Weer Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 728-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Janvery 28, 1964 7 Many Prizes Are Awarded At H&S Night Of Cards Under the convenership ofjprize was won by Mra, Donald Mctauglin Home and 'Sehoo!'s| " Progroaa aughiin Home @ c 's) Py annual Night of Cards proved tolwent tor high leaden Miro. Bowe. be an enjoyable and. successful thy Catherwood; high man, Mr, M, J, Sanderson; low ladies, event, Mrs, Booth welcomed the vers, wishing all an en|Mrs, Gordon Varnum; low man, Mr. Delbert la oyable evening and thanking Gatherwood; lone i hands, ladies' high, Mra, 'aibert| PERSONALS - MRS, A, W. ARMSTRONG (Retiring President) MRS, C, D. RUSSELL (Incoming President) 'Election Of Officers Follows | 'Annual Reports, OGH Auxiliary ' Following year end reports of the Women's Auxiliary, Oshawa | General Hospital Mrs, C, M,/vice-president, Mrs, M, Crozier; 'Hiott presided as chairman ofjrecording secretary, Mrs, Neil ethe nominating committee, The/Felt; corresponding secietary, 'alate of officers was read and|/Mre, C, M. Biliott: treasurer, approved, Mrs, W. HH, Marshals Gift Mrs, ©, D, Russell was elect/Shop, General convener, Mrs, J, ed president for 1064 iG, Carter an tina poe operat) Conveners of committees: WwW Lrmetten, with her, past/membership, Mrs, C, R. Bowes; president's pin and Manked her/press, Mrs, H, 0. Perry; stu for her untiring efforts on be-|dent nurses, Mrs, D, S, Jamie: Shalt of the auxiliary during her/son; sewing, Mrs, Joseph Dom term of office, jinik; cards, Mrs, R. K, Miler; » The executive officers for the)social, Mrs, Harry Kerr; Chapel, urrent year are iMre, BK. F, Cuthbertson; Bur. Honorary president, Mrs, T\jsary, Mrs, W. W. Baldwin, *H, Everson; honorary vice-prest: library, Mrs, W, J, Langmald: "dent, Mrs, Gordon Conant; pastivisiting and cheer, Miss Vera ' , Mrs. A Arm:) Moyse; properties and historian, strong: president, Mrs, C, D./Mrs, G, F, Cane; candy stripers, Russell; ist vice-president, Mra,'Mrs, C. R. Lana, dent, Mrs, Harry Taylor | "Splendid Reports Presented "By OGH Auxiliary Conveners The annual meeting of thejareas twice weekly, Approxi land in due time the officiating! Baron, Dr, and Mra, Petor Riordan, Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Osborne, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Mowat, Mr, and Mra, Raymond Pleau and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Moaie, At the weekly evuchre held on Saturday evening at the Bathe Park Clubhouse, the winners were; Mra, John Madder, Mrs, Wigin Melean, Mr, F&F Glover, Mrs, Roy MeDonough, and Mrs, Russell Worsley, The door prise was won by Mrs, Lioyd Crago, For a while it looked as if the Bnglivh-Hurlbert wedding, sole emnized recently in Joa, Nir geria, would have to be post poned, for when the young cow went to the courthouse for Nur Heenae, it waa discovered that the office lacked an impor tam document, A frantic seareh by the clerk failed to produce one single copy! On the after noon before the wees the necessary. form arriy by plane, 'The prospective brides groom nt the next morning running back and forth between the courthouse and the mission home, However by 290) pm, everything was in readiness, Her many friends will be jhappy to learn that Mra, Hy J, /Pincombe is making a rapid re covery after eye surgery, Mrs, Pincombe is a patient at the 'To ronto Rye Inatitute and is ex: pected home next week to con Mr, William Pope is leawng Valeace quietly Friday for a month's vacation! Mrs, Ralph Jones will have as in England where he will visit}her house guest, Mra, ©. Alex: minister was able to aay "I now pronounce you legally man and wife", jrelatives at Wembley, Middlexex/ander DaCosta, 'Toronto, while|th \ James MoCansh; Ind vicespresi.jand Will adlend the Restaura) Mrs, DaCosta is in Oshawa for) with Mrs, John Chmara grajteurs' and Caterers' Convention the Liberal Women's Auxiliary /sidi at Olympia, London