Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jan 1964, p. 24

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ir 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednendey, Jenuery 29, 1964 |33---Merket ee ___| ILLEGAL LOcKorn ¢ tee yy RAS save, Also Cort ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING by the buonel, (Continued from Page 28) or and Found 31---Automobile Repair and SERVICE STATION ~ TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST, W, 723-7822 ie Yehool" va ae a 'aa ve st Ut lhe niu era = on oA, rntere Vand Laval mg neocon Wavertivement|a r|32--Articles tor Sale ; a, An Re WONEST CAL'S Furniture and A\ A vneral Ly sig 12 King ' lee In the chapel viday, aere ' fer sey a 2 am, \merment \ . pe card LOCKE'S FLORISTS | Funera ei / SKATER, lock weet weat of Four a ee vente 107 man palr, wa cat gh Wee ight, "violnty. ot ene ren's Arena, bes SEWIWO 'aie = aa = Y % bay ae bed, ie Pen TV TOWERS = Special, 4 ft, tower a glee re with all St aia pEcennirronge f fully Mee ere we chaira, pertee condition bere rare candlion Apply | a v4) ta oth ; Hon, Apply 680 y Court, A dracon "Bt q Craft Carda for Apply Record Bar, Whitby, ppll: anees, Name brands at eat dlacounts pnywrnare, We earfy Restonie and Bever: Non ty mat! Se) Tweniruce tines, Your author wee Phe ns hai we Wenest Rs, formariy Wat --, _recuirement tor | OSHAWA SHOPPING TRE EN 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 yacvum, CLEANER repairts om maken, euiienate iy porte, Ha ly Gua rea i enen Rentals Walle Jeevan terv Call see 720-059), WE buy, sell and exchange bane" Aah MFeiepnone | NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF PEARL IRWIN, DECEASED All persons having claims mie] paginst the estate of PEARL IN, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, deceased, "» died on the |7th day of Dee: meber, 1963, must file their claims with the undersigns ed before the rd day of February, 1964 after which date the asests of the Estate will be distributed, having regard ently to claims ao fil. ed Dated this 15th day of Jan. uary, 1964, THOMAS H, GREER, 8.A,, 86 King Street, East, Oshawa, Ontario, _ Solicitor for the Administrateix, LAND TITLES ot ont ture or wine you an Gonedien Proterenge te ve simplicity and parklike beau ot Marneriel Gardens hos now mode them first cholee for Canadians, As. pioneers in this trend Mount Lown respectfully suggests that be- fore need arrangement My family estates on ao low cos no Interest, perpetual vane » ts as logical as making @ will, Two Phan reli foes gardens, rd A+ Lost r, ogee now under der t, The first public weletions, before need ar. fangements will be ot real vings to those bee, parsiclpating Please lease phone today 723-263 for courteous arerwnation en en new gardens in Mount awn Trading South, Mer Dan PRIGIDAIRE refr au ty General Electric range, tor and 40" heavy lent condition, private. Sein R priced, eesenatty ROR quick a le 400, K teher, in 'onceltent condition, Siler" Tetepnene 2. IR eee ADMIRAL Television, 2 2)" console model, walnut, Very geod condition, S128, Wed: ding gown, ry alte WOVE, ANS, FREE, 1940 VIKING electric Mh with "Tolle tert 8100, Telephone 72)- iLLeve deluxe xe baby carriage all Teather, penveres, LS ig thes wat be seen be appreciated Yelephone nel wn ae rooms vt furmire, only ae gaeh oF at monthly, No down payment, Discovnta for cash, Honest cat. an King. Went, TAM, RECONDITIONED Joteviions ee. New televisions, $198 ra ty at rane 8 Se, Dicount forntture.