Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jan 1964, p. 3

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| Legion Branch Reviews Year Officers for the ensuing year wore installed at the January meeting of Branch 4, Royal Canadian Legion, The ceremony was conducted by a team from Maple. Leaf Branch, No, 266, Toronto, i Guests at the meeting includ: ed Robert Reid, Vvincial ser vice officer; M. Gilbert, J, Gill. man, T, Cuthbertson and J, -- all members of Branch The new officers of the branch are:. Maurice Proctor, presi: dent; Alex Walker, Jr,, first vice-president; Cameron Oke, B eg fen any rown, past p } Rev, A, Woouek, adre;; Art Cocker, treasurer; Willlam Langton, sec retary; Luke White, sergeant: at-arms; Walter Devenish, Leo: nard Mitchell, Don Iverson, Alyn Bliiott, Dougall Kerr, Nat, Hireock, Jr, Albert Turner, Gordon Jacobs and Jan Drygala, executive committee members, Four new members -- Chester Rines, Robert Fraser, John Treacy and Kenneth Lioyst -- were welcomed by Brown, Reports presented by.the com: mittee chairmen showed a tre- 'mendous volume of work was done during 1963 in the fields of community service, sports and social projects, POPPY FUND Cam, Oke, Poppy Chairman, reported disbursements from the Poppy Fund totalled $3,058 to ne dents, Walt, Devenish, member. ship chairman, said the mem: bership had increased fram 808 when he took office to 870 at the end of 1063, Seventy-six new members joined, there were 11 reinstatements and 12 members transferred to the branch, The fact that 50 members have not paid their 1963 dues kept the total of active members below the goal of 900. Tt was reported by Al EBiNott, chairman of the dance com: mittee, thal 17 Saturday night dances were held as well as a pienic, a turkey draw and the New Year's Dance, Attendance had been good and nice profit was realised from the dances Gordon Jacobs, clubroom chairman, outlined the various President! Brant, euchre;. Kendall John: son, eribbage; Ken Maclnally and Alex Walker, Jr,, all-round] | champions; Art Cocker, bils| | liands; Frank Hedwig 4 Wednes: day night cribbage; Ray Pope, snooker, ; During the year two new com> "ag ~~ Russian Billiards the Carling Trophy and Shuffleboard for the Nu-Way Rug Trophy - were started, MANY SPORTS EVENTS Bud Turner, sports chairman, stated a team composed of Al, Eliott, Art Cocker, Barcla Law, Dave Halewood and Jac Holman won the provincial bil liards championship in Toronto, The team composed of Gordon Perkins, Dave Halewod, Jack Holman and -Al, Elliott placed second in the provincial snook: er tournament, The bowling team won the district title in Peterborough and placed sixth in the provincial playoffs at Thorold, In Spin bowling two teams played in the Oshawa In: dustrial League, finishing with a win and a second place... | 'The branch euchre team won |the zone title at Uxbridge and ifinished third in the district playoffs, The dartst eam won th district. doubles event, In horse: shoes the branch team won the zone doubles, In all 174 mem: bers participated in various sporting events, Two teams, representing the branch played in the provincial) golf tournament at Brantford The officers of Cedar Lodge, AF and AM, No, 270, were in: stalled and invested Tuesday night at the Oshawa Masonic Temple, Seated from left to right are; Wor, Bro, EB, G Top Billing At Ice Show and Bro, D, Barnes, senior deacon, Standing, from left, are; Wor, Bro, G, K, Branton, director of ceremonies; Wor, Bro, H, §, Sliter, immediate past master; Bro, A, W, Wil Clemence, treasurer; Bro, F, R, Britten, senior warden; Wor, Bro, R. A, Stone, Wor, Master; Bro, J, M, Penfound, junior warden; Wor, Bro, W i, Baker, installing master son, junior steward; Bro, 0. Robertson, junior Deacon; Biv, R, Ross, Tyler; Bro C, Penfound, Chaplain; Bro, A G. Warner, inner guard; and Oshawa Gets GM Plans Display At New York World's Fair which have characterized GM's success over the years," The booklet reveals for the first time complete details of NEW YORK -- General Mo- jtors today revealed details of j\its New York World's Fair Fu 'turama "ride into