Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1964, p. 1

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Thought For Today Girdle: A polite name for an old-fashioned pot holder. VOL, 93-----NO, 25 he Oshawa Times 10 Cnn tol Oey seam erage "aie ayn aan tO toe * Weather Renort | Sunny Friday with cloudy ine tervals, Winds light, TWENTY PAGES OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1964 Sees kas He Seton es Ore t MASKED GUNMEN LOOT ARMORY IN MONTREAL New Saigon Leaders §| 30 Machine Guns Stolen In Raid | SAIGON (AP) -- Maj, + Gen.jsional civilian govefnment, Nguyen Khanh, a S?-yearold Nguyen Ngoc Tho, was ousted|members of the old council had Vietnamese people, Khanh said 'jday and escaped with 30 ma- MONTREAL (CP) -- Fifteen masked gunmen raided the ar mory of Les Fusiliers Mont Royal in east end Montreal to- welch tecsives & totnene tol which rece! a from a man who identified him: self as a member of the Comite Revolutionaire du Quebec (Que- POLICE CLUB Police try to restore order Tatian neighborhood in Cleve- today among an egg-throw- ing, noisy crowd in front of Murray Hill public clemen- tary school in the east side land, Ohie, A crowd of more than 200 gathered to oppose a scheduled picketing by inte- grationists, but no pickets ap- peared, Note news photog- raphers in background, Four photographers were beaten and their equipment smashed, (AP irephote) USAF Requests Access To Scene Of Jet Crash BULLETIN BERLIN (Reuters) -- The bodies of the three U.S, Air Force officers killed Wed- coming--the U.S. government may never know precise details about the incident Tuesday which cost the lives of three U.S, Air Force officers, they said, Washington and Moscow traded protests Wednesday, The Kremlin sent a note saying a Soviet fighter downed the T.39 jet trainer about 60 miles in- side Communist East Germany conference; "The first question that comes to my mind is what was a training plane doing over there. If you're over enemy ter. ritory when you're not supposed to be then you can expect things like that," Assistant Secretary of State William Tyler called in the ranking Soviet diplomat here, Georgi M. Kernienko, and de- chine guns, 60 semi-automatic jivifies and an undetermined 'inumber of sidearms, Police said they stripped the armory of ammunition, The raiders, armed with rifles sawed-off shotguns and revolv- ers broke into the building about 8 a.m,, ted and gagged a night watohman and locked him in the cellar They grabbed eight other mon civilian workers and pomgy personnel--who showed up duty while the bandits were still inside, The bandits tled and pagan' the eight and also i ed them in the basement, Police said the raiders used), a pick axe to -- various he" fice doors in armory al the quartermaster stores con- -- taining the arms and ammuni- ition, They said the raiders used a red truck te cart off the stolen arms and ammunition, . | Police learned of the raidiers jailed. Canal Talks Fail 'OAS Help Sought jarmy corps commander, be-\and sent back to private life, He/betrayed the November revoiu joame virtual dictater of South was not arrested ion and had shown neutralist iViet Nam today in a swilt,, The top three generals under|tendencies, bloodless coup. He pledged to|/Minh were held. They are Maj.-| Saigon's civilian population "smash the Communists and/Gen, Tran Van Don, defence;took the upheaval in stride, Peo £ the traitors who advocate neu-|minsiter; Don's brathersin-law,|ple went about their business as tralism," |Maj.-Gen, Le Van Kim, armed/usual, A new council of -generals/forces chief of staff; and Maj.