® we King West, 720019), "Kindness beyond Price, yet, within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM @iapar Wwt, drop tenet table, will net ak, er new Apply 772 Horton Street, BABY CARRIAGE Gendron, cond) Peay eer tear anes cee medina ere uize 12, 080 Tolenene ARI) TELEVISION 21 Inch, Very good cond) 'elephone 720-1742, Hon, Ti RANGE, mottar electric, 9 Inch white \ ood condition, $4 Teh heavy duty, reat ephone 72-4101, pvemtyns, Variety of furniture and household Sriietee. oe aell, Telephone: TRAIAN, 43 Elgin by J tutor and ot Henderson, who SKATES, new and used, Bt ont changed, Largest selection teem Open evenings, Drayton Cycle, 24 Bond East, passed away Jan wary 2, 1000, £0 SA Were 80 You will be in my memory, a ce ce ee fing iy and grand PALECHUK o In ther and Stews. Cal Biers Nemplan Aes2he er 2695, TV TOWERS special, @ ff, tower ae ture with all channel antenna, instal | 28, Oanawa TV Supply Lit, ot Stuvent 9) Street, 720-8180, Whe passed away January 2) fe do not forget you. nor do ink o'Fou 'atten'ang wit We'tne 'end forgotten by seme, you may to Gur memery, you ever Ror ee pater a So rend tn oe = In loving memory of a mother and ~ Ratnerine eS passed away January 2 SEEN Trahan en em Sey ame De Gener, Wan You, eres ore BUY and sell, ms ated weet appliances, leeation | en) Furniture, 444 a Simcve South, A, aa RECONDITIONED ow slvorvatie wath: machine, it offer, . nh 4 chalra, Teva condition, 1 Tauthaven Steet. PIANO, smal pa bench, Good condi Non, Apply 262 <u ha Street, & FR @ooDRICN x aToRes om Tires, Bab teres. refrigerators, tele vision, twit Redaet Plan, 725.442, TYPEWRITER portadle, $4) electric standard typewrlter like new, 88%, adding machine, snare Saat stan. Tee Pretty ApARTeRNt contrel, prone atter ¢ dma Tbe DRYER bi ie waa tee oF bee wel RETEREIES "and chain, Wine, Fria.) dedly, jcoukt be used for tratier, pena 9 ae i eerdion: Gidsen guitar, Phone FELEVISTON tower apeclal, GA. struc. ture, treluding all channel antenna, eto Teteviion: GJUNWORTAY wallpaner at ha price, 'Many patterns ln ready pasted and regu: tar, Quy bei rot, get one free, Edgar) and Sona, King Weat Feleprane! RAAT oe DRAPES, belne WK oa $$ rvah potisder fompers: fenatee ang edge car accessories, teeta ror pavers Hae Heber Bown, Breakin, Min ayn widers, cashiers, duplh| MEMORIALS MONUMENTS MARKERS Designed for any need, 182 Simeoe St. S, Oshewe ice '3 S23 Soo2 yaaa? -}AUSRRAT 3 full "skinned "excellent comtition 3 W884 car service Hamilton Equipment," mm YW? Brock rack South Ls Sema Pome She Prone Rasa ERIS AND drenaer, Harels waite roxetene} TRUER Boar Kanaan Lge mgh Analy Sat King Street Gast What's Ny Lines ater, "telephone a ' a) ene gacrany ane WS ree hundred New ond Wied We buy tele Ottice ACT IN THE MATTER OF alt of Lot 4, save and except the Northerly 220 fee Westerly 53 feet end of! of Lot 9 and except the Northerly 200 feet thereof, both on ars 6B (4), Plon 370, tny et Oshawe Notice : is hereby given thet Jess Hann & Son Construction Limited, has made en appli- cation to the Local Naeet of Titles et Whitby for a certi» feate of tiNe to this land of which they claim to be the owner in fee simple free from el! ape to except the mortgagees ot present regist. ered on title, Wherefore any ing oF cle eny title to qui of other person ming to have terest in the 19 havi itle to or in land or ony part thereof is re: ser on or bef WY the 10th day of Februory, 1964, to file @ statement of his claim in my office at the Town of Whitty, and to serve a copy on the Applicant, The ackress of the Appticant for service is; ¢/o Russel P, Smith, Barrister, ete, Suite a08A, 9 330 ow Street, Tor. pet ot vy, ig 24th day of Jenuery, | WILLIAM Wh, eae Deputy Local Master of Titles, =| Judge's Son Has Sentence Cleared Oi NEW YORK (AP) = The U.S. Court of Soacehe Tuesday cleared publishers of major New York newapapers of charges that they vast cord fo locked out nn nee, ees during last year's printers' trike, The court upheld gnantmeusty|" a previous action by the Na- tional Labor Relations Board in dismissing a