9G 'THE CBHAWA Timms, weenwsey, coon.) 22, 22-2 , ald, "because we can see the NET In this era of unprecedented|cember when Pittsburgh, with PEACE DECLARED " = : ete eee eee Mhthe Ta lnrtsnerity it was not surprsinele 7.88 record, had a chance wl CINCINNATI (AP) -- .Peace Wik UAE VeOLTEN wrew ' : i Through the Douglas System Na vbob te dein tinias: boos nae abavea te iara tn te ~ a ag a Tha pat on its present rule about| ; ' @ : nein Hvealiestioh i) ' Incorporated, he handies sim-) & : : ian ; Stress Visual Trainin eg ua iy) Stand Pat On 6 ton Oe ee ee Schodl--and this helps him keep An amendmentt © count tle/fave wont he championship .727 and Cincinnall Neus mar oer . his hand in sport, P . games as one-half game won|, 714 However, the Ciants| elder Vada Pinson. Lawson, Cincinnati has asked him to rosperl and one-half game lost was} yon' the game J who writes arty for the hwo ; + Times -° Star, ey te! pn Ae Eg with" the MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP). the NFU will cu oon ty aioe eet ie ssault and bat 4 a is ne ing wi » Fila, --| con' re dropped his a: } Ss oon Oo etes Reds now. The National Football League,ities when figuring the league} GOT FINE RESULTS {charges against Pinson. the - eee " eo play meng -- ; on AM. win lower nigs ona yen ge aby ver R inet. and --, bs case has ns sy nee : sa uglas, wl ives injwor! week with a $28,200,- on games won @ * ro-Magnon man In court ice NEW YORK (CP. ickly) Through the visual and phys) Douglas said that childrenjcorrected and some Tost motor/Columbus and still maintains 0/000 television deal, announced) (In The Canadian League, tie eave drawings were crude, but}when Lawson Pinson claimed ; now--in how many Semen eee ical exercise programs, this\with crossed eyes had had them/skills restored, game preserve In Virginia, "it's|/Tuesday a record paid attend-|games count one point.) art experts praise the form,|shoved hih and tore his shirt Mlability is restored. straightened through 'the pro-| "It is very interesting work|pretty hard to break all connec-jance of 4,163,643 for regular} There had been considerablejcolor and sensitive portrayals ln Le aerencns in the Reds' Cl b vision,' 'gram, speech defects had been/and very satisfying," Douglas|tions with it, season games in 1063, agitation for a change last De-jof anima! life, ee = ae SAVE 'EM BEST BUY BF PLENTY : WAMPUM. | , ) © BEST BUY "OK" Used | ' Car Prices now at all- time low. . ¢ HAVE 'EM OVER 120 USED CARS ig gor describes CARS ON LOT gy le mle ere he ; t . a Ogg od A. ® 14 SALESMEN Braves v." Serve 'Em You Better. 3 Gon with one quick Wok straight downfield, Thus, while looking directly at a pass receiver in centre field, he might spot an- sors ae BIG CHIEF ON WARPATH! etd oe sre 6! salonstion ob TOOK TOMAHAWK TO PRICES ... CHOP 'EM player' ust 'be recaiy eccaned» ve ctl TQ PIECES...SAVE LOTS OF WAMPUM ON "OK" USED CAR NOW! 1 Hi fi 4 My gue a nk approaching | im. A ' Douglas proper visual 1962 1958 1960 1957 1962 So Sl bt CHEVROLET AUSTIN CHEVROLET METEOR | CORVAIR co-ordinattd with physical) freining can sccomplish much] DELUXE 2-DOOR SEDAN STATION WAGON -- | Seed boty ond t good mechenica DELUXE SEDAN TOMAHAWK PRICES ! more, including correcting vi- gion and 'isabilities | with new engine, Real good transportation tn smert Horizon Blue end tvory With custom redio. Se || 91795 | $375 |sisa5 | *395 | $1695 [cum 962 CHEVROLET | FORD | Volknagen | CHEVROLET | CHEVROLET |WAY BEL AIR 4-door Sedan 2-door Model 2-DOOR MODEL BISCAYNE 4-DOOR BISCAYNE DOWN A "One Owner". with V8 engine. Really shorp! bs healt With custom redio, trp automatic --trensmission condition, end radio. ti Reds after the Stampeders dismissed / him early in the 1900 CFL sea-| § % § @on, ending a football coaching | % career that took him to Villa-) ova and Arkansas Colts, Philadel-| 1961 . 1961 1962 1959 1960 Bi arama RN FORD CHEVROLET | CHEVROLET | PONTIAC | cHeyROLeT then to Calgary in 1 FALCON 2-door Model ¥ 4-DOOR SEDAN 2-DOOR SEDAN Pho 2-DOOR AUTOMATIC His Stampeder teams missed the Western Conference play-/ An excellent family cern Very clean, 1964 Licence Plotes. Complete with custom radia, With radio, Smert 2-tone finish. 'e=--| $995 | $1575 | $1795 | $1645 | '$4195 le joined the Reds in 1961 1961 1958 1961 1960 1959 Sina wea exersaes RENAULT PONTIAC | CORVAIR | PONTIAC | PLYMOUTH the team cut down on in-/ oo GORDINI SEDAN STATION WAGON DELUXE SEDAN 4-DOOR SEDAN a there wasn't a| Used ot second con Reconditioned engine. With automatic trensmission, tn beautiful colonial creem. oe aid ment on the squad while he was) o % & $ there and that the batting av-| established | @rages of some players improved SATISFYING WORK ; . G Tn the fall of 1961, he went M A.C TERMS TW : to Columbus to participate in a e e e @) W. Vs 'visual-training. experiment with children, Tals led to his appoint BIG CHIEF provides you with HEAP FINEST TERMS ON "BEST BUY" USED CARS ment after the 1962 baseball Ment ny a aa ++» you will like 'em G.M.A.C, -- PAYMENT PLAN! | 1. 50/50 thirty-day General Motors approved Warranty. ~ Ms serosal aeimont waining 2. ONE FULL YEAR G.W. WARRANTY . . . backed by the nated physical-visual training | te wth reading, writing, speech | Automobile Dealers Association. "We take children with av-| or higher intelligence, erage Based on. TQ. tests," he said. | 2 7 See OD: 1963 Corvair | 1958 Oldsmobile gent, but they can't read be- cause their eyes are spacially MONZA COUPE. 4-speed tronmission, | SUPER SEDAN with Power disorientated and they can't tell) high performance. aemetie handle $2195 | s 1960 Oldsmobile | 4960 Chevrolet SUPER HARDTOP, Power steering, pow- er brakes, Hydremetic transmission end IMPALA SEDAN. Powerglide eutometic radio. transmission, Power steering end redio. 31675 | $1695 1961 Cadillac 1962 Corvair | a@door MODEL... cena: on EL > fully power equips | MONZA... dpsed High $3195 | $1875 FOR THE BEST CHOICE... CHOSE FROM THE LARGEST SELECTION AT K wict? ==.» \ONT SAVE'EM : WAMPUM Banren FO ARIO MOTOR SALES Ltd. NOW! 9 "Serving Oshawa & Area Over 40 Years" 725-6507 7ege a ta if 3d ¢ 4°63 5 ad r i : 1s i a5 alts : i af ro