-;| Khanh in a broadcast said took shape to help him in run-/Gen, Ton That Dinh, interior/that three months after the ning the country and the U.S -/minister revolution against Diem, "the | backed war against Communist) In a radio statement to te/political, economic, and social guerrillas, . . : Fame ge bom in the coun. © (Reuters news agency re ® ® jtryside, stil ers no promising © ported from Bangkok, Thatiand| Hamilton Police iprospect for the country, . wy i radio Yement a "The armed cee are deter. mied to continue the (Novem- ment had broken relations with Given Pay Raise ber) revolution and to fulfil the| France, HAMITTON (CP)--The city's| aspirations of the nation . . (The radio said the action sito restore security " Ca Lad hay South Vietnamnede| eens, police force heal testers 9 y and order mera- en was taken jbeen awarded a: five-percent!, . . to place the country on a} R H Council of Notables, However, | wage increase retroactive to/free democratic basis with the! AN 1, 1983, in an arbitration/assistance of the population. | }board majority report revealed! Saigon radio said the coup F M CAPE KENNEDY, Fla, (AP)) The cameraladen Ranger VI jbee Revolutionary Committee) ja group which not prev. jiously publicized its existence, He told the newspaper of the raid, When police arrived, the bandits were gone, Police re- leased the nine victims trapped TROUBLE AREA the Vietnamese govern- it was presumed the break had! wednesday. was staged to eliminate eel ---- -- by Khanh's new! 'iy will increase the basic pay /tain elements who support the! Rasak dicoly ed the old goviol® first class constable to are ot cnet Se : . »y{oo0 from $5,277 a year andjity to neutralize § ernment and clapped four keyli"annticable to all ranks, Nam." -- oo Be The settlement also provides,! "The new revolutionary gov- with plotting with France to neu-|2@ons other things, for dryjernment will work to reform tralize South Viet Nam. French|"leaning for all ranks and anithe country, wipe out conspira-ithan 3,000 pictures of the lunar! Presitent a al gg oth Tivo. (increase in the plain clothes al-itors and establish the nation on!surface. - sa cated neutralization of both) owance to $200 from $175 ala basis of democracy," the) An Atias-Agena' rocket, North and South Viet Nam, (Ye#", 'radio said, } The fate of Maj.-Gen. Duong) Van Minh, chairman of the) IMAGE TARNISHED Junta that had ruled Viet Nam the destruction of Presi- livered the U.S. rejoinder or. aily, Kornienke told reporters af- terward: "I did not the one He 'siace dent Ngo Dinh Diem's regime last Now 1, was uncertain, -- was not --_ with J other a re, \@eliberate, saying: "Welwas poe be are 'have all grounds to believe that/kept on as technical chief of =o not an error or a ee Mexico Denies Slave Ring Tag |} MEXICO CITY (AP) Ajlaunch an in which white slave ring's brutal treat-/so far has uncovered 17 bodies ment of young girls in Mexice/and brought to light details of) has received world-wide public-|a ruthless white slave opera: ity and raised the question: Is'tions, this a wild, wide-open country?) Authorities say many girs The answer is: "No," were lured from poverty.) On the contrary, Mexico bans/stricken homes promises tate department charged the Soviets with "'a callous and inexeusably brutal act of vie. lence against an unarmed air.) eraft that accidentally strayed) jover the demarcation line be- tween West and East Ger. rth: many. Tt demanded U.S. access to the plane wreckage, recovery of the flyers' bodies and punish- ment of "those responsible fo! | premier of the provi-/ Alan Ladd Dies 'Autopsy Ordered ing. It lowed in a cloud bank about 1 seconds after liftoff. The Nationa! Aeronau- tics and Space Admi announced 1¢@ minutes. after the shooting down of the air. craft and the killing of these men. Meanwhile, U.S, Air Force of- ficers here suggested the Rus-/@ vices tolerated in some coun-jof good jobs, then forced into! tries and rigidly controls others, /the world's oldest profession, If} The short, five-footsix star,| Efforts are being made to cut/they rebelled, refused to co-0p-| : 2 movie hero for 23 years, was/down on prostitution, whichjerate or tried to break free,| ream of driving in a limousine/found dead in the master bed- touched off the sensation in San|they were beaten, some times! rough the same studio gate/room of his home here Wednes-'Francisco del Rincon, a small!