complaint b: ed the New York Mailers on, The AFL-CIO International pographical Union on Dee, 8, 1062, struck four New York dail: ios, 'the Times, Daily News, journal » American and 'The World-Telegram and Sun, in a deadlock over wages and fringe benefits, The other five major New York dailies then closed down under a policy that a strike My one was a strike against were The Herald Tri- bune, the now defunct Daily Mirror, The Post, The Lon. = land Star-Journal' and The Island Press, The latter soutien ued to publish suburban editions for distribution outside the city, The Mailers Local 6 was one of nine other newspaper unions whose members were thrown out of work by the printers' strike, In all, 10,000 re tale "oy employees were made idle b the newspaper blackout, The appellate court's 14-page opinion was written by Judge "|Sterry R, Waterman and con: curred in by Chief Judge J, Ed- ward Lumbard and Judge Henry J, Friendly, mt ge Waterman wrote in n "The board's decision in the present case appears to reflect ne industrial relations, Un. tedly, many employees sub: ject to the operation of our na: tional labor laws are engaged in businesses employing work: ers represented by more than one labor union, Moreover, it would seem that, as with the newspaper industry in New York City, many such indus: tries are highly integrated op- erations in which a shutdown of one portion of a plant soon re: sults in the entire business coming to a halt, "Therefore, to make. unlaw- ful a defensive lockout, because it may ultimately result in loss of work for neutral employees|* in crafts different from that of the striking union, would ser jously limit the instances where the defensive lockout could be legitimately used, "Thus we hold that the board/® BMC To Open Parts J . J Distributing Centre DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP) -- British Motor Corp, is to open a regional parts distribution centre here sometime in March, John Webb, district sales manager, announced Monday the depot will stock $200,000 in ty for the complete line of C cars, It will supply deal. ers in the Maritime Provinces as well as other parts of Can | Newspaper Owners did not err in striking a ance between the compe le timate interests press in this case, The employer conduct nder examination was not rach a nature as necessaril: Sea§ ~g with it indlola (signs egal intent," NEW YORK (AP) -- The New York Mirror, second largest | daily circulation new r in nthe country before it folded last Moet, 15, lost more than $10,500,- 000 in its last eight years, it was revealed Tuesday, William Thomson, general manager of The Mirror, said at a Nationa! Labor Relations Board hearing that the tabloid lost "about $2,500,000" in 1063, The hearing was called by the NRB on a complaint by four ging ood unions, which charge that The Mirror division of the Hearst Corp. was guilty of unfair labor practice in clos- ing the paper without consult: ing the unions, About 1,600 em: g|ployees were affected, bal- a) i B.C. Unable To Stop Release Of Confessed Killer VANCOUVER (CP) = Attor- ¥/noy-General Robert Bonner said Tuesday he didn't think he had the power to stop the release of confessed child killer Charivs Heathman, Mr, Bonner, in a telephone in- terview, said his solicitors had advised him the release was be- yond his control because it was a court order, not a cabinet or- der-in-council, that committed Heathman to the _ provincial mental hospital at Essondale. "T have asked for further opinion to make sure I am not overlooking any responsibility," he said of the controversial case which brought a storm of pub- He protest, Dr, B, F, Bryson, medical su- perintendent of Essondale, dis- closed Monday that Heathman will be released in a few days, enough to be given a chanve