The SECOND SECTION Guarantee . Ambulance © The return of an ambulance service to the Port Perry dis- trict was guaranteed by Port Perry Council Wednesday, Coun- cil authorized the payment of a subsidy to Charles Brignall,.a local taxi owner who suspended his ambulance service a week ago. Mr, 1 said that he had to drop service as it cost him over $700 yearly, He also stated that he could not con- tinue or resume service with- out a subsidy from council, The ambulance service cov- ers a wide area, Port Perry and Beach, Scugog and Cart- wright Townships, The popula- tion in the area is over the 7,000 mark and shows a marked increase during the summer months, Mr, Brignall said that the council resolution agrees to sub- sidize the service for a_ two- month period, "during which time meetings will be arrang- ed with Scugog, Reach and Cartwright Townships to discuss responsibility to these outlying areas to ensure that Port Perry land district will be assured proper ambulance service." "We hope that a_ situation such as they have in Bowman- ville will come into effect here," Mr. Brignall stated, he added that Bowmanville and surround. ing townships share the pro- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1964 PAGE THIRTEEN on MAYOR GIFFORD Mayor Lyman Gifford of Oshawa, left, presents a replica of the Lou Marsh Trophy to Don Jackson, son ot Mr. and Mrs, George Jack- son of Oshawa, during the Monday night intermission of the 1964 edition of Ice Follies at Maple Leaf Gar- dens, Toronto, in which Jack- son plays one of the star roles, The presentation was scheduled for last year but Jackson could not be on hand to receive it -- it is emblem- atic of his selection as the outstanding Canadian athlete of 1962, the year he won the King St. United Church -- [ops Plans World's Figure Skating cham- pionship in Czechoslovakia, portionate cost of an ambu- lance service subsidy, The Ice Follies will conclude its run at Maple Leaf Gardens, Feb, 2 --Graphic Artists Photo |continued, "The important thing} ¢ "We are interested in their money from éverybody,"' he is that council has admitted re- sponsibility." | support and need a little bit of} These exponents of the in- | door game of Floor Hockey are having a wonderful time FLOOR HOCKEY AAS FO House on Simcoe street south. This is but one of the many games provided for City Ss SIMCOE HALL YOUN community centre which is an affiliate of the Greater Osh- awa Community Chest cam- WS GSTERS tractions for boys and girls alike and programs are con- ducted under supervision of a trained staff. at the Simcoe Hall Settlement youngsters at this popular paign annually. There are at- --Oshawa Times Photo No Support For Fair The South Ontario Agricultur- al Society is disappointed in its "city cousins" it was learned Wednesday night at the annual meeting of the Society in Osh- awa, Walter Beath, president, told the meeting that invitations had been sent to Service clubs and 'Many Event « Holds Congregational Meet "@Fy #venss A number of new members were inducted at the January meeting of Unit 42, Canadian Corps Association. A number of activities are under: way and the members are looking for- ward to a busy year, Shuffleboard and dart league competitions with other service organizations are under way. A number of special events are in the offing. The installation of officers will be held in the clubroom Satur- day, Feb. 8. A team from Unit 45 in Hamilton will be in charge of the ceremony. A dance will tions, The Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Rhyddid Williams and Mr. Rhyddid Wil- lams accompanied them at the piano, sang several well known hymns, Miss Marilyn Morrison gave "Allegro" as a piano solv The Explorers had a sample meeting, sang songs and with the aid of slides gave a skit on their studies of Japan, with Miss Margaret Pellow direct- ing. The "White and_ Black Revue Ballet" with Messrs, Jim Milne, Frank Ball, Jim Powell and Jim Haire was well with many activities. Their Re- vue in White and Black, Valen- tine Dance, Red Wing Party and many more, and invited a.) couples to join with them, Missionary and Maintenance reported they had forwarded to M. and M, in Toronto $9,400. Christmas Cheer reported many baskets and gift plants sent to il and shut-ins, Also a cheque for $339 to help feed the world's hungry. Church School has an enrolment of 400 boys and girls and 75 teachers and heipers. An overflow audience attend- ed the annual Congregational