Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jan 1964, p. 2

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@ THE OOHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 28, 1964 GOOD EVENING -- ByJACKGEARIN -- RIDING TORIES PLAN FOR BIG OTTAWA POW-WoW FROM THE HUSTINGS: The two official delegates from Ontario (Federal) Riding, qnd alternates, to that annual PC convention in Ottawa next week have received no voting instructions. The reason is simple -- when they were elected recently, for the convention were not yet available, They will be on their own if, and when, the question of Diefenbaker's leadership is raised in any way. ae ooo 'The delegates are: W. H, J, Thompson, the : Ajax lawyer recently elected . president of the Ontario " (Federal) Riding Progressive Conservative Associa- tion; and William '"Bill' Newman, the amiable young Pickering district farmer who made such a strong run against T, D, "Tommy" 'Thomas back in 1960 in his ' debut as a candidate in the ' Provincial arena, How do riding Tories, as @ group, stand on the ques- tion of Mr. Diefenbaker's continued leadership? SS" There is outward unity, but underneath there is strong ddeled ly sapemeiabaal dissatisfaction, even in in- fluential executive circles --<despite this, there has been no eign of an inner-party split. Both sides are optimistic that ihe problem can be resolved satisfactorily in the not too dis- tant future, The anti-Diefenbaker crowd hopes that an alter- mate can be found. The pro-Diefenbakers hope for a com- promise. This inner-party harmony on the touchy subject was demonstrated at the recent nomination meeting when he name of the leader of the Opposition in the Federal House was barely mentioned. It could have sparked a wide- open revolt. When Albert V. Walker scored his upset victory over "Tommy" Thomas last September 25, the Party big-wigs decided to celebrate the occasion with a victory banquet in the Hotel Genosha, The guest of honor was Alistar Grosart, the fledgling young senator from Pickering Township who - "masterminded Dief's first sensational victory at the Federal 4 (who is one of the Chief's more skilled propagandists), Senator Grosart's warm words of endorsement for his boss on such an lon were und dable up to but some of the Tory guests thought that he exceed- of discretion by hammering his message home force at a victory soiree attended by many who, to put it bluntly, found the subject of Dief's continued leadership Giptasteful -- and many of them were Tory big-wigs. "You wouldn't desert the captain of your ship when he heeded you," said the Senator, 'It would be tantamount to gmutiny. It could mean that all could be lost if our ranks were divided." The Ontario riding PC pligrimage to Ottawa starting next weekend may not be as big as last year's (when it was one of the highest of any PC group in Canada) but it should top the 25 mark. Said one Oshawa Tory who will join the delegation; "We are going down to this meeting as grass roots ob- vegans ~ 3 unable to gain admittance to some meetings, ress our opinions in the corridors and at the or wherever we congregate, I really don't our delegates would vote if this thing ever got into but remember this -- it will be our general meet- any resolution could be turned into a vote of con- ft FI Fee 3 + ae Ht riding pilgrimage to the Capital will be headed by such party workhorses as Alderman Thomas M. Rundie, of the City of Oshawa Progressive Conservative As- » Mrs, Ruth Bestwick, president, Oshawa Riding ive Conservative Association; Donald Doods and Richard Donald, two Oshawa lawyers; Marks, QC, secretary of the Ontario (Federal) Riding lion; Al. Yanch, also an Oshawa lawyer, | He 7 {IMPORTANT LOCAL 222 ELECTIONS LOOM \ President Albert Victor 'Abe' Taylor of Local 222, UAW- CLC, reminded one and all in his membership ranks today of an important fact: * Nominations close next Friday midnight for those impor- tant upcoming Local elections as follows: " 'The incoming seven-man Election committee (to super- vise and arrange for all elections in the next two years) ei be elected Thursday, February 6, Bleotions will be held February 12, 13 and 14 (1); for the 'Top GM Bargaining committee; (2) Delegates to the annual ; UAW convention, Atlantic City; (3) Delegates to the annual 'Canadian Labor Congress convention in Montreal, April 20, aFOR THE 6AKE OF THE RECORD = Mayor Lyman Gifford is a card-carrying Liberal from "way back with deep roots in the party (he was an unsuc- -cessful Federal candidate in the 1948 Byelection here won by "Arthur Williams, CCF, following the death of W. E. N. Sin- : clair, Liberal), Despite this, His Worship is careful not to i mix hig personal politics with municipal business, as the | record shows, All of this explanation is by way of saying * that he will be on hand at the Hotel Genosha February 8 to » welcome such Liberal big-wigs as Hon. J. R. Nicholson, in- } coming Postmaster-General of Canada at the party's gala banquet and dance, He will be there in his official capacity ; @8 mayor, not as a fellow Liberal. 