on probation, Heathman was twice *en- victed by two separate 'urres and sentenced to be hangsJ for the murder of newsboy Donald Ottley, 10, on Sept, 2, 1960, in a hobo jungle at Vernon in the B.C, interior, However, the B.C, Court of Ap al reversed the convictions set Heathman free, Four months later he confessed the killing in a statement to a Van- couver newspaper, He later confirmed, and then denied, the Confession, Attorney-General Bonner set up a board of lawyers to inves- tigate the possibility of chare- ing him with murder despite the law of double jeopardy, The board ruled he could not be charged. A court committed Heathman to Essondale under the Provin- cial ne Hospitals Act on May 9. . Doctors deseribed him as Fev t ann callous and anti-social, Suspended NEW YORK (AP) -- Gareth COMING EVENTS Martinis, a judge's son, re ceived a suspended 30-day jail sentence Monday as the after. math of an auto accident that killed five persons, Judge George:J. Balbach, for: mer colleague of Martinis' fa- BINGO Bathe Park Clubhouse EULALIE AVE. Wed., Jan. 29th - 8 p.m, Door Prizes ther on the bench, sent ed the jah-year-old youth tor assaulting MOS INew York Post photographer Arthur Pomeranta, Convicted of jae assault Dec, 5, Martinis jeould have Pg ag a year in jai) plus a $500 fine, The assault took place in a {Bronx police station last May ec after Martinis was arrested Hin the fatal auto accident, Last July 21, Martinis was 'acquitted by three of his fa. monet ¥ A to cals, ther's Colleagues on the crimb Seth ter combine: /nal court of charges of reckless and. dranken driving and leay ling the scene of an accident, The father, Joseph A. Martinis, isince has left criminal jeourt te serve as an acting state Supreme Court justice, | 'The acquittal aroused a storm pan it wel hee a © hoon public protest, The Broax district attorney's lattice then tried to prosecute }Martinis on charges of vehicu- Set lar homicide, However, the ap: pellate division of the 'state su Preme court held that this sec. 'ond prosecution would consti tute iMegal double jeapardy--a Buying ond selling ured fur niture end app For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture i : th i I ' { i HW is 25% } i it I i } | i : ; fi i i i i f wg i f 7 Zz oe ig Hester i TaR-A00) er call at the atore 16% Bond W. econd trial on the same set of facts for which he already had heen acquitted, Asa result, Martinis went free in the aceb t itselt, RANGES, two General Brand new floor 60,000 B.7.U, Complete Easy Washer Televisions--Hi-Fi's L.P. Records Slas AUTOMATIC WASHERS GAS SPACE HEATER Stereos. Regular $5.98 WAYNE APPLIANCES 78 Sirncoe Street North Phone 723-141) EUCHRE Harmon Park Club House Wed.,, Jan, 29 8 O'CLOCK 4 CASH PRIZES MONTHLY PRIZE beginning in February PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE DINNER THURSDAY, JAN. 30th 6:30 P.M, HOTEL GENOSHA GUEST SPEAKER MIKE STARR LADIES WELCOME BINGO, Bathe Park, Evialie Avene, Troreday, 2 Am, Evehre Saturday, @ pm, > LADIES Want to see New York and Washington? Tour leaving in May Call 725-5619 Days NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) » $12, $20 May be doubled or tinted $150 IN JACKPOTS Door prize $15 because he was considered well] -- TORONTO 1! A.M, STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan, TU a ig A cents unless marked §, lot, Xd--=Eedividend, -- xr--fix= fo KW EEX WarrANtS, Net change is fs from previous board-lot clooing. eel sale.) INDUSTRIALS Stock Abitibt Dist ols vi Gas i] = = 388s sé3= = 32 = = agiies3 tsstcee & - 22s 35 se is 333 = erssssee3 = 1 3 - = 33° 3*23se38 S8Set22s3Esz2 sserss ftisee Fs is Sg bat ss8 2 f22 sz8oe cz #355292 441 1 sss _s2 5 se W725 88% OM 1675 B10Ve 10Ve love $00 565 855 845 +10 100 400 ee 400 Hydro 300 810Ve 18Ve ee € imp Bk ¢ 14) Beata ry "n-- * ¢ ind Gas p 100 813 O33 " + yaad Loco ' 925 836 225 $174 eag 260 $5950 50% pom Elect "1 Se Me Dotasco 0 $46Ve fag 4a = . : iw " 'aleon 160 8602 Gr OY Fam Play =. 