Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jan 1964, p. 8

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& THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Jonuery 28, 196% seein pen ge are Oak; mange shaped, turquoise blue smooth exotic straw; and Bul- ANN LANDERS Tall Blonde B garian Bride; afternoon hat of white smooth exotic straw, trimmed with flowers and fruits, Bottom, from left, are Rex: wide-brimmed, of black smooth exotic straw, lined with black and white surah, eefs About Sports Cars Dear Ana Landers: I'm 35, a + eyed bdlonde, 5 feet 10 as statuesque, To be hon possible, then exits sideways, offering her right hand to the gentleman who will be there-- if he's a gentieman., | Ss trimmed with flat black bow; and Jaina: red felt, accordion shaped top, edged with blue petersham, Necklaces are creations of Rene Lionguet. (AP Wirephoto) TINTTS GROTTPS Vath diy Vbtwve 7 AUXILIARTES ALBERT STREET UCW 1 Unit 1 of Albert Street UCW held its first meeting of the Adams and Mrs, riod, Plans were dis- bps Ths to Logg ong as money, e t is holding a bake sale at the UCW meeting in February, The following are the officers for coming year: leader, Mrs, Wilbur Down; secretary, Mrs. William Stall. brass; treasurer, Mrs, Barl Adams; assistant = treasurer, Mrs, Glen Maunders; program convener, Mrs, Stewart Tip: pett; social convener, Mrs, Lioyd Edwards; flower sick convener, Mrs, William Wilson, pianist; Mrs, Charles Naylor; press, man, The next-Unit meeting will be February 12 at 8 p.m, The members enjoyed a social hour while refreshments were served, BATHE PARK LADIES' AUX, Mrs, William Haight, presi- dent, presided at the January meeting of the Bathe Park La- jdies' Auxiliary, Reports were given by. the treasurer, Bingo committee, social and sick members' convenors, Minutes and roll call were read by Mrs, Chive McMann in the absence of the secretary, Mrs, Stanley Hicks gave an interesting report on the B, E. Bathe Award night held recent- ly at the ORC, A skating car- nival is planned for Saturday, Feb, 1, at 2,00 p.m, If weather is not favorable on that date, the alternate date will be Feb, 8, | Prizes will be given for races, fancy and comic costumes, There will be free treats for the members' children, Con- veners were chosen for the an- nual St, Patrick tea and bazaar to be held March 17. at 2.00 p.m, in the Park building, The next meeting will be on Tues- | | jday, Feb, 18, Election of offic: Mrs, Roy Corb- Mrs,-, Moffat; Past-presidents, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Roe; ex in the fri year recently in wrens " ; Gulenchyn; treasures, Mr, and Mrs, Herman Pincombe; press reporters, Mr, and Mirs, Steven Salmers; conven: ers, Mr, and Mrs, William Shep- herd; bulletin editors, Mr, and Mrs, Frederich Britten; group leaders; -- No, 1 = Mr, and Mrs, Reginald Piper Mr, and Mrs, Alan Shortt, No, 2 « Mr, and Mrs, Walter Roe Mr, and Mrs, Byron Warden, No, 3 - Mr, and Mrs, Frederick Britten Mr, and Mrs, Harold Linton No, 4 + Mr, and Mrs. Lioyd Moody Mr, and mrs, John Moffat, KING STREET UCW, NO, 8 The January meeting of the Ardent Workers opened with prayer by Mrs, Harry Blakely, leader and with a poem, "A Good Garden", Reports were read by the sec: retary, Mrs, Gordon Reeson; treasurer, Mrs, Jack Chamber- lain; card convener, Mrs, Hales Barker; visitation, Mrs, Robin- son Simpson, x The devotional period theme wes taken from the new wor, ship services for adults, 'The Marks of -the Christian Com- munity"? entitled 'Alive with Life" with Mrs, Lawrence Mul- drew, Mrs, William Muldrew, Mrs, L, D, Lowry and Mrs, Harry Blekely taking part. The 1964 executive was install. ed by Mrs, Douglas Redpast, immediate past