meeting on Tuesday, January 27 with 250 in attendance at King Street United Church, Rev. Wesley Herbert called the meeting to order with the singing of the hymn "Will Your Anchor Hold." In addressing the congrega- tion Mr. Herbert stressed. that as God's people we shall only move forward in 1964 as a pray: ing, studying, committed church, Prayer is the life of a Young Liberals | ToOrganize | |} Sam _ Hollingsworth, Libera) § jcandidate for Ontario Riding (Provincial) in last September's jelection, together with the exec- jutive of the Provincial Liberal Association, held a meeting jast |weekend at his farm at Ash- burn. A group of young people were King Street Girl Explorers and CGIT extend an invitation to all ris to join. with them. Scout Mothers' Auxiliary has an active 16 members. The 13th Oshawa Scouts and Cubs had a busy but interesting and educational year under the leadership of Scoutmaster L. Allen and Cubmaster Steve Hawkey. Mr. W. Pierson spoke on the Extension church community, It is like rid- ing a bicycle -- as long as we k it in motion it remains , Bat the moment it stops it falls flat on its side. A regular place for prayer must be found in the lives of our people if we would keep our eburch alive and vibrant, Sec- -- we must be constant the study of the Word which God has spoken to us. From Fund God's. Holy. Werd.. shines the|Commitment of $30,000 before eternal light illuminating all,jturning the meeting over to the giving meaning and purpose/Program Committee, | and tion to life; To move) The first on the program was forward as God's Communty in 1964 we must walk in the light which radiates from God's own word, Thirdly -- we must as. God's people be a people completely committed to God. Yes, that's Mrs, William Smith's Depart- ment of five-yearolds, who gave their impression of win- ter in song, entitled "Tales of Winter," They were followed by the Sportsmen, Messrs. Vernon Oxborne, Wm. Corbett, Wm. Hutchens and Eric Booth, who received by everyone, The Unit- ed Church Women gave a pres: entation of a meeting in 1913 of the Ladies' Aid, with gowns wraps and hats to match the styles of that time. Mrs, Law- rence Allen was president with Mrs. Douglas Redpath, Mrs. Frank Burrows, Mrs, Robinson Simpson, Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs. Vernon Osborne, Mrs. Wilbur Rusnell, Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. Jack Chamberiain, Mrs, Jack Tane, Mrs. Robert Bland, Mrs. Leslie Booth, Mrs. George Twiddy, Mrs. Clarence Scott. s da with prayer and the bene- diction and 'invited every one) to the banquet hall for a social! hour and refreshments served by the Ladies' Aid and their the key, Mr. Herbert. stressed, "To let go and let God." We must let God run our lives and gave several Barber Shép Selec- UCW counterparts empower our living. In conclu- sion, Mr. Herbert asked that King Street be the praying, tainment nounced the unit dances are at- | tracting | promises for all who attend these Satur-|tween engagements in this city,|!zer of the Liberal Federation of day night events, 2 follow the business. meeting. The unit plans to hold its an- nual dinner on Mar, 14, Last year a team from Osh- awa won the provincial darts tournament, This year Unit 42 will be host for this event on Saturday, April 4. On Mar, 7 the annual crib- bage tournament will be held at the headquarters in Toronto, The Oshawa unit willbe enter. ing several teams< One of the big. ewents of the year will be the annual pilgrim- age to Niagara Falls. The Osh- jawa unit will be striving to add Rev, Herbert closed this agen- to the list of trophies it has won lin the past marching, color parties, three years for etc. Bob Arnold, the new. enter- chairman, has an- larger crowds. He a pleasant evening A vote of thanks was tendered was taken, Mr, Lloyd Somer- | ville, the chairman of the Steer. jing committee of the Provincial Organization, was asked to act as the president until formal elections could be held. Mr. Bruce V. Mackey, the young Oshawa lawyer and this jyear's president of the local Kinsmen Club, will fill one of REV. WARREN Plan Services At Church cage om Me invited, While 'no formal vote R : | the Chamber of Commerce to ' jattend the meeting, but none SAM HOLLINGSWORTH turned up, He said: 'We are desirous of jour city cousins coming to the meeting. It is rather disappoint- ing they did not come." In the president's address, Mr. Beath said the prize list for the Oshawa