255 819% 1 1 Fanny F 200 827 JM V+ Ve Fed Farms 200 ia 425 405 Fed Frm w 2000 } 5 4s pee Grain ty ' mo 7) = & Mia 1000 Ow 8 6 OM xd 120 $34 HM SM $0 8 8 8 5 8s tS 400 100 100100 2S SV MM MM Oo 814 We Wat V3S 86a 16a lélee gales High Low a.m. Chive Ina Fag Ft 222228 #555 3°" s. Zhesaksx ia "es ¢ Ped e5hstS38e5 aac. gtSrz3825 +41 11 ts ss a: 33 ~« <2 2°2 Lovco B 620 Maclaren A 375 822Ve ™ & MI a5 7 M Leaf Mill 110 $16 if Masa: F 915 817% 7 \ MEPC 100 315 31S NS 12100 200 278. 200 #2 820) 200 20 M+ Ve mim ary +8 50 $101 Ve 101¥e 101Ve 350.859 83 Se 100 $27) Fa? $55 841") 41M 41 W Ve 200 250 $206 20! 1083 OD Ut #25 200 200 195) S12 12 12 me 255 81D 20% 20% 1900 85) 80 8) = my sia ie 1 E2845 405 405 iit son D4 Dae 7 7 Hi Bose 105Ve 105Ve = Va 1S 820Ve 20Ve 20a V5 Mia Wat 200 285 285 285 ind 100 10 10 ONS 817% 1798 17% 2200 590 S85 | 50 VSS 865 64Vh G4 12 1 YOIS SIS IW Bs VO $15ve 1S Ve " a Be S00 SH 1 uy 2S WS 45 #25 S14 14a 140 $00 400 400 400 Walk "ow eS 862\a " "a Westcoast 265 S17 17% TH+ Pacific xd900 S18e 18 = sé 16% we B60 +" ace nih Wy "at " Wawd he w 100 70 700 76 +435 OILS $ Hawker pr kis S05 95a O50 Am Ledue $00 t | ee | Anchor 0 n W =h Al us $20% 2% 2% + A =v C. Fen Sales High Low a.m. Chips 2000. de Mth at 220 810\4 10\0 pi 3400 475 470 +5 650 63) so +15 Li +4 1 Ss +5 +6 + 465 470 + 50 1 e710? 1000 812V0 12a 12" 4000 3) J : 40 ato hy Austral bia 3 C Dyno 500 105 Wie 4 ' n 6 6 198 197 138 42 100 395 395 395 0 7 6D 1900 1 1 M+ 2500 7 6 6 1000}; ss $s +1 21568 $40 +38 Yo00 40 300 168 ny 16Ve 16Ve 100 S17% 17% 17% + on 10Ve 9 OV+ Ve as + 2 + Ne Hoa VO% 10% -- Ve $® S40 540 400 6 6H 24 82 BV BY A jtoaay 's Loronto Stock Market Listings 32582 <2. 3*"8e3 563 assy Sz: oe et C4 g2ge3 35 =33° Es Pes =e = + ag 2 222852 Fz 7* "ee" 32 = we = <=. 2223 ad 3 a £tl litt Ses S284 = S23. 3 Diptera ee #3 3 + * = + fad yg 10% 10% -- '500 eo + yrock Rio Algom 1967 vit 12% 12% Rio Rup 2000 sve bene vw +) v oo WW we 0 --S 314 299 207 OP +8 2000 18k 8000 15Ve 13Ve 15a +2 1050 440 435 100 2 6 ow +h 500 75 7S Sm 1000 55 SS SSH 2600 96 83H 300 18 OO ro Res Hef my WWW aah ad MA U Mink 1000 20k 20Ve 20Vb U Asbes' ™ 230 Un Buffad 440 78 74 78 + Un Keno 350 ss 8 1000 10Ve 10M 10% 200 275 275 Sil Milter Steeloy Steep R Sunburst Temag Thom Lb Tombill Tormont a 3000-24 Sates te TY a.m: 1,183,000. POREIGN TRADING wo 4 4) 2500 863% 63% 63% 100 $1212 2 YOO 104 104 104 YOS $10 10% 10% 235 225 225 WOO WS 65 1} Cc Falcon T Pin A Con Gas Denison Lorado Willroy OBITUARIES JAMES McNAUGHT The death of James McNaught occurred in Toronto General Hospital, Tuesday, Jan. 27, Mr. MeNaught, who lived at 237 Cadillac avenue south, was in his 85th year, He had been ill for the past two months, Born in Chureh, so a Aug. 21, 1900, Mr. MeNa' was the son of the late 'in MeNaught and Jean p: Mhotamy He was educated in Oshawa and married the former Nita Pearce in Bowmanville in 1933, He spent most of his life in Oshawa, Mr, McNaught was employed in the experimental department at General Motors, A former elder of Knox Presbyterian Chureh, he was a' member of St, Paul's Presbyterian Church and the Sunday Schoo! teaching staff. He was a member of Local. 