president of the UCW, The new executive is: leader, Mrs, Wilfred Harris; assistant leader, Mrs, Gordon Reeson; treasurer, Mrs, Jack Chamberlain; assistant treasur- er, Mrs, Herbert Portor; secre- try, Mrs, Gordon Reeson; as- sistant secretary, Mrs, Fred lerick Cooke; press, Mrs, Harry |Blakely; supply and social as- sistance, Mrs, Wilfred Harris; jcards, Mrs, Hales Barker; visi- tation, Mrs, Hubert Chase and Mrs, Robinson Simpson; pianist, Mrs, Frank Hortop; assistant proof of friendship, You have! tried to buy her with favors andlon will take place, after which/pianist, Mrs, John W. Wilkin d te }will be a pot luck salad supper,|son; study book, Mrs, Joshua it won't work, (This is the beginning of a new Kinsey, Mrs, Lawrence Mul- Dear Ann Landers; Our 11 auxiliary year, and any new/drew, Mrs, Frederick Cooke; so- year-old daughter arrived from/member will be heartily wel-(clal convener, Mrs, Roy Bond. -rtgg hreaee mage swollenicomed. : Mrs, Harris reminded the ye, semary to er father SC ' , members of the annual congre- A contes 8 . and me that she had got intol ya tl VP roken Witmer, |gational meeting January 28, an argument with a ld-year-old) were Mrs, C, McMann, Mrs,(2%d announced a Valentine tea, oy = the girl hauled off and/Ryrad King, "Mrs. Stanle y|Pebruary 12: the Oshawa UCW ly busbend ead: (Hicks, Mrs, John Fisher, Re-/Presbyterial at St. Mark's Unit: ie -- nd said: I Cel freshments were served by the/ed Church, Whitby, February 13; lnents ope you beat the @aY/hostesses Mrs, Wilfred Ogden World's Day of Prayer at St, hts out of that roughneck." !andg Mrs, %, Prokop. Andrew's United Church, Feb- Rosemary said she did not hit : ruary M4; and a dessert luncheon the girl back, but just walked 50. 50 CLUB April 2? across the street and came The members of the 50-50 DIMPLED Shelley Lynn is the one-year-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, David Villen- euve, Nash road, Oshawa, Her grand are. Mr, and Mrs, Claude Morgan and Mr, and Mrs, Armand Villeneuve, and great gandmother, Mrs, Edith Robinson, all of Osh- awa, Other great grandpar ents living in Dresden, Ontar- jo, are Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Babcock and Mrs, Archie Mor- gan, ~Aldsworth Photography flowers, plants and cards sent out to the sick and shut-in mem- bers during the year, Mrs. Frank Ross, past-presi- dent, thanked the members for her Christmas gift, also for the plant received by her mother, | It was announced that the! World Day of Prayer is to be held February 14, Two solos were sung by Miss Bima Calvert, "Think on Me" and "Hold Thou My Hand Dear God", accompanied at the piano by Mrs, William Kinsman, Mrs, Ross thanked the soloist and pianist, Mrs, Ethel Warne conducted the devotional service, Mrs, Charles Dolly introduced the speaker, Mrs. Clifford Lain- son, who gave an_ interesting talk on "The Bible Club Move: ment", speaking in part on the needs of the club, and the Bible Club movement around -- the word, It is an interdenomina- tional club founded in 1945, Mrs cial evening of bowling Feb- ruary 9 at Liberty Bow! in Bow- manville, On April 18 District Council will hold a spring dance in the badminton hall in. Bowmanville, The travelling gavels were paid for and to start them Court Charlene will take one to Court Venture in Bowmanville in Jan- uary and from there Court Ven- ture will take the gavel to Court Otonobee in Peterborough in February, Also in February Court Venture will take a gavel to the ladies' Court in Belleville Courts in Eastern Ontario area, The annual deaf and hard of hearing dance will be held in June at the Airport in Oshawa, Bach Court is asked to have one member to act on the commit tee, Refreshments