'NOT WHILE I'M LEADER' Douglas Denies Merge Planned o be SEES Ee & sola { to 3 . And the same is 'true/across the country." OTTAWA (CP)--In the words)cratic members talking merger lar song, it takes two|"have disturbed our members| Sparks TORONTO (CP) -- Andrew Brewin, New Democratic Party member of the Commons for Toronto Greenwood, called Mon- day for a federal government inquiry into the way Mr, Jus tice Leo Landreville of the On- tario Supreme received 7,500 shares of Northern On tario Natural Gas Company stock, The MP said in a statement Mr, Justice Landreville 'should be given the opportunity of re- moving any inference against him if he can and, if he cannot, he should cease to sit on the bench as a justice of the Su preme Court," Mr. Justice Landreville was mayor of Sudbury at the time the company received a natyral gas franchise from the munic!- pality in 1986, He received the 7,600 shares in 1957 without be- ing required to put up money, The shares were selling around $11-$13 at the time and now are quoted at about $20. was given here last week at the preliminary hearing of NONG President Ralph K. Far- ris of Vancouver on perjury charges in connection with dis- posal of stock, The officer was committed for trial on two counts, Mr, Brewin, a lawyer, noted that he had raised the question at the last session of Parliament and had been informed. by Jus- tlee Minister Chevrier that he was seeking information from Judge's Role In NONG Deal Evidence of the transaction) A demonstrator lies in the street and screams as police attempt to pick him up and Provinc Query win's statement said, 'evidence elim! Mr, Justice Landreville Mr, Justice Landreville secured $2.50 a shar' this option having granted to NONG by the cit: mayor, cuervasea and 2,500 of the share, the consequence being had at that time to make no the federal authorities have a new Justice Minister Favreau "There is nothing in our 60- plete probity and incorruptibil- be dealt with promptly and Ontario Attorney-General Fred Cass. has been given at the ins ma a jothers , , . an option to purchase 10,000 been apparently given to him council in Sudbury, of wh "Subsequently and after ap- Supreme Court, the option was shares appear to have been re- that Mr, Justice Landreville ac- jpayment,"' responsibility to inquire into the to do so as soon as he has set. clety more i tant than the) ity," the MP added, 'Any sug: firmly," ene 'Fanny Hill' TORONTO (CP) -- So-called obscene literature can serve 'a valuable social punpose,"' psy- chiatrist Dr. Edward J. Rich testified Monday. Dr, Rich, a national film board adviser and a psychiatrist at the University of 'Toronto, spoke for the defence in a hear- ing before Magistrate W. F. Rogers, who will determine whether pocket novels and mag- azines from Gordon Magazine Enterprises Limited are ob- scene. "A fantasy life is evoked by such material and provides an outlet that can prevent rather than provoke delinquent beha- vior,"" said Dr. Rich, 'Juvenile delinquents read less than non- delinquents," He said normal men find girlie magazines "pleasant." Police seized a total of 5,746 copies of books and magazines last November from storekeeper Gordon McAusiane, and last Friday 42 charges of possessing obscene literature against Mc- Auslane and Gordon enterprises were withdrawn, CITES DIFFERENCE "The magazines in dispute differ only in exposing the fe- male breast and buttocks," Dr, National Geographic will expose the breast if it is dark enough," When asked by the magistrate what the effect might be on high school students, the wit- ness said young people are "ex- posed to a wide variation of stimuli in general circulation, \down Yonge Street." The hearng is Criminal Code, which says that eS jetge & Saleted tat me. terial offered for sale is ob- scene he can order its confisca- __|tion, Crown Counsel Joha Vamplew read from the preface of one book which described