Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1964, p. 10

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TH CORA TO Thr ner 96, 1966_ gu mr | Sandwiches Have Come Far fist "ie! iin'ive ac patties, each the same width From Order Of Bread and Meat _ hry: Pase's tote oan ant broil on beth sides until cooked | | Sandwiches have become an} The Daghurger is a delichous,|{% "exited: limportant part of everyone's;manssized variation of the ham:| Meanwhile, arrange tomato idiet, When you are in a hurry, /burger, and the cool, refreshing slices, freneh-fried anion slices don't want to go to a lot ofjiulen is an ideal accompani:|and cheese slices on bottom halt trouble but still want something) ment, of loaf, Breil about 4 inehes good to eal, a sandwich is the! DAGRURGER ifram souree of heat until cheese anewer, 1 loaf unsliced French bread|!*, bubbly, 'This may be done De you know how the sand: Mayonnaise while 'burgers are browning, |wieh originated? Tt draws itx/1\4 pounds hamburger Place the cheesestopped bread iname fram the fourth Barl of] 9 cup chopped sour pickle on a long serving platter or Sandwieh, who lived in lath (optional) bread board, Arrange 'burgers century England, The earl loved) \4 teaspoon pepper on top, Cover with the top half to play cards, and did net cavell large tomate, thinly sliced ry lio be interrupied at his game] (il. of.) ean. frenchsfried| ory en Mae on ioe 'One afternoon, he was in the onions oo aa Ons, Makes alk s@rys middle of a particularly closela ounces sliced swiss eheena igame and did not want to etop,| Cut French bread in halt leven though he was hungry, lengthwise, Spread the halves He ordered a servant to bring} with maygonaise, Combine ham: a slice of cold beef hetween! ve itwo pieces of toast so he could eat without utensila and can! , o# |tinue his card game, This con: fashion news eoction leaked sa goad to his . 7 jpartners that they ordered the PRESENT AT the recep: versary were four generations mother, Mrs, Ralph Taylor, daughter, Miss Linda Gould Leahey and the senanich, named | from BLACK'S tion held by Mr, and Mrs, D, of their family, They are from the grandmother, Mra, Giles ing. for the Karl, was born Ralph Taylor on the occasion the left Mrs, James Vilneff, @ vn One man who made the sand: \ . A ~ of their 40th wedding anniy Odessa, the great » grand: Frdeabaited the-mother and her --Oxhawa Times PHOlOS | wich famous in the 20th century SWEATERS j is Dagwood Rumstead-husband MY ¢ refreshments, Mra, Robert Wil:jaf Blondie in the comic strip GLENAYR liams, zone commander, will/Who can forget those towering UNIT " G P pay her official visit, February/piles of meat, cheese, eggs, te 18 and all members are re-}matoes, lettuce and so forth that quested to attend this meeting, /Dagwood puls together? COURTICE H AND 8 \MoKay, assistant chairman to)Mrs, Walter Zimmerman closed! St y e ; oe New The regular meeting was Mr, Maynard they explained| the meeting in prayer paren will he served at Tho king-sized sandwich is a Sori opened by Mrs, Harold Graham plans for the opening and asked! 'There was a short work per: 'M8 meeting, common item today, Many pring Styles president, In the absence of the/help from the auxiliary in pre-jiod of parcelling bandages, The sports convener, Mrs, sandwich QOUNIERS aml restau Now Here! DONE ON rh rh y seoretary, Mrs, Charles Archer, parations for the opening of the) The hostess served refresh Edward Rouckley, spoke briefly/ants serve "hero" ar "poor hey' : WED 40 YEARS the minutes were read by Mrs.inew club which will be the/ments, assisted by the socialjon the formation of a bowling sandwiches, and if you have PREMISES 'oliNtord Ryan, Treasurer's re-/ weekend of May 2 loammittee team and some names wereever had one, | think you e Jocquerd Patterns iw FOR F il A d F } ds H port was read by Mrs, Norman) Any wamer who would like to ARVILLA MoGREGOR WMS given ad this were intorene wi agree it is a meal in it nel & Botany Wael PROMPT ' : bec embers W rels| 4 ALA MOURNS * tion will be available at the * All Important VeNeck aml 7 n rien onor Adair ecome members. would be wel The Arvilla MeGregor WMS : © CARDIGANS " SERVICE Room count was won at the come at the next meeting, Feb- 4 next meeting, Over the years, the sandwich met in the lounge af Knox Pres ighway So by Mrs, Lenore ruary 26, at the home of Mrs 4 ' 4 has became a lat more than just NEW. Bouble-Knit Mr And Mrs D Ralph Taylor Beers ates Marien Palmer; Earl