tomorrow" y veterans or their depend: ibut lost out in the final Soe Alex Walker, entertainment) Oshawa was given 'top' bill:|which will take visitors to the chairman, stated 965 adults andjing' at the Maple Leaf Gardons,;moon, the polar regions, the 472 children attended the an:/Toronto Monday night, At.intersjocean depths, the jungle, the nual braneh picnic Imission time for the sparkling/desert and the metropolis of the 'Ice Follies' show, the spotlight/future GIFTS PROVIDED was focused on Mayor Lyman} The story of the GM exhibit 1s Presents for 717 children were/\. Gifford presenting the Lou)contained in a brochure entitled provided by the branch for the) Marsh Trophy to Don Jackson,| "Let's Go to the Fair and Fu Christmas Tree Party, Surplus/famous skating star jturama' which GM is distribut toys and fruit were given to) in making the presentation, | 28 to its _more than 1,000,000 the children's shelter and Sim:)aver Gifford said that he ahorenioere. | bat f coe Hall |wanted to tell the lange audis|, The jor teat be et Pg Tt was reported by Manager ence that Oshawa not only pro.| four color : - ra -- e . A. Brisebois that $5,000 WASl duced the finest automobiles, {Urama, the oh, " Bae B rent on the renavation of the /but alan "world champion ath paviuann. With the bookie 08 etes, He was honored as repre: the Futurama "ride into tome, row" created by the GM Styling Staff to illustrate what man }may accomplish through an im- jaginative, far-thinking approach to the problems which restrict world development, Futurama riders will = be transported three abreast in con- toured lounge chairs through fu turistic scenes depicting moon, the antarctic, the ocean floor, the jungle, the desert aus the city, The ride lasts for 18 minutes and extends almost a quarter of a mile, 7 000 had been wont nl pete sentative of the citizens of Osh Poorer nor ball, minor hockey *¥&, t@ be asked to present the hy MNOe ORE, MNOT He Y/Lou Marsh Trophy to Don Jack: etc, He also said a new shu + [30n, who had made the name of board had been purchased at Alon oawe known around -- the cost @@ $1,500, Donations to var) vonig activities held during the year.) Champions were: Bob Skelton, lous ritable organizations to- The judges had awarded the talledJ@1,200 during 1963 mt Property chairman Hircock|*mphy to Don in 1962 as Can highway routes to New Yor klugsg ee H City and the Flushing Meadow VOCAL DESCRIPTION | Fair site on Long Island, and] Loudspeakers, mounted in the another. showing Manhattan/headrest of each chair, bring tourist attractions ithe visitor a detailed, vecal de- TO PORTRAY PROGRESS --(S°LPHON Of te, scenes ngainit ' aac a background of original music Ina foreword GM Chairman| written expressly ee Futur: |Fredernic G, Donner and Presi-/ama F, Gordon said! Improving the mobility of curately the weather over the remainder of the globe, jp RSERT TO BLOOM They will watch geologists probe the ocean floor for min- erals and oils while families relax in undersea resort hotels or play in the surrounding waters, Before the Futurama riders, the desert --' irrigated with desalted sea water -- will bloom with enops. the' farmer jplants, cultivates and reaps with machines he controls re- motely from a field-side "farm house" The house of tomorrow -- a startling structure equipped to create new dimensions in com: ifort and convenience -- will be seen perched on a side The climax of the Futurama ride will be a depiction of a city that represents the ultimate in commercial facilities and urban living; a city whose in coming traffic is programmed control centers to highspeed mountain- oe ee CEDAR LODGE, AF AND AM, No. 270, INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS Bro, A, Gunn, senior stew- ard, Absent when picture was taken was Bro, C. E, Houck, secretary, Oshawa Times Photo Holstein Club Has Fine Year The' annual meeting of the Ontario County Holstein Club way held in the Township Hall, Manchester, last Saturday with around 70 Holstein breeders in attendance, Vice president Ralph Chambers, in his opening ad- dress, gave a detailed summary of the projects carried