meeting tomorrow night, The travel groupof the Uni) aire ©. Alexander DaCosta, iversity Women's Club of Oshawa) Toronto, will be the speaker at and district mot last night al/ihe regular meeting of the Osh jthe home af Mrs, W. Franktin/ awa Liberal Women's Auxiliary, /Taylor, Glenmanor drive, Th ehomonrew night, Her subject isubject was Central. Amorioa/will be "Political Education', presented by Mrs, Donald Wil/Mrg, DaCosta was a former son. j ; Among those holding reser vations for the Knights of Coal. umbus Mardi Gras Ball being! |held in St. Gregory's Auditor: oe hf ge ge ae sa ae itive to the Chicago World Fair, thony Cebuiski, Mr. Edward Lanigan, Mr, and Mrs, Leonard HOUSEHOLD HINT Weeks, Mr, and Mrs, Daniel) Streak a Riordan, Mr, and Mrs, Stepnen|powdered coffee through a plain Bonfordi, Mr. and Mrs, R98 s/oake batter with a spoon to pro. Bishop, Mr, and Mrs, William/duce a mocha marble effect Kinaman, Mr, and Mrs, Frankigood both to look at and to eat, the late Senator James Mur dock, She was the wife of the late Colonel Alexander DaCosta and was Canada's representa: Women's Auxiliary of the Osh-/mately 11,092 hours were given! B _ awa General Hospital was held! aeeleh Gan coco er Bel oat "ent, new were in:) 'troduced, Mrs, K. W. Wage and Bann R yn relations are an "Mrs, W. J, Lynde and two newiwomen's Awe ry, Tre Incep- aszociate of the Teenage Volunteer voluntarily for gift shop work members, Mrs. W, G./tien Burns and Mrs J, B. Rogers, B, FP. Cuthbertson became A. program under the convener. iship of Mrs, C. R, Lana of the |Bvening Ghapter has proved ~jmost rewarding in this area, the reading and i These "Candy Stripers", now 65 yearend reports.jin number, have given approxi il Fett read the minutes)mately 8.000 hours since last annual report, and Mrs./April in volunteer help on the » Marshall gave the treas:/ wards of the hospital, This serv- report, lice has been appreciated by } the excellent leadership) visitors as well as staff and pa. . A, Wy Armatrong and Hents, we, 1963 proved to be) Under the convenership of one for the Aum iMre, W. W. Baldwin a bursary oy 5 i W. Armstrong i Z 252 Fz *e- cs ,s /Ontario County, This assistance te continue for three years and as it is to de an annual award janother student will be enrolled parent auxiliary were the St./in university in the fall of 1064 trick's Bridge held in March, Mrs, H. B, James and her the Festival of Gifts held in No committee were responsible for vember and the aperation of theithe furnishing of a day room for GIR Shop ehronic patients in the hospital The Gih Shop, under the able and for the nurses' residences convenership of Mrs. J, G./Including a piano for McLaugh Carter continues to show a tin Hall "mrarked increase tn sales, TAs) As in the past, a cheque was "guceess has only been possidle/sent te the Oshawa Padlic Li by the willing co-operation Gf brary for the purchase of new members who have given 80 books, Batertainment was freely of their time, The GIN vided fr nurces in training Cart, statted by Mrs. R. Ast: Delegates were sent to the Com "ton, carried the shop te the vention of Ontario Hospital Aux. pationts, Tt is taken rough the aries, Christmas gifts were hospital daily, covering all presented te all pationts in hos. pital at Oivristmas time. SOCIA! NOTICE Home freeaing not only saves ENGAGEMENT time later, bat money, But how Mr. and Mrs, J, Raward Mc-ido you package your product? Rim, Whitey, announce the et Home Reonomists at Macdonald agement of their daughter, Institute, Guelph, say that feed Lyada Derwe, to Mr. Noel should be packaged in portions Charnes Dadiey.' Ceek WH. Dadiey, Cowrtion and Small quantities will freee the late Mr. Dudley. 