were served by Brothers Burgess and Dehart, The February meeting will be hosted by Court 1871, Oshawa, Everett Warne thanked = the speaker, A social half-hour was spent while refreshments were served by the executive, |KINGSWAY DIST. COUNCIL The January meeting of Kings- Due to faulty to be passed on to the eastern! & TRUDY LOUISE Allen was year old in November, She is daughter of Mrs, William e Allen of Orono and the late - Mr, Allen, Her proud grand. = rents are Mr, Rum. Fell Sunetitte Pye 4 r, and Mrs, vance Alen Pontypool, Mary's Studio» * WIFE PRESERVER A small pastry brush or old shaving brush is 'deal for cleaning lampshades, AWARDED MEDAL * Miss Mona. Wilson of te lottetown has become the oie Canadian nurse to receive International Red Croas a Florence Nightingalé, 4 Ronald W, Biisky, 0.0, CHIROPRACT Strut nai Arthriti 100 King St, E. 728-5156 emeeees NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. ee PPeoeeeeeeeeeeeeateetsecec Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service Genuine Hoover Soles, Service & Parte @ OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the National Institute of Rug A social half-hour was enjoy-/way District: Council of the Canadian Order of Foresters was held in Whitby at the Odd |Fellows Hall with Court Whitby hosting, President Helen Twin- ine presided, Tt was decided to hold the so- VISITORS WELCOME Why Toke Chances With Your Velueble Rugs and Upholstery elimination can be relieved overnight with the help of £R£ T have to get in and) Dear Ann Landers: My favor-|) I Fame) | M 'of these teeny-weeny sports jite brother married a little pe ee fer father said: 'P'm|Clud of the Simeoe Street United)ed and refreshments were I'm afraid I look like alnothing of a girl with no ooks, |*S hamed of you, You should/Church began the year 1964 by|served by Mrs, Lawrence Mul- " ino brains, no money, no family! sndded stood up to her andjattending the Thursday mecet-/drew and her group. and no personality, 'She hasn't/*"ecked her block off. jing of the Week of Prayer spon- : a single redeeming feature ex-|. After Rosemary went to bed/S0red by the Oshawa Ministerial SIMCOE STREET UCW NO, 7 cept that she is harmless, I told my husband I didn't}Association, j,, The January meeting of the They now have three young-2atee with him, and that I was} Following the service all ad-/ Goodwill Unit %, Simcoe Street sorry he had encouraged his|journed to the Sunday Schoot|UMited Church was held in the) sters unde: yoars \ r xilled el geo! ona daughter to get int 'lon! ' » ladies' parlor Thursday evening ve myself trying to be get into a brawl on/Auditorium where the businessinns Kyerett. Ware" presided nice to her, I've helped her|the street, He said Iwas wrong/meeting was conducted by Mrs, ! {ith the babies when she came|that children' should be taught/Hugh McLeod in the absence of| MS. Herbert Wurbs, gave the fied, |home from the hospital, I have)! defend. themselves against/Mr, McLeod who was OY peste > treasurer's report, cooked, cleaned and baked seripuans, Way we hear from you/"There were 22 couples in at-|jor x & very successful year her, I even did her washing/O" this? --L.M.N, jtendance with Mr. and Mrs.) \nc Frank © us and ironing when she had a) Dear I.M.N.: Your husband|Lloyd Moody's Group (4). with] "S "Tank SOx _reporied_on dislocated shoulder gave the gin poor advice andthe best attendance, a =, » Riyreig =F She|I hope he will reverse himself,! Mr, Donald Houlden led a lite. but pe eo thane AR so The 12-year-old who socked | rousing "Camp-Five"', arranged) day diddy vehicles {is ; ta wee we Nol rosemary in the eye is indeed/by Mr, Stanley Taylor, Pie and/ out to you tall/ Thanks > Why = Na roughneck, If your daughter|ice-cream were served by the) goes you My Ghedlins Vous sislaiin. ae beige the wallop she/ 1964 executive, | no way for a lady/law has no warmth for you be- --e haggis = the) The executive for 1964 is:) th grace from alcause you dislike her intensely| - y Gown here. 