out by the club in 1068 Roy Snider, secretary- manager, Ontario Assovation of Artificial Breeders, was the guest speaker. He emphasized the importance of outstanding cow families in improving our herds of cattle, whether they lave dairy or beef, He announced that the new breeders' service building on the campus of the Federated Colleges, Guelph. will be officially opened June 3, with /Dr, Joe Edward, Milk Market: jing Board, England, as the wprypwy wey | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 29, 1964 % BOWMANVILLE --Minor Hockey Week across Canada is vag | held this week of Jan, 26 to Feb adding its share to the work, The town thanks those men and ye who devote their time and efforts so boys may play hockey, Many of these men could be busy doing needed work around the house, except for their great love of hocke: and their interest in children, Following is a list of men who coach minor hockey teams in Bowmanville: ATOM LEAGUE -- Dave Snowden, Slip Rowe, John Noble, Murray Tighe, Bill Nich. olson, Duncan Bradley, Howard Parry, Bob Stevens, Larry Simp: son, Dennis Lemon, Mike Leddy, Neil MoGreger, Don Wilcox' Doug. Brough, PEE WEE LEAGUE = Alex Wiseman, Larry Piper, Buck Cowle, Howard Corden, 'Brian Bradley, Ken Sumersford, Lioyd Forsey, Bob Blackburn, Bil) Simpson, Don Gilhooly, a BANTAM LEAGUE -- Irv,/& McCullough, George Cawker,/a. Carl. Devitt, Al Webb, Ted Hut: Minor Hockey Week Observed Classes are held every Weds urday wrath tec m 8 mun . 1 and Bowmanville is/ity Contre. tae JUNIOR SKI LESSONS iidren over nine years of age and under 15 years of age as of January 1, 1964, Those interested in taking Sat. Yiurday morning 8 lease ha in Seok" with aa Office at 62 4 ot Pl ecreation xtension 6 ADULT SWIMMING There are still a few openings. in the Learn to Swim the Adult Classes, The wre meets e Tue: eveni the Boys. Training School ol, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Pee Wee League; 7,00 a.m, -- Wings vs Atoms; 7.45 a.m. -- Canadians vs Hawks; a a.m, -- Bears vs Bruins; 9.20 m, Rangers vs Leafs, BANTAM LEAGUE -- 10,18 m, -- Cubs vs Lions; 11.00 m, -- Pirates vs Flyers; 11.50 m,. -- Pee Wees vs Huskies, ATOM LEAGUE -- 12.85 p.m. ton, Irwin Beauprie, Lieyd For)|-- Giants vs Barons, Terry sey, Alex Wiseman, Howard)», Black, Harvey Webster, Corden, Larry Perris, Ip. MIDGET LEAGUE Ed, | Rundle, Terry Black, Bruce Col.) well, Jim Archer, Doug, Walton, |? MIDGET LEAGUE -- 1.90 m. -- BTS vs Generals; 2.15 m, -- Bantams vs Comets, JUVENILE LEAGUE -- 3.00 m, -- Canucks vs Mt, Royals, Bill Simpson, Ben Fowler, Bill MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Bagnell, Ray Martin, | ATO , wth JUVENILE LEAGUB -- Irwin! ly pp ey vet Beauprie, Bruce Colwell, Pete)p.m, -- Giants vs Royals, Bothwell, Al Cole OFFICIALS -- Bob McManus, . Jim Coyle, Joe Kennett, Bud Wid 70 1a0W, May Inherit $70,000 Perfeot, Archie Crossey, Wilf Parry, Larry Perris, Terry Baker, The Hockey Mothers who have helped in many ways, DANCING CLASSES There are still a number of openings for anyone interested in joining the Recreation De- partment's Dancing and Baton Classes, Place Driver On Curfew A in terborough w: more than $70,000, found stuffed California house where ter died last week, PETERBOROUGH, Ont, (CP) 70-year-old tg blind Pe- dow may inherit an old chair in the fer me Mrs, Bthel Millen, the only surviving relative of Mrs, Annie Atkins, 76, who died of a heart attack in Coulterville, Calif, lives here with her only daugh> ter, Mrs, Violet Devlin. : ada's. outstanding athlete, but/dent John dart singles; Harry Burkitt and brought the members up to date ing to his skating commit:|"General Motors is proud to be/men and materials as the key to Frank Cox, dart doubles; Robjon the status of the property OW i. > Ola wart of the Naw Yorks Word's area gaa pale gg . ' ments across North America/a Ww rid'siuniocking segments of space ee at tented yy 4 = and urene. 