/burned. where once he had te punch a/day. town in the central state of Gu- time clock, is dead at 30 {_A dooter and Police Chief Gus anajuato. NUMBER UNKNOWN Kettmann both said that Ladd) Ip this case, a worried mother, Just how many were killed in | PALM SPRINGS, Calif, (AP); jAlan Ladd, who realized aj} ably a heart attack. An autopsy - swat fhe tng daughter caused potice to } . ' ' G Ladd, except for a butler, had ' | 401 Pedestrian but police believe the figure! far authenticated, Two sisters--Delfina Gonzalez; Velensuela, 36. and Marie de! Jesus Gonzalez Valencuziea, 38) admit operating houses of prostitution and providing girls for others, They, deny the mur. ders but are being held for three "He al: dies and more details The story shocked Mexico as been alone in his desert home for the last 1@ days. His wife! and yay the former ac . tress Sue Carol, was at the cou- ple's west Los Angeles home Se ] Hurt when he died * vere Y : . ."I talked ' with Alan > times Tuesday," she said Near Park Rd. me: seemed in fine spirits Ow ways, It's a terrible shock." A. Madoc area man was it was Miss Carol, who later knocked down and critically in- turned agent, who heard Ladd jured as he walked on Highway "ge Ladd on a 15-minute radio show. /401 near Park road, shortly be- rth nerd ge tegen Rew She interviewed him, signedifore 7 a.m. today. what Mexico is doing and has him and later married him Holly Marshall, of Cloyne, a in the fight wee: -- some bit parts in mov-iresort 4@ miles north af Relle- jes, Miss Caro) got Alan the role/wille, is reported in "very poor . af 'the hired gunman in Thisicondition" at Oshawa General esse Deak eons ee Gan For Hire Hospital se Laelia The picture Provincial Whitby launched an intensive campaign . . it. * ion. aeainst prostitutes, This cap Preston, later to become fam:say he stepped from the high ital's red light district was ous as The Music Man, but itway median into the path of an was Ladd the fans remem: eastbound car aiven te Liene! _--. Egon | ag) nw ie dered _Atdridge of Pickering almost overnight. Tt woutd be unrealistic te say there is no prostitution here jnow, There is. But there is no wide-open district and prosth --_ are regularly arrested and ny Starred Robert paiice at as ALAN LADD CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 > jsians probably suspected the CLEVELAND (AP)--The muitionand rede troubles | tilated bodies of two women! Ther nsld wertines to the! were found today in the rubbie) ; > tr "om.| R elds' bead he iplane to stay away from Com-| © Of an east si MEINE DCMS munist air space were Rage demolished. clearly on frequencies the Rus- Homicide detectives, notngisians are known to monitor. that the ly of a third woman) Jn Pittsburgh where he was was found three weeks ego inion the campaign trail Wednes- @ wooded area, warned that "aiday night, Senator Barry Gold- vicious, sadistic man is roam-|water (Rep. Ariz.) told a press ing the east side." - "His victims apparently are) women frequenting taverns late! =o, at night," said Lieut. Carl De-/ Stolen Securities lau, homicide bureau chief i Qne woman found today ap- Found In Montreal rently had been strangied, ' jee said, The woman, about) TORONTO (CP)--Police said years old, was not identified he ednesday night $30,000 worth The other victim, identified! securities, part of $85,000 in as Mrs. Annie Fay Chandier, 35,/Stecks and bonds stelen from had been dead about 48 hours |the Belleville office of lawyer @etectives reported. Her throst "gg on Ww, 'on have turned up had deen cut in Montrea Detective Frank Moss sa) OPP Assistant Commissioner the women wefe killed some. Harold Graham said two po- where else and their bodies lice officers have been sent to dumped in the basement /Montreal to recover the secur. All three women were Ne-ities, Mr. Cass is the brother of goes, : Attorney-General Fred Cass .) J OMA BACKS 'VOLUNTARY' BASIS SCHEME TORONTO (CP) -- The doc, Health Miniter Matthew Dy~)schedule af fees should not be.says, they would be required tojfair share af these nigh ~ cost e.e ters and the insurance compan-/mond in drafting Bid 16, bothiconsidered im all cases as fullidrop al! ferms of health insur. subscribers, R tion jes, who advised the Ontariojpraised the' government's deci}paymem for services provided ance. OMA argued for insuring the! government on medical insur-jsion ic. provide for medical in-junder standard medical plans' It proposed maximum prem:jfully subsidized needy