pnp ge oA psa ci athe ih ll a cee in PO ap i Sy ln, EU ily ae TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TY Channel 8--Rochester |: 'fun CFTO-TV Channel 9~Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--~Barrie Ni--One--with The Sonins % Bride + S=Ripeord 2--Bililard Champions GebdedeNows) Weather) "Sports SSRTSSRACI ceases tsiaansees 3 SATURDAY EVE, 4:00 PLM, NeKen Soble Am Show 130 PLM. +148 PLM, 1100 P.M, od--Beverly Hillbillies 4-UB Round Table Pane! %--Dragnet 1190 PLM, Zero One 2--The Lieutenant ' 6:00 PLM, Ni--Club Eleven Dance Party 4:30 PAM, ' 9---Movie §-2--Joey Bishop To-awrence Welk Show 63--NHL Hockey | 4--The Defenders 9:00 P.M. ! 0-2--Movie 1:30 PLM. V--Wrestling F--At Hollywod Palace | 4--New Phil Siivers Show) 10:00 P.M » S--Winter Olympics 4--Gunsmoke 10:18 P.M. 63--Juliette We P.M, Vi Bleek buster T--Sid Caesar 1:00 PM, Vi-9-8- 7-6-423-2---Newny Weather? Sports Td PLM, Answering Service 6-2--Saturday Night at The Movies 1 Nigh) Metro 3--Movie 1:20 PLM, 6--Sports 4--Show ' ide PLM, N= Blackbuster Movie 4--East Side--West Side 122.08 AM, 6Tight Rope SUNDAY | wild 11:00 A.M, 9--Meta Presents &This ts The Lite J--The Holy Mass $4--Church, Service. 2--Frontierd'a% Faith 11130 AM. 9--Spectrum Tate wine Today 2--Satarl 12:00 NOON N--Comment and 9--Itallar Journal 7---Chalienge Golf é--Live and Learn 4--News; Weather Sports por' 2--The Answer 12:18 PAM, %--Carosello 4--Congress Veta Talk With jather Meehan %~Dougias Fairbanks l= Rev. Ora} Roberts 9--All Star Theatre 7--Discovery 6~--Keynotes 4:30 PLM, 1-En France Panorama Rollotts | 7 Issues and Answers | @3--Country Calendar 4---Ted Mack Amateur Hour 2:00 PLM, OHA Jr. "AY Hockey &--Henry Aldrich 7---Bowling 63-Time of Your Life 4--Bishop Visits Your Home 2--The Niagara Frontier 2:30 PLM, 4--World Sports 3:00 PLM, Winter 6-Herltage 2--Bowling 4:00 PLM, 7--Bowling Olympics 62-Golf 4-One Of A Kind 4190 PLM, Tiny Talent 63--The Twentieth Century 6:00 PLM. \--Famiy tneatre 9--Telepol! 7--Wrestling 63--The Sixties 4--Alumnl Fun Kingdom 5:30 P.M, | 9--Rducated Guess. 9:00 A.M. 62----GE College Bow! 4--Popeye's Playhouse Cartoons 9:00 A.M Vn France @-The Bible Answers J--The Christophers 2--Hercules 10:00 AM, NOHA Junior "A* Hockey d--Cartoons 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Soclal Christianity 1138 AM, @--Catholle Hour 4--Uncle Jerry's Club %-Thle ts The Life Some of Those Days) 9.2--Concentration 4-Behavioral Science vTake a Chance 6:00 PLM, %--evalt Disney 7--tig Show of Week mr, Ed. 4--Twentieth Century Route 66 2~Meet The Press 1:00 P.M, 9%--Danny Thomas &3--Harel abansie nw P.M, Vi--Special Movie t-- Mr, Novak &-2--Disney's World of Coler 7-- Jaimie McPheeters 6-3---Flashback 4--My Favorite Martien 6:00 PLM. 6-43--8¢ Sullivan 0:30 PLM. 9-7--Arrest and Trial 8-2--Grindle 9:00 PLM. 6-6-3-2---Bonanze 4--Judy Garland Show 9:30 PLM. Vi--The Sill Dana Show | 10:00 P.M, |1l--Richard Boone 9---The Hourglass 7--Dick Powell Show 6-3---Horizon 4--Candid Camera 2--David Brinkley 10:30 PLM. | 63----Question Mark 4--What's My Line 11:00 PLM, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--- Newsy 20 PLM. 11--Professional Men | S-Metro Pinar | P4e-Late Show | 2-Award Theatre 11:30 PLM, | | %-Hdgar Wallace Mystery | | Hour é--No Hiding Place MONDAY 