the her- oine as "all young, all sinning, Dream Girl, MD Says Rich said, "and magazines like|! including young ladies walking) '|position of the health service. being con-| ducted under section 150a of the! "Since that date," Mr, Bre: pri ary hearing of Mr, Farris This evidence indicates that shares of the NONG stock at shortly after a hise was Mr, Landreville was then pointment to the bench of the sold at an evaluation of $10 a quired 7,500 shares for which he Mr, Brewin said he believes matter and he intends to ask tled into his job, reputation of justice for com-| gestion to the contrary should ner TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario} government will pay out an ex: Wom an tra $52,000,000 for education the legislature Monday. | Education Minister Davs, in| announcing regulations under| the government's. new founda-, tion plan for education, said the) provincial output this year will) total $285,400,000 compared with! $233,000,000 this year, The nor-) mal annual increase because of! population growth would have) been about $15,000,000, He said no school board would) lose more than a small percent-| age of its current expenditures) under the scheme, Grant: some small boards with finan-| all blonde... a sin-swa ladultress with her stable of lov: ers" and asked Dr, Rich if this sounded like exploitation of sex, Dr, Rich said it did, but+"a person who behaves in the wa of the books would be sboueal them "Many men would like to be- lieve that women are like this. It is a dream world that all women are beautiful, passion- but people whe read aren't put him in the paddy wagon, -- INTERPRETING THE NEWS Distrust Hurts Panama Progress By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer Deep suspicion and distrust agree, The view of the Pana; manian envoy is that the U.S, three days of protests against restaurant and hotel segrega- jon, --(AP Wirephoto) Police arrested about 70 anti - segregation demonstra- tors Monday, bringing to more than 150 the total arrested in e Ups Grants To Rural School Bds. cial difficulties would rise; The regulations will be mailed sharply, |Wednesday to the province's The new system is expected|3,200 school boards. during the coming fiscal year|to be a boon to separate school) Under the foundation plan, the under a program of provincial/boards, who have contended injbasic level of education costs is education grants announced injthe past they do not receive ajestablished for the province fair share of provincial conpora-|along with a uniform mill rate tion taxes, Mr, Davis said he and assessment, did not know how much the sep-| The government will use this arate schools would receive, as a base for grants to assist But large urban boards with|poorer boards to provide an ed- high assessment rates are notiucational service approximating expected to gain, Mr, Davisithe provincial average. said, | Ata press conference follow- The operating levels of ex-jing the legislature announce penditure for the plan have been|ment, Mr, Davis said steps were set at $210 for each elementary | being taken to reduce the num: ber of elementary school boards school pupil, $320 for a contin.) jin the province, uation school pupil, $420 for an acadmic high school pupil and pil, ate.' The case continues, Smoke Report Adopted By Health Dept. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S, public health service an: nounced Monday acceptance of the principal findings and con- clusions. of the report of the U.S, surgeon - general's advis- ory committee of smoking and health. The committee of experts said that on the basis of prolonged study and evaluation of many ines of evid it had reached this judgment: "Cigarette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient im- portance in the United States to warrant appropriate remedial action." At the time the report was made public Jan, 11, Sur y General Luther Terry s: it did not represent the official DALLAS, Tex. (AP)---Marina Oswald said Monday, in a copy: righted interview with radio-T' station KRLD, '"'the facts" tell her that her late husband shot and killed President John F, Kennedy. "T don't want to believe .. . but I have tao much facts, and facts tell me that Lee shot Ken- nedy,"" the attractive, 22-year- old native of Russia told Eddie Barker, KRLD news director. Her husband, Lee Harvey Os- wald, was charged with the president's death here Nov. 22, Oswald was shot to death two days later by Jack Ruby, Dal- las night club