'this was the first/Fair, which we beliéve will beland the world now denied to son, Bob Ogden and Larry/Lerion Hall, He sta + ty to make the presen. /2n outstanding exposition, mankind is the theme of the }guest speaker Mr, Snider was introduced to the meeting by Gerry Nelson, 1 was thanked by Les Smith, The various projects carried via computers from outlying} parking towers; a city where moving sidewalks, underground! conveyors and vertical take-off!" BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- An 80-mile-an-hour chase along Highway 2 last December re- Holmes, dart team champions;jcial meeting will be held wit opportuni tation. "In line with the general/Futurama ride, Within each/airplanes augment commuter) during the year were dis: Albert Turner, Harry Burkitt.) Ray Pope and Frank Cox, O'Keefe Trophy for darts; Bobthe property Folk Festival Plans Advanced Gears are meshing for Aoiggest Dominion Day festival wa has yet seen, Steered) by a pilot committee of the Oshawa Folk Festival a new,) and greatly enlarged executive met at Simcoe Hall last night to lay tentative plans for a day-| long program of sports, displays exhibitions, music and dancing in Alexandra Park, July 1 The appointment of . Jan Drygala as general chairman was received with acclamation, He will be assisted dy James} Wilhams, Industrial Commis sioner, as vice-chairman. Mrs Alice Reardon represents city council Chairman of commitiess are} as follows: Finance, Norman) MeAlpin; Advertising and publi city, Ross Gibson, Bert Sevink Bands: Michael Kupnicki Reg.| Martyn; demonstrations, Orest Salmers; Track and Field, Bar clay Law, Luke White; prises and trophies, Willam Pope; grounds, Herb, Rathe, Patric Kennedy; concessions, refresh monts, John Wacko; gates Given Year For Perjury BOWMANVILLE (Staff) A Toronto man, who committed perjury in Bowmanville Magis. trate's Court last July. was given a one year's suspended sentence on Tuesday Magistrate R. B, Baxter warn ed Gordon Lorne Williams, 29. that perjury was a very serious offence and that now he had been convicted of it he would find it difficult. to have anyone $e. thojcurity and first aid, |sythe; parking, Al, King; trans city officials regarding parking and other matters relating to) Before intermission, Don had a dazzling skating performance which won loud and long ap plause from his audience; which included his _parents, Mr, and i Mrs, George Jackson, In a brief land sincere acceptance speech, iDon said this was a proud mo }ment for him and he would al: iways try to live up to the high ideals of sportsmanship ex emplified by the Lou | Trophy portation and accommodation.) Qnty 28 years of age, Don Cal, Cathmoir, Henry Moore;| Jackson is now a top star. with parade, 'Tom Simmons; exhibits, the Tee Follies, on his second Robert Branch; program, Tom/North American tour. He is one Edwards; concert, Orest/of the finest skaters in the his Salmers tory of the sport. A dazaling Participating organizations to/free style artist, he won the date include: Ontario Regiment/World championship. in 1982 (RCAC) and Ontario Regtiatter previously capturing two Cadets; Ontario Regiment Asso-|North American' crowns, four ciation; Royal Canadian Legion,/Canadian senior titles and a Branch 43; Royal Canadian Air)bronze medal in the 1940 Olym Force Assoc, Wing 420%, andinic Games cadets; Canadian Nayal Veer! pe js enshrined in Canada's -- ppl Rag RK ge athletic Hall of Fame and has Gen Wy M Sikorek Polish Vets been feted all over the world pee len' U ted Council of olwding the honor of a com \ssociation; United Council Of] rand performance before Eng Veterans Associations, Oshawa . ee i and District: Chamber of Com land's Queen Mother, The Brit merce Juni r Chamber of ish Broadcasting €o, voted him EAS International Athlete of the Year Commerce; United Council of)". " Polish Organizations in Qsh./2'er he had astounded a Euro: awa Oshawa Fire-Fighters'} Pea" television audience of 125 Association: Rotary Club: Osh. millions by executing a triple awa Recreation -- Committee: |? in the work! competition in Women's Welfare League, Sim. Prague, Crechoslovakia eoe Hall City Council: Kins men Club; The Oshawa Times;/ CKLR; Oshawa Kiwanis Chad:! Down-town Merchants' Associa: 0. erry tion; Duplate of Canada Ltd Other organizations will