Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1964, p. 7

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Tie slecacliescitiain eel the oe ae By MRS, KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The annual meet- ing of the Durham Central Agri- cultural Society was held at the Town Hall in Orono recently. The reports given by the com- mittee chairman showed that the 1963 fair had been a success. Mr. Dalrymple, the agricul- tural representative, asked that consideration be given to hold- "| jing the 4-H Judging Competition + jon the Saturday of the fair ra- ther than in May when it con- flicts with High School final exams. It is hoped to again sponsor the Fat Calf Show which was an attraction at the 1963 Fair. The nomination committee of Mr. J, Stone, C, Tamblyn and R. Osborne, presented the fol- lowing list of directors and asso- ATTEND ITALIAN PRODUCTION IN METRO Richard Burton reaches for one last puff on his cigarette ronto Wednesday night to see the Italian musical, Rugan- tino. Mr. Burton starts re- as he and Elizabeth Taylor en- ter the O'Keefe Centre in To- hearsals in the theatre today for Hamlet. --(AP Wirephoto) ciate directors which was ac- cepted, DIRECTORS -- F, Jose, D ples, R. Munday, R. J. Taggart, L. Pears, J. Moffat, G, B, Rick- ard, R, Gilbart, B, Tink, Keith Wood, C, Tamblyn, W. E. Reid. Assoc. Directors -- L, Atche- son, C. W. Billings, B, Cowan, J, Cruikshank, R. Chater, D. Annual Banquet Presented By Orono Groups By MRS, KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The Orono Girl Guides and the Orono Brownies held their annual mother and daughter banquet recently. The banquet and entertainment was held in the basement of the Orono United Church. Mrs, William Rudell, division-| al commissioner, welcomed) those present. Mrs. Donald Hamm, guide leader, presented achievement badges to the Guides and also recognized Doreen who at this time flew up to the Guides from Brownies. Mrs. Elaine Mercer who has taken over the leadership of one of the Brownie Packs in Orono received her warrant. Her pack then gathered around the Toad Stool and sang. Mrs. Atkins' group also sang and played a game for the entertainment of those present, Miss Marlene Adams was pre- sented with a gift for being the/,.., Bishop E, S. Reed told a serv- ice club that the decision to es- tablish diplomatic relations with} BALS. _|the People's Republic of China/The Active Service Class met re- should be Canada's own. top salesman of Christmas cards which was a Guide promotion. Mrs, Joyce Simpson, a Brow- nie leader for a number of years, received a pin, Mrs Simpson has now resigned her position with her duties being taken up by Mrs. Mercer. Mrs, June Armstrong also re- ceived a gift for her work in the Guides. Members of the Orono Guides presented a short skit and an in- Isolating Nations Bad Policy-Martin WINDSOR (CP)--No nation, "What our neighbors to the should be isolated in this mod-|south do is their affair. That ern world, External Affairs Min-|decision is one for the United ister Paul Martin said Monday,|States government. Similarly, Commenting on the announce-|Canada's decision must be ours) ment by the government of|to make." France that it would recognize} Bishop Reed said that, despite Red China, Mr. Martin said: |differences which still remain |"When the' prime minister and|between Communist China and| I were in France a few days|the West, the time has come to| jago, we discussed this matter.