6:00 A.M. | 4--Captain Kangaroe | 0:20 AM, | 9--Cartoons | 9:00 A.M, 1}--Captain Andy 9-Romper Room 7--Jack LaLanne Show 4--Popoye's Piaynouse 2--Mike Douglas Show 9:90 AM, | Meta | 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 10:00 A.M. \l--Eddie Allen Show | 9--Playtime With Bobby #-2--Say When | %--Girl Talk | @3---Natlonal Schools | @=Calendar | 10:90 A.M. |11---Super Bingo 8-2--Word For Word 7--Seven Keys 63--Chez Helene 4--! Love Lucy 11200 AM, %Morning Magazine | ePrice Is Right | 6--Loretta Young Theatre | 4--The Real McCoys the AM, | Albert J, Steed Show | | @-2--Missing Links 7--The Object is 4--Giri Talk | 4--Pete and Giedys | 12:00 NOON %Noonday R #2--Your Firs? impress' &--Matinee 7--Afternoon Show 4--Meet The Millers Divorce Court tte PM. li--MieDay Matinee 9--0u! ir House 4-As The World Turns 2:00 PLM. %The Millionaire 64-3--Password 2--Lets Make A Deal 2:30 P.M. 9--All Star Theatre $-2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court 63--Scariett Hill 4--House Party 9~Here's Looking A? You &-2--Loretta Young 7--General Hospital 63--Take Thirty 4--To Tell The Truth 3:30 PLM, Randy Dandy 9--People in Conflict 8-2--You Don't Say 7--Queen For A Day 63--Friendly Giant 4--EBdge of Night ae PL. Feumicnsy Mouse Clue 6--The Game 1--Tralimaster &3--This Living World 4--secret Storm 2---Captain Bob 4:30 PLM, %---Kiddo paid Knows Best cleave fo Beaver MONDAY SVENING 5:00 PLM. li=Family Theatre pee 7--The Barly Show 6-3--Razz! le 4--Five O'clock Show 2~Yog! Bear 1% P.M, 6--Time Out For Music 3--Cheyenne 2--The Rifleman 6:00 PM, 4&--Generation 2Today 1963 4:19 OM. 4--Headiina News 4:30 PLM, 11-9-6-3-2---News; Weather and Sports 7--M-Squetl 6--Citizen James 6:43 PLM. lt=-Family Theatre 6-2---Huntley Brinkley Report 7:00 PLM. 9--Parmer's Daughter &---Peter Gunn 1-6--News, Sports 4--Zane Grey Theatre Weather, 3--My Favorite Martian | 2--Bachelor Father | é=--The Fugitive 2 -- MGS dm The Outer Limits Messer's J 63--Don 's 4--To Tell The Truth 63--Garry 4--\'ve Got A Secret 0:30 PLM. 9--McHales Navy T--Wagon Train 4--The Lucy Show 9:00 P.M. 63--Playdate 4-Danny Thomas Show 9:30 PLM. %--Take A Chance $-2--Hollywood Story 4--Star Performance 10:00 P.M, N-Cinema Races %--Dr. Kildare $-2--Miteh Miller i oarening Point 6-3--Inqu! 4--East sae, West Side 10:30 PLM, 1The P.M, Show t--Joey Bishop Show 6--Explorations 3--Andy Griffith 11:00 PLM, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News) Weather and Sports 1:20 PLM, 9--Metro Final 6--Night Metro 7-4--Late Show 1:30 PLM, Music 9--Plerre Berton Hour 7--Late Show CROSSWORD AOROSS 1, Red chalcedony, 5. Iodine source 9. Excuse 10, Across 11. Like peat 12. Parts of windows 14, Dancing girl: Egypt 15. South American river 16. Strike forcibly with the foot 18, Beer mug 19. Tel. lurium: sym. 21, Incite 22.4 7. Not strict 8. Minuteiy exact 11. Dance step 13. More rational 17, Trick 18. Guide error 28. At home 29. Rough edge of paper 32. Correct, as atyping ° [ATC TRIE MEMIAIP [SI] IRIUILIE IR BOTRIE JAID) iL Yesterday's Answer 33. Postpone 34, Visit 38. Water: as in cologne 39. Source of warmth 40. Japanese coin 20, Pretext 22, Duct: ' 4 mr anat, 25, To mature t) 26, Territory: abbr. 27, Encroached upon 30. To punish, asa child 31, Bamboo- like grasses Lt) 35. Downing St. number 36, American Indian 37. First sign of zodiac 40, Ray 41, Biblical name 42, Otherwise 43, Avoid 44, Never: poet. