Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1964, p. 12

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12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurday, Jonuary 90, 1964 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Canadian Book 'Tested In Firm "MONTREAL (CP)--The Ca- oe Economic Foundation published a 48. booklet oo Piettempt to give Canadians better understanding of eco: ea, 'The booklet--How We Live in plains economic def: initions and yore in simple ; It outlines the evolu- specialization, causes of unemployment, auto-|® mation, and = govern:| ment's. economic seuivles. . he book was first published) inthe United States in 1944 uns) der the name How We was Live, It) written by Fred G. Clark! i Richard Stanton Rimanoogy |!" he American Economic | ation, | CEF's Broo George J. up-dated the; , inte Gace statis:| y the bureau of Santee on and analysts in Cana- dian business and 'industry, 'The standards it sets are as cal as a idinch ruler, 7 aald Mr, Rogers, The contents) were atill as sound and applica. ble asx when the book was first written. IN INDUSTRY The book's basic philosophy bad been tested in Canadian and U.S, industry with convince ing evidence of increased prof: its and productivity, Mr, Rogers eald one Canadian plant applied the ples over the last 10 years in its labor-management relations and showed a docu: mented production increase of more than 35 per cent "The book alms directly at the foundation's goal--"to conduct bg ee and inform the people generally of the proper relationships between government, business, industry) and labor operating under a free-competitive-enterprise ays: tem." CEF is a nowprofit research inatitution, estadlished in March, 1942, It is financed and sw ted by business and indi- vidual memberships, Board members are selected from in. dustry and vincial sub-com:| mittees are being organized. NBED UNDERLINED At a launching press confer. ence for How We Live in Can- ada, several speakers under lined the need for understanding economics "There is a terrific need for economic education in Canada We have political parties whe try to bribe the people with ~| Stock Market Prices Ease TORONTO (CP)-Stock mar ket prices eased in moderately heavy trading Wednesday, The market was dull most of the day although speculative ac> tivity helped push the volume up during the afternoon, Turn: their own money," said J, A, Fuller, president of Shawinigan Chemicals Limited and a CEF director, Evie Kierans, Quebec's reve) nue minister and former presi ldent of the Montreal and Cana: dian stock exchanges, said; 'A! good job of economic education must be done if this country is to fh nlp roth back on ag feet and give ig the Canadian) economy, - Mr. Rogers says, "The subs! ject matter in this book is of jespecial 'interest to all--teen- afiers and adults--who wish to improve thelr standard of liv. DIVIDENDS i By THE CANAISAN PRESS | Bailey Selbura Ol and Gas Ltd, five per cent pid, S14 cents, 54 per cent pid, $6 cents, March 2, record Feb, 14, Canada and Dominion Sugar Co, Ltd, 28 cents, March 2, ree- lord Feb, 10, Dominion Tar and Chemical Co, Lid, pid, 23 cents, April 1,) record March 2; common 20 cents, Mareh 1, record Feb. 11) pid, 15 cents, April 2, record Mareh 1, Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co, Lid, 75 cents, Mareh 9 record Feb, ? Pombina Pipe Line Lid,, five per cent pfd, 6244 cents March 1, record Feb, 15 Turnbull Blevators Lid, com: mon 15 cents, pfd, a cents, March 2, record Feb ? SETTLED IN PARK Twenty-three white rhino, the first of about 70, have been settled in South Africa's Kruger National Park. SMART WOMEN ... hove their carpets ond uphel stery cleaned "The Sefe Wey' DURACLEAN 728-8518 For men with a taste for the great outdoors the full-bodied flavour of over was 4,800;000 shares com: and Imperial Bank -- paved i 4,090,000 'Tuesday. Candore: was the most active speculative: mine, trading 325,- $85 shares for a gain of 4 cent to 46% cents... Banks led industrials lower, Toronto-Dominion was down of Com: merece 4, Royal fell 1% to 74%. trading ex-dividend 60 cents. and Mont: real trading ex-dividend 52) ail while Falconbridge and } Bay Mining both edged ahead \% in senior metals, Papers were mixed sto: lower, Steels were. mixed, Dominion Foundries "and Steel being ahead 4 and Steel Co, of Gan- ada slipping. International Nickel dip mos The exchange index fell .37 to 192.95, industrials .39 to 141,86, base metals 23° to 61.10, west: ern oils 16 to 83.48 and golds 02 to 133.40, ' HEAVY DUTY, RUGGED POLYETHYLENE 4 é RED CAP ALE ethylene, ons ag yn ens will stay flat on f or overboots, ook rs Saaers > PURCHASE Compare at 99¢ Keep mud and snow in its place -- off your clean floors! Moulded from.extta heavy unbreakable poly. not curl at to hold severa ize 26" x 15", 5% EXTRA! Cash and Carry Bonus Coupons 'Canapian Tire es, Designed 'te poir of rubbers ASSOCIATE OSHAWA FRED A. SMITH CO. LTD, 11S SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 728-6272 STORE PORT PERRY QUEEN STREET = i LE EP A se In, 1 sn ent: Ste tn, ME! Mra ae i NE ES SNAPPA CAPPA RED CAP-CARLING RED CAP ALE PRICE OF worsted fabrics! Specially purchased and Dunn's of Oshowo, Featuring hondsome models in the latest styles for Trim New Styling . rich exceptionally 'ow- priced for single breasted, two or Frsin button men ond young men panggoc: Mata Meticulously tailored to add @ note of distinction to any man's appeoronce , in sizes to fit men end young men 33 to 52, regular, short, toll, and hard-tooe Stouts, FIRST SUIT EXTRA SUIT YOU SAVE 69.50 1.00 68.50 79.50 1.00 78.50 89.50 1.00 88.50 av 95.00 1 -00 94.00 Sport Coat GV PURCHASE A SPORTCOAT and get a PAIR OF SLACKS FOR ONLY 1.00 MORE Modern two-button, three-button single breasted models, tailored from the latest fabrics in solid tones, checks, and basket weaves, Colors of Blue, Brown, Navy, Grey and Multi-colors, Sizes 34 to 46, Shorts and talls included. Be smart and SAVE NOW , . . Don't miss out on this exceptional Saving! 29.50 34.50 DELUXE RANGE CUSTOM RANGE HAND GRADE SLACKS 1.00 13.95 1.00 13.95 COATY. 224 MEN'S TOPCOATS and WOOL O'COATS SAVE 33% UP TO YES SIR! Due to the mild Autumn we cleared many Coats from the manufacturers and now we're passing these savings along to you. We MUST clear these from our racks at all costs . _ . so be here early for best choice. These fine coats come in colors of Brown, Blue, Grey and Charcoal in small, neat checks and solids. Sizes 34 to 46, Talls included, Clearout -- MEN'S SLACKS Buy One Pair -- Get Another Pair for 1.00 Yottored from the finest English ond Domestic Allwoo! yorns, dyed worsted ond flannels, im smert neat checks ond plein colors, in Grey, Dork Brown, Lovet, Siote Bi Black ond Charcoal, Regulor styles with belt loops or the papuler young man's "Continental Sizes 28 to ss © FIRST SLACKS EXTRA SLACKS YOU SAVE 9.95 1.00 8.95 "xe 14.95 1.00 13.95 219.95 1.00 18.95 36 King E. _ OSHAWA awa were Centre OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M, CUSTOM RANGE DELUXE RANGE Styte", ECONOMY RANGE DOWNTOWN

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