operator, Ruby's trial for murder is tentatively set to begin Feb. 17, In the televised interview, Mrs. Oswald said she knew nothing abeut her husband's plans until after the shooting. She said she loved Oswald and is sorry for him because "he died very young, I visit his grave every week . . . one or two times a week." The petite blonde, reported to have been able to speak very little Snglish a few months go, | gave the interview without an interpreter. HAS PROTECTION Since the assassination of the Announcing acceptance r ipal findi and conclu: sions, Terry said the serice is now developing programs for action which: are needed and feasible in light of the findings | conclusions. | These plans, to be announced shortly, will cover education, public information and research of the WEATHER FORECAST activities, Terry said. : jpresident and the death of her husband, Mrs. Oswald has been in seclusion, protected by. the Secret Service. Forecasts issued by the Tor. onto weather office at 5:30 a.m. Synopsis: A weak disturbance moving across the Prairies will give some snow to Northern On- tario Wednesday and increasing cloudiness 'through the rest of the province. Tempertures will moderate Wednesday, Lake St, Clair, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake Ontrio, Hliburton, Wind- sor, London, Hamilton, Toronto: Wednesday sunny with increas- Weak Disturbance Crossing Prairies Mrs, Oswald said in the inter- view that she is not under ar- rest and is free to do what she wants to. "T am free to go shopping or jany place I ean go," she said, | Mrs, Oswald lives in the Dal-) las-Fort Worth area with her) two children, Junie, 2, and Ra-| chel, 3 months. } She told Barker she wants to! jstay in Texas, | | "T-want to be an American citizen after I study English,"} she said. | Contributions which have been sent to the Oswald family from all over the continent total more than $35,000. |Toranto .......00s |Peterborough ...... [Trenton v.sseesees [Killaloe ..cscceees Muskoka cecssesee |North Bay....... |Sudbury ee ate . jSault Ste, Marie... Kapuskasing ..... White River....... Moosonee ....000. | Timmins SHAKESPEARE SEMINAR Oswald Guilty Wife Believes jabsorb key personne! from CIBC who would be displaced said, GOVERNMENT CRITICIZED letting distilleries know of a fore the legislature was told, An increase in the wholesale price of rye whisky announced by one distillery must pave cy rm knowledge" of a planned gov- 'ernment increase, Kenneth Bry- j\den (NDP--Toronto Woodbine) 'been made with the |said, It was an incredible state of| affairs when the government| Intention to| lmade known its |""special interests" jforming the public, Distillers Seagrams before in- nounced last Thursday that the) \price of its 25-ounce bottle would go up between five and 10 cents, '. Mr, Bryden said any increase ™ in the price of Hquor should go nto the public treasury, and not » the distilleries, "Their latest financial state- ments indicate that they are feeling no more pain than those who have inbibed their product f treely." failed. to keep a promise in the are hampering inter-American|past and that the way mittee effor fake sure of U.S, fulton is com: ts store diplomatic relations be-/to get a firm agreement in brea Panama and the United|writing, -- oP tates, For almost a week, the five-/fAVOR PANAMA country Latin American team) 8 this point, committee dis- has tried to reconcile differ-/cussion moves back and forth: ences between the two coun-|While public statements are whose relations were shat-/made that progress {s being at: tered by the riots, bloodshed|tained, an observer who has and slaughter that resulted been watching the situation from fiag-raising incidents in/closely says the U.S, and Pan- the U.S, + controlled Panama/®™® appear as far apart as Canal zone a half-month ago, |¢Ver: i Ff An informant disclosed there) He senses that the by were moments during the ex-/committee opinion is on q haustive committee talks when|ma's side, And this brings up the question of the future ican image in Latin America, it seemed a com ise would be reached; that could pro: The committee is made at of Venezuela, Argentina, jom- vide the way for resumption of diplomatic relations and the beginning of operations to re-|bla, Dominican Republic and move the roots of the problems /Chile, that blossomed into the first) The U.S. has been spending foreign policy crisis of the/hundreds of millions of dollars to ulld up its own stature ameny the Latins, The Pan- 8 