THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 5,1964 19 TELEVISION LOG or TRIE RER Bronson am ne ey | CONTRACT BRIDGE CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto SOME ENTERTAIN MENT : SOME OF YOUR CLEVER MAGIC. By B. JAY BECKER record-holder in Masters' ON THE PATIO IN YOUR (Top WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Bullalo : HONOR. individual Championship Ply) WEBW-TV Channel 7--Buflalo WROC-TV Channel Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie South dealer, East - West vulnerable, WEONESDAY EVE.' 9:30 AM. 4:20 Pda. ' *a\ ah of \ = 7 a $ $--Playtime With .Bobby| %~Yog! Bear Ko84 ess 'ord 6~Father Knows Best 7--Tennessee Ernie F 4--Leave it To Beaver 9763 41083 10:00 A.M 3--Popeye N---Eddie Allen Show THURSDAY EVE, "t y a Win 7: '4 2 * > Sphe"Cceck show | GacHational Schools |" ft OM - GH ------__-- I Says 5H 8:30 P.M. each ige' ya ld Theatre 63--Woody Woodpecker ey elt 2--The Rifleman 10:30 A.M. ae ay! Early Show 6:00 PLM 1i--Super Bingo 63--Razzie Dazzle : $ é--Liv 8-2--Word For Word © 4--Five O'clock Snow F 10 Aaa Fg Seven Ki 2--Huckleberry Hound ¥ 7. : $37 7658s 6:15 PLM. $:30 P.M. j ; > aR ITL. bs WE GO ON i... BUT SOUNDS ARE LOUDER / MUST g Aé 1 4--Headline News a) levee Music Hop WHAT ARE WE Must BE MOST JUST. H 6 Our 11:00 AM. 3--Yog! Bear A CAREFUL... QUIET/ 4, qhe 4:20 PM. Ao 2--The , ' HERE/ j| bidding: 10-9-6-3:2---News; Weather | 8:2---Concentration ie ts. Pec Gouth West North Mes and Sports J --price ts Right 6--The Observer | Y i 3 , a: 4 Pass Pass Pam ToMSqued é-Lerefts Young Tomato Tariiery | ; Sr Ws i : Kot if 4:45 PM, 11:0 A.M, ai a | | A | \S Opening lead -- king of dia- Th Family Theatre 11--Albert J, Steed Show hie ne i \ ' ry : \ : , monds, Huntley Brinkley 8-2--Missing Links 4--Headline News | a ";. \ 8 ; H best to deal with ian ae ee vey otig , (G vie card coupbinations ie 9--Best of Groucho 11-9-8-4-3-2--News) Weather \ es y He-News, Weather 4-Pete and Gladys reg ata A ; of subject covered in most text- 4-The Honeymooners 12:00 NOON igetavsts way ' \ ie i cs books on the play of the cards, 3--Candid Camera 9--Noonday Report 6:45 PM. i WE o> s but there are some card com- 2--Death Valley Days vere n--Family Theatre hi : % \ y A Pri \binations so rare that they are ' \--| ~ S 4 rsoin'om, | Eiicte |" rau | CROSSWORD , ea OE es #2--Hall Of Fame ra «gg Biro 1°. om 4 a oe er has to work them. out for 4--Ozzie and Harriet 9---Donna Reed emma . : / ede) | himself. 6--Provincial Affairs 12:15 P.M. 7-6--News, Weather a Here is such a case South is 4c Sports - 5 p ScPhil sitvers 'Show 4--Speaker of the House. | 4 ar Masterson ACROSS 2.Eskimo (21.Dodeee Piven a in four spades and West leads 1:43 PM, 13100 P.M. ol se 1.'To bend knife ' a diamond, Since a diamond Mr. Fix-it bee pe gd | ae ee outward 3. Zodiac s A ) loser is inevitable, South's only 8:00 P.M, Consequences | pthe cater ait 6, Military sign 3. _-- ate : i - problem is to avoid losing three eee ridie | une Lae | cane ie 11, ou aw Hi Follow : : a ae | 5 trump tricks. This may be im- 7--Patty Duke | Me eten| en » City, I. f possible to accomplish if the op- take nner lore ee | 4--PassWord NewYork 6, Oneofa roof == f ponent's cards are distributed «10 OM 12:45 PLM. | 3-€7th Precinet 12. Contest Malay race 25, Branch Alb A P ~ vy, (Nee | unfavorably, but South should 9--NHL Hockey | 4--Guiding Light 6:00 P.M. area 7. Sharp 27, News lay.on the 'basis that the East- 2--Farmer's Daughter | 5--Mow'e |11--OHA Junior "A" 18, Channel edge of ae West cards are so divided that &3--Perry Mason | : Hockey moldings 29. Gelid 7 s 4--Tell it to the Camera 1:09 PM 8--Death Valley Days inernere agar 82, Dis- Yesterday's Answer he will lose only two trump tricks. T job v8 14, Grass- 8, Require apd |"SBrcember Bride eth lucy Show color 9. Leg joint tress Accordingly, after taking the ace of diamonds and entering Kloss gare" MICKEY MOUSE Vi--Naked City ON is 4--Rawhide 15. Nothelped 10. Play- call 39, Russian beg he 4-Meet the Millers 4:30 P.M. 17, Whether ground 84, Sluggish name 'The Beverly Hillbiiies| 2--Olvorse. Court 9--To Tell The Truth 19, Sea material 35. Fit 42, hiescile : dummy with a club, he leads #:0 P.M 1:30 P.M. ea eS ert mammals 16. Seize | mew iad bitin the four of spades, covered by eee \1--Mid-day Matinee é 20.Goddessof 17, Peruvian $7. Albanian i Th ti is 6-3--Festival if 7--My Three Sons = a dialect : the nine. e question now 4--The Dick Van Dyke | 9--Our