'The mar more quickly and store more riage is to take place Friday, efficientty than large packages Febrary 14, 1984, at 7.99 pm. Remember what froren foods wm St. Mark's United Charch, once thawed, should net be Whitdy : aren again STOP failing courtesy al Fund raising projects of ny NEVER REFRERSE Ansus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel, 728-9587 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum professional Rug Cleaning sibility ef the! son Of Mrs. that will Le used am one sitting. " | ; it | j TO WED ON VALENTINE'S DAY riage Is to take place Friday, February 14, 1004 at 7.90 p.m, in_ St. Mark's United Church, , Whithy, The = engagement is an- nounced today of Miss Lynda | Dorine MoKim, Whithy, to Mr Noel Charles Dudley, Courtice, red] the Hastern Star, to be held Federal candidate for the Libs! eral Party, and is a daughter of) few teaspoons of em for coming out, After two hours of playing/G, Harris; lone hands, men's] their favorite card games the/Migh, Mr HE, 0, Warne players were served retresh:|M'*: Gervala ments and many were lucky in having their names drawn for prises, Those participating in plan ning the party were; president, Mrs, Lorne Seeley; convener, Mrs, Robert Booth; social con vener, Mra, George Willson; tickets, Mra, Jack Babington; prives, Mra, Jack MeCarnan; candy, Mrs, Douglas Wilson; room hostesses, Mra, J, G. McCarnan, Mrs, Roy Trimm, |sister Nancy Murrall ~ LODGES AND SOCIETIES CONVENER Mra, Cecil Millett is con vening a Night of Cards for Sunbeam Chapter, Order of ing in the Orange Temple iergar tee be ed Lodge, with vi tomorrow night in the Masonic Temple, All types of card games will be in play with numerous prises and refresh: ments at the close, Mrs, Alek Ivanoff, Mra, J. Bile Dores! Renson; publicity, Mrs, John -- oe Lo tant ee Richardson; decorations, "Mrs, Sister. Sarah Vi 'Dew. John Meintosh and Grade, 6, et, ee ee asncomenel Ctarene Keith, Mrs, charles had been sent to sick members Varied Pr [Roach Mrs, N, Neal, Mra, Al _ Toronto" Western tloseat in ifred Wooloock, Mrs, 'Ts . sereate. Mombere|iaier cian" ast" aialee tts et bse hax A : s. Bryce Interests Mem OTS ivving, Nr Geote Nation Foote, Th querer report vas : iMrs, RR, HH, MeLeod, Mra, ' Of Coronation Hé& Gorrge Geneon, Mn, Wiliam Doris MeDenald, also all cor: A full program was present: Haynes, Mrs, Kenneth MeRae, respondence, led at the January meeting ot Nis. ae Lawrence, Mrs.|. Discussion was held, and ithe Coronation Home and School| Waker Ritele, Mrs, Ala Ninians were made for future wels pro: Lissery, Mr, A. H. Stevens,ifare activities, It was decided Mra, F, W. MeClennan, Mra, to have a. euchre on the next Following the various business|Robert Bint, Mrs, William Kels meeting night, February 4, com: reports, Mr, Ro H, MeLeod,|!naton, Mrs, John Richardson,|mencing at § o'clock, Birthday arincipal, introduced Mr, John| Nes, Allan H. Stevens, Mrs./oneetings were sung for Sisters ailiott, who has replaced Mr, A\/Gerdon R, Maclean, Mra, Bor/ierence Wood, Doris McDon: Sinclair on the staff, Mrs, J, A,|@en J. Slack, ald, Nance Murrall and Ann Duichek presented Mr. Sncht we, aimaoeer a Howard Coulson, with a gift from the associa n Stacey, Mrs, James nkew tion, Mr, Sinclair, who is now)! Mrs, Victor Kitchen, ane Noxy,Pitirebrige and sin on the staff of Simcoe Street/Mrs, Jack Magee, Mrs, B. C/o) sarah Murray South School, thanked the mom:/M. Jury, Mrs, Carl Creamer,| fe bers, i\Mrs, Keith Taggart, Mrs, John] Mombers assigned for Red The attendance banner was|D. MoLaughlin, Mrs, Walter/Cross work at Hillsdale Manor presented to Miss Cul we rt/Hudsonroder, . Lleyaiwere Sister Doris McDonald, (Grade V), Peters, Mrs, Gerald Kasubeck,|Sister Van De Walker, Sister Mrs, Stephen Macko, assisted/Mrs, Gweneth Blakely, Mrs, T./Rirkoride and Sister Edna Hu by Mrs. R.A, Donald, outlined) Edward Simkin, Mrs, G, Sen:/band, the purposes of Home and/nott, Mrs, Cyril Johnson, Mrs.) Refreshments were served b |Sehool Counell for the benefit/Joseph Flynn, Mrs, Arthur L./sisters Ann Coulson and Eth of new members, iRryant, Mrs, Donald Graham,| Cockerham, Mrs, Stephen Macko agreed|Mrs, JR. Wilson, Mra, Enic! to act as convener for the