TELEVISION LOG _CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton °WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester AFTO-TV Channel 9~Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie seat ao SO CBLT-TV Channei 6--Toronio WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo 7 WEDNESDAY GvE. 6:00 PLM, Vi--Family fheatre bacbuperman 7--The Early Show ., &3----Razzle Dazzle ~" &--Five O'clock Show =: r = 2 i 6:00 P.M é-Live and Learn 2--Today, 1963 e158 PLM, 4--Headline News 3--Qulr 2 4:30 PLM, 11-9-8-3-2--News; Weather 7--M-Squad oe is Follo 6:45 PLM. Al--Family, Theatre 6-2--Huntiey Brinkley 7:00 P.M, » Best of Groucho 7-6--News, Weather, Sports 4--The Honeymooners ' Candid Camere , Death Valley Days * 9:30 AM, T--Jack Lekenne 10:00 A.M, Ve-Eddie Allen Show T--Girl Talk 63---National Schools 4~Calendar 9--Theatre 4--The McCoys 11:30 A.M, 'and Sports N--Albert J, Steed Show) 7--M-Squad 8-2--Missing Links 7--The Object ts 6:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M, 4--Captain Kangaroo 9--Mickey Mouse 6:30 AM. 6-The itch Gai 9--Cartoons 7--Tralimaster 9:00 A.M, vaerense ont per re m eee Ren 2--Captain Bob 4--Popeye's Playhouse 4:20 P.M. 2--Mike Douglas Show | 9--Yogl Bear 6--Father Knows Best 4--Leave It To Beaver 3~Popeye --Playting With Bobby) "THURSDAY ave, Show a ™M, Vi-Pamily Theatre 8--Superman 7--The Early Show 63--Razzie Dazzle 4-Five O'clock Snow re een 2--Huckieberry Hound 10:30 A.M, 6:30 P.M, Super Bingo 6~--Music Hop 8-2--Word For Word 3--Yog!l Bear 7--General Hospital 2--The Rifleman 6--Chez Helene 6:00 P.M, on sare Sey 6--The Observer 11:00 A.M, 3--Tombstone Territory 9--Morning Magazine a--Today, 1963 8-2--Concentration 6:15 PLM, 7--Price is Right 4--Headline News 6--Loretts Young 6:30 PLM. 11-9-8-4-3-2--Newss Weather 6:45 PLM. W--Family Theatre CROSSWORD THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenvery 29, 1964 25 CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mester" ; WS ARMS AND KNEES SEEM "RP =~ AND CAN'T PICK HIM UR { "THEN BUZ KNOWS HE HAS Individual Championship Play) South dealer, E North-South vulnerable. a K1084 paps dl QI93 RUNNING FEET~LIGHTS 85 FLASH THRU THE JUNGLE BOTH 9638 lf tae PE eng i; bn ? TT UNCLE, @A8CS 743 jon E1073 git, gaces K10 $en°""* rey t 5 tin 'The bidding: | Bouth West North pe 33 Doble, 26 \ Opening lead -- two of dia- monds, There was one player at the club who consistently found Syl- via to be his nemesis, He was a life master many times over, having won -innumerable ha- tional championships, and he. ranked among the best as a rubber bridge expert also, But his record with and JANE ARDEN ' 6--Girl Talk inst Sylvi i 7:30 P.M, +--Pete and Gladys | eTiniey ROOT oak ~ bod not egy 9--Dick Van Dyke hie Hoon 700 @.aa, ACROSS 50.Pitchers ---17. India: putation, For sy &A--The Virginian Sicbiniieiir' Raper! 9--Donna Reed 1, Short. poet, pis I unexplainable, Sylvia "+ JunQazle and Harriet boYuur | as | oe Weather necked, DOWN 19. Blos- would commit her most terrible yy $-Provincial Attairs »_impresalon EA, oh SR river ducks 2. Small loops norm errors whenever she was his SPN Slivers Show iE lwood. Glover | en yg be 6. Shatter on shoes 20. Soup- partne r, on in ' on one | 4=NFL Football S-Bihop Seen 11, Circuit 2. Ostrich- like sion she went down seven, na PM 118 BM. | 7:30 P.M. 12, Sharp- like bird 21, Vehicle redoubled, for a loss of. 4,000 oti. Flatt 4-Sveaker ot the House | %--The Outer Limite headed 3.Dexterous 22. Poem points, ; #00 P.M. ; | J=The Flintstones weapon 4, Girl's 23. Gain uw But Sylvia played as V-wiehaet Shayne | wat ye a a 13, The---- nickname 25, Noth. na insp whenever the ek * hoe | tomo 87th Precinct oftheball 6, Pillarof ing . 5 &3--Red River Jamboree! -- Consequences | 8:00 P.M. 14. To become stone 26.Greek Yesterday's Answer iS * 4--Chopin Singing Society! 