Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Feb 1964, p. 14

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OI sents aies Gi dite sae Ah Gk iat aa a oe ee Ver rea = --s f , tS Tag - joni ety shethatedaines oye eopeges ee ee es . ss - EE a alld Tall SS RE Tad cher th die oa Saar fa VM i ic] ber Election Of Si tiriase = ahovlich, Richard (Senate Probers dectior range ges IN MEMORIAM e Officers At alter all ashore tind! boon Aan ===a2\Near 200-Goal Mark (Grill Campbell i piitock = same Fevrvary' i WASHINGTON (AP) ~ A Ce scheduled on the bill, with pro- our lenely years have fine """Y' Hockey's 200-goat plateau hasy'hat every time they looked up,250 goals, apart from those who|nadian official told Senate in {fessional footbail and other BLACKSTOCK -- The Can- And I ait in aula! alone senging [come within the imminent|there was the litth Rocket lead-/started playing before 1949-50|vestigators Friday that oF raseball leaders to be heard) ace unit of the UCW held its. Newcastle, N.B.--William J. Hd Sune hehe grasp of Frank Mahovlich and| ng a rush, when, the le was shorter,|sional hockey players are de-|'tom, but a date has not beeniirs: mooting of the year at the|Callant, 50, who sat as a Lib- Jrlends may Xp Henri Richard, PRIDE IN 200 A veloped by openly subsidizing wet, Oy home of Mrs, Harold Kyte, re-/@ra! member and later as an arg Bais But it's not because of any|SAD LUCK AT NETS f But among the players, 200|'@mateurs" with money and Pc Pag Bag ter cently, _ independent in the New Bruns- wy, ane a hide a alt A. while, ea by| Prolific work by either man--]| But this season he hasn't had|is still a matter of intense pride, |{ree educations, said, "As far as We in Canada The worship or taken by the wick legislature, peta ery remembered PY! nis season "nyway, as much of the puck as he used) Chicago Black Hawks and the| Senator Philip A. Hartjare concerned everyone is @Mieader, Mrs, Romeril, The pDUNN,-- In memory af George Ewart] For some reason the two|!0 have, And to aggravate/Rangers were scheduled to|(Dem.-Mich,) said this goemned poegictii | we is oe preter Bible study was a discussion my who passed away February 2 1797.! nave fallen well off expectation|'hings, he has been hit by badimeet in an afternoon game to-| sounder and morally st 1 OAT E a OO OCRRIN PSO or Aas. 18. 0 Wai sey wacel any so far in the National Hockey|tck around the goaimouth, |day in New York and tonight|than the nS ee gy gr 8 Following officers were ap- Wife and family, League campaign, Pag Bichentie -- geet the, Laat take on Boston Bruins a bg ho ood calge Pod po 7 YOUNE'yointed: secretary, Mrs, Blake ano teagan ot "call th iens have been going well andjin Toronto while the Canadiens|football,"" o : : . ston--Dr, Caillvin ae eal Let tise ere ry hn oa hot Ro" Wing bo Wh er verre eran wey on Cg A a? a wna. v y Y ¥! 'round the NHL would trade in]as noticeable as Mahovlich's, |in Montreal. work, eams sponsored by National ton Dorrell; social' functions,|of the Hendry-Connell Research Gene from us but leaving memoriesli}.eir production for Mahoviich's| Going into the weekend, fea-| sunday night it's Montreal at| Clarence Campbell of Mont: Hockey League clubs. Mrs. H, Van Camp, Foundation and former Death can never take away) , if onal Memories that will always. |i 18 goals and Richard's 11, turing a six-game glate, Mahov real, president of the Nat Campbell added, however, ant professor of medicine at BOS ee It's just that the pair are|lich ls four goals short of theland' Chicago et Boston, Hockey League, Se ar a be cl the ae me ----r_-- Queen's University. patie Robert capable of much better things, 200-mark and Richard five shy open 8 8 as Athletic Union