Myers, Harmony road|byterian Chureh recently, The PMA CLUB plain bread and meat, Many of © SKIRTS aly i : at the North School by Mrs, |south, president, Mrs. A, J, MeDonald, 'The Pleasant Monday After the elaborate 'gourmet sand Mr. and Mrs. D. Ralph Taylor,)1925, They have a son Dougias|!tene Tiers, ia Oia eo opened the meeting with a Poem noon Club held its weekly meets) wiches caver an entire dinner sate saraet hs coals ouene pi hoes : p Bovine aM on aa Tt was announced that Home CALVARY BAPTIST YWMC jfor the beginning at the year, ing in the Legion Hall with the/plate, and feature very expen: the occasion of their 40th wed-IGiles Goulding) and 'naes and School convention would be) The Young Women's Mission Mra, J. B, _MoGregor CON president, Mrs, George V, Leejsive ingredients ding anniversary recently [grandchildren 8 held at Royal York Hotel, To-|Circle met at the home of Mrs ucted, Vee worship Leiter S{presiding, Favorite hymns were) However, a good sandwich ggg eel horn in " Mr. and Mrs Tavlor received Tonto, March 24, 25, 24, There Harold Gascoigne w ith 22 mem- tram e Rirtle and Cecilia Jets sung and Mrs Philip Belt SANEldaes not have to be expensive. Tweed and is the former Elsie|many gifts and welcomed many|Will be a workshop at FE A.|bers present, 'The -- meeting)fery Indian Residential me nee a solo, Mrs, Robert G, Collison Some of the best ones are Vilnett, daughter of Mrs, James|guests during the evening, The|Lovell School Jan 98 held byl/apened by singing "All: The Atprens na + gai ye \eitead one, of Robert Burnsiamong the most economical LADIES WEAR LTR, = PHOTO SERVICE Vilneff, Odessa, an@ the late|family presented the couple/Home and School Council |\Way My Saviour Leads Me" /Christmas gifts and. clothing | poems, Plans were completed) And they offer all kinds of ins : 728-1619 Vil Her bri lwith a dinette s tena Another euchre will be held at/followed by prayer by the presi. sent there, were read |for the 40th birthday party of the triguing possibilities for the per. fa] 72 SIMCOE NORTH 725-1912 TM) . or Mined! bes oe . hn 'he BY iy " _ North School Feb. 7 dent, Mrs, Harry Grant. 'The! Mrs, George Hamilton out: Club to be held February 1¥ atisan who likes to try his hand Open Fri, THO BM i 25) KING ST, 6 is an ot the Tate vr pee the Galan Curiae Cha" at The next regular meeting will scripture reading was takenjlined the work of the church 2.00 p.m, in the kitchen now and then, N Mrs, Frank Taylor of Madoc An unusual ot ub ike merece held Feb, 18, This will be/from Psalm 145, Mrs, Johniin India, She also told us of At the conclusion of the meet: : The couple were married in A Ret oh -- th ™ Nos the 20th birthday of this asso-/Toth the Secretary read the Miss Helen 'Acton's report ofjing a social time was enjoyed Belleville, January 31, 19%, by/four eneratio a jer ciation minutes, Several letters were the work being done at presentiand refrehments were served the Reverend Frederick E.|the BR Nea red age with "Mrs, Lloyd Courtice introduc-\read from the missionaries, jon the Bhil Field in India, Miss/by Mrs, Melville Bradley Malott and came to Oshawa in! Vilneff Saesca : oe vane the. speaker, Mr, Gordon) The next meeting Feb. 10, Acton is now home on furlough) ~~ eee REG ' : fd Be ' ssa, age 8 and the Wright of Cobourg who de-\the group is invited to Join the/and spoke at the Presbyterial | \ EGoodrioh youngest Miss Linda Goulding, coribed the work of the Emer-|women at Emmanuel Raptist/meeting last week jage fifteen, Other guests pres-| gency Measures Onganization./Church as they ir ¥ y Meas | vy launch their --- . ' Pot Luck Supper ent from out-of-town were Mr ei Thomas Gladman thank'first women's meeting LRGION AUX, BRANCH © or " ¥ and Mrs, Byron Emmons,|the speaker for his message, | The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal | . : There was a time of prayer'¢ i " ' | "fy ae Precedes Me t Odessa. G hers fro Mi. jes the J b praye? Canadian Legion, Branch 43, CUSTOM AND . _ } ae Pn reeen retreah nl Fe tae and other/neld its weekly meeting Tues: READY MADE ] J ne re re : | ; bad day, January 28, with the presi. Of Guild Group } LODGES AND jmenta, aR A devotional leader, Mrs. dent, Mrs. Norman iieuivere. DRAPES X & : ed | NAVY VETERANS' AUX, , William Reimer spoke on Phil: presiding, Five new members ood: By Ng Raney thy Rae SOCIETIES The monthly meeting of the ippians 4:13 "I can do alliwere initiated and welcomed M. & 6, Dry G $ St. George's Guild, was held at Auxiliary was held at the home things, through Christ whichlinto the: Auxiliary, Work for & Draperies a ' : ver trengtheneth me." Mrs, Grant spr hb: . ow , the home of Mrs. J. A.