'honorary presidents, Mr. and oa will appearjand she knows it. Your open- sine less. cow-like, however, if she) sentence betrays you, together, ing things for people--yes, r the door asleven killing yourself -- is not eeseseereeseseset eeoee eee eee eee eeeeeee 43 K-h PILLS g2 E FF) i 4 8 MAPLE CLEANERS 304 gcor ST. $. OSHAWA Cosh Corry -- @ We. Service : Z ily gz to extricate 4 z g a -% ig 7% gh CHAMBERS | FRIENDSHIP MONTH FREE BUFFET! ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT !! WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29th FROM 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M, SATURDAY SEPRIARY Ist, FROM 2 P.M. TO 5 PLM, * This is your opportunity to visit any of our four plants and see for yourself why over 18,000 families enjoy shopping the modern way---THE CHAMBERS WAY--Top Quality Food and Savings and Convenience, ENQUIRE ABOUT THE MANY OTHER BENEFITS THAT NO OTHER FOOD ORGANIZATION RETAIL OR WHOLISALE--HAS EVER OFFERED TO THEIR CUSTOMERS. * PHONE THE PLANT NEAREST YOU FOR A FREE PASS AND ENJOY A BUFFET OF FINE FOOD MAIN PLANT SCARBOROUGH 421-9393 COOKSVILLE PLANT 277-3643 PETERBOROUGH PLANT 745-2461 OSHAWA PLANT 723-1163 933 RITSON SOUTH--CORNER OF WENTWORTH iF YOU CAN'T MARE THE WEDNESDAY OR SATURDAY BUFFET, VISIT US ON REGULAR OPEN EVENINGS, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FROM 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M, e@ "SEE YOU AT THE BUFFET" e CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB f * PHONE 725-0643 | AN Cura ' 'Che Hallmark ol: (OME Ie ntegrily In the same way that STERLING on silver signifies a standard of known value, so is this A.B.C, emblem a symbol of FACTS about the circulation of newspapers and periodicals, It is the emblem of membership in the Audit Bureau of Circulations* and is assurance to adver- tisers that the circulations of member publications are measured, audited and reported in accordance with the rigid standards that have been mutually approved and adopted by ad- vertisers and publishers. Here's why our membership in the A.B.C, is important to our adver. tisers and ourselves: At regular intervals one of the Bureau's large staff of experienced circu- lation auditors makes a thorough inspection and audit of our circulation records, 'The results of this exacting audit show: how much circulation we have; where it goes; how it was obtained; and many other FACTS that advertisers need as a sound basis for their advertising investments, This audited information is published by the Bureau in easy-to-read A.B.C, reports which are available to our, advertisers on request, Mom, They Hurt! My poor knees are getting "all-beat-up" by the deep-down, out of sight, grit and grime in our rugs. Please cal! Ross Mills and hove those friendly men pick up our carpets for that excellent Baker Clean- ing. Remember how thorough a job BAKER'S did last time! Our whole room took on new life... and my knees were pampered by the comfortable clean surface. Call to-day, * *The Audit Bureau of Circulations, of which this newspaper bs @ mem " einai ns ber, is @ coopera! tive, nonprofit associ of nearly 4,000 adver: publishers, Organized in 1914, -- ie, a ~--="JUST ONE GALL DOES THEM a "Over 75 Years' Experience" Your local Agent... ROSS E. MILLS CO. LTD. nent SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 )

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