Johnson government, But then first one side and ama issue can boil into a then the other would stiffen and the committee would belvolcano that "Control over school construe: s to|$500 for a vocational school pu tion and research and investi- jgation into new materials and ~~ |new methods of construction are presently being pursued by the department of education," he In other legislature business, | the government was accused of planned liquor price increase be- back where it started, KEY POINT The key point is that Panama insists that any agreement on restoration of diplomatic rela: tions contain a U.8, promise to renegotiate the 1003 Panama Canal treaty under which the U.S. controls the waterway and adjoining territory and in re- turn provides Panama with an atrongly against the U.S, countries. react posi- on among the Latin American Recognizing this, the U,8, ars to have concluded % faa privately that revision of The oo oe a open is how to gotiations issue fuia until the November elections are over. he treaty may be. inevitable annual payment of $1,000,000, The U.S, is reported to have informed the committee pri- vately that it agrees the treaty is obsolete and needs to be re- negotiated but it adds that if this is stated publicly, it could have adverse political e ffect for President Johnson's govern- ment in this presidential elec- tion year, The U.S. would like to see the Panama request framed in more general language, to pro- vide for discussion on all points of difference wbt not specify in particular that the treaty itself be renegotiated. With this Pana ma won't ) | Doy or Night 723-3443 SELL NFLD, STAMPS LONDON (CP)---A collection of Newfoundland stamps real- ized £6,598 in a sale at Har- mer's Auction Rooms, ERNIE CAY INSULATION CROWN DIAMONI FREE DELIVERY "it W's LUMBER coll our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 33 ALBERT 8T. | Men's Mission--Feb. 9th Cc Wemen's Mission--Feb, 2nd to Feb, 9th Inclusive PARISH MISSION ~~ te Feb, 16th Inclusive 4 2, Fathere ducted by the R Rev, A. J, Mac FEB, 2nd to Mission Sermons Each (Except Su | poe po Benin Morning Masses 5:30, ond telecine oh Rev, E, J, Mohan, C.S.S.R. ond HOLY CROSS CHURCH 361 Simcoe Street South » Oshewe . Ontario La Hugh C.S.S.R. FEB. 16th Evening ot 7:30 P.M, et 7:00 P.M.) et 1:30 p.m. 7:00 end 8:00 A.M. $ ate, 1, of ane's salvetion. such abundance es i lavishly God CAUSE DDEATHS In 1961 in Canada, 4 acciden- MRS.MARINA OSWALD iia bene were caused by Toronto Radio Station Seeks Frequency Trade Mr, Rogers said. 'It will be a daily pinprick in the lives of 3,000,000 Canadians." TORONTO (CP) -- A private radio station owner says he wants to, make a frequency trade with the Canadian Broad-| casting Corporation when it) makes its controversial switch to all - French programming over Toronto station CIBC next fall. In Ottawa, a spokesman at CBC headquarters said the licly-owned ha jcelved no suggestion, offer or |proposal on a tee subject of a fre- A }quency trade, Ted Rogers, president ot| ie °Said'the CBC would con: CHFI, a Toronto station which sider any offer or proposal were now broadcasts on 1540 kilo- it made cycles next fall, offered the) qigacs he emphasized that S io + rer, plan as a solution to the con i ation has bash hoy troversy. i .,|the CBC that it ought to aban- He told television columnist don CIBC's freq of 880 John Ruddy of The Telegram juency . that under the plan CHFI would|Milecycles, nor did the CBC ve any plans for moving t. ha from i pub- S$ re-| | i . the mission || convinced of this, * 4, until death, "Be thou foithful until thee the crown of life." lives, | your heorts,"----Ps, 94: | ek lf and the courage to eveld sin in | WHY SHOULD t COM 1. } WHAT IS A MISSION? It consists In series of special sermons preached and morning usually for a week, These sermons treet i necessity of caring for one's soul, the means of saving one's l] soul and the obstectes that most frequently stand in i LB ig lg rigged Br ln feet there religious exercise ings God's graces @ mission. The wonderful effects WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A MISSION? To increase the faith end virtue of the good; to encourage them to lead still better ves and help them persevere in virtue 2. Te crouse the lukewarm ond coreless to @ realization of the greot risk they toke in leading neglected ond indifferent | "Today if you shall heor His voice harden not The mission gives the sinner his very best opportunity to rise from sim, to overcome