spot. Highest prices pald at Call 723-4634 NEAR Bowmanville and Oshawa nice city conven- Cash. Charge | 74 BARRIE AVENUE for dead and crippled tock. Tel 6 consecutive doys......-...e00-0-> 3.75 4.13 phone collect. Homnpton 269-2721. Mary CLERK TYPIST _ Surveyors will Fur Farm, Licence 245-C-63. is ane Caer vil depo one-room country home, lences, two baths, sult two famtties, chil-| 3 consecutive doys 2.25 2.48 Manes i DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, . 'i Core NOT PAID WITHIN 7 GAs, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. igane band Becvirer., aan Ore 11--Articles For Rent Experience preferred. 18--Male or Female dren welcome. Landscaped lawn, two-car ia daianad beaches CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church I on main road, Lease. Dial CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c LIN -AND TROLLOEE. Galeri -Lanalcine ronners. nd banquet fables. cwrch Apply Help Wanted eee While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box |surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. 'Phone| Simcoe Street North. Andrew Antenna HAMMOND THREESEDROGM brick bonoalow om sal 'astiawn Avenue, numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept mo 725-6881. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk t liobility in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through - - reducing nines, sick eats 606 BEECH ST. Oshawa, available February 2. Phone either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused TV--Radio Repairs Aid Rentals, '05 Beatrice, "Tedd, a WHITBY 668-3348 OR ANGI ST 7-110) ,dhondey iron h Eriday mice to COMFY WEAR . int Vv I. whether by negligence or otherwise. GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all makes) Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses ee ee ee eee Se ane ean men tee Bunch Bois HAIRDRESSER REQUIRED FOR |25--Avertments es a (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) iS . Call Coffee Urns WANTED DIVISION STREET, 25 -- Furnished Medium - weight, marvelous DEADLINES } ervice ONS Silver Tea Service LOCAL HOTEL ouble room for two gentlemen. APO" itor all year wear. Do this jacket WORD ADS .m. Day Previous $2.50 Silver Candelabra EXPERIENCED P REFERRED ek end & TWO-BEDROOM heated apartment, alilin kitting worsted. CURVY BASIC Cards of 'Thanks, :<++ $ pm Day Previows | 9 a.m.--9 pim. Daily | SARGEANT'S RENTALS aes a dies are piace | Eieas"tundry 'aclities: mmeditepor| Jifty-knit jacket in rib etfect|, By ANNE ADAMS Lost and Found . . * "8:30 cm. Day of Publication New 21" Picture Tubes 725-3338. Monday off. Reply Stating Age ond [roa "maw Weems SS Verde"lpattern-stitch, cables -- smart) Little dress with a great fu- Behn Dechy sw... "8a0'em Baya Pblesen | As Low As 19.66 lia --aricten Wanted | ELEPIONE'COLLECT Bowne" "deni x Or tan, ole, home, vac thay ue McTY Sale alow, "unturn tion. Pattern 7237: directions, be : 3 i CLASSIFIED DISPLAY p.m. Previous Day All Work Guaranteed naar ane panies ae 379 3743 BOX A417 stainers only. No small suites' Neal mal dates, Choose color-charged CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS Shells, Telephone 72 apie sr a Sn fine sizes 32-34; 36-98 included. --_|crepes, wool. DAY OF PUBLICATION | Dominion Television eo | 8:30 A.M. DAY OF PU ie) WANTED -- Beaver 8" tabi heavy MRS. REYNOLDS, OSHAWA TIMES THREE-ROOM unfurnished epariment,| THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|_ Printed Pattern 4997: Misses' Genceliations "end Cemrections received ater the 8:50 A.M. Seay cena" in hood. comsition. "Cad Witoy dene. private entrance. Avaliable Meameaoneny. izes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. : ---- - COBOUR Genel for this pattern (no s 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size G \16--Female Help Wanted |snriy 1 Bittingspate "Crescent, Alax, pa (no stamps,ig requires $% yards 45-inch fab- By ALICE BROOKS Deodline will be processed for the following day's paper. WHITBY 668-5971 REGULATIONS SHAW er t. please) to Alice Brooks, care|,ic Oshowa responsib! " } THREE: ROOM hot : Pe ee ee teeces tar tine. 08 tr vane, aah TV TOWERS i cogent teteonige Cat DEPARTMENT MANAGER _ [teteazectet came Ste siove( The Oshawa Times Needle-| FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins men Wants Cors for Wrecking. A pier) refrigerator, bathroom. Use of wash-icraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontari one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. nor beyond the E Punts tor sole' cleo waren tien ing machine. Central, Suit one or two : 0./(no stamps, please) for this pat- price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which conomy and pad 'enmeel: "ete. bout REQUIRED FOR es Epcot iste immedi-|Ontario residents. add 1c, salesjtern. Ontario residents add 2¢ i ' : --|tax, Print plainly PATTERN sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, error occurs. Deluxe fe) The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify odvertisi pen Saturday all day. Phone ALBERT STREET, 505 -- NUM 1 mgempgao Beg he Rn ")- |. priced to sultyoriéteudoe | 725-2311---89 BLOOR E. LADIES READY TO WEAR trams, amine nk pes NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. Jee a rar to ANNE ADAMS in . cose S -- ocean thet i which he not be TERMS ARRANGED jj iesstnomaas Wasned Must be experienced, aggressive ond able to fully ge this [utilities Included. 728-4066. 206 HANDICRAFT HITS injcare of The Oshawa Times, Pat- held. responsi eee nl Ff -- : ii GLA our big, big, new 1964 Needle-|tern Dept. fising matter correctly, but assume no liability of pe Pas OSH AW A TV [YOUNG MoTHER wij eos, department. Salary commensurate with ability to promote ond DSTONE eat Cakilen ak moe, a oc saan a oe " obtain volume. . any ssa nay fom vcr en, a 2 CART MENTS: exe. toeSions, coments or ye eens elephone irect to Classifie Fam 0 oe Om : : + ee heirk ' sll ? It's simple -- order oy Number 723-3492 SUPPLY LIMITED pes ao i oll ae Apply K MART Oshawa = laundry -- facilities. sade one, basant oy our Spring-Summer Catalog in- coe North, 728-2404 lose to bus ond shopping [everything to crochet, knit,/ciuding FREE COUPON to get j MOTHER will give day care to childrer i 'endal i ideas. re mtn ya mn 728-8180 SEES UR Le m2 gente BR UsGs or Pon 5344 (ea ts Sen te ah