Fair to be held in Alexander Park, August 20 to Different 'speakers wilh be| It-was decided to join with heard at each of four services|the senior associations' Dinner during the Erie Street Baptist}a@d Dance at the Hotel Genosha Church annual missionary con, |OM Feb, 8. vention this weekend. | Terry Wright, of Harrow, the Although the denomination's|President of the Ontario Young headquarters are at Warina/Liberal Association, has con- Lake, Indiana, and most of its|firmed by letter that he will! /200 missionaries are Americans,|Welcome all young Liberals at! all of the speakers to be heard|the Hotel Genosha that day at at the Oshawa convention will/815 p.m.; he will be accom- be Canadian. They represent! led by a senior official from three different fields and be-|the office of the National Organ- Canada, they will also be participating Hon. J. R, Nicholson, together jin conventions at Newmarket Twenty-three piglets in 23 days in two separate lit- ters by a purebred Canadian| Yorkshire sow have a farmer and veterinarians all e \cited. Sow Produces Two Litters In 23 Days CEDAR SPRINGS (CP)-- farrowed loca to 22, would have to be revised and -changes should by made in the rules. Herbert Down introduced the guest speaker, Richard Stewart, jsecretary manager of Peter- |borough Fair, Mr. Stewart recounted the history of agricultural fairs and told how they came into being. He said fairs would continue to create "'better interests between urban and rural people'. "Local people" must be 'ca- red to Mr. Stewart stressed. |He recommended press and jradio advertising as the best WALTER BEATH ' Re-Elected '63 J J | Fair President Walter Beath was re-elected president of the South Ontario Agricultural Society at the an- nual meeting, Wednesday night, in Oshawa. The other members of the executive, M. B. Reed, first vice-president; Ivan Coch- rane, second vice-president, and Mrs.E. Brown, secretary-treas- Detergent Foam Snuffs Stubborn House Fires SARNIA (CP) -- Polymer Corporation's fine department here has a new piece of ap- paratus that will fill your house with foam and have it pouring out the chimney while you're. still looking for a mop and pail. And when you open the doors to get rid of the stuff it can fill your yard hip-<deep, swamp. your car and spill into the road in a foamy tide, So who needs it? By all the rules of swine re- production it should never have happened, they say. |" Ste Ba membe Belmont Champion Lady, aj nley Bg, 8 fe of ' és . the executive, told the meeting healthy 500 pounds, owned by nay sho Carl and Bob Cleveland of Co.jthat a more full st uld : be given by each of the com- dar Springs, about 15 miles south of Chatham, farrowed| mittee chairmen to the fair. nine piglets New Year's Day-- an average size porker family. But Jan, 23 she came through wh with 14 more, Of the 23, only 12 have survived, TORONTO FIGHTS Prof. Robert Forshaw, head to the ladies' auxiliary for pro- viding the dinner on New Year's with -- Federal and Provincial i : EON »))\members, will join with the Friday night's se -- will Young Liberals during the after- jfeature an address by Rev./noon. As a token of their sup- Douglas Warren, a graduate of |port, the three senior associa- Houghton College. Rev. Warrenjtion. will, make available to} j jthose Young Liberals wishing to/ recently completed two years as/ i = } - le selkenmeneiin 'eather te attend the dinner, and not hav Provincial jing been abie to obtain a ticket, Agency Stops |Hong Kong, He has returned to a many dinner seats:as is pos- . Canada to undergo' further/sible. Seeking Photos : training. Pictures will be shown claim, and puts out fires TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's|t? illustrate his address They say the bubbles dissi- |travel and publicity department} He recently visited the Osh-). TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto} the swine husbandry depart: pate within a few hours and jhas stopped asking job appli-;awa church and is studying civic officials will make a last-Nent at, the Ontario He ig leave just a little water jeants for photographs of them-/Chinese at the University of To-|gitch stand in Ottawa, Feb, wee College, says he thinks it In Wednesday's demonstra, |selves, warding off a. possible/ronto with further service in the to keep the SBC from movi is a Case of -- oe tion here firemen opened the jtussle with Ontario's Human/Orient in mind its studios from the aity's plein ~ so do arg