be J added later : Is Without Tt was decided to write the Oshawa Public Utihties Com day, when service is usually cur. tailed PORT PERRY (Staff) -- Over TL was pointed out that the 2.000 people in Pert Perry and folk festival will start with a district are without an ambu parade at 10 a.m, and continue lance wat midnight and include: The owner of the only ambu Sports, folk dancing, singing, Jance in the area has withdrawn mission asking that adequate bus service be provided on ane concerts and general pix vehicle from service and exhibits says he cannot resume until he Art, For Dominion Day, a pudlic holi- nicipal Council Praprieter Charnes RBrignall whe also owns a taxi service in Oshawa Barbers | just completed his solo number, | "" White Cane receives a subsidy from the Mire theme of the New York World's/scene are new concepts of trans: | Fair, the General Motors display/portation which make. possible will portray the progress of/new methods of exploration, jman and his dreams for the fu/new forms of science and com: jture, It will be told in terms/munication, new types of indus- /Of the people, the products andjtry and agriculture, new modes jthe new ideas for progress/of commerce and living, i - "oor! Each proposal is a practical bus = trains, express truck freight lanes and electronic high- ways; a city marked by internal living centres complete with modernistic row houses, serwice- shopping areas and recreational plazas, DREAMS FOR FUTURE A further expression of man's ing consultants in a variety of fields Visitors will watch strange vehicles moving across the sur] face of the moon, They will see! the antarctic as a laboratory) jwhere men of all nations, us| | jing specially designed vehicles, | possibility authentioated by lead. To Observe | | | ducted by "dreams for the future' ap. pears in a sector of the Futur. ama building given over to a display of some of the pure and applied research Detng con: General Motors today, | shelters and other equipment,| The display documents the | Coun Week Here ome together to forecast ac-/ credibility of many of fhe BO nrcedne ana 2 Somes red gressive concepts exhibited dur- ing the Futurmama ride and il llustrates the engineering and) * research involved in the manu) facture of General Motors auto-| mobiles and other products A domed pavilion will house) Oshawa, RR tk; John Leask, Sea a display of GM's automotive; and Large, vehicles such as, railroad engines, earth movers alkFbuses will be shown outdoors on the/Pport Perry, RR % Lorne Dis- §\4-acre Futurama site. The Futurama building, whose 1@storey entrance canopy has already become a landmark at the Fair, is virtually completed installation of the Futurama The boy's condition in hospi-/ride and other exhibits is con-/metheds used to raise money tinuing en schedule towards the Fair's April 22 opening date The new GM booklet also will be made available to GM em- pleyes, suppliers, dealers and community leaders, non-automotive , products. /Rrooklin, RR 1: Robert Flett, cussed, and it was decided to sponsor the following projects in 1964; county tour, twilight meeting, black and white show, championship black and white show, annual banquet, Gerry Nelson, fieldman for) the Holstein-Friesian Associaion, jwave a detailed report on his work during 1963, He congratu- lated the exhibitors from On- tario County. on their splendid success in the show ring at the jchampionship show, terbor- jough, and at the Royal Winter Fair, He announced the winners of 67 Long Time Production Certificates to 16 Ontario Coun- breeders, The election of directors for 1964 resulted as follows: Ralph Chambers, Wilfrid; Neil Raines, Blackwater, RR 2; Ron Werry, , grave, RR_ 2: Hugh Ormiston, Oshawa, RR 2; Ralph Honey, Seagrave, RR 2; Les Smith ney, Brooklin, RR 1; Jim Gor don, Cannington, RR 1 ~ vows | SPEAK AT BRANTFORD sulted in a 22-year-old Bowman: ville man being placed on a 9 pm, curfew. until March 31, William = Porter, been charged with driving while his licence was suspended and also. dangerous. driving, evi dence showed, had been chased along Highway 2 from. the Osh- awa