2--Father Knows Best /1) oH Junior "A" liable to 6. Wood or letter 0 P.M 6=Movie Matinee Hockey 15. Girl's glass 27, Coin: 37, Venture -: Q gether 5 | 4--Search for Tomorrow | 8--Death Valley Days nickname fragments Jap. 38, S-shaped b ae Pareners Daughter 1245 PM, iscre tue thee 16. Fifty-four: % Game 29. Certain molding erry Mason 4--Guiding Light | 4=Rawhide Rom, piece mountain 40. A morsel 4--Toll It to the Camera) Movie | bis P.M 18. Summer: 8. Condition ranges 41, Across #100 P.M, | 1100 P.M, | 9To Tell The Truth Fr, suffix | $2, Man's 42, Good 3 1--Naked City N--Medl¢ &2-Dr Kildare 19, Former 9. Rabbit's nickname Queen #2--Jo Stattord Show | ¥--December Bride $-The Serial presidents tail $5, Shelf Ed ' =| atinee --My Three Sons ei ' pa Sere Hilibiities| 7--Afternoon Show | 0:00 ®M, Czech, 10, In this 36. Exclama- 44.Conclude ' 4--Meet the Millere | 21, Monk's. place tion 46,T : 30 P.M. 2--Divorce Court baa lg hood ) an oa aan Cann IT * SeeBS van. Dyce 1:90 P.M. 63_6rinat 24.Sluggarts ft [= [3-]* Js eT yy Te show N--Mid-day Matinee 4--Perry Mason 28. Farewell Zy. %--Our House #:90 PLM, i i 10100 PM. 4---As The World TUrNS"! 9 sack paar 80. ----"* VY, The P.M. Show 'i res S "ea The Eleventh Hour 200 P.M. 7 nl $1. French '% Ga 7--Channing 9--The Millionaire artist Y; se 4=Tha Danny Kaye Show) &--Home Cooking 10:00 PM. . $3. Scheme is ie [iT Y is 10:90 PLM, bas panmwore $2--Kratt Theatre 34. Soft- Li Zh %--Winter Olympics Let's Make A Deal | Tae Vitchcock Hour spoken V//1\9 2 11:00 PLM. 2:30 P.M, iat Nunes | $6. Fuss YA Y/, - V), Yi, wn 1-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 9--All Star Theatre 3--Naked City | 89, Cereal 2 fae fas Zia 25 [ee [27 Weather, Sports b--Home, Cooking 10:30 P.M. | n Eye" --Day In Cour' | 2 id emer &3--Scariett Hill Be gg 40, Comedian 8 Y a veo 28 gg elf | 11:00 P.M. rT) rs) 4--Viewpoint %The Doctors | Hope ze Y ' | 1)-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News, YZ) Mae PLM, 3:00 P.M. serie 43, Kind of a Wis ra AY nenhatn We cree MY as on wa CZ VW, o Ve PM 7 'ai Hospital | %--Metro Final ' Se [37 [38 9 Y soi [an --Music &3--Take. Thirty | &Viewpoint forward ie Y, : , une Awe ' tan Hour | 4--To Tell The Truth ie BM 47, Sphere of ny rr aE lac DOrTIOM A LA BANE D'MU 'oni Show . EXPED BANE SON 3--Sam Benedict wl re T-4--Late Show 2 Ye AVEC DEUX AUTRES NAVIRES." Vi--Randy Dandy 48, Movable ry 0: OE Cap 9--People in Conflict 11:90 PAM, ers ™ UY, rary poery pnp $2-You Dont Say | 11---Musie infenoes == fz (2 oN 3073 BION LaHLLY THUR BPM to "3 730 AM 7--Queen For A Day %Pierre Berton Hour 49. Ovules of ct) Y ico 7--Rocket Ship 63--Friendly Giant é--Feature Showcase a! s return * @=Big Mac Show 4--dge of Night 3--Thriller plants pct 8 =. ~ 60 he score 5 and thus defeat the "GOODWILL" All Priced At Reduced Clearout Discounts During Our Gigantic January Sale contract, But Sylvia showed. up with the queen and made 11 as LATE MODEL USED CARS ™ DEMONSTRATORS THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. (222: w his pertaee bed the. King. 260-266 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA - PHONE 723-4634 |/Tnbtront retain U'L ABNER ISALIVE/! FREE T' RETURN TO TH'ONE HE ; LOVES Lg NAMELY FEARLESS FOSDICK!! OH, WHUTA MESS TH' IDEEL O'ALLUS TYPICAL,RED-BLOODED WHUT A MESS \ & Ey EO erg SHE MARRI BUT AS 'THE GUN kiDe i PECIAL ACROSS THE LIAIL FLOOR: + WEST BERLIN (AP)--Pub- erte, : yey Ft a « tic" Ws. Hi Tt -- gig censors along. ess 1 whether material p \ . rica (AP)--At least 90 Africans, FOOD KILLS JOHANNESBURG. THE LONE RANGER South Af- om fod pose. they irom oning after had eaten meat from a Boe A DONALD DUCK A DATE? SAY'? YOU HAVE A CUTE. VOICE FOR A WRONG NUMBER...HOW ABOUT a 1 YOU (' ("MEET ME AT OAK FI Wwish! BOY yes! THE MESSAGE is, Norge ELM AT SEVEN!" hp THANK YOU... ba. THIS HAS BEEN pe A RECORDING... tered ox, the South African Press Association said. MME TELL YOU WHAT) COLO = TES To 00 POR iT! ie MUGGS AND SKEETER ! RESULTS COUNT! | MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board JULIET JONES " Det DAISY -- IN THE HOUSE waldoe fen, sf © King Features Syudieats, -- ! AND AS FOR YOU-- YOU GO BACK HOME WHERE You BELONG HAVE FOUND HAPPINESS WITH HIM EXCHANGE NEW & USED Our Used Skates Have Been Refinished, N se lew Leces and STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. GRANDMA