|establish diplomatic relations. "The Canadian government) Bishop Reed said if the world does not believe it is wise tojof the 1960s is to deal realis- 'Kir Pollution Bylaws Divide \politicians into action, lclaimed in Hamilton Monday, | or said air pollution fighter Harris, was the bigges' 'eobee faced by some 60 mu- jnicipal representatives attend- ing an air pollution meeting. Mr, Harris, chairman of the Men And Boys' HAMILTON (CP)--The gov- ernment is afraid of big busi- hess and won't introduce indus- trial air pollution controls until the people of Ontario force the it was Found; L. Hooey, L. Harris, J. H, Jose, A, Jakeman, A. Moffat, R, Osborne,-O. W. Rolph, J. Rickard, R. Stevens, A. L. Blan- chard, Wm, Slater, C, Turner, M. J, Tamblyn, S. B. Ruther- ford, R. G Moffat, I Tamblyn At the directors meeting the following officers were elected: President, F Jose, Newcastle; lst vice -- Don Staples, New- castle; 2nd vice -- Bruce Tink, Hampton, Mrs, John Rickard will be the new secretary, treasurer and the auditors appointed are W. Slater and R. Dickson, In the past no ladies have t'been appointed as directors but it has been decided at their first general meeting the ladies wll appoint two members to. meet Reports On Fair Given At Orono with the directors at regular meetings. tary. directors Carson on his management 0! the 1963 fair. iiat a larger available for a stabling and washrooms. rcreived from Jack Reid director and from Mrs, E, H. drama festival, Mrs. J, H. Leslie of Peterboro suggested that the ladies depart- ment of the fair be organized with 12 directors and a secre- George Carson will be man- ager of the fair in 1964, The complimented Mr, The Board is now to seek clas- sification of the Orono Fair as a Class B fair rather than a Class C fair. It is the feeling rant would be lass B fair, es- pecially in the expenditures of capital monies, It was stated that there is a need for further Letters of resignation were Appointed At Blackstock By MRS. OLGA HILL for the fair Aug. 21-22. asked to be relieved of his jo for this year. ed a good balance, dent Harvey 'Graham; vice-president, Walter Wri second vice + president, Larmer, Fair Committee! BLACKSTOCK -- The annual agricultural meeting was recent- ly held in the Community Hall. The committees were appointed Secretary Percy Van hips and a committee was appointed f/to secure some one else, A com- mittee was named to make plans for the Centennial in 1965 and another for plans for parade The financial statement show- Officers for 1964 are: presi- first len THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Jenuery 30,1966 7 Mrs, Rupt, Werry and Roy on recently. Andy Holmes of Bowmanville and Mr. Alvin McGill of Lind- say, called on Mrs. G, Fowler on Saturday recently, ovr. and Mrs, Frank Cook ana Valerie Hartwick, Beaverton, visited Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Archer, recently, Miss Betty McArthur of To- ronto spent the weekend, ani Mr, and Mrs, Norman Dysart Sunday with Dr, and Mrs, J. A. MeArthur, Miss Margaret Carter of Maple Grove and Miss Joan Bradburn, Oshawa, 3; weekend with Mr, and Bradburn, Marion and Roy. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Archer and family of Whitby and Mr, and Mrs, Vincent Archer of Bowmanville, spent a recent ;|Sunday with'Mr. and Mrs, Wil- bert Archer and Mr, Dever on the occasion of Wilbert's 75th birthday, Mrs, Cecil Hill spent the week- end and' Mr, and Mrs, Stan Rahm Sunday afternoon with Don Mills, Since "May. 18,1063, "Europe's ince y w, . largest cableway has carried more than 100; passengers on 180,000 trips to the summit highest peak. FRIDAY and the Dancing 9 p.m. til 1 Admission $1,50 Rev, and Mrs, C, H. Ferguson, - gjof Zugspitze, West Germany's as second vice-president and as a Samuel as convener for the PERSONALS Mrs, Arthur Leighton is spend- ing a while with her daughter, Larry Hoskin of Hamilton Col- lege was. home for the weekend. Mrs, F, Bailey, Mrs. Joe Nesbitt, Glenarm, visited Mr, and Mrs, Percy Van- New Explorers Officers Meet At Solina By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA met recently. The newly The Explorers Camp and called on other friends recently. Herman Coalter, Toronto; Mr and Mrs, George Pearce and son from the Jack Frazer Farm a' Streetsville were recent Sat- urday visitors and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Cox, Bowmanville, called on Mr. and Mrs, Orr Venning during the week, Dr, and Mrs, John