town line to Courtice at _-- in excess of 80 miles an jour, Upon reaching Courtice, Por- ter pulled into a gas station and then had moved his car to the rear of the station to pre- boom it being spotted from the In remanding Porter out of custody and imposing the 9 p.m. curfew on him, Magistrate R, B, Baxter told him that he was treating him like a juven-/g ile in the hope that it would make him grow up, Porter who is a television re-/ pi pair man then asked His Wor- ship what would happen if he wi pm. could he go to it? "No", replied Magistrate Bax- ter, "tell them that you are not allowed to go out after 9 p.m. | I yer: that will hurt your pride | a bit." Terence Kelly and Ald, C, Pil key, of Oshawa, explained the for the Oshawa Civie Auditorium at a Tuesday meeting of the Brantford Labor Council, It is junderstood a campaign pattern: ed on that in Oshawa will be NEED... FUEL OIL ? Cell PERRY held in the Telephone City Day or Night unadle to Can Plebank, 64, Mrs, Atkins in her tumbledown shack, was mone eduld not hoagee that it was in the chair, They found the money -- mostly in denominations of $1,- bof Canadian bills' amounting to 464, Mr. Plebank also turned over $6,400 he said Mrs. Atkin had iven him, District Attorney Dean Laur. : itzen said under California law received a service call after 9 the only surviving sister bre the money. No will was found, REALTOR yaz.saas |] 728-9474 | "eSnawa'" Mrs, Devlin said in an inter. ew Tuesday her mother had ' a8 healoeen poayery ot her sister's not of the inheritance, Mrs, Millen hy "tired and Mrs, Deviin said her mother heard frequently from Mrs, At- kins who was in Peterborough on a visit two years age. The money was found by Rev. who lived with Plebank thought there in the house but ind it until he had a Mr, told sheriff's officers. THE KEY To The SALE LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH @ EXTRA FEATURE @ . ing on Highway @) believe him if ever he had to give testimony on himsei." DRIVER FINED Oshawa barbers elected Wilf A Burlington Ontario track Giles 1964 president of the local @river was fined $25 and costs branch of the Ontario Rarhers or five days im jail Tuesday Association early Mis week after he was convicted of speed: Orhers an the executive: Carl Shultz first vice-president Wiliam Campeau, 4, evi Lome Shobbrook, second vice. dence showed, had been travel. president; Fred Nordmam, trea ting at 90 miles an hour on the surer: Lioyd Smith, secretary. | @-mile per hour Nighway Committee men: M. Sante, T Campeanu told the court the Douglas, F. Yusko. S Martin speedometer on bis car was'G. Mathews and H. Anderson broken and he didn't know what . a is speed was pROV ARELESSLY PARKED CAR HIT 7 es Mrs. Mary Bross, 2393 King A Dyearold Oshawa man ston road, Scarbsrough, parked! was fined $50 and costs or seven her car on Gibbon street. Mon- days in jail after he was com day night, while she visited a} vieted of careless driving. friend. On returning to the ve) Can Jones, Fernhill boule-jhicle she found someone had col: ward, evidence showed, had fal. lided with it damaging the door fen asleep behind the wheel of and side to the extent of $90 bis car on Nov. 28 and an ac. Police are investigating and qident had resulted on Highway jooking for the hit and run dri a, iver ' Name Officers Port Perry, said: "We have in formed council we found it fi- nancially necessary to discon. tinue the service "We lost $700 last year, This ass has been going on for years We. have no Heence plates ar insurance for the ambulance," Since last Thursday Mr. Bric nail has turned away three calls Asked how he felt about it, he said: "After 10 years it makes you feel bad, but what can you de?" Rrignall's ambalance served about 7.000 people in the area and nearly double that figure during the summer months, The nearest ambajance is new im Uxbridge, nearly 14 miles away and a city ambulance had te be dispatched from Oshawa to transfer a patient from the local hospital The Port Perry Chamber of Commerce has already met ta discuss the dilemma and t matter comes before Couaci! t. e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e