222, UAW, and gave driv- ing instruction to collegiate stu- dents in addition to private in- struction, Mr, McNaught is survived by his wife and three sons, Ronald, Robert and Randy, all of Osh- awa, A sister, Mrs. J. Adams (Jessie), and one brother, Wil- liam, both of Detroit, Michigan; Tracy, also survive, Mr, McNaught is at the Me- Tntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, where the funeral service will be held Friday, Jan, 31, at 2 pm, Rey, Derek Allen of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, will jeonduct the service, Interment will be in Oshawa Union Ceme- tery, JOHN McCONNELL The death of John McConnell, of 1008 Henry street, Whitby, peng yy suddenly, 'Saturday, DANCING Round and Square Professional Caller CLUB CAMELOT King St. E. (formerly Vorcoe's) Sat., Feb. Ist 9 PM, $2 Per Couple Jan, 25, in Oshawa General Hos- pital, Mr, McConnell was in his! TWrd year, Born in Treland, he emigrated first to western Canada, settling first in Blora in 185: He was a blacksmith at Fleury-Bissell/ for Ltd, Blora, and a member of Blora United Chureh, An affiliate member of Irvine/said Lodge, AF and AM, No, 203, Mr, McConnell was also a past ---- of Milestone Lodge, In 1957 Mr, McConnell. left Biora to live with his son in Whithy, after the death of his 99.95 and $65 SHE $189 $50 $59 and Refrigerators hed to Clear samples to clear with controls and blower Dehaxe Model with timer, Used, Good condition Now $1.49 . ( OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thursday, Jan. 30th 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS ACKPOT JACKPOT NOS. 50 and 55 PER LINE PLUS $200. NUMBERS THIS WEEK DOOR PRIZES EXTRA BUSES PLUS $25 $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAM EARLY BIRD GAME RED BARN, OSHAWA PER FULL CARD IN 30, CONSOLATION prize ADMISSION $1.00 LIONS BINGO WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29th 'UBILEE PAVILION JACKPOT NOS. 52 and 54 $1200 CASH PRIZES FREE ADMISSION EARLY BIRD 7:45 Special Bus Leaves 4 Corners 7:30 wife, fe, the former Hester Rae, in 1035. He leaves two sons, Donald, of Whitby, and Samuel, of Sar. nia; five brothers and two sis: poo Ph Ay Treland, and one! gra ila, Marilyn, of Wi Mr, McConnell was 'es the Towriss Funeral Home, Biora, where the funeral serv. lee was conducted Monday, Jan. 27, at 2 pm. by the Rev, T. J. Rees, of Bera. United Church, ---- was in Blora Come. ry A Masonic service was held jat the funeral home Sunday at! [tpm, MRS. ANNIE FARROW The death of Mrs. Annie Maud Farrow occurred Tues: day, Jan, 28, at Fairview Ledge, Whithy, Mrs, Farrow was in her! TOth year, and had been in poor! health for several years, Tre former Annie Maud ake, Onterin' Oumar &, eek le, r & 1835, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith. She! married the late William John Farrow in Toronto, May 19, 186. Mr. Farrow died Nov, %, * . 17. Mrs, Farrow was a resi- dent of Oshawa and district for 61 years Mrs, Farrow leaves three daughters, Mrs. Ivan Richards (Muriel), of Oshawa; Mrs, John Mathison (Edith), of Nestleton and Mrs. George Sugden (Grace), of Oshawa; three t/ sons, Cecil of Toronto, Harold of eee and Fred of Osh- aw Ih brother, Edward Smith, of New Liskeard, Ont, 11 grand: children and seven great-grand: children also survive, Mrs, Farrow is at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, ~ the memorial service will take day, Jan, 30, at $3.15 p.m, The service will be conducted by the Rev, W. J. S, McClure, minister; of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Whitby, Interment will be in Oshawa Union Ceme- tery, The day, Jun.:36 ot toe Armetreng , Jan, 28, Funeral Chapel, Oshawa, Mr, Brown died in Oshawa Genera' ace in the chapel Thurs-/the CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OTTAWA (CP)--The National Indian Council outlined an am- bitious FB ven to the centen- nial ission Monday for emphasizing native Indian cul- ture and lore in Canada's 100th birthday celebrations, Centennial Commis sloner|t John Fisher said after their meeting that the program is ambitious and will require in- tensive work, He congratulated three - member delegation and said he hoped other na- tional groups were as energetic] o and as advanced