| ST. PHILIP'S socreTy | Mrs. Earl Myers pre h ae 'vantithe spring bazaar was given 74 CELINA STRERT . Mitchell, At the January meeting of| Mts. George Preston. presid: thanked the speaker for the out, This will be held April 28 PHONE 722.782? How's the Time te The annual pot-i the St. Philip's Altar Soc ed, The minutes were read by message A social evening was planned preceded the Bao gg <a Me, Gowanlock preaiana Mrs, Herbert Maynard, Four The closing hymn was "I for Rebruariy 11 and Mrs, ©, B One new member, Mrs. W. R.\and the secretary and treasurer/ReW, Members were welcomed Need Thee Every Hour and'Vermoen will be in charge of Remy, was introduced by|Mrs, Leonard Fluery and Mrs ey =. rte wan deaxval figs ™ , ' ait pa en Pa rs, Austin Hiltz, also a guest,|James Hughes, gave their re- by Mrs, George Preston and] py a, feerte. Reaetis were heard. remn won by Mrs, Peter Tullock reports were read by|the various other committees the treasurer and the secre-| Plans were discussed concern-| Refreshments were served "4 : AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT ba ling a social bingo to be held at/Mrs, Herbert Maynard, Mrs 1943 slate of officers was|St. Philip's Church Hall on|Geonge Preston and Mrs, Jo : re-elected Thur h, by acclamation. sday, January 30, with/seph McOulloug Tickets were distributed to|/Mrs, James Hughes convening. Guests at the meeting were ee the members for the Guild) Refreshments were served by/Mr, Herbert Maynard, chair. AT BIG ONCE.-A-YEAR SAVINGS Valentine Dessert Bridge to be|Mrs. Larry Johnson and her/man of the official opening of held in the parish hall Thurs-|committee the new club and Mr, George day, February 6 at 7.30 p.m. |p>>e : ----_---- -- ; | Nn" ddd idee thd ddd db SHOP NOW AND SAVE EVEN MORE mage sale were . seen final) Y ow arrangements will be made at af <a Our entire collection of black and brown AUTOMATIC ary iat te tome of Me NOH WAY RUG 2 SS suede patterned shoes - NOTHING abusive or president OSHAWA LTD. | HELD OUT DRYERS Sui Sain. hes tae | eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeveeeeeeeee . ca Fully var iable heat control treasurer, Mrs, D. J. Crothers; 1 eal Fashion's newest . . . slings... sandals © Full (re heat) eas 2 one ee | PHONE Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plent ' ». + pumps, high, illusion and Jackie heels ° ae = W. H. T. Morehouse, we We k Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service 4 : Brown, . ae Bs | Genuine Hoover Seles, Service & Parts ) are included, . } Torcelain Top one Drum : oe | Mothprooting and Deodori: @ Super-quiet operation HANS... Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing j ) ~ Rug Dyeing . NOW MODEL CDES21V2 OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT 7! SS 5 9y 6 99 ls Happy to Announce Approved by the Rent institute of Rug a aan ee \ 8 f .. } OTHER MODELS FROM that he is now with mn VISITORS WELCOME ER iS REGULARLY ie ee Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs "ta : : TO 1 0.99 159.95 and Upholste: 13 Prince St. = 728-1132 . rn Oshewe Pteeeeeeeeseseeeeese J A | START USING THEM NOW! TERMS AVAILABLE! Evening Shoes . .. beautiful fabrics, brocades, gold leathers, a Phe des, i i t Ne need to wait! With the convenient 8 Ly) ean start suedes, suedes with rhinestones pny Fae yon ae Dhpli- licen aeties age dryer NOW, toe tena we KRES G E' S | | sealed -- "AS LITTLE AS 10,00 DOWN - ~ 280 A WEEK : , AUTOMATIC ae : "mare... . Ce. : ROWNTREE'S | NOW 3.99. 4.98 --T WASHER @ "Super-clean" automatic pre-scrudbing FAMOUS LINE SALE SPECTACULAR! -------- © Nevo on al od JET HEELS reg, 7.99 NOW 3.99 © Uses up te 50% less het N water " : @ Porcelain top, tid end tubs STACKED HEELS, NOW 5.99 ee , (ir 3 y i JACKIE KENNEDY HEELS Raoulerly 0 699 ; . SR NOR ow pound ALL HANDBAGS 20% OFF 229.95 @ LIMITED QUANTITY s ' @ Shoppers Club ef Canade @ Ley-Aweya OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. FOR YOUR GONVENIENGE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER | oY \ BE Ridetch 88 KING WEST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 183 King 8 26 King W. PHONE 725-4543 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE eg +++ fo make your feed\uretion -- Shove ------

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