House victory: Gr. Indian te / " ; --\\) whether it is better to play the Show 4-As The World Turns 9:00 P.M. 22, Hindu 18, Blaze 88, American eld 1 --Wi di Sy ae ' @ queen or the ten (that Is, wih- 10:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 9--Winter Olympics sacredtree 19, Stitch Indian . f Me : > out seeing the East-West ecards 1--The P.M. Show 9--The Millionaire a cs ay 23, Public - t Ss . : hand' eae Bivens) ert | onan Coe Sperry, Mason notices 2 a i f in the actual hand). Cee roe -Kave ibe) Sab Poseurs + Pik 26, Monarch' oe The queen is the rid pay. wna | an komt | 3 om a , eg mage te Twilight 2: " Haze: le tocthe Wutterites = Ar bees ai 6-3--Parade mutton Y, saving it, The reasons behind 11:00 P.M. &--Home Cooking 10:00 P.M. sleeve " Z a : . . |the queen play are logical 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 7--Day in Court 4-2--Kraft Theatre 80. Copper? Y EVEMEZ AM SERVICE DE LA FRANCE te enough. Declarer considers all Weather, Sports peer vig Bg 7--Maverick m. 4 ET UE TRIPLE VOTRE SALAIRE,, rear 0 smiT] |L'ANGLETERRE, SI VOUS ALLEZ possible ways that the spades 115 P.M. 2--The Doctors ree Leas rg PROPOSE COLBERT A RADISSON. v ; ; OD can be divided and brushes 9--Maetro Final 3_Naked City 83. Approash p RISQUES; DIT LEGOUVERNEUR, | laside those conmbinations where E the play of the ten or queen 4--Viewpoin? 3:00 P.M. Pp 11:20 P.M. 9--Here's Looking At You 10:30 P.M. 34, Elephant's makes no difference Thus, if East's spade holding t-4--Late Show oa Hospital ee tat Seat 26 pond is the A-K-J-9, A-J-9, K-J-9, Ad, Ko, J9, or 9, South's play 1:39 P.M. chien' Soro rel The' Truth 11:00 P.M, nickname makes no difference, He makes the contract if the spades are 9--Pierre ies See 3:30 PLM. Nees w 37. Mandarins divided 2-2, and goes down in Tonig) each case where the cards are ports ene me 40, Hut ichigntce ny "ome fn Contiet 1:15 PM 41. Bati utensils i, i a ee divided otherwise, regardless of af PN in Si how he plays. THURSDAY 8-2--You Don't Say 9--Metro Final only conceivable case LES CANADIENS 7--Queen For A Day Viewpoint 8:00 A.M. 63--Friendly Giant 46. Aside 4--Captain Kangaroo 4--Edge of Night 11:20 P.M. 8:30 A.M, 7-4--Late Show #--Cartoons 4:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. $-Mickey mouse Club eet P.M. k { "OANI) | 7: ' ooh oe ie aa : DOWN : Ava nose 107 avon "IN $--Romper Room }--Tralimastor 9--Plerre Berton Show aw0?e rion aeartae Ftc WO TASaA Yee epnen at where South's play makes a dif- i I seret 'ern . showcase ference is where East has the 4--Popeye's Playhouse | 4--Secret Storm +--Feature f--Mike Douglas Show 2-Captain Bob 3---Thrillier | A-K-9, and to cover this one possibility, South should play A N ew t ac e yee j ' a The All New "Canadian Climate" Tested Compact by Vauxhall gig ae ee ( : : 1964 VAUXHALL "VIVA" mae ci on the -- NOW ON DISPLAY AT -- Pe ate dealt ihe eingieton HIGHWAY ren The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. eran eu. 266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 723-4634 MARRIED NURSES CHATHAM, Ont. (CP)--Day DOWN A SIDE sTREET,) [nursing schools should be set up SUDDENLY*** | {to minimize education costs and "| Ito attract more married women into the nursing profession, says Gladys Sharpe of Toronto, the Ontario Hospital Services Com- mission's hospital nursing serv- ices senior consultant. Miss Sharpe made the suggestion at the opening of the $340,000 nurses education buil at the public general hospital here. ISALLY'S SALLIES LORD LIME'OUSE'S 'OUSE WAS ROBBED LAST NIGHT/? YS LORDSHIP WAS WOVERPOWERED BY THE CRIMINAL J? THE LONE RANGER THATS TOO MLICH TLL Give YOU. 6OLD? SOMETHING] | ROSA PARROT THAT, nO Sue | THIEF! IVE JUST, 5 rR ; gs oer DOESN'T TALK! ip y BEEN ? (STOLEN DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER CAL PEDDY, THATS WHO. HE THINKS I DON'T KNOW HE'S OUT TO GET ME. BUT. T/MNOT STUPID, I. CAN PUT TWo AND TWO. TOGETHER, Our Used Sketes Heve Been Refinished, New Laces end Sherpened. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 KING ST. W. 723-3224 a JULIET JONES a ae e3 peg | y WELL, WELL, MY , HE SURE KNOWS WHAT'S 'i MAYBE THIS WILL LIFT HOW TO BREAK UP 1M AFRAID THE OUT OF IT | WON'T BE ) TROUBLE \ FUNK ee . MY BOY, 2 || axF HIG MOM SAID 'THE FIRGT SIGN HE WAGN'T FEELIN' GOOD... SMART WOMEN ... have their carpets ond uphol- stery cleaned 'The Safe Way' DURACLEAN 728-8518 Syndicate, Ine, 1964. World rights reserved © King Fosturee