in their plans. Wilfred Pelletier of Toronto, leader of the group, said the council plans a program of ex- change visits of Indian students, chiefs and councillors between various parts of Canada, start- ing this autumn and working to a climax in 1967. The council also wants to ém- phasize the contribution of the North American Indian to Can- Indian Council Lauded For Plans lore, and the vation ey display of Indian promotion of dian culture, the citizenship department, Mr, Pelletier said he expects to confer with Prime Minister Pearson soon on a the Indian an community in hie ge cog" on fe ge mand sian is riding of Algoma East, Mr, Pearson oI wow be held there to mart the the centennial, Wikwemikong Res, ae tecems a focal " for Indian culture in Can Mr, Pelletier said, It aireedy' has an annual festi- val, but on a smaller Tt than the annual Indian at Banff, Alta,, or a festival in the Qu'Ap ada pageantry, preser- pelle Valley of Saskatchewan, Hospital ages Jan, 25, in Pastor B. B. College Park sevenihbay Ad- ventist Church, service, Saas ean was in Mount Lawn Cemetery, Bearers were W. George omg ae Jack ---- oe Hugh Ni Canada, US. Confer On -- Satellite Plan WASHINGTON (CP) -- Cana: dian oy US, pg op con- esday on proposed tiobet satellite communications pie and a U.S. spokesman indicated the oe. wale will be able to co- --" Closely on global plan- Heading the delegations wore John Baldwin, Caneda: 's deputy transport minister, and Abram Chayes, the state department's and two grandchildren, Paul an/nis VANCOUVER (CP) -- Murral Heathman, who con- fessed to the murder of a 10-/LA' year-old Vernon boy, will be re- leased from the provincial men- tal hospital within a few days, it was disclosed Monday, Dr, B. F. Bryson, medical su- perintendent of the instituiton, said the 4Q-yearold Heathman now is 'well enough to be given! a chance on probation." He said various plans for oa Heathman was twice a hobo jungle at interior Vernon 2, 1960. top legal adviser. | 'The spokesman said the de'e- 'jgations discussed the attitudes of the two countries on their ap- proach te the Rome communt jeations conference of about two dozen countries, This meeting, to Fed, 30, has been called on mag inia- tive of European countries wanting to. learn what the US, plans in the way of giobal sat- elite communications and how |Burope will fit into interna. -- ownership of a global sys- item. meeting was emphasized by the aera naartenee of the Demat. SS, St, Jerome, Que, -- J. Albert , 6%, former Montreal ie accident ear) indications that the transatlan- tie region will be the "key traf- Twes-/fic path" of commercial trans missions of pictures, telephone' calls, television and other ibroadcasts, the spokesman said. Canada is eager to get on the ground floor of spokesman said the Rome meni. ing will be exploratory with no negotiations to 'be undertaken, Planning. The/fetched 49.92 Cents Lb. TILLSONBURG (CP)--Sales ot 1,606,318 pounds of tobacco an average price of 49.92 cents a pound at Ontario five ~ cured Tobacco Growers' Marketing Board exchanges |The U.S. hopes to have the be-/ Tuesday. ginnings of a giobal satellite system in operation by tate}s {1988 or early 1967, So far, 81,426,658 pounds have sold at an average of $1.4 cents a Heathman's rehabilitation are ke studied, Attempts are be- chal fee morder of Donald Oiey tlt "Asylum To Release ss{Confessed Slayer Charles|the BC. Court of Appeal ané@ st Wty en 21, 1961, CONFESSED Nee months later he com fesse to. the murder 0 a, Vane couver Sun re and peated the coni po ediors of the newspaper. later confirmed, then de nied, the confession, but committed under the Provincial Mental Hospitals Act mental hospital on May fter doctors described .

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