in the United ond Sayerver, ,| Claude Provost and Bernie|yport and the players than ; Camill sport and the play pay'/States has strict rules which L@IMMO Py dering o, mega Mont Fe one gg Me on Raed oon 'Gudea wae Geoffrion were oe to Ps ments under the table, differ from those in Canada. Le n Juice Recipe Wan" Wne Paweed away February \/ vith the possible exception of|Dean Prentice, reached the/Join the Montreal lineup after! Under the program, he said.) Hart was sharply critical of Relieves Arthritic " ; ple of games on the slde- jonal teams ' ; Two litt henge resting, Bobb: level earlier this season, mak-|@ COU aid from professional teamsiwnat he called '"h rl in Aievin nu sey ee ay oly la ing it an even 40 in the select/lines with injuries, doesn't affect a player's 8MA-lamateur rules . in "the United & a Pain ther Cana- netism and glitter on the at-|circle, The Loats will probably be teur standing: for o' States, senate arthritis 01 . 8 The league has announced the|missing defenceman Bob Baun|dian sports, Sern. wet eae vee. ane -- Rican book will give bill-|and forward Eddie Shack, in-/ The comments came as ts malign ~~ sid his league ROBERTS ~ In cherished o/CAN BAFFLE DEFENCE fing only to players who reach'jury victims, Campbell and J. Walter Ken). onsored farm teams in north: memory our dear niece, Gwen, who passed away] He can make even the most a OF oa a pr na ptr ern Michigan, Wisconsin, Min-|allands {February 2, 1963, life and memory last proficient defenceman look in- | nesota, North and South Da- Mee cer one ae. ae, WiCh, & Mnasive, skating OBITUARIES ea ata land polly ober staes t y ' r for training you merican pred which Hart ts chairman, hockey players tor. professionals ts - But they say that Mahovlich dear aeugnier 'sna ater, owendelyn| --g 48-goal men in 1960-61--has MRS, OLIVE BROWN Mrs, Chyznak is survived by| Both men = gue a ve careers, He did not go into de ed Roberts, who passed away Febrvery 2/trouble maintaining the right) The death of Mrs, Olive/her husband; a daughter, Olga = a ge Bai tail, Just when your lite was brightest, {mental pitch and needs to be/Brown, of Windsor avenu.,jand two sons, John Kozyriacky) by pea anal yg Ng foot- Just when your yeers were bet, -- inrodded, Ajax, occurred Friday, Jan, 31Jand Alex Chyznak of Oshawa, |t0 profess oe n Fairview Lodge, Whitby.| Also surviving are two sisters|ball, basketball and hockey. |. sorrow, In any event, he was re-|i Baseball rently enjoys the ex- Te a Pernt Sai iased py|ported Friday to be moving at Mrs. Brown was in her iol Lod bight 9s agg po pelle oo Hogg oh adhd 'uneral .j over rem and sadly miss y ar, aughter, ida ory cKy}. ste beset «bl ate iat pe -- fl Sa 4 xo in Dartford, Kent, Eng-| The remains will be at thejof court decisions, but the bill RORERTS <= in loving memory of olla ghd Po} ea land, Mrs, Brown was a mem:|Armstrong Funeral Home ualil/would write this into formal law, wr lowe oi ven bene ered Coy anes, Secon s _---- "ber of the Anglican Church and|Monday noon, The funeral ser- Her charming ways and smiling tece| sistant coach, says he expects of the Women's Auxiliary of|vice will be held in Ritson Road ENDORSE BILL Are a pleasure to recall; Mahovlich to shake loose for a ; : > " li figures endorsed She had a kindly word for each the Royal Canadian Legion,|Pentecostal Church at 2 p.m.) Top baseball figures And died beloved by all, " -- {couple of goals soon. Ajax Branch, Monday, Feb, 3. Interment willlthe bill Thurday in the open- scAwave, remembered by her orand:) Richard, one of the smaller!" She was predeceased by her|be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. |ing session of the two-day hear- Bet ey ee eee rome mee men in