nom:/Brock, Mr, Larne Seeley, Mrs,/ inating committee, \John Melntosh, Miss " venhes! STOP BLEEDING Mrs, John Chmara introduced| Johnston, Mrs, Victor Hartwig) Proper training in first ald Mrs, Milivoje Simic, new publi:/Mrs, Frederick McKee, Mrs.jcan mean coping with ene of cations chairman Albert Worsley, Mrs, Gordon E,/the commonest problems in Mra, C. H, Jackson showed aj Willson, Mrs, J, A, Lynch, Mrs,/cases of accidents, the arrest of film in the "Ages and Stages' Brnest Seeley. The door bleeding, series, dealing with Sociable) a " Sixes to Noisy Nines", She hand:| o ed out five questions to- the! members and groups were form: ed to discuss a question each A representative from each group then summarised the dis. cussions, | Mrs, Chamara thanked Mrs,| Obmara present. @e Mrs, Jackson with a gift as, a token of appreciation, Mrs, J, A, Allen introduced! the speaker for the evening, | Mr. Gordon Attersley, who ex: ae the working of city council, Mrs, Wilfred Cheseborough thanked Mr, Altersiey, Mem. bore will have an opportunity to meeting, | | A social half hour was spent idw which refreshments were | by Mrs. M. J. Cardinal] and Mrs, Gordon MoQements and the mothers of Miss Ken. | nedy's Grade 5 and § class, | | The dride-to-be is the daugh iter of Mr and Mrs. J, | Baward McKim, Hallett: ave: wae, Whithy and her Nature bridegroom is the son of Mrs, Cecil H. Dudley, Courtice, and the late Mr, Dudley, The mar | In 24 Learn Bookkeeping At Night School Nights COLE OF CALIFORNIA MON, & WE > 2 START MO YOU WIA LEARN... > © Pastore Special NIGHT SCHOOL BOOKKEEPING CLASSES 7:00 . for 12 consecutive weeks -- nights weekly, NDAY, FEB. 3rd Under Individual Instruction © Balance © Financial Statements @ Worksheet Register Now end Be Aasered of @ Plece JUSTIN TIME FOR THE "SUNNY SOUTH" OR SWIMMING RIGHT HERE AT HOME D. EVENINGS 900 This is @ lecture-workshep oF persone! use fer rapid progress & the easentiold of bookkeeping for the overage office, The student wogka, Hough mock set of books. This &s excellent troiming for basiness type of program designed There fs che @ Special SCHOOL. OF PHOTO SERVICE 728-1619 23) RING ST. & Mialt Foc seceuntng, Bed courses 5g For tull informotion, Write or Phone THE CANADIAN S24 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 728-7081 Specie 24 Naght Type Class Now Form SPEED CLASS fer there Priced from 16.98 SEIGNEUR' BUSINESS OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ~~ CANDY TREASURE TROVE Once a month the Oshawa ton delving into one of the' Golf Club holds a children's bese of sage i on a matinee on Sunday afternoon Oo Tesemale coinsy for members' children and celaree wi hen eae ae a their guests followed by a buts ward Lupton, Hortop street, | fet dinner, The Club is suit: --Oshawa Times Phote, ably decorated following the (=== theme of the movie shown, THIS SUMMER IN Last Sunday the rennial UROPE * AIR FARES DOWN! contract children's classic * sure Tstand"' was the choice of the FOUR SpAg0nss TRAVEL *Sublect my = Apprevel y Club and this theme was car | ried over to the buffet supper, | Here the camera caught Susan, John and Robbie Laup- | Tf there's work to be done to improve your home, vow is the time to put it in hand. Wintertime is the time when hands skilled in putting houses in order are available at short notion. New ia the best time to get repairs and renovations done thoroughly, quickly and at lowest cost. If the work you have in mind costs more than you care to put out in cash -- there's no probd- Jem. Simply see your neighbourhood branch of "MY BANK" and arrange for a low-cost B of M Home Improvement Lean, The man who serves you at the B of M will be glad to do it---even if his name isn't George. Bank. or MonrTrReAb Canadas First Seah ata Con, 20 Stone S_ North: JAMES MeCANSH, wa Shoppeng Ring S, West: _ Branches he at diem, oomamaiie Whee - WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALE OF LIFE SlNCE TetP # S 4