FIRST GRADE views to the point whtre it isithe city Tuesday night, West! now serving over 10,500 sighted Rerlin police reported persons a year sem No one knows better than the NEW } | blind the importance of good Ute. sight." Mr. Magill continued With White Cane Week under TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King S. W. FRESH PORK SHOULDER ROAST ECONOMY 6-7 RIB PRIME RIB SHORT CUT tat 4 Prime Rib LEAN MEATY Short Rib way, look around and enjoy the precious gift of vision, When you oan, share: it with the blind." Recause more than 2,000 Hit B A t Canadians lose their sight an-/ 1 Yy u 0 nually, White Cane Week, to be ya way slant this year,' comments! Condition Good Mrs, J, T. Patterson, president Blind A seven-vearold boy was rush: In an interview about the/@d to Oshawa General Hospital) strictly educational period spon-|!® Collision with a car on High: sored by her organization and| Way 2 for the Blind, Mrs, Patterson ex-/1963 model car driven by Louis plained her twosided theme./Rerta, RR 3, Oshawa, east of than 30 per cent of Canada's blindness can be prevented if}tal is listed as good alenied to take care of their good vision and to share # with Suspended Driver As its special project during the week the Humoresque Clud/ S composed of 33 members, willl BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A} distribute sight conservation|Neweastle man, whose gir} city's primary schools Bowmanville Magistrate's Court The club, whose members Tuesday that this was the reas devoted to sport, social activ./his licence was suspended, Mes and business, last week) Lyle Blight, 22, had Been ob:| of its formation. The president! jan, 4 and had been stopped of the club is Miss Vera Siblock by an opp constable. as is the Oshawa Advisory ras ; af the Consaien 'Netensl tea he had been driving his car) that day was. he could not find A, J, Parkhill is president, "Prevention of blindness was trom hospital and also he had to) is today," said A. N. Magill, \ managing director of The Cana-| Magistrate R. B. Baxter sus Blind, In a White Cane Week re-) Blight it he was caught driving quest to citizens to take care of] While under suspénsion, even to day's way of life, our use of me else to and from hospital, he} M Tender chanical equipment, and instra.; Would go to jail" pong take vision remain at a high level, To i assist with the need for better) RERLIN (Reuters)---Two 1? its prevention of blindness ser.jeaped into the British sector of 5 5 FRESH PORK 7 5 BONELESS SHANK observed Feb, 2 to 8 has a two: of the Canadian Council of the) BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| aims of White Cane Week. the) Tuesday afternoon after he was) the Canadian National Institute) Bric Wiggans collided with a Since doctors state that more/the Oshawa Town Line, treated in: time, we urge the their blind neighbors," On Errand of Mercy of Oshawa and District, which material to the pupils of the/ friend had just had a baby, told hold two meetings each month son he wa' driving his car while celebrated the Mth anniversary) served driving in Newcastle on Assisting >a s work Ssisting the 'club in its work) "de told the court the reason | tute of the Blind of which Mrs ; 5 Blind of which Mrs.| anyone to get his girl frie | never more imperative than it/O¥y some baby bottles for the dian National Institute for the Pended sentence and wa their eves, he explained that to-t@ke his girl friend or anybody | Blade Bone Removed mental apparatus demands that! ee YOUTHS ESCAPE vision, the CNIB has stepped up) year-old Kast Rertin youths es 39 FRESH PORK WRITER DIES NEW YORK (AP) -- Chone Gottesfeld, 13. a Yiddish play. wright, author and newspaper! man, died Monday. He was barn in Galicia, a country now Rivided between Poland and Russia, and came to the United Stew Beef MAPLE LEAF Bologna ey THe MECE OVEN READY >» NO. | WHITE } Mushroom IN YOUR CONTAINER EXTRA FEATURE FRESH KILLED 2%-3 LB. 2-41: GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE 49 CREAMERY 37: ay, {States in 1018.

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