the league in physical/nushand, Peter Brown, in 1956,/The service will be conductediings, Further hearings are a RORERTS In loving memory of sistature at five-foot-seven, is a! Mrs, Brown leaves four sons,/by Rev, Jack Zubra, pastor of Neel gl ak Ory lat ty pm, away February 2 1963. less-explosive but more tena-|waliace, of Kingston; Douglas,|the church and Rev, Potipcs, of ferment Union Cemetery. A day of remembrance, sealy recalled,/qious type of performer, of Oshawa; Stuart, of Camp Toronto, \OUNCAN, Orville Stanley unm teenie aver. It must have semed to many|Borden and Rowald of Winnipeg;| = wit iam M, GILBERT ac Jon, at iit at thei Away Eizebeth ond) ponitenders in years gone by|Mine grandchildren, and one) puRrINGTON (CP) -- Wil: ee er ae ere : step-brather, Gess, of Donabie, L h I beloved husband of Mar- on : : liam Maurice Gilbert, 71, of Buncens gear father etl ,sra"Ueughier 'ef Mire ane Mth Fe. att, i resting, at ithe Melt-carotine street, ied ina. hot uncheon Is one Watson, who passed away February 1, M b Pi " 'jpital in' Sydney, Australia, on ; may call at the tf -- uty and silently came the call, em ers In bert pong wiry on Thursday while on the first leg Scheduled vy morning at 11 o'clock.| Without -- ye iF vs all, Monday, Feb, 3. The service|o & world tour, His body will Saturday Yaterment Lakeview Cemetery, Midland, Pesca ios enreen new "ine ane Pr ed B be flown home for funeral ser- CKSTOCK -- Canon and beste pete as " esent y fg Magra ly 'oly Ten: vice next week, ura' Ashmore had as their brothers. ? i ) Mr. Gilbert became ill in guests, the members of the WA * WI@OS - Alfred F. entered into rest in]O8d, sisters ond : Princess Margaret ai Toronto ity Church, Interment will be in Honolulu on Sunday. He and an- " '8 Columbus UCW Oshawa Union Cemetery. other Burlington man, Pail recently. nd Reports from all departments, CARD OF THANKS PETER A, CEMBAL Fisher had left on Jan, 18 on sf | = ' 2 . " » which were very gratifying, COLUMBUS The regular The death of a former Osh-|@ trip to Europe, the Far Eas i Li | BILENDUKE -- 1 would like to extena/monthly meeting of the United . : and Australia, and plained to at/my. sincere thanks nd appreciation tolChurch Women of Columbus iy ar nage: yoo rll a return at the end of April, The new ofticers for 1964 were ty relatives, friends and neighbor for United Church met in the Low- : . They were to speak to Rotary installed by Canon Ashmore. the cards, flowers, gifts and visits re 7 ton, occurred suddenly at St. ' P " Mon-leeived during my' recent stay In weer Church Hall recently with! Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton,|Clubs in Australia about Can-| Plans were discussed for the err cinicanawe General Hospital, Special thanks|Mrs, S, Cosway presiding, The/Thursday, Jan, 30, 'The deceas.(24a. Mr. Gilbert was a charter|Mother's Day supper also the ctarted Paier eine De kp ee Rex meeting opened with words of 'y his SOth vear, | (member of the Burlington Ro-/dessert luncheon on April 15, Father Figel, Dr, A, P, Fulton, Dr, C. ed was in his 50th year, ~ rt0/ Dillon, also. the nursing) welcome, He was born in Oshawa and|taty Club and was president injwhen Miss Carol Lane will be | e¢ze fet 2 ig ai : i i i = 30842 io Piste a isistene ' a ' r 4 3 Ef z re 33 mire es te pepsi Pe ghey _- $22 2233 Zz 283 es end winlary stl of + mary Bienduke,| Worship was given by Mrs, 8./was the son of the late Stephen|192. the guest speaker, DALE -- We wish to éxpress our sin-(CoSway and Mrs, W, Spry, Pro-land Mary Cembal, Mr, Cembal|, He was manager of the A. S.) 