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Februery 1, 1964 15 é noi 'TWO MEN WHO LOOK LIKE CHINESE, BUT PFRINGI PAN! GO TO HOTEL, PAY BILL SL ESeRD ASIDES WOR Te AND EXPLAIN YOU CALLED TO MANILA MY CAMERAS, JOSEPH? JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE LES CANADIENS Zi 4 sss 'AESSIEURS, NOTRE CARGO DE FOURRURE Hous FAPPORTE 19,000 Lives, DE BEAK: POUR LA COMPAGN cE PROFIES WE, ANNONCE UN OF FICIER. |: COMMENCER IMMEDIATEMENT LE AVEC LES INDIGENES;" DIT UN OFFICIER. 'ey SaWPENDD, SI LA7I0S JINN OMY RICA OD ND SHIM S09, 53D ; : ms sporerbet dav aos con Saban iOIeOTSaNae SENNale poner. HTB OS LIHCERG THM TAINS S203 \, " 2 WALLA BO "GOODWILL" LATE MODEL USED CARS » DEMONSTRATORS All Priced At Reduced Clearout Discounts During Our Gigantic January Sale THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 260-266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 -jadvantage of playing for CONTRACT By B. JAY BECKER monds, The general rule, mis Q-x-x-x- of a suit, is <o A-K in the hope that que will drop on the first, or P| lead of the suit. vs However, the mathematicé? the drop of the queen is only s' ly greater than playing for finesse against the queen, for this reason a competent clarer will feel free to whenever the circumstances im dicate that that is the play. Ks Here is a hand to iblustrate the point. South is in spades and West leads the of diamonds on which plays the four and then the eight. + West now leads the deuce. hearts. South plays low dummy, losing to the king, East then returns the hearts. 4 Declarer is now at a ¢ point in the hand. He has three tricks and must win rest to make the Pago prospects are no there is a danger of also losing a club and a spade. To win the heart with the queen and then cash the AK spades would be the but not the best mi play. Since the club finesse to be taken in any event, it better to do that before ing how to play the epades. ..- Accordingly, heart in dummy with and finesses the queen of After cashing the ace of s he plays the ace and club, ruffing in dummy. When East's king fails on trick, South has a pretty idea of East's -- di tion. East probably had fi hearts (judging fnom Wi lead of the two and East's re (judging from the fall of ' king). hi All indications point to' East's having started with three spades, and South leads the jack and when East follows low, FINES? || THE LONE RANGER . 7P WE LINGER IN TOWN, THE DEPUTIES aka Y CERTAIN 70 BE FREED AN® COME AFTER US/ WHATS ALL THE RUCKUS += SAY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THEREP DONALD DUCK SHOW (TEACH YOU (ME THE LEIRST! ST HARDEST i se (mH ING THERE 1S ABOUT a is MUGGS AND SKEETER EXCHANGE NEW & USED Our Used Sketes Heve Bech Refinished, New Leces end Sharpened STAN'S SHARPENING. & RENTAL LTD. 223 KING ST. W. 723-3224 DAGWwOOD-- oC NEED MORE HOUSEHOLD > MONEY THIS WEEK You'VE GOT TO PRACTICAL --YOU'VE GOT To LSET_A LIMIT ON YouR Ss THE TROUBLI 'M_ALWAYS BROKE BEFORE I REACH IT CRS 1U GRANDMA 60 TM NAILING DOWN 'THIG NEW LATELY TOSSIN' ONE?' ERNIE CAY JOVINSULATION CROWN DIAMOND PAINT FREE DELIVERY "1 it's LUMBER, cell our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. ve