agg q doors of the house and let the |Rights Commission. At present, Mr. Warren. isitown district to suburban Dealimerein, " atop att foam run out--and run out it | Travel Minister James Auld|serving as chaplain to the de-|Mills. Mavor Phillip Bivens an:| When the seched ditten 'arvivell did. It filled a vacant lot next jsaid Tuesday he recently/nomination's Lore Park Col- nounced Wednesday : lthe four survivors the first door, spilled across the road, |learned of the practice by. acci-liege, near Port Credit, A sing-\e canesday, _'the four survivors from started enveloping parked |@ent and ordered it be stopped ing group from the college wii cars and it began to look as if immediately, be present at the service in it planned to take over the | The commission, currently Oshawa, Friday. city, embroiled with Ontario resort} . 3 co | Before returning to the Far It finally stopped but not be- |CPeTators on the question. of de- fore one car owner had tried manding photographs from job|/Bast, Mr. Warren hopes to found) ' : applicants, considers the prac-/a Christian Youth group, an or-| and failed to make his get- 4... a "gD oe ape yh , away, As he tried to drive Hoo ly - -- rimination ganization to be modelled on the away, the froth surged up (--* ep Sppucants. lines of the U.S. Peace Corps. over the hood of the car, piled It is Intended that the group up against the windshield and Ja ] ie Pla }will help new college graduates blinded him. ito reach mission fields to spend| Cars Involved Visit To In Collision West Berlin | 4 year of self-supporting work) | before taking specialized gradu-| | ate studies in their chosen field Early today Mrs, Eileen Angi, , BERLIN (AP)--Mrs. John F. 38 Tecumseh avenue, was driv-/Kennedy plans to visit West ing a car involved in a collision Berlin "after the completion of With Red China with a vehicle driven by Rob-|2¢r year of mourning," the P d Cl : ert Henesey, 152 LaSalle ave-|Press office of the West Berlin Tav a alms nue, at the junction of Bond S'Pate announced today, : cCOW Dun! ri and Prince streets No other details of the visit React: Bo visting Peoki Angi's vehicle was damaged Vere ig The press office said today that world public of $110 ang/said Mrs. Kennedy had written opinion is "thoroughly fed up" ~s est Berlin Mayor Willyi wit, noisy Communist Chinese randt to express her gratitude | opposition to Soviet peace init- for the "high esteem" in which jatives. a held 'the late presi-/""4" sharply woryded editorial, Ww ; ® authoritatively signed "Ob-/ West Berliners held Kennedy server," attacked Chinese press in especially warm regard after organs which have criticized] Yu ove visit to the divided city last Soviet Premier Khrushchev"s! une ' ' . re Dy 'or an inte tio: lowship with Mr. Jackson Wray = : ~~ s -- . hag 3 -- oe of his death more sdate mo force is sas owe President, inviting all men Ofjing smaller «00, Orns them upt © date onjthan 60, erliners marched/ disputes, the church to join with them in nS ggg of the rules to smaller' geyelopmenie" and evaluate spontaneously to the city hall ~seass said the premier's their aim "to promote Christan?" their problems should they fail/square and candles flickered in/note and replies received from| Fellowship, to deepen the spirit Ome requirement, he contin-\to meet federal requirements. [windows throughout the city tolforeign heads of government wal life of men and to develop|%, might be the height of @ Ontario decided last: year tojmourn him. On the day of his/have been published all over the| Hallowe'en in January? No, an. effective program of Chris. S!ushterhouse ceiling in a plant! ctinquish its meat inspection|funeral 250,000 West Berliners|world--but not in China It chal-| it's carnival time for hun- tian Service." that was otherwise properly/riohts under the British North/gathered at a memorial cere-jlenged the Chinese to publish] dreds of Oshawa school chil- Happy Doubles, with Eva an group of the smaller, es-|America Act and turn inspec-/mony in the square which wasithe Khrushchev message and] dren as cold weather makes re. tablished packinghouses have tion of meat over to the federal/renamed John F_ Kenned yireplies to. it. including that ofj outdoor skating rinks pos- ported a happy and busy year/been invited to attend a meet-'government {Square (President Johnson, «| sible, Typical of the color and methods of getting city people studying, committed church to the fairs. that God would have us