'The Worlds' Day of Prayer cere thanks and appreciaiton to gram portion was convened byjreceived his education in Osh- sented to Mrs. S. Murison for and had been appointed to the LAKIN -- We would Wke to express our! pon many years of faithful serv- and a daughter, Lorie, at home Josegh Brant Museum Board. y : Soy ' \ . P Society for Crippled . : ee my : mt heme, Soreey Nichol Son Ltd, buildi --_ cholson and Son Ltd, building service will be held in North ' friends and, neighbors tor their kind ex- cols. centre here, He joined the firm Wi Generel reas extended: during eur recent sue bereaves Wile wiving a reading of "Ask| In 1938 he married the former|#® Years ago, but. left to work|Nestleton Church Feb, 14 | ' 7s Wk, Margaret an "gelgnaialioes "vl Ourselves in 1964" and slides|Jean Galewich in Oshawa, The|it @ Hamilton bank, He later/There will be a service in St. + Hy Robert Dale and family:| ene shown by Mrs, E, Lavio-|deceased was self employed and|Managed the Oshawa Lumber|John's Church on Ash Wednes- \ one ore ent HALL -- 1 wish to extend most sincere] latte lived in Oshawa until the family|C® i Oshawa and worked forlgay, Feb, 1° Sloat. aor tneir many ache et] A moved to Hamilton in 1949, In|#" insurance company in Van-| Pereroerenmh, Te [kindness and expressions 'of 1 A git, of a was/Oshawa he was a member of|°ouver. He rejoined the Nichol.) February meeting of the W service in trator rand her Tributes, receive Leggs bo e_ retiring Pres'st, George's Ukrainian Ctholic|80" firm in 1989, will be held at the home of ' rhe wamme™ -- Ute' Bn Bot. ar yy Be Church, He was a past president of/mrs, John Hamilton with Mrs. 7 Cemetery. |Lite P P He is survived by his wife|th¢ Burlington Library Board/n craniiand co-hostess. 4a spereciatien te, eve Mr, Cembal also leaves two sis- 'Thompson of Home. 'Mount requested ~ 7 nd relatives ice as treasurer THOMPSON, William Pleming (Fiem) ters, Mrs, Willi Zedie (Ai enews, Generel rag on Fridey|triputes and 'messages of "A memoriam was reading' Mrs. Herman Allin from WILLIAM FLEMING January 31, 1964 William FE hee fether andifor the late Mrs, A, McKenzie THOMPSON beloved husband of the late Eunice , Special thanks te nurses in the both of Oshawa. Three brother's Th ther of Marlow andloshawa General Hospital, Ors. Rundie,|With a moment of silence fol-laiso survive, William (Ben) e death of William Fleming Hector Gardner and Rowsell, the VON nurse whollowed by prayer, Rev. R. H.ltureck of Oshawa, Michacl|!2ompson, of Nestleton, occur- jive grandchildren. lience, MciniestAnserson 'Renerel Nee, Love installed the new officersiCembal of Sault Ste, Marie and|fed Friday, Jan, 30, in Oshawa ARRIV D \ |paliogerere. and most of ali Malor Pred for 1964, Mrs, C, Henry, the new| Joseph Cembal of Scarborough,|General Hospital, Mr, Thomp- MeDerinott-Panabaker, Pert Perry Lewis, tor Nis kind and consoling words) president, took the chair and) The remains are at the P, X,|80" was in his O3rd_ year, In Canada Cemetery, Cadmus, : carried on for the busi-|Carmody Funeral Home, Ham-|_ Born in Cartwright Township, ~-Mra, Theo Lakin and family, ; a ness, Next meeting will be heldjilton, until this evening when|Ont., June 2, 1871, Mr, Thomp- ae 5 MRSS FLORISTS |, MOASE = We. the temily of the late! oo Hebruary 12. they' will be conveyed to the/80n married the late Bunica a errongements " . A Marlow March 27, 1907 ; 1 Armstrong Funeral Home, Osh- ' ' . * tel "reaver _ many. ach 'of Kindeest, 'deeunin froret| EVENING UNIT awa, Visiting hours will. begin) Mr. Thompson leaves three! | }; NASSAU 134.10 JAMAICA 190.30 "OSHAWA SHOPPING _ |frtvles and to Loca! iat for, tele gif) 'The first meeting for bear es 8 na. Sunday, ee one, Pang eh and ware K , s : our recent bereavement | in the passing of} year Of the Evening unit the requiem mass will sung|Nestleton, a