Werry, Bowmanville, visited Mr, and The Professor's Apprentice crosses a officers for 1964 are; Chief Explorers, er, Karen Yellowlees, resolution, Jackie Brown; assistant, Rosalie Parr; Keeper of the Log, Sally Lang- maid; assistant, Marie Nesbitt; treasurer, Anne Hills; assistant, Jennifer Eakins; press report- Mrs. Bruce Tink led the: wor- ship service with Anne Hills assisting. The roll call was an- swered with a New Year's kiss with a contraption and gets monkey- _ § shines! ine chav mens nent nets SR RELRAAAEEA EAH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Hamilton air pollution control Hazelden|' isolate any country in this in- terdependent world of ours. We intend to keep up commercia and cultural ties with all coun- tries--including Red China. Be- and cultural ties with all coun ther to say on the matter." HALIFAX (CP)--The Angli ognizing Communist China "short - Canada Auto Parts Plan tically with the problems of in- ternational relations, no coun- "The provincial govem- advisory committee, added: tries--including Red China. Be- yond that, I have nothing fur- can Bishop of Ottawa said Mon- day Canada's long delay in rec- is sighted and incongru- ljtry such as Canada can 'writ off such a large part of human ity as that represented by main /land China." ©! ment doesn't want to offend big "lindustry. It has given us power "to deal with every other type BOTH jof air pollution but-the big one|@ FIRST OSHAWA New Officers Installed At Mount Zion By MRS, LORNE JAMES jcently at Elmer Wilson. Mrs. Burnet Jamieson's group were charge of the meeting. B. Jamieson on '"'Time", AM and MT. ZION -- the. home of Mrs. in The topic was taken by Mrs. New Year's readings were given by Mrs, Murray Jones and Mrs. SHOWINGS . "Seducers" et 7:20-10:10 p.m, "Karate" at 6:45-8:50 P.M, --industrial pollution." He was enlarging on remarks made at the meeting. Those attending the meeting came from 11 southwestern On- tario counties. It was the first attempt to jlaunch a form of regional con- TONIGHT! BILTMOR E DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M AFTER DARK LAST DAY: "Condemned of Altona" also "Warlock" |trol over the industrial air pol- jlution problem. The representatives decided to meet again in the near fu- ture when each will be empow- red to act on behalf of his mu- ;/nicipality, not simply as an ob- server, A resolution was sent to the Ontario Municipal Association and the, Ontario Association of Mayors and Reeves urging that provincial legislation include in- NEW Harvey Dance Academy OPENS STUDIOS IN THE Oshawa Shopping Centre LOOK AT THIS MAN 975 reek Log) AY wi (, e ' ! ' i dustrial as well.as other forms af alt polkition. Come in and See Our New Home SAT. FEB. 1st @ Visit Ballet Classes 10 a.m.--12 Noon @ Baton Twirling Classes 2 p.m.--4 p.m. IRENIE HARVEY 725-6122 teresting film on guiding was shown by Mr. Walker. PERSONALS Ross Tamblyn, Waterloo Ur.i- versity, is presently working at the Alcan Aluminum plant' 'in an a anaes bart Arvida, bec, His work at ie 8 opty pee 'i factured in Canada for use Arvida is in c tion with his studies towards a degree in en-|in the United States will im- prove Canada's balance of pay- one. ments with the U.S. Cecil Disney. Questions were handed in on the Bible and answered by Rev. T. Fleetham, Business was dis- cussed when $10 was voted on to be sent to the Christian Home|, 4H Sunbeam Club leader, in Korea, |Mrs. Cecil Disney (south); Mrs, A new slate of officers was|Don Sanderson (north). presented and is as follows: | Nominating committee -- Mrs. Teacher, Mrs. Ralph Jones;|Jack Empringham, Mrs. Elmer assistant teacher, Mrs, Burnett] Wilson. A party was held recently for Jamieson; assistant teacher,|. Auditors--Mrs. Reg. Hoskins, "It means that parts Cana-iyrs Cecil Jones. {Mies Kathleen McAvoy. Mr. and Mrs, Podmore prior to dians can produce more) president, Mrs, Donald Jamie- | their return to their home in cheaply than Americans wWill/son. vice-president, Mrs. Jack! FURNITURE WORLD England, Mr, and Mrs. Podmore|c! find an export market," he said treasurer, Mrs.