through! . ance legislation at private meet-jsurance on a voluntary basis/under the act tums should be $192 a year forithe present Ontario medical! To Mon a ings a 7 oe -- Last aoe en" Pate The commercial health insur-a family, $138 for a married/welfare plan, which the OMA! Yook at the resulting draft actipersens we a , ance companies said the aged/COuple and $75 for an individ-/runs with government funds, - . Wednesday and propesed some/ment help in buying. insurance. | peso should delta The draft act leaves the/because it has worked well and ao « gener has) major amendments. But both recorded reserva: i : maximum premium clause!is administratively simple agniton to "Me Ba. the wat The Ontario Medical -- snes and proposed changes to grouped in separate pools Mripiank 'It is quite important forjfer state af 3,000,000 persens be- tion and the Canadian Health) ov vemment - appointed inquiry "SS Sharing purposes under the' 4 CHIA spokesman said the these people that there be sim-jtween Russia and Com Tasurance Association, repre. act. The insurers would be re ple machinery that ther cz is nal mawnist e erterarises caltee Lyli® US MARES Sing Since : 2 t s a not beanie Sa OAR Wh Opma was re a) senting enterprises consulted by ts } t sit euiel Wo bay snexionem a ooling PTOPOSal would » i ne pgs = y a Se HM was larnsd ted : opened hearings on Bill 163 lastliums into these. poals for per-/Meae that the high-cost groups ENS tachhart of Sedbers an is wateewend that recogni- month, The hearing lasted Tii/sons designated as high risky--/WOWd Recessarily be charged)nact president of the OMA. Mengeie e 'sor of the hours. jthase over 65 and younger per-jthe maximum premium, ab) me partially subsidized United Nations. The OMA said persons receiyjsenS judged to be high-costichough insurers in the pools/cnould' have "enme mark oF ts said the move ing ge en subsidies under risks would be required to pay in the). ian, take 'ee con. Ukely, Will be interpreted as a the bill be Mentified as' The health association said its Maximum rT Women prelude to Canadian recagnition such t@ the doctors treatingimembers would be unable te) CHIA said all insurers should T8Cts S@ doctors would knowlor Red China them. Tt -suggested the OM Aj participate im providing the gov-/be required te join the evergis/CMOUTh ROt to charge them However, they said Mongoha should administer the plan fotiernment's standard medical/pool but could opt out of the more for @ service than theirs regarded as being im the Rus these receiving full subsidy afiplan i such pooling were roti undenéis pool if the insurer insurance would pay, the OMA'sian. rather than the Chinese imedical imsurence, Its ownlerranged. In that case, Bill 13jcould show it was carrying a'said. sphere of influence. » = died of natural causes, presum-|ceoking her missing !4-yearold/this manner is not yet known, tended to last about 0 minutes, wilt be higher than the 17 so/to reach a precise to the moon, in against g Tn Mexico City, one of the! | surgeons rejoined the ---- that the Atlas ager performed as planned, the Agena second stage had ig- nited and injected itself inte a so-called parking orbit 115 miles above the earth, After burning about 244 min- utes, the 22 ~ foot - long Agena stage entered a silent 17,300 mile-an-hour coasting in- At that time it was calculated over he west coast of Africa to re- start its engine and propel WwW -- ie have collapsed and aggression, 'The note included one of Jan.) 9 by Panama Foreign Minister) Ranger VI on it: planned route Sa ee =e fire and by der Galileo Solis in which he said:/o" trial as police seek more be | it did other countries. Some! | William Chabette, 4, lies im. Yartiord Hospital after surgeons sewed his severed hand back ante his arm in a Seven-hour operation, Nine severed halfway between the wrist and elbow, to Chabotte's arm after the employe of an ice and Coal company fell inte a rotary saw at his jod Tyes- hand, day, Weeks will pass before % doctors will know whether the Surgery Wil restere the fore arm te use. With Chabette is warse Carole Keller. (AP Wirephote)

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