r, -| ES - ; 99 00 ' beloved husband father, SpeciallUnited Church Women met atiby Rev. J. C. Pereyma-in St.jawa; one daughter, Mrs, N,| P= : , | 230 30 S68 wane Thanks We Or. Rimmer , Dr Rownwall ~ home of Mrs, Allan Scott ny a Ukrainian Catho- saat ol Be Cadmus, and five; : ANTIGUA : BARBADOS 5 " 'our jjwith the new leader, Mrs, R,|lic Church at 9.30 a.m, Mon-/grandchildren, et x ' e ONOMY EXCURS! Canadian Preference for the | [and Yrone who served delicious toed in charge, opening with a/day, Feb, 3. Interment will be| He is. resting at the McDer- r ae TRINIDAD 261.70 Te ane ieee 'oe erenany one Same --_ NM yore ane Ouron" Fonccei|New Year's Prayer. in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic|/mott-Panabaker Funeral Home,| © - ' 7 aoe oa a _ *. hg gp walla he the Ss Mre. SS. Cosway. was the Cemetery. big E a pd & -- ee ¢ From Toronto on is oa POW og vice in the chapel a Pm., for Canadiens. As pioneers mut muucy,, Mone and Mr, and Mrs, chosen delegate to attend the MRS, FRED CHYZNAK Monday, Feb. 3, Interment will this trend Mount L F Annual Presbyterial ti ; : ; resoectully suggests thet be in Oshawa, A gift of apprecie-/r°qanne ©, lenahiy ness. lhe in Union Cemetery, Cadmus, 5 3(. SUaaaE @ Only TCA has Non-Stop Jets to Antigua and to Barbados! fore need crrangement o s : tion was presented to the for-/awa General Hospital Frid FUNERAL OF : : family estates on a low cost, A M ] mer leader, Mrs. G, Webber, on] jan. 3) of Mrs Trea Pbbons & JAMES McNAUGHT Bes : 7 for '<a ie hee oe CCO on 0S behalf of the unit, of 232 Marquette avenue, Osh-| The funeral service for James : ' Non-Stop Service to Nassau! > moking @ will, R d Mrs, H, Mountenay, Mrs. R./awa, She was in her 50th year./McNaught, 237 Cadillac avenue}; ; A * "Two new religious en er t Gimblett and Mrs, J, Houlding} The former Evdoka Burzak,/south, who died at ihe Toronto . ® Non-Stop Jets to Jamaica! ong oy a pay pg Abo om Ry er eg wer ee General Hospital, Tuesday, a @ in an jan of the late Mr. and Mrs, Kola-/28, was held at the MclIntos! |e ; ini Columbus Meet}: alk Bursa. She wes bore Mer [Andean Funeral 'Chapel, Fi | © Twice-Weekly Jets to Trinidad! (Gateway to Tobago) Questions were then asked/!, 1914, at Kozaske in the Uk-/day, Jan, 31,.at 2 p.m, | rangements will be at real COLUMBUS -- The East unit roblems |raine. Rev, Derek Allen, minister of : y : t gzvings to those pecticipating wg k gongs Booey sary pong cong play. Macting Married in 1936 in the Ukraine|St, Paul's Presbyterian Chureh,| © ~ =| -- Get to your favourite Island In the sun aboard a giant TCA DC-8 Jet or turbo- Please phone today 723- ' 'oti the deceased had been a resi-/c " & : ' courteous information on |Terwillegar with Mrs, G, Comer|<losed with, benediction. N®*'/aene or Canada and Oshawa for wan bs Gubes, Valen Gumeiier || prop Vanguard. Relax while friendly TCA Flight Attendants spoil you with smile- these new gardens in Mount jin the chair to open the meet- 15 years, She was de: i . 4 Lage, ge | lthe' Ritson "Road Pentecestalling, Artur Pealings Den Chtea:| I : || a-minute service that helps put you In a fine mood for the Calypso carnival of rans Te. YON Later Mrs, M, Gilroy, the new) Fre e Sk ati g |Chureh. ont, Jim _Coment, J, MeNocehh | Sm "| sun and holiday fun that awaits you at your tropic isle! Start planning your trip within reach of all leader, took over, The worship! ' now--and with your Travel Agent's advice. He can tell you all about TCA's low : GERROW was given from "the book ---- x ' : . "Christianity the Com- FUNERAL HOME munity", theme being "Peace", Offered At 17-Day Economy Excursion Fares, TCA's Fly Now-Pay Later Plan and about 390 KING STREET WEST by Mrs, J. McKenzie and