be. Mr. Robert Brown read the 43 names of members who nad passed away in 1963, and the "In. Memoriam' prayer was given by Mr. Herbert Mr, Harry Faint was nomi- nated as Chairman, Mr. Gordon Hawker, Secretary and Mrs. Harry Blakely, Press Reporter. The proposed budget of $44,- 140.00 was presented by Mr. Robert Singleton and accepted, an. increase over last year's budget. Receipts for the year 1963 were $57,440.01, including the Missionary and Mainte- nance Fund Newly elected members to the Session are:Messrs. H. M.! ae Brown, H. Buckler, T.. Glover, Firemen do, claiming it can S. Gomme. G. Johnston, F. Mc-| Smother almost any type of Clure, H, S. Myers, W. Nicnol-| fire within minutes, son, FE. Randall, G. Twiddy, J Firefighters from Polymer Bell, D. Edwards, R. Walker, & Synthetic rubber-producing L. Weiderick Crown corporation, Wednes- Newly elected members to the day demonstrated their new Committee of Stewards are;) unit on a house, 30 feet square Messrs. L. Allan, H. Brooks, E.) and 20 feet high, In just three Bailey, J. Ethier, E. Clemence,) minutes it had pumped some G, Harper, C. Hubbell, 0, Orr.) 90,000 cubic feet of detergent V. Osborne, W. Pascoe, L. S| foam into the building and Peacock, G. Pierson, H. Pier, gobs of the stuff were whip- son, A. Thompson, J. Waddell, | ping out of the chimney in the NEW MEMBERS . Mr. William Pierson gave e 'Go Easy On jand Richmond Hill urer, were also re-elected. Eighteen directors were elect- ed from the 26 . The new directors are C. Bradley, H. Down, W. Beath, S. Bagg, Mrs, G. Gay, I. Cochrane, L. Bint, E. Brown, M. Reed, °G. Hayes, B. Holliday, F. Conlin, Mrs, C. Davies, Mis. R, Gron- Beath,.; B. Liquid detergent and. water are mixed under pressure and blown through a sieeve, at- tached to a door or window into the building, The foam penetrates every nook and cranny, the demonstrators were separa put starter, The eight survivors of the second litter are nursing on the sow, The veterinarians say it's possible some of the other six would have survived but the sow has partially dried! up and couldn't provide enough' milk. Prof. Forshaw said he has never heard of a similar event. Dr. Green said "its some- thing that might happen once in a million times." belt, G, Hayes, L. Ayre and J. Snowden. The four delegates elected to attend the annual Ontario Aisso- ciation of Agricultural Societies Convention in Toronto were the president, first vice-president, secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Davies and Mr, Down. Monteith, Monteith, Riehl and Company were again voted as auditors, fi Faith and 39 by Certificate of Transfer, On behalf of the con- the work of our Lord and Mas- < ter in and outside this chureh, |e Provincial government has brief resume on the activities Packing House gregation he wished Rev. and . ° Mrs. Herbert and family mach The United Church Wo m ec n,asked the federal agriculture de-|to the extent reported an excellent year, with/partment te go easy on small Henesey's $50. and reports of the past year, saying the membership is 1%6] During 1963 31 members were received by Profession of happiness in this New Year and I extended the appreciation of TORONTO. (CP) E. M the congregation for their dili- Biggs, deputy agriculture min- gent and never tiring effort in| ister in Ontario, said Wednesday 289 members. They raised. by) 0 in se: it Norman Peppiatt, 754 Shelley) systematic giving, catering, boteanl = -- ° no . avenue, reported $65 damage to) teas, sales and many other pro. SSSUmes Slaughter mspecuons!yi, car when he left it parked jects $7,643.82 and met chery in the province next January. in Fairbanks street Wednesday allocation to M. and M. of He said in an interview he was There was no indication how $3,300.00. Mrs. Douglas Red: pot suggesting that health re-/the accident had occurred path. President. quirements be lessened, How. AOTS reported a year of felever, the federal department should be realistic when apply- CITY SCHOOLS HOLD WINTER CARNIVALS part in the costume contest and various races at the school rink Wednesday. Im- partial judges of the events were members of the Har- mony Home and School Asso- ciation, Ladies of the Vincent Massey Home and School Association served refresh- ments, --Oshawa Times Phote gaiety which appear at the an- nual school carnivals are these costumed pupils of Vin- cent Massey Public School, where G, A, Harper is princi- pal, More than 300 pupils took Harry Souch as Presidents