habits of sin and obtain the groce "If your sins be os scorlet they shall be mode white es snow; and if they they shall be white os wool,"--Is, 1: 18, Because no matter what my state of soul may be | eannet attord to abuse the graces thot God hos in store for me during woy us in every bestows ie erase Ween ae well and you will firmly death and | will give tamApoc, 2: 10, the future, be red os crimson iB TO THE MISSION? }by the switch to French, and The CBC plans to convert Observed Temperatures |CJBC to full-time french-lan-| have them carry on as before }guage programming next Oct on CJBC's -more-favored fre- quency of 860, near the centre/!,. apart from one adult educa;| of the dial. tion broadcast which will be in' "The broadcasting of French|English. | HALIFAX (CP) -- Dalhousie overnight, highs Monday: University and the Neptune ~12 | Theatre here will present a five- day August seminar on Shake- jSpearean comedy, The seminar, a@ marriages. "We have indulged in so much New Democratic Party, public self-analysis lately that acknowledging ae Dh gen we me a bit jumpy and ready ports h talk with the Liberals ts =A -- the worst about our- ing cloudiness during the day, Sees Winds southwest 15 Wednesday. Southern Georgian Bay, north- ern Lake Huron: Increasing) | Dawson Vancouver Victoria ... 1, © special prayer each night and morning that God may , the Parish in general, my Family ond myself in particuler fy the membership it's alla by Liberals who would. pad a, the le ' / 4 } ¥ , ' party unity, National Leader T. C. Doug- * las, writing on the subject to} * all party members, says '"'no mergers are being or will be contemplated $0 long.as I am) the party. the predecessor of the NDP. He said they were based on a \ meeting last October held mand destroy vithout the knowledge or auth- jorization of any official body of Mr. Dougias reviows past Lib- eral attempts to woo the CCF,/afternoon, Winds 25 Wednesday./caurt ste. M Jeader. " "Today," he says, "as might/ Lows "No coalition, no working re-jbe expected, there are reports! Winds { lationships, no informal dealsjof Liberal feelers going out to/St. Thomas... cloudiness Wednesday. Winds 15 to 25 Wednesday. Northern Georgian Bay, Al- goma, Tim aga mi, Cochrane, North Bay, Sudbury: Wednes- |day increasing cloudiness with light snow beginning during the Forecast Temperatures tonight, highs Wednesday: or .. . 2 3 aeeeee + have been worked out between'see if unions with the NDP can|London 'the New Democrats and the » Liberals." Mr. Douglas says the flurry gists would * ebout Liberal and New Demo-'sociation." be arranged. 'provincially and, from that, the Liberal strate- move with their us- , of reports late in Decemberjual caution towards federal as- Kitchener .... |Mount Forest. | Wingham Hamilton {St Catharines Edmonton Calgary ..... {Saskatoon ss ROBINA ..ccsecsece Winnipeg .... Lakehead ... observing the quadricentenary lof Shakespeare's birth, will in- jclude a production of 'Twelfth \Night,"" part of the Neptune's summer repertoire, and guest jleetures by Professor Clifford! oe all day and all night at the cen tre of the radio dial will be im- possible for the listener to avoid, and will hardly promote good English-French relations," SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES White River | Leach of the University of Tor. arie... jonto Kapuskasing .... Ls Bearlton ...qecsens North Bay. iSudbury ...cccoce Muskoka .. Windsor .. London ... Toronto Trenton JET TO M SEATS AVaiL.ABLE ON AMSTERDA LEAVING IN JULY FOR 3 WKS. ADULT CHILD UNDER 12 "386.90 193.50 Under 2 yra. $34.70 PHONE 668-3161 THE Key Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Goo Dealer in your ares. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner et Athol) 728-9441 LIST WITH PAUL -RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 10) BONG BAST ae *Subject t t. A ! (OMRAWE sccicenees . Mpiect 0 Sew tle |} during this holy time. 2. | shell arrange my tempore! affairs in such @ way Lend all the members of my fomily moy be able to attend the entire mission night and moming, 3. | shell elso endeavour to bring others to the mission might not otherwise come, | shall be on apostle to those are coreless, 4, Finetly | sholl firmly resolve te give to God oll thet He asks during the week of the mission ond that is the entire week, EVERYBODY WELCOME "Come to me all you that lebour end are burdened and | will refresh you."--Mott, 1): 28 }

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