| LIMITED TIME are returning by plane after Empringham; in an interview. "In a sense, ' Praised EDMONTON (CP)--Finance Minister Walter Gordon pre- dicted Monday night that an in- Mrs, Glen Manderson, Mrs. Lorne Jones. TIMES--1:40 - 3:35 - 5:30 - 7:35 + 9:38, LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:25, spending several months with s- their daughter Mrs. Bruce Mer-|they will be swapped for parts shi Sig Aver: saat -- | cer, Mr, Mercer and family. |the Americans can produce! Secretary, Mrs. Cecil Disney; | Mrs, John Armstrong returned|more cheaply." assistant secretary, Miss Kath-| home on Sunday from the Bow-| Mr. Gordon said an interest/leen McAvoy; pianist, Mrs. | manville Memorial Hospital. equalization tax bill to be voted|Cecil Jones, Mrs. Orr Graham. Mr. William Davey is @ pa-jon soon by the United States} Sick committee, Mrs. Thomas) tient in the Memorial Hospital,/Congress could mean more to|Jordan; business committee, Bowmanville. Canada than the Columbia|/Mrs. Ralph Jones, Mrs. Mac.) River treaty. Allbright, "Wi hoping f deci-| Group leaders -- Mrs. Lloyd New Leader sion -- cn the equalization Wilson, Mrs, Earl Disney, Mes. tax," he said. "Until people Opens Meet At Blackstock Lewis Jones, Mrs. Percy Jones, | know what Congress will do, it | By MRS. OLGA HILL is tough fo i ' od NO ICE r Canadians 7 e K -- The Dorcas row money in the United The OSHAWA BUSINESS COL- | BLACKSTOC ay unit of the UCW met recently at|@PPly our hearts on to wisdom", States." LEGE will hold its ANNUAL 'the home of Mrs. Leith Byers,|and led in prayer, Mrs, Cecil The new leader, Mrs. Walter|Hill dealt with the eighth chap- OPEN HOUSE on J Wright, opened the meeting with|ter of The Word and The Way, | Friday, Jan. 31 a verse. ~ "The Bible and the Word of From 2:00 to 6:00 p.m, end The hymn, "Father Lead Me|God from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Day by Day" was sung, follow-| Considerable business wasi] Refreshments will be served and |} ed by prayer. Mrs. Lioyd Wright/dealt with, another hymn sung|{ 9" interesting program prepared, read the scripture passage. jand meeting closed with prayer, || THE PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY Mrs. Walter Wright gave the|after which lunch was served. | $300 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 65 Here is a plan to provide your family if you should die, or for your retirement years if you survive . . . You make regular payment to the Sun Life of Canada, then at age 65, you start receiving $300 a month for life, or if you prefer, $44,150 in cash. Both of these amounts can be increased by leaving your dividents on deposit. Should you not survive to age 65, a minimum of $30,000 will be paid immediately to your family. meditation on "Teach us to number our days that we may CANADIAN PREMIER! ODEON BAY RIDGES JOINS... NEW YORK, PARIS and TORONTO IN PRESEN- TING THE FILM TOP MAGAZINES AND (ACCLAIM! = al tout or By completing the enquiry form below, you can obtain details suitable to your personal situation. Plans can be arranged to provide various amounts matur- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SAVE *40 ON THE SUPERB ELECTROHOME AVANTI Starkey Hick Peter George & TerySouthem S5t2ektee Stanley A Cotyatke Fictgres Release: RECOMMENDED AS ADULT IFERTARUAENT ALSO Glen Ford in "CRY FOR HAPPY" -- Color The dromotic, contemporary styling by Deilcroft will make your tiving room the eye! This superb cobinet is fect too! 2 - 10" woofers tweeters copture every sound. | chossis, Garrard changer and arm, AM/FM radio and pro- | i isi * multiplex-stereo FM rodio. See Never before such a low price! Regular Price 339.00. 9 9 q cd Special Price for 'short time only ...... ROGER WOLFE DISTRICT SUPERVISOR HOME BUSINESS 723-2883 725-4563 "AVANTI" for yourself!

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