Miss NEW ' M. Robinson TCA's fun and fund-stretching Package Vacation Plans. For example, you can in DTELEPHONE 728-6226 | M. Robinson. i al The program was taken by Brooklin MUSIC spend 7 days and 6 nights in Nassau for just $100.55 each, double occupancy, Mrs, G. Corner and Mrs, M Beath. Mrs. M. Beath gave a BROOKLIN -- The manage- PIN MEMORIAM Totes tats Steere baie aslo a Ge ect tet AND ATE Including hotel, transportation to hotel, plus two meals daily. (Ask about Tour = also read a poem. [Arena has announced the fol- IT-TC-905.) Alr Fare extra. WELL -- In loving memory of a}. Mrs. G. Corner gave a read-jlowing times for free skating Yather, Ernest Colwell, who passed ing, "How Do I Know My Youth/for the school childrin of 'the , Com now, lypso--go TCA...choice of First and Economy Ci By Fey hs ears have passea/tS. Spent" and "Getting a Jobjarea An Exciting one ee ee 2 " ics NgBrce, eeeth te oom, ite shadows. cast after Forty". Mrs. F. Ballard) Monday and Wednesday after Valentine Gift! accommodation on most flights, a all seemedifavored with two accordion noons, 4-5 Dr. Robert - right, | S, pm. Dr, | nd took from shining Net. |solos, : _|Thornton, Meadowcrest, Disploy your f te olbume in your Agen tm Toronte ot 130 Bloor Street W, i vesonl prave Woh ee ever can A New officers for 1964: Leader, Tuesday and Thursday after. this handsome on storage unit. " ~~ Dhaai enue cack aus. Teva here we mao tuner inveim| Mrs. M. Gilroy; treasurer, Miss noons, 4-5 p.m,, Sinclair, Myrtle, AT . Free stonding - spring loaded. to . 1M. Terwil , ir u2,m heawren we wil! meet again if -- Pianist es a Spencer, Ashburn and Brooklin fit any stondord ceiling height. FLY CANADIAN--FLY TCA - Senior, Decorator desi whi ee is not peda thane CANADA eur ioe Erato an ecane pele aa Livy skating time is not super-| LECOFF' it stores ond protects 60 albums. TRANS: "CANADA AiR LINES AIR vary . a TH U? viseq, i i » Valentine delivery guoronteed if Aber! a te sue en wen" The North unit of United) 'These times are subject to NOW. Church Women met at the home/change without notice, depend- of Mrs. J, Stark with the new)ing upon attendance, For further Reg. 29.95 | a a ---- SPECIAL OFFER 24.95 | ' 3 "apie a. Mrs, A. Fowler, injinformation call the Brooklin OFFER i jchange Mrs. W. Holliday took/Arena, 655-4571. IS 3% SALES TAX So SUPERMARKET -- |; DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE ' ingty remembered 'gon-in-law Eddy and grandchildren.) The program was in form of OPEN HOUSE * FABRI-COATE CO. RI M AR l playlet by Mrs, J. Stark, Mrs.) Parents and friends are - 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH h BOX 562, OSHAWA | OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN IE. White and Mrs. T. McLaugh.) vited to attend an "Open House" | ' lim, Ga hla, Quills & lanes dintoressnted Gy the thachers ond } Please send .. : 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY. PHONE 668-3304 : MEMORIALS [play of tation articles, bor-/students of Meadowcrest and| OPEN EVERY NIGHT jrow rom Mrs, H, Parrott of/Brooklin Senior Schools, Tues-/ | } : MONUMENTS lOshawa, were shown iday, Jan, 28 from 7.30 to 8.30 ee : : Munsee [ MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE ' Designed for ony need. nage ot fowler: eatistant lead | This event is in place of the! TILL 10.00 P .M. 1 152 Si St. $. Oshawe jreguiar business ti f the! st i : ' mcoe iMrs: T. McLaughlin, treasurer, |TeSular dusiness meeting o! | 22 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 723.944) * Office Evenings |Mrs G: McCulloch; pianist, |